Library UniMath.Foundations.NaturalNumbers

Natural numbers and their properties. Vladimir Voevodsky. Apr. - Sep. 2011

This file contains the formulations and proofs of general properties of natural numbers from the univalent perspecive.


  • Equality and inequality on nat
  • Inequalities on nat
    • Boolean "less of equal" and "greater or equal" on nat
    • Semi-boolean "greater" on nat or natgth
    • Semi-boolean "less" on nat or natlth
    • Semi-boolean "less or equal" on nat or natleh
    • Semi-boolean "greater or equal" on nat or natgeh
    • Simple implications between comparisons
    • Comparison alternatives
    • Mixed transitivities
    • Two comparisons and S
    • Comparison alternatives and S
  • Some properties of plus on nat
    • The structure of the additive abelian monoid on nat
    • Addition and comparisons
    • Comparisons and n -> n + 1
    • Two comparisons and n -> n + 1
    • Comparison alternatives and n -> n + 1
    • Cancellation properties of plus on nat
    • Some properties of minus on nat
    • Basic algebraic properties of mul on nat
    • nat as a commutative rig
    • Cancellation properties of mul on nat
    • Multiplication and comparisons
    • Properties of comparisons in the terminology of algebra1.v
    • Submonoid of non-zero elements in nat
    • Division with a remainder on nat
    • Exponentiation natpower n m ("n to the power of m") on nat
    • Factorial on nat
  • The order-preserving functions di i : nat -> nat whose image is the complement of one element i.
  • The order-preserving functions si i : nat -> nat that take the value i twice.
  • Inductive types le with values in UU
    • A generalization of le and its properties
    • Inductive types le with values in UU are in hProp
    • Comparison between le with values in UU and natleh


Require Export UniMath.Foundations.Sets.

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Equality and inequality on nat

Definition natnegpaths (x y : nat) : hProp := make_hProp (x != y) (isapropneg _).

Fixpoint natneq_hProp (n m : nat) : hProp :=
  match n, m with
  | S n, S m => natneq_hProp n m
  | O, O => hfalse
  | _, _ => htrue

Notation " x ≠ y " := (natneq_hProp x y) (at level 70, no associativity) : nat_scope.

Lemma negpaths0sx (x : nat) : ¬ (0 = S x).
Show proof.
  set (f := λ n : nat, match n with O => true | S m => false end).
  apply (negf (@maponpaths _ _ f 0 (S x)) nopathstruetofalse).

Lemma negpathssx0 (x : nat) : ¬ (S x = 0).
Show proof.
  intros X. apply (negpaths0sx x (pathsinv0 X)).

Lemma invmaponpathsS (n m : nat) : S n = S m -> n = m.
Show proof.
  intros e.
  set (f := λ n : nat, match n with O => O | S m => m end).
  apply (@maponpaths _ _ f (S n) (S m) e).

Lemma noeqinjS (x x' : nat) : ¬ (x = x') -> ¬ (S x = S x').
Show proof.
  apply (negf (invmaponpathsS x x')).

Lemma natneq_iff_neq n m : ¬ (n = m) <-> n m.
Show proof.
  revert m.
  induction n as [|n N].
  - intro m. induction m as [|m _].
    + apply logeq_both_false.
      * intro n. exact (n (idpath 0)).
      * simpl. exact (idfun ).
    + apply logeq_both_true.
      * apply negpaths0sx.
      * simpl. exact tt.
  - intro m. induction m as [|m _].
    + apply logeq_both_true.
      * apply negpathssx0.
      * simpl. exact tt.
    + split.
      * intro ne. apply (pr1 (N m)).
        intro r. exact (ne (maponpaths S r)).
      * intro neq. apply noeqinjS.
        apply (pr2 (N m)). exact neq.

Lemma nat_neq_to_nopath {n m : nat} : ¬ (n = m) <- n m.
Show proof.
  exact (pr2 (natneq_iff_neq n m)).

Lemma nat_nopath_to_neq {n m : nat} : ¬ (n = m) -> n m.
Show proof.
  exact (pr1 (natneq_iff_neq n m)).

Lemma natneq0sx (x : nat) : 0 S x.
Show proof.

Lemma natneqsx0 (x : nat) : S x 0.
Show proof.

Lemma natneqinjS (x x' : nat) : x x' -> S x S x'.
Show proof.
  intros r. apply nat_nopath_to_neq, noeqinjS, nat_neq_to_nopath. assumption.

Lemma isirrefl_natneq i : ¬ (i i).
Show proof.
  intros ne. apply (nat_neq_to_nopath ne). apply idpath.

Lemma issymm_natneq i j : i j -> j i.
Show proof.
  intros ne. apply nat_nopath_to_neq. intro eq. induction eq.
  exact (isirrefl_natneq j ne).

Basic properties of paths on nat and the proofs of isdeceq and isaset for nat.

Definition isdeceqnat: isdeceq nat.
Show proof.
  unfold isdeceq. intro x. induction x as [ | x IHx ].
  - intro x'. induction x'.
    + apply (ii1 (idpath O)).
    + apply (ii2 (negpaths0sx x')).
  - intro x'. induction x'.
    + apply (ii2 (negpathssx0 x)).
    + induction (IHx x') as [ p | e ].
      * apply (ii1 (maponpaths S p)).
      * apply (ii2 (noeqinjS _ _ e)).

Definition isisolatedn (n : nat) : isisolated _ n.
Show proof.
  unfold isisolated. intro x'. apply isdeceqnat.

Theorem isasetnat: isaset nat.
Show proof.
  apply (isasetifdeceq _ isdeceqnat).

Definition natset : hSet := make_hSet _ isasetnat.

Lemma nat_eq_or_neq (m n : nat) : (m = n) ⨿ (m n).
Show proof.
  revert m. induction n as [|n N].
  - intro m. induction m as [|m _].
    + apply ii1. apply idpath.
    + apply ii2. exact tt.
  - intro m. induction m as [|m _].
    + apply ii2. exact tt.
    + induction (N m) as [eq|neq].
      * apply ii1, maponpaths. assumption.
      * apply ii2. assumption.

Definition isdecrel_natneq : isdecrel (λ m n, m n).
Show proof.
  intros n. induction n as [|n N].
  - intro m. induction m as [|m _].
    + simpl. exact (ii2 (idfun )).
    + simpl. exact (ii1 tt).
  - intro m. induction m as [|m _].
    + simpl. exact (ii1 tt).
    + exact (N m).

Definition nateq (x y : nat) : hProp := make_hProp (x = y) (isasetnat _ _).

Definition isdecrelnateq : isdecrel nateq := λ a b, isdeceqnat a b.

Definition natdeceq : decrel nat := make_decrel isdecrelnateq.

Definition natdecneq : decrel nat := make_decrel isdecrel_natneq.

Definition natboolneq : brel nat := decreltobrel natdecneq.

S : nat -> nat is a decidable inclusion.

Theorem isinclS : isincl S.
Show proof.

Theorem isdecinclS : isdecincl S.
Show proof.
  intro n. apply isdecpropif.
  - apply (isinclS n).
  - destruct n as [ | n ].
    + assert (nh : ¬ (hfiber S 0)).
      * intro hf. induction hf as [ m e ]. apply (negpathssx0 _ e).
      * apply (ii2 nh).
    + apply (ii1 (make_hfiber _ n (idpath _))).

Inequalities on nat.

Boolean "less or equal" and "greater or equal" on nat.

Fixpoint natgtb (n m : nat) : bool :=
  match n, m with
  | S n, S m => natgtb n m
  | O, _ => false
  | _, _ => true

Semi-boolean "greater" on nat or natgth

1. Note that due to its definition natgth automatically has the property that natgth n m <-> natgth (S n) (S m) and the same applies to all other inequalities defined in this section. 2. We choose "greater" as the root relation from which we define all other relations on nat because it is more natural to extend "greater" to integers and then to rationals than it is to extend "less".

Definition natgth (n m : nat) : hProp := make_hProp (natgtb n m = true) (isasetbool _ _).

Notation " x > y " := (natgth x y) : nat_scope.

Lemma negnatgth0n (n : nat) : ¬ (0 > n).
Show proof.
  simpl. intro np. apply (nopathsfalsetotrue np).

Lemma natgthsnn (n : nat) : S n > n.
Show proof.
  induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - apply idpath.
  - apply IHn.

Lemma natgthsn0 (n : nat) : S n > 0.
Show proof.
  simpl. apply idpath.

