Library UniMath.MoreFoundations.AxiomOfChoice

Axiom of choice


Lemma pr1_issurjective {X : UU} {P : X -> UU} :
  ( x : X, P x ) -> issurjective (pr1 : ( x, P x) -> X).
Show proof.
  intros ne x. simple refine (hinhuniv _ (ne x)).
  intros p. apply hinhpr.
  exact ((x,,p),,idpath _).

Characterize equivalence relations on bool

Definition eqrel_on_bool (P:hProp) : eqrel boolset.
Show proof.
  set (ifb := bool_rect (λ _:bool, hProp)).
  exists (λ x y, ifb (ifb htrue P y) (ifb P htrue y) x).
  repeat split.
  { intros x y z a b.
    induction x.
    - induction z.
      + exact tt.
      + induction y.
        * exact b.
        * exact a.
    - induction z.
      + induction y.
        * exact a.
        * exact b.
      + exact tt. }
  { intros x. induction x; exact tt. }
  { intros x y a. induction x; induction y; exact a. }

Lemma eqrel_on_bool_iff (P:hProp) (E := eqrel_on_bool P) (f := setquotpr E) : f true = f false <-> P.
Show proof.
  { intro q. change (E true false). apply (invmap (weqpathsinsetquot _ _ _)).
    change (f true = f false). exact q. }
  { intro p. apply iscompsetquotpr. exact p. }

Statements of Axiom of Choice

Local Open Scope logic.

We write these axioms as types rather than as axioms, which would assert them to be true, to force them to be mentioned as explicit hypotheses whenever they are used.
Notice that the equation above is a proposition only because X is a set, which is not required in the previous formulation. The notation for "=" currently in effect uses eqset instead of paths.

Implications between forms of the Axiom of Choice

Lemma AC_impl2 : AxiomOfChoice <-> AxiomOfChoice_surj.
Show proof.
  - intros AC X Y f surj.
    use (squash_to_prop (AC _ _ surj) (propproperty _)).
    intro s.
    use hinhpr.
    use tpair.
    + exact (λ y, hfiberpr1 f y (s y)).
    + exact (λ y, hfiberpr2 f y (s y)).
  - intros AC X P ne.
    use (hinhuniv _ (AC X _ _ (pr1_issurjective ne))).
    intros sec. use hinhpr. intros x.
    induction (pr2 sec x). exact (pr2 (pr1 sec x)).

The Axiom of Choice implies a type receives a surjective map from a set

Theorem SetCovering (X:Type) : AxiomOfChoice -> (S:hSet) (f:S->X), issurjective f.
Show proof.
We use the axiom of choice to find a splitting f of the projection map g from X onto its set pi0 X of connected components. Since the image of f contains one point in every component of X, f is surjective.
  intros ac.
  assert (ac' := pr1 AC_impl2 ac); clear ac; unfold AxiomOfChoice_surj in ac'.
  set (S := pi0 X : hSet).
  set (g := pi0pr X : X -> S).
  assert (f := ac' _ _ g (issurjsetquotpr _)); clear ac'.
  apply (squash_to_prop f).
  { apply propproperty. }
  clear f; intros [f eqn].
  apply hinhpr.
  exists S.
  exists f.
  intros x.
  use (@squash_to_prop (f (g x) = x)%type).
  { apply (invmap (weqpathsinsetquot (pathseqrel X) _ _)).
    change (g (f (g x)) = g x)%type.
    exact (eqn (g x)). }
  { apply propproperty. }
  intros e.
  apply hinhpr.
  exists (g x).
  exact e.

The Axiom of Choice implies the Law of the Excluded Middle

This result is covered in the HoTT book, is due to Radu Diaconescu, "Axiom of choice and complementation", Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 51 (1975) 176–178, and was first mentioned on page 4 in F. W. Lawvere, "Toposes, algebraic geometry and logic (Conf., Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, N.S., 1971)", pp. 1–12, Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 274, Springer, Berlin, 1972.
The idea is to define an equivalence relation E on bool by setting E true false := P, to use AC to split the surjection f from bool to its quotient Y by E with a function g, and to observe bool has decidable equality, and thus so does Y, because then Y is a retract of bool, to use that to decide whether f true = f false, and thus to decide P.

Theorem AC_to_LEM : AxiomOfChoice -> LEM.
Show proof.
  intros AC P.
  set (f := setquotpr _ : bool -> setquotinset (eqrel_on_bool P)).
  assert (q := pr1 AC_impl2 AC _ _ f (issurjsetquotpr _)).
  apply (squash_to_prop q).
  { apply isapropdec, propproperty. }
  intro sec. induction sec as [g h].
  apply (logeq_dec (eqrel_on_bool_iff P)).
  apply (retract_dec f g h isdeceqbool).

A weaker Axiom of Choice
Having proved above that the Axiom of Choice implies the Law of the Excluded Middle, we would like to formulate a weaker axiom of choice that would be usable in formalization, but without implying the Law of the Excluded Middle, thus making it a more acceptable omniscience principle. Our idea here is to add the hypothesis that the base set have decidable equality. Classically, there is no difference between the two axioms. Recall from isasetifdeceq that a type with decidable equality is a set, so we don't include being a set explicitly in the statement of the axiom.

Definition AxiomOfDecidableChoice : hProp := (X:UU), isdeceq X ischoicebase X.

Theorem AC_iff_ADC_and_LEM : AxiomOfChoice AxiomOfDecidableChoice LEM.
Show proof.
  - intros AC. split.
    + intros X i. exact (AC (make_hSet X (isasetifdeceq X i))).
    + exact (AC_to_LEM AC).
  - intros [adc lem] X. refine (adc X _). intros x y. exact (lem (x = y)).