Library UniMath.Bicategories.DoubleCategories.DoubleCatsUnfolded
Double Categories
Contents :
- Define a pre double category as a ``weak double category`` in the sense of Grandis.
This means one direction is weak and the other direction is strict.
- Double categories: A double category is a pre-double category with two set-truncated hom sets.
- Univalent Double Categories: A univalent double category is a double category with two univalent underlying categories.
- The structure is defined from scratch rather than building on a category. This makes further generalizations easier.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.PartA.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Prelude.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.TwoSidedDisplayedCats.TwoSidedDispCat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.TwoSidedDisplayedCats.Univalence.
Section Definition_of_Double_Graphs.
Definition predoublecategory_ob_mor_hor : UU
:= ∑ obdb : UU, obdb -> obdb -> UU.
Definition obdb (C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_hor) : UU := @pr1 _ _ C.
Coercion obdb : predoublecategory_ob_mor_hor >-> UU.
Definition predoublecategory_mor_ver (C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_hor)
: UU
:= (C -> C -> UU).
Definition predoublecategory_ob_mor_data : UU :=
∑ C, predoublecategory_mor_ver C.
Coercion precategory_ob_mor_from_predoublecategory_ob_mor_data (C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_data) :
predoublecategory_ob_mor_hor := pr1 C.
End Definition_of_Double_Graphs.
Section Morphism_Helper_Functions.
Definition get_predoublecat_hor_mor (C: predoublecategory_ob_mor_data) : C → C → UU
:= pr21 C.
Definition get_predoublecat_ver_mor (C: predoublecategory_ob_mor_data) : C → C → UU
:= pr2 C.
End Morphism_Helper_Functions.
Notation "x '-h->' y" := (get_predoublecat_hor_mor _ x y) (at level 60).
Notation "x '-v->' y" := (get_predoublecat_ver_mor _ x y) (at level 60).
Section Underlying_Horizontal_Category.
Definition predoublecategory_hor_id_comp (C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_data): UU
(∏ c : C, c -h-> c)
(∏ a b c : C, a -h-> b -> b -h-> c -> a -h-> c).
Definition predoublecategory_hor_precat_data : UU
:= ∑ C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_data, predoublecategory_hor_id_comp C.
Definition predoublecategory_ob_mor_data_from_predoublecategory_hor_precat_data (C: predoublecategory_hor_precat_data) :
predoublecategory_ob_mor_data := pr1 C.
Coercion predoublecategory_ob_mor_data_from_predoublecategory_hor_precat_data :
predoublecategory_hor_precat_data >-> predoublecategory_ob_mor_data.
Definition hor_identity {C : predoublecategory_hor_precat_data}
: ∏ c : C, c -h-> c
:= pr1 (pr2 C).
Definition hor_compose {C : predoublecategory_hor_precat_data} { a b c : C }
: a -h-> b -> b -h-> c -> a -h-> c
:= pr2 (pr2 C) a b c.
Notation "f ·h g" := (hor_compose f g) (at level 60).
Notation "g ∘h f" := (hor_compose f g) (at level 60).
Definition is_predoublecategory_hor (C : predoublecategory_hor_precat_data) : UU
((∏ (a b : C) (f : a -h-> b), hor_identity a ·h f = f)
(∏ (a b : C) (f : a -h-> b), f ·h hor_identity b = f))
((∏ (a b c d : C) (f : a -h-> b) (g : b -h-> c) (h : c -h-> d), f ·h (g ·h h) = (f ·h g) ·h h)
(∏ (a b c d : C) (f : a -h-> b) (g : b -h-> c) (h : c -h-> d), (f ·h g) ·h h = f ·h (g ·h h))).
Definition predoublecategory_hor: UU := total2 is_predoublecategory_hor.
Definition make_predoublecategory_hor (C : predoublecategory_hor_precat_data) (H : is_predoublecategory_hor C)
: predoublecategory_hor
:= tpair _ C H.
Definition predoublecategory_hor_data_from_predoublecategory_hor (C : predoublecategory_hor) :
predoublecategory_hor_precat_data := pr1 C.
Coercion predoublecategory_hor_data_from_predoublecategory_hor : predoublecategory_hor >-> predoublecategory_hor_precat_data.
Definition get_id_hor_left (C : predoublecategory_hor) :
∏ (a b : C) (f : a -h-> b),
hor_identity a ·h f = f := pr112 C.
Definition id_hor_left {C : predoublecategory_hor} {a b : C} (f: a -h-> b) : hor_identity a ·h f = f
:= get_id_hor_left C a b f.
Definition get_id_hor_right (C : predoublecategory_hor) :
∏ (a b : C) (f : a -h-> b),
f ·h hor_identity b = f := pr212 C.
Definition id_hor_right {C : predoublecategory_hor} {a b : C} (f: a -h-> b) : f ·h hor_identity b = f
:= get_id_hor_right C a b f.
Definition get_assoc_hor (C : predoublecategory_hor) :
∏ (a b c d : C)
(f : a -h-> b) (g : b -h-> c) (h : c -h-> d),
f ·h (g ·h h) = (f ·h g) ·h h := pr122 C.
Definition assoc_hor {C : predoublecategory_hor} {a b c d : C} (f : a -h-> b) (g : b -h-> c) (h : c -h-> d) : f ·h (g ·h h) = (f ·h g) ·h h
:= get_assoc_hor C a b c d f g h.
Definition und_ob_hor_ob_mor (C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_hor) : precategory_ob_mor :=
make_precategory_ob_mor (pr1 C) (pr2 C).
Definition und_ob_hor_precategory_data (C: predoublecategory_hor_precat_data) : precategory_data :=
make_precategory_data (und_ob_hor_ob_mor C) (pr12 C) (pr22 C).
Definition und_ob_hor_precategory_axioms (C: predoublecategory_hor) : is_precategory (und_ob_hor_precategory_data C) :=
@make_is_precategory (und_ob_hor_precategory_data C) (pr112 C) (pr212 C) (pr122 C) (pr222 C).
Definition und_ob_hor_precategory (C : predoublecategory_hor) : precategory :=
make_precategory (und_ob_hor_precategory_data C) (und_ob_hor_precategory_axioms C).