Lemma negnatgth0tois0 (n : nat) (ng : ¬ (n > 0)) : n = 0.
Show proof.
  revert ng. destruct n as [ | n ].
  - intro. apply idpath.
  - intro ng. induction (ng (natgthsn0 _)).

Lemma natneq0togth0 (n : nat) (ne : n 0) : n > 0.
Show proof.
  intros. destruct n as [ | n ].
  - induction ne.
  - apply natgthsn0.

Lemma nat1gthtois0 (n : nat) (g : 1 > n) : n = 0.
Show proof.
  revert g.
  destruct n as [ | n ].
  - intro. apply idpath.
  - intro x. induction (negnatgth0n n x).

Lemma istransnatgth (n m k : nat) : n > m -> m > k -> n > k.
Show proof.
  revert m k. induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - intros m k g. induction (negnatgth0n _ g).
  - intro m. destruct m as [ | m ].
    + intros k g g'. induction (negnatgth0n _ g').
    + intro k. destruct k as [ | k ].
      * intros. apply natgthsn0.
      * apply (IHn m k).

Lemma isirreflnatgth (n : nat) : ¬ (n > n).
Show proof.
  induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - apply (negnatgth0n 0).
  - apply IHn.

Notation negnatlthnn := isirreflnatgth.

Lemma natgthtoneq (n m : nat) (g : n > m) : n m.
Show proof.
  intros. apply nat_nopath_to_neq. intro e. rewrite e in g.
  apply (isirreflnatgth _ g).

Lemma isasymmnatgth (n m : nat) : n > m -> m > n -> empty.
Show proof.
  intros is is'.
  apply (isirreflnatgth n (istransnatgth _ _ _ is is')).

Lemma isantisymmnegnatgth (n m : nat) : ¬ (n > m) -> ¬ (m > n) -> n = m.
Show proof.
  revert m. induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - intros m ng0m ngm0. apply (pathsinv0 (negnatgth0tois0 _ ngm0)).
  - intro m. destruct m as [ | m ].
    + intros ngsn0 ng0sn. induction (ngsn0 (natgthsn0 _)).
    + intros ng1 ng2. apply (maponpaths S (IHn m ng1 ng2)).

Lemma isdecrelnatgth : isdecrel natgth.
Show proof.
  intros n m. apply (isdeceqbool (natgtb n m) true).

Definition natgthdec := make_decrel isdecrelnatgth.

Lemma isnegrelnatgth : isnegrel natgth.
Show proof.

Lemma iscoantisymmnatgth (n m : nat) : ¬ (n > m) -> (m > n) ⨿ (n = m).
Show proof.
  revert n m.
  apply isantisymmnegtoiscoantisymm.
  - apply isdecrelnatgth.
  - intros n m. apply isantisymmnegnatgth.

Lemma iscotransnatgth (n m k : nat) : n > k -> (n > m) ⨿ (m > k).
Show proof.
  intros gnk. induction (isdecrelnatgth n m) as [ p | np ].
  - apply ii1. assumption.
  - apply ii2. induction (isdecrelnatgth m n) as [r|nr].
    + apply (istransnatgth _ _ _ r gnk).
    + assert (e := isantisymmnegnatgth _ _ np nr); clear np nr.
      induction e. assumption.

Semi-boolean "less" on nat or natlth

Definition natlth (n m : nat) := m > n.

Notation " x < y " := (natlth x y) : nat_scope.

Definition negnatlthn0 (n : nat) : ¬ (n < 0) := negnatgth0n n.

Definition natlthnsn (n : nat) : n < S n := natgthsnn n.

Definition negnat0lthtois0 (n : nat) (nl : ¬ (0 < n)) : n = 0 := negnatgth0tois0 n nl.

Definition natneq0to0lth (n : nat) : n 0 -> 0 < n := natneq0togth0 n.

Definition natlth1tois0 (n : nat) : n < 1 -> n = 0 := nat1gthtois0 _.

Definition istransnatlth (n m k : nat) : n < m -> m < k -> n < k :=
  λ lnm lmk, istransnatgth _ _ _ lmk lnm.

Definition isirreflnatlth (n : nat) : ¬ (natlth n n) := isirreflnatgth n.

Notation negnatgthnn := isirreflnatlth.

Lemma natlthtoneq (n m : nat) (g : natlth n m) : n m.
Show proof.
  intros. apply nat_nopath_to_neq. intro e. rewrite e in g.
  apply (isirreflnatlth _ g).

Definition isasymmnatlth (n m : nat) : natlth n m -> natlth m n -> empty :=
  λ lnm lmn, isasymmnatgth _ _ lmn lnm.

Definition isantisymmnegnattth (n m : nat) :
  ¬ (natlth n m) -> ¬ (natlth m n) -> n = m := λ nlnm nlmn, isantisymmnegnatgth _ _ nlmn nlnm.

Definition isdecrelnatlth : isdecrel natlth := λ n m, isdecrelnatgth m n.

Definition natlthdec := make_decrel isdecrelnatlth.

Definition isnegrelnatlth : isnegrel natlth := λ n m, isnegrelnatgth m n.

Definition iscoantisymmnatlth (n m : nat) : ¬ (natlth n m) -> (natlth m n) ⨿ (n = m).
Show proof.
  intros nlnm.
  induction (iscoantisymmnatgth m n nlnm) as [ l | e ].
  - apply (ii1 l).
  - apply (ii2 (pathsinv0 e)).

Definition iscotransnatlth (n m k : nat) : n < k -> (n < m) ⨿ (m < k).
Show proof.
  intros lnk. apply coprodcomm, iscotransnatgth. assumption.

Semi-boolean "less or equal " on nat or natleh

Definition natleh (n m : nat) := S m > n.

Notation " x <= y " := (natleh x y) : nat_scope.
Notation " x ≤ y " := (natleh x y) (at level 70, no associativity) : nat_scope.

Definition isdecrelnatleh : isdecrel natleh := λ m n, isdecrelnatgth _ _.

Definition negnatlehsn0 (n : nat) : ¬ (S n 0) := negnatlthn0 n.

Lemma natlehneggth {n m : nat} : n m -> ¬ (n > m).
Show proof.
  revert m. induction n as [|n N].
  - intros m _. exact (negnatgth0n m).
  - intros m. induction m as [|m _].
    + intros r _. exact (negnatlehsn0 n r).
    + exact (N m).

Lemma natgthnegleh {n m : nat} : n > m -> ¬ (n m).
Show proof.
  intros r s. exact (natlehneggth s r).

Lemma negnatSleh n : ¬ (S n n).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold natleh. apply isirreflnatgth.

Lemma negnatgthtoleh {n m : nat} : ¬ (n > m) -> n m.
Show proof.
  unfold natleh. revert m. induction n as [|n N].
  - intros m r. exact (natgthsn0 m).
  - intro m. change (S m > S n) with (m > n). induction m as [|m _].
    + intro r. contradicts (natgthsn0 n) r.
    + change (S n > S m) with (n > m). intro r. exact (N m r).

Lemma negnatlehtogth {n m : nat} : n > m <- ¬ (n m).
Show proof.
  intros r. apply (isdecreltoisnegrel isdecrelnatgth).
  intro s. exact (r (negnatgthtoleh s)).

Definition neggth_logeq_leh (n m : nat) : ¬ (n > m) <-> n m := (negnatgthtoleh,,natlehneggth).

Definition natleh0tois0 {n : nat} (l : n 0) : n = 0 := natlth1tois0 n l.

Definition natleh0n (n : nat) : 0 n := natgthsn0 _.

Definition negnatlehsnn (n : nat) : ¬ (S n n) := isirreflnatlth _.

Definition istransnatleh {n m k : nat} : n m -> m k -> n k.
Show proof.
  intros r s.
  apply negnatgthtoleh.
  assert (b := natlehneggth r); clear r.
  assert (c := natlehneggth s); clear s.
  intro r.
  induction (iscotransnatgth _ m _ r) as [t|t].
  - contradicts b t.
  - contradicts c t.

Definition isreflnatleh n : n n.
Show proof.
  intros. unfold natleh. apply natgthsnn.

Definition isantisymmnatleh : isantisymm natleh.
Show proof.
  intros m. induction m as [|m M].
  - intros n _ s. unfold natleh in s.
    apply pathsinv0. apply nat1gthtois0. exact s.
  - intros n. induction n as [|n _].
    + intros r _. contradicts r (negnatlehsn0 m).
    + intros r s.
      change (S m S n) with (m n) in r.
      change (S n S m) with (n m) in s.
      apply (maponpaths S).
      apply M.
      * assumption.
      * assumption.

