Library UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat


Benedikt Ahrens, Marco Maggesi February 2018 *********************************************************************************

Definition of prebicategory


Definition prebicat_2cell_struct (C : precategory_ob_mor)
  : UU
  := (a b: C), Ca, b Ca, b UU.

Definition prebicat_1_id_comp_cells : UU
  := (C : precategory_data), prebicat_2cell_struct C.

Coercion precat_data_from_prebicat_1_id_comp_cells (C : prebicat_1_id_comp_cells)
  : precategory_data
  := pr1 C.

Definition prebicat_cells (C : prebicat_1_id_comp_cells) {a b : C} (f g : Ca, b)
  : UU
  := pr2 C a b f g.

Local Notation "f '==>' g" := (prebicat_cells _ f g) (at level 60).
Local Notation "f '<==' g" := (prebicat_cells _ g f) (at level 60, only parsing).

Definition prebicat_2_id_comp_struct (C : prebicat_1_id_comp_cells) : UU
       ( (a b : C) (f : Ca, b), f ==> f)
       ( (a b : C) (f : Ca, b), identity _ · f ==> f)
       ( (a b : C) (f : Ca, b), f · identity _ ==> f)
       ( (a b : C) (f : Ca, b), identity _ · f <== f)
       ( (a b : C) (f : Ca, b), f · identity _ <== f)
       ( (a b c d : C) (f : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c) (h : Cc, d),
        (f · g) · h ==> f · (g · h))
       ( (a b c d : C) (f : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c) (h : Cc, d),
        f · (g · h) ==> (f · g) · h)
       ( (a b : C) (f g h : Ca, b), f ==> g -> g ==> h -> f ==> h)
       ( (a b c : C) (f : Ca, b) (g1 g2 : Cb, c),
        g1 ==> g2 f · g1 ==> f · g2)
       ( (a b c : C) (f1 f2 : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c),
        f1 ==> f2 f1 · g ==> f2 · g).

Definition prebicat_data : UU := C, prebicat_2_id_comp_struct C.

Definition make_prebicat_data C (str : prebicat_2_id_comp_struct C)
  : prebicat_data
  := C,, str.

Data projections.

Coercion prebicat_cells_1_id_comp_from_prebicat_data (C : prebicat_data)
  : prebicat_1_id_comp_cells
  := pr1 C.

Definition id2 {C : prebicat_data} {a b : C} (f : Ca, b) : f ==> f
  := pr1 (pr2 C) a b f.

Definition lunitor {C : prebicat_data} {a b : C} (f : Ca, b)
  : identity _ · f ==> f
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 C)) a b f.

Definition runitor {C : prebicat_data} {a b : C} (f : Ca, b)
  : f · identity _ ==> f
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C))) a b f.

Definition linvunitor {C : prebicat_data} {a b : C} (f : Ca, b)
  : identity _ · f <== f
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C)))) a b f.

Definition rinvunitor {C : prebicat_data} {a b : C} (f : Ca, b)
  : f · identity _ <== f
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C))))) a b f.

Definition rassociator {C : prebicat_data} {a b c d : C}
           (f : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c) (h : Cc, d)
  : (f · g) · h ==> f · (g · h)
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C)))))) a b c d f g h.

Definition lassociator {C : prebicat_data} {a b c d : C}
           (f : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c) (h : Cc, d)
  : f · (g · h) ==> (f · g) · h
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C))))))) a b c d f g h.

Definition vcomp2 {C : prebicat_data} {a b : C} {f g h: Ca, b}
  : f ==> g g ==> h f ==> h
  := λ x y, pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C)))))))) _ _ _ _ _ x y.

Definition lwhisker {C : prebicat_data} {a b c : C} (f : Ca, b) {g1 g2 : Cb, c}
  : g1 ==> g2 f · g1 ==> f · g2
  := λ x, pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C))))))))) _ _ _ _ _ _ x.

Definition rwhisker {C : prebicat_data} {a b c : C} {f1 f2 : Ca, b} (g : Cb, c)
  : f1 ==> f2 f1 · g ==> f2 · g
  := λ x, pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C))))))))) _ _ _ _ _ _ x.

Local Notation "x • y" := (vcomp2 x y) (at level 60).
Local Notation "f ◃ x" := (lwhisker f x) (at level 60). Local Notation "y ▹ g" := (rwhisker g y) (at level 60).
Definition hcomp {C : prebicat_data} {a b c : C} {f1 f2 : Ca, b} {g1 g2 : Cb, c}
  : f1 ==> f2 -> g1 ==> g2 -> f1 · g1 ==> f2 · g2
  := λ x y, (x g1) (f2 y).

Definition hcomp' {C : prebicat_data} {a b c : C} {f1 f2 : Ca, b} {g1 g2 : Cb, c}
  : f1 ==> f2 -> g1 ==> g2 -> f1 · g1 ==> f2 · g2
  := λ x y, (f1 y) (x g2).

Local Notation "x ⋆ y" := (hcomp x y) (at level 50, left associativity).


The numbers in the following laws refer to the list of axioms given in ncatlab (Section "Definition / Details") version of October 7, 2015 10:35:36