Definition has_hor_homsets (C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_data) : UU := ∏ a b : C, isaset (a -h-> b).
Definition doublecategory_hor := ∑ C:predoublecategory_hor, has_hor_homsets C.
Definition make_doublecategory_hor C h : doublecategory_hor := C,,h.
Definition doublecategory_hor_to_predoublecategory_hor : doublecategory_hor -> predoublecategory_hor := pr1.
Coercion doublecategory_hor_to_predoublecategory_hor : doublecategory_hor >-> predoublecategory_hor.
Coercion double_homset_property (C : doublecategory_hor) : has_hor_homsets C := pr2 C.
Definition und_ob_hor_category (C: doublecategory_hor) : category :=
make_category (und_ob_hor_precategory C) (pr2 C).
End Underlying_Horizontal_Category.
Notation "f ·h g" := (hor_compose f g) (at level 60).
Notation "g ∘h f" := (hor_compose f g) (at level 60).
Section Underlying_Vertical_Composition.
Definition predoublecategory_ver_id_comp (C : predoublecategory_hor) : UU
(∏ c : C, c -v-> c)
(∏ a b c : C, a -v-> b -> b -v-> c -> a -v-> c).
Definition predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data : UU
:= ∑ C : predoublecategory_hor, predoublecategory_ver_id_comp C.
Definition predoublecategory_hor_from_predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data (C: predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data) :
predoublecategory_hor := pr1 C.
Coercion predoublecategory_hor_from_predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data :
predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data >-> predoublecategory_hor.
Definition ver_identity {C : predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data}
: ∏ c : C, c -v-> c
:= pr1 (pr2 C).
Definition ver_compose {C : predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data} { a b c : C }
: a -v-> b -> b -v-> c -> a -v-> c
:= pr2 (pr2 C) a b c.
End Underlying_Vertical_Composition.
Notation "f ·v g" := (ver_compose f g) (at level 60).
Notation "g ∘v f" := (ver_compose f g) (at level 60).
Notation "'ver_comp' C f g" := (@ver_compose C _ _ _ f g) (at level 60).
Section Squares.
Definition predoublecategory_square (C : predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data) : UU
:= ∏ (a b c d : C) (f: a -h-> b) (g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d) (k: c -h-> d), UU.
Definition predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data : UU :=
∑ C, predoublecategory_square C.
Definition predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data_from_predoublecategory_square (C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data) :
predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data := pr1 C.
Coercion predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data_from_predoublecategory_square :
predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data >-> predoublecategory_hor_cat_ver_precat_data.
Definition get_predoublecat_sq (C: predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data) :
∏ (a b c d : C) (f: a -h-> b) (g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d) (k: c -h-> d), UU
:= pr2 C.
Definition hom_sq_between_ver (C: predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data) {a b c d : C} (g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d): UU
:= ∑ (f: a -h-> b) (k: c -h-> d), (get_predoublecat_sq C a b c d f g h k).
Definition hom_sq_between_hor (C: predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data) {a b c d : C} (f: a -h-> b) (k: c -h-> d): UU
:= ∑ (g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d), (get_predoublecat_sq C a b c d f g h k).
Definition sqq {C: predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data}
{a b c d : C} (f: a -h-> b) (g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d) (k: c -h-> d): UU
:= get_predoublecat_sq C a b c d f g h k.
Definition boundary_sq_transport
{C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data}
{ a b c d : C }
{f1: a -h-> b} {g1: a -v-> c}
{h1: b -v-> d} {k1: c -h-> d}
{f2: a -h-> b} {k2: c -h-> d}
(eqf: f1 = f2) (eqk: k1 = k2)
(α : sqq f2 g1 h1 k2)
: sqq f1 g1 h1 k1
:= transportb
(fun f0 => sqq f0 _ _ _)
(fun k0 => sqq _ _ _ k0)
End Squares.
Notation "'mor_sq'" := (get_predoublecat_sq).
Notation "'Sq[' x '-hv-' f h '-hv->' y , z '-vh-' g k '-vh->' w ]" :=
(get_predoublecat_sq _ x y z w f g h k) (at level 200, x ident, y ident, z ident, w ident, f ident, g ident, h ident, k ident).
Section Horizontal_Composition_Squares.
Definition predoublecategory_sq_hor_id_comp (C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data): UU
(∏ (a b : C) (f: a -v-> b), (sqq (hor_identity a) f f (hor_identity b)))
(∏ (a0 a1 b0 b1 c0 c1 : C)
(f0: a0 -v-> a1) (f1: b0 -v-> b1) (f2: c0 -v-> c1) (g0: a0 -h-> b0) (h0: b0 -h-> c0) (g1: a1 -h-> b1) (h1: b1 -h-> c1),
(sqq g0 f0 f1 g1) →
(sqq h0 f1 f2 h1) →
(sqq (g0 ·h h0) f0 f2 (g1 ·h h1))
Definition predoublecategory_sq_hor_data : UU
:= ∑ C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data, predoublecategory_sq_hor_id_comp C.
Definition make_predoublecategory_sq_hor_data (C : predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data)
(id : (∏ (a b : C) (f: a -v-> b), (mor_sq C a a b b (hor_identity a) f f (hor_identity b))))
(comp: (∏ (a0 a1 b0 b1 c0 c1 : C)
(f0: a0 -v-> a1) (f1: b0 -v-> b1) (f2: c0 -v-> c1) (g0: a0 -h-> b0) (h0: b0 -h-> c0) (g1: a1 -h-> b1) (h1: b1 -h-> c1),
(sqq g0 f0 f1 g1) →
(sqq h0 f1 f2 h1) →
(sqq (g0 ·h h0) f0 f2 (g1 ·h h1))) )
: predoublecategory_sq_hor_data
:= tpair _ C (make_dirprod id comp).
Definition predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data_from_predoublecategory_sq_hor_data (C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_data) :
predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data := pr1 C.
Coercion predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data_from_predoublecategory_sq_hor_data :
predoublecategory_sq_hor_data >-> predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data.
