Library UniMath.Foundations.UnivalenceAxiom

The univalence axiom and its consequences
In this file, we formulate univalence and its consequences, including functional extensionality (the statement that functions with equal values are equal).
One approach would be to take univalence as the only axiom and to formulate theorems proving the consequences, whose proofs would appeal to the univalence axiom. We adopt a different approach here, preferring also to introduce axioms for various consequences of univalence. This allows us to measure how subsequent theorems depend on the axioms using the "Print Assumptions" command of Coq.
An important point is that the types of all our axioms are propositions, that is types of h-level 1 and once an element of such a type is declared or contructed it becomes a contractible type.
In particular, the declared element corresponding to the axiom and the element that can be contructed using another, stronger, axiom are connected by a path.
Proofs that the types of our axioms are propositions will be provided in the file UnivalenceAxiom2.
We postpone stating the axioms themselves until after all the implications are established; this helps us encourage the use of the axioms for the consequences of univalence, rather than the theorems giving the implications.

Require Export UniMath.Foundations.PartB.

Definition eqweqmap { T1 T2 : UU } : T1 = T2 -> T1 T2.
Show proof.
  intro e. induction e. apply idweq.

Definition sectohfiber { X : UU } (P:X -> UU): ( x:X, P x) -> (hfiber (λ f, λ x, pr1 (f x)) (λ x:X, x)) := (fun a : x:X, P x => tpair _ (λ x, tpair _ x (a x)) (idpath (λ x:X, x))).

Definition hfibertosec { X : UU } (P:X -> UU):
  (hfiber (λ f x, pr1 (f x)) (λ x:X, x)) -> ( x:X, P x)
  := λ se , λ x:X, match se as se' return P x with tpair _ s e => (transportf P (toforallpaths _ (λ x:X, pr1 (s x)) (λ x:X, x) e x) (pr2 (s x))) end.

Definition sectohfibertosec { X : UU } (P:X -> UU):
   a : ( x:X, P x), hfibertosec _ (sectohfiber _ a) = a.
Show proof.
  apply idpath.

Lemma isweqtransportf10 { X : UU } ( P : X -> UU ) { x x' : X } ( e : x = x' ) : isweq ( transportf P e ).
Show proof.
  intros. induction e. apply idisweq.

Lemma isweqtransportb10 { X : UU } ( P : X -> UU ) { x x' : X } ( e : x = x' ) : isweq ( transportb P e ).
Show proof.
  intros. apply ( isweqtransportf10 _ ( pathsinv0 e ) ).

Lemma l1 { X0 X0' : UU } ( ee : X0 = X0' ) ( P : UU -> UU ) ( pp' : P X0' ) ( R : X X' : UU , w : X X' , P X' -> P X ) ( r : X : UU , p : P X , paths ( R X X ( idweq X ) p ) p ) : paths ( R X0 X0' ( eqweqmap ee ) pp' ) ( transportb P ee pp' ).
Show proof.
  induction ee. simpl. apply r.

Axiom statements (propositions)

Definition univalenceStatement := X Y:UU, isweq (@eqweqmap X Y).

Definition funextemptyStatement := (X:UU) (f g : X->empty), f = g.

Definition propositionalUnivalenceStatement :=
   (P Q:UU), isaprop P -> isaprop Q -> (P -> Q) -> (Q -> P) -> P=Q.

Definition funcontrStatement :=
   (X : UU) (P:X -> UU),
    ( x:X, iscontr (P x)) -> iscontr ( x:X, P x).

Definition funextcontrStatement :=
   (T:UU) (P:T -> UU) (g: t, P t), ∃! (f: t, P t), t:T, f t = g t.

Definition isweqtoforallpathsStatement :=
   (T:UU) (P:T -> UU) (f g : t:T, P t), isweq (toforallpaths _ f g).

Axiom consequence statements (not propositions)

Definition funextsecStatement :=
   (T:UU) (P:T -> UU) (f g : t:T, P t), f ~ g -> f = g.

Definition funextfunStatement :=
   (X Y:UU) (f g : X -> Y), f ~ g -> f = g.

Definition weqtopathsStatement := ( T1 T2 : UU ), T1 T2 -> T1 = T2.

Definition weqpathsweqStatement (weqtopaths:weqtopathsStatement) :=
   ( T1 T2 : UU ) ( w : T1 T2 ), eqweqmap (weqtopaths _ _ w) = w.

Definition weqtoforallpathsStatement :=
   (T:UU) (P:T -> UU) (f g : t:T, P t), (f = g) (f ~ g).

