Library UniMath.Bicategories.DoubleCategories.DoubleCatsUnfolded

Double Categories

Authors: Benedikt Ahrens, Paige North, Nima Rasekh, Niels van der Weide June 2023 Based on definition of weak double category in Section 3.3 of the book Higher Dimensional Categories by Marco Grandis.

Contents :

  • Define a pre double category as a ``weak double category`` in the sense of Grandis. This means one direction is weak and the other direction is strict.
  • Double categories: A double category is a pre-double category with two set-truncated hom sets.
  • Univalent Double Categories: A univalent double category is a double category with two univalent underlying categories.
  • The structure is defined from scratch rather than building on a category. This makes further generalizations easier.

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.PartA.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Prelude.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.TwoSidedDisplayedCats.TwoSidedDispCat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.TwoSidedDisplayedCats.Univalence.

Section Definition_of_Double_Graphs.

Definition predoublecategory_ob_mor_hor : UU
:= obdb : UU, obdb -> obdb -> UU.

Definition obdb (C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_hor) : UU := @pr1 _ _ C.

Coercion obdb : predoublecategory_ob_mor_hor >-> UU.

Definition predoublecategory_mor_ver (C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_hor)
  : UU
  := (C -> C -> UU).

Definition predoublecategory_ob_mor_data : UU :=
   C, predoublecategory_mor_ver C.

Coercion precategory_ob_mor_from_predoublecategory_ob_mor_data (C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_data) :
    predoublecategory_ob_mor_hor := pr1 C.

End Definition_of_Double_Graphs.

Section Morphism_Helper_Functions.
Definition get_predoublecat_hor_mor (C: predoublecategory_ob_mor_data) : C C UU
  := pr21 C.

Definition get_predoublecat_ver_mor (C: predoublecategory_ob_mor_data) : C C UU
:= pr2 C.

End Morphism_Helper_Functions.

Notation "x '-h->' y" := (get_predoublecat_hor_mor _ x y) (at level 60).
Notation "x '-v->' y" := (get_predoublecat_ver_mor _ x y) (at level 60).

Section Underlying_Horizontal_Category.

Definition predoublecategory_hor_id_comp (C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_data): UU
    ( c : C, c -h-> c)
    ( a b c : C, a -h-> b -> b -h-> c -> a -h-> c).
Definition predoublecategory_hor_precat_data : UU
     := C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_data, predoublecategory_hor_id_comp C.

Definition predoublecategory_ob_mor_data_from_predoublecategory_hor_precat_data (C: predoublecategory_hor_precat_data) :
  predoublecategory_ob_mor_data := pr1 C.

Coercion predoublecategory_ob_mor_data_from_predoublecategory_hor_precat_data :
  predoublecategory_hor_precat_data >-> predoublecategory_ob_mor_data.

Definition hor_identity {C : predoublecategory_hor_precat_data}
     : c : C, c -h-> c
     := pr1 (pr2 C).

Definition hor_compose {C : predoublecategory_hor_precat_data} { a b c : C }
     : a -h-> b -> b -h-> c -> a -h-> c
     := pr2 (pr2 C) a b c.

Notation "f ·h g" := (hor_compose f g) (at level 60).
Notation "g ∘h f" := (hor_compose f g) (at level 60).

Definition is_predoublecategory_hor (C : predoublecategory_hor_precat_data) : UU
       (( (a b : C) (f : a -h-> b), hor_identity a ·h f = f)
        ( (a b : C) (f : a -h-> b), f ·h hor_identity b = f))
       (( (a b c d : C) (f : a -h-> b) (g : b -h-> c) (h : c -h-> d), f ·h (g ·h h) = (f ·h g) ·h h)
        ( (a b c d : C) (f : a -h-> b) (g : b -h-> c) (h : c -h-> d), (f ·h g) ·h h = f ·h (g ·h h))).

Definition predoublecategory_hor: UU := total2 is_predoublecategory_hor.
Definition make_predoublecategory_hor (C : predoublecategory_hor_precat_data) (H : is_predoublecategory_hor C)
  : predoublecategory_hor
  := tpair _ C H.

Definition predoublecategory_hor_data_from_predoublecategory_hor (C : predoublecategory_hor) :
  predoublecategory_hor_precat_data := pr1 C.
Coercion predoublecategory_hor_data_from_predoublecategory_hor : predoublecategory_hor >-> predoublecategory_hor_precat_data.

Definition get_id_hor_left (C : predoublecategory_hor) :
   (a b : C) (f : a -h-> b),
          hor_identity a ·h f = f := pr112 C.

Definition id_hor_left {C : predoublecategory_hor} {a b : C} (f: a -h-> b) : hor_identity a ·h f = f
  := get_id_hor_left C a b f.

Definition get_id_hor_right (C : predoublecategory_hor) :
   (a b : C) (f : a -h-> b),
          f ·h hor_identity b = f := pr212 C.

Definition id_hor_right {C : predoublecategory_hor} {a b : C} (f: a -h-> b) : f ·h hor_identity b = f
    := get_id_hor_right C a b f.

Definition get_assoc_hor (C : predoublecategory_hor) :
   (a b c d : C)
         (f : a -h-> b) (g : b -h-> c) (h : c -h-> d),
                    f ·h (g ·h h) = (f ·h g) ·h h := pr122 C.

Definition assoc_hor {C : predoublecategory_hor} {a b c d : C} (f : a -h-> b) (g : b -h-> c) (h : c -h-> d) : f ·h (g ·h h) = (f ·h g) ·h h
  := get_assoc_hor C a b c d f g h.

Definition und_ob_hor_ob_mor (C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_hor) : precategory_ob_mor :=
  make_precategory_ob_mor (pr1 C) (pr2 C).

Definition und_ob_hor_precategory_data (C: predoublecategory_hor_precat_data) : precategory_data :=
  make_precategory_data (und_ob_hor_ob_mor C) (pr12 C) (pr22 C).

