Library UniMath.OrderTheory.Posets.PosetSum

Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.OrderTheory.Posets.Basics.
Require Import UniMath.OrderTheory.Posets.MonotoneFunctions.

Section CoproductOfPartialOrder.
  Context {X Y : hSet}
          (PX : PartialOrder X)
          (PY : PartialOrder Y).

1. Coproduct of partial orders
  Definition coproduct_hrel
    : hrel (setcoprod X Y).
  Show proof.
    intros xy₁ xy₂.
    induction xy₁ as [ x₁ | y₁ ] ; induction xy₂ as [ x₂ | y₂ ].
    - exact (PX x₁ x₂).
    - exact hfalse.
    - exact hfalse.
    - exact (PY y₁ y₂).

  Proposition isPartialOrder_coproduct_hrel
    : isPartialOrder coproduct_hrel.
  Show proof.
    repeat split.
    - intros xy₁ xy₂ xy₃ p q.
      induction xy₁ as [ x₁ | y₁ ] ;
        induction xy₂ as [ x₂ | y₂ ] ;
        induction xy₃ as [ x₃ | y₃ ] ;
        cbn ; cbn in p, q ;
        try (apply (fromempty p)) ;
        try (apply (fromempty q)).
      + exact (trans_PartialOrder PX p q).
      + exact (trans_PartialOrder PY p q).
    - intros xy ; induction xy as [ x | y ] ; cbn.
      + exact (refl_PartialOrder PX x).
      + exact (refl_PartialOrder PY y).
    - intros xy₁ xy₂ p q.
      induction xy₁ as [ x₁ | y₁ ] ;
        induction xy₂ as [ x₂ | y₂ ] ;
        cbn in p, q ;
        try (apply (fromempty p)) ;
        try (apply (fromempty q)).
      + exact (maponpaths inl (antisymm_PartialOrder PX p q)).
      + exact (maponpaths inr (antisymm_PartialOrder PY p q)).

  Definition coproduct_PartialOrder
    : PartialOrder (setcoprod X Y).
  Show proof.
    use make_PartialOrder.
    - exact coproduct_hrel.
    - exact isPartialOrder_coproduct_hrel.

2. Monotonicity of inclusion
  Definition is_monotone_inl
    : is_monotone PX coproduct_PartialOrder inl.
  Show proof.
    intros x₁ x₂ p.
    exact p.

  Definition inl_monotone_function
    : monotone_function PX coproduct_PartialOrder
    := _ ,, is_monotone_inl.

  Definition is_monotone_inr
    : is_monotone PY coproduct_PartialOrder inr.
  Show proof.
    intros x₁ x₂ p.
    exact p.

  Definition inr_monotone_function
    : monotone_function PY coproduct_PartialOrder
    := _ ,, is_monotone_inr.

3. The sum of monotone maps is monotone
  Definition is_monotone_sumofmaps
             {Z : hSet}
             {PZ : PartialOrder Z}
             {f : X Z}
             (Pf : is_monotone PX PZ f)
             {g : Y Z}
             (Pg : is_monotone PY PZ g)
    : is_monotone coproduct_PartialOrder PZ (sumofmaps f g).
  Show proof.
    intros xy₁ xy₂ p.
    induction xy₁ as [ x₁ | y₁ ] ; induction xy₂ as [ x₂ | y₂ ] ; cbn in *.
    - apply Pf.
      exact p.
    - apply fromempty.
      exact p.
    - apply fromempty.
      exact p.
    - apply Pg.
      exact p.
End CoproductOfPartialOrder.

Section CoproductOfPartialOrder.
  Context {X : hSet}
          (Y : X hSet)
          (PY : (x : X), PartialOrder (Y x)).

4. Set indexed coproducts of partial order
  Definition set_coproduct_hrel
    : hrel ( (x : X), Y x)%set
    := λ xy₁ xy₂,
       let x₁ := pr1 xy₁ in
       let x₂ := pr1 xy₂ in
       let y₁ := pr2 xy₁ in
       let y₂ := pr2 xy₂ in
       ( (p : eqset x₁ x₂), PY x₂ (transportf Y p y₁) y₂)%prop.

  Proposition isPartialOrder_set_coproduct_hrel
    : isPartialOrder set_coproduct_hrel.
  Show proof.
    repeat split.
    - intros xy₁ xy₂ xy₃ pq₁ pq₂.
      induction xy₁ as [ x₁ y₁ ].
      induction xy₂ as [ x₂ y₂ ].
      induction xy₃ as [ x₃ y₃ ].
      induction pq₁ as [ p₁ q₁ ].
      induction pq₂ as [ p₂ q₂ ].
      cbn in *.
      induction p₁, p₂ ; cbn in *.
      refine (idpath _ ,, _) ; cbn.
      exact (trans_PartialOrder (PY _) q₁ q₂).
    - intros xy.
      induction xy as [ x y ] ; cbn.
      refine (idpath _ ,, _).
      exact (refl_PartialOrder (PY x) y).
    - intros xy₁ xy₂ pq₁ pq₂.
      induction xy₁ as [ x₁ y₁ ].
      induction xy₂ as [ x₂ y₂ ].
      induction pq₁ as [ p₁ q₁ ].
      induction pq₂ as [ p₂ q₂ ].
      cbn in *.
      induction p₁ ; cbn in *.
      assert (p₂ = idpath _) as r.
        apply setproperty.
      rewrite r in q₂ ; clear p₂ r.
      cbn in q₂.
      apply maponpaths.
      exact (antisymm_PartialOrder (PY _) q₁ q₂).

  Definition coproduct_set_PartialOrder
    : PartialOrder ( (x : X), Y x)%set.
  Show proof.
    use make_PartialOrder.
    - exact set_coproduct_hrel.
    - exact isPartialOrder_set_coproduct_hrel.

5. Monotonicity of the set-indexed inclusion
  Definition is_monotone_set_in
             (x : X)
    : is_monotone (PY x) coproduct_set_PartialOrder (λ (y : Y x), x ,, y).
  Show proof.
    intros x₁ x₂ p ; cbn.
    exact (idpath _ ,, p).

  Definition set_in_monotone_function
             (x : X)
    : monotone_function (PY x) coproduct_set_PartialOrder
    := _ ,, is_monotone_set_in x.

6. The set-indexed sum of monotope maps is monotone
  Definition is_monotone_set_coproduct_map
             {Z : hSet}
             {PZ : PartialOrder Z}
             {f : (x : X), Y x Z}
             (Pf : (x : X), is_monotone (PY x) PZ (f x))
    : is_monotone
        (λ xy, f (pr1 xy) (pr2 xy)).
  Show proof.
    intros xy₁ xy₂ p.
    induction xy₁ as [ x₁ y₁ ].
    induction xy₂ as [ x₂ y₂ ].
    induction p as [ p q ].
    cbn in *.
    induction p.
    cbn in q.
    apply Pf.
    exact q.
End CoproductOfPartialOrder.