Definition prebicat_laws (C : prebicat_data)
  : UU
1a id2_left
       ( (a b : C) (f g : Ca, b) (x : f ==> g), id2 f x = x)
1b id2_right
       ( (a b : C) (f g : Ca, b) (x : f ==> g), x id2 g = x)
2 vassocr
       ( (a b : C) (f g h k : Ca, b) (x : f ==> g) (y : g ==> h) (z : h ==> k),
        x (y z) = (x y) z)
3a lwhisker_id2
       ( (a b c : C) (f : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c), f id2 g = id2 _)
3b id2_rwhisker
       ( (a b c : C) (f : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c), id2 f g = id2 _)
4 lwhisker_vcomp
       ( (a b c : C) (f : Ca, b) (g h i : Cb, c) (x : g ==> h) (y : h ==> i),
        (f x) (f y) = f (x y))
5 rwhisker_vcomp
       ( (a b c : C) (f g h : Ca, b) (i : Cb, c) (x : f ==> g) (y : g ==> h),
        (x i) (y i) = (x y) i)
6 vcomp_lunitor
       ( (a b : C) (f g : Ca, b) (x : f ==> g),
        (identity _ x) lunitor g = lunitor f x)
7 vcomp_runitor
       ( (a b : C) (f g : Ca, b) (x : f ==> g),
        (x identity _) runitor g = runitor f x)
8 lwhisker_lwhisker
       ( (a b c d : C) (f : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c) (h i : c --> d) (x : h ==> i),
        f (g x) lassociator _ _ _ = lassociator _ _ _ (f · g x))
9 rwhisker_lwhisker
       ( (a b c d : C) (f : Ca, b) (g h : Cb, c) (i : c --> d) (x : g ==> h),
        (f (x i)) lassociator _ _ _ = lassociator _ _ _ ((f x) i))
10 rwhisker_rwhisker
       ( (a b c d : C) (f g : Ca, b) (h : Cb, c) (i : c --> d) (x : f ==> g),
        lassociator _ _ _ ((x h) i) = (x h · i) lassociator _ _ _)
11 vcomp_whisker
       ( (a b c : C) (f g : Ca, b) (h i : Cb, c) (x : f ==> g) (y : h ==> i),
        (x h) (g y) = (f y) (x i))
12a lunitor_linvunitor
       ( (a b : C) (f : Ca, b), lunitor f linvunitor _ = id2 _)
12b linvunitor_lunitor
       ( (a b : C) (f : Ca, b), linvunitor f lunitor _ = id2 _)
13a runitor_rinvunitor
       ( (a b : C) (f : Ca, b), runitor f rinvunitor _ = id2 _)
13b rinvunitor_runitor
     ( (a b : C) (f : Ca, b), rinvunitor f runitor _ = id2 _)
14a lassociator_rassociator
       ( (a b c d : C) (f : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c) (h : c --> d),
        lassociator f g h rassociator _ _ _ = id2 _)
14b rassociator_lassociator
       ( (a b c d : C) (f : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c) (h : c --> d),
        rassociator f g h lassociator _ _ _ = id2 _)
15 runitor_rwhisker
       ( (a b c : C) (f : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c),
        lassociator _ _ _ (runitor f g) = f lunitor g)
16 lassociator_lassociator
       ( (a b c d e: C) (f : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c) (h : c --> d) (i : Cd, e),
        (f lassociator g h i) lassociator _ _ _ (lassociator _ _ _ i) =
        lassociator f g _ lassociator _ _ _).

Lemma isaprop_prebicat_laws
           (B : prebicat_data)
           (H : (a b : B) (f g : B a, b ), isaset (f ==> g))
  : isaprop (prebicat_laws B).
Show proof.
  repeat (apply isapropdirprod)
  ; repeat (apply impred ; intro)
  ; apply H.

Definition prebicat : UU := C : prebicat_data, prebicat_laws C.

Coercion prebicat_data_from_bicat (C : prebicat) : prebicat_data := pr1 C.
Coercion prebicat_laws_from_bicat (C : prebicat) : prebicat_laws C := pr2 C.

Laws projections.

Section prebicat_law_projections.

Context {C : prebicat}.

1a id2_left
Definition id2_left {a b : C} {f g : Ca, b} (x : f ==> g)
  : id2 f x = x
  := pr1 (pr2 C) _ _ _ _ x.

1b id2_right
Definition id2_right {a b : C} {f g : Ca, b} (x : f ==> g)
  : x id2 g = x
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 C)) _ _ _ _ x.

2 vassocr
Definition vassocr {a b : C} {f g h k : Ca, b}
           (x : f ==> g) (y : g ==> h) (z : h ==> k)
  : x (y z) = (x y) z
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C))) _ _ _ _ _ _ x y z.

3a lwhisker_id2
Definition lwhisker_id2 {a b c : C} (f : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c)
  : f id2 g = id2 _
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C)))) _ _ _ f g.

3b id2_rwhisker
Definition id2_rwhisker {a b c : C} (f : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c)
  : id2 f g = id2 _
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C))))) _ _ _ f g.

4 lwhisker_vcomp
Definition lwhisker_vcomp {a b c : C} (f : Ca, b) {g h i : Cb, c}
           (x : g ==> h) (y : h ==> i)
  : (f x) (f y) = f (x y)
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C)))))) _ _ _ f _ _ _ x y.

5 rwhisker_vcomp
Definition rwhisker_vcomp {a b c : C} {f g h : Ca, b}
           (i : Cb, c) (x : f ==> g) (y : g ==> h)
  : (x i) (y i) = (x y) i
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C))))))) _ _ _ _ _ _ i x y.

6 vcomp_lunitor
Definition vcomp_lunitor {a b : C} (f g : Ca, b) (x : f ==> g)
  : (identity _ x) lunitor g = lunitor f x
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C)))))))) _ _ f g x.

7 vcomp_runitor
Definition vcomp_runitor {a b : C} (f g : Ca, b) (x : f ==> g)
  : (x identity _) runitor g = runitor f x
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C))))))))) _ _ f g x.

8 lwhisker_lwhisker
Definition lwhisker_lwhisker {a b c d : C} (f : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c)
           {h i : c --> d} (x : h ==> i)
  : f (g x) lassociator _ _ _ = lassociator _ _ _ (f · g x)
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C)))))))))) _ _ _ _ f g _ _ x.

9 rwhisker_lwhisker
Definition rwhisker_lwhisker {a b c d : C} (f : Ca, b) {g h : Cb, c}
           (i : c --> d) (x : g ==> h)
  : (f (x i)) lassociator _ _ _ = lassociator _ _ _ ((f x) i)
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2
       (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C))))))))))) _ _ _ _ f _ _ i x.

10 rwhisker_rwhisker
Definition rwhisker_rwhisker {a b c d : C} {f g : Ca, b} (h : Cb, c)
           (i : c --> d) (x : f ==> g)
  : lassociator _ _ _ ((x h) i) = (x h · i) lassociator _ _ _
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2
       (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C)))))))))))) _ _ _ _ _ _ h i x.

11 vcomp_whisker
Definition vcomp_whisker {a b c : C} {f g : Ca, b} {h i : Cb, c}
           (x : f ==> g) (y : h ==> i)
  : (x h) (g y) = (f y) (x i)
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2
       (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C))))))))))))) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x y.

12a lunitor_linvunitor
Definition lunitor_linvunitor {a b : C} (f : Ca, b)
  : lunitor f linvunitor _ = id2 _
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2
       (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C)))))))))))))) _ _ f.

12b linvunitor_lunitor
Definition linvunitor_lunitor {a b : C} (f : Ca, b)
  : linvunitor f lunitor _ = id2 _
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2
       (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C))))))))))))))) _ _ f.

13a runitor_rinvunitor
Definition runitor_rinvunitor {a b : C} (f : Ca, b)
  : runitor f rinvunitor _ = id2 _
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2
       (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C)))))))))))))))) _ _ f.

13b rinvunitor_runitor
Definition rinvunitor_runitor {a b : C} (f : Ca, b)
  : rinvunitor f runitor _ = id2 _
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2
       (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C))))))))))))))))) _ _ f.

14a lassociator_rassociator
Definition lassociator_rassociator {a b c d : C}
           (f : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c) (h : c --> d)
  : lassociator f g h rassociator _ _ _ = id2 _
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2
       (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C)))))))))))))))))) _ _ _ _ f g h.