Definition natlehdec : decrel nat := make_decrel isdecrelnatleh.

Definition isnegrelnatleh : isnegrel natleh.
Show proof.

Definition natlthtoleh (m n : nat) : m < n -> m n.
Show proof.
  intros r. unfold natleh. unfold natlth in r.
  generalize r. clear r. generalize m. clear m.
  induction n as [|n N].
  - intros ? r. contradicts r (negnatgth0n m).
  - intros ? r. induction m as [|m _].
    + apply natgthsn0.
    + change (S n > S m) with (n > m) in r.
      change (S (S n) > S m) with (S n > m).
      apply N. assumption.

Definition iscoasymmnatleh (n m : nat) : ¬ (n m) -> m n.
Show proof.
  intros r. apply negnatgthtoleh. intros s. unfold natleh in r.
  apply r. apply natlthtoleh. assumption.

Definition istotalnatleh : istotal natleh.
Show proof.
  intros x y. induction (isdecrelnatleh x y) as [ lxy | lyx ].
  - apply (hinhpr (ii1 lxy)).
  - apply hinhpr. apply ii2. apply (iscoasymmnatleh _ _ lyx).

Semi-boolean "greater or equal" on nat or natgeh.

Definition natgeh (n m : nat) : hProp := m n.

Notation " x >= y " := (natgeh x y) : nat_scope.
Notation " x ≥ y " := (natgeh x y) (at level 70, no associativity) : nat_scope.

Definition nat0gehtois0 (n : nat) (g : 0 n) : n = 0 := natleh0tois0 g.

Definition natgehn0 (n : nat) : n 0 := natleh0n n.

Definition negnatgeh0sn (n : nat) : ¬ (0 (S n)) := negnatlehsn0 n.

Definition negnatgehnsn (n : nat) : ¬ (n (S n)) := negnatlehsnn n.

Definition istransnatgeh (n m k : nat) : n m -> m k -> n k := λ gnm gmk, istransnatleh gmk gnm.

Definition isreflnatgeh (n : nat) : n n := isreflnatleh _.

Definition isantisymmnatgeh (n m : nat) : n m -> m n -> n = m :=
  λ gnm gmn, isantisymmnatleh _ _ gmn gnm.

Definition isdecrelnatgeh : isdecrel natgeh := λ n m, isdecrelnatleh m n.

Definition natgehdec : decrel nat := make_decrel isdecrelnatgeh.

Definition isnegrelnatgeh : isnegrel natgeh := λ n m, isnegrelnatleh m n.

Definition iscoasymmnatgeh (n m : nat) (nl : ¬ (n m)) : m n := iscoasymmnatleh _ _ nl.

Definition istotalnatgeh : istotal natgeh := λ n m, istotalnatleh m n.

Simple implications between comparisons

Definition natgthtogeh (n m : nat) : n > m -> n m.
Show proof.
  apply natlthtoleh.

Definition natlehtonegnatgth (n m : nat) : n m -> ¬ (n > m).
Show proof.
  intros r. apply @natlehneggth. assumption.

Definition natgthtonegnatleh (n m : nat) : n > m -> ¬ (n m) := λ g l, natlehtonegnatgth _ _ l g.

Definition natgehtonegnatlth (n m : nat) : n m -> ¬ (n < m) :=
  λ gnm lnm, natlehtonegnatgth _ _ gnm lnm.

Definition natlthtonegnatgeh (n m : nat) : n < m -> ¬ (n m) :=
  λ gnm lnm, natlehtonegnatgth _ _ lnm gnm.

Definition negnatgehtolth (n m : nat) : ¬ (n m) -> n < m.
Show proof.
  intros r. apply negnatlehtogth. assumption.

Definition negnatlthtogeh (n m : nat) : ¬ (n < m) -> n m := λ nl, negnatgthtoleh nl.

Definition natlehnsn (n : nat) : n S n := natlthtoleh _ _ (natgthsnn n).

Definition natgehsnn (n : nat) : (S n) n := natlehnsn n.

Comparison alternatives

Definition natgthorleh (n m : nat) : (n > m) ⨿ (n m).
Show proof.
  induction (isdecrelnatgth n m) as [a|a].
  - apply ii1. assumption.
  - apply ii2. apply negnatgthtoleh. assumption.

Definition natlthorgeh (n m : nat) : (n < m) ⨿ (n m) := natgthorleh _ _.

Definition natchoice0 (n : nat) : (0 = n) ⨿ (0 < n).
Show proof.
  induction n as [ | n].
  - use ii1. apply idpath.
  - use ii2. apply natgthsn0.

Definition natneqchoice (n m : nat) (ne : n m) : (n > m) ⨿ (n < m).
Show proof.
  intros. induction (natgthorleh n m) as [ l | g ].
  - exact (ii1 l).
  - induction (natlthorgeh n m) as [ l' | g' ].
    + apply (ii2 l').
    + contradicts (nat_neq_to_nopath ne) (isantisymmnatleh _ _ g g').

Definition natlehchoice (n m : nat) (l : n m) : (n < m) ⨿ (n = m).
Show proof.
  intros. induction (natlthorgeh n m) as [ l' | g ].
  - apply (ii1 l').
  - apply (ii2 (isantisymmnatleh _ _ l g)).

Definition natgehchoice (n m : nat) (g : n m) : (n > m) ⨿ (n = m).
Show proof.
  intros. induction (natgthorleh n m) as [ g' | l ].
  - apply (ii1 g').
  - apply (ii2 (isantisymmnatleh _ _ l g)).

Mixed transitivities

Lemma natgthgehtrans (n m k : nat) : n > m -> m k -> n > k.
Show proof.
  intros gnm gmk. induction (natgehchoice m k gmk) as [ g' | e ].
  - apply (istransnatgth _ _ _ gnm g').
  - rewrite e in gnm. apply gnm.

Lemma natgehgthtrans (n m k : nat) : n m -> m > k -> n > k.
Show proof.
  intros gnm gmk. induction (natgehchoice n m gnm) as [ g' | e ].
  - apply (istransnatgth _ _ _ g' gmk).
  - rewrite e. apply gmk.

Lemma natlthlehtrans (n m k : nat) : n < m -> m k -> n < k.
Show proof.
  intros l1 l2. apply (natgehgthtrans k m n l2 l1).

Lemma natlehlthtrans (n m k : nat) : n m -> m < k -> n < k.
Show proof.
  intros l1 l2. apply (natgthgehtrans k m n l2 l1).

Lemma natltltSlt (i j n : nat) : i < j -> j < S n -> i < n.
Show proof.
  intros l. apply natlthlehtrans. assumption.

Two comparisons and S

Lemma natgthtogehsn (n m : nat) : n > m -> n (S m).
Show proof.
  revert m. induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - intros m X. induction (negnatgth0n _ X).
  - intros m X. destruct m as [ | m ].
    + apply (natgehn0 n).
    + apply (IHn m X).

Lemma natgthsntogeh (n m : nat) : S n > m -> n m.
Show proof.
  intros a. apply (natgthtogehsn (S n) m a).

Lemma natgehtogthsn (n m : nat) : n m -> S n > m.
Show proof.
  intros X. apply (natgthgehtrans _ n _).
  - apply natgthsnn.
  - apply X.

Lemma natgehsntogth (n m : nat) : n (S m) -> n > m.
Show proof.
  intros X.
  apply (natgehgthtrans _ (S m) _ X).
  apply natgthsnn.

Lemma natlthtolehsn (n m : nat) : n < m -> S n m.
Show proof.
  intros X. apply (natgthtogehsn m n X).

Lemma natlehsntolth (n m : nat) : S n m -> n < m.
Show proof.
  intros X. apply (natgehsntogth m n X).

Lemma natlehtolthsn (n m : nat) : n m -> n < S m.
Show proof.
  intros X. apply (natgehtogthsn m n X).

Lemma natlthsntoleh (n m : nat) : n < S m -> n m.
Show proof.
  intros a. apply (natlthtolehsn n (S m) a).

Comparision alternatives and S

Lemma natlehchoice2 (n m : nat) : n m -> (S n m) ⨿ (n = m).
Show proof.
  intros l. induction (natlehchoice n m l) as [ l' | e ].
  - apply (ii1 (natlthtolehsn _ _ l')).
  - apply (ii2 e).

