Library Nijn.Prelude.Relations.WellfoundedRelation

Require Import Nijn.Prelude.Checks.

Well-founded types

To formulate well-foundedness constructively, we make use of inductive subsets.
Inductive isWf {X : Type} (R : X X Type) (x : X) : Prop :=
| acc : ( (y : X), R x y isWf R y) isWf R x.

Definition Wf {X : Type} (R : X X Type)
  := (x : X), isWf R x.

Well-founded types are closed under inverse images
Lemma fiber_isWf
      {X Y : Type}
      {RX : X X Type}
      {RY : Y Y Type}
      {f : X Y}
      (Hf : (x1 x2 : X), RX x1 x2 RY (f x1) (f x2))
      (y : Y)
  : isWf RY y (x : X), y = f x isWf RX x.
  intros H.
  induction H as [fx Hfx IHfx].
  intros x p.
  apply acc.
  intros z Hz.
  apply (IHfx (f z)).
  - apply Hf.
    exact Hz.
  - reflexivity.

Proposition fiber_Wf
            {X Y : Type}
            {RX : X X Type}
            {RY : Y Y Type}
            (HY : Wf RY)
            (f : X Y)
            (Hf : (x1 x2 : X), RX x1 x2 RY (f x1) (f x2))
  : Wf RX.
  intro x.
  pose (fx := f x).
  pose (Hfx := HY fx).
  exact (fiber_isWf Hf fx Hfx x eq_refl).

Normal forms of a relation

Definition nf
           {A : Type}
           (R : A A Type)
           (a : A)
  : Prop
  := (b : A), R a b False.

If a type is well-founded, then there are no infinite decreasing chains in it

Record infinite_chain {X : Type} (R : X X Type) :=
    seq :> nat X ;
    decr : (n : nat), R (seq n) (seq (S n))

Arguments decr {_} {_} _ _.

Definition shift
           {X : Type}
           {R : X X Type}
           (f : infinite_chain R)
  : infinite_chain R
  := {| seq n := f (S n) ;
        decr n := decr f (S n) |}.

Theorem no_infinite_chain_help
        {X : Type}
        (R : X X Type)
        (HX : Wf R)
  : (x : X)
           (f : infinite_chain R)
           (p : f 0 = x),
  intro x.
  pose (Hx := HX x).
  induction Hx as [x Hx IHx].
  intros f p.
  assert (R x (f 1)) as Hxf.
    apply f.
  exact (IHx (f 1) Hxf (shift f) eq_refl).

Theorem no_infinite_chain
        {X : Type}
        (R : X X Type)
        (HX : Wf R)
  : infinite_chain R False.
  intro f.
  exact (no_infinite_chain_help R HX (f 0) f eq_refl).

The converse holds if we assume double negation elimination
Section Classical.
  Context {X : Type}
          (R : X X Type)
          (DN : (P : Type), ((P False) False) P).

  Definition next_one_pair
             (x : X)
             (Hx : isWf R x False)
    : { y : X & R x y × (isWf R y False) }%type.
    apply DN.
    intro H.
    assert ( (z : X), (R x z False) isWf R z) as H'.
      intros z.
      assert ((R x z × (isWf R z False)) False) as C.
        intro Hz.
        apply H.
        unshelve esplit.
        - exact z.
        - exact Hz.
      apply DN.
      intro H'.
      apply C.
      - apply DN.
        apply H'.
      - apply DN.
        apply H'.
        apply DN.
    apply Hx.
    apply acc.
    intros y Rxy.
    destruct (H' y).
    - contradiction.
    - assumption.

  Definition next_one
             (x : X)
             (Hx : isWf R x False)
    : X
    := projT1 (next_one_pair x Hx).

  Definition next_one_rel
             (x : X)
             (Hx : isWf R x False)
    : R x (next_one x Hx)
    := fst (projT2 (next_one_pair x Hx)).

  Definition next_one_not_Wf
             (x : X)
             (Hx : isWf R x False)
    : isWf R (next_one x Hx) False
    := snd (projT2 (next_one_pair x Hx)).

  Definition infinite_seq_from_not_isWf_pair
             (x : X)
             (Hx : isWf R x False)
             (n : nat)
    : { y : X & isWf R y False }.
    induction n as [ | n IHn ].
    - unshelve esplit.
      + exact x.
      + exact Hx.
    - unshelve esplit.
      + exact (next_one (projT1 IHn) (projT2 IHn)).
      + exact (next_one_not_Wf (projT1 IHn) (projT2 IHn)).

  Definition infinite_seq_from_not_isWf
             (x : X)
             (Hx : isWf R x False)
             (n : nat)
    : X
    := projT1 (infinite_seq_from_not_isWf_pair x Hx n).

  Definition infinite_seq_from_not_isWf_not_Wf
             (x : X)
             (Hx : isWf R x False)
             (n : nat)
    := projT2 (infinite_seq_from_not_isWf_pair x Hx n).

  Proposition infinite_seq_from_decr
              (x : X)
              (Hx : isWf R x False)
              (n : nat)
    : R (infinite_seq_from_not_isWf x Hx n) (infinite_seq_from_not_isWf x Hx (S n)).
    apply next_one_rel.

  Definition infinite_chain_from_not_isWf
             (x : X)
             (Hx : isWf R x False)
    : infinite_chain R
    := {|
          seq := infinite_seq_from_not_isWf x Hx ;
          decr := infinite_seq_from_decr x Hx

  Theorem no_inifnite_chain_to_wf
          (H : infinite_chain R False)
    : Wf R.
    intro x.
    apply DN.
    intros H'.
    apply H.
    apply (infinite_chain_from_not_isWf x H').
End Classical.