14b rassociator_lassociator
Definition rassociator_lassociator {a b c d : C}
           (f : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c) (h : c --> d)
  : rassociator f g h lassociator _ _ _ = id2 _
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2
       (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C))))))))))))))))))) _ _ _ _ f g h.

15 runitor_rwhisker
Definition runitor_rwhisker {a b c : C} (f : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c)
  : lassociator _ _ _ (runitor f g) = f lunitor g
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2
      (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C)))))))))))))))))))) _ _ _ f g .

16 lassociator_lassociator
Definition lassociator_lassociator {a b c d e: C}
           (f : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c) (h : c --> d) (i : Cd, e)
  : (f lassociator g h i) lassociator _ _ _ (lassociator _ _ _ i) =
    lassociator f g _ lassociator _ _ _
  := pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2
       (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C)))))))))))))))))))) _ _ _ _ _ f g h i.

End prebicat_law_projections.


Definition isaset_cells (C : prebicat) : UU
  := (a b : C) (f g : a --> b), isaset (f ==> g).

Definition bicat : UU
  := C : prebicat, isaset_cells C.

Definition build_bicategory
           (C : prebicat_data)
           (HC1 : prebicat_laws C)
           (HC2 : isaset_cells (tpair _ C HC1))
  : bicat
  := tpair _ (tpair _ C HC1) HC2.

Definition build_prebicat_data
           (ob : UU)
           (mor : ob -> ob -> UU)
           (cell : {X Y : ob}, mor X Y -> mor X Y -> UU)
           (id₁ : (X : ob), mor X X)
           (comp : {X Y Z : ob}, mor X Y -> mor Y Z -> mor X Z)
           (id₂ : {X Y : ob} (f : mor X Y), cell f f)
           (vcomp : {X Y : ob} {f g h : mor X Y}, cell f g -> cell g h -> cell f h)
           (lwhisk : {X Y Z : ob} (f : mor X Y) {g h : mor Y Z},
                     cell g h -> cell (comp f g) (comp f h))
           (rwhisk : {X Y Z : ob} {g h : mor X Y} (f : mor Y Z),
                     cell g h -> cell (comp g f) (comp h f))
           (lunitor : {X Y : ob} (f : mor X Y),
                      cell (comp (id₁ X) f) f)
           (lunitor_inv : {X Y : ob} (f : mor X Y),
                          cell f (comp (id₁ X) f))
           (runitor : {X Y : ob} (f : mor X Y),
                      cell (comp f (id₁ Y)) f)
           (runitor_inv : {X Y : ob} (f : mor X Y),
                          cell f (comp f (id₁ Y)))
           (lassocor : {W X Y Z : ob} (f : mor W X) (g : mor X Y) (h : mor Y Z),
                       cell (comp f (comp g h)) (comp (comp f g) h))
           (rassocor : {W X Y Z : ob} (f : mor W X) (g : mor X Y) (h : mor Y Z),
                       cell (comp (comp f g) h) (comp f (comp g h)))
  : prebicat_data.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - use tpair.
    + use tpair.
      * use tpair.
        ** exact ob.
        ** exact mor.
      * use tpair.
        ** exact id₁.
        ** exact comp.
    + exact cell.
  - use tpair.
    + exact id₂.
    + repeat (use tpair) ; simpl.
      * exact lunitor.
      * exact runitor.
      * exact lunitor_inv.
      * exact runitor_inv.
      * exact rassocor.
      * exact lassocor.
      * exact vcomp.
      * exact lwhisk.
      * exact rwhisk.

Coercion prebicat_of_bicat (C : bicat)
  : prebicat
  := pr1 C.

Definition cellset_property {C : bicat} {a b : C} (f g : a --> b)
  : isaset (f ==> g)
  := pr2 C a b f g.

Invertible 2-cells

Definition is_invertible_2cell {C : prebicat_data}
           {a b : C} {f g : a --> b} (η : f ==> g)
  : UU
  := φ : g ==> f, η φ = id2 f × φ η = id2 g.

Definition make_is_invertible_2cell {C : prebicat_data}
           {a b : C} {f g : a --> b}
           {η : f ==> g}
           {φ : g ==> f}
           (ηφ : η φ = id2 f)
           (φη : φ η = id2 g)
  : is_invertible_2cell η
  := φ,, make_dirprod ηφ φη.

Definition inv_cell {C : prebicat_data} {a b : C} {f g : a --> b} {η : f ==> g}
  : is_invertible_2cell η g ==> f
  := pr1.

Declare Scope bicategory_scope.
Notation "inv_η ^-1" := (inv_cell inv_η) : bicategory_scope.
Delimit Scope bicategory_scope with bicategory.
Bind Scope bicategory_scope with bicat.
Local Open Scope bicategory_scope.

Definition vcomp_rinv {C : prebicat_data} {a b : C} {f g : a --> b}
           {η : f ==> g} (inv_η : is_invertible_2cell η)
  : η inv_η^-1 = id2 f
  := pr1 (pr2 inv_η).

Definition vcomp_linv {C : prebicat_data} {a b : C} {f g : a --> b}
           {η : f ==> g} (inv_η : is_invertible_2cell η)
  : inv_η^-1 η = id2 g
  := pr2 (pr2 inv_η).

Definition is_invertible_2cell_inv {C : prebicat_data} {a b : C} {f g : a --> b}
           {η : f ==> g} (inv_η : is_invertible_2cell η)
  : is_invertible_2cell (inv_η^-1)
  := make_is_invertible_2cell (vcomp_linv inv_η) (vcomp_rinv inv_η).

Definition is_invertible_2cell_id₂ {C : prebicat} {a b : C} (f : a --> b)
  : is_invertible_2cell (id2 f)
  := make_is_invertible_2cell (id2_left (id2 f)) (id2_left (id2 f)).

Lemma isaprop_is_invertible_2cell {C : bicat}
      {a b : C} {f g : C a, b} (x : f ==> g)
  : isaprop (is_invertible_2cell x).
Show proof.
  apply invproofirrelevance.
  intros p q.
  apply subtypePath.
  { intro. apply isapropdirprod; apply cellset_property. }
  set (Hz1 := pr12 q).
  set (Hy2 := pr22 p).
  set (y := pr1 p).
  set (z := pr1 q).
  cbn in *.
  intermediate_path (y (x z)).
  - apply pathsinv0.
    etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply Hz1. }
    apply id2_right.
  - etrans. { apply vassocr. }
    etrans. { apply maponpaths_2. apply Hy2. }
    apply id2_left.