Definition und_ob_hor_precategory_axioms (C: predoublecategory_hor) : is_precategory (und_ob_hor_precategory_data C) :=
  @make_is_precategory (und_ob_hor_precategory_data C) (pr112 C) (pr212 C) (pr122 C) (pr222 C).

Definition und_ob_hor_precategory (C : predoublecategory_hor) : precategory :=
  make_precategory (und_ob_hor_precategory_data C) (und_ob_hor_precategory_axioms C).

Definition has_hor_homsets (C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_data) : UU := a b : C, isaset (a -h-> b).
Definition doublecategory_hor := C:predoublecategory_hor, has_hor_homsets C.

Definition make_doublecategory_hor C h : doublecategory_hor := C,,h.

Definition doublecategory_hor_to_predoublecategory_hor : doublecategory_hor -> predoublecategory_hor := pr1.

Coercion doublecategory_hor_to_predoublecategory_hor : doublecategory_hor >-> predoublecategory_hor.

Coercion double_homset_property (C : doublecategory_hor) : has_hor_homsets C := pr2 C.

Definition und_ob_hor_category (C: doublecategory_hor) : category :=
make_category (und_ob_hor_precategory C) (pr2 C).

End Underlying_Horizontal_Category.

Notation "f ·h g" := (hor_compose f g) (at level 60).
Notation "g ∘h f" := (hor_compose f g) (at level 60).

Section Underlying_Vertical_Composition.

Definition predoublecategory_ver_id_comp (C : predoublecategory_hor) : UU
    ( c : C, c -v-> c)
    ( a b c : C, a -v-> b -> b -v-> c -> a -v-> c).
Definition predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data : UU
     := C : predoublecategory_hor, predoublecategory_ver_id_comp C.

Definition predoublecategory_hor_from_predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data (C: predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data) :
predoublecategory_hor := pr1 C.

Coercion predoublecategory_hor_from_predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data :
predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data >-> predoublecategory_hor.

Definition ver_identity {C : predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data}
     : c : C, c -v-> c
     := pr1 (pr2 C).

Definition ver_compose {C : predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data} { a b c : C }
     : a -v-> b -> b -v-> c -> a -v-> c
     := pr2 (pr2 C) a b c.

End Underlying_Vertical_Composition.

Notation "f ·v g" := (ver_compose f g) (at level 60).
Notation "g ∘v f" := (ver_compose f g) (at level 60).
Notation "'ver_comp' C f g" := (@ver_compose C _ _ _ f g) (at level 60).

Section Squares.
 Definition predoublecategory_square (C : predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data) : UU
 := (a b c d : C) (f: a -h-> b) (g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d) (k: c -h-> d), UU.

Definition predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data : UU :=
    C, predoublecategory_square C.

Definition predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data_from_predoublecategory_square (C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data) :
predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data := pr1 C.
Coercion predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data_from_predoublecategory_square :
predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data >-> predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data.

 Definition get_predoublecat_sq (C: predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data) :
  (a b c d : C) (f: a -h-> b) (g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d) (k: c -h-> d), UU
   := pr2 C.

Definition hom_sq_between_ver (C: predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data) {a b c d : C} (g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d): UU
  := (f: a -h-> b) (k: c -h-> d), (get_predoublecat_sq C a b c d f g h k).

Definition hom_sq_between_hor (C: predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data) {a b c d : C} (f: a -h-> b) (k: c -h-> d): UU
  := (g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d), (get_predoublecat_sq C a b c d f g h k).

Definition sqq {C: predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data}
{a b c d : C} (f: a -h-> b) (g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d) (k: c -h-> d): UU
:= get_predoublecat_sq C a b c d f g h k.

Definition boundary_sq_transport
           {C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data}
           { a b c d : C }
           {f1: a -h-> b} {g1: a -v-> c}
           {h1: b -v-> d} {k1: c -h-> d}
           {f2: a -h-> b} {k2: c -h-> d}
           (eqf: f1 = f2) (eqk: k1 = k2)
           (α : sqq f2 g1 h1 k2)
  : sqq f1 g1 h1 k1
  := transportb
       (fun f0 => sqq f0 _ _ _)
          (fun k0 => sqq _ _ _ k0)

End Squares.

Notation "'mor_sq'" := (get_predoublecat_sq).
Notation "'Sq[' x '-hv-' f h '-hv->' y , z '-vh-' g k '-vh->' w ]" :=
  (get_predoublecat_sq _ x y z w f g h k) (at level 200, x ident, y ident, z ident, w ident, f ident, g ident, h ident, k ident).

Section Horizontal_Composition_Squares.

Definition predoublecategory_sq_hor_id_comp (C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data): UU
      ( (a b : C) (f: a -v-> b), (sqq (hor_identity a) f f (hor_identity b)))
      ( (a0 a1 b0 b1 c0 c1 : C)
      (f0: a0 -v-> a1) (f1: b0 -v-> b1) (f2: c0 -v-> c1) (g0: a0 -h-> b0) (h0: b0 -h-> c0) (g1: a1 -h-> b1) (h1: b1 -h-> c1),
        (sqq g0 f0 f1 g1)
        (sqq h0 f1 f2 h1)
        (sqq (g0 ·h h0) f0 f2 (g1 ·h h1))

Definition predoublecategory_sq_hor_data : UU
      := C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data, predoublecategory_sq_hor_id_comp C.

Definition make_predoublecategory_sq_hor_data (C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data)
        (id : ( (a b : C) (f: a -v-> b), (mor_sq C a a b b (hor_identity a) f f (hor_identity b))))
        (comp: ( (a0 a1 b0 b1 c0 c1 : C)
        (f0: a0 -v-> a1) (f1: b0 -v-> b1) (f2: c0 -v-> c1) (g0: a0 -h-> b0) (h0: b0 -h-> c0) (g1: a1 -h-> b1) (h1: b1 -h-> c1),
          (sqq g0 f0 f1 g1)
          (sqq h0 f1 f2 h1)
          (sqq (g0 ·h h0) f0 f2 (g1 ·h h1))) )
      : predoublecategory_sq_hor_data
      := tpair _ C (make_dirprod id comp).

