Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Core
/A module for “displayed categories”, based over UniMath’s CategoryTheory library.
Roughly, a “displayed category D over a category C” is analogous to “a family of types Y indexed over a type X”. A displayed category has a “total category” ∑ C _D, with a functor to D; and indeed displayed categories should be equivalent to categories over D, by taking fibers.
In a little more detail: if D is a displayed category over C, then D has a type of objects indexed over ob C, and for each x y : C, f : x --> y, xx : D x, yy : D y, a type of “morphisms over f from xx to yy”. The identity and composition (and axioms) for D all overlie the corresponding structure on C.
Two major motivations for displayed categories:
- Pragmatically, they give a convenient tool for building categories of “structured objects”, and functors into such categories, encapsulating a lot of frequently-used constructions, and allowing for very modular proofs of e.g. saturation of such categories.
- More conceptually, they give a setting for defining Grothendieck fibrations and isofibrations without mentioning equality of objects.
- Displayed categories: disp_cat C
- various access functions, etc.
- utility lemmas
- isomorphisms
- saturation
- Total categories (and their forgetful functors)
- Functors between displayed categories, over functors between their bases
- functor_lifting, lifted_functor
- disp_functor, total_functor
- properties of functors: disp_functor_ff, …
- natural transformations: disp_nat_trans, …
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.PartA.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.AxiomOfChoice.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Local Open Scope cat.
Local Open Scope type_scope.
Definition disp_cat' (C : category) : UU :=
∑ (ob_disp : C -> UU)
(mor_disp : ∏ {x y : C}, (x --> y) -> ob_disp x -> ob_disp y -> UU)
(id_disp : ∏ {x : C} (xx : ob_disp x), mor_disp (identity x) xx xx)
(comp_disp : ∏ {x y z : C} {f : x --> y} {g : y --> z}
{xx : ob_disp x} {yy : ob_disp y} {zz : ob_disp z},
mor_disp f xx yy -> mor_disp g yy zz -> mor_disp (f · g) xx zz)
(id_left_disp : ∏ {x y} {f : x --> y} {xx} {yy} (ff : mor_disp f xx yy),
comp_disp (id_disp xx) ff
= transportb (λ g, mor_disp g xx yy) (id_left _) ff)
(id_right_disp : ∏ {x y} {f : x --> y} {xx} {yy} (ff : mor_disp f xx yy),
comp_disp ff (id_disp yy)
= transportb (λ g, mor_disp g xx yy) (id_right _) ff)
(assoc_disp : ∏ {x y z w} {f : x --> y} {g : y --> z} {h : z --> w}
{xx} {yy} {zz} {ww}
(ff : mor_disp f xx yy) (gg : mor_disp g yy zz) (hh : mor_disp h zz ww),
comp_disp ff (comp_disp gg hh)
= transportb (λ k, mor_disp k _ _) (assoc _ _ _)
(comp_disp (comp_disp ff gg) hh)),
∏ x y (f : x --> y) xx yy, isaset (mor_disp f xx yy).
Section Disp_Cat.
Definition disp_cat_ob_mor (C : precategory_ob_mor)
:= ∑ (obd : C -> UU), (∏ x y:C, obd x -> obd y -> (x --> y) -> UU).
Definition make_disp_cat_ob_mor
(C : precategory_ob_mor)
(obd : C -> UU)
(mord : ∏ x y:C, obd x -> obd y -> (x --> y) -> UU)
: disp_cat_ob_mor C
:= obd,, mord.
Definition ob_disp {C: precategory_ob_mor} (D : disp_cat_ob_mor C) : C -> UU := pr1 D.
Coercion ob_disp : disp_cat_ob_mor >-> Funclass.
Definition mor_disp {C: precategory_ob_mor} {D : disp_cat_ob_mor C}
{x y} xx yy (f : x --> y)
:= pr2 D x y xx yy f : UU.
Local Notation "xx -->[ f ] yy" := (mor_disp xx yy f) (at level 50, left associativity, yy at next level).
Definition disp_cat_id_comp (C : precategory_data)
(D : disp_cat_ob_mor C)
: UU
:= (forall (x:C) (xx : D x), xx -->[identity x] xx)
× (forall (x y z : C) (f : x --> y) (g : y --> z) (xx:D x) (yy:D y) (zz:D z),
(xx -->[f] yy) -> (yy -->[g] zz) -> (xx -->[f · g] zz)).