Definition get_hor_sq_identity {C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_data}
: (∏ (a b : C) (f: a -v-> b), (sqq (hor_identity a) f f (hor_identity b)))
:= pr1 (pr2 C).
Definition hor_sq_identity {C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_data} {a b: C} (f: a -v-> b) :
(sqq (hor_identity a) f f (hor_identity b)) := get_hor_sq_identity a b f.
Definition hor_sq_compose {C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_data}
{ a0 a1 b0 b1 c0 c1 : C }
{f0: a0 -v-> a1} {f1: b0 -v-> b1} {f2: c0 -v-> c1} {g0: a0 -h-> b0} {h0: b0 -h-> c0} {g1: a1 -h-> b1} {h1: b1 -h-> c1}
: (sqq g0 f0 f1 g1) →
(sqq h0 f1 f2 h1) →
(sqq (g0 ·h h0) f0 f2 (g1 ·h h1))
:= pr2 (pr2 C) a0 a1 b0 b1 c0 c1 f0 f1 f2 g0 h0 g1 h1.
Notation "α ·sqh β" := (hor_sq_compose α β) (at level 60).
Notation "α ∘sqh β" := (hor_sq_compose α β) (at level 60).
Definition hor_trans_id_left_sq {C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_data}
{ a b c d : C } {f: a -h-> b} {g: a -v-> c} {h: b -v-> d} {k: c -h-> d}
(α: sqq f g h k) :
sqq ((hor_identity a) ·h f) g h ((hor_identity c) ·h k )
:= boundary_sq_transport (id_hor_left f) (id_hor_left k) α.
Definition hor_trans_id_right_sq {C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_data}
{ a b c d : C } {f: a -h-> b} {g: a -v-> c} {h: b -v-> d} {k: c -h-> d}
(α : sqq f g h k) : sqq (f ·h (hor_identity b)) g h (k ·h (hor_identity d))
:= boundary_sq_transport (id_hor_right f) (id_hor_right k) α.
Definition hor_trans_assoc_sq {C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_data}
{ a0 b0 c0 d0 a1 b1 c1 d1 : C }
{f0: a0 -h-> b0} {g0: b0 -h-> c0} {h0: c0 -h-> d0}
{f1: a1 -h-> b1} {g1: b1 -h-> c1} {h1: c1 -h-> d1}
{ma: a0 -v-> a1} {md: d0 -v-> d1}
(α: sqq ((f0 ·h g0) ·h h0) ma md ((f1 ·h g1) ·h h1)):
sqq (f0 ·h (g0 ·h h0)) ma md (f1 ·h (g1 ·h h1))
:= boundary_sq_transport (assoc_hor f0 g0 h0) (assoc_hor f1 g1 h1) α.
Definition is_predoublecategory_hor_sq (C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_data) : UU
((∏ (a b c d : C) (f: a -h-> b) (g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d) (k: c -h-> d)
(α : mor_sq C a b c d f g h k),
(hor_sq_identity g) ·sqh α = hor_trans_id_left_sq α))
((∏ (a b c d : C) (f: a -h-> b) (g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d) (k: c -h-> d)
(α : mor_sq C a b c d f g h k),
α ·sqh (hor_sq_identity h) = hor_trans_id_right_sq α))
(∏ ( a0 b0 c0 d0 a1 b1 c1 d1 : C )
(f0: a0 -h-> b0) (g0: b0 -h-> c0) (h0: c0 -h-> d0)
(f1: a1 -h-> b1) (g1: b1 -h-> c1) (h1: c1 -h-> d1)
(ma: a0 -v-> a1) (mb: b0 -v-> b1) (mc: c0 -v-> c1) (md: d0 -v-> d1)
(α: sqq f0 ma mb f1)
(β: sqq g0 mb mc g1)
(γ: sqq h0 mc md h1),
α ·sqh (β ·sqh γ) = hor_trans_assoc_sq ((α ·sqh β) ·sqh γ)) .
Definition predoublecategory_hor_sq: UU := total2 is_predoublecategory_hor_sq.
Definition make_predoublecategory_hor_sq (C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_data) (H : is_predoublecategory_hor_sq C)
: predoublecategory_hor_sq
:= tpair _ C H.
Definition predoublecategory_sq_hor_data_from_predoublecategory_hor_sq (C : predoublecategory_hor_sq) :
predoublecategory_sq_hor_data := pr1 C.
Coercion predoublecategory_sq_hor_data_from_predoublecategory_hor_sq : predoublecategory_hor_sq >-> predoublecategory_sq_hor_data.
Definition get_id_hor_sq_left (C : predoublecategory_hor_sq) :
∏ (a b c d : pr1 C) (f : a -h-> b) (g : a -v-> c) (h : b -v-> d) (k : c -h-> d)
(α : sqq f g h k), (hor_sq_identity g) ·sqh α = hor_trans_id_left_sq α := pr12 C.
Definition id_hor_sq_left {C : predoublecategory_hor_sq}
{a b c d : pr1 C} {f : a -h-> b} {g : a -v-> c} {h : b -v-> d} {k : c -h-> d} (α : sqq f g h k)
: (hor_sq_identity g) ·sqh α =hor_trans_id_left_sq α
:= get_id_hor_sq_left C a b c d f g h k α.
Definition get_id_hor_sq_right (C : predoublecategory_hor_sq) :
∏ (a b c d : pr1 C) (f : a -h-> b) (g : a -v-> c) (h : b -v-> d) (k : c -h-> d)
(α : sqq f g h k), α ·sqh (hor_sq_identity h) = hor_trans_id_right_sq α := pr122 C.
Definition id_hor_sq_right {C : predoublecategory_hor_sq}
{a b c d : pr1 C} {f : a -h-> b} {g : a -v-> c} {h : b -v-> d} {k : c -h-> d} (α : sqq f g h k)
: α ·sqh (hor_sq_identity h) = hor_trans_id_right_sq α
:= get_id_hor_sq_right C a b c d f g h k α.
