Library UniMath.Semantics.LinearLogic.RelationalModel

Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.Algebra.Monoids.
Require Import UniMath.Algebra.Free_Monoids_and_Groups.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Prelude.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.Relations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Adjunctions.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.Comonads.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Adjunctions.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.FunctorCategories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Displayed.TotalMonoidal.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Displayed.Symmetric.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Structure.Cartesian.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Structure.Symmetric.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Structure.Closed.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Comonoids.Category.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Comonoids.Monoidal.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Comonoids.Symmetric.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Comonoids.CommComonoidsCartesian.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Examples.Relations.
Require Import UniMath.Semantics.LinearLogic.LafontCategory.

Import MonoidalNotations.

Local Open Scope cat.
Local Open Scope moncat.

Opaque free_abmonoid free_abmonoid_extend free_abmonoid_unit.

1. The cofree comonoid on a set

Section CofreeComonoid.
  Context (X : hSet).

  Let Mmonoid : abmonoid := free_abmonoid X.
  Let M : hSet := Mmonoid.
  Let z : M := unel Mmonoid.
  Let m : M M M := λ x y, op x y.

  Definition cofree_comonoid_REL_comult
    : REL_sym_mon_closed_cat M , (M × M)%set
    := λ x y, (m (pr1 y) (pr2 y) = x)%logic.

  Definition cofree_comonoid_REL_counit
    : REL_sym_mon_closed_cat M , unitset
    := λ x y, (x = z)%logic.

  Proposition cofree_comonoid_REL_counit_left
    : cofree_comonoid_REL_comult
      · (cofree_comonoid_REL_counit #⊗ identity _)
      · mon_lunitor _
      identity _.
  Show proof.
    use funextsec ; intro x.
    use funextsec ; intro y.
    use hPropUnivalence.
    - use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros H.
      induction H as [ [ [] a ] [ H p ] ] ; cbn in a, p.
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros H.
      induction H as [ [ b c ] [ q H ] ] ; cbn in q.
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros [ [ [] d ] [ [ r₁ r₂ ] [ r₃ r₄ ] ] ].
      cbn in r₁, r₂, r₃, r₄ ; cbn.
      refine (!q @ _ @ p).
      rewrite <- r₄.
      rewrite <- r₁.
      rewrite r₂.
      apply (lunax Mmonoid).
    - intros p ; cbn in p.
      induction p.
      refine (hinhpr _).
      refine ((tt ,, x) ,, _).
      refine (_ ,, idpath _).
      refine (hinhpr _).
      refine ((z ,, x) ,, _ ,, _).
      + apply (lunax Mmonoid).
      + refine (hinhpr _).
        refine ((tt ,, x) ,, _) ; cbn.
        repeat split ; apply idpath.