Definition disp_cat_data C := total2 (disp_cat_id_comp C).
Definition disp_cat_ob_mor_from_disp_cat_data {C: precategory_data}
(D : disp_cat_data C)
: disp_cat_ob_mor C
:= pr1 D.
Coercion disp_cat_ob_mor_from_disp_cat_data :
disp_cat_data >-> disp_cat_ob_mor.
Definition id_disp {C: precategory_data} {D : disp_cat_data C} {x:C} (xx : D x)
: xx -->[identity x] xx
:= pr1 (pr2 D) x xx.
Definition comp_disp {C: precategory_data} {D : disp_cat_data C}
{x y z : C} {f : x --> y} {g : y --> z}
{xx : D x} {yy} {zz} (ff : xx -->[f] yy) (gg : yy -->[g] zz)
: xx -->[f · g] zz
:= pr2 (pr2 D) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ff gg.
Definition locally_propositional
{C : category}
(D : disp_cat_data C)
: UU
:= ∏ (x y : C)
(f : x --> y)
(xx : D x) (yy : D y),
isaprop (xx -->[ f ] yy).
Definition isaprop_locally_propositional
{C : category}
(D : disp_cat_data C)
: isaprop (locally_propositional D).
Show proof.
Declare Scope mor_disp_scope.
Local Notation "ff ;; gg" := (comp_disp ff gg)
(at level 50, left associativity, format "ff ;; gg")
: mor_disp_scope.
Delimit Scope mor_disp_scope with mor_disp.
Bind Scope mor_disp_scope with mor_disp.
Local Open Scope mor_disp_scope.
Definition disp_cat_axioms (C : category) (D : disp_cat_data C)
: UU
:= (∏ x y (f : x --> y) (xx : D x) yy (ff : xx -->[f] yy),
id_disp _ ;; ff
= transportb _ (id_left _) ff)
× (∏ x y (f : x --> y) (xx : D x) yy (ff : xx -->[f] yy),
ff ;; id_disp _
= transportb _ (id_right _) ff)
× (∏ x y z w f g h (xx : D x) (yy : D y) (zz : D z) (ww : D w)
(ff : xx -->[f] yy) (gg : yy -->[g] zz) (hh : zz -->[h] ww),
ff ;; (gg ;; hh)
= transportb _ (assoc _ _ _) ((ff ;; gg) ;; hh))
× (∏ x y f (xx : D x) (yy : D y), isaset (xx -->[f] yy)).
Definition disp_cat (C : category) := total2 (disp_cat_axioms C).
Definition disp_cat_data_from_disp_cat {C} (D : disp_cat C)
:= pr1 D : disp_cat_data C.
Coercion disp_cat_data_from_disp_cat : disp_cat >-> disp_cat_data.
Definition make_disp_cat_locally_prop
{C : category}
{D : disp_cat_data C}
(LP : locally_propositional D)
: disp_cat C.
Show proof.
All the axioms are given in two versions, foo : T1 = transportb e T2 and foo_var : T2 = transportf e T1, so that either direction can be invoked easily in “compute left-to-right” style.
Definition id_left_disp {C} {D : disp_cat C}
{x y} {f : x --> y} {xx : D x} {yy} (ff : xx -->[f] yy)
: id_disp _ ;; ff = transportb _ (id_left _) ff
:= pr1 (pr2 D) _ _ _ _ _ _.
Definition id_left_disp_var {C} {D : disp_cat C}
{x y} {f : x --> y} {xx : D x} {yy} (ff : xx -->[f] yy)
: ff = transportf _ (id_left _) (id_disp _ ;; ff).
Show proof.
Definition id_right_disp {C} {D : disp_cat C}
{x y} {f : x --> y} {xx : D x} {yy} (ff : xx -->[f] yy)
: ff ;; id_disp _ = transportb _ (id_right _) ff
:= pr1 (pr2 (pr2 D)) _ _ _ _ _ _.
Definition id_right_disp_var {C} {D : disp_cat C}
{x y} {f : x --> y} {xx : D x} {yy} (ff : xx -->[f] yy)
: ff = transportf _ (id_right _) (ff ;; id_disp _).
Show proof.
