Library UniMath.Bicategories.MonoidalCategories.ConstructionOfActions

Construction of actions, over monoidal categories:
  • the monoidal category acting on itself
  • reindexing an action from the target of a strong monoidal functor to its source
These modularize the construction of the action induced by a strong monoidal functor U, see U_action.
Author: Ralph Matthes 2021. However, the code is to a good extent copied from the construction of U_action.

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PrecategoryBinProduct.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.AlternativeDefinitions.MonoidalCategoriesTensored.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.AlternativeDefinitions.MonoidalFunctorsTensored.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.MonoidalCategories.Actions.

Local Open Scope cat.

Section A.

Context (Mon_V : monoidal_cat).

Local Definition V := monoidal_cat_cat Mon_V.
Local Definition I := monoidal_cat_unit Mon_V.
Local Definition tensor := monoidal_cat_tensor Mon_V.
Notation "X ⊗ Y" := (tensor (X , Y)).
Notation "f #⊗ g" := (#tensor (f #, g)) (at level 31).
Local Definition α' := monoidal_cat_associator Mon_V.
Local Definition λ' := monoidal_cat_left_unitor Mon_V.
Local Definition ρ' := monoidal_cat_right_unitor Mon_V.

Definition action_on_itself: action Mon_V V.
Show proof.
  exists tensor.
  exists ρ'.
  exists α'.
  split; [apply monoidal_cat_triangle_eq | apply monoidal_cat_pentagon_eq].

Section Action_Reindexing_Through_Strong_Monoidal_Functor.

Context {Mon_A : monoidal_cat}.

Local Definition A := monoidal_cat_cat Mon_A.
Local Definition I_A := monoidal_cat_unit Mon_A.
Local Definition tensor_A := monoidal_cat_tensor Mon_A.
Notation "X ⊗_A Y" := (tensor_A (X , Y)) (at level 31).
Notation "f #⊗_A g" := (#tensor_A (f #, g)) (at level 31).
Local Definition α_A := monoidal_cat_associator Mon_A.
Local Definition λ_A := monoidal_cat_left_unitor Mon_A.
Local Definition ρ_A := monoidal_cat_right_unitor Mon_A.
Local Definition triangle_eq_A := monoidal_cat_triangle_eq Mon_A.
Local Definition pentagon_eq_A := monoidal_cat_pentagon_eq Mon_A.

Context (U : strong_monoidal_functor Mon_V Mon_A).

Context {C : category} (actA : action Mon_A C).

Local Definition odotA := act_odot actA.

Definition reindexed_odot : C V C :=
  functor_composite (pair_functor (functor_identity _) U) odotA.

Definition reindexed_action_right_unitor_nat_trans:
  odot_I_functor Mon_V C reindexed_odot functor_identity C.
Show proof.
  refine (nat_trans_comp _ _ _ _ (act_ϱ actA)).
  set (aux := nat_trans_from_functor_fix_snd_morphism_arg _ _ _ odotA _ _ (strong_monoidal_functor_ϵ_inv U)).
  use tpair.
  - intro a.
    apply (aux a).
  - cbn; red.
    intros a a' f.
    rewrite functor_id.
    exact (pr2 aux a a' f).

Definition reindexed_action_right_unitor: action_right_unitor Mon_V C reindexed_odot.
Show proof.
  exists reindexed_action_right_unitor_nat_trans.
  use is_z_iso_comp_of_is_z_isos.
  2: { exact (pr2 (act_ϱ actA) c). }
  - use is_z_iso_odot_z_iso.
    + exact (identity_is_z_iso _ ).
    + apply (is_z_iso_inv_from_z_iso (strong_monoidal_functor_ϵ U)).

Definition reindexed_action_convertor_nat_trans :
  odot_x_odot_y_functor _ C reindexed_odot odot_x_otimes_y_functor _ C reindexed_odot.
Show proof.