Lemma natgehchoice2 (n m : nat) : n m -> (n (S m)) ⨿ (n = m).
Show proof.
  intros g. induction (natgehchoice n m g) as [ g' | e ].
  - apply (ii1 (natgthtogehsn _ _ g')).
  - apply (ii2 e).

Lemma natgthchoice2 (n m : nat) : n > m -> (n > S m) ⨿ (n = (S m)).
Show proof.
  intros g.
  induction (natgehchoice _ _ (natgthtogehsn _ _ g)) as [ g' | e ].
  - apply (ii1 g').
  - apply (ii2 e).

Lemma natlthchoice2 (n m : nat) : n < m -> (S n < m) ⨿ ((S n) = m).
Show proof.
  intros l.
  induction (natlehchoice _ _ (natlthtolehsn _ _ l)) as [ l' | e ].
  - apply (ii1 l').
  - apply (ii2 e).

Some properties of plus on nat

The structure of the additive abelian monoid on nat

Lemma natplusl0 (n : nat) : (0 + n) = n.
Show proof.
  intros. apply idpath.

Lemma natplusr0 (n : nat) : (n + 0) = n.
Show proof.
  induction n as [ | n IH].
  - apply idpath.
  - simpl. apply (maponpaths S IH).
Hint Resolve natplusr0: natarith.

Lemma natplusnsm (n m : nat) : n + S m = S n + m.
Show proof.
  revert m.
  simpl. induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - auto with natarith.
  - simpl. intro. apply (maponpaths S (IHn m)).
Hint Resolve natplusnsm : natarith.
Hint Resolve pathsinv0 : natarith.

Lemma natpluscomm (n m : nat) : n + m = m + n.
Show proof.
  revert m. induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - intro.
    auto with natarith.
  - intro. set (int := IHn (S m)).
    set (int2 := pathsinv0 (natplusnsm n m)).
    set (int3 := pathsinv0 (natplusnsm m n)).
    set (int4 := pathscomp0 int2 int).
    apply (pathscomp0 int4 int3).
Hint Resolve natpluscomm : natarith.

Lemma natplusassoc (n m k : nat) : ((n + m) + k) = (n + (m + k)).
Show proof.
  revert m k. induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - auto with natarith.
  - intros. simpl. apply (maponpaths S (IHn m k)).
Hint Resolve natplusassoc : natarith.

Addition and comparisons


Definition natgthtogths (n m : nat) : n > m -> (S n) > m.
Show proof.
  intros is. apply (istransnatgth _ _ _ (natgthsnn n) is).

Definition negnatgthmplusnm (n m : nat) : ¬ (m > n + m).
Show proof.
  intros. induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - apply isirreflnatgth.
  - apply natlehtonegnatgth.
    assert (r := negnatgthtoleh IHn); clear IHn.
    apply (istransnatleh r (natlthtoleh _ _ (natlthnsn _))).

Definition negnatgthnplusnm (n m : nat) : ¬ (n > (n + m)).
Show proof.
  intros. rewrite (natpluscomm n m). apply (negnatgthmplusnm m n).

Definition natgthandplusl (n m k : nat) : n > m -> (k + n) > (k + m).
Show proof.
  intros l. induction k as [ | k IHk ].
  - assumption.
  - assumption.

Definition natgthandplusr (n m k : nat) : n > m -> (n + k) > (m + k).
Show proof.
  rewrite (natpluscomm n k). rewrite (natpluscomm m k).
  apply natgthandplusl.

Definition natgthandpluslinv (n m k : nat) : (k + n) > (k + m) -> n > m.
Show proof.
  intros l. induction k as [ | k IHk ].
  - assumption.
  - apply (IHk l).

Definition natgthandplusrinv (n m k : nat) : (n + k) > (m + k) -> n > m.
Show proof.
  intros l.
  rewrite (natpluscomm n k) in l.
  rewrite (natpluscomm m k) in l.
  apply (natgthandpluslinv _ _ _ l).

Definition natgthandplusm (n m : nat) (H : m > 0) : n + m > n.
Show proof.
  revert m H. induction n as [ | n].
  - intros m H. rewrite natplusl0. exact H.
  - intros m H. rewrite <- natplusnsm. change (S n) with (1 + n). rewrite (natpluscomm 1 n).
    apply natgthandplusl. apply H.

Definition natlthtolths (n m : nat) : n < m -> n < S m := natgthtogths _ _.

Definition negnatlthplusnmm (n m : nat) : ¬ (n + m < m) := negnatgthmplusnm _ _.

Definition negnatlthplusnmn (n m : nat) : ¬ (n + m < n) := negnatgthnplusnm _ _.

Definition natlthandplusl (n m k : nat) : n < m -> k + n < k + m := natgthandplusl _ _ _.

Definition natlthandplusr (n m k : nat) : n < m -> n + k < m + k := natgthandplusr _ _ _.

Definition natlthandpluslinv (n m k : nat) : k + n < k + m -> n < m := natgthandpluslinv _ _ _.

Definition natlthandplusrinv (n m k : nat) : n + k < m + k -> n < m := natgthandplusrinv _ _ _.

Definition natlthandplusm (n m : nat) (H : 0 < m) : n < n + m := natgthandplusm _ _ H.

Definition natlehtolehs (n m : nat) : n m -> n S m.
Show proof.
  intros is.
  apply (istransnatleh is (natlthtoleh _ _ (natlthnsn _))).

Definition natlehmplusnm (n m : nat) : m n + m.
Show proof.
  intros. induction n as [|n N].
  - change (0+m) with m. apply isreflnatleh.
  - apply natlehtolehs. assumption.

Lemma plus_n_Sm : n m:nat, S (n + m) = n + S m.
Show proof.
  intros n m.
  induction n as [|n I].
  - reflexivity.
  - simpl. apply (maponpaths S). auto.

Definition natlehnplusnm (n m : nat) : n n + m.
Show proof.
  intros. induction m as [|m M].
  - induction (!natplusr0 n). apply isreflnatleh.
  - induction (plus_n_Sm n m). apply natlehtolehs. assumption.

Definition natlehandplusl (n m k : nat) : n m -> k + n k + m.
Show proof.
  unfold natleh. intros r.
  rewrite (plus_n_Sm k m). apply natgthandplusl. assumption.

Definition natlehandplusr (n m k : nat) : n m -> n + k m + k.
Show proof.
  unfold natleh. intros r.
  change (S (m + k)) with (S m + k). apply natgthandplusr. assumption.

Definition natlehandplus (i j k l : nat) : i j -> k l -> i + k j + l.
Show proof.
  intros r s.
  use (@istransnatleh _ (j + k) _).
  - apply natlehandplusr. apply r.
  - apply natlehandplusl. apply s.

Definition natlehandpluslinv (n m k : nat) : k + n k + m -> n m.
Show proof.
  unfold natleh. intros r.
  rewrite (plus_n_Sm k m) in r.
  apply (natgthandpluslinv _ _ k). assumption.

Definition natlehandplusrinv (n m k : nat) : n + k m + k -> n m.
Show proof.
  unfold natleh. intros r.
  change (S (m + k)) with (S m + k) in r.
  apply (natgthandplusrinv _ _ k). assumption.

Definition natgehtogehs (n m : nat) : n m -> S n m := natlehtolehs _ _.

Definition natgehplusnmm (n m : nat) : n + m m := natlehmplusnm _ _.

Definition natgehplusnmn (n m : nat) : n + m n := natlehnplusnm _ _.

Definition natgehandplusl (n m k : nat) : n m -> k + n k + m := natlehandplusl _ _ _.

Definition natgehandplusr (n m k : nat) : n m -> n + k m + k := natlehandplusr _ _ _.

Definition natgehandpluslinv (n m k : nat) : k + n k + m -> n m := natlehandpluslinv _ _ _.

Definition natgehandplusrinv (n m k : nat) : n + k m + k -> n m := natlehandplusrinv _ _ _.

Comparisons and n -> n + 1

Definition natgthtogthp1 (n m : nat) : n > m -> (n + 1) > m.
Show proof.
  intros is. induction (natpluscomm 1 n).
  apply (natgthtogths n m is).

Definition natlthtolthp1 (n m : nat) : n < m -> n < m + 1 := natgthtogthp1 _ _.

Definition natlehtolehp1 (n m : nat) : n m -> n m + 1.
Show proof.
  intros is. induction (natpluscomm 1 m).
  apply (natlehtolehs n m is).