Definition assoc_disp {C} {D : disp_cat C}
{x y z w} {f} {g} {h} {xx : D x} {yy : D y} {zz : D z} {ww : D w}
(ff : xx -->[f] yy) (gg : yy -->[g] zz) (hh : zz -->[h] ww)
: ff ;; (gg ;; hh) = transportb _ (assoc _ _ _) ((ff ;; gg) ;; hh)
:= pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 D))) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Definition assoc_disp_var {C} {D : disp_cat C}
{x y z w} {f} {g} {h} {xx : D x} {yy : D y} {zz : D z} {ww : D w}
(ff : xx -->[f] yy) (gg : yy -->[g] zz) (hh : zz -->[h] ww)
: (ff ;; gg) ;; hh = transportf _ (assoc _ _ _) (ff ;; (gg ;; hh)).
Show proof.
Definition homsets_disp {C} {D : disp_cat C} {x y} (f : x --> y) (xx : D x) (yy : D y)
: isaset (xx -->[f] yy) := pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 D))) _ _ _ _ _.
Definition double_transport_disp {C C':category} {D':disp_cat C'} {a b a' b':C}
(F:functor C C') (f:a-->b) (x:D' (F a)) (y:D' (F b)) (p:a=a') (q:b=b')
: x-->[#F f]y
-> transportf (λ z, D' (F z)) p x -->[# F (double_transport p q f)]
transportf (λ z, D' (F z)) q y.
Show proof.
intro Df.
destruct p, q.
exact Df.
destruct p, q.
exact Df.
etrans_disp: a version of etrans_dep for use when the equality transport in the RHS of the goal is already present, and not of the form produced by etrans_dep, so etrans_dep doesn’t apply. Where possible, etrans_dep should still be used, since it *produces* a RHS, whereas this does not (and so leads to lots of unsolved existentials if used where not needed).
NOTE: as with etrans_dep, proofs using etrans_disp seem to typecheck more slowly than proofs using etrans plus other lemmas directly.
Lemma pathscomp0_disp {C} {D : disp_cat C}
{x y} {f f' f'' : x --> y} (e : f' = f) (e' : f'' = f') (e'' : f'' = f)
{xx : D x} {yy}
(ff : xx -->[f] yy) (ff' : xx -->[f'] yy) (ff'' : xx -->[f''] yy)
: (ff = transportf _ e ff') -> (ff' = transportf _ e' ff'')
-> ff = transportf _ e'' ff''.
Show proof.
Tactic Notation "etrans_disp" := eapply @pathscomp0_disp.
Lemma isaprop_disp_cat_axioms (C : category) (D : disp_cat_data C)
: isaprop (disp_cat_axioms C D).
Show proof.
Lemma mor_disp_transportf_postwhisker
{C : precategory} {D : disp_cat_data C}
{x y z : C} {f f' : x --> y} (ef : f = f') {g : y --> z}
{xx : D x} {yy} {zz} (ff : xx -->[f] yy) (gg : yy -->[g] zz)
: (transportf _ ef ff) ;; gg
= transportf _ (cancel_postcomposition _ _ g ef) (ff ;; gg).
Show proof.
Lemma mor_disp_transportf_prewhisker
{C : precategory} {D : disp_cat_data C}
{x y z : C} {f : x --> y} {g g' : y --> z} (eg : g = g')
{xx : D x} {yy} {zz} (ff : xx -->[f] yy) (gg : yy -->[g] zz)
: ff ;; (transportf _ eg gg)
= transportf _ (maponpaths (compose f) eg) (ff ;; gg).
Show proof.
Lemma cancel_postcomposition_disp {C} {D : disp_cat C}
{x y z} {f f' : x --> y} {e : f' = f} {g : y --> z}
{xx : D x} {yy} {zz}
{ff : xx -->[f] yy} {ff' : xx -->[f'] yy} (gg : yy -->[g] zz)
(ee : ff = transportf _ e ff')
: ff ;; gg = transportf _ (cancel_postcomposition _ _ g e) (ff' ;; gg).
Show proof.
Lemma cancel_precomposition_disp {C} {D : disp_cat C}
{x y z} {f : x --> y} {g g' : y --> z} {e : g' = g}
{xx : D x} {yy} {zz}
(ff : xx -->[f] yy) {gg : yy -->[g] zz} {gg' : yy -->[g'] zz}
(ee : gg = transportf _ e gg')
: ff ;; gg = transportf _ (cancel_precomposition _ _ _ _ _ _ f e) (ff ;; gg').
Show proof.