  Proposition cofree_comonoid_REL_coassoc
    : cofree_comonoid_REL_comult
      · cofree_comonoid_REL_comult #⊗ identity _
      · mon_lassociator _ _ _
      · identity _ #⊗ cofree_comonoid_REL_comult.
  Show proof.
    use funextsec ; intro x.
    use funextsec ; intro y.
    induction y as [ y₁ [ y₂ y₃ ]].
    use hPropUnivalence.
    - use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros H.
      induction H as [ [ [ a₁ a₂ ] a₃ ] [ H [ p₁ [ p₂ p₃ ] ] ] ] ; cbn in p₁, p₂, p₃.
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros H.
      induction H as [ [ b₁ b₂ ] [ q H ] ] ; cbn in q.
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros H.
      cbn in H.
      induction H as [ [ [ c₁ c₂ ] c₃ ] [ [ r₁ r₂ ] [ r₃ r₄ ] ] ] ; cbn in r₁, r₂, r₃, r₄.
      induction p₁, p₂, p₃, r₁, r₄.
      pose (r₅ := maponpaths dirprod_pr1 r₃) ; cbn in r₅.
      pose (r₆ := maponpaths dirprod_pr2 r₃) ; cbn in r₆.
      induction r₅, r₆.
      rewrite <- r₂ in q.
      assert (m (m c₁ c₂) b₂ = m c₁ (m c₂ b₂)) as s.
        exact (assocax Mmonoid c₁ c₂ b₂).
      rewrite s in q.
      refine (hinhpr _).
      refine ((c₁ ,, m c₂ b₂) ,, _).
      + exact q.
      + refine (hinhpr _).
        exact ((_ ,, _) ,, (idpath _ ,, idpath _) ,, (idpath _ ,, idpath _)).
    - use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros H.
      induction H as [ [ a₁ a₂ ] [ p H ]] ; cbn in p.
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros H.
      induction H as [ [ b₁ b₂ ] [ [ q₁ q₂ ] [ q₃ q₄ ]]] ; cbn in q₁, q₂, q₃, q₄.
      induction q₁, q₂, q₃.
      rewrite <- q₄ in p ; clear q₄.
      assert (m a₁ (m y₂ y₃) = m (m a₁ y₂) y₃) as s.
        exact (!(assocax Mmonoid a₁ y₂ y₃)).
      rewrite s in p.
      refine (hinhpr (((a₁ ,, y₂) ,, y₃) ,, _)).
      refine (_ ,, idpath _ ,, idpath _ ,, idpath _).
      refine (hinhpr ((m a₁ y₂ ,, y₃) ,, p ,, _)).
      refine (hinhpr _) ; cbn.
      simple refine (((a₁ ,, y₂) ,, y₃) ,, _) ; repeat split.

  Proposition cofree_comonoid_REL_comm
    : cofree_comonoid_REL_comult
      · sym_mon_braiding REL_sym_mon_closed_cat _ _
  Show proof.
    use funextsec ; intro x.
    use funextsec ; intro y.
    induction y as [ y₁ y₂ ].
    use hPropUnivalence.
    - use factor_through_squash_hProp ; cbn.
      intros [ [ a₁ a₂ ] [ p₁ [ p₂ p₃ ] ] ] ; cbn in p₁, p₂, p₃.
      induction p₂, p₃.
      refine (_ @ p₁).
      apply (commax Mmonoid).
    - intro p ; cbn in p.
      refine (hinhpr ((y₂ ,, y₁) ,, _ ,, _ ,, _)) ; cbn.
      + refine (_ @ p).
        apply (commax Mmonoid).
      + apply idpath.
      + apply idpath.

  Definition cofree_comonoid_REL
    : commutative_comonoid REL_sym_mon_closed_cat.
  Show proof.
    use make_commutative_comonoid.
    - exact M.
    - exact cofree_comonoid_REL_comult.
    - exact cofree_comonoid_REL_counit.
    - exact cofree_comonoid_REL_counit_left.
    - exact cofree_comonoid_REL_coassoc.
    - exact cofree_comonoid_REL_comm.
End CofreeComonoid.

Definition map_to_cofree_comonoid_REL
           (X : REL)
  : REL cofree_comonoid_REL X , X
  := λ y x, (free_abmonoid_unit x = y)%logic.

2. Every comonoid in `REL` gives rise to a monoid in `SET`

Section ComonoidToMonoid.
  Context (C : commutative_comonoid REL_sym_mon_closed_cat).

  Let U : hSet := underlying_commutative_comonoid _ C.

  Definition REL_comonoid_to_mult
             (X Y : U hProp)
             (y : U)
    : hProp
    := (x₁ x₂ : U), X x₁ Y x₂ comonoid_comult _ C y (x₁ ,, x₂).

  Definition REL_comonoid_to_unit
    : U hProp
    := λ x, comonoid_counit _ C x tt.

  Definition REL_comonoid_to_setwithbinop
    : setwithbinop.
  Show proof.
    use make_setwithbinop.
    - exact (funset U hPropset).
    - exact REL_comonoid_to_mult.