Definition natgehtogehp1 (n m : nat) : n m -> (n + 1) m := natlehtolehp1 _ _.

Two comparisons and n -> n + 1

Lemma natgthtogehp1 (n m : nat) : n > m -> n (m + 1).
Show proof.
  intros is. induction (natpluscomm 1 m).
  apply (natgthtogehsn n m is).

Lemma natgthp1togeh (n m : nat) : (n + 1) > m -> n m.
Show proof.
  intros is. induction (natpluscomm 1 n).
  apply (natgthsntogeh n m is).

Lemma natlehp1tolth (n m : nat) : n + 1 m -> n < m.
Show proof.
  intros is. induction (natpluscomm 1 n).
  apply (natlehsntolth n m is).

Lemma natlthtolehp1 (n m : nat) : n < m -> n + 1 m.
Show proof.
  intros is. induction (natpluscomm 1 n).
  apply (natlthtolehsn n m is).

Lemma natlthp1toleh (n m : nat) : n < m + 1 -> n m.
Show proof.
  intros is. induction (natpluscomm 1 m).
  apply (natlthsntoleh n m is).

Lemma natgehp1togth (n m : nat) : n (m + 1) -> n > m.
Show proof.
  intros is. induction (natpluscomm 1 m).
  apply (natgehsntogth n m is).

Comparision alternatives and n -> n + 1

Lemma natlehchoice3 (n m : nat) : n m -> (n + 1 m) ⨿ (n = m).
Show proof.
  intros l. induction (natlehchoice n m l) as [ l' | e ].
  - apply (ii1 (natlthtolehp1 _ _ l')).
  - apply (ii2 e).

Lemma natgehchoice3 (n m : nat) : n m -> (n (m + 1)) ⨿ (n = m).
Show proof.
  intros g. induction (natgehchoice n m g) as [ g' | e ].
  - apply (ii1 (natgthtogehp1 _ _ g')).
  - apply (ii2 e).

Lemma natgthchoice3 (n m : nat) : n > m -> (n > (m + 1)) ⨿ (n = (m + 1)).
Show proof.
  intros g.
  induction (natgehchoice _ _ (natgthtogehp1 _ _ g)) as [ g' | e ].
  - apply (ii1 g').
  - apply (ii2 e).

Lemma natlthchoice3 (n m : nat) : n < m -> (n + 1 < m) ⨿ ((n + 1) = m).
Show proof.
  intros l.
  induction (natlehchoice _ _ (natlthtolehp1 _ _ l)) as [ l' | e ].
  - apply (ii1 l').
  - apply (ii2 e).

Lemma natlehchoice4 (n m : nat) : n < S m -> (n < m) ⨿ (n = m).
Show proof.
  intros b.
  induction (natlthorgeh n m) as [p|p].
  - exact (ii1 p).
  - exact (ii2 (isantisymmnatleh _ _ (natlthsntoleh _ _ b) p)).

Cancellation properties of plus on nat

Lemma pathsitertoplus (n m : nat) : (iteration S n m) = (n + m).
Show proof.
  intros. induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - apply idpath.
  - simpl. apply (maponpaths S IHn).

Lemma isinclnatplusr (n : nat) : isincl (λ m : nat, m + n).
Show proof.
  induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - apply (isofhlevelfhomot 1 _ _ (λ m : nat, pathsinv0 (natplusr0 m))).
    apply (isofhlevelfweq 1 (idweq nat)).
  - apply (isofhlevelfhomot 1 _ _ (λ m : nat, pathsinv0 (natplusnsm m n))).
    simpl. apply (isofhlevelfgf 1 _ _ isinclS IHn).

Lemma isinclnatplusl (n : nat) : isincl (λ m : nat, n + m).
Show proof.
  apply (isofhlevelfhomot 1 _ _ (λ m : nat, natpluscomm m n) (isinclnatplusr n)).

Lemma natplusrcan (a b c : nat) (is : a + c = b + c) : a = b.
Show proof.
  intros. apply (invmaponpathsincl _ (isinclnatplusr c) a b). apply is.

Lemma natpluslcan (a b c : nat) (is : c + a = c + b) : a = b.
Show proof.
  intros. rewrite (natpluscomm _ _) in is.
  rewrite (natpluscomm c b) in is.
  apply (natplusrcan a b c is).

Lemma iscontrhfibernatplusr (n m : nat) (is : m n) : iscontr (hfiber (λ i : nat, i + n) m).
Show proof.
  intros. apply iscontraprop1.
  - apply isinclnatplusr.
  - induction m as [ | m IHm ].
    + set (e := natleh0tois0 is). split with 0. apply e.
    + induction (natlehchoice2 _ _ is) as [ l | e ].
      * set (j := IHm l). induction j as [ j e' ]. split with (S j). simpl.
        apply (maponpaths S e').
      * split with 0. simpl. assumption.

Lemma iscontrhfibernatplusl (n m : nat) (is : m n) : iscontr (hfiber (λ i : nat, n + i) m).
Show proof.
  intros. apply iscontraprop1.
  - apply isinclnatplusl.
  - induction m as [ | m IHm ].
    + set (e := natleh0tois0 is). split with 0.
      rewrite natplusr0. apply e.
    + induction (natlehchoice2 _ _ is) as [ l | e ].
      * set (j := IHm l). induction j as [ j e' ]. split with (S j). simpl.
        rewrite <- plus_n_Sm. apply (maponpaths S e').
      * split with 0. simpl. rewrite natplusr0. assumption.

Lemma neghfibernatplusr (n m : nat) (is : m < n) : ¬ (hfiber (λ i : nat, i + n) m).
Show proof.
  intros. intro h. induction h as [ i e ]. rewrite (pathsinv0 e) in is.
  induction (natlehtonegnatgth _ _ (natlehmplusnm i n) is).

Lemma isdecinclnatplusr (n : nat) : isdecincl (λ i : nat, i + n).
Show proof.
  intros. intro m. apply isdecpropif.
  - apply (isinclnatplusr _ m).
  - induction (natlthorgeh m n) as [ ni | i ].
    + apply (ii2 (neghfibernatplusr n m ni)).
    + apply (ii1 (pr1 (iscontrhfibernatplusr n m i))).

Some properties of minus on nat

Note : minus is defined in Init/Peano.v by the following code:
Fixpoint minus (n m : nat) : nat := match n, m with | O, _ => n | S k, O => n | S k, S l => k - l end
where "n - m" := (minus n m) : nat_scope.

Definition minuseq0 (n m : nat) (is : n <= m) : n - m = 0.
Show proof.
  revert is. generalize n. clear n. induction m as [|m IHm].
  - intros n is. rewrite (natleh0tois0 is). simpl. apply idpath.
  - intro n. destruct n.
    + intro. apply idpath.
    + apply (IHm n).

Definition minuseq0' (n : nat) : n - n = 0.
Show proof.
  induction n as [|n I].
  - apply idpath.
  - simpl. exact I.

Definition minusgth0 (n m : nat) (is : n > m) : n - m > 0.
Show proof.
  revert m is. induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - intros. induction (negnatgth0n _ is).
  - intro m. induction m as [ | m ].
    + intro. apply natgthsn0.
    + intro is. apply (IHn m is).

Definition minusgth0inv (n m : nat) (is : n - m > 0) : n > m.
Show proof.
  revert m is. induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - intros. induction (negnatgth0n _ is).
  - intro. destruct m as [ | m ].
    + intros. apply natgthsn0.
    + intro. apply (IHn m is).

Definition natminuseqn (n : nat) : n - 0 = n.
Show proof.
  destruct n. apply idpath. apply idpath.

Definition natminuslehn (n m : nat) : n - m <= n.
Show proof.
  revert m. induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - intro. apply isreflnatleh.
  - intro. destruct m as [ | m ].
    + apply isreflnatleh.
    + simpl. apply (istransnatleh (IHn m) (natlehnsn n)).

Definition natminusgehn (n m : nat) : n n - m := natminuslehn _ _.

Definition natminuslthn (n m : nat) (is : n > 0) (is' : m > 0) : n - m < n.
Show proof.
  revert m is is'. induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - intros. induction (negnatgth0n _ is).
  - intro m. induction m.
    + intros. induction (negnatgth0n _ is').
    + intros. apply (natlehlthtrans _ n _).
      * apply (natminuslehn n m).
      * apply natlthnsn.