Lemma assoc4_disp {C: category} {D: disp_cat C} {a b c d e: C}
{da: D a} {db: D b} {dc: D c} {dd: D d} {de: D e} {f: a--> b} {g: b --> c} {h: c --> d} {i: d --> e}
(df: da -->[f] db) (dg: db -->[g] dc) (dh: dc -->[h] dd) (di: dd -->[i] de)
: df ;; dg ;; dh ;; di = transportb _ (assoc4 C a b c d e f g h i) (df ;; (dg ;; dh) ;; di).
Show proof.
Lemma id_conjugation_disp {C: category} {D: disp_cat C} {a b: C}
{da: D a} {db: D b} {f: a--> b} {g: b --> a} {x: b --> b}
(df: da -->[f] db) (dg: db -->[g] da) (dx: db -->[x] db) (e0: x = identity _) (e1 : f · g = identity _)
: dx = transportb _ e0 (id_disp _) -> df ;; dg = transportb _ e1 (id_disp _) ->
df ;; dx ;;dg = transportb _ (id_conjugation f g x e0 e1) (id_disp _).
Show proof.
End Lemmas.
End Disp_Cat.
{x y} {f f' f'' : x --> y} (e : f' = f) (e' : f'' = f') (e'' : f'' = f)
{xx : D x} {yy}
(ff : xx -->[f] yy) (ff' : xx -->[f'] yy) (ff'' : xx -->[f''] yy)
: (ff = transportf _ e ff') -> (ff' = transportf _ e' ff'')
-> ff = transportf _ e'' ff''.
Show proof.
intros ee ee'.
etrans. eapply pathscomp0_dep. apply ee. apply ee'.
apply maponpaths_2, homset_property.
etrans. eapply pathscomp0_dep. apply ee. apply ee'.
apply maponpaths_2, homset_property.
Tactic Notation "etrans_disp" := eapply @pathscomp0_disp.
Lemma isaprop_disp_cat_axioms (C : category) (D : disp_cat_data C)
: isaprop (disp_cat_axioms C D).
Show proof.
apply isofhlevelsn.
intro X.
set (XR := ( _ ,, X) : disp_cat C).
apply isofhleveltotal2.
- repeat (apply impred; intro).
apply (@homsets_disp _ XR).
- intros x.
repeat (apply isofhleveldirprod); repeat (apply impred; intro).
+ apply (@homsets_disp _ XR).
+ apply (@homsets_disp _ XR).
+ apply isapropiscontr.
intro X.
set (XR := ( _ ,, X) : disp_cat C).
apply isofhleveltotal2.
- repeat (apply impred; intro).
apply (@homsets_disp _ XR).
- intros x.
repeat (apply isofhleveldirprod); repeat (apply impred; intro).
+ apply (@homsets_disp _ XR).
+ apply (@homsets_disp _ XR).
+ apply isapropiscontr.
Lemma mor_disp_transportf_postwhisker
{C : precategory} {D : disp_cat_data C}
{x y z : C} {f f' : x --> y} (ef : f = f') {g : y --> z}
{xx : D x} {yy} {zz} (ff : xx -->[f] yy) (gg : yy -->[g] zz)
: (transportf _ ef ff) ;; gg
= transportf _ (cancel_postcomposition _ _ g ef) (ff ;; gg).
Show proof.
Lemma mor_disp_transportf_prewhisker
{C : precategory} {D : disp_cat_data C}
{x y z : C} {f : x --> y} {g g' : y --> z} (eg : g = g')
{xx : D x} {yy} {zz} (ff : xx -->[f] yy) (gg : yy -->[g] zz)
: ff ;; (transportf _ eg gg)
= transportf _ (maponpaths (compose f) eg) (ff ;; gg).
Show proof.
Lemma cancel_postcomposition_disp {C} {D : disp_cat C}
{x y z} {f f' : x --> y} {e : f' = f} {g : y --> z}
{xx : D x} {yy} {zz}
{ff : xx -->[f] yy} {ff' : xx -->[f'] yy} (gg : yy -->[g] zz)
(ee : ff = transportf _ e ff')
: ff ;; gg = transportf _ (cancel_postcomposition _ _ g e) (ff' ;; gg).
Show proof.
Lemma cancel_precomposition_disp {C} {D : disp_cat C}
{x y z} {f : x --> y} {g g' : y --> z} {e : g' = g}
{xx : D x} {yy} {zz}
(ff : xx -->[f] yy) {gg : yy -->[g] zz} {gg' : yy -->[g'] zz}
(ee : gg = transportf _ e gg')
: ff ;; gg = transportf _ (cancel_precomposition _ _ _ _ _ _ f e) (ff ;; gg').