Lemma isPredicate_is_invertible_2cell {C : bicat}
      {a b : C} {f g: Ca,b}
  : isPredicate (is_invertible_2cell (f := f) (g := g)).
Show proof.
  intro x. apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.

Lemma vcomp_rcancel {C : prebicat} {a b : C} {f g : Ca, b}
      (x : f ==> g) (inv_x : is_invertible_2cell x)
      {e : Ca, b} {y z : e ==> f}
  : y x = z x -> y = z.
Show proof.
  intro R.
  transitivity ((y x) inv_x^-1).
  - rewrite <- vassocr, vcomp_rinv. apply (!id2_right _).
  - rewrite R, <- vassocr, vcomp_rinv. apply id2_right.

Lemma vcomp_lcancel {C : prebicat} {a b : C} {f g : Ca, b}
      (x : f ==> g) (inv_x : is_invertible_2cell x)
      {h : Ca, b} {y z : g ==> h}
  : x y = x z -> y = z.
Show proof.
  intro R.
  transitivity (inv_x^-1 (x y)).
  - rewrite vassocr, vcomp_linv. apply (!id2_left _).
  - rewrite R, vassocr, vcomp_linv. apply id2_left.

Lemma inv_cell_eq {C : bicat} {a b : C} {f g : C a, b} (x y : f ==> g)
      (inv_x : is_invertible_2cell x) (inv_y : is_invertible_2cell y)
      (p : inv_x^-1 = inv_y^-1)
  : x = y.
Show proof.
  apply (vcomp_rcancel _ (is_invertible_2cell_inv inv_x)).
  rewrite vcomp_rinv, p.
  apply (!vcomp_rinv _).

Definition locally_groupoid
           (B : bicat)
  : UU
  := (x y : B)
       (f g : x --> y)
       (α : f ==> g),
     is_invertible_2cell α.

Definition isaprop_locally_groupoid
           (B : bicat)
  : isaprop (locally_groupoid B).
Show proof.
  repeat (use impred ; intro).
  apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.

Definition invertible_2cell {C : prebicat_data}
           {a b : C} (f g : a --> b) : UU
  := η : f ==> g, is_invertible_2cell η.

Definition make_invertible_2cell {C : prebicat_data}
         {a b : C} {f g : Ca,b}
         {η : f ==> g} (inv_η : is_invertible_2cell η)
  : invertible_2cell f g
  := η,, inv_η.

Coercion cell_from_invertible_2cell {C : prebicat_data}
         {a b : C} {f g : a --> b} (η : invertible_2cell f g)
  : f ==> g
  := pr1 η.

Coercion property_from_invertible_2cell {C : prebicat_data}
         {a b : C} {f g : a --> b}
         (η : invertible_2cell f g)
  : is_invertible_2cell η
  := pr2 η.

Definition id2_invertible_2cell {C : prebicat} {a b : C} (f : a --> b)
  : invertible_2cell f f
  := make_invertible_2cell (is_invertible_2cell_id₂ f).

Lemma cell_from_invertible_2cell_eq {C : bicat}
      {a b : C} {f g : Ca,b} {x y : invertible_2cell f g}
      (p : cell_from_invertible_2cell x = cell_from_invertible_2cell y)
  : x = y.
Show proof.
  unfold cell_from_invertible_2cell.
  apply subtypePath.
  - intro. apply isPredicate_is_invertible_2cell.
  - apply p.

Derived laws

Section Derived_laws.

Context {C : prebicat}.

Definition vassocl {a b : C} {f g h k : Ca, b}
           (x : f ==> g) (y : g ==> h) (z : h ==> k)
  : (x y) z = x (y z)
  := !vassocr x y z.

Lemma vassoc4 {a b : C} {f g h i j: C a, b}
      (w : f ==> g) (x : g ==> h) (y : h ==> i) (z : i ==> j)
  : w (x (y z)) = w (x y) z.
Show proof.
  repeat rewrite vassocr.
  apply idpath.

Lemma is_invertible_2cell_rassociator {a b c d : C}
      (f : Ca,b) (g : Cb,c) (h : Cc,d)
  : is_invertible_2cell (rassociator f g h).
Show proof.
  exists (lassociator f g h).
  split; [ apply rassociator_lassociator | apply lassociator_rassociator ].

Lemma is_invertible_2cell_lassociator {a b c d : C}
      (f : Ca,b) (g : Cb,c) (h : Cc,d)
  : is_invertible_2cell (lassociator f g h).
Show proof.
  exists (rassociator f g h).
  split; [ apply lassociator_rassociator | apply rassociator_lassociator ].

Lemma lhs_right_invert_cell {a b : C} {f g h : a --> b}
      (x : f ==> g) (y : g ==> h) (z : f ==> h) (inv_y : is_invertible_2cell y)
  : x = z inv_y^-1 -> x y = z.
Show proof.
  intro H1.
  etrans. { apply maponpaths_2. apply H1. }
  etrans. { apply vassocl. }
  etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply (vcomp_linv inv_y). }
  apply id2_right.

Lemma lhs_left_invert_cell {a b : C} {f g h : a --> b}
      (x : f ==> g) (y : g ==> h) (z : f ==> h) (inv_x : is_invertible_2cell x)
  : y = inv_x^-1 z -> x y = z.
Show proof.
  intro H1.
  etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply H1. }
  etrans. { apply vassocr. }
  etrans. { apply maponpaths_2. apply (vcomp_rinv inv_x). }
  apply id2_left.

Lemma rhs_right_inv_cell {a b : C} {f g h : a --> b}
      (x : f ==> g) (y : g ==> h) (z : f ==> h) (inv_y : is_invertible_2cell y)
  : x y = z -> x = z inv_y^-1.
Show proof.
  intro H1.
  apply (vcomp_rcancel _ inv_y).
  etrans. { apply H1. }
  etrans. 2: apply vassocr.
  apply pathsinv0.
  etrans. { apply maponpaths.
            apply vcomp_linv. }
  apply id2_right.

Lemma rhs_left_inv_cell {a b : C} {f g h : a --> b}
      (x : g ==> h) (y : f ==> g) (z : f ==> h) (inv_y : is_invertible_2cell y)
  : y x = z -> x = inv_y^-1 z.
Show proof.
  intro H1.
  apply (vcomp_lcancel _ inv_y).
  etrans. { apply H1. }
  etrans. 2: apply vassocl.
  apply pathsinv0.
  etrans. { apply maponpaths_2.
            apply (vcomp_rinv inv_y). }
  apply id2_left.

Lemma rassociator_to_lassociator_post {a b c d : C}
      {f : C a, b } {g : C b, c } {h : C c, d } {k : C a, d }
      (x : k ==> (f · g) · h)
      (y : k ==> f · (g · h))
      (p : x rassociator f g h = y)
  : x = y lassociator f g h.
Show proof.
  apply pathsinv0.
  use lhs_right_invert_cell.
  - apply is_invertible_2cell_lassociator.
  - cbn. exact (!p).

