Library UniMath.MoreFoundations.DecidablePropositions

Require Export UniMath.MoreFoundations.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Tactics.

Lemma retract_dec {X Y} (f : X -> Y) (g : Y -> X) (h : f g ~ idfun Y) : isdeceq X -> isdeceq Y.
Show proof.
  intros i y y'. induction (i (g y) (g y')) as [eq|ne].
  - apply ii1. exact (! h y @ maponpaths f eq @ h y').
  - apply ii2. intro p. apply ne. exact (maponpaths g p).

Lemma logeq_dec {X Y} : (X <-> Y) -> decidable X -> decidable Y.
Show proof.
  intros iff decX. induction iff as [XtoY YtoX].
  induction decX as [x|nx].
  - now apply ii1, XtoY.
  - now apply ii2, (negf YtoX).

Definition decidable_prop (X:hProp) := make_hProp (decidable X) (isapropdec X (pr2 X)).

Definition LEM : hProp := P : hProp, decidable_prop P.

Decidability via complementary pairs

Definition ComplementaryPair : UU := (P Q : UU), complementary P Q.
Definition Part1 (C : ComplementaryPair) : UU := pr1 C.
Definition Part2 (C : ComplementaryPair) : UU := pr1 (pr2 C).
Definition pair_contradiction (C : ComplementaryPair) : Part1 C -> Part2 C ->
  := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 C)).
Definition chooser (C : ComplementaryPair) : Part1 C ⨿ Part2 C
  := pr2 (pr2 (pr2 C)).

Definition isTrue (C : ComplementaryPair)
  := hfiber (@ii1 (Part1 C) (Part2 C)) (chooser C).
Definition isFalse (C : ComplementaryPair)
  := hfiber (@ii2 (Part1 C) (Part2 C)) (chooser C).

Definition trueWitness {C : ComplementaryPair} : isTrue C -> Part1 C := pr1.
Definition falseWitness {C : ComplementaryPair} : isFalse C -> Part2 C := pr1.

Coercion trueWitness : isTrue >-> Part1.
Coercion falseWitness : isFalse >-> Part2.

Lemma complementaryDecisions (C : ComplementaryPair) :
  iscontr (isTrue C ⨿ isFalse C).
Show proof.
  apply iscontrifweqtounit. assert (w := weqcoprodsplit (λ _:unit, chooser C)).
  apply invweq. apply (weqcomp w). apply weqcoprodf; apply weqhfiberunit.

Lemma isaprop_isTrue (C : ComplementaryPair) : isaprop (isTrue C).
Show proof.
  apply (isapropcomponent1 (isTrue C) (isFalse C)).
  apply isapropifcontr.
  apply complementaryDecisions.

Lemma isaprop_isFalse (C : ComplementaryPair) : isaprop (isFalse C).
Show proof.
  apply (isapropcomponent2 (isTrue C) (isFalse C)).
  apply isapropifcontr.
  apply complementaryDecisions.

Ltac unpack_pair C P Q con c := induction C as [P Qc]; induction Qc as [Q c];
                                induction c as [con c]; simpl in c, P, Q.

Lemma pair_truth (C : ComplementaryPair) : Part1 C -> isTrue C.
Show proof.
  intros p.
  unpack_pair C P Q con c;
    unfold isTrue, hfiber, Part1, Part2, chooser in *; simpl in *.
  induction c as [p'|q].
  - now exists p'.
  - apply fromempty. contradicts (con p) q.

Lemma pair_falsehood (C : ComplementaryPair) : Part2 C -> isFalse C.
Show proof.
  intros q.
  unpack_pair C P Q con c;
    unfold isFalse, hfiber, Part1, Part2, chooser in *; simpl in *.
  induction c as [p|q'].
  - apply fromempty. contradicts (con p) q.
  - now exists q'.

Definition to_ComplementaryPair {P : UU} (c : P ⨿ neg P) : ComplementaryPair
  := (P,,neg P,,(λ p n, n p),,c).

Definition isolation {X : UU} (x : X) (is : isisolated X x) (y : X) : UU
  := isFalse (to_ComplementaryPair (is y)).

Definition isaprop_isolation {X : UU} (x : X) (is : isisolated X x) (y : X) :
  isaprop (isolation x is y) := isaprop_isFalse _.

Definition isolation_to_inequality {X : UU} (x : X) (is : isisolated X x)
           (y : X) :
  isolation x is y -> x != y := falseWitness.

Definition inequality_to_isolation {X : UU} (x : X) (i : isisolated X x)
           (y : X) :
  x != y -> isolation x i y := pair_falsehood (to_ComplementaryPair (i y)).

Definition pairNegation (C : ComplementaryPair) : ComplementaryPair
  := Part2 C,, Part1 C ,, (λ q p, pair_contradiction C p q),,
           coprodcomm _ _ (chooser C).

