Library UniMath.Bicategories.WkCatEnrichment.Cat
Mitchell Riley
June 2016
I am very grateful to Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine, whose unreleased
bicategories code strongly influenced the proofs in this file.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PrecategoryBinProduct.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.StandardCategories. Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.HorizontalComposition.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Equivalences.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCategory.
Local Open Scope cat.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.WkCatEnrichment.prebicategory.
Definition Catlike_associator ( a b c d : category )
(functor_identity (functor_category a b))
(functorial_composition b c d ))
(functorial_composition a b d ))
(precategory_binproduct_assoc (functor_category a b )
(functor_category b c)
(functor_category c d ))
(functorial_composition a b c )
(functor_identity (functor_category c d)))
(functorial_composition a c d ))).
Show proof.
use tpair.
intros x.
exists (λ x, identity _).
intros oba oba' f.
use (id_right _ @ !(id_left _)).
intros [F [G H]].
intros [F' [G' H']].
intros [f [g h]].
apply (nat_trans_eq_alt).
intros oba.
simpl. do 2 (unfold horcomp_data; simpl).
rewrite id_right.
rewrite id_left.
rewrite (functor_comp H).
rewrite assoc.
apply idpath.
intros x.
exists (λ x, identity _).
intros oba oba' f.
use (id_right _ @ !(id_left _)).
intros [F [G H]].
intros [F' [G' H']].
intros [f [g h]].
apply (nat_trans_eq_alt).
intros oba.
simpl. do 2 (unfold horcomp_data; simpl).
rewrite id_right.
rewrite id_left.
rewrite (functor_comp H).
rewrite assoc.
apply idpath.
Definition Catlike_associator_is_iso ( a b c d : category )
: ∏ f g h, is_iso (Catlike_associator a b c d
(make_catbinprod f (make_catbinprod g h))).
Show proof.
Definition Catlike_left_unitor (a b : category)
(functor_composite (functor_to_unit (functor_category a b))
(constant_functor unit_category (functor_category a a) (functor_identity a)))
(functor_identity (functor_category a b)))
(functorial_composition a a b))
(functor_identity (functor_category a b)).
Show proof.
use tpair.
intros x.
exists (λ x, identity _).
intros oba oba' f.
exact (id_right _ @ !(id_left _)).
intros F F' f.
apply (nat_trans_eq_alt).
intros oba.
simpl. unfold horcomp_data; simpl.
rewrite id_right.
rewrite id_left.
rewrite (functor_id F).
apply id_left.
intros x.
exists (λ x, identity _).
intros oba oba' f.
exact (id_right _ @ !(id_left _)).
intros F F' f.
apply (nat_trans_eq_alt).
intros oba.
simpl. unfold horcomp_data; simpl.
rewrite id_right.
rewrite id_left.
rewrite (functor_id F).
apply id_left.
Definition Catlike_left_unitor_is_iso (a b : category)
: ∏ f, is_iso (Catlike_left_unitor a b f).
Show proof.
Definition Catlike_right_unitor (a b : category)
(bindelta_pair_functor (functor_identity (functor_category a b))
(functor_composite (functor_to_unit (functor_category a b))
(constant_functor unit_category (functor_category b b) (functor_identity b))))
(functorial_composition a b b))
(functor_identity (functor_category a b)).
Show proof.
use tpair. - intros x.
exists (λ x, identity _).
intros oba oba' f.
exact (id_right _ @ !(id_left _)).
- intros F F' f.
apply (nat_trans_eq_alt).
intros oba.
simpl. unfold horcomp_data; simpl.
rewrite (id_right _).
rewrite (id_left _).
apply id_right.
exists (λ x, identity _).
intros oba oba' f.
exact (id_right _ @ !(id_left _)).
- intros F F' f.
apply (nat_trans_eq_alt).
intros oba.
simpl. unfold horcomp_data; simpl.
rewrite (id_right _).
rewrite (id_left _).
apply id_right.
Definition Catlike_right_unitor_is_iso (a b : category) :
∏ f, is_iso (Catlike_right_unitor a b f).
Show proof.
Definition Catlike_pentagon ( a b c d e : category )
(hsB : has_homsets b) (hsC : has_homsets c) (hsD : has_homsets d)
(hsE : has_homsets e) :
∏ k h g f,
(Catlike_associator a b c e )
(make_catbinprod k
(make_catbinprod h ((functorial_composition c d e ) (make_dirprod g f)))) ·
(Catlike_associator a c d e )
(make_catbinprod ((functorial_composition_legacy a b c) (make_dirprod k h))
(make_catbinprod g f))
= (functor_on_morphisms (functorial_composition_legacy a b e)
(catbinprodmor (identity k)
((Catlike_associator b c d e) (make_catbinprod h (make_catbinprod g f)))) ·
(Catlike_associator a b d e )
(make_catbinprod k
(make_catbinprod ((functorial_composition_legacy b c d ) (make_dirprod h g)) f))) ·
functor_on_morphisms (functorial_composition_legacy a d e )
((Catlike_associator a b c d ) (make_catbinprod k (make_catbinprod h g)))
(identity f)).
Show proof.
intros k h g f.
apply (nat_trans_eq hsE).
intros oba.
simpl. unfold horcomp_data; simpl.
repeat rewrite functor_id.
repeat rewrite (id_left _).
apply idpath.
apply (nat_trans_eq hsE).
intros oba.
simpl. unfold horcomp_data; simpl.
repeat rewrite functor_id.
repeat rewrite (id_left _).
apply idpath.
Definition Catlike_triangle ( a b c : category )
∏ f g, functor_on_morphisms (functorial_composition_legacy a b c)
(catbinprodmor (identity f) (Catlike_left_unitor b c g))
(Catlike_associator a b b c
(make_catbinprod f (make_catbinprod (functor_identity b : [ _, _] ) g)))
· functor_on_morphisms (functorial_composition_legacy a b c)
(catbinprodmor (Catlike_right_unitor a b f) (identity g)).
Show proof.
intros f g.
apply (nat_trans_eq c).
intros oba.
simpl. unfold horcomp_data; simpl.
repeat rewrite functor_id.
repeat rewrite (id_left _).
apply idpath.
apply (nat_trans_eq c).
intros oba.
simpl. unfold horcomp_data; simpl.
repeat rewrite functor_id.
repeat rewrite (id_left _).
apply idpath.
Definition PreCat_1mor_2mor : prebicategory_ob_hom.
Show proof.
Definition PreCat_id_comp : prebicategory_id_comp.
Show proof.
exists PreCat_1mor_2mor.
- simpl.
exact functor_identity.
- simpl.
intros a b c.
exact (functorial_composition_legacy a b c).
- simpl.
exact functor_identity.
- simpl.
intros a b c.
exact (functorial_composition_legacy a b c).