Lemma lassociator_to_rassociator_post {a b c d : C}
      {f : C a, b } {g : C b, c } {h : C c, d } {k : C a, d }
      (x : k ==> (f · g) · h)
      (y : k ==> f · (g · h))
      (p : x = y lassociator f g h)
  : x rassociator f g h = y.
Show proof.
  use lhs_right_invert_cell.
  - apply is_invertible_2cell_rassociator.
  - exact p.

Lemma lassociator_to_rassociator_pre {a b c d : C}
      {f : C a, b } {g : C b, c } {h : C c, d } {k : C a, d }
      (x : f · (g · h) ==> k)
      (y : (f · g) · h ==> k)
      (p : x = lassociator f g h y)
  : rassociator f g h x = y.
Show proof.
  use lhs_left_invert_cell.
  - apply is_invertible_2cell_rassociator.
  - exact p.

Lemma rassociator_to_lassociator_pre {a b c d : C}
      {f : C a, b } {g : C b, c } {h : C c, d } {k : C a, d }
      (x : f · (g · h) ==> k)
      (y : (f · g) · h ==> k)
      (p : rassociator f g h x = y)
  : x = lassociator f g h y.
Show proof.
  apply pathsinv0.
  use lhs_left_invert_cell.
  - apply is_invertible_2cell_lassociator.
  - exact (!p).

Lemma lunitor_lwhisker {a b c : C} (f : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c)
  : rassociator _ _ _ (f lunitor g) = runitor f g.
Show proof.
  use lhs_left_invert_cell.
  { apply is_invertible_2cell_rassociator. }
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply runitor_rwhisker.

Corollary unit_triangle {a b c : C} (f : Ca, b) (g : Cb, c)
  : rassociator f (identity b) g id2 f lunitor g = runitor f id2 g.
Show proof.
  unfold hcomp.
  rewrite id2_rwhisker.
  rewrite lwhisker_id2.
  rewrite id2_right.
  rewrite id2_left.
  apply lunitor_lwhisker.

Lemma hcomp_hcomp' {a b c : C} {f1 f2 : Ca, b} {g1 g2 : Cb, c}
      (η : f1 ==> f2) (φ : g1 ==> g2)
  : hcomp η φ = hcomp' η φ.
Show proof.
  apply vcomp_whisker.

Lemma hcomp_lassoc {a b c d : C}
      {f1 g1 : C a, b } {f2 g2 : C b, c } {f3 g3 : C c, d }
      (x1 : f1 ==> g1) (x2 : f2 ==> g2) (x3 : f3 ==> g3)
  : x1 (x2 x3) lassociator g1 g2 g3 =
    lassociator f1 f2 f3 (x1 x2) x3.
Show proof.
  unfold hcomp.
  rewrite <- lwhisker_vcomp.
  repeat rewrite <- vassocr.
  rewrite lwhisker_lwhisker.
  repeat rewrite vassocr.
  apply maponpaths_2.
  rewrite <- vassocr.
  rewrite rwhisker_lwhisker.
  rewrite vassocr.
  rewrite <- rwhisker_rwhisker.
  rewrite <- vassocr.
  apply maponpaths.
  apply rwhisker_vcomp.

Lemma is_invertible_2cell_lunitor {a b : C} (f : C a, b )
  : is_invertible_2cell (lunitor f).
Show proof.
  exists (linvunitor f).
  abstract (apply (lunitor_linvunitor _ ,, linvunitor_lunitor _)).

Lemma is_invertible_2cell_linvunitor {a b : C} (f : C a, b )
  : is_invertible_2cell (linvunitor f).
Show proof.
  exists (lunitor f).
  abstract (apply (linvunitor_lunitor _ ,, lunitor_linvunitor _)).

Lemma is_invertible_2cell_runitor {a b : C} (f : C a, b )
  : is_invertible_2cell (runitor f).
Show proof.
  exists (rinvunitor f).
  abstract (apply (runitor_rinvunitor _ ,, rinvunitor_runitor _)).

Lemma is_invertible_2cell_rinvunitor {a b : C} (f : C a, b )
  : is_invertible_2cell (rinvunitor f).
Show proof.
  exists (runitor f).
  abstract (apply (rinvunitor_runitor _ ,, runitor_rinvunitor _)).

Lemma hcomp_rassoc {a b c d : C}
      (f1 g1 : C a, b ) (f2 g2 : C b, c ) (f3 g3 : C c, d )
      (x1 : f1 ==> g1) (x2 : f2 ==> g2) (x3 : f3 ==> g3)
  : (x1 x2) x3 rassociator g1 g2 g3 =
    rassociator f1 f2 f3 x1 (x2 x3).
Show proof.
  use lhs_right_invert_cell.
  { apply is_invertible_2cell_rassociator. }
  etrans; [ | apply vassocr ].
  apply pathsinv0.
  use lhs_left_invert_cell.
  { apply is_invertible_2cell_rassociator. }
  apply hcomp_lassoc.

Lemma hcomp_identity_left {a b c : C} (f : C a, b )(g1 g2 : C b, c ) (y : g1 ==> g2)
  : id2 f y = lwhisker f y.
Show proof.
  unfold hcomp.
  rewrite id2_rwhisker.
  apply id2_left.

Lemma hcomp_identity_right {a b c : C} (f1 f2 : C a, b )(g : C b, c ) (x : f1 ==> f2)
  : x id2 g = rwhisker g x.
Show proof.
  unfold hcomp.
  rewrite lwhisker_id2.
  apply id2_right.

Lemma hcomp_identity {a b c : C} (f1 : C a, b ) (f2 : C b, c )
  : id2 f1 id2 f2 = id2 (f1 · f2).
Show proof.
  rewrite hcomp_identity_left.
  apply lwhisker_id2.

Interchange law

Lemma hcomp_vcomp {a b c : C}
      (f1 g1 h1 : C a, b )
      (f2 g2 h2 : C b, c )
      (x1 : f1 ==> g1)
      (x2 : f2 ==> g2)
      (y1 : g1 ==> h1)
      (y2 : g2 ==> h2)
  : (x1 y1) (x2 y2) = (x1 x2) (y1 y2).
Show proof.
  unfold hcomp at 2 3.
  rewrite vassocr.
  rewrite vcomp_whisker.
  transitivity (((f1 x2) ((x1 g2) (y1 g2))) (h1 y2)).
  2: repeat rewrite vassocr; apply idpath.
  rewrite rwhisker_vcomp.
  rewrite <- vcomp_whisker.
  rewrite <- vassocr.
  rewrite lwhisker_vcomp.
  unfold hcomp.
  apply idpath.