Definition get_assoc_sq_hor (C : predoublecategory_hor_sq) :
∏ (a0 b0 c0 d0 a1 b1 c1 d1 : C )
(f0: a0 -h-> b0) (g0: b0 -h-> c0) (h0: c0 -h-> d0)
(f1: a1 -h-> b1) (g1: b1 -h-> c1) (h1: c1 -h-> d1)
(ma: a0 -v-> a1) (mb: b0 -v-> b1) (mc: c0 -v-> c1) (md: d0 -v-> d1)
(α: sqq f0 ma mb f1)
(β: sqq g0 mb mc g1)
(γ: sqq h0 mc md h1),
α ·sqh (β ·sqh γ) = hor_trans_assoc_sq( (α ·sqh β) ·sqh γ) := pr222 C.
Definition assoc_sq_hor {C : predoublecategory_hor_sq}
{a0 b0 c0 d0 a1 b1 c1 d1 : pr1 C} {f0: a0 -h-> b0} {g0: b0 -h-> c0} {h0: c0 -h-> d0}
{f1: a1 -h-> b1} {g1: b1 -h-> c1} {h1: c1 -h-> d1}
{ma: a0 -v-> a1} {mb: b0 -v-> b1} {mc: c0 -v-> c1} {md: d0 -v-> d1}
(α: sqq f0 ma mb f1)
(β: sqq g0 mb mc g1)
(γ: sqq h0 mc md h1)
: α ·sqh (β ·sqh γ) =hor_trans_assoc_sq ( (α ·sqh β) ·sqh γ)
:= get_assoc_sq_hor C a0 b0 c0 d0 a1 b1 c1 d1 f0 g0 h0 f1 g1 h1 ma mb mc md α β γ.
End Horizontal_Composition_Squares.
Notation "α ·sqh β" := (hor_sq_compose α β) (at level 60).
Notation "α ∘sqh β" := (hor_sq_compose α β) (at level 60).
Section Special_Iso_Squares.
Definition get_predoublecat_sq_special {C: predoublecategory_ob_mor_sq_data} {a b : C} (g: a -v-> b) (h: a -v-> b): UU
:= sqq (hor_identity a) g h (hor_identity b).
Definition is_iso_square {C: predoublecategory_sq_hor_data} {a b : C} {g: a -v-> b} {h: a -v-> b}
(α : get_predoublecat_sq_special g h): UU
:= ∑ (β : get_predoublecat_sq_special h g),
( (α ·sqh β) =hor_trans_id_left_sq (hor_sq_identity g)) × ( (β ·sqh α) = hor_trans_id_left_sq (hor_sq_identity h)).
Definition get_special_iso_squares {C: predoublecategory_sq_hor_data} {a b : C} (g: a -v-> b) (h: a -v-> b)
: UU
:= ∑ (α : get_predoublecat_sq_special g h), (is_iso_square α).
Definition sqq_iso_special {C: predoublecategory_sq_hor_data}
{a b : C} (f: a -v-> b) (g: a -v-> b): UU
:= get_special_iso_squares f g.
End Special_Iso_Squares.
Section Vertical_Composition_Squares.
Definition predoublecategory_sq_ver_id_comp (C : predoublecategory_hor_sq): UU
(∏ (a b : C) (f: a -h-> b), (sqq f (ver_identity a) (ver_identity b) f))
(∏ (a0 a1 b0 b1 c0 c1 : C)
(f0: a0 -h-> a1) (f1: b0 -h-> b1) (f2: c0 -h-> c1) (g0: a0 -v-> b0) (h0: b0 -v-> c0) (g1: a1 -v-> b1) (h1: b1 -v-> c1),
(sqq f0 g0 g1 f1) →
(sqq f1 h0 h1 f2) →
(sqq f0 (g0 ·v h0) (g1 ·v h1) f2)
Definition predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data : UU
:= ∑ C : predoublecategory_hor_sq, predoublecategory_sq_ver_id_comp C.
Definition make_predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data (C : predoublecategory_hor_sq)
(id : (∏ (a b : C) (f: a -h-> b), (sqq f (ver_identity a) (ver_identity b) f)))
(comp: (∏ (a0 a1 b0 b1 c0 c1 : C)
(f0: a0 -h-> a1) (f1: b0 -h-> b1) (f2: c0 -h-> c1) (g0: a0 -v-> b0) (h0: b0 -v-> c0) (g1: a1 -v-> b1) (h1: b1 -v-> c1),
(sqq f0 g0 g1 f1) →
(sqq f1 h0 h1 f2) →
(sqq f0 (g0 ·v h0) (g1 ·v h1) f2)) )
: predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data
:= tpair _ C (make_dirprod id comp).
Definition predoublecategory_hor_sq_from_predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data (C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data) :
predoublecategory_hor_sq := pr1 C.
Coercion predoublecategory_hor_sq_from_predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data:
predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data >-> predoublecategory_hor_sq.
Definition get_ver_sq_identity {C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data}
: (∏ (a b : C) (f: a -h-> b), (get_predoublecat_sq C a b a b f (ver_identity a) (ver_identity b) f))
:= pr1 (pr2 C).
Definition ver_sq_identity {C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data} {a b : C} (f: a -h-> b):
(get_predoublecat_sq C a b a b f (ver_identity a) (ver_identity b) f)
:= get_ver_sq_identity a b f.
Definition ver_sq_compose {C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data}
{ a0 a1 b0 b1 c0 c1 : C }
{f0: a0 -h-> a1} {f1: b0 -h-> b1} {f2: c0 -h-> c1} {g0: a0 -v-> b0} {h0: b0 -v-> c0} {g1: a1 -v-> b1} {h1: b1 -v-> c1}
: (sqq f0 g0 g1 f1) →
(sqq f1 h0 h1 f2) →
(sqq f0 (g0 ·v h0) (g1 ·v h1) f2)
:= pr2 (pr2 C) a0 a1 b0 b1 c0 c1 f0 f1 f2 g0 h0 g1 h1.
End Vertical_Composition_Squares.
Notation "α ·sqv β" := (ver_sq_compose α β) (at level 60).
Notation "α ∘sqv β" := (ver_sq_compose α β) (at level 60).
Section Vertical_Unitor_and_Associator_Coherences.
Definition ver_left_unitor { C:predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data} {a b: C} (f: a -v-> b) : UU
:= sqq_iso_special (ver_identity a ·v f) f.
