Library UniMath.Foundations.PartB

Univalent Foundations. Vladimir Voevodsky. Feb. 2010 - Sep. 2011.

Port to coq trunk (8.4-8.5) in March 2014. The second part of the original uu0 file, created on Dec. 3, 2014.
This file starts with the definition of h-levels. No axioms are used. Only one universe UU is used, except in one case.
In the current approach to dependent eliminators for inductive types, in this case for nat , the type family appears as an argument of the eliminator in the form of a function. Therefore, if one wants to use the eliminator nat_rect to define a function nat -> UU one must use, as an argument, the function n : nat => UU whose type is forall n : nat, UU' where UU' is the type of UU . Therefore, the eliminator must be defined on arguments whose type contains UU' and we should acknowledge it as an instance of using a second universe.


  • Basics about h-levels
    • h-levels of types
    • h-levels of functions
    • h-levelf of pr1
    • h-level of the total space of total2
  • Basics on propositions, inclusions and sets
    • Propositions, types of h-level 1
    • Inclusions, functions of h-level 1
    • Sets, types of h-level 2



Require Export UniMath.Foundations.PartA.

Basics about h-levels

h-levels of types

Fixpoint isofhlevel (n : nat) (X : UU) : UU
  := match n with
     | O => iscontr X
     | S m => x : X, x' : X, (isofhlevel m (x = x'))

Theorem hlevelretract (n : nat) {X Y : UU} (p : X -> Y) (s : Y -> X)
        (eps : y : Y , paths (p (s y)) y) : isofhlevel n X -> isofhlevel n Y.
Show proof.
  revert X Y p s eps.
  induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - intros X Y p s eps X0. unfold isofhlevel.
    apply (iscontrretract p s eps X0).
  - unfold isofhlevel. intros X Y p s eps X0 x x'. unfold isofhlevel in X0.
    assert (is: isofhlevel n (paths (s x) (s x'))) by apply X0.
    set (s':= @maponpaths _ _ s x x'). set (p':= pathssec2 s p eps x x').
    set (eps':= @pathssec3 _ _ s p eps x x'). simpl.
    apply (IHn _ _ p' s' eps' is).

Corollary isofhlevelweqf (n : nat) {X Y : UU} (f : X Y) :
  isofhlevel n X -> isofhlevel n Y.
Show proof.
  intros X0.
  apply (hlevelretract n f (invmap f) (homotweqinvweq f)).

Corollary isofhlevelweqb (n : nat) {X Y : UU} (f : X Y) :
  isofhlevel n Y -> isofhlevel n X.
Show proof.
  intros X0.
  apply (hlevelretract n (invmap f) f (homotinvweqweq f)).

Lemma isofhlevelsn (n : nat) {X : UU} (f : X -> isofhlevel (S n) X) :
  isofhlevel (S n) X.
Show proof.
  intros. simpl. intros x x'. apply (f x x x').

Lemma isofhlevelssn (n : nat) {X : UU}
      (is : x : X, isofhlevel (S n) (x = x)) : isofhlevel (S (S n)) X.
Show proof.
  intros. simpl. intros x x'.
  change ( (x0 x'0 : x = x'), isofhlevel n (x0 = x'0))
  with (isofhlevel (S n) (x = x')).
  assert (X1 : x = x' -> isofhlevel (S n) (x = x'))
    by (intro X2; induction X2; apply (is x)).
  apply (isofhlevelsn n X1).

h-levels of functions

Definition isofhlevelf (n : nat) {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) : UU
  := y : Y, isofhlevel n (hfiber f y).

Theorem isofhlevelfhomot (n : nat) {X Y : UU} (f f' : X -> Y)
        (h : x : X, paths (f x) (f' x)) :
  isofhlevelf n f -> isofhlevelf n f'.
Show proof.
  intros X0.
  unfold isofhlevelf. intro y.
  apply (isofhlevelweqf n (weqhfibershomot f f' h y) (X0 y)).

Theorem isofhlevelfpmap (n : nat) {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (Q : Y -> UU) :
  isofhlevelf n f -> isofhlevelf n (fpmap f Q).
Show proof.
  intros X0.
  unfold isofhlevelf. unfold isofhlevelf in X0.
  intro y.
  set (yy := pr1 y).
  set (g := hfiberfpmap f Q y).
  set (is := isweqhfiberfp f Q y).
  set (isy := X0 yy).
  apply (isofhlevelweqb n (make_weq g is) isy).

Theorem isofhlevelfffromZ (n : nat) {X Y Z : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> Z) (z : Z)
        (fs : fibseqstr f g z) (isz : isofhlevel (S n) Z) : isofhlevelf n f.
Show proof.
  intros. intro y.
  assert (w : (hfiber f y) ((g y) = z)).
  apply (invweq (ezweq1 f g z fs y)).
  apply (isofhlevelweqb n w (isz (g y) z)).

Theorem isofhlevelXfromg (n : nat) {X Y Z : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> Z) (z : Z)
        (fs : fibseqstr f g z) : isofhlevelf n g -> isofhlevel n X.
Show proof.
  intros isf.
  assert (w : X (hfiber g z)).
  apply (make_weq _ (pr2 fs)).
  apply (isofhlevelweqb n w (isf z)).

Theorem isofhlevelffromXY (n : nat) {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) :
  isofhlevel n X -> isofhlevel (S n) Y -> isofhlevelf n f.
Show proof.
  revert X Y f.
  induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - intros X Y f X0 X1.
    assert (is1 : isofhlevel O Y).
      split with (f (pr1 X0)).
      intro t. unfold isofhlevel in X1.
      set (is := X1 t (f (pr1 X0))).
      apply (pr1 is).
    apply (isweqcontrcontr f X0 is1).

  - intros X Y f X0 X1. unfold isofhlevelf. simpl.
    assert (is1 : x' x : X, isofhlevel n (x' = x))
      by (simpl in X0; assumption).
    assert (is2 : y' y : Y, isofhlevel (S n) (y' = y))
      by (simpl in X1; simpl; assumption).
    assert (is3 : (y : Y) (x : X) (xe' : hfiber f y),
                  isofhlevelf n (d2g f x xe'))
      by (intros; apply (IHn _ _ (d2g f x xe') (is1 (pr1 xe') x)
                             (is2 (f x) y))).
    assert (is4 : (y : Y) (x : X) (xe' : hfiber f y) (e : (f x) = y),
                  isofhlevel n ((make_hfiber f x e) = xe'))
      by (intros; apply (isofhlevelweqb n (ezweq3g f x xe' e) (is3 y x xe' e))).
    intros y xe xe'. induction xe as [ t x ].
    apply (is4 y t xe' x).