Definition predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data_from_predoublecategory_sq_hor_data (C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_data) :
predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data := pr1 C.

Coercion predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data_from_predoublecategory_sq_hor_data :
    predoublecategory_sq_hor_data >-> predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data.

Definition get_hor_sq_identity {C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_data}
      : ( (a b : C) (f: a -v-> b), (sqq (hor_identity a) f f (hor_identity b)))
      := pr1 (pr2 C).

Definition hor_sq_identity {C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_data} {a b: C} (f: a -v-> b) :
      (sqq (hor_identity a) f f (hor_identity b)) := get_hor_sq_identity a b f.

Definition hor_sq_compose {C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_data}
    { a0 a1 b0 b1 c0 c1 : C }
    {f0: a0 -v-> a1} {f1: b0 -v-> b1} {f2: c0 -v-> c1} {g0: a0 -h-> b0} {h0: b0 -h-> c0} {g1: a1 -h-> b1} {h1: b1 -h-> c1}
      : (sqq g0 f0 f1 g1)
      (sqq h0 f1 f2 h1)
      (sqq (g0 ·h h0) f0 f2 (g1 ·h h1))
      := pr2 (pr2 C) a0 a1 b0 b1 c0 c1 f0 f1 f2 g0 h0 g1 h1.

Notation "α ·sqh β" := (hor_sq_compose α β) (at level 60).
Notation "α ∘sqh β" := (hor_sq_compose α β) (at level 60).

Definition hor_trans_id_left_sq {C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_data}
    { a b c d : C } {f: a -h-> b} {g: a -v-> c} {h: b -v-> d} {k: c -h-> d}
      (α: sqq f g h k) :
      sqq ((hor_identity a) ·h f) g h ((hor_identity c) ·h k )
      := boundary_sq_transport (id_hor_left f) (id_hor_left k) α.

Definition hor_trans_id_right_sq {C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_data}
          { a b c d : C } {f: a -h-> b} {g: a -v-> c} {h: b -v-> d} {k: c -h-> d}
            (α : sqq f g h k) : sqq (f ·h (hor_identity b)) g h (k ·h (hor_identity d))
            := boundary_sq_transport (id_hor_right f) (id_hor_right k) α.

Definition hor_trans_assoc_sq {C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_data}
            { a0 b0 c0 d0 a1 b1 c1 d1 : C }
            {f0: a0 -h-> b0} {g0: b0 -h-> c0} {h0: c0 -h-> d0}
            {f1: a1 -h-> b1} {g1: b1 -h-> c1} {h1: c1 -h-> d1}
            {ma: a0 -v-> a1} {md: d0 -v-> d1}
            (α: sqq ((f0 ·h g0) ·h h0) ma md ((f1 ·h g1) ·h h1)):
             sqq (f0 ·h (g0 ·h h0)) ma md (f1 ·h (g1 ·h h1))
            := boundary_sq_transport (assoc_hor f0 g0 h0) (assoc_hor f1 g1 h1) α.

Definition is_predoublecategory_hor_sq (C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_data) : UU
    (( (a b c d : C) (f: a -h-> b) (g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d) (k: c -h-> d)
      (α : mor_sq C a b c d f g h k),
      (hor_sq_identity g) ·sqh α = hor_trans_id_left_sq α))
     (( (a b c d : C) (f: a -h-> b) (g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d) (k: c -h-> d)
      (α : mor_sq C a b c d f g h k),
      α ·sqh (hor_sq_identity h) = hor_trans_id_right_sq α))
    ( ( a0 b0 c0 d0 a1 b1 c1 d1 : C )
    (f0: a0 -h-> b0) (g0: b0 -h-> c0) (h0: c0 -h-> d0)
    (f1: a1 -h-> b1) (g1: b1 -h-> c1) (h1: c1 -h-> d1)
    (ma: a0 -v-> a1) (mb: b0 -v-> b1) (mc: c0 -v-> c1) (md: d0 -v-> d1)
    (α: sqq f0 ma mb f1)
    (β: sqq g0 mb mc g1)
    (γ: sqq h0 mc md h1),
    α ·sqh (β ·sqh γ) = hor_trans_assoc_sq ((α ·sqh β) ·sqh γ)) .

Definition predoublecategory_hor_sq: UU := total2 is_predoublecategory_hor_sq.

Definition make_predoublecategory_hor_sq (C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_data) (H : is_predoublecategory_hor_sq C)
    : predoublecategory_hor_sq
    := tpair _ C H.

Definition predoublecategory_sq_hor_data_from_predoublecategory_hor_sq (C : predoublecategory_hor_sq) :
  predoublecategory_sq_hor_data := pr1 C.
Coercion predoublecategory_sq_hor_data_from_predoublecategory_hor_sq : predoublecategory_hor_sq >-> predoublecategory_sq_hor_data.

Definition get_id_hor_sq_left (C : predoublecategory_hor_sq) :
   (a b c d : pr1 C) (f : a -h-> b) (g : a -v-> c) (h : b -v-> d) (k : c -h-> d)
      (α : sqq f g h k), (hor_sq_identity g) ·sqh α = hor_trans_id_left_sq α := pr12 C.

Definition id_hor_sq_left {C : predoublecategory_hor_sq}
  {a b c d : pr1 C} {f : a -h-> b} {g : a -v-> c} {h : b -v-> d} {k : c -h-> d} (α : sqq f g h k)
    : (hor_sq_identity g) ·sqh α =hor_trans_id_left_sq α
    := get_id_hor_sq_left C a b c d f g h k α.

Definition get_id_hor_sq_right (C : predoublecategory_hor_sq) :
   (a b c d : pr1 C) (f : a -h-> b) (g : a -v-> c) (h : b -v-> d) (k : c -h-> d)
    (α : sqq f g h k), α ·sqh (hor_sq_identity h) = hor_trans_id_right_sq α := pr122 C.