Definition reindexed_action_convertor : action_convertor Mon_V C reindexed_odot.
Show proof.
  exists reindexed_action_convertor_nat_trans.
  intro x.
  pose (k := ob1 (ob1 x)); pose (k' := ob2 (ob1 x)); pose (k'' := ob2 x).
  use is_z_iso_comp_of_is_z_isos.
  - exact (pr2 (act_χ actA) ((k, U k'), U k'')).
  - use is_z_iso_odot_z_iso.
    + use identity_is_z_iso.
    + exact (strong_monoidal_functor_μ_is_nat_z_iso U (k', k'')).

Lemma reindexed_action_tlaw : action_triangle_eq Mon_V C
        reindexed_odot reindexed_action_right_unitor reindexed_action_convertor.
Show proof.
  intros a x.
  unfold nat_trans_from_functor_fix_snd_morphism_arg_data.
  unfold nat_trans_data_post_whisker_fst_param.
  unfold make_dirprod.
  rewrite functor_id.
  apply pathsinv0.
  { rewrite assoc'. apply maponpaths. apply pathsinv0. apply functor_comp. }
  unfold compose at 2. simpl. unfold make_dirprod. rewrite id_left.
  rewrite <- (id_left (id U x)).
  apply pathsinv0.
  intermediate_path (# odotA ((# odotA (id a #, strong_monoidal_functor_ϵ_inv U)) #, id U x) · # odotA (act_ϱ actA a #, id U x)).
  { rewrite <- functor_comp.
    apply idpath. }
  pose (f := # odotA (# odotA (id a #, lax_monoidal_functor_ϵ U) #, id U x)).
  apply (pre_comp_with_z_iso_is_inj'(f:=f)).
  { use is_z_iso_odot_z_iso.
    - use is_z_iso_odot_z_iso.
      + exact (identity_is_z_iso _).
      + exact (strong_monoidal_functor_ϵ_is_z_iso U).
    - exact (identity_is_z_iso _ ).
  rewrite assoc.
  intermediate_path (# odotA (act_ϱ actA a #, id U x)).
  { apply pathsinv0. etrans.
    - apply (!(id_left _)).
    - apply cancel_postcomposition.
      unfold f.
      rewrite <- functor_comp.
      apply pathsinv0. apply functor_id_id.
      apply pathsdirprod; simpl.
      + etrans.
        * apply pathsinv0. apply functor_comp.
        * apply functor_id_id.
          apply pathsdirprod; simpl.
          -- apply id_left.
          -- apply pathsinv0. apply z_iso_inv_on_left.
             rewrite id_left. apply idpath.
      + apply id_left.
  rewrite assoc.
  apply pathsinv0. etrans.
  { apply cancel_postcomposition.
    apply (nat_trans_ax (act_χ actA) ((a, I_A), U x) ((a, U I), U x) ((id a ,, lax_monoidal_functor_ϵ U) ,, id U x)). }
  { rewrite assoc'. apply maponpaths. apply pathsinv0.
    apply functor_comp. }
  unfold compose at 2. simpl. unfold make_dirprod. rewrite id_left.
  rewrite assoc.
  - apply maponpaths.
    eapply (maponpaths (fun u: Mon_A I_A _A (U x), U x => # odotA (id a #, u))).
    apply pathsinv0.
    apply (lax_monoidal_functor_unital U x).
  - fold λ_A.
    apply pathsinv0.
    apply (act_triangle actA).