Theorem isofhlevelXfromfY (n : nat) {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) :
  isofhlevelf n f -> isofhlevel n Y -> isofhlevel n X.
Show proof.
  revert X Y f.
  induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - intros X Y f X0 X1.
    apply (iscontrweqb (make_weq f X0) X1).
  - intros X Y f X0 X1. simpl.
    assert (is1 : (y : Y) (xe xe': hfiber f y), isofhlevel n (xe = xe'))
           by (intros; apply (X0 y)).
    assert (is2 : (y : Y) (x : X) (xe' : hfiber f y),
                  isofhlevelf n (d2g f x xe')).
      intros. unfold isofhlevel. intro y0.
      apply (isofhlevelweqf n (ezweq3g f x xe' y0)
                            (is1 y (make_hfiber f x y0) xe')).
    assert (is3 : (y' y : Y), isofhlevel n (y' = y))
      by (simpl in X1; assumption).
    intros x' x.
    set (y := f x'). set (e' := idpath y). set (xe' := make_hfiber f x' e').
    apply (IHn _ _ (d2g f x xe') (is2 y x xe') (is3 (f x) y)).

Theorem isofhlevelffib (n : nat) {X : UU} (P : X -> UU) (x : X)
         (is : x' : X, isofhlevel n (x' = x)) : isofhlevelf n (tpair P x).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold isofhlevelf. intro xp.
  apply (isofhlevelweqf n (ezweq1pr1 P x xp) (is (pr1 xp))).

Theorem isofhlevelfhfiberpr1y (n : nat) {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (y : Y)
        (is : y' : Y, isofhlevel n (y' = y)) :
  isofhlevelf n (hfiberpr1 f y).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold isofhlevelf. intro x.
  apply (isofhlevelweqf n (ezweq1g f y x) (is (f x))).

Theorem isofhlevelfsnfib (n : nat) {X : UU} (P : X -> UU) (x : X)
        (is : isofhlevel (S n) (x = x)) : isofhlevelf (S n) (tpair P x).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold isofhlevelf. intro xp.
  apply (isofhlevelweqf (S n) (ezweq1pr1 P x xp)).
  apply isofhlevelsn. intro X1. induction X1. assumption.

Theorem isofhlevelfsnhfiberpr1 (n : nat) {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (y : Y)
        (is : isofhlevel (S n) (y = y)) : isofhlevelf (S n) (hfiberpr1 f y).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold isofhlevelf. intro x.
  apply (isofhlevelweqf (S n) ( ezweq1g f y x)). apply isofhlevelsn.
  intro X1. induction X1. assumption.

Corollary isofhlevelfhfiberpr1 (n : nat) {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (y : Y)
          (is : isofhlevel (S n) Y) : isofhlevelf n (hfiberpr1 f y).
Show proof.
  intros. apply isofhlevelfhfiberpr1y. intro y'. apply (is y' y).

Theorem isofhlevelff (n : nat) {X Y Z : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> Z) :
  isofhlevelf n (λ x : X, g (f x)) -> isofhlevelf (S n) g -> isofhlevelf n f.
Show proof.
  intros X0 X1. unfold isofhlevelf. intro y.
  set (ye := make_hfiber g y (idpath (g y))).
  apply (isofhlevelweqb n ( ezweqhf f g (g y) ye)
                        (isofhlevelffromXY n _ (X0 (g y)) (X1 (g y)) ye)).

Theorem isofhlevelfgf (n : nat) {X Y Z : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> Z) :
  isofhlevelf n f -> isofhlevelf n g -> isofhlevelf n (λ x : X, g (f x)).
Show proof.
  intros X0 X1. unfold isofhlevelf. intro z.
  assert (is1 : isofhlevelf n (hfibersgftog f g z)).
    unfold isofhlevelf. intro ye.
    apply (isofhlevelweqf n (ezweqhf f g z ye) (X0 (pr1 ye))).
  assert (is2 : isofhlevel n (hfiber g z))
    by apply (X1 z).
  apply (isofhlevelXfromfY n _ is1 is2).

Theorem isofhlevelfgwtog (n : nat) {X Y Z : UU} (w : X Y) (g : Y -> Z)
        (is : isofhlevelf n (λ x : X, g (w x))) : isofhlevelf n g.
Show proof.
  intros. intro z.
  assert (is' : isweq (hfibersgftog w g z)).
    intro ye.
    apply (iscontrweqf (ezweqhf w g z ye) (pr2 w (pr1 ye))).
  apply (isofhlevelweqf _ (make_weq _ is') (is _)).

Theorem isofhlevelfgtogw (n : nat) {X Y Z : UU} (w : X Y) (g : Y -> Z)
        (is : isofhlevelf n g) : isofhlevelf n (λ x : X, g (w x)).
Show proof.
  intros. intro z.
  assert (is' : isweq (hfibersgftog w g z)).
    intro ye.
    apply (iscontrweqf (ezweqhf w g z ye) (pr2 w (pr1 ye))).
  apply (isofhlevelweqb _ (make_weq _ is') (is _)).

Corollary isofhlevelfhomot2 (n : nat) {X X' Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (f' : X' -> Y)
          (w : X X') (h : x : X, paths (f x) (f' (w x))) :
  isofhlevelf n f -> isofhlevelf n f'.
Show proof.
  intros X0.
  assert (X1 : isofhlevelf n (λ x : X, f' (w x)))
    by apply (isofhlevelfhomot n _ _ h X0).
  apply (isofhlevelfgwtog n w f' X1).