Definition natminuslthninv (n m : nat) (is : n - m < n) : m > 0.
Show proof.
  revert m is. induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - intros. induction (negnatlthn0 _ is).
  - intro m. destruct m as [ | m ].
    + intro. induction (negnatlthnn _ is).
    + intro. apply (natgthsn0 m).

Definition minusplusnmm (n m : nat) (is : n m) : (n - m) + m = n.
Show proof.
  revert m is. induction n as [ | n IHn].
  - intro m. intro is. simpl. apply (natleh0tois0 is).
  - intro m. destruct m as [ | m ].
    + intro. simpl. rewrite (natplusr0 n). apply idpath.
    + simpl. intro is. rewrite (natplusnsm (n - m) m).
      apply (maponpaths S (IHn m is)).

Definition minusplusnmmineq (n m : nat) : (n - m) + m n.
Show proof.
  intros. induction (natlthorgeh n m) as [ lt | ge ].
  - rewrite (minuseq0 _ _ (natlthtoleh _ _ lt)).
    apply (natgthtogeh _ _ lt).
  - rewrite (minusplusnmm _ _ ge).
    apply isreflnatgeh.

Definition plusminusnmm (n m : nat) : (n + m) - m = n.
Show proof.
  set (int1 := natgehplusnmm n m).
  apply (natplusrcan _ _ m).
  rewrite (minusplusnmm _ _ int1).
  apply idpath.

Definition minusminusmmn (n m : nat) (H : m n) : m - (m - n) = n.
Show proof.
  apply (natplusrcan (m - (m - n)) n (m - n)).
  - rewrite minusplusnmm.
    + rewrite natpluscomm. rewrite minusplusnmm.
      * apply idpath.
      * apply H.
    + apply natminusgehn.

Comparisons and n -> n - 1

Definition natgthtogthm1 (n m : nat) : n > m -> n > m - 1.
Show proof.
  intros is. induction m as [ | m].
  - apply is.
  - cbn. rewrite natminuseqn. apply (natgehgthtrans n (S m) m).
    + apply (natgthtogeh _ _ is).
    + apply natgthsnn.

Definition natlthtolthm1 (n m : nat) : n < m -> n - 1 < m := natgthtogthm1 _ _.

Definition natlehtolehm1 (n m : nat) : n m -> n - 1 m := (fun X : n m => natlthtolthm1 n (S m) X).

Definition natgehtogehm1 (n m : nat) : n m -> n m - 1 := natlehtolehm1 _ _.

Definition natgthtogehm1 (n m : nat) : n > m -> n - 1 m.
Show proof.
  revert m. induction n as [ | n].
  - intros m X. apply fromempty. apply (negnatgth0n m X).
  - intros m X. induction m as [ | m].
    + apply idpath.
    + cbn. rewrite natminuseqn. apply X.

Definition natgehandminusr (n m k : nat) (is : n m) : n - k m - k.
Show proof.
  revert m k is. induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - intros. rewrite (nat0gehtois0 _ is). apply isreflnatleh.
  - intro m. induction m.
    + intros. destruct k.
      * apply natgehn0.
      * apply natgehn0.
    + intro k. induction k.
      * intro is. apply is.
      * intro is. apply (IHn m k is).

Definition natgehandminusl (n m k : nat) (is : n m) : n - k m - k.
Show proof.
  revert m k is. induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - intros. rewrite (nat0gehtois0 _ is). apply isreflnatleh.
  - intro m. induction m.
    + intros. destruct k.
      * apply natgehn0.
      * apply natgehn0.
    + intro k. induction k.
      * intro is. apply is.
      * intro is. apply (IHn m k is).

Definition natgehandminusrinv (n m k : nat) (is' : n k) (is : n - k m - k) : n m.
Show proof.
  revert m k is' is. induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - intros. rewrite (nat0gehtois0 _ is') in is.
    rewrite (natminuseqn m) in is. rewrite (nat0gehtois0 _ is).
    apply isreflnatleh.
  - intro m. induction m.
    + intros. apply natgehn0.
    + intros. destruct k.
      * rewrite natminuseqn in is. rewrite natminuseqn in is. apply is.
      * apply (IHn m k is' is).

Definition natlthandminusl (n m i : nat) (is : n < m) (is' : i < m) : n - i < m - i.
Show proof.
  revert is is'. induction i as [ | i].
  - intros is is'. rewrite natminuseqn. rewrite natminuseqn. apply is.
  - intros is is'.
    induction (natlthorgeh n (S i)) as [H | H].
    + assert (e : n - S i = 0).
        apply minuseq0.
        exact (natlthtoleh _ _ H).
      rewrite e. apply (natlthandplusrinv _ _ (S i)). rewrite natplusl0.
      rewrite minusplusnmm. apply is'.
      apply natlthtoleh. apply is'.
    + apply (natlthandplusrinv _ _ (S i)).
      rewrite (minusplusnmm m (S i)).
      * rewrite (minusplusnmm n (S i)).
        { apply is. }
        { apply H. }
      * apply natlthtoleh. apply is'.

Basic algebraic properties of mul on nat.

We no longer user mult.

Lemma natmult0n (n : nat) : (0 * n) = 0.
Show proof.
  apply idpath.
Hint Resolve natmult0n : natarith.

Lemma natmultn0 (n : nat) : n * 0 = 0.
Show proof.
  induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - apply idpath.
  - simpl. exact (natplusr0 _ @ IHn).
Hint Resolve natmultn0 : natarith.

Lemma multsnm (n m : nat) : S n * m = m + n * m.
Show proof.
  intros. simpl. apply natpluscomm.
Hint Resolve multsnm : natarith.

Lemma multnsm (n m : nat) : n * S m = n + n * m.
Show proof.
  revert m.
  induction n as [|n IHn].
  - intros.
    apply idpath.
  - intro m. simpl.
    rewrite <- natplusassoc.
    rewrite (natpluscomm _ m).
    change (S (m + (n + n * m))) with (S m + (n + n * m)).
    rewrite (natpluscomm (S m) _).
    apply (maponpaths (λ x, x + S m)).
    apply IHn.
Hint Resolve multnsm : natarith.

Lemma natmultcomm (n m : nat) : (n * m) = (m * n).
Show proof.
  revert m. induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - intro. auto with natarith.
  - intro m. rewrite (multsnm n m). rewrite (multnsm m n).
    apply (maponpaths (λ x : _, m + x) (IHn m)).

Lemma natrdistr (n m k : nat) : (n + m) * k = n * k + m * k.
Show proof.
  induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - apply idpath.
  - simpl.
    rewrite natplusassoc. rewrite (natpluscomm k _).
    rewrite <- natplusassoc.
    exact (maponpaths (λ x, x+k) IHn).

Lemma natldistr (m k n : nat) : (n * (m + k)) = (n * m + n * k).
Show proof.
  induction m as [ | m IHm ].
  - simpl. rewrite (natmultn0 n). auto with natarith.
  - simpl. rewrite (multnsm n (m + k)). rewrite (multnsm n m).
    rewrite (natplusassoc _ _ _).
    apply (maponpaths (λ x : _, n + x) (IHm)).

Lemma natmultassoc (n m k : nat) : ((n * m) * k) = (n * (m * k)).
Show proof.
  induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - apply idpath.
  - simpl.
    rewrite natrdistr.
    apply (maponpaths (λ x, x + m * k)).
    apply IHn.

Lemma natmultl1 (n : nat) : (1 * n) = n.
Show proof.
  simpl. auto with natarith.
Hint Resolve natmultl1 : natarith.

Lemma natmultr1 (n : nat) : (n * 1) = n.
Show proof.
  rewrite (natmultcomm n 1). auto with natarith.
Hint Resolve natmultr1 : natarith.

Cancellation properties of mul on nat

Definition natplusnonzero (n m : nat) : m 0 -> n+m 0.
Show proof.
  intros ne. induction n as [|n _].
  - assumption.
  - exact tt.

Definition natneq0andmult (n m : nat) : n 0 -> m 0 -> n * m 0.
Show proof.
  intros isn ism. induction n as [|n].
  - apply fromempty. apply isn.
  - clear isn. simpl. apply natplusnonzero. assumption.

Definition natneq0andmultlinv (n m : nat) : n * m 0 -> n 0.
Show proof.
  revert m.
  induction n as [|n _].
  - intros ? r. apply fromempty, r.
  - intros _ _. apply natneqsx0.