Show proof.
Lemma assoc4_disp {C: category} {D: disp_cat C} {a b c d e: C}
{da: D a} {db: D b} {dc: D c} {dd: D d} {de: D e} {f: a--> b} {g: b --> c} {h: c --> d} {i: d --> e}
(df: da -->[f] db) (dg: db -->[g] dc) (dh: dc -->[h] dd) (di: dd -->[i] de)
: df ;; dg ;; dh ;; di = transportb _ (assoc4 C a b c d e f g h i) (df ;; (dg ;; dh) ;; di).
Show proof.
rewrite assoc_disp.
unfold transportb.
rewrite mor_disp_transportf_postwhisker.
apply PartA.transportb_transpose_right.
apply (maponpaths (λ e, transportf _ e _)).
apply uip.
apply homset_property.
unfold transportb.
rewrite mor_disp_transportf_postwhisker.
apply PartA.transportb_transpose_right.
apply (maponpaths (λ e, transportf _ e _)).
apply uip.
apply homset_property.
Lemma id_conjugation_disp {C: category} {D: disp_cat C} {a b: C}
{da: D a} {db: D b} {f: a--> b} {g: b --> a} {x: b --> b}
(df: da -->[f] db) (dg: db -->[g] da) (dx: db -->[x] db) (e0: x = identity _) (e1 : f · g = identity _)
: dx = transportb _ e0 (id_disp _) -> df ;; dg = transportb _ e1 (id_disp _) ->
df ;; dx ;;dg = transportb _ (id_conjugation f g x e0 e1) (id_disp _).
Show proof.
intros H H'.
rewrite H. unfold transportb.
rewrite mor_disp_transportf_prewhisker.
rewrite (id_right_disp df).
rewrite transport_f_b.
repeat rewrite mor_disp_transportf_postwhisker.
rewrite H'.
rewrite transport_f_b.
apply (maponpaths (λ e, transportf _ e _)).
apply uip.
apply homset_property.
rewrite H. unfold transportb.
rewrite mor_disp_transportf_prewhisker.
rewrite (id_right_disp df).
rewrite transport_f_b.
repeat rewrite mor_disp_transportf_postwhisker.
rewrite H'.
rewrite transport_f_b.
apply (maponpaths (λ e, transportf _ e _)).
apply uip.
apply homset_property.
End Lemmas.
End Disp_Cat.
Redeclare sectional notations globally.
Notation "xx -->[ f ] yy" := (mor_disp xx yy f) (at level 50, left associativity, yy at next level).
Declare Scope mor_disp_scope.
Notation "ff ;; gg" := (comp_disp ff gg)
(at level 50, left associativity, format "ff ;; gg")
: mor_disp_scope.
Delimit Scope mor_disp_scope with mor_disp.
Bind Scope mor_disp_scope with mor_disp.
Local Open Scope mor_disp_scope.
Declare Scope mor_disp_scope.
Notation "ff ;; gg" := (comp_disp ff gg)
(at level 50, left associativity, format "ff ;; gg")
: mor_disp_scope.
Delimit Scope mor_disp_scope with mor_disp.
Bind Scope mor_disp_scope with mor_disp.
Local Open Scope mor_disp_scope.
A useful notation for hiding the huge irrelevant equalities that occur in algebra of displayed categories. For individual proofs, use Open Scope hide_transport_scope. at the start, and then Close Scope hide_transport_scope. afterwards. For whole files/sections, use Local Open Scope hide_transport_scope.
Level is chosen to bind *tighter* than categorical composition, for readability.
Declare Scope hide_transport_scope.
Notation "#? x" := (transportf _ _ x) (at level 45) : hide_transport_scope.
Notation "#?' x" := (transportb _ _ x) (at level 45) : hide_transport_scope.
Notation "#? x" := (transportf _ _ x) (at level 45) : hide_transport_scope.
Notation "#?' x" := (transportb _ _ x) (at level 45) : hide_transport_scope.
- Reindexing of displayed cats along functors: reindex_disp_cat
- Functors into displayed cats, lifting functors into the base: functor_lifting
- Functors between displayed cats, over functors between the bases: disp_functor
- Natural transformations between these: disp_nat_trans
- add lemmas connecting with products of cats (as required for displayed bicats)
- add more applications of the displayed arrow category: slices; equalisers, inserters; hence groups etc.