Theorem isofhlevelfonpaths (n : nat) {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (x x' : X) :
  isofhlevelf (S n) f -> isofhlevelf n (@maponpaths _ _ f x x').
Show proof.
  intros X0.
  set (y := f x'). set (xe' := make_hfiber f x' (idpath _)).
  assert (is1 : isofhlevelf n (d2g f x xe')).
    unfold isofhlevelf. intro y0.
    apply (isofhlevelweqf n (ezweq3g f x xe' y0)
                          (X0 y (make_hfiber f x y0) xe')).
  assert (h : ee : x' = x, paths (d2g f x xe' ee)
                                       (maponpaths f (pathsinv0 ee))).
    assert (e0: paths (pathscomp0 (maponpaths f (pathsinv0 ee)) (idpath _))
                      (maponpaths f (pathsinv0 ee)))
      by (induction ee; simpl; apply idpath).
    apply (e0).
  apply (isofhlevelfhomot2 n _ _ (make_weq (@pathsinv0 _ x' x)
                                          (isweqpathsinv0 _ _)) h is1).

Theorem isofhlevelfsn (n : nat) {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) :
  ( x x' : X, isofhlevelf n (@maponpaths _ _ f x x')) -> isofhlevelf (S n) f.
Show proof.
  intros X0. unfold isofhlevelf. intro y. simpl.
  intros x x'.
  induction x as [ x e ]. induction x' as [ x' e' ]. induction e'.
  set (xe' := make_hfiber f x' (idpath _)).
  set (xe := make_hfiber f x e).
  set (d3 := d2g f x xe'). simpl in d3.
  assert (is1 : isofhlevelf n (d2g f x xe')).
  assert (h : ee : x' = x, paths (maponpaths f (pathsinv0 ee))
                                       (d2g f x xe' ee)).
    intro. unfold d2g. simpl.
    apply (pathsinv0 (pathscomp0rid _)).
  assert (is2 : isofhlevelf n (λ ee: x' = x, maponpaths f (pathsinv0 ee)))
    by apply (isofhlevelfgtogw n ( make_weq _ (isweqpathsinv0 _ _))
                               (@maponpaths _ _ f x x') (X0 x x')).
  apply (isofhlevelfhomot n _ _ h is2).
  apply (isofhlevelweqb n (ezweq3g f x xe' e) (is1 e)).

Theorem isofhlevelfssn (n : nat) {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) :
  ( x : X, isofhlevelf (S n) (@maponpaths _ _ f x x))
  -> isofhlevelf (S (S n)) f.
Show proof.
  intros X0. unfold isofhlevelf. intro y.
  assert ( xe0 : hfiber f y, isofhlevel (S n) (xe0 = xe0)).
    intro. induction xe0 as [ x e ]. induction e.
    set (e':= idpath (f x)).
    set (xe':= make_hfiber f x e').
    set (xe:= make_hfiber f x e').
    set (d3:= d2g f x xe'). simpl in d3.
    assert (is1: isofhlevelf (S n) (d2g f x xe')).
      assert (h : ee: x = x, paths (maponpaths f (pathsinv0 ee))
                                         (d2g f x xe' ee)).
        intro. unfold d2g. simpl.
        apply (pathsinv0 (pathscomp0rid _)).
      assert (is2 : isofhlevelf (S n) (fun ee : x = x
                                       => maponpaths f (pathsinv0 ee)))
        by apply (isofhlevelfgtogw (S n) (make_weq _ (isweqpathsinv0 _ _))
                                   (@maponpaths _ _ f x x) (X0 x)).
      apply (isofhlevelfhomot (S n) _ _ h is2).
    apply (isofhlevelweqb (S n) (ezweq3g f x xe' e') (is1 e')).
  apply (isofhlevelssn).

h -levels of pr1 , fiber inclusions, fibers, total spaces and bases of fibrations

h-levelf of pr1

Theorem isofhlevelfpr1 (n : nat) {X : UU} (P : X -> UU)
        (is : x : X, isofhlevel n (P x)) : isofhlevelf n (@pr1 X P).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold isofhlevelf. intro x.
  apply (isofhlevelweqf n (ezweqpr1 _ x) (is x)).

Lemma isweqpr1 {Z : UU} (P : Z -> UU) (is1 : z : Z, iscontr (P z)) :
  isweq (@pr1 Z P).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold isweq. intro y.
  set (isy := is1 y). apply (iscontrweqf (ezweqpr1 P y)).

Definition weqpr1 {Z : UU} (P : Z -> UU) (is : z : Z , iscontr (P z)) :
  weq (total2 P) Z := make_weq _ (isweqpr1 P is).

h-level of the total space total2

Theorem isofhleveltotal2 (n : nat) {X : UU} (P : X -> UU) (is1 : isofhlevel n X)
        (is2 : x : X, isofhlevel n (P x)) : isofhlevel n (total2 P).
Show proof.
  apply (isofhlevelXfromfY n (@pr1 _ _)).
  apply isofhlevelfpr1.
  assumption. assumption.

Corollary isofhleveldirprod (n : nat) (X Y : UU) (is1 : isofhlevel n X)
          (is2 : isofhlevel n Y) : isofhlevel n (X × Y).
Show proof.
  intros. apply isofhleveltotal2. assumption. intro. assumption.

Propositions, inclusions and sets

Basics about types of h-level 1 - "propositions"

Definition isaprop := isofhlevel 1.

Definition isPredicate {X : UU} (Y : X -> UU) := x : X, isaprop (Y x).

Definition isapropunit : isaprop unit := iscontrpathsinunit.

Definition isapropdirprod (X Y : UU) : isaprop X -> isaprop Y -> isaprop (X × Y)
  := isofhleveldirprod 1 X Y.

Lemma isapropifcontr {X : UU} (is : iscontr X) : isaprop X.
Show proof.
  intros. set (f := λ x : X, tt).
  assert (isw : isweq f)
    by (apply isweqcontrtounit; assumption).
  apply (isofhlevelweqb (S O) (make_weq f isw)).
  intros x x'.
  apply iscontrpathsinunit.

Theorem hlevelntosn (n : nat) (T : UU) (is : isofhlevel n T) : isofhlevel (S n) T.
Show proof.
  revert T is.
  induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - intro. apply isapropifcontr.
  - intro. intro X.
    change ( t1 t2 : T, isofhlevel (S n) (t1 = t2)).
    intros t1 t2.
    change ( t1 t2 : T, isofhlevel n (t1 = t2)) in X.
    set (XX := X t1 t2).
    apply (IHn _ XX).