Definition pairConjunction (C C' : ComplementaryPair) : ComplementaryPair.
Show proof.
  unpack_pair C P Q con c; unpack_pair C' P' Q' con' c'; simpl in *.
  unfold ComplementaryPair. exists (P × P'); exists (Q ⨿ Q'). split.
  - simpl. intros a b. induction a as [p p']. induction b as [b|b].
    + induction c' as [_|q'].
      * contradicts (con p) b.
      * contradicts (con p) b.
    + contradicts (con' p') b.
  - simpl. induction c as [p|q].
    + induction c' as [p'|q'].
      * apply ii1. exact (p,,p').
      * apply ii2, ii2. exact q'.
    + induction c' as [p'|q'].
      * apply ii2, ii1. exact q.
      * apply ii2, ii2. exact q'.

Definition pairDisjunction (C C' : ComplementaryPair) : ComplementaryPair.
Show proof.
  exact (pairNegation (pairConjunction (pairNegation C) (pairNegation C'))).

Definition dnegelim {P Q : UU} : complementary P Q -> ¬¬ P -> P.
Show proof.
  intros c nnp. induction c as [n c].
  induction c as [p|q].
  - assumption.
  - contradicts nnp (λ p, n p q).

Lemma LEM_for_sets (X : UU) : LEM -> isaset X -> isdeceq X.
Show proof.
intros lem is x y. exact (lem (make_hProp (x = y) (is x y))).

Lemma isaprop_LEM : isaprop LEM.
Show proof.
  unfold LEM. apply impred_isaprop; intro P. apply isapropdec. apply propproperty.

Lemma dneg_LEM (P : hProp) : LEM -> ¬¬ P -> P.
Show proof.
intros lem. exact (dnegelim ((λ p np, np p),,lem P)).

Corollary reversal_LEM (P Q : hProp) : LEM -> (¬ P -> Q) -> (¬ Q -> P).
Show proof.
  intros lem f n.
  assert (g := negf f); clear f.
  assert (h := g n); clear g n.
  apply (dneg_LEM _ lem).
  exact h.

Definition DecidableProposition : UU := X : UU, isdecprop X.

Definition isdecprop_to_DecidableProposition {X : UU} (i : isdecprop X) :
  DecidableProposition := X,,i.

Definition decidable_to_isdecprop {X : hProp} : decidable X -> isdecprop X.
Show proof.
  intros dec. apply isdecpropif.
  - apply propproperty.
  - exact dec.

Definition decidable_to_isdecprop_2 {X : UU} :
  isaprop X -> X ⨿ ¬ X -> isdecprop X.
Show proof.
  intros i dec. apply isdecpropif.
  - exact i.
  - exact dec.

Definition decidable_to_DecidableProposition {X : hProp} :
  decidable X -> DecidableProposition.
Show proof.
intros dec. exists X. now apply decidable_to_isdecprop.

Definition DecidableProposition_to_isdecprop (X : DecidableProposition) :
  isdecprop (pr1 X).
Show proof.
apply pr2.

Definition DecidableProposition_to_hProp : DecidableProposition -> hProp.
Show proof.
  intros X.
  exact (pr1 X,, isdecproptoisaprop (pr1 X) (pr2 X)).
Coercion DecidableProposition_to_hProp : DecidableProposition >-> hProp.
Definition decidabilityProperty (X : DecidableProposition) :
  isdecprop X := pr2 X.

Definition DecidableSubtype (X : UU) : UU := X -> DecidableProposition.
Definition DecidableRelation (X : UU) : UU := X -> X -> DecidableProposition.

Definition decrel_to_DecidableRelation {X : UU} :
  decrel X -> DecidableRelation X.
Show proof.
  intros R x y. induction R as [R is]. exists (R x y).
  apply isdecpropif. { apply propproperty. } apply is.

Definition decidableAnd (P Q : DecidableProposition) : DecidableProposition.
Show proof.
  intros. exists (P × Q). apply isdecpropdirprod; apply decidabilityProperty.

Definition decidableOr (P Q : DecidableProposition) : DecidableProposition.
Show proof.
  intros. exists (P Q). apply isdecprophdisj; apply decidabilityProperty.

Lemma neg_isdecprop {X : UU} : isdecprop X -> isdecprop (¬ X).
Show proof.
  intros i.
  set (j := isdecproptoisaprop X i).
  apply isdecpropif.
  - apply isapropneg.
  - unfold isdecprop in i.
    set (k := pr1 i).
    induction k as [k|k].
    + apply ii2. now apply todneg.
    + now apply ii1.