Definition id_hor_sq_right {C : predoublecategory_hor_sq}
  {a b c d : pr1 C} {f : a -h-> b} {g : a -v-> c} {h : b -v-> d} {k : c -h-> d} (α : sqq f g h k)
    : α ·sqh (hor_sq_identity h) = hor_trans_id_right_sq α
    := get_id_hor_sq_right C a b c d f g h k α.

Definition get_assoc_sq_hor (C : predoublecategory_hor_sq) :
   (a0 b0 c0 d0 a1 b1 c1 d1 : C )
    (f0: a0 -h-> b0) (g0: b0 -h-> c0) (h0: c0 -h-> d0)
    (f1: a1 -h-> b1) (g1: b1 -h-> c1) (h1: c1 -h-> d1)
    (ma: a0 -v-> a1) (mb: b0 -v-> b1) (mc: c0 -v-> c1) (md: d0 -v-> d1)
    (α: sqq f0 ma mb f1)
    (β: sqq g0 mb mc g1)
    (γ: sqq h0 mc md h1),
    α ·sqh (β ·sqh γ) = hor_trans_assoc_sq( (α ·sqh β) ·sqh γ) := pr222 C.

Definition assoc_sq_hor {C : predoublecategory_hor_sq}
    {a0 b0 c0 d0 a1 b1 c1 d1 : pr1 C} {f0: a0 -h-> b0} {g0: b0 -h-> c0} {h0: c0 -h-> d0}
      {f1: a1 -h-> b1} {g1: b1 -h-> c1} {h1: c1 -h-> d1}
      {ma: a0 -v-> a1} {mb: b0 -v-> b1} {mc: c0 -v-> c1} {md: d0 -v-> d1}
        (α: sqq f0 ma mb f1)
        (β: sqq g0 mb mc g1)
        (γ: sqq h0 mc md h1)
      : α ·sqh (β ·sqh γ) =hor_trans_assoc_sq ( (α ·sqh β) ·sqh γ)
      := get_assoc_sq_hor C a0 b0 c0 d0 a1 b1 c1 d1 f0 g0 h0 f1 g1 h1 ma mb mc md α β γ.

End Horizontal_Composition_Squares.

Notation "α ·sqh β" := (hor_sq_compose α β) (at level 60).
Notation "α ∘sqh β" := (hor_sq_compose α β) (at level 60).

Section Special_Iso_Squares.
Definition get_predoublecat_sq_special {C: predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data} {a b : C} (g: a -v-> b) (h: a -v-> b): UU
  := sqq (hor_identity a) g h (hor_identity b).

Definition is_iso_square {C: predoublecategory_sq_hor_data} {a b : C} {g: a -v-> b} {h: a -v-> b}
  (α : get_predoublecat_sq_special g h): UU
  := (β : get_predoublecat_sq_special h g),
  ( (α ·sqh β) =hor_trans_id_left_sq (hor_sq_identity g)) × ( (β ·sqh α) = hor_trans_id_left_sq (hor_sq_identity h)).

Definition get_special_iso_squares {C: predoublecategory_sq_hor_data} {a b : C} (g: a -v-> b) (h: a -v-> b)
  : UU
  := (α : get_predoublecat_sq_special g h), (is_iso_square α).

Definition sqq_iso_special {C: predoublecategory_sq_hor_data}
  {a b : C} (f: a -v-> b) (g: a -v-> b): UU
  := get_special_iso_squares f g.

End Special_Iso_Squares.

Section Vertical_Composition_Squares.

Definition predoublecategory_sq_ver_id_comp (C : predoublecategory_hor_sq): UU
      ( (a b : C) (f: a -h-> b), (sqq f (ver_identity a) (ver_identity b) f))
      ( (a0 a1 b0 b1 c0 c1 : C)
      (f0: a0 -h-> a1) (f1: b0 -h-> b1) (f2: c0 -h-> c1) (g0: a0 -v-> b0) (h0: b0 -v-> c0) (g1: a1 -v-> b1) (h1: b1 -v-> c1),
        (sqq f0 g0 g1 f1)
        (sqq f1 h0 h1 f2)
        (sqq f0 (g0 ·v h0) (g1 ·v h1) f2)

Definition predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data : UU
      := C : predoublecategory_hor_sq, predoublecategory_sq_ver_id_comp C.

Definition make_predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data (C : predoublecategory_hor_sq)
        (id : ( (a b : C) (f: a -h-> b), (sqq f (ver_identity a) (ver_identity b) f)))
        (comp: ( (a0 a1 b0 b1 c0 c1 : C)
        (f0: a0 -h-> a1) (f1: b0 -h-> b1) (f2: c0 -h-> c1) (g0: a0 -v-> b0) (h0: b0 -v-> c0) (g1: a1 -v-> b1) (h1: b1 -v-> c1),
          (sqq f0 g0 g1 f1)
          (sqq f1 h0 h1 f2)
          (sqq f0 (g0 ·v h0) (g1 ·v h1) f2)) )
      : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data
      := tpair _ C (make_dirprod id comp).

Definition predoublecategory_hor_sq_from_predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data (C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data) :
  predoublecategory_hor_sq := pr1 C.
Coercion predoublecategory_hor_sq_from_predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data:
    predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data >-> predoublecategory_hor_sq.

Definition get_ver_sq_identity {C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data}
      : ( (a b : C) (f: a -h-> b), (get_predoublecat_sq C a b a b f (ver_identity a) (ver_identity b) f))
      := pr1 (pr2 C).

    Definition ver_sq_identity {C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data} {a b : C} (f: a -h-> b):
      (get_predoublecat_sq C a b a b f (ver_identity a) (ver_identity b) f)
      := get_ver_sq_identity a b f.

    Definition ver_sq_compose {C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data}
    { a0 a1 b0 b1 c0 c1 : C }
    {f0: a0 -h-> a1} {f1: b0 -h-> b1} {f2: c0 -h-> c1} {g0: a0 -v-> b0} {h0: b0 -v-> c0} {g1: a1 -v-> b1} {h1: b1 -v-> c1}
      : (sqq f0 g0 g1 f1)
      (sqq f1 h0 h1 f2)
      (sqq f0 (g0 ·v h0) (g1 ·v h1) f2)
      := pr2 (pr2 C) a0 a1 b0 b1 c0 c1 f0 f1 f2 g0 h0 g1 h1.