  Proposition REL_comonoid_to_assoc
    : isassoc (pr2 REL_comonoid_to_setwithbinop).
  Show proof.
    intros X Y Z.
    use funextsec ; intro y.
    use hPropUnivalence.
    - use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros ( a₁ & a₂ & H & p₁ & p₂ ).
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros ( b₁ & b₂ & q₁ & q₂ & q₃ ).
      pose (eqweqmaphProp
                    (comonoid_to_law_assoc _ C)
                 (b₁ ,, (b₂ ,, a₂))))
        as H.
      cbn in H.
      assert (H' := H (hinhpr
                         ((((b₁ ,, b₂) ,, a₂)
                             ((a₁ ,, a₂)
                              idpath _
                           idpath _
                           idpath _
                           idpath _)))).
      revert H'.
      use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros [ [ c₁ c₂ ] [ r₁ [ r₂ r₃ ] ] ] ; cbn in r₁, r₂, r₃.
      induction r₂.
      apply hinhpr.
      simple refine (c₁ ,, c₂ ,, q₁ ,, _ ,, _).
      + use hinhpr ; cbn.
        exact (b₂ ,, a₂ ,, q₂ ,, p₁ ,, r₃).
      + exact r₁.
    - use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros ( a₁ & a₂ & p₁ & H & p₂ ).
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros ( b₁ & b₂ & q₁ & q₂ & q₃ ).
      pose (eqweqmaphProp
                    (comonoid_to_law_assoc _ C)
                 (a₁ ,, (b₁ ,, b₂))))
        as H.
      assert (H' := H (hinhpr ((a₁ ,, a₂) ,, p₂ ,, idpath _ ,, q₃))).
      revert H'.
      use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros [ [ [ c₁ c₂ ] c₃ ] [ K [ r₁ [ r₂ r₃ ] ] ] ] ; cbn in r₁, r₂, r₃.
      revert K.
      use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros [ [ d₁ d₂ ] [ s₁ [ s₂ s₃ ] ] ] ; cbn in s₁, s₂, s₃.
      induction r₁, r₂, r₃, s₂.
      apply hinhpr.
      simple refine (d₁ ,, d₂ ,, _ ,, q₂ ,, s₁).
      apply hinhpr ; cbn.
      simple refine (c₁ ,, c₂ ,, p₁ ,, q₁ ,, _) ; cbn.
      exact s₃.

  Proposition REL_comonoid_to_lunit
    : islunit (pr2 REL_comonoid_to_setwithbinop) REL_comonoid_to_unit.
  Show proof.
  intro X.
  use funextsec ; intro y ; cbn in y.
  use hPropUnivalence.
  - use factor_through_squash_hProp.
    intros ( x₁ & x₂ & p₁ & p₂ & p₃ ).
    unfold REL_comonoid_to_unit in p₁.
    assert (y = x₂) as q.
      apply (eqweqmaphProp (eqtohomot (eqtohomot (comonoid_to_law_unit_left _ C) y) x₂)).
      use hinhpr.
      refine ((tt ,, x₂) ,, _ ,, idpath _).
      use hinhpr ; cbn.
      refine ((x₁ ,, x₂) ,, _) ; cbn.
      refine (p₃ ,, idpath _ ,, p₁).
    rewrite q.
    exact p₂.
  - intro Hy.
    assert (q := eqweqmaphProp
                         (comonoid_to_law_unit_left _ C)
                   (idpath _)).
    revert q.
    use factor_through_squash_hProp.
    intros [ [ [] a ] [ H p ] ] ; cbn in p.
    induction p.
    revert H.
    use factor_through_squash_hProp.
    intros [ [ b₁ b₂ ] [ q₁ [ q₂ q₃ ] ] ] ; cbn in q₁, q₂, q₃.
    induction q₂.
    use hinhpr.
    refine (b₁ ,, b₂ ,, _ ,, _ ,, _) ; cbn.
    + exact q₃.
    + exact Hy.
    + exact q₁.