Implications between statements and consequences of them

Theorem funextsecImplication : isweqtoforallpathsStatement -> funextsecStatement.
Show proof.
  intros fe ? ? ? ?. exact (invmap (make_weq _ (fe _ _ f g))).

Theorem funextfunImplication : funextsecStatement -> funextfunStatement.
Show proof.
  intros fe ? ?. apply fe.

We show that univalenceAxiom is equivalent to the axioms weqtopathsStatement and weqpathsweqStatement stated below .

Theorem univfromtwoaxioms :
  ( weqtopaths: weqtopathsStatement, weqpathsweqStatement weqtopaths)
  <-> univalenceStatement.
Show proof.
  { intros [weqtopaths weqpathsweq] T1 T2.
    set ( P1 := λ XY : UU × UU, pr1 XY = pr2 XY ) .
    set ( P2 := λ XY : UU × UU, (pr1 XY) (pr2 XY) ) .
    set ( Z1 := total2 P1 ). set ( Z2 := total2 P2 ).
    set ( f := totalfun _ _ ( λ XY : UU × UU, @eqweqmap (pr1 XY) (pr2 XY)) : Z1 -> Z2 ) .
    set ( g := totalfun _ _ ( λ XY : UU × UU, weqtopaths (pr1 XY) (pr2 XY) ) : Z2 -> Z1 ) .
    assert (efg : funcomp g f ~ idfun _) .
    - intro z2 . induction z2 as [ XY e ] .
      unfold g . unfold f . unfold totalfun . simpl .
      apply ( maponpaths ( fun w : ( pr1 XY) (pr2 XY) => tpair P2 XY w )
                       ( weqpathsweq ( pr1 XY ) ( pr2 XY ) e )) .
    - set ( h := λ a1 : Z1, pr1 ( pr1 a1 ) ) .
      assert ( egf0 : a1 : Z1 , pr1 ( g ( f a1 ) ) = pr1 a1 ).
      + intro. apply idpath.
      + assert ( egf1 : a1 a1' : Z1 , paths ( pr1 a1' ) ( pr1 a1 ) -> a1' = a1 ).
        * intros.
          set ( X' := maponpaths pr1 X ).
          assert ( is : isweq h ).
          { simpl in h . apply isweqpr1pr1 . }
          apply ( invmaponpathsweq ( make_weq h is ) _ _ X' ).
        * set ( egf := λ a1 , egf1 _ _ ( egf0 a1 ) ).
          set ( is2 := isweq_iso _ _ egf efg ).
          apply ( isweqtotaltofib _ _ ( λ _, eqweqmap) is2 ( make_dirprod T1 T2 ) ).
  { intros ua.
    simple refine (_,,_).
    - intros ? ?. exact (invmap (make_weq _ (ua _ _))).
    - intros ? ?. exact (homotweqinvweq (make_weq _ (ua _ _))). }

Conjecture : the pair weqtopaths and weqtopathsweq in the proof above is well defined up to a canonical equality.
In this section we take univalence as a hypothesis, not as an axiom, so we can limit the number of theorems that take univalence an axiom.
The suffix UAH on the name of a theorem indicates a theorem that will be stated later unconditionally, with a proof that appeals to the future univalence axiom.

  Hypothesis univalenceAxiom : univalenceStatement.

  Theorem univalenceUAH (X Y:UU) : (X=Y) (XY).
  Show proof.
    exact (make_weq _ (univalenceAxiom X Y)).

  Definition weqtopathsUAH : weqtopathsStatement.
  Show proof.
    intros ? ?. exact (invmap (univalenceUAH _ _)).
  Arguments weqtopathsUAH {_ _} _.

  Definition weqpathsweqUAH : weqpathsweqStatement (@weqtopathsUAH).
  Show proof.
    intros ? ? w. exact (homotweqinvweq (univalenceUAH T1 T2) w).
  Arguments weqpathsweqUAH {_ _} _.

  Lemma propositionalUnivalenceUAH: propositionalUnivalenceStatement.
  Show proof.
    unfold propositionalUnivalenceStatement; intros ? ? i j f g.
    apply weqtopathsUAH.
    simple refine (make_weq f (isweq_iso f g _ _)).
    - intro p. apply proofirrelevance, i.
    - intro q. apply proofirrelevance, j.

Proof of the functional extensionality for functions from univalence

Transport theorem.

Theorem saying that any general scheme to "transport" a structure along a weak equivalence which does not change the structure in the case of the identity equivalence is equivalent to the transport along the path which corresponds to a weak equivalence by the univalenceAxiom. As a corollary we conclude that for any such transport scheme the corresponding maps on spaces of structures are weak equivalences.