End Vertical_Composition_Squares.

Notation "α ·sqv β" := (ver_sq_compose α β) (at level 60).
Notation "α ∘sqv β" := (ver_sq_compose α β) (at level 60).

Section Vertical_Unitor_and_Associator_Coherences.

Definition ver_left_unitor { C:predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data} {a b: C} (f: a -v-> b) : UU
  := sqq_iso_special (ver_identity a ·v f) f.

Definition ver_right_unitor { C:predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data} {a b: C} (f: a -v-> b) : UU
    := sqq_iso_special (f ·v ver_identity b) f.

Definition ver_associator { C:predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data} {a b c d: C}
(f : a -v-> b) (g : b -v-> c) (h : c -v-> d)
    := sqq_iso_special (f ·v (g ·v h)) ((f ·v g) ·v h).

Definition has_predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc ( C:predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data) : UU
 ( (a b: C) (f: a -v-> b) , sqq_iso_special (ver_identity a ·v f) f) ×
 ( (a b: C) (f: a -v-> b) , sqq_iso_special (f ·v ver_identity b) f) ×
 ( (a b c d: C) (f : a -v-> b) (g : b -v-> c) (h : c -v-> d), sqq_iso_special (f ·v (g ·v h)) ((f ·v g) ·v h)).

Definition predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data : UU :=
   (C:predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data), has_predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc C.

Coercion predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data_from_predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data (C: predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data)
: predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data := pr1 C.

Definition get_ver_left_unitor {C: predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data} {a b : C} (f: a -v-> b) : sqq_iso_special (ver_identity a ·v f) f
  := (pr12 C) a b f.

Definition get_ver_right_unitor {C: predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data} {a b : C} (f: a -v-> b) : sqq_iso_special (f ·v ver_identity b) f
    := (pr122 C) a b f.

Definition get_ver_associator {C: predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data} {a b c d: C}
    (f : a -v-> b) (g : b -v-> c) (h : c -v-> d) : sqq_iso_special (f ·v (g ·v h)) ((f ·v g) ·v h)
      := (pr222 C) a b c d f g h.

      Definition predoublecategory_ver_left_unitor_naturality ( C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data) : UU
      := (a b c d : C)
      (f: a -h-> b) (g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d) (k: c -h-> d)
      (α : sqq f g h k),
        ((ver_sq_identity f) ·sqv α) ·sqh (pr1 (get_ver_left_unitor h))
          (id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
          (id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
          ((pr1 (get_ver_left_unitor g)) ·sqh α).

      Definition predoublecategory_ver_right_unitor_naturality ( C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data) : UU :=
       (a b c d : C)
      (f: a -h-> b) (g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d) (k: c -h-> d)
      (α : sqq f g h k),
        (α ·sqv (ver_sq_identity k)) ·sqh (pr1 (get_ver_right_unitor h))
          (id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
          (id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
          ((pr1 (get_ver_right_unitor g)) ·sqh α).

    Definition predoublecategory_ver_assoc_naturality ( C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data) : UU :=
       (a0 a1 a2 a3 b0 b1 b2 b3 : C)
      (fa: a0 -v-> a1) (fb: b0 -v-> b1) (ha: a1 -v-> a2) (hb: b1 -v-> b2) (ka: a2 -v-> a3) (kb: b2 -v-> b3)
      (g0: a0 -h-> b0) (g1: a1 -h-> b1) (g2: a2 -h-> b2) (g3: a3 -h-> b3)
      (α : sqq g0 fa fb g1) (β : sqq g1 ha hb g2) (γ : sqq g2 ka kb g3),
      ( (α) ·sqv ( (β) ·sqv (γ)) ) ·sqh (pr1 (get_ver_associator fb hb kb))
          (id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
          (id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
          ((pr1 (get_ver_associator fa ha ka)) ·sqh ( (α ·sqv β) ·sqv (γ) )).

Definition predoublecategory_ver_unitor_coherence ( C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data) : UU :=
   (a b c: C)
  (f: a -v-> b) (g: b -v-> c),
    ( ((pr1 (get_ver_associator f (ver_identity b) g)) ·sqh ( (pr1 (get_ver_right_unitor f)) ·sqv (hor_sq_identity g) )) =
      hor_trans_id_left_sq ((hor_sq_identity f) ·sqv (pr1 (get_ver_left_unitor g)))).

Definition predoublecategory_ver_assoc_coherence ( C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data) : UU :=
   (a b c d e: C) (f : a -v-> b) (g : b -v-> c) (h : c -v-> d) (k : d -v-> e),
  (hor_trans_id_right_sq ( (pr1 (get_ver_associator f g (h ·v k))) ·sqh (pr1 (get_ver_associator (f ·v g) h k)) )) =
  ( ( ( (hor_sq_identity f) ·sqv (pr1 (get_ver_associator g h k)) )
  ·sqh (pr1 (get_ver_associator f (g ·v h) k)) )
  ·sqh ( (pr1 (get_ver_associator f g h)) ·sqv (hor_sq_identity k)) ) .

Definition predoublecategory_interchange_comp ( C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data) : UU :=
   (a0 a1 a2 b0 b1 b2 c0 c1 c2 : C)
  (fa: a0 -h-> a1) (ga: a1 -h-> a2) (fb: b0 -h-> b1) (gb: b1 -h-> b2) (fc: c0 -h-> c1) (gc: c1 -h-> c2)
  (h0: a0 -v-> b0) (k0: b0 -v-> c0) (h1: a1 -v-> b1) (k1: b1 -v-> c1) (h2: a2 -v-> b2) (k2: b2 -v-> c2)
  (α : sqq fa h0 h1 fb)
  (β : sqq ga h1 h2 gb)
  (γ : sqq fb k0 k1 fc)
  (δ : sqq gb k1 k2 gc),
  (α ·sqh β) ·sqv (γ ·sqh δ) = (α ·sqv γ) ·sqh (β ·sqv δ).