Definition ver_right_unitor { C:predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data} {a b: C} (f: a -v-> b) : UU
:= sqq_iso_special (f ·v ver_identity b) f.
Definition ver_associator { C:predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data} {a b c d: C}
(f : a -v-> b) (g : b -v-> c) (h : c -v-> d)
:= sqq_iso_special (f ·v (g ·v h)) ((f ·v g) ·v h).
Definition has_predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc ( C:predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data) : UU
(∏ (a b: C) (f: a -v-> b) , sqq_iso_special (ver_identity a ·v f) f) ×
(∏ (a b: C) (f: a -v-> b) , sqq_iso_special (f ·v ver_identity b) f) ×
(∏ (a b c d: C) (f : a -v-> b) (g : b -v-> c) (h : c -v-> d), sqq_iso_special (f ·v (g ·v h)) ((f ·v g) ·v h)).
Definition predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data : UU :=
∑ (C:predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data), has_predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc C.
Coercion predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data_from_predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data (C: predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data)
: predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_data := pr1 C.
Definition get_ver_left_unitor {C: predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data} {a b : C} (f: a -v-> b) : sqq_iso_special (ver_identity a ·v f) f
:= (pr12 C) a b f.
Definition get_ver_right_unitor {C: predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data} {a b : C} (f: a -v-> b) : sqq_iso_special (f ·v ver_identity b) f
:= (pr122 C) a b f.
Definition get_ver_associator {C: predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data} {a b c d: C}
(f : a -v-> b) (g : b -v-> c) (h : c -v-> d) : sqq_iso_special (f ·v (g ·v h)) ((f ·v g) ·v h)
:= (pr222 C) a b c d f g h.
Definition predoublecategory_ver_left_unitor_naturality ( C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data) : UU
:= ∏ (a b c d : C)
(f: a -h-> b) (g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d) (k: c -h-> d)
(α : sqq f g h k),
((ver_sq_identity f) ·sqv α) ·sqh (pr1 (get_ver_left_unitor h))
(id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
(id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
((pr1 (get_ver_left_unitor g)) ·sqh α).
Definition predoublecategory_ver_right_unitor_naturality ( C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data) : UU :=
∏ (a b c d : C)
(f: a -h-> b) (g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d) (k: c -h-> d)
(α : sqq f g h k),
(α ·sqv (ver_sq_identity k)) ·sqh (pr1 (get_ver_right_unitor h))
(id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
(id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
((pr1 (get_ver_right_unitor g)) ·sqh α).
Definition predoublecategory_ver_assoc_naturality ( C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data) : UU :=
∏ (a0 a1 a2 a3 b0 b1 b2 b3 : C)
(fa: a0 -v-> a1) (fb: b0 -v-> b1) (ha: a1 -v-> a2) (hb: b1 -v-> b2) (ka: a2 -v-> a3) (kb: b2 -v-> b3)
(g0: a0 -h-> b0) (g1: a1 -h-> b1) (g2: a2 -h-> b2) (g3: a3 -h-> b3)
(α : sqq g0 fa fb g1) (β : sqq g1 ha hb g2) (γ : sqq g2 ka kb g3),
( (α) ·sqv ( (β) ·sqv (γ)) ) ·sqh (pr1 (get_ver_associator fb hb kb))
(id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
(id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
((pr1 (get_ver_associator fa ha ka)) ·sqh ( (α ·sqv β) ·sqv (γ) )).
Definition predoublecategory_ver_unitor_coherence ( C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data) : UU :=
∏ (a b c: C)
(f: a -v-> b) (g: b -v-> c),
( ((pr1 (get_ver_associator f (ver_identity b) g)) ·sqh ( (pr1 (get_ver_right_unitor f)) ·sqv (hor_sq_identity g) )) =
hor_trans_id_left_sq ((hor_sq_identity f) ·sqv (pr1 (get_ver_left_unitor g)))).
Definition predoublecategory_ver_assoc_coherence ( C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data) : UU :=
∏ (a b c d e: C) (f : a -v-> b) (g : b -v-> c) (h : c -v-> d) (k : d -v-> e),
(hor_trans_id_right_sq ( (pr1 (get_ver_associator f g (h ·v k))) ·sqh (pr1 (get_ver_associator (f ·v g) h k)) )) =
( ( ( (hor_sq_identity f) ·sqv (pr1 (get_ver_associator g h k)) )
·sqh (pr1 (get_ver_associator f (g ·v h) k)) )
·sqh ( (pr1 (get_ver_associator f g h)) ·sqv (hor_sq_identity k)) ) .
Definition predoublecategory_interchange_comp ( C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data) : UU :=
∏ (a0 a1 a2 b0 b1 b2 c0 c1 c2 : C)
(fa: a0 -h-> a1) (ga: a1 -h-> a2) (fb: b0 -h-> b1) (gb: b1 -h-> b2) (fc: c0 -h-> c1) (gc: c1 -h-> c2)
(h0: a0 -v-> b0) (k0: b0 -v-> c0) (h1: a1 -v-> b1) (k1: b1 -v-> c1) (h2: a2 -v-> b2) (k2: b2 -v-> c2)
(α : sqq fa h0 h1 fb)
(β : sqq ga h1 h2 gb)
(γ : sqq fb k0 k1 fc)
(δ : sqq gb k1 k2 gc),
(α ·sqh β) ·sqv (γ ·sqh δ) = (α ·sqv γ) ·sqh (β ·sqv δ).
Definition predoublecategory_interchange_id_obj ( C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data) : UU :=
∏ (a :C), ver_sq_identity (hor_identity a) = hor_sq_identity (ver_identity a).
Definition predoublecategory_interchange_id_hor ( C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data) : UU :=
∏ (a b c: C) (f: a -h-> b) (g: b -h-> c),
ver_sq_identity(f ·h g) = (ver_sq_identity f) ·sqh (ver_sq_identity g).
Definition predoublecategory_interchange_id_ver ( C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data) : UU :=
∏ (a b c: C) (f: a -v-> b) (g: b -v-> c),
(hor_sq_identity f) ·sqv (hor_sq_identity g) =hor_sq_identity(f ·v g).