Lemma rwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator
      (a b c d : C) (f : Ca, b) (g h : Cb, c) (i : c --> d) (x : g ==> h)
  : rassociator _ _ _ (f (x i)) = ((f x) i) rassociator _ _ _ .
Show proof.
  apply (vcomp_lcancel (lassociator f g i)).
  { apply is_invertible_2cell_lassociator. }
  { etrans; [ apply vassocr |].
    apply maponpaths_2. apply lassociator_rassociator. }
  etrans; [ apply id2_left |].
  apply (vcomp_rcancel (lassociator f h i)).
  { apply is_invertible_2cell_lassociator. }
  apply pathsinv0.
  etrans; [ apply vassocl |].
  etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply vassocl. }
  etrans. { do 2 apply maponpaths. apply rassociator_lassociator. }
  etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply id2_right. }
  apply pathsinv0, rwhisker_lwhisker.

Analog to law 8, lwhisker_lwhisker
Lemma lwhisker_lwhisker_rassociator (a b c d : C) (f : Ca, b)
      (g : Cb, c) (h i : c --> d) (x : h ==> i)
  : rassociator f g h (f (g x)) = (f · g x) rassociator _ _ _ .
Show proof.
  apply (vcomp_lcancel (lassociator f g h)).
  { apply is_invertible_2cell_lassociator. }
  { etrans; [ apply vassocr |].
    apply maponpaths_2. apply lassociator_rassociator. }
  etrans; [ apply id2_left |].
  apply (vcomp_rcancel (lassociator f g i)).
  { apply is_invertible_2cell_lassociator. }
  apply pathsinv0.
  etrans; [ apply vassocl |].
  etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply vassocl. }
  etrans. { do 2 apply maponpaths. apply rassociator_lassociator. }
  etrans. { apply maponpaths. apply id2_right. }
  apply pathsinv0, lwhisker_lwhisker.

Analog to rwhisker_rwhisker.
Lemma rwhisker_rwhisker_alt {a b c d : C}
      (f : C b, a ) (g : C c, b ) {h i : C d, c } (x : h ==> i)
  : ((x g) f) rassociator i g f = rassociator h g f (x g · f).
Show proof.
  apply (vcomp_lcancel (lassociator h g f)).
  { apply is_invertible_2cell_lassociator. }
  etrans. { apply vassocr. }
  etrans. { apply maponpaths_2, rwhisker_rwhisker. }
  etrans. { apply vassocl. }
  etrans. { apply maponpaths, lassociator_rassociator. }
  apply pathsinv0.
  etrans. { apply vassocr. }
  etrans. { apply maponpaths_2, lassociator_rassociator. }
  - apply id2_left.
  - apply pathsinv0, id2_right.

Lemma rassociator_rassociator {a b c d e : C}
      (f : C a, b ) (g : C b, c ) (h : C c, d ) (i : C d, e )
  : ((rassociator f g h i) rassociator f (g · h) i) (f rassociator g h i) =
    rassociator (f · g) h i rassociator f g (h · i).
Show proof.
  apply (vcomp_lcancel (lassociator (f · g) h i)).
  { apply is_invertible_2cell_lassociator. }
  apply (vcomp_lcancel (lassociator f g (h · i))).
  { apply is_invertible_2cell_lassociator. }
  etrans. { apply vassocr. }
  { apply maponpaths_2, pathsinv0.
    apply lassociator_lassociator. }
  etrans. { apply vassocl. }
  { apply maponpaths.
    { apply maponpaths, vassocl. }
    etrans. { apply vassocr. }
    apply maponpaths_2.
    etrans. { apply rwhisker_vcomp. }
    apply maponpaths, lassociator_rassociator.
  apply pathsinv0.
  { apply maponpaths.
    etrans. { apply vassocr. }
    etrans. { apply maponpaths_2, lassociator_rassociator. }
    apply id2_left. }
  { apply lassociator_rassociator. }
  apply pathsinv0.
  { apply maponpaths.
    { apply vassocr. }
    apply maponpaths_2.
    etrans. { apply maponpaths_2, id2_rwhisker. }
    apply id2_left.
  { apply vassocl. }
  { apply maponpaths.
    { apply vassocr. }
    { apply maponpaths_2.
      apply lassociator_rassociator. }
    apply id2_left.
  { apply lwhisker_vcomp. }
  { apply maponpaths.
    apply lassociator_rassociator. }
  apply lwhisker_id2.

Corollary associativity_pentagon {a b c d e : C}
  (f : C a, b ) (g : C b, c ) (h : C c, d ) (i : C d, e )
  : (rassociator f g h id2 i rassociator f (g · h) i) id2 f rassociator g h i =
    rassociator (f · g) h i rassociator f g (h · i).
Show proof.
  unfold hcomp.
  rewrite id2_rwhisker.
  rewrite lwhisker_id2.
  rewrite id2_right.
  rewrite id2_left.
  apply rassociator_rassociator.

End Derived_laws.

Homs are categories

Section Hom_Spaces.

Context {C : prebicat} (a b : C).

Definition hom_ob_mor
  : precategory_ob_mor
  := make_precategory_ob_mor (Ca,b) (λ (f g : Ca,b), f ==> g).

Definition hom_data
  : precategory_data
  := make_precategory_data hom_ob_mor id2 (λ f g h x y, x y).

Lemma is_precategory_hom : is_precategory hom_data.
Show proof.
  apply is_precategory_one_assoc_to_two.
  repeat split; cbn.
  - intros f g. apply id2_left.
  - intros f g. apply id2_right.
  - intros f g h i. apply vassocr.

Definition hom_precategory
  : precategory
  := make_precategory hom_data is_precategory_hom.

End Hom_Spaces.

Lemma has_homsets_hom_data {C : bicat} (a b : C): has_homsets (hom_data a b).
Show proof.
  exact (@cellset_property C a b).

Definition hom {C : bicat} (a b : C) : category
  := hom_precategory a b ,, @cellset_property C a b.

Functor structure on horizontal composition.

Section hcomp_functor.

Context {C : bicat} {a b c : C}.

Definition hcomp_functor_data
  : functor_data
      (category_binproduct (hom a b) (hom b c))
      (hom a c).
Show proof.
  exists (λ p : (a-->b) × (b-->c), pr1 p · pr2 p).
  unfold hom_ob_mor. simpl. intros (f1, f2) (g1, g2).
  unfold precategory_binproduct_mor. simpl.
  intros (x, y). apply hcomp; assumption.