Corollary isofhlevelcontr (n : nat) {X : UU} (is : iscontr X) : isofhlevel n X.
Show proof.
  revert X is.
  induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - intros X X0. assumption.
  - intros X X0. simpl. intros x x'.
    assert (is : iscontr (x = x')).
    apply (isapropifcontr X0 x x').
    apply (IHn _ is).

Lemma isofhlevelfweq (n : nat) {X Y : UU} (f : X Y) : isofhlevelf n f.
Show proof.
  unfold isofhlevelf. intro y.
  apply (isofhlevelcontr n).
  apply (pr2 f).

Corollary isweqfinfibseq {X Y Z : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> Z) (z : Z)
          (fs : fibseqstr f g z) (isz : iscontr Z) : isweq f.
Show proof.
  intros. apply (isofhlevelfffromZ 0 f g z fs (isapropifcontr isz)).

Corollary weqhfibertocontr {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (y : Y) (is : iscontr Y) :
  weq (hfiber f y) X.
Show proof.
  intros. split with (hfiberpr1 f y).
  apply (isofhlevelfhfiberpr1 0 f y (hlevelntosn 0 _ is)).

Corollary weqhfibertounit (X : UU) : (hfiber (λ x : X, tt) tt) X.
Show proof.

Corollary isofhleveltofun (n : nat) (X : UU) :
  isofhlevel n X -> isofhlevelf n (λ x : X, tt).
Show proof.
  intros is. intro t. induction t.
  apply (isofhlevelweqb n (weqhfibertounit X) is).

Corollary isofhlevelfromfun (n : nat) (X : UU) :
  isofhlevelf n (λ x : X, tt) -> isofhlevel n X.
Show proof.
  intros is. apply (isofhlevelweqf n (weqhfibertounit X) (is tt)).

Definition weqhfiberunit {X Z : UU} (i : X -> Z) (z : Z) :
  ( x, hfiber (λ _ : unit, z) (i x)) hfiber i z.
Show proof.
  intros. use weq_iso.
  + intros [x [t e]]. exact (x,,!e).
  + intros [x e]. exact (x,,tt,,!e).
  + intros [x [t e]]. apply maponpaths. simple refine (two_arg_paths_f _ _).
    * apply isapropunit.
    * simpl. induction e. rewrite pathsinv0inv0. induction t. apply idpath.
  + intros [x e]. apply maponpaths. apply pathsinv0inv0.

Lemma isofhlevelsnprop (n : nat) {X : UU} (is : isaprop X) : isofhlevel (S n) X.
Show proof.
  simpl. unfold isaprop in is. simpl in is.
  intros x x'. apply isofhlevelcontr. apply (is x x').

A proposition that is inhabited is contractible.
Lemma iscontraprop1 {X : UU} (is : isaprop X) (x : X) : iscontr X.
Show proof.
  intros. unfold iscontr. split with x. intro t.
  unfold isofhlevel in is.
  set (is' := is t x).
  apply (pr1 is').

Lemma iscontraprop1inv {X : UU} (f : X -> iscontr X) : isaprop X.
Show proof.
  apply (isofhlevelsn O). intro x. exact (hlevelntosn O X (f x)).

Definition isProofIrrelevant (X:UU) := x y:X, x = y.

Lemma proofirrelevance (X : UU) : isaprop X -> isProofIrrelevant X.
Show proof.
  intros is x x'. unfold isaprop in is. unfold isofhlevel in is. exact (iscontrpr1 (is x x')).

Lemma invproofirrelevance (X : UU) : isProofIrrelevant X -> isaprop X.
Show proof.
  intros ee x x'. apply isapropifcontr. exists x. intros t. exact (ee t x).

Lemma isProofIrrelevant_paths {X} (irr:isProofIrrelevant X) {x y:X} : isProofIrrelevant (x=y).
Show proof.
  intros p q. assert (r := invproofirrelevance X irr x y). exact (pr2 r p @ ! pr2 r q).

Lemma isapropcoprod (P Q : UU) :
  isaprop P -> isaprop Q -> (P -> Q -> ) -> isaprop (P ⨿ Q).
Show proof.
  intros i j n. apply invproofirrelevance.
  intros a b. apply inv_equality_by_case.
  induction a as [a|a].
  - induction b as [b|b].
    + apply i.
    + contradicts (n a) b.
  - induction b as [b|b].
    + contradicts (n b) a.
    + apply j.

Lemma isweqimplimpl {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X) (isx : isaprop X)
      (isy : isaprop Y) : isweq f.
Show proof.
  assert (isx0: x : X, paths (g (f x)) x)
         by (intro; apply proofirrelevance; apply isx).
  assert (isy0 : y : Y, paths (f (g y)) y)
         by (intro; apply proofirrelevance; apply isy).
  apply (isweq_iso f g isx0 isy0).

Definition weqimplimpl {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X) (isx : isaprop X)
           (isy : isaprop Y) := make_weq _ (isweqimplimpl f g isx isy).

Definition weqiff {X Y : UU} : (X <-> Y) -> isaprop X -> isaprop Y -> X Y
  := λ f i j, make_weq _ (isweqimplimpl (pr1 f) (pr2 f) i j).

Definition weq_to_iff {X Y : UU} : X Y -> (X <-> Y)
  := λ f, (pr1weq f ,, invmap f).

Theorem isapropempty: isaprop empty.
Show proof.
  unfold isaprop. unfold isofhlevel. intros x x'. induction x.

Theorem isapropifnegtrue {X : UU} (a : X -> empty) : isaprop X.
Show proof.
  intros. set (w := make_weq _ (isweqtoempty a)).
  apply (isofhlevelweqb 1 w isapropempty).

Lemma isapropretract {P Q : UU} (i : isaprop Q) (f : P -> Q) (g : Q -> P)
      (h : g f ~ idfun _) : isaprop P.
Show proof.
  apply invproofirrelevance; intros p p'.
  refine (_ @ (_ : g (f p) = g (f p')) @ _).
  - apply pathsinv0. apply h.
  - apply maponpaths. apply proofirrelevance. exact i.
  - apply h.

Lemma isapropcomponent1 (P Q : UU) : isaprop (P ⨿ Q) -> isaprop P.
Show proof.
  intros i. apply invproofirrelevance; intros p p'.
  exact (equality_by_case (proofirrelevance _ i (ii1 p) (ii1 p'))).