Definition natneq0andmultrinv (n m : nat) : n * m 0 -> m 0.
Show proof.
  induction m as [|m _].
  - intro r. apply fromempty. apply (nat_neq_to_nopath r), natmultn0.
  - intros _. apply natneqsx0.

Multiplication and comparisons


Definition natgthandmultl (n m k : nat) : k 0 -> n > m -> (k * n) > (k * m).
Show proof.
  revert m k. induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - intros m k g g'. induction (negnatgth0n _ g').
  - intro m. destruct m as [ | m ].
    + intros k g g'.
      rewrite (natmultn0 k). rewrite (multnsm k n).
      apply (natgehgthtrans _ _ _ (natgehplusnmn k (k* n)) (natneq0togth0 _ g)).
    + intros k g g'. rewrite (multnsm k n). rewrite (multnsm k m).
      apply (natgthandplusl _ _ _). apply (IHn m k g g').

Definition natgthandmultr (n m k : nat) : k 0 -> n > m -> (n * k) > (m * k).
Show proof.
  intros l. rewrite (natmultcomm n k). rewrite (natmultcomm m k).
  apply (natgthandmultl n m k l).

Definition natgthandmultlinv (n m k : nat) : (k * n) > (k * m) -> n > m.
Show proof.
  revert m k. induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - intros m k g. rewrite (natmultn0 k) in g. induction (negnatgth0n _ g).
  - intro m. destruct m as [ | m ].
    + intros. apply (natgthsn0 _).
    + intros k g. rewrite (multnsm k n) in g. rewrite (multnsm k m) in g.
      apply (IHn m k (natgthandpluslinv _ _ k g)).

Definition natgthandmultrinv (n m k : nat) : (n * k) > (m * k) -> n > m.
Show proof.
  intros g.
  rewrite (natmultcomm n k) in g. rewrite (natmultcomm m k) in g.
  apply (natgthandmultlinv n m k g).

Definition natlthandmultl (n m k : nat) : k 0 -> n < m -> k * n < k * m := natgthandmultl _ _ _.

Definition natlthandmultr (n m k : nat) : k 0 -> n < m -> n * k < m * k := natgthandmultr _ _ _.

Definition natlthandmultlinv (n m k : nat) : k * n < k * m -> n < m := natgthandmultlinv _ _ _.

Definition natlthandmultrinv (n m k : nat) : n * k < m * k -> n < m := natgthandmultrinv _ _ _.

Definition natlehandmultl (n m k : nat) : n m -> k * n k * m.
Show proof.
  intros r. apply negnatgthtoleh; intro t.
  apply (natlehtonegnatgth _ _ r). apply (natgthandmultlinv _ _ k). assumption.

Definition natlehandmultr (n m k : nat) : n m -> n * k m * k.
Show proof.
  intros r. apply negnatgthtoleh; intro t.
  apply (natlehtonegnatgth _ _ r).
  apply (natgthandmultrinv _ _ k). assumption.

Definition natlehandmultlinv (n m k : nat) : k 0 -> k * n k * m -> n m.
Show proof.
  intros r s. apply negnatgthtoleh; intro t.
  apply (natlehtonegnatgth _ _ s).
  apply (natgthandmultl _ _ _ r). assumption.

Definition natlehandmultrinv (n m k : nat) : k 0 -> n * k m * k -> n m.
Show proof.
  intros r s. apply negnatgthtoleh; intro t.
  apply (natlehtonegnatgth _ _ s).
  apply (natgthandmultr _ _ _ r). assumption.

Definition natgehandmultl (n m k : nat) : n m -> (k * n) (k * m) := natlehandmultl _ _ _.

Definition natgehandmultr (n m k : nat) : n m -> (n * k) (m * k) := natlehandmultr _ _ _.

Definition natgehandmultlinv (n m k : nat) : k 0 -> k * n k * m -> n m := natlehandmultlinv _ _ _.

Definition natgehandmultrinv (n m k : nat) : k 0 -> n * k m * k -> n m := natlehandmultrinv _ _ _.

Division with a remainder on nat

For technical reasons it is more convenient to introduce divison with remainder for all pairs (n,m) including pairs of the form (n,0).

Definition natdivrem (n m : nat) : dirprod nat nat.
Show proof.
  intros. induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - intros. apply (make_dirprod 0 0).
  - induction (natlthorgeh (S (pr2 IHn)) m).
    + apply (make_dirprod (pr1 IHn) (S (pr2 IHn))).
    + apply (make_dirprod (S (pr1 IHn)) 0).

Definition natdiv (n m : nat) : nat := pr1 (natdivrem n m).

Definition natrem (n m : nat) : nat := pr2 (natdivrem n m).

Notation " x /+ y " := (natrem x y) (at level 40, left associativity) : nat_scope.
Notation " x / y " := (natdiv x y) (at level 40, left associativity) : nat_scope.

Lemma lthnatrem (n m : nat) : m 0 -> n /+ m < m.
Show proof.
  unfold natrem. intros is. destruct n as [ | n ].
  - simpl. intros. apply (natneq0togth0 _ is).
  - simpl. induction (natlthorgeh (S (pr2 (natdivrem n m))) m) as [ nt | t ].
    + simpl. apply nt.
    + simpl. apply (natneq0togth0 _ is).

Theorem natdivremrule (n m : nat) (is : m 0) : n = ((natrem n m) + (natdiv n m) * m).
Show proof.
  revert m is. induction n as [ | n IHn ].
  - simpl. intros. apply idpath.
  - intros m is. unfold natrem. unfold natdiv. simpl.
    induction (natlthorgeh (S (pr2 (natdivrem n m))) m) as [ nt | t ].
    + simpl. apply (maponpaths S (IHn m is)).
    + simpl. set (is' := lthnatrem n m is).
      induction (natgthchoice2 _ _ is') as [ h | e ].
      induction (natlehtonegnatgth _ _ t h).
      fold (natdiv n m).
      set (e'' := maponpaths S (IHn m is)).
      change (S (natrem n m + natdiv n m * m))
      with (S (natrem n m) + natdiv n m * m) in e''.
      rewrite (pathsinv0 e) in e''. rewrite (natpluscomm _ m).
      apply e''.
Opaque natdivremrule.

Lemma natlehmultnatdiv (n m : nat) (is : m 0) : natdiv n m * m n.
Show proof.
  set (e := natdivremrule n m is).
  set (int := (natdiv n m) * m).
  rewrite e.   apply natlehmplusnm.

Theorem natdivremunique (m i j i' j' : nat) (lj : j < m) (lj' : j' < m)
        (e : j + i * m = j' + i' * m) : i = i' × j = j'.
Show proof.
  revert j i' j' lj lj' e. induction i as [ | i IHi ].
  - intros j i' j' lj lj'.
    intro e.
    simpl in e.
    rewrite natplusr0 in e.
    rewrite e in lj.
    induction i'.
    + simpl in e.
      rewrite natplusr0 in e.
      exact (idpath _,,e).
    + change (S i' * m) with (i' * m + m) in lj.
      rewrite <- natplusassoc in lj.
      induction (negnatgthmplusnm _ _ lj).
  - intros j i' j' lj lj' e.
    induction i' as [ | i' ].
    + simpl in e.
      rewrite natplusr0 in e.
      rewrite <- e in lj'.
      rewrite <- natplusassoc in lj'.
      induction (negnatgthmplusnm _ _ lj').
    + simpl in e.
      rewrite <- (natplusassoc j) in e.
      rewrite <- (natplusassoc j') in e.
      set (e' := invmaponpathsincl _ (isinclnatplusr m) _ _ e).
      set (ee := IHi j i' j' lj lj' e').
      exact (make_dirprod (maponpaths S (pr1 ee)) (pr2 ee)).
Opaque natdivremunique.