  Proposition REL_comonoid_to_comm
    : iscomm (pr2 REL_comonoid_to_setwithbinop).
  Show proof.
    intros X Y.
    use funextsec ; intro y ; cbn in y.
    use hPropUnivalence.
    - use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros ( x₁ & x₂ & p₁ & p₂ & H ).
      use hinhpr.
      refine (x₂ ,, x₁ ,, p₂ ,, p₁ ,, _).
      assert (q := eqweqmaphProp
                           (commutative_comonoid_is_commutative _ C)
                        (x₁ ,, x₂))
      revert q.
      use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros [ [ a₁ a₂ ] [ q₁ [ q₂ q₃ ] ] ] ; cbn in q₁, q₂, q₃.
      induction q₂, q₃.
      exact q₁.
    - use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros ( x₁ & x₂ & p₁ & p₂ & H ).
      use hinhpr.
      refine (x₂ ,, x₁ ,, p₂ ,, p₁ ,, _).
      assert (q := eqweqmaphProp
                           (commutative_comonoid_is_commutative _ C)
                        (x₁ ,, x₂))
      revert q.
      use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros [ [ a₁ a₂ ] [ q₁ [ q₂ q₃ ] ] ] ; cbn in q₁, q₂, q₃.
      induction q₂, q₃.
      exact q₁.

  Proposition REL_comonoid_to_runit
    : isrunit (pr2 REL_comonoid_to_setwithbinop) REL_comonoid_to_unit.
  Show proof.
    intro X.
    refine (REL_comonoid_to_comm _ _ @ _).
    apply REL_comonoid_to_lunit.

  Definition REL_comonoid_to_is_unital
    : isunital (pr2 REL_comonoid_to_setwithbinop).
  Show proof.
    use make_isunital.
    - exact REL_comonoid_to_unit.
    - split.
      + exact REL_comonoid_to_lunit.
      + exact REL_comonoid_to_runit.

  Definition REL_comonoid_to_is_monoidop
    : ismonoidop (pr2 REL_comonoid_to_setwithbinop).
  Show proof.
    use make_ismonoidop.
    - exact REL_comonoid_to_assoc.
    - exact REL_comonoid_to_is_unital.

  Definition REL_comonoid_to_is_abmonoidop
    : isabmonoidop (pr2 REL_comonoid_to_setwithbinop).
  Show proof.
    use make_isabmonoidop.
    - exact REL_comonoid_to_is_monoidop.
    - exact REL_comonoid_to_comm.

  Definition REL_comonoid_to_monoid
    : abmonoid.
  Show proof.
    use make_abmonoid.
    - exact REL_comonoid_to_setwithbinop.
    - exact REL_comonoid_to_is_abmonoidop.
End ComonoidToMonoid.

3. The universal property of the cofree comonoid in `REL`

Section CofreeComonoidUMP.
  Context (X : REL)
          (C : commutative_comonoid REL_sym_mon_closed_cat)
          (f : underlying_commutative_comonoid _ C --> X).

  Definition cofree_comonoid_REL_underlying
    : underlying_commutative_comonoid _ C
      underlying_commutative_comonoid _ (cofree_comonoid_REL X)
    := λ c x, @free_abmonoid_extend X (REL_comonoid_to_monoid C) (λ c x, f x c) x c.