Lemma isapropcomponent2 (P Q : UU) : isaprop (P ⨿ Q) -> isaprop Q.
Show proof.
  intros i. apply invproofirrelevance; intros q q'.
  exact (equality_by_case (proofirrelevance _ i (ii2 q) (ii2 q'))).

Inclusions - functions of h-level 1

Definition isincl {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) := isofhlevelf 1 f.

Definition incl (X Y : UU) := total2 (fun f : X -> Y => isincl f).
Definition make_incl {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (is : isincl f) :
  incl X Y := tpair _ f is.
Definition pr1incl (X Y : UU) : incl X Y -> (X -> Y) := @pr1 _ _.
Coercion pr1incl : incl >-> Funclass.

Lemma isinclweq (X Y : UU) (f : X -> Y) : isweq f -> isincl f.
Show proof.
  intros is. apply (isofhlevelfweq 1 (make_weq _ is)).
Coercion isinclweq : isweq >-> isincl.

Lemma isofhlevelfsnincl (n : nat) {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (is : isincl f) :
  isofhlevelf (S n) f.
Show proof.
  intros. unfold isofhlevelf. intro y.
  apply isofhlevelsnprop.
  apply (is y).

Definition weqtoincl {X Y : UU} : X Y -> incl X Y
  := λ w, make_incl (pr1weq w) (pr2 w).

Lemma isinclcomp {X Y Z : UU} (f : incl X Y) (g : incl Y Z) :
  isincl (funcomp (pr1 f) (pr1 g)).
Show proof.
  intros. apply (isofhlevelfgf 1 f g (pr2 f) (pr2 g)).

Definition inclcomp {X Y Z : UU} (f : incl X Y) (g : incl Y Z) :
  incl X Z := make_incl (funcomp (pr1 f) (pr1 g)) (isinclcomp f g).

Lemma isincltwooutof3a {X Y Z : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> Z) (isg : isincl g)
      (isgf : isincl (funcomp f g)) : isincl f.
Show proof.
  apply (isofhlevelff 1 f g isgf).
  apply (isofhlevelfsnincl 1 g isg).

Lemma isinclgwtog {X Y Z : UU} (w : X Y) (g : Y -> Z)
      (is : isincl (funcomp w g)) : isincl g.
Show proof.
  intros. apply (isofhlevelfgwtog 1 w g is).

Lemma isinclgtogw {X Y Z : UU} (w : X Y) (g : Y -> Z) (is : isincl g) :
  isincl (funcomp w g).
Show proof.
  intros. apply (isofhlevelfgtogw 1 w g is).

Lemma isinclhomot {X Y : UU} (f g : X -> Y) (h : homot f g) (isf : isincl f) :
  isincl g.
Show proof.
  intros. apply (isofhlevelfhomot (S O) f g h isf).

Definition isofhlevelsninclb (n : nat) {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (is : isincl f) :
  isofhlevel (S n) Y -> isofhlevel (S n) X
  := isofhlevelXfromfY (S n) f (isofhlevelfsnincl n f is).

Definition isapropinclb {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (isf : isincl f) :
  isaprop Y -> isaprop X := isofhlevelXfromfY 1 _ isf.

Lemma iscontrhfiberofincl {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) :
  isincl f -> ( x : X, iscontr (hfiber f (f x))).
Show proof.
  intros X0 x. unfold isofhlevelf in X0.
  set (isy := X0 (f x)).
  apply (iscontraprop1 isy (make_hfiber f _ (idpath (f x)))).

Definition isInjective {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y)
  := (x x' : X), isweq (maponpaths f : x = x' -> f x = f x').

Definition Injectivity {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) :
  isInjective f -> (x x' : X), x = x' f x = f x'.
Show proof.
  intros i ? ?. exact (make_weq _ (i x x')).

Lemma isweqonpathsincl {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) : isincl f -> isInjective f.
Show proof.
  intros is x x'. apply (isofhlevelfonpaths O f x x' is).

Definition weqonpathsincl {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (is : isincl f) (x x' : X)
  := make_weq _ (isweqonpathsincl f is x x').

Definition invmaponpathsincl {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) :
  isincl f -> x x', f x = f x' -> x = x'.
Show proof.
  intros is x x'.
  exact (invmap (weqonpathsincl f is x x')).

Lemma isinclweqonpaths {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) : isInjective f -> isincl f.
Show proof.
  intros X0. apply (isofhlevelfsn O f X0).

Definition isinclpr1 {X : UU} (P : X -> UU) (is : x : X, isaprop (P x)) :
  isincl (@pr1 X P):= isofhlevelfpr1 (S O) P is.

Theorem subtypeInjectivity {A : UU} (B : A -> UU) :
  isPredicate B -> (x y : total2 B), (x = y) (pr1 x = pr1 y).
Show proof.
  intros. apply Injectivity. apply isweqonpathsincl. apply isinclpr1. exact X.

Corollary subtypePath {A : UU} {B : A -> UU} (is : isPredicate B)
   {s s' : total2 (λ x, B x)} : pr1 s = pr1 s' -> s = s'.
Show proof.
  intros e. apply (total2_paths_f e). apply is.

Corollary subtypePath' {A : UU} {B : A -> UU}
   {s s' : total2 (λ x, B x)} : pr1 s = pr1 s' -> isaprop (B (pr1 s')) -> s = s'.
Show proof.
  intros e is. apply (total2_paths_f e). apply is.

Corollary unique_exists {A : UU} {B : A -> UU} (x : A) (b : B x)
          (h : y, isaprop (B y)) (H : y, B y -> y = x) :
  iscontr (total2 (λ t : A, B t)).
Show proof.
  use make_iscontr.
  - exact (x,,b).
  - intros t. apply subtypePath.
    + exact h.
    + apply (H (pr1 t)). exact (pr2 t).

Definition subtypePairEquality {X : UU} {P : X -> UU} (is : isPredicate P)
           {x y : X} {p : P x} {q : P y} :
  x = y -> (x,,p) = (y,,q).
Show proof.
  intros e. apply (two_arg_paths_f e). apply is.

Definition subtypePairEquality' {X : UU} {P : X -> UU}
           {x y : X} {p : P x} {q : P y} :
  x = y -> isaprop(P y) -> (x,,p) = (y,,q).
Show proof.
  intros e is. apply (two_arg_paths_f e). apply is.