Definition predoublecategory_interchange_id_obj ( C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data) : UU :=
   (a :C), ver_sq_identity (hor_identity a) = hor_sq_identity (ver_identity a).

Definition predoublecategory_interchange_id_hor ( C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data) : UU :=
   (a b c: C) (f: a -h-> b) (g: b -h-> c),
     ver_sq_identity(f ·h g) = (ver_sq_identity f) ·sqh (ver_sq_identity g).

Definition predoublecategory_interchange_id_ver ( C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data) : UU :=
    (a b c: C) (f: a -v-> b) (g: b -v-> c),
    (hor_sq_identity f) ·sqv (hor_sq_identity g) =hor_sq_identity(f ·v g).

Definition predoublecategory_interchange ( C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data) : UU :=
        predoublecategory_interchange_id_obj C ×
        predoublecategory_interchange_id_hor C ×
        predoublecategory_interchange_id_ver C ×
        predoublecategory_interchange_comp C.

End Vertical_Unitor_and_Associator_Coherences.

Notation "α ·sqv β" := (ver_sq_compose α β) (at level 60).
Notation "α ∘sqv β" := (ver_sq_compose α β) (at level 60).

Section Pre_Double_Categories.
Definition has_sq_hor_homsets (C : predoublecategory_hor_sq) : UU :=
   (a b c d : C)
    (g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d)
    (f : a -h-> b) (k : c -h-> d),
    isaset (Sq[ a -hv- f h -hv-> b, c -vh- g k -vh-> d]).

Definition doublecategory_hor_sq := C:predoublecategory_hor_sq, has_sq_hor_homsets C.

Definition make_doublecategory_hor_sq C h : doublecategory_hor_sq := C,,h.

Definition doublecategory_hor_sq_to_predoublecategory_hor_sq : doublecategory_hor_sq -> predoublecategory_hor_sq := pr1.

Definition predoublecategory : UU :=
    ( (predoublecategory_ver_left_unitor_naturality C) ×
    (predoublecategory_ver_right_unitor_naturality C) ×
    (predoublecategory_ver_assoc_naturality C) ×
    (predoublecategory_ver_unitor_coherence C) ×
    (predoublecategory_ver_assoc_coherence C) ×
    (predoublecategory_interchange C)).

Coercion predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data_from_predoublecategory (C: predoublecategory)
    : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data := pr1 C.

Definition get_predoublecategory_ver_left_unitor_naturality
  {C : predoublecategory} {a b c d : C}
  {f: a -h-> b} {g: a -v-> c} {h: b -v-> d} {k: c -h-> d}
  (α : sqq f g h k) :
  ((ver_sq_identity f) ·sqv α) ·sqh (pr1 (get_ver_left_unitor h)) =
          (id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
          (id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
          ((pr1 (get_ver_left_unitor g)) ·sqh α) :=
          (pr12 C) a b c d f g h k α.

Definition get_predoublecategory_ver_right_unitor_naturality
  {C : predoublecategory}
  {a b c d : C}
    {f: a -h-> b} {g: a -v-> c} {h: b -v-> d} {k: c -h-> d}
    (α : sqq f g h k) :
      (α ·sqv (ver_sq_identity k)) ·sqh (pr1 (get_ver_right_unitor h))
        (id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
        (id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
        ((pr1 (get_ver_right_unitor g)) ·sqh α) :=
        (pr122 C) a b c d f g h k α.

Definition get_predoublecategory_ver_assoc_naturality
  {C : predoublecategory}
  {a0 a1 a2 a3 b0 b1 b2 b3 : C}
  {fa: a0 -v-> a1} {fb: b0 -v-> b1} {ha: a1 -v-> a2} {hb: b1 -v-> b2} {ka: a2 -v-> a3} {kb: b2 -v-> b3}
      {g0: a0 -h-> b0} {g1: a1 -h-> b1} {g2: a2 -h-> b2} {g3: a3 -h-> b3}
      (α : sqq g0 fa fb g1) (β : sqq g1 ha hb g2) (γ : sqq g2 ka kb g3) :
      ( ( (α) ·sqv ( (β) ·sqv (γ)) ) ·sqh (pr1 (get_ver_associator fb hb kb)) =
          (id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
          (id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
          ((pr1 (get_ver_associator fa ha ka)) ·sqh ( (α ·sqv β) ·sqv (γ) )) ) :=
          (pr1 (pr222 C)) a0 a1 a2 a3 b0 b1 b2 b3 fa fb ha hb ka kb g0 g1 g2 g3 α β γ.

Definition get_predoublecategory_ver_unitor_coherence
  {C : predoublecategory}
  {a b c: C} (f: a -v-> b) (g: b -v-> c) :
    ( ((pr1 (get_ver_associator f (ver_identity b) g)) ·sqh ( (pr1 (get_ver_right_unitor f)) ·sqv (hor_sq_identity g) )) =
      hor_trans_id_left_sq ((hor_sq_identity f) ·sqv (pr1 (get_ver_left_unitor g))))
      := (pr12 (pr222 C)) a b c f g.

Definition get_predoublecategory_ver_assoc_coherence
  {C : predoublecategory}
  {a b c d e: C} (f : a -v-> b) (g : b -v-> c) (h : c -v-> d) (k : d -v-> e) :
    ( (hor_trans_id_right_sq ( (pr1 (get_ver_associator f g (h ·v k))) ·sqh (pr1 (get_ver_associator (f ·v g) h k)) )) =
    ( ( ( (hor_sq_identity f) ·sqv (pr1 (get_ver_associator g h k)) )
    ·sqh (pr1 (get_ver_associator f (g ·v h) k)) )
    ·sqh ( (pr1 (get_ver_associator f g h)) ·sqv (hor_sq_identity k)) ) )
    := (pr122 (pr222 C)) a b c d e f g h k.