  Theorem weqtransportbUAH ( P : UU -> UU )
          ( R : ( X X' : UU ) ( w : X X' ) , P X' -> P X )
          ( r : X : UU , p : P X , R X X ( idweq X ) p = p ) :
     ( X X' : UU ) ( w : X X' ) ( p' : P X' ),
      R X X' w p' = transportb P ( weqtopathsUAH w ) p'.
  Show proof.
    set ( uv := weqtopathsUAH w ).
    set ( v := eqweqmap uv ).
    assert ( e : v = w ) .
    - unfold weqtopathsUAH in uv.
      apply ( homotweqinvweq ( univalenceUAH X X' ) w ).
    - assert ( ee : R X X' v p' = R X X' w p' ).
      + set ( R' := fun vis : X X' => R X X' vis p' ).
        assert ( ee' : R' v = R' w ).
        * apply ( maponpaths R' e ).
        * assumption.
      + induction ee. apply l1. assumption.

  Corollary isweqweqtransportbUAH
            ( P : UU -> UU )
            ( R : ( X X' : UU ) ( w : X X' ) , P X' -> P X )
            ( r : X : UU , p : P X , R X X ( idweq X ) p = p ) :
     ( X X' : UU ) ( w : X X' ),
      isweq ( λ p' : P X', R X X' w p' ).
  Show proof.
    assert ( e : R X X' w ~ transportb P ( weqtopathsUAH w )).
    - unfold homot. apply weqtransportbUAH. assumption.
    - assert ( ee : transportb P ( weqtopathsUAH w ) ~ R X X' w).
      + intro p'. apply ( pathsinv0 ( e p' ) ).
      + clear e.
        assert ( is1 : isweq ( transportb P ( weqtopathsUAH w ) ) ).
        apply isweqtransportb10.
        apply ( isweqhomot ( transportb P ( weqtopathsUAH w ) ) (R X X' w) ee is1 ).

Theorem saying that composition with a weak equivalence is a weak equivalence on function spaces.

  Theorem isweqcompwithweqUAH { X X' : UU } ( w : X X' ) ( Y : UU ) :
    isweq ( fun f : X' -> Y => ( λ x : X, f ( w x ) ) ).
  Show proof.
    set ( P := λ X0 : UU, ( X0 -> Y ) ).
    set ( R := λ X0 : UU, ( λ X0' : UU, ( fun w1 : X0 -> X0' => ( λ f : P X0' , ( λ x : X0, f ( w1 x ) ) ) ) ) ).
    apply ( isweqweqtransportbUAH P R (λ X0 f, idpath _) X X' w ).

  Lemma eqcor0UAH { X X' : UU } ( w : X X' ) ( Y : UU ) ( f1 f2 : X' -> Y ) :
    (λ x : X, f1 ( w x )) = (λ x : X, f2 ( w x ) ) -> f1 = f2.
  Show proof.
    apply ( invmaponpathsweq ( make_weq _ ( isweqcompwithweqUAH w Y ) ) f1 f2 ).

  Lemma apathpr1toprUAH ( T : UU ) : paths ( λ z : pathsspace T, pr1 z ) ( λ z : pathsspace T, pr1 ( pr2 z ) ).
  Show proof.
    apply ( eqcor0UAH ( make_weq _ ( isweqdeltap T ) ) _ ( λ z : pathsspace T, pr1 z ) ( λ z : pathsspace T, pr1 ( pr2 z ) ) ( idpath ( idfun T ) ) ) .

  Theorem funextfunPreliminaryUAH : funextfunStatement.
  Show proof.
    intros ? ? f1 f2 e.
    set ( f := λ x : X, pathsspacetriple Y ( e x ) ).
    set ( g1 := λ z : pathsspace Y, pr1 z ).
    set ( g2 := λ z : pathsspace Y, pr1 ( pr2 z ) ).
    change ( (funcomp f g1) = (funcomp f g2) ).
    apply maponpaths.
    apply apathpr1toprUAH.
  Arguments funextfunPreliminaryUAH {_ _} _ _ _.

  Lemma funextemptyUAH : funextemptyStatement.
  Show proof.
    unfold funextemptyStatement; intros.
    apply funextfunPreliminaryUAH.
    intro x.
    induction (f x).

Deduction of functional extensionality for dependent functions (sections) from functional extensionality of usual functions

  Lemma isweqlcompwithweqUAH {X X' : UU