Theorem samehfibers {X Y Z : UU} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> Z) (is1 : isincl g)
        (y : Y) : hfiber f y hfiber (g f) (g y).
Show proof.
  intros. exists (hfibersftogf f g (g y) (make_hfiber g y (idpath _))).
  set (z := g y). set (ye := make_hfiber g y (idpath _)). intro xe.
  apply (iscontrweqf (X := hfibersgftog f g z xe = ye)).
  { exists (ezmap _ _ _ (fibseq1 _ _ _ (fibseqhf f g z ye) _)).
    exact (isweqezmap1 _ _ _ _ _). }
  apply isapropifcontr. apply iscontrhfiberofincl. exact is1.

Basics about types of h-level 2 - "sets"

Definition isaset (X : UU) : UU := x x' : X, isaprop (x = x').

Notation isasetdirprod := (isofhleveldirprod 2).

Lemma isasetunit : isaset unit.
Show proof.
  apply (isofhlevelcontr 2 iscontrunit).

Lemma isasetempty : isaset empty.
Show proof.

Lemma isasetifcontr {X : UU} (is : iscontr X) : isaset X.
Show proof.
  intros. apply (isofhlevelcontr 2 is).

Lemma isasetaprop {X : UU} (is : isaprop X) : isaset X.
Show proof.
  intros. apply (isofhlevelsnprop 1 is).

Corollary isaset_total2 {X : UU} (P : X->UU) :
  isaset X -> ( x, isaset (P x)) -> isaset ( x, P x).
Show proof.
  intros. apply (isofhleveltotal2 2); assumption.

Corollary isaset_dirprod {X Y : UU} : isaset X -> isaset Y -> isaset (X × Y).
Show proof.
  intros. apply isaset_total2. assumption. intro. assumption.

Corollary isaset_hfiber {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (y : Y) : isaset X -> isaset Y -> isaset (hfiber f y).
Show proof.
  intros isX isY. apply isaset_total2. assumption. intro. apply isasetaprop. apply isY.

The following lemma asserts "uniqueness of identity proofs" (uip) for sets.

Lemma uip {X : UU} (is : isaset X) {x x' : X} (e e' : x = x') : e = e'.
Show proof.
  intros. apply (proofirrelevance _ (is x x') e e').

For the theorem about the coproduct of two sets see isasetcoprod below.

Lemma isofhlevelssnset (n : nat) (X : UU) (is : isaset X) :
  isofhlevel (S (S n)) X.
Show proof.
  simpl. unfold isaset in is. intros x x'.
  apply isofhlevelsnprop.
  exact (is x x').

Lemma isasetifiscontrloops (X : UU) : ( x : X, iscontr (x = x)) -> isaset X.
Show proof.
  intros X0. unfold isaset. unfold isofhlevel. intros x x' x0 x0'.
  induction x0.
  apply isapropifcontr.
  exact (X0 x).

Lemma iscontrloopsifisaset (X : UU) :
  (isaset X) -> ( x : X, iscontr (x = x)).
Show proof.
  intros X0 x. unfold isaset in X0. unfold isofhlevel in X0.
  change ( (x x' : X) (x0 x'0 : x = x'), iscontr (x0 = x'0))
  with ( (x x' : X), isaprop (x = x')) in X0.
  apply (iscontraprop1 (X0 x x) (idpath x)).

A monic subtype of a set is a set.

Theorem isasetsubset {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (is1 : isaset Y) (is2 : isincl f) :
  isaset X.
Show proof.
  intros. apply (isofhlevelsninclb (S O) f is2). apply is1.

The morphism from hfiber of a map to a set is an inclusion.

Theorem isinclfromhfiber {X Y : UU} (f: X -> Y) (is : isaset Y) (y : Y) :
  @isincl (hfiber f y) X (@pr1 _ _).
Show proof.
  intros. refine (isofhlevelfhfiberpr1 _ _ _ _). assumption.

Criterion for a function between sets being an inclusion.

Theorem isinclbetweensets {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y)
        (isx : isaset X) (isy : isaset Y)
        (inj : x x' : X , (paths (f x) (f x') -> x = x')) : isincl f.
Show proof.
  intros. apply isinclweqonpaths. intros x x'.
  apply (isweqimplimpl (@maponpaths _ _ f x x') (inj x x') (isx x x')
                       (isy (f x) (f x'))).

A map from unit to a set is an inclusion.

Theorem isinclfromunit {X : UU} (f : unit -> X) (is : isaset X) : isincl f.
Show proof.
  apply (isinclbetweensets f (isofhlevelcontr 2 (iscontrunit)) is).
  intros. induction x. induction x'. apply idpath.

Corollary set_bijection_to_weq {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) :
  UniqueConstruction f -> isaset Y -> isweq f.
Show proof.
  intros bij i y. set (sur := pr1 bij); set (inj := pr2 bij).
  use tpair.
  - exists (pr1 (sur y)). exact (pr2 (sur y)).
  - intro w.
    use total2_paths_f.
    + simpl. apply inj. intermediate_path y.
      * exact (pr2 w).
      * exact (! pr2 (sur y)).
    + induction w as [x e]; simpl. induction e.
      apply i.

Complementary types

Definition complementary P Q := (P -> Q -> ) × (P ⨿ Q).

Definition complementary_to_neg_iff {P Q} : complementary P Q -> ¬P <-> Q.
Show proof.
  intros c.
  induction c as [n c]. split.
  - intro np. induction c as [p|q].
    * contradicts p np.
    * exact q.
  - intro q. induction c as [p|_].
    * intros _. exact (n p q).
    * intros p. exact (n p q).

Definition decidable (X:UU) := X ⨿ ¬X.

Definition decidable_to_complementary {X} : decidable X -> complementary X (¬X).
Show proof.
  intros d. split.
  - intros x n. exact (n x).
  - exact d.

Definition decidable_dirprod (X Y : UU) :
  decidable X -> decidable Y -> decidable (X × Y).
Show proof.
  intros b c.
  induction b as [b|b'].
  - induction c as [c|c'].
    + apply ii1. exact (b,,c).
    + apply ii2. clear b. intro k. apply c'. exact (pr2 k).
  - clear c. apply ii2. intro k. apply b'. exact (pr1 k).

Decidable propositions isdecprop

Definition isdecprop (P:UU) := (P ⨿ ¬P) × isaprop P.