Definition get_predoublecategory_interchange_comp
    {C : predoublecategory}
    {a0 a1 a2 b0 b1 b2 c0 c1 c2 : C}
  {fa: a0 -h-> a1} {ga: a1 -h-> a2} {fb: b0 -h-> b1} {gb: b1 -h-> b2} {fc: c0 -h-> c1} {gc: c1 -h-> c2}
  {h0: a0 -v-> b0} {k0: b0 -v-> c0} {h1: a1 -v-> b1} {k1: b1 -v-> c1} {h2: a2 -v-> b2} {k2: b2 -v-> c2}
  (α : sqq fa h0 h1 fb)
  (β : sqq ga h1 h2 gb)
  (γ : sqq fb k0 k1 fc)
  (δ : sqq gb k1 k2 gc) : (α ·sqh β) ·sqv (γ ·sqh δ) = (α ·sqv γ) ·sqh (β ·sqv δ)
    := pr222 (pr222 (pr222 C)) a0 a1 a2 b0 b1 b2 c0 c1 c2 fa ga fb gb fc gc h0 k0 h1 k1 h2 k2 α β γ δ.

Definition get_predoublecategory_interchange_id_obj {C : predoublecategory}
      (a :C) : ver_sq_identity (hor_identity a) = hor_sq_identity (ver_identity a)
      := (pr1 (pr222 (pr222 C))) a.

Definition get_predoublecategory_interchange_id_hor {C : predoublecategory}
       {a b c: C} (f: a -h-> b) (g: b -h-> c) :
         ver_sq_identity(f ·h g) = (ver_sq_identity f) ·sqh (ver_sq_identity g)
    := (pr12 (pr222 (pr222 C))) a b c f g.

Definition get_predoublecategory_interchange_id_ver {C : predoublecategory}
       {a b c: C} (f: a -v-> b) (g: b -v-> c) :
        (hor_sq_identity f) ·sqv (hor_sq_identity g) =hor_sq_identity(f ·v g)
        := (pr122 (pr222 (pr222 C))) a b c f g.

End Pre_Double_Categories.

Section Underlying_Category_Vertical_Morphisms_Squares.

Definition und_ver_cat_ob (C: predoublecategory_hor_sq) : UU :=
     (a b : C), a -v-> b.

Definition get_und_ver_cat_ob {C: predoublecategory_hor_sq} {a b : C} (f: a -v-> b) : und_ver_cat_ob C
    := (a,, (b,, f)).

Definition get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor {C: predoublecategory_hor_sq} (c d : und_ver_cat_ob C) : UU :=
       (g: (pr1 c) -h-> (pr1 d)) (k: (pr12 c) -h-> (pr12 d)), (sqq g (pr22 c) (pr22 d) k ).

Definition und_ver_cat_ob_mor (C: predoublecategory_hor_sq) : und_ver_cat_ob C und_ver_cat_ob C UU :=
      fun c d => (get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor c d).

Definition make_und_ver_cat_ob_mor {C: predoublecategory_hor_sq}
      {c d : und_ver_cat_ob C} {g: (pr1 c) -h-> (pr1 d)} {k: (pr12 c) -h-> (pr12 d)}
        (α : sqq g (pr22 c) (pr22 d) k ) : und_ver_cat_ob_mor C c d
      := (g ,, (k ,, α)).

Definition has_hor_sq_homsets (C : predoublecategory_hor_sq) : UU :=
   (a b c d: C)
  (f: a -v-> b) (g: c -v-> d),
  isaset (und_ver_cat_ob_mor C (get_und_ver_cat_ob f) (get_und_ver_cat_ob g)).
Definition get_und_ver_cat_id {C: predoublecategory_hor_sq} (c : (und_ver_cat_ob C)) : und_ver_cat_ob_mor C c c
:= make_und_ver_cat_ob_mor (hor_sq_identity (pr22 c)).

Definition und_ver_cat_id (C: predoublecategory_hor_sq) : c : und_ver_cat_ob C, und_ver_cat_ob_mor C c c :=
fun c => get_und_ver_cat_id c.

Definition get_und_ver_cat_comp {C: predoublecategory_hor_sq} (c d e : (und_ver_cat_ob C)) :
und_ver_cat_ob_mor C c d und_ver_cat_ob_mor C d e und_ver_cat_ob_mor C c e
:= fun α β => make_und_ver_cat_ob_mor ( (pr22 α) ·sqh (pr22 β)).

Definition und_ver_cat_comp (C: predoublecategory_hor_sq) :
c d e: und_ver_cat_ob C, und_ver_cat_ob_mor C c d und_ver_cat_ob_mor C d e und_ver_cat_ob_mor C c e :=
fun c d e => get_und_ver_cat_comp c d e.

Definition make_und_ver_cat_comp {C: predoublecategory_hor_sq} {c d e : (und_ver_cat_ob C)}
(f: und_ver_cat_ob_mor C c d) (g: und_ver_cat_ob_mor C d e) : und_ver_cat_ob_mor C c e := und_ver_cat_comp C c d e f g.

Definition und_ver_cat_precategory_data (C: predoublecategory_hor_sq) : precategory_data :=
  make_precategory_data (make_precategory_ob_mor (und_ver_cat_ob C) (und_ver_cat_ob_mor C)) (und_ver_cat_id C) (und_ver_cat_comp C).

Lemma und_ver_cat_morphism_eq_principle {C: predoublecategory_hor_sq} {c d : und_ver_cat_ob C} (f g : und_ver_cat_ob_mor C c d)
(equp: (pr1 f) = (pr1 g)) (eqdown: (pr12 f) = (pr12 g))
(eqmid: (pr22 f) = boundary_sq_transport (equp) (eqdown) (pr22 g) ) : f = g.
Show proof.
  induction f as [ f1 [ f2 sq1 ]].
  induction g as [ g1 [ g2 sq2 ]].
  cbn in *.
  induction equp.
  induction eqdown.
  apply maponpaths.
  apply maponpaths.
  exact (eqmid).