  Proposition cofree_comonoid_REL_map_comult
    : comonoid_comult REL_sym_mon_closed_cat C
      · cofree_comonoid_REL_underlying #⊗ cofree_comonoid_REL_underlying
      · comonoid_comult REL_sym_mon_closed_cat (cofree_comonoid_REL X).
  Show proof.
    use funextsec ; intro y.
    use funextsec ; intros [ x₁ x₂ ] ; cbn in x₁, x₂.
    use hPropUnivalence.
    - use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros [ [ a₁ a₂ ] [ p H ] ].
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros [ [ b₁ b₂ ] [ [ q₁ q₂ ] [ q₃ q₄ ] ] ] ; cbn in q₁, q₂, q₃, q₄.
      induction q₁, q₃.
      pose (eqweqmaphProp
                      (@free_abmonoid_extend X (REL_comonoid_to_monoid C) (λ c x, f x c))
                      b₁ x₂)
              (hinhpr (a₁ ,, a₂ ,, q₂ ,, q₄ ,, p)))
        as q.
      apply hinhpr.
      exact (_ ,, q ,, idpath _).
    - use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros [ a [ p₁ p₂ ]] ; cbn in p₁, p₂.
      induction p₂.
      assert (H := eqweqmaphProp
                           (@free_abmonoid_extend X (REL_comonoid_to_monoid C) (λ c x, f x c))
                           x₁ x₂)
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros [ a₁ [ a₂ [ q₁ [ q₂ q₃ ] ] ] ] ; cbn in a₁, a₂, q₁, q₂, q₃.
      refine (hinhpr ((a₁ ,, a₂) ,, q₃ ,, _)).
      apply hinhpr ; cbn.
      simple refine ((x₁ ,, a₂) ,, (_ ,, _) ,, (_ ,, _)) ; cbn.
      + apply idpath.
      + exact q₁.
      + apply idpath.
      + exact q₂.

  Proposition cofree_comonoid_REL_map_counit
    : comonoid_counit REL_sym_mon_closed_cat C
      · comonoid_counit REL_sym_mon_closed_cat (cofree_comonoid_REL X).
  Show proof.
    use funextsec ; intros x₁.
    use funextsec ; intros x₂.
    induction x₂.
    use hPropUnivalence.
    - intros y.
      refine (hinhpr (_ ,, _ ,, idpath _)).
      exact (eqweqmaphProp
                     (@free_abmonoid_extend X (REL_comonoid_to_monoid C) (λ c x, f x c)))
    - use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros [ a [ p₁ p₂ ]] ; cbn in p₁, p₂, a.
      apply (eqweqmaphProp
                     (@free_abmonoid_extend X (REL_comonoid_to_monoid C) (λ c x, f x c)))
      rewrite <- p₂.
      exact p₁.

  Definition cofree_comonoid_REL_map
    : C --> cofree_comonoid_REL X.
  Show proof.

  Proposition cofree_comonoid_REL_map_comm
    : f = cofree_comonoid_REL_underlying · map_to_cofree_comonoid_REL X.
  Show proof.
    use funextsec ; intro x.
    use funextsec ; intro y.
    use hPropUnivalence.
    - intro p.
      use hinhpr.
      exact (free_abmonoid_unit y ,, p ,, idpath _).
    - use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      intros ( a & H & p ).
      simpl in a, H, p.
      rewrite <- p in H.
      exact H.

  Section ToMonoidMor.
    Context (φ : C --> cofree_comonoid_REL X).

    Definition comonoid_mor_REL_to_map
      : free_abmonoid X REL_comonoid_to_monoid C
      := λ x y, pr1 φ y x.