Definition isdecproptoisaprop ( X : UU ) ( is : isdecprop X ) : isaprop X := pr2 is.
Coercion isdecproptoisaprop : isdecprop >-> isaprop .

Lemma isdecpropif ( X : UU ) : isaprop X -> X ⨿ ¬ X -> isdecprop X.
Show proof.
  intros i c. exact (c,,i).

Lemma isdecpropfromiscontr {P} : iscontr P -> isdecprop P.
Show proof.
  intros i.
  - exact (ii1 (iscontrpr1 i)).
  - apply isapropifcontr. assumption.

Lemma isdecpropempty : isdecprop .
Show proof.
  unfold isdecprop.
  - exact (ii2 (idfun )).
  - exact isapropempty.

Lemma isdecpropweqf {X Y} : XY -> isdecprop X -> isdecprop Y.
Show proof.
  intros w i. unfold isdecprop in *. induction i as [xnx i]. split.
  - clear i. induction xnx as [x|nx].
    * apply ii1. apply w. assumption.
    * apply ii2. intro x'. apply nx. apply (invmap w). assumption.
  - apply (isofhlevelweqf 1 (X:=X)).
    { exact w. }
    { exact i. }

Lemma isdecpropweqb {X Y} : XY -> isdecprop Y -> isdecprop X.
Show proof.
  intros w i. unfold isdecprop in *. induction i as [yny i]. split.
  - clear i. induction yny as [y|ny].
    * apply ii1. apply (invmap w). assumption.
    * apply ii2. intro x. apply ny. apply w. assumption.
  - apply (isofhlevelweqb 1 (Y:=Y)).
    { exact w. }
    { exact i. }

Lemma isdecproplogeqf {X Y : UU} (isx : isdecprop X) (isy : isaprop Y)
      (lg : X <-> Y) : isdecprop Y.
Show proof.
  set (w := weqimplimpl (pr1 lg) (pr2 lg) isx isy).
  apply (isdecpropweqf w isx).

Lemma isdecproplogeqb {X Y : UU} (isx : isaprop X) (isy : isdecprop Y)
      (lg : X <-> Y) : isdecprop X.
Show proof.
  set (w := weqimplimpl (pr1 lg) (pr2 lg) isx isy).
  apply (isdecpropweqb w isy).

Lemma isdecpropfromneg {P : UU} : ¬P -> isdecprop P.
Show proof.
  intros n. split.
  - exact (ii2 n).
  - apply isapropifnegtrue. assumption.

Types with decidable equality

Definition isdeceq (X:UU) : UU := (x x':X), decidable (x=x').

Lemma isdeceqweqf {X Y : UU} (w : X Y) (is : isdeceq X) : isdeceq Y.
Show proof.
  intros. intros y y'.
  set (w' := weqonpaths (invweq w) y y').
  set (int := is ((invweq w) y) ((invweq w) y')).
  induction int as [ i | ni ].
  - apply (ii1 ((invweq w') i)).
  - apply (ii2 ((negf w') ni)).

Lemma isdeceqweqb {X Y : UU} (w : X Y) (is : isdeceq Y) : isdeceq X.
Show proof.
  intros. apply (isdeceqweqf (invweq w) is).

Theorem isdeceqinclb {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (is : isdeceq Y) (is' : isincl f) :
  isdeceq X.
Show proof.
  intros. intros x x'.
  set (w := weqonpathsincl f is' x x'). set (int := is (f x) (f x')).
  induction int as [ i | ni ].
  - apply (ii1 ((invweq w) i)).
  - apply (ii2 ((negf w) ni)).

Lemma isdeceqifisaprop (X : UU) : isaprop X -> isdeceq X.
Show proof.
  intros is x x'. apply (ii1 (proofirrelevance _ is x x')).

Definition booleq {X : UU} (is : isdeceq X) (x x' : X) : bool.
Show proof.
  intros. induction (is x x'). apply true. apply false.

Lemma eqfromdnegeq (X : UU) (is : isdeceq X) (x x' : X) :
  dneg (x = x') -> x = x'.
Show proof.
  intros X0. induction (is x x') as [ y | n ].
  - assumption.
  - induction (X0 n).

Lemma isdecequnit : isdeceq unit.
Show proof.
  apply (isdeceqifisaprop _ isapropunit).

Theorem isdeceqbool: isdeceq bool.
Show proof.
  unfold isdeceq. intros x' x. induction x.
  - induction x'.
    + apply (ii1 (idpath true)).
    + apply (ii2 nopathsfalsetotrue).
  - induction x'.
    + apply (ii2 nopathstruetofalse).
    + apply (ii1 (idpath false)).

Lemma isdeceqcoprod {A B : UU} (h1 : isdeceq A) (h2 : isdeceq B) :
  isdeceq (A ⨿ B).
Show proof.
intros ab ab'.
induction ab as [a|b]; induction ab' as [a'|b'].
- induction (h1 a a') as [p|p].
  + apply inl, (maponpaths (@ii1 A B) p).
  + apply inr; intro H; apply (p (ii1_injectivity _ _ H)).
- apply inr, negpathsii1ii2.
- apply inr, negpathsii2ii1.
- induction (h2 b b') as [p|p].
  + apply inl, (maponpaths (@ii2 A B) p).
  + apply inr; intro H; apply (p (ii2_injectivity _ _ H)).

Isolated points

Definition isisolated (X:UU) (x:X) := x':X, (x = x') ⨿ (x != x').

Definition isolated ( T : UU ) := t:T, isisolated _ t.

Definition make_isolated ( T : UU ) (t:T) (i:isisolated _ t) : isolated T
  := (t,,i).

Definition pr1isolated ( T : UU ) (x:isolated T) : T := pr1 x.

Theorem isaproppathsfromisolated (X : UU) (x : X) (is : isisolated X x) :
   x', isaprop(x = x').
Show proof.
  intros. apply iscontraprop1inv. intro e. induction e.
  set (f := λ e : x = x, coconusfromtpair _ e).
  assert (is' : isweq f)
    by apply (onefiber (λ x' : X, x = x') (x : X) (λ x' : X, is x')).
  assert (is2 : iscontr (coconusfromt _ x))
    by apply iscontrcoconusfromt.
  apply (iscontrweqb (make_weq f is')).

Local Open Scope transport.