Lemma reindexed_action_plaw : action_pentagon_eq Mon_V C
                             reindexed_odot reindexed_action_convertor.
Show proof.
  intros a x y z.
  unfold nat_trans_data_post_whisker_fst_param.
  unfold ob1, ob2.
  rewrite functor_id.
  apply pathsinv0. etrans.
  { repeat rewrite assoc'.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply pathsinv0.
    apply functor_comp.
  unfold compose at 4. cbn. unfold make_dirprod.
  rewrite id_left.
  { rewrite assoc.
    apply cancel_postcomposition.
    apply cancel_postcomposition.
    rewrite <- (id_left (id U z)).
    intermediate_path (# odotA ((act_χ actA ((a, U x), U y) #, id U z) · (# odotA (id a #, lax_monoidal_functor_μ U (x, y)) #, id U z))).
    - apply idpath.
    - apply functor_comp.
  { apply cancel_postcomposition.
    rewrite assoc'.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply (nat_trans_ax (act_χ actA) ((a, U x _A U y), U z) ((a, U (x y)), U z) ((id a ,, lax_monoidal_functor_μ U (x, y)) ,, id U z)).
  { unfold assoc_right. cbn.
    rewrite assoc'.
    apply maponpaths.
    rewrite assoc'.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply pathsinv0.
    apply functor_comp.
  unfold compose at 3. cbn. unfold make_dirprod.
  rewrite id_left.
  { do 2 apply maponpaths.
    rewrite assoc.
    eapply (maponpaths (fun u: A (U x _A U y) _A U z, U (x (y z)) => # odotA (id a #, u))).
    apply (lax_monoidal_functor_assoc U).
  { rewrite assoc. apply maponpaths.
    rewrite assoc'.
    rewrite <- (id_left (id a)).
    intermediate_path (# odotA ((id a #, α_A ((U x, U y), U z)) · (id a #, # tensor_A (id U x #, lax_monoidal_functor_μ U (y, z)) · lax_monoidal_functor_μ U (x, y z)))).
    2: { apply functor_comp. }
    apply idpath.
  { do 2 apply maponpaths.
    rewrite <- (id_left (id a)).
    intermediate_path (# odotA ((id a #, # tensor_A (id pr1 (pr1 U) x #, lax_monoidal_functor_μ U (y, z))) · (id a #, lax_monoidal_functor_μ U (x, y z)))).
    2: { apply functor_comp. }
    apply idpath.
  repeat rewrite assoc.
  apply cancel_postcomposition.
  { apply cancel_postcomposition.
    apply pathsinv0.
    apply (act_pentagon actA).
  fold odotA.
  change (act_χ actA ((odotA (a, U x), U y), U z) · act_χ actA ((a, U x), tensor_A (U y, U z))
  · # odotA (id a #, # tensor_A (id U x #, lax_monoidal_functor_μ U (y, z))) =
  act_χ actA ((odotA (a , U x), U y), U z) · # odotA (id (odotA (a , U x)) #, lax_monoidal_functor_μ U (y, z))
      · act_χ actA ((a, U x), U (y z))).
  repeat rewrite assoc'.
  apply maponpaths.
  { apply pathsinv0.
    apply (nat_trans_ax (act_χ actA) ((a, U x), U y _A U z) ((a, U x), U (y z)) ((id a ,, id U x) ,, lax_monoidal_functor_μ U (y, z))).
  apply cancel_postcomposition.
  change (# odotA (# odotA (id (a, U x)) #, (lax_monoidal_functor_μ U) (y, z)) = # odotA (id (odotA (a, U x)) #, lax_monoidal_functor_μ U (y, z))).
  rewrite functor_id.
  apply idpath.

Definition reindexed_action: action Mon_V C.
Show proof.
  exists reindexed_odot.
  exists reindexed_action_right_unitor.
  exists reindexed_action_convertor.
  - exact reindexed_action_tlaw.
  - exact reindexed_action_plaw.

End Action_Reindexing_Through_Strong_Monoidal_Functor.

End A.

Section Strong_Monoidal_Functor_Action_Reloaded.

  Context {Mon_V Mon_A : monoidal_cat}.
  Context (U : strong_monoidal_functor Mon_V Mon_A).
  Context (C : precategory).

  Definition U_action_alt : action Mon_V (monoidal_cat_cat Mon_A) := reindexed_action Mon_V U (action_on_itself Mon_A).

  Lemma U_action_alt_ok1: pr1 U_action_alt = pr1(U_action _ U).
  Show proof.
    apply idpath.

  Lemma U_action_alt_ok2: pr1(pr2 U_action_alt) = pr1(pr2(U_action _ U)).
  Show proof.
    apply idpath.

  Lemma U_action_alt_ok3: pr1(pr22 U_action_alt) = pr1(pr22(U_action _ U)).
  Show proof.
    apply idpath.

End Strong_Monoidal_Functor_Action_Reloaded.