Definition predoublecategory_interchange ( C : predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data) : UU :=
predoublecategory_interchange_id_obj C ×
predoublecategory_interchange_id_hor C ×
predoublecategory_interchange_id_ver C ×
predoublecategory_interchange_comp C.
End Vertical_Unitor_and_Associator_Coherences.
Notation "α ·sqv β" := (ver_sq_compose α β) (at level 60).
Notation "α ∘sqv β" := (ver_sq_compose α β) (at level 60).
Section Pre_Double_Categories.
Definition has_sq_hor_homsets (C : predoublecategory_hor_sq) : UU :=
∏ (a b c d : C)
(g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d)
(f : a -h-> b) (k : c -h-> d),
isaset (Sq[ a -hv- f h -hv-> b, c -vh- g k -vh-> d]).
Definition doublecategory_hor_sq := ∑ C:predoublecategory_hor_sq, has_sq_hor_homsets C.
Definition make_doublecategory_hor_sq C h : doublecategory_hor_sq := C,,h.
Definition doublecategory_hor_sq_to_predoublecategory_hor_sq : doublecategory_hor_sq -> predoublecategory_hor_sq := pr1.
Definition predoublecategory : UU :=
∑ (C:predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data),
( (predoublecategory_ver_left_unitor_naturality C) ×
(predoublecategory_ver_right_unitor_naturality C) ×
(predoublecategory_ver_assoc_naturality C) ×
(predoublecategory_ver_unitor_coherence C) ×
(predoublecategory_ver_assoc_coherence C) ×
(predoublecategory_interchange C)).
Coercion predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data_from_predoublecategory (C: predoublecategory)
: predoublecategory_sq_hor_ver_unit_assoc_data := pr1 C.
Definition get_predoublecategory_ver_left_unitor_naturality
{C : predoublecategory} {a b c d : C}
{f: a -h-> b} {g: a -v-> c} {h: b -v-> d} {k: c -h-> d}
(α : sqq f g h k) :
((ver_sq_identity f) ·sqv α) ·sqh (pr1 (get_ver_left_unitor h)) =
(id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
(id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
((pr1 (get_ver_left_unitor g)) ·sqh α) :=
(pr12 C) a b c d f g h k α.
Definition get_predoublecategory_ver_right_unitor_naturality
{C : predoublecategory}
{a b c d : C}
{f: a -h-> b} {g: a -v-> c} {h: b -v-> d} {k: c -h-> d}
(α : sqq f g h k) :
(α ·sqv (ver_sq_identity k)) ·sqh (pr1 (get_ver_right_unitor h))
(id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
(id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
((pr1 (get_ver_right_unitor g)) ·sqh α) :=
(pr122 C) a b c d f g h k α.
Definition get_predoublecategory_ver_assoc_naturality
{C : predoublecategory}
{a0 a1 a2 a3 b0 b1 b2 b3 : C}
{fa: a0 -v-> a1} {fb: b0 -v-> b1} {ha: a1 -v-> a2} {hb: b1 -v-> b2} {ka: a2 -v-> a3} {kb: b2 -v-> b3}
{g0: a0 -h-> b0} {g1: a1 -h-> b1} {g2: a2 -h-> b2} {g3: a3 -h-> b3}
(α : sqq g0 fa fb g1) (β : sqq g1 ha hb g2) (γ : sqq g2 ka kb g3) :
( ( (α) ·sqv ( (β) ·sqv (γ)) ) ·sqh (pr1 (get_ver_associator fb hb kb)) =
(id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
(id_hor_right _ @ !(id_hor_left _))
((pr1 (get_ver_associator fa ha ka)) ·sqh ( (α ·sqv β) ·sqv (γ) )) ) :=
(pr1 (pr222 C)) a0 a1 a2 a3 b0 b1 b2 b3 fa fb ha hb ka kb g0 g1 g2 g3 α β γ.
Definition get_predoublecategory_ver_unitor_coherence
{C : predoublecategory}
{a b c: C} (f: a -v-> b) (g: b -v-> c) :
( ((pr1 (get_ver_associator f (ver_identity b) g)) ·sqh ( (pr1 (get_ver_right_unitor f)) ·sqv (hor_sq_identity g) )) =
hor_trans_id_left_sq ((hor_sq_identity f) ·sqv (pr1 (get_ver_left_unitor g))))
:= (pr12 (pr222 C)) a b c f g.
Definition get_predoublecategory_ver_assoc_coherence
{C : predoublecategory}
{a b c d e: C} (f : a -v-> b) (g : b -v-> c) (h : c -v-> d) (k : d -v-> e) :
( (hor_trans_id_right_sq ( (pr1 (get_ver_associator f g (h ·v k))) ·sqh (pr1 (get_ver_associator (f ·v g) h k)) )) =
( ( ( (hor_sq_identity f) ·sqv (pr1 (get_ver_associator g h k)) )
·sqh (pr1 (get_ver_associator f (g ·v h) k)) )
·sqh ( (pr1 (get_ver_associator f g h)) ·sqv (hor_sq_identity k)) ) )
:= (pr122 (pr222 C)) a b c d e f g h k.
Definition get_predoublecategory_interchange_comp
{C : predoublecategory}
{a0 a1 a2 b0 b1 b2 c0 c1 c2 : C}
{fa: a0 -h-> a1} {ga: a1 -h-> a2} {fb: b0 -h-> b1} {gb: b1 -h-> b2} {fc: c0 -h-> c1} {gc: c1 -h-> c2}
{h0: a0 -v-> b0} {k0: b0 -v-> c0} {h1: a1 -v-> b1} {k1: b1 -v-> c1} {h2: a2 -v-> b2} {k2: b2 -v-> c2}
(α : sqq fa h0 h1 fb)
(β : sqq ga h1 h2 gb)
(γ : sqq fb k0 k1 fc)
(δ : sqq gb k1 k2 gc) : (α ·sqh β) ·sqv (γ ·sqh δ) = (α ·sqv γ) ·sqh (β ·sqv δ)
:= pr222 (pr222 (pr222 C)) a0 a1 a2 b0 b1 b2 c0 c1 c2 fa ga fb gb fc gc h0 k0 h1 k1 h2 k2 α β γ δ.