Lemma is_functor_hcomp : is_functor hcomp_functor_data.
Show proof.
  split; red; cbn.
  - intros (f1, f2). cbn. apply hcomp_identity.
  - intros (f1, f2) (g1, g2) (h1, h2).
    unfold precategory_binproduct_mor. cbn.
    intros (x1, x2) (y1, y2). cbn. apply hcomp_vcomp.

Definition hcomp_functor
  : category_binproduct
      (hom a b) (hom b c)
    hom a c
  := make_functor hcomp_functor_data is_functor_hcomp.

and the two whiskering functors separately so as to avoid category_binproduct

Definition lwhisker_functor_data (f : Ca, b)
  : functor_data (hom b c) (hom a c).
Show proof.
  exists (fun g => f · g).
  exact (fun g1 g2 x => f x).

Lemma is_functor_lwhisker (f : Ca, b) : is_functor (lwhisker_functor_data f).
Show proof.
  split; red; cbn.
  - intro g. apply lwhisker_id2.
  - intros g1 g2 g3 x y. apply pathsinv0, lwhisker_vcomp.

Definition lwhisker_functor (f : Ca, b) : functor (hom b c) (hom a c)
  := make_functor (lwhisker_functor_data f) (is_functor_lwhisker f).

Definition rwhisker_functor_data (g : Cb, c)
  : functor_data (hom a b) (hom a c).
Show proof.
  exists (fun f => f · g).
  exact (fun f1 f2 x => x g).

Lemma is_functor_rwhisker (g : Cb, c) : is_functor (rwhisker_functor_data g).
Show proof.
  split; red; cbn.
  - intro f. apply id2_rwhisker.
  - intros f1 f2 f3 x y. apply pathsinv0, rwhisker_vcomp.

Definition rwhisker_functor (g : Cb, c) : functor (hom a b) (hom a c)
  := make_functor (rwhisker_functor_data g) (is_functor_rwhisker g).

End hcomp_functor.

Chaotic bicat

Section chaotic_bicat.

Variable C : precategory.

Definition chaotic_prebicat_data : prebicat_data.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - use tpair.
    + exact C.
    + cbn. intros a b f g. exact unit.
  - cbn; repeat (use tpair); cbn; intros; exact tt.

Lemma chaotic_prebicat_laws : prebicat_laws chaotic_prebicat_data.
Show proof.
  repeat apply make_dirprod; intros; apply isProofIrrelevantUnit.

Definition chaotic_prebicat : prebicat
  := chaotic_prebicat_data,, chaotic_prebicat_laws.

Lemma isaset_chaotic_cells : isaset_cells chaotic_prebicat.
Show proof.
  red. cbn. intros. exact isasetunit.

Definition chaotic_bicat : bicat
  := chaotic_prebicat,, isaset_chaotic_cells.

End chaotic_bicat.

Associators and unitors are isos.

Section Associators_Unitors_Iso.

Context {C : prebicat}.

Lemma is_z_iso_lassociator
      {a b c d : C}
      (f : hom_precategory a b)
      (g : hom_precategory b c)
      (h : hom_precategory c d)
  : is_z_isomorphism (lassociator f g h : (hom_precategory a d) f · (g · h), (f · g) · h ).
Show proof.
  exists (rassociator f g h).
  - apply lassociator_rassociator.
  - apply rassociator_lassociator.

Lemma is_iso_lassociator
      {a b c d : C}
      (f : hom_precategory a b)
      (g : hom_precategory b c)
      (h : hom_precategory c d)
  : is_iso (lassociator f g h : (hom_precategory a d) f · (g · h), (f · g) · h ).
Show proof.

Lemma is_z_iso_rassociator
      {a b c d : C}
      (f : hom_precategory a b)
      (g : hom_precategory b c)
      (h : hom_precategory c d)
  : is_z_isomorphism (rassociator f g h : (hom_precategory a d) (f · g) · h, f · (g · h) ).
Show proof.
  exists (lassociator f g h).
  - apply rassociator_lassociator.
  - apply lassociator_rassociator.

Lemma is_iso_rassociator
      {a b c d : C}
      (f : hom_precategory a b)
      (g : hom_precategory b c)
      (h : hom_precategory c d)
  : is_iso (rassociator f g h : (hom_precategory a d) (f · g) · h, f · (g · h) ).
Show proof.

Lemma is_z_iso_lunitor {a b : C} (f : hom_precategory a b)
  : is_z_isomorphism (lunitor f : (hom_precategory a b) identity a · f, f ).
Show proof.
  exists (linvunitor f).
  - apply lunitor_linvunitor.
  - apply linvunitor_lunitor.

Lemma is_iso_lunitor {a b : C} (f : hom_precategory a b)
  : is_iso (lunitor f : (hom_precategory a b) identity a · f, f ).
Show proof.
  apply is_iso_from_is_z_iso.
  apply is_z_iso_lunitor.

Lemma is_z_iso_runitor {a b : C} (f : hom_precategory a b)
  : is_z_isomorphism (runitor f : (hom_precategory a b) f · identity b, f ).
Show proof.
  exists (rinvunitor f).
  - apply runitor_rinvunitor.
  - apply rinvunitor_runitor.

Lemma is_iso_runitor {a b : C} (f : hom_precategory a b)
  : is_iso (runitor f : (hom_precategory a b) f · identity b, f ).
Show proof.
  apply is_iso_from_is_z_iso.
  apply is_z_iso_runitor.

End Associators_Unitors_Iso.

Functor structure on associators and unitors.

Section Associators_Unitors_Natural.

Context {C : prebicat}.

Left unitor

Lemma lunitor_natural (a b : C) (f g : C a, b ) (x : f ==> g)
  : id2 (identity a) x lunitor g = lunitor f x.
Show proof.
  unfold hcomp.
  rewrite <- vassocr. rewrite vcomp_lunitor.
  rewrite vassocr. apply maponpaths_2.
  rewrite id2_rwhisker. apply id2_left.

Right unitor

Lemma runitor_natural (a b : C)
      (f g : C a, b )
      (x : f ==> g)
  : x id2 (identity b) runitor g = runitor f x.
Show proof.
  rewrite hcomp_hcomp'. unfold hcomp'.
  rewrite <- vassocr.
  rewrite vcomp_runitor.
  rewrite vassocr. apply maponpaths_2.
  rewrite lwhisker_id2. apply id2_left.

Left associator.

Definition lassociator_fun {a b c d : C}
           (x : Ca,b × Cb,c × Cc,d)
  : pr1 x · (pr12 x · pr22 x) ==> (pr1 x · pr12 x) · pr22 x
  := lassociator (pr1 x) (pr12 x) (pr22 x).

Right associator.

Definition rassociator_fun {a b c d : C}
           (x : Ca,b × Cb,c × Cc,d)
  : (pr1 x · pr12 x) · pr22 x ==> pr1 x · (pr12 x · pr22 x)
  := rassociator (pr1 x) (pr12 x) (pr22 x).