Definition decidableNot (P : DecidableProposition) : DecidableProposition.
Show proof.
  intros. exists (¬ P). apply neg_isdecprop; apply decidabilityProperty.

Declare Scope decidable_logic.
Notation "X ∨ Y" := (decidableOr X Y) (at level 85, right associativity) :
Notation "A ∧ B" := (decidableAnd A B) (at level 80, right associativity) :
Notation "'¬' X" := (decidableNot X) (at level 35, right associativity) :
Delimit Scope decidable_logic with declog.

Ltac choose P yes no := induction (pr1 (decidabilityProperty P)) as [yes|no].

Definition choice {W : UU} : DecidableProposition -> W -> W -> W.
Show proof.
  intros P yes no.
  choose P p q.
  - exact yes.
  - exact no.

Definition dependent_choice {W : UU} (P : DecidableProposition) :
  (P -> W) -> (¬ P -> W) -> W.
Show proof.
  intros yes no.
  choose P p q.
  - exact (yes p).
  - exact (no q).

Definition choice_compute_yes {W : UU} (P : DecidableProposition) (p : P)
           (yes no : W) :
  choice P yes no = yes.
Show proof.
  unfold choice.
  choose P a b.
  - simpl. reflexivity.
  - simpl. contradicts p b.

Definition choice_compute_no {W : UU} (P : DecidableProposition) (p : ¬ P)
           (yes no : W) :
  choice P yes no = no.
Show proof.
  unfold choice.
  choose P a b.
  - simpl. contradicts p a.
  - simpl. reflexivity.

Definition decidableSubtypeCarrier {X : UU} : DecidableSubtype X -> UU.
Show proof.
intros S. exact ( x, S x).

Definition decidableSubtypeCarrier' {X : UU} : DecidableSubtype X -> UU.
Show proof.
intros P.
       exact (hfiber (λ x, choice (P x) true false) true).

Definition decidableSubtypeCarrier_weq {X : UU} (P : DecidableSubtype X) :
  decidableSubtypeCarrier' P decidableSubtypeCarrier P.
Show proof.
  apply weqfibtototal.
  intros x.
  unfold choice.
  change (pr1 (decidabilityProperty (P x)))
  with (pr1 (decidabilityProperty (P x))).
  choose (P x) p q.
  - simpl. apply weqiff.
    + apply logeq_both_true.
      * reflexivity.
      * assumption.
    + apply isasetbool.
    + apply (propproperty (DecidableProposition_to_hProp _)).
  - simpl. apply weqiff.
    + apply logeq_both_false.
      * exact nopathsfalsetotrue.
      * assumption.
    + apply isasetbool.
    + apply (propproperty (DecidableProposition_to_hProp _)).

Definition DecidableSubtype_to_hsubtype {X : UU} (P : DecidableSubtype X) :
  hsubtype X
  := λ x, DecidableProposition_to_hProp (P x).
Coercion DecidableSubtype_to_hsubtype : DecidableSubtype >-> hsubtype.

Definition DecidableRelation_to_hrel {X : UU} (P : DecidableRelation X) : hrel X
  := λ x y, DecidableProposition_to_hProp(P x y).
Coercion DecidableRelation_to_hrel : DecidableRelation >-> hrel.

Definition natlth_DecidableProposition : DecidableRelation nat :=
  decrel_to_DecidableRelation natlthdec.

Definition natleh_DecidableProposition : DecidableRelation nat :=
  decrel_to_DecidableRelation natlehdec.

Definition natgth_DecidableProposition : DecidableRelation nat :=
  decrel_to_DecidableRelation natgthdec.

Definition natgeh_DecidableProposition : DecidableRelation nat :=
  decrel_to_DecidableRelation natgehdec.

Definition nateq_DecidableProposition : DecidableRelation nat :=
  decrel_to_DecidableRelation natdeceq.

Definition natneq_DecidableProposition : DecidableRelation nat :=
  decrel_to_DecidableRelation natdecneq.

Declare Scope decidable_nat.
Notation " x < y " := (natlth_DecidableProposition x y) (at level 70, no associativity) :
Notation " x <= y " := (natleh_DecidableProposition x y) (at level 70, no associativity) :
Notation " x ≤ y " := (natleh_DecidableProposition x y) (at level 70, no associativity) :
Notation " x ≥ y " := (natgeh_DecidableProposition x y) (at level 70, no associativity) :
Notation " x ≥ y " := (natgeh_DecidableProposition x y) (at level 70, no associativity) :
Notation " x > y " := (natgth_DecidableProposition x y) (at level 70, no associativity) :
Notation " x =? y " := (nateq_DecidableProposition x y) (at level 70, no associativity) :
Notation " x ≠ y " := (natneq_DecidableProposition x y) (at level 70, no associativity) :

Delimit Scope decidable_nat with dnat.