Library Nijn.Prelude.Basics.Decidable

Require Import Nijn.Prelude.Checks.
Require Import Nijn.Prelude.Funext.
Require Import Bool.

Decidable propositions

A proposition is called decidable if we can either find an element of it or if we can refute it. As such, decidable propositions are those for which the law of excluded middle holds.
Decidable propositions are those for which we can compute whether they hold or not. We also use this notion to define types with decidable equality, which are types for which we can determine whether two inhabitants are equal.
Inductive dec (A : Prop) : Type :=
| Yes : A dec A
| No : (A False) dec A.

Arguments Yes {_} _.
Arguments No {_} _.

Examples of decidable propositions

Definition dec_True : dec True := Yes I.

Definition dec_False : dec False := No (fun zz).

Definition dec_not {A : Prop} (x : dec A) : dec (¬A)
  := match x with
     | Yes aNo (fun qq a)
     | No aYes a

Definition dec_and {A B : Prop} (x : dec A) (y : dec B) : dec (A B)
  := match x , y with
     | Yes p , Yes qYes (conj p q)
     | No p , _No (fun zp (proj1 z))
     | _ , No qNo (fun zq (proj2 z))

Definition dec_or {A B : Prop} (x : dec A) (y : dec B) : dec (A B)
  := match x , y with
     | No p , No q
       No (fun z
           match z with
           | or_introl ap a
           | or_intror bq b
     | Yes p , _Yes (or_introl p)
     | _ , Yes qYes (or_intror q)

Decidable equality

Class decEq (A : Type) :=
    dec_eq : (a₁ a₂ : A), dec (a₁ = a₂)

A tactic for proving decidable equality on finite types
Ltac decEq_finite :=
  unshelve esplit ;
  (let x := fresh in intro x ; induction x) ;
  (let x := fresh in intro x ; induction x) ;
  try (apply Yes ; abstract (reflexivity)) ;
  try (apply No ; abstract (discriminate)).

Notation "! p" := (eq_sym p) (at level 80).

We use the so-called `transport` function at numerous occassions. Our usage is more technical though.
Definition transport
           {A : Type}
           (Y : A Type)
           {a₁ a₂ : A}
           (p : a₁ = a₂)
  : Y a₁ Y a₂
  := match p with
     | eq_reflfun zz

Lemma transport_sym_p
      {A : Type}
      (B : A Type)
      {x y : A}
      (p : x = y)
      (b : B x)
  : transport B (eq_sym p) (transport B p b) = b.

Equality in sigma types
Proposition path_in_sigma_fst
            {A : Type}
            {B : A Type}
            {x y : {x : A & B x}}
            (p : x = y)
  : projT1 x = projT1 y.
  induction p.

Proposition path_in_sigma_snd
            {A : Type}
            {B : A Type}
            {x y : {x : A & B x}}
            (p : x = y)
  : transport B (path_in_sigma_fst p) (projT2 x) = projT2 y.

Proposition from_path_in_sigma
            {A : Type}
            (B : A Type)
            {a : A}
            {b1 b2 : B a}
            (p : existT _ a b1 = existT _ a b2)
  : b1 = b2.
  pose (path_in_sigma_snd p) as q.
  rewrite (UIP (path_in_sigma_fst p) eq_refl) in q.
  exact q.

Examples of types with decidable equality

The unit type has decidable equality
Definition dec_eq_unit
           (x y : unit)
  : dec (x = y)
  := match x , y with
     | tt , ttYes eq_refl

Global Instance decEq_unit : decEq unit
  := {| dec_eq := dec_eq_unit |}.

The booleans have decidable equality
Definition dec_eq_bool
           (x y : bool)
  : dec (x = y)
  := match x , y with
     | true , trueYes eq_refl
     | false , falseYes eq_refl
     | true , falseNo diff_true_false
     | false , trueNo diff_false_true

Global Instance decEq_bool : decEq bool
  := {| dec_eq := dec_eq_bool |}.

The product of types with decidable equality has decidable equality
Section ProductDecEq.
  Context {A B : Type}
          `{decEq A}
          `{decEq B}.

  Definition path_pair
             {a₁ a₂ : A}
             {b₁ b₂ : B}
             (p : a₁ = a₂)
             (q : b₁ = b₂)
    : (a₁ , b₁) = (a₂ , b₂)
    := match p , q with
       | eq_refl , eq_refleq_refl

  Definition dec_eq_product
             (x y : A × B)
    : dec (x = y)
    := match x , y with
       | (x1 , x2) , (y1 , y2)
         match dec_eq x1 y1 with
         | Yes p
           match dec_eq x2 y2 with
           | Yes qYes (path_pair p q)
           | No qNo (fun (r : (x1 , x2) = (y1 , y2)) ⇒ q (f_equal snd r))
         | No pNo (fun (r : (x1 , x2) = (y1 , y2)) ⇒ p (f_equal fst r))

  Global Instance decEq_product : decEq (A × B)
    := {| dec_eq := dec_eq_product |}.
End ProductDecEq.

The sum of types with decidable equality has decidable equality
Section SumDecEq.
  Context {A B : Type}
          `{decEq A}
          `{decEq B}.

  Definition inl_inj
             {x y : A}
             (p : (inl x : A + B) = inl y)
    : x = y.
    inversion p.

  Definition inr_inj
             {x y : B}
             (p : (inr x : A + B) = inr y)
    : x = y.
    inversion p.

  Definition inl_not_inr
             {x : A}
             {y : B}
             (p : inl x = inr y)
    : False.

  Definition inr_not_inl
             {x : B}
             {y : A}
             (p : inr x = inl y)
    : False.

  Definition dec_eq_sum
             (x y : A + B)
    : dec (x = y)
    := match x , y with
       | inl x , inl y
         match dec_eq x y with
         | Yes pYes (f_equal inl p)
         | No pNo (fun qp (inl_inj q))
       | inl x , inr yNo (fun qinl_not_inr q)
       | inr x , inl yNo (fun qinr_not_inl q)
       | inr x , inr y
         match dec_eq x y with
         | Yes pYes (f_equal inr p)
         | No pNo (fun qp (inr_inj q))

  Global Instance decEq_sum : decEq (A + B)
    := {| dec_eq := dec_eq_sum |}.
End SumDecEq.

The natural numbers have decidable equality
Definition help_fam
           (n : nat)
  : Prop
  := match n with
     | 0 ⇒ True
     | S _False

Definition S_inj
           {n m : nat}
           (p : S n = S m)
  : n = m.
  inversion p.

Fixpoint dec_eq_nat
         (n : nat)
  : (m : nat), dec (n = m)
  := match n with
     | 0 ⇒
       fun m
         match m with
         | 0 ⇒ Yes eq_refl
         | S mNo (fun (q : 0 = S m) ⇒ transport help_fam q I)
     | S n
       fun m
         match m with
         | 0 ⇒ No (fun (q : S n = 0) ⇒ transport help_fam (!q) I)
         | S m
           match dec_eq_nat n m with
           | Yes pYes (f_equal S p)
           | No pNo (fun qp (S_inj q))

Global Instance decEq_nat : decEq nat
  := {| dec_eq := dec_eq_nat |}.