Definition und_ver_left_unit
  {C: predoublecategory_hor_sq}
  {c d : und_ver_cat_ob C}
  (f: get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor c d) : (make_und_ver_cat_comp (und_ver_cat_id C c) f) = f
  := (und_ver_cat_morphism_eq_principle
  (make_und_ver_cat_comp (und_ver_cat_id C c) f) f (id_hor_left (pr1 f)) (id_hor_left (pr12 f)) (id_hor_sq_left (pr22 f))).

Definition get_und_ver_left_unit (C: predoublecategory_hor_sq) :
(c d : und_ver_cat_precategory_data C) (f: get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor c d),
(make_und_ver_cat_comp (und_ver_cat_id C c) f) = f
:= fun c d f => und_ver_left_unit f.

Definition und_ver_right_unit
  {C: predoublecategory_hor_sq}
  {c d : und_ver_cat_ob C}
  (f: get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor c d) : (make_und_ver_cat_comp f (und_ver_cat_id C d)) = f
  := (und_ver_cat_morphism_eq_principle
  (make_und_ver_cat_comp f (und_ver_cat_id C d)) f (id_hor_right (pr1 f)) (id_hor_right (pr12 f)) (id_hor_sq_right (pr22 f))).

  Definition get_und_ver_right_unit (C: predoublecategory_hor_sq) : (c d : und_ver_cat_ob C) (f: get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor c d),
  (make_und_ver_cat_comp f (und_ver_cat_id C d)) = f
  := fun c d f => und_ver_right_unit f.

Definition und_ver_assoc
  {C: predoublecategory_hor_sq}
  {a b c d : und_ver_cat_ob C}
  (f: get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor a b) (g: get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor b c) (h: get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor c d) :
  make_und_ver_cat_comp f (make_und_ver_cat_comp g h) = make_und_ver_cat_comp (make_und_ver_cat_comp f g) h
  := (und_ver_cat_morphism_eq_principle
  (make_und_ver_cat_comp f (make_und_ver_cat_comp g h)) (make_und_ver_cat_comp (make_und_ver_cat_comp f g) h)
  (assoc_hor (pr1 f) (pr1 g) (pr1 h)) (assoc_hor (pr12 f) (pr12 g) (pr12 h)) (assoc_sq_hor (pr22 f) (pr22 g) (pr22 h))).

Definition get_und_ver_assoc (C: predoublecategory_hor_sq) :
(a b c d : und_ver_cat_ob C) (f: get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor a b) (g: get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor b c) (h: get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor c d),
make_und_ver_cat_comp f (make_und_ver_cat_comp g h) = make_und_ver_cat_comp (make_und_ver_cat_comp f g) h
:= fun a b c d f g h => und_ver_assoc f g h.

Definition und_ver_cat_is_precategory (C: predoublecategory_hor_sq) : is_precategory (und_ver_cat_precategory_data C)
  := make_is_precategory_one_assoc (get_und_ver_left_unit C) (get_und_ver_right_unit C) (get_und_ver_assoc C).

Definition und_ver_precategory (C: predoublecategory_hor_sq) : precategory :=
  make_precategory (und_ver_cat_precategory_data C) (und_ver_cat_is_precategory C).

End Underlying_Category_Vertical_Morphisms_Squares.

Section Double_Categories.
Definition doublecategory := C:predoublecategory, (has_homsets (und_ob_hor_precategory C) × has_sq_hor_homsets C).

Definition make_doublecategory C h k : doublecategory := C,,h,,k.

Definition doublecategory_to_predoublecategory : doublecategory predoublecategory := pr1.

Coercion doublecategory_to_predoublecategory : doublecategory >-> predoublecategory.

Coercion homset_sq_property (C : doublecategory) : (has_homsets (und_ob_hor_precategory C) × has_sq_hor_homsets C) := pr2 C.

Definition get_has_sq_hor_homsets
{C : doublecategory} {a b c d : C}
(g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d)
(f : a -h-> b) (k : c -h-> d) :isaset (Sq[ a -hv- f h -hv-> b, c -vh- g k -vh-> d])
  := (pr22 C) a b c d g h f k.

Definition und_ob_hor_cat (C: doublecategory) : category := make_category (und_ob_hor_precategory C) (pr12 C).

Definition und_ver_cat (C: doublecategory) : category.
Show proof.
  use (make_category (und_ver_precategory C)).
  intros x y.
  use isaset_total2.
  - apply C.
  - intro.
    use isaset_total2.
    + apply C.
    + intro.
      apply C.

Definition doublecategory_to_twosided_disp_cat_data
           (C : doublecategory)
  : twosided_disp_cat_data (und_ob_hor_cat C) (und_ob_hor_cat C).
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - use tpair.
    * intros x y.
      exact (x -v-> y).
    * intros x y z w f g h k.
      exact (sqq h f g k).
  - use tpair.
    * intros x y f.
      exact (hor_sq_identity f).
    * intros x y z a b c f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 α β.
      exact (α ·sqh β).

Definition doublecategory_to_twosided_disp_cat
           (C : doublecategory)
  : twosided_disp_cat (und_ob_hor_cat C) (und_ob_hor_cat C).
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (doublecategory_to_twosided_disp_cat_data C).
  - repeat split.
    + intros x0 x1 y0 y1 f0 f1 g0 g1 α.
      exact (id_hor_sq_left α).
    + intros x0 x1 y0 y1 f0 f1 g0 g1 α.
      exact (id_hor_sq_right α).
    + intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? α β γ.
      exact (assoc_sq_hor α β γ).
    + intros x0 x1 y0 y1 f0 g0 f1 g1.
      exact (get_has_sq_hor_homsets f0 g0 f1 g1).

End Double_Categories.

Section Univalent_Double_Categories.

  Definition is_double_univalent
             (C : doublecategory)
    := (is_univalent (und_ob_hor_cat C)
        is_univalent_twosided_disp_cat (doublecategory_to_twosided_disp_cat C)).

  Definition univalent_doublecategory : UU := (C: doublecategory), is_double_univalent C.

  Coercion univalent_doublecategory_to_doublecategory (C: univalent_doublecategory) := pr1 C.
End Univalent_Double_Categories.