Definition get_predoublecategory_interchange_id_obj {C : predoublecategory}
(a :C) : ver_sq_identity (hor_identity a) = hor_sq_identity (ver_identity a)
:= (pr1 (pr222 (pr222 C))) a.
Definition get_predoublecategory_interchange_id_hor {C : predoublecategory}
{a b c: C} (f: a -h-> b) (g: b -h-> c) :
ver_sq_identity(f ·h g) = (ver_sq_identity f) ·sqh (ver_sq_identity g)
:= (pr12 (pr222 (pr222 C))) a b c f g.
Definition get_predoublecategory_interchange_id_ver {C : predoublecategory}
{a b c: C} (f: a -v-> b) (g: b -v-> c) :
(hor_sq_identity f) ·sqv (hor_sq_identity g) =hor_sq_identity(f ·v g)
:= (pr122 (pr222 (pr222 C))) a b c f g.
End Pre_Double_Categories.
Section Underlying_Category_Vertical_Morphisms_Squares.
Definition und_ver_cat_ob (C: predoublecategory_hor_sq) : UU :=
∑ (a b : C), a -v-> b.
Definition get_und_ver_cat_ob {C: predoublecategory_hor_sq} {a b : C} (f: a -v-> b) : und_ver_cat_ob C
:= (a,, (b,, f)).
Definition get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor {C: predoublecategory_hor_sq} (c d : und_ver_cat_ob C) : UU :=
∑ (g: (pr1 c) -h-> (pr1 d)) (k: (pr12 c) -h-> (pr12 d)), (sqq g (pr22 c) (pr22 d) k ).
Definition und_ver_cat_ob_mor (C: predoublecategory_hor_sq) : und_ver_cat_ob C → und_ver_cat_ob C → UU :=
fun c d => (get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor c d).
Definition make_und_ver_cat_ob_mor {C: predoublecategory_hor_sq}
{c d : und_ver_cat_ob C} {g: (pr1 c) -h-> (pr1 d)} {k: (pr12 c) -h-> (pr12 d)}
(α : sqq g (pr22 c) (pr22 d) k ) : und_ver_cat_ob_mor C c d
:= (g ,, (k ,, α)).
Definition has_hor_sq_homsets (C : predoublecategory_hor_sq) : UU :=
∏ (a b c d: C)
(f: a -v-> b) (g: c -v-> d),
isaset (und_ver_cat_ob_mor C (get_und_ver_cat_ob f) (get_und_ver_cat_ob g)).
Definition get_und_ver_cat_id {C: predoublecategory_hor_sq} (c : (und_ver_cat_ob C)) : und_ver_cat_ob_mor C c c
:= make_und_ver_cat_ob_mor (hor_sq_identity (pr22 c)).
Definition und_ver_cat_id (C: predoublecategory_hor_sq) : ∏ c : und_ver_cat_ob C, und_ver_cat_ob_mor C c c :=
fun c => get_und_ver_cat_id c.
Definition get_und_ver_cat_comp {C: predoublecategory_hor_sq} (c d e : (und_ver_cat_ob C)) :
und_ver_cat_ob_mor C c d → und_ver_cat_ob_mor C d e → und_ver_cat_ob_mor C c e
:= fun α β => make_und_ver_cat_ob_mor ( (pr22 α) ·sqh (pr22 β)).
Definition und_ver_cat_comp (C: predoublecategory_hor_sq) :
∏ c d e: und_ver_cat_ob C, und_ver_cat_ob_mor C c d → und_ver_cat_ob_mor C d e → und_ver_cat_ob_mor C c e :=
fun c d e => get_und_ver_cat_comp c d e.
Definition make_und_ver_cat_comp {C: predoublecategory_hor_sq} {c d e : (und_ver_cat_ob C)}
(f: und_ver_cat_ob_mor C c d) (g: und_ver_cat_ob_mor C d e) : und_ver_cat_ob_mor C c e := und_ver_cat_comp C c d e f g.
Definition und_ver_cat_precategory_data (C: predoublecategory_hor_sq) : precategory_data :=
make_precategory_data (make_precategory_ob_mor (und_ver_cat_ob C) (und_ver_cat_ob_mor C)) (und_ver_cat_id C) (und_ver_cat_comp C).
Lemma und_ver_cat_morphism_eq_principle {C: predoublecategory_hor_sq} {c d : und_ver_cat_ob C} (f g : und_ver_cat_ob_mor C c d)
(equp: (pr1 f) = (pr1 g)) (eqdown: (pr12 f) = (pr12 g))
(eqmid: (pr22 f) = boundary_sq_transport (equp) (eqdown) (pr22 g) ) : f = g.
Show proof.
induction f as [ f1 [ f2 sq1 ]].
induction g as [ g1 [ g2 sq2 ]].
cbn in *.
induction equp.
induction eqdown.
apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths.
exact (eqmid).
induction g as [ g1 [ g2 sq2 ]].
cbn in *.
induction equp.
induction eqdown.
apply maponpaths.
apply maponpaths.
exact (eqmid).
Definition und_ver_left_unit
{C: predoublecategory_hor_sq}
{c d : und_ver_cat_ob C}
(f: get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor c d) : (make_und_ver_cat_comp (und_ver_cat_id C c) f) = f
:= (und_ver_cat_morphism_eq_principle
(make_und_ver_cat_comp (und_ver_cat_id C c) f) f (id_hor_left (pr1 f)) (id_hor_left (pr12 f)) (id_hor_sq_left (pr22 f))).
Definition get_und_ver_left_unit (C: predoublecategory_hor_sq) :
∏ (c d : und_ver_cat_precategory_data C) (f: get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor c d),
(make_und_ver_cat_comp (und_ver_cat_id C c) f) = f
:= fun c d f => und_ver_left_unit f.
Definition und_ver_right_unit
{C: predoublecategory_hor_sq}
{c d : und_ver_cat_ob C}
(f: get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor c d) : (make_und_ver_cat_comp f (und_ver_cat_id C d)) = f
:= (und_ver_cat_morphism_eq_principle
(make_und_ver_cat_comp f (und_ver_cat_id C d)) f (id_hor_right (pr1 f)) (id_hor_right (pr12 f)) (id_hor_sq_right (pr22 f))).