Theorem isaproppathstoisolated (X : UU) (x : X) (is : isisolated X x) :
   x' : X, isaprop (x' = x).
Show proof.
  apply (isofhlevelweqf 1 (weqpathsinv0 x x')
                        (isaproppathsfromisolated X x is x')).

Lemma isisolatedweqf { X Y : UU } (f : X Y) (x:X) : isisolated X x -> isisolated Y (f x).
Show proof.
  intros is. unfold isisolated. intro y.
  induction (is (invmap f y)) as [ eq | ne ].
  { apply ii1. apply pathsweq1'. assumption. }
  { apply ii2. intro eq. apply ne; clear ne. apply pathsweq1. assumption. }

Theorem isisolatedinclb {X Y : UU} (f : X -> Y) (is : isincl f) (x : X)
        (is0 : isisolated _ (f x)) : isisolated _ x.
Show proof.
  intros. unfold isisolated. intro x'. set (a := is0 (f x')).
  induction a as [ a1 | a2 ]. apply (ii1 (invmaponpathsincl f is _ _ a1)).
  apply (ii2 ((negf (@maponpaths _ _ f _ _)) a2)).

Lemma disjointl1 (X : UU) : isisolated (coprod X unit) (ii2 tt).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold isisolated. intros x'. induction x' as [ x | u ].
  apply (ii2 (negpathsii2ii1 x tt)). induction u.
  apply (ii1 (idpath _)).

Decidable types are sets

Theorem isasetifdeceq (X : UU) : isdeceq X -> isaset X.
Show proof.
  intros is x x'. apply (isaproppathsfromisolated X x (is x)).

Decidable equality on a sigma type

Lemma isdeceq_total2 {X : UU} {P : X -> UU}
  : isdeceq X -> ( x : X, isdeceq (P x)) isdeceq ( x : X, P x).
Show proof.
  intros HX HP.
  intros xp yq.
  induction (HX (pr1 xp) (pr1 yq)) as [e_xy | ne_xy].
  - induction ((HP _) (transportf _ e_xy (pr2 xp)) (pr2 yq)) as [e_pq | ne_pq].
    + apply inl. exact (total2_paths_f e_xy e_pq).
    + apply inr. intro e_xpyq. apply ne_pq.
      set (e_pq := fiber_paths e_xpyq).
      refine (_ @ e_pq).
      refine (maponpaths (λ e, transportf _ e _) _).
      apply isasetifdeceq, HX.
  - apply inr. intros e_xypq. apply ne_xy, base_paths, e_xypq.

Construction of functions with specified values at a few isolated points

Definition isolfun1 {X Y:UU} (x1:X) (i1 : isisolated _ x1) (y1 y':Y) : X Y.
Show proof.
  intros x.
  induction (i1 x).
  - exact y1.
  - exact y'.

Definition decfun1 {X Y:UU} (i : isdeceq X) (x1:X) : (y1 y':Y), X Y.
Show proof.
  exact (isolfun1 x1 (i x1)).

Definition isolfun2 {X Y:UU} (x1 x2:X) (i1 : isisolated _ x1) (i2 : isisolated _ x2) (y1 y2 y':Y) : X Y.
Show proof.
  intros x.
  induction (i1 x).
  - exact y1.
  - induction (i2 x).
    + exact y2.
    + exact y'.

Definition decfun2 {X Y:UU} (i : isdeceq X) (x1 x2:X) (y1 y2 y':Y) : X Y.
Show proof.
  revert y1 y2 y'.
  exact (isolfun2 x1 x2 (i x1) (i x2)).

Definition isolfun3 {X Y:UU} (x1 x2 x3:X) (i1 : isisolated _ x1) (i2 : isisolated _ x2) (i3 : isisolated _ x3) (y1 y2 y3 y':Y) : X Y.
Show proof.
  intros x.
  induction (i1 x).
  - exact y1.
  - induction (i2 x).
    + exact y2.
    + induction (i3 x).
      * exact y3.
      * exact y'.

Definition decfun3 {X Y:UU} (i : isdeceq X) (x1 x2 x3:X) (y1 y2 y3 y':Y) : X Y.
  revert y1 y2 y3 y'.
  exact (isolfun3 x1 x2 x3 (i x1) (i x2) (i x3)).

bool is a set

Splitting of X into a coproduct defined by a function X -> bool

Definition subsetsplit {X : UU} (f : X -> bool) (x : X) :
  (hfiber f true) ⨿ (hfiber f false).
Show proof.
  intros. induction (boolchoice (f x)) as [ a | b ].
  - apply (ii1 (make_hfiber f x a)).
  - apply (ii2 (make_hfiber f x b)).

Definition subsetsplitinv {X : UU} (f : X -> bool)
           (ab : (hfiber f true) ⨿ (hfiber f false)) : X
  := match ab with ii1 xt => pr1 xt | ii2 xf => pr1 xf end.

Theorem weqsubsetsplit {X : UU} (f : X -> bool) :
  weq X ((hfiber f true) ⨿ (hfiber f false)).
Show proof.
  set (ff := subsetsplit f). set (gg := subsetsplitinv f).
  split with ff.
  assert (egf : a : _, paths (gg (ff a)) a).
    intros. unfold ff. unfold subsetsplit.
    induction (boolchoice (f a)) as [ et | ef ]. simpl. apply idpath. simpl.
    apply idpath.
  assert (efg : a : _, paths (ff (gg a)) a).
    intros. induction a as [ et | ef ].
    - induction et as [ x et' ]. simpl. unfold ff. unfold subsetsplit.
      induction (boolchoice (f x)) as [ e1 | e2 ].
      + apply (maponpaths (@ii1 _ _ )). apply (maponpaths (make_hfiber f x)).
        apply uip. apply isasetbool.
      + induction (nopathstruetofalse (pathscomp0 (pathsinv0 et') e2)).
    - induction ef as [ x et' ]. simpl. unfold ff. unfold subsetsplit.
      induction (boolchoice (f x)) as [ e1 | e2 ].
      + induction (nopathsfalsetotrue (pathscomp0 (pathsinv0 et') e1)).
      + apply (maponpaths (@ii2 _ _ )). apply (maponpaths (make_hfiber f x)).
        apply uip. apply isasetbool.
  apply (isweq_iso _ _ egf efg).