Definition rassociator_fun' {a b c d : C}
           (x : (Ca,b × Cb,c) × Cc,d)
  : (pr11 x · pr21 x) · pr2 x ==> pr11 x · (pr21 x · pr2 x)
  := rassociator (pr11 x) (pr21 x) (pr2 x).

End Associators_Unitors_Natural.

Section Associators_Unitors_Natural_bicat.

  Context {C : bicat}.

  Definition lunitor_transf (a b : C)
  : bindelta_pair_functor
      (constant_functor (hom a b) (hom a a) (identity a))
      (functor_identity (hom a b))
    functor_identity (hom a b)
  := lunitor,, lunitor_natural a b.

  Definition runitor_transf (a b : C)
  : bindelta_pair_functor
       (functor_identity (hom a b))
       (constant_functor (hom a b) (hom b b) (identity b))
    functor_identity (hom a b).
Show proof.
  exists runitor. red. apply runitor_natural.

Lemma lassociator_fun_natural {a b c d : C}
  : is_nat_trans
      (pair_functor (functor_identity (hom a b)) hcomp_functor hcomp_functor)
         (hom a b)
         (hom b c)
         (hom c d)
       pair_functor hcomp_functor (functor_identity _)
Show proof.
  red; cbn. intros (f1, (f2, f3)) (g1, (g2, g3)).
  unfold precategory_binproduct_mor, hom_ob_mor. cbn.
  unfold precategory_binproduct_mor, hom_ob_mor. cbn.
  intros (x1, (x2, x3)). cbn.
  unfold lassociator_fun. cbn.
  apply hcomp_lassoc.

Definition lassociator_transf (a b c d : C)
  : pair_functor (functor_identity (hom a b)) hcomp_functor hcomp_functor
      (hom a b)
      (hom b c)
      (hom c d)
    pair_functor hcomp_functor (functor_identity _)
  := lassociator_fun,, lassociator_fun_natural.

  Lemma rassociator_fun_natural {a b c d : C}
  : is_nat_trans
         (hom a b)
         (hom b c)
         (hom c d)
       pair_functor hcomp_functor (functor_identity _)
      (pair_functor (functor_identity _) hcomp_functor hcomp_functor)
Show proof.
  red; cbn. intros (f1, (f2, f3)) (g1, (g2, g3)).
  unfold precategory_binproduct_mor, hom_ob_mor. cbn.
  unfold precategory_binproduct_mor, hom_ob_mor. cbn.
  intros (x1, (x2, x3)). cbn.
  unfold rassociator_fun. cbn.
  apply hcomp_rassoc.

Definition rassociator_transf (a b c d : C)
  : precategory_binproduct_assoc
      (hom a b)
      (hom b c)
      (hom c d)
    pair_functor hcomp_functor (functor_identity _)
    pair_functor (functor_identity _) hcomp_functor hcomp_functor
  := rassociator_fun,, rassociator_fun_natural.

Lemma rassociator_fun'_natural {a b c d : C}
  : is_nat_trans
      (pair_functor hcomp_functor (functor_identity _) hcomp_functor)
         (hom a b)
         (hom b c)
         (hom c d)
       pair_functor (functor_identity _) hcomp_functor hcomp_functor)
Show proof.
  red; cbn. intros ((f1, f2), f3) ((g1, g2), g3).
  unfold precategory_binproduct_mor, hom_ob_mor. cbn.
  unfold precategory_binproduct_mor, hom_ob_mor. cbn.
  intros ((x1, x2), x3). cbn.
  unfold rassociator_fun. cbn.
  apply hcomp_rassoc.

Definition rassociator_transf' (a b c d : C)
  : pair_functor hcomp_functor (functor_identity _)
      (hom a b)
      (hom b c)
      (hom c d)
    pair_functor (functor_identity _) hcomp_functor hcomp_functor
  := rassociator_fun',, rassociator_fun'_natural.

End Associators_Unitors_Natural_bicat.

Precomposition functor

Definition pre_comp_data
           {B : bicat}
           (z : B)
           {a b : B}
           (f : a --> b)
  : functor_data (hom b z) (hom a z).
Show proof.
  use make_functor_data.
  - exact (λ g, f · g).
  - exact (λ g₁ g₂ α, f α).

Definition pre_comp_is_functor
           {B : bicat}
           (z : B)
           {a b : B}
           (f : a --> b)
  : is_functor (pre_comp_data z f).
Show proof.
  - intro ; cbn.
    apply lwhisker_id2.
  - intro ; intros ; cbn.
    refine (!_).
    apply lwhisker_vcomp.

Definition pre_comp
           {B : bicat}
           (z : B)
           {a b : B}
           (f : a --> b)
  : hom b z hom a z.
Show proof.
  use make_functor.
  - exact (pre_comp_data z f).
  - exact (pre_comp_is_functor z f).

Postcomposition functor

Definition post_comp_data
           {B : bicat}
           (z : B)
           {a b : B}
           (f : a --> b)
  : functor_data (hom z a) (hom z b).
Show proof.
  use make_functor_data.
  - exact (λ g, g · f).
  - exact (λ g₁ g₂ α, α f).

Definition post_comp_is_functor
           {B : bicat}
           (z : B)
           {a b : B}
           (f : a --> b)
  : is_functor (post_comp_data z f).
Show proof.
  - intro ; cbn.
    apply id2_rwhisker.
  - intro ; intros ; cbn.
    refine (!_).
    apply rwhisker_vcomp.

Definition post_comp
           {B : bicat}
           (z : B)
           {a b : B}
           (f : a --> b)
  : hom z a hom z b.
Show proof.
  use make_functor.
  - exact (post_comp_data z f).
  - exact (post_comp_is_functor z f).


Module Notations.

Notation "f '==>' g" := (prebicat_cells _ f g) (at level 60).
Notation "f '<==' g" := (prebicat_cells _ g f) (at level 60, only parsing).
Notation "x • y" := (vcomp2 x y) (at level 60).
Notation "f ◃ x" := (lwhisker f x) (at level 60). Notation "y ▹ g" := (rwhisker g y) (at level 60). Notation "f ◅ x" := (rwhisker f x) (at level 60, only parsing). Notation "y ▻ g" := (lwhisker g y) (at level 60, only parsing). Notation "x ⋆ y" := (hcomp x y) (at level 50, left associativity).
Notation "x 'o' y" := (y x) (at level 67, only parsing, left associativity).
Notation "'id₁'" := identity.
Notation "'id₂'" := id2.
Notation " b ⋆⋆ a" := (a b) (at level 30).
Open Scope bicategory_scope.

End Notations.