Definition get_und_ver_right_unit (C: predoublecategory_hor_sq) : ∏ (c d : und_ver_cat_ob C) (f: get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor c d),
(make_und_ver_cat_comp f (und_ver_cat_id C d)) = f
:= fun c d f => und_ver_right_unit f.
Definition und_ver_assoc
{C: predoublecategory_hor_sq}
{a b c d : und_ver_cat_ob C}
(f: get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor a b) (g: get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor b c) (h: get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor c d) :
make_und_ver_cat_comp f (make_und_ver_cat_comp g h) = make_und_ver_cat_comp (make_und_ver_cat_comp f g) h
:= (und_ver_cat_morphism_eq_principle
(make_und_ver_cat_comp f (make_und_ver_cat_comp g h)) (make_und_ver_cat_comp (make_und_ver_cat_comp f g) h)
(assoc_hor (pr1 f) (pr1 g) (pr1 h)) (assoc_hor (pr12 f) (pr12 g) (pr12 h)) (assoc_sq_hor (pr22 f) (pr22 g) (pr22 h))).
Definition get_und_ver_assoc (C: predoublecategory_hor_sq) :
∏ (a b c d : und_ver_cat_ob C) (f: get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor a b) (g: get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor b c) (h: get_und_ver_cat_ob_mor c d),
make_und_ver_cat_comp f (make_und_ver_cat_comp g h) = make_und_ver_cat_comp (make_und_ver_cat_comp f g) h
:= fun a b c d f g h => und_ver_assoc f g h.
Definition und_ver_cat_is_precategory (C: predoublecategory_hor_sq) : is_precategory (und_ver_cat_precategory_data C)
:= make_is_precategory_one_assoc (get_und_ver_left_unit C) (get_und_ver_right_unit C) (get_und_ver_assoc C).
Definition und_ver_precategory (C: predoublecategory_hor_sq) : precategory :=
make_precategory (und_ver_cat_precategory_data C) (und_ver_cat_is_precategory C).
End Underlying_Category_Vertical_Morphisms_Squares.
Section Double_Categories.
Definition doublecategory := ∑ C:predoublecategory, (has_homsets (und_ob_hor_precategory C) × has_sq_hor_homsets C).
Definition make_doublecategory C h k : doublecategory := C,,h,,k.
Definition doublecategory_to_predoublecategory : doublecategory → predoublecategory := pr1.
Coercion doublecategory_to_predoublecategory : doublecategory >-> predoublecategory.
Coercion homset_sq_property (C : doublecategory) : (has_homsets (und_ob_hor_precategory C) × has_sq_hor_homsets C) := pr2 C.
Definition get_has_sq_hor_homsets
{C : doublecategory} {a b c d : C}
(g: a -v-> c) (h: b -v-> d)
(f : a -h-> b) (k : c -h-> d) :isaset (Sq[ a -hv- f h -hv-> b, c -vh- g k -vh-> d])
:= (pr22 C) a b c d g h f k.
Definition und_ob_hor_cat (C: doublecategory) : category := make_category (und_ob_hor_precategory C) (pr12 C).
Definition und_ver_cat (C: doublecategory) : category.
Show proof.
use (make_category (und_ver_precategory C)).
intros x y.
use isaset_total2.
- apply C.
- intro.
use isaset_total2.
+ apply C.
+ intro.
apply C.
intros x y.
use isaset_total2.
- apply C.
- intro.
use isaset_total2.
+ apply C.
+ intro.
apply C.
Definition doublecategory_to_twosided_disp_cat_data
(C : doublecategory)
: twosided_disp_cat_data (und_ob_hor_cat C) (und_ob_hor_cat C).
Show proof.
use tpair.
- use tpair.
* intros x y.
exact (x -v-> y).
* intros x y z w f g h k.
exact (sqq h f g k).
- use tpair.
* intros x y f.
exact (hor_sq_identity f).
* intros x y z a b c f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 α β.
exact (α ·sqh β).
- use tpair.
* intros x y.
exact (x -v-> y).
* intros x y z w f g h k.
exact (sqq h f g k).
- use tpair.
* intros x y f.
exact (hor_sq_identity f).
* intros x y z a b c f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 α β.
exact (α ·sqh β).
Definition doublecategory_to_twosided_disp_cat
(C : doublecategory)
: twosided_disp_cat (und_ob_hor_cat C) (und_ob_hor_cat C).
Show proof.
use tpair.
- exact (doublecategory_to_twosided_disp_cat_data C).
- repeat split.
+ intros x0 x1 y0 y1 f0 f1 g0 g1 α.
exact (id_hor_sq_left α).
+ intros x0 x1 y0 y1 f0 f1 g0 g1 α.
exact (id_hor_sq_right α).
+ intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? α β γ.
exact (assoc_sq_hor α β γ).
+ intros x0 x1 y0 y1 f0 g0 f1 g1.
exact (get_has_sq_hor_homsets f0 g0 f1 g1).
- exact (doublecategory_to_twosided_disp_cat_data C).
- repeat split.
+ intros x0 x1 y0 y1 f0 f1 g0 g1 α.
exact (id_hor_sq_left α).
+ intros x0 x1 y0 y1 f0 f1 g0 g1 α.
exact (id_hor_sq_right α).
+ intros ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? α β γ.
exact (assoc_sq_hor α β γ).
+ intros x0 x1 y0 y1 f0 g0 f1 g1.
exact (get_has_sq_hor_homsets f0 g0 f1 g1).
End Double_Categories.
Section Univalent_Double_Categories.
Definition is_double_univalent
(C : doublecategory)
:= (is_univalent (und_ob_hor_cat C)
is_univalent_twosided_disp_cat (doublecategory_to_twosided_disp_cat C)).
Definition univalent_doublecategory : UU := ∑ (C: doublecategory), is_double_univalent C.
Coercion univalent_doublecategory_to_doublecategory (C: univalent_doublecategory) := pr1 C.
End Univalent_Double_Categories.