Library UniMath.Bicategories.MonoidalCategories.MonadsAsMonoidsWhiskered

In this file, we show that the monoids in the monoidal category of endofunctors correspond to the monads.

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.WhiskeredBifunctors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Categories.
Import BifunctorNotations.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Total.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.CategoriesOfMonoids.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.MonoidalCategories.EndofunctorsWhiskeredMonoidal.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.Monads.

Local Open Scope cat.

Section FixTheContext.

  Context {C : category}.

  Let ENDO : category := cat_of_endofunctors C.
  Let M_ENDO : monoidal ENDO := monoidal_of_endofunctors C.
  Let MON : category := category_of_monoids_in_monoidal_cat M_ENDO.

  Section MonoidToMonadOb.

  Context (M : MON).

  Let x : ENDO := monoid_carrier _ M.
  Let η : ENDO monoidal_unit M_ENDO, x := monoid_unit _ M.
  Let μ : ENDO x _{M_ENDO} x, x := monoid_multiplication _ M.

  Definition monoid_to_disp_Monad_data : disp_Monad_data x := μ,, η.

  Lemma monoid_to_disp_Monad_laws : disp_Monad_laws monoid_to_disp_Monad_data.
  Show proof.
    repeat split.
    - intro c.
      set (t := monoid_right_unit_law _ M).
      exact (eqtohomot (base_paths _ _ t) c).
    - intro c.
      set (t := monoid_left_unit_law _ M).
      exact (eqtohomot (base_paths _ _ t) c).
    - intro c.
      set (t := monoid_assoc_law _ M).
      refine (! (eqtohomot (base_paths _ _ t) c) @ _).
      1: apply assoc'.
      apply id_left.

  Definition monoid_to_monad : Monad C
    := _ ,, _ ,, monoid_to_disp_Monad_laws.

End MonoidToMonadOb.

Section MonadToMonoidOb.

  Context (M : Monad C).

  Let x : ENDO := M : functor _ _.
  Let η : ENDO monoidal_unit M_ENDO, x := η M.
  Let μ : ENDO x _{M_ENDO} x, x := μ M.

  Definition monad_to_monoid_data : monoid_data M_ENDO x := μ ,, η.

  Lemma monad_to_monoid_laws : monoid_laws M_ENDO monad_to_monoid_data.
  Show proof.
    repeat split; apply (nat_trans_eq C); intro c; cbn.
    - apply Monad_law2.
    - apply Monad_law1.
    - rewrite id_left. apply pathsinv0, Monad_law3.

  Definition monad_to_monoid : MON := x ,, monad_to_monoid_data ,, monad_to_monoid_laws.

End MonadToMonoidOb.

  Definition monoid_equiv_monoid : MON Monad C.
  Show proof.
    use weq_iso.
    - apply monoid_to_monad.
    - apply monad_to_monoid.
    - abstract (intro M;
                use total2_paths_f;
                [apply idpath |
                  use total2_paths_f;
                  [apply idpath |
                    apply isaprop_monoid_laws]]).
    - abstract (intro M;
                use total2_paths_f;
                [apply idpath |
                  use total2_paths_f;
                  [apply idpath | apply isaprop_disp_Monad_laws]]).

Section MonoidToMonadMor.

  Context (M N : MON) (f : M --> N).

  Lemma monoid_to_monad_mor_laws : Monad_Mor_laws (pr1 f : monoid_to_monad M monoid_to_monad N).
  Show proof.
    - intro c.
      set (t := pr12 f).
      apply pathsinv0.
      2: { exact (eqtohomot (base_paths _ _ t) c). }
      rewrite (bifunctor_equalwhiskers M_ENDO).
      apply idpath.
    - intro c.
      set (t := pr22 f).
      exact (eqtohomot (base_paths _ _ t) c).

  Definition monoid_to_monad_mor : category_Monad C monoid_to_monad M, monoid_to_monad N
    := pr1 f ,, monoid_to_monad_mor_laws.

End MonoidToMonadMor.

Section MonadToMonoidMor.

  Context (M N : Monad C) (f : category_Monad C M, N).

  Lemma monad_to_monoid_mor_laws : pr2 (monad_to_monoid M) -->[ pr1 f] pr2 (monad_to_monoid N).
  Show proof.
    - red.
      rewrite (bifunctor_equalwhiskers M_ENDO).
      apply (nat_trans_eq C); intro c.
      apply pathsinv0, Monad_Mor_μ.
    - apply (nat_trans_eq C); intro c.
      apply Monad_Mor_η.

  Definition monad_to_monoid_mor : monad_to_monoid M --> monad_to_monoid N
    := pr1 f ,, monad_to_monoid_mor_laws.

End MonadToMonoidMor.

End FixTheContext.