Lemma natdivremandmultl (n m k : nat) (ism : m 0) (iskm : (k * m) 0) :
  dirprod (paths (natdiv (k * n) (k * m)) (natdiv n m))
          (paths (natrem (k * n) (k * m)) (k * (natrem n m))).
Show proof.
  set (ak := natdiv (k * n) (k * m)).
  set (bk := natrem (k * n) (k * m)).
  set (a := natdiv n m). set (b := natrem n m).
  assert (e1 : paths (bk + ak * (k * m)) ((b * k) + a * (k * m))).
    unfold ak. unfold bk.
    rewrite (pathsinv0 (natdivremrule (k * n) (k * m) iskm)).
    rewrite (natmultcomm k m).
    rewrite (pathsinv0 (natmultassoc _ _ _)).
    rewrite (pathsinv0 (natrdistr _ _ _)).
    unfold a. unfold b.
    rewrite (pathsinv0 (natdivremrule n m ism)).
    apply (natmultcomm k n).
  set (l1 := lthnatrem n m ism).
  set (l1' := (natlthandmultr _ _ _ (natneq0andmultlinv _ _ iskm) l1)).
  rewrite (natmultcomm m k) in l1'.
  set (int := natdivremunique
                _ _ _ _ _ (lthnatrem (k * n) (k * m) iskm) l1' e1).
  split with (pr1 int).
  rewrite (natmultcomm k b). apply (pr2 int).
Opaque natdivremandmultl.

Definition natdivandmultl (n m k : nat) (ism : m 0) (iskm : (k * m) 0) :
  paths (natdiv (k * n) (k * m)) (natdiv n m) := pr1 (natdivremandmultl _ _ _ ism iskm).

Definition natremandmultl (n m k : nat) (ism : m 0) (iskm : (k * m) 0) :
  paths (natrem (k * n) (k * m)) (k * (natrem n m)) := pr2 (natdivremandmultl _ _ _ ism iskm).

Lemma natdivremandmultr (n m k : nat) (ism : m 0) (ismk : (m * k) 0) :
  dirprod (paths (natdiv (n * k) (m * k)) (natdiv n m))
          (paths (natrem (n * k) (m * k)) ((natrem n m) * k)).
Show proof.
  intros. rewrite (natmultcomm m k). rewrite (natmultcomm m k) in ismk.
  rewrite (natmultcomm n k). rewrite (natmultcomm (natrem _ _) k).
  apply (natdivremandmultl _ _ _ ism ismk).
Opaque natdivremandmultr.

Definition natdivandmultr (n m k : nat) (ism : m 0) (ismk : (m * k) 0) :
  paths (natdiv (n * k) (m * k)) (natdiv n m) := pr1 (natdivremandmultr _ _ _ ism ismk).

Definition natremandmultr (n m k : nat) (ism : m 0) (ismk : (m * k) 0) :
  natrem (n * k) (m * k) = (natrem n m) * k := pr2 (natdivremandmultr _ _ _ ism ismk).

Exponentiation natpower n m ("n to the power m") on nat

Fixpoint natpower (n m : nat) : nat :=
  match m with
  | O => 1
  | S m' => n * (natpower n m')

Factorial on nat

Fixpoint factorial (n : nat) : nat :=
  match n with
  | 0 => 1
  | S n' => (S n') * (factorial n')

The order-preserving functions di i : nat -> nat whose image is the complement of one element i.

Definition di (i : nat) (x : nat) : nat :=
  match natlthorgeh x i with
  | ii1 _ => x
  | ii2 _ => S x

Lemma di_eq1 {i x} : x < i di i x = x.
Show proof.
  intros lt. unfold di.
  induction (natlthorgeh x i) as [_|P].
  - apply idpath.
  - apply fromempty. exact (natgehtonegnatlth _ _ P lt).

Lemma di_eq2 {i x} : x i di i x = S x.
Show proof.
  intros lt. unfold di.
  induction (natlthorgeh x i) as [P|_].
  - apply fromempty. exact (natlthtonegnatgeh _ _ P lt).
  - apply idpath.

Lemma di_neq_i (i x : nat) : i di i x.
Show proof.
  intros. apply nat_nopath_to_neq. intro eq.
  unfold di in eq. induction (natlthorgeh x i) as [lt|ge].
  - induction eq. exact (isirreflnatlth i lt).
  - induction (!eq); clear eq. exact (negnatgehnsn _ ge).

Lemma natlehdinsn (i n : nat) : (di i n) (S n).
Show proof.
  intros. unfold di. induction (natlthorgeh n i).
  - apply natlthtoleh. apply natlthnsn.
  - apply isreflnatleh.

Lemma natgehdinn (i n : nat) : (di i n) n.
Show proof.
  intros. unfold di. induction (natlthorgeh n i).
  - apply isreflnatleh.
  - apply natlthtoleh. apply natlthnsn.

Lemma isincldi (i : nat) : isincl (di i).
Show proof.
  intro. apply (isinclbetweensets (di i) isasetnat isasetnat).
  intros x x'. unfold di. intro e.
  induction (natlthorgeh x i) as [ l | nel ].
  - induction (natlthorgeh x' i) as [ l' | nel' ].
    + apply e.
    + rewrite e in l. assert (e' := natgthtogths _ _ l).
      change (S i > S x') with (i > x') in e'.
      contradicts (natlehtonegnatgth _ _ nel') e'.
  - induction (natlthorgeh x' i) as [ l' | nel' ].
    + induction e.
      set (e' := natgthtogths _ _ l').
      contradicts (natlehtonegnatgth _ _ nel) e'.
    + apply (invmaponpathsS _ _ e).

Lemma neghfiberdi (i : nat) : ¬ (hfiber (di i) i).
Show proof.
  intros hf. unfold di in hf. induction hf as [ j e ].
  induction (natlthorgeh j i) as [ l | g ]. induction e.
  apply (isirreflnatlth _ l). induction e in g. apply (negnatgehnsn _ g).

Lemma iscontrhfiberdi (i j : nat) (ne : i j) : iscontr (hfiber (di i) j).
Show proof.
  intros. apply iscontraprop1. apply (isincldi i j).
  induction (natlthorgeh j i) as [ l | nel ].
  - split with j. unfold di.
    induction (natlthorgeh j i) as [ l' | nel' ].
    + apply idpath.
    + contradicts (natlehtonegnatgth _ _ nel') l.
  - induction (natgehchoice2 _ _ nel) as [ g | e ].
    destruct j as [ | j ].
    + induction (negnatgeh0sn _ g).
    + split with j. unfold di. induction (natlthorgeh j i) as [ l' | g' ].
      * contradicts (natlehtonegnatgth _ _ g) l'.
      * apply idpath.
    + induction ((nat_neq_to_nopath ne) (pathsinv0 e)).

Lemma isdecincldi (i : nat) : isdecincl (di i).
Show proof.
  intros j. apply isdecpropif.
  - apply (isincldi i j).
  - induction (nat_eq_or_neq i j) as [ eq | neq ].
    + apply ii2. induction eq. apply (neghfiberdi i).
    + apply ii1. apply (pr1 (iscontrhfiberdi i j neq)).

The order-preserving functions si i : nat -> nat that take the value i twice.

Definition si (i : nat) (x : nat) : nat :=
  match natlthorgeh i x with
    | ii1 _ => x - 1
    | ii2 _ => x

Lemma natleh_neq {i j : nat} : i j -> i j -> i < j.
Show proof.
  intros le ne.
  induction (natlehchoice _ _ le) as [lt|eq].
  - exact lt.
  - induction eq. apply fromempty. exact (isirrefl_natneq _ ne).

Lemma natminusminus (n i j : nat) : n - i - j = n - (i + j).
Show proof.
  revert i j; induction n as [|n N].
  - intros. apply idpath.
  - intros i; induction i as [|i _].
    + intros. apply idpath.
    + apply N.

Lemma natltplusS (n i : nat) : i < i + S n.
Show proof.
  intros. rewrite <- (natplusr0 i).
  rewrite natplusassoc. apply natlthandplusl. apply idpath.

Lemma nat_split {n m i : nat} : (i < n + m) -> (i n) -> i - n < m.
Show proof.
  intros p H.
  induction (plusminusnmm m n).
  apply natlthandminusl.
  - induction (natpluscomm n m). exact p.
  - induction (natpluscomm n m). apply (natlehlthtrans _ i).
    * assumption.
    * assumption.

Lemma natplusminusle {a b c} : b c -> a+(b-c) = (a+b)-c.
Show proof.
  intros e. assert (E := minusplusnmm b c e). rewrite <- E. clear E e.
  rewrite <- natplusassoc. rewrite plusminusnmm. rewrite plusminusnmm. apply idpath.

Lemma natdiffplusdiff {a b c} : a b -> b c -> a-c = (a-b) + (b-c).
Show proof.
  intros r s. apply (natplusrcan _ _ c). rewrite natplusassoc.
  rewrite (minusplusnmm _ _ s). rewrite (minusplusnmm _ _ (istransnatleh s r)).
  exact (! minusplusnmm _ _ r).