    Proposition ismonoidfun_comonoid_mor_REL_to_map
      : ismonoidfun comonoid_mor_REL_to_map.
    Show proof.
      - intros y₁ y₂.
        use funextsec ; intro x.
        use hPropUnivalence.
        + intro z.
          assert (H := eqweqmaphProp
                            (eqtohomot (underlying_comonoid_mor_comult φ) x)
                            (y₁ ,, y₂))
                         (hinhpr (_ ,, z ,, idpath _))).
          revert H.
          use factor_through_squash_hProp.
          intros [ [ a₁ a₂ ] [ p H ] ].
          revert H.
          use factor_through_squash_hProp.
          intros [ [ b₁ b₂ ] [ [ q₁ q₂ ] [ q₃ q₄ ] ] ] ; cbn in q₁, q₂, q₃, q₄.
          induction q₁, q₃.
          apply hinhpr.
          exact (a₁ ,, a₂ ,, q₂ ,, q₄ ,, p).
        + use factor_through_squash_hProp.
          intros ( a₁ & a₂ & p₁ & p₂ & p₃ ).
          assert (H := eqweqmaphProp
                            (eqtohomot (underlying_comonoid_mor_comult φ) x)
                            (y₁ ,, y₂))
                            ((a₁ ,, a₂)
                             hinhpr ((_ ,, _)
                                     (idpath _ ,, p₁)
                                     (idpath _ ,, p₂))))).
          revert H.
          use factor_through_squash_hProp.
          intros [ b [ q₁ q₂ ]].
          rewrite <- q₂ in q₁.
          exact q₁.
      - use funextsec ; intro x.
        use hPropUnivalence.
        + intro z.
          exact (eqweqmaphProp
                   (!eqtohomot (eqtohomot (underlying_comonoid_mor_counit φ) x) tt)
                   (hinhpr (_ ,, z ,, idpath _))).
        + intro z ; cbn in z.
          assert (H := eqweqmaphProp
                         (eqtohomot (eqtohomot (underlying_comonoid_mor_counit φ) x) tt)
          revert H.
          use factor_through_squash_hProp.
          intros [ a [ p q ]] ; cbn in q.
          rewrite q in p.
          exact p.

    Definition comonoid_mor_REL_to_monoid_mor
      : monoidfun (free_abmonoid X) (REL_comonoid_to_monoid C)
      := comonoid_mor_REL_to_map ,, ismonoidfun_comonoid_mor_REL_to_map.
  End ToMonoidMor.

  Proposition cofree_comonoid_REL_map_unique
    : isaprop
        ( f',
         # (underlying_commutative_comonoid REL_sym_mon_closed_cat) f'
         · map_to_cofree_comonoid_REL X).
  Show proof.
    use invproofirrelevance.
    intros φ φ.
    use subtypePath.
      apply homset_property.
    use subtypePath.
      apply is_locally_propositional_commutative_comonoid.
    enough (comonoid_mor_REL_to_monoid_mor (pr1 φ)
            comonoid_mor_REL_to_monoid_mor (pr1 φ))
      as H.
      use funextsec ; intro y₁.
      use funextsec ; intro y₂.
      use hPropUnivalence.
      - intro p.
        exact (eqweqmaphProp (eqtohomot (eqtohomot (maponpaths pr1 H) y₂) y₁) p).
      - intro p.
        exact (eqweqmaphProp (!eqtohomot (eqtohomot (maponpaths pr1 H) y₂) y₁) p).
    use free_abmonoid_mor_eq.
    intro x ; cbn.
    use funextsec ; intro y.
    use hPropUnivalence.
    - intros a.
      unfold comonoid_mor_REL_to_map in a.
      assert (p := eqweqmaphProp
                        (eqtohomot (!(pr2 φ) @ pr2 φ) y)
                     (hinhpr (_ ,, a ,, idpath _))).
      revert p.
      use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      cbn ; intros [ b [ p₁ p₂ ] ].
      rewrite <- p₂ in p₁.
      exact p₁.
    - intros a.
      unfold comonoid_mor_REL_to_map in a.
      assert (p := eqweqmaphProp
                        (eqtohomot (!(pr2 φ) @ pr2 φ) y)
                     (hinhpr (_ ,, a ,, idpath _))).
      revert p.
      use factor_through_squash_hProp.
      cbn ; intros [ b [ p₁ p₂ ] ].
      rewrite <- p₂ in p₁.
      exact p₁.

  Corollary cofree_comonoid_REL_map_contr
    : iscontr
        ( f' : commutative_comonoid_category REL_sym_mon_closed_cat C, cofree_comonoid_REL X ,
         # (underlying_commutative_comonoid REL_sym_mon_closed_cat) f'
         · map_to_cofree_comonoid_REL X).
  Show proof.
    use iscontraprop1.
    - apply cofree_comonoid_REL_map_unique.
    - simple refine (_ ,, _).
      + exact cofree_comonoid_REL_map.
      + exact cofree_comonoid_REL_map_comm.
End CofreeComonoidUMP.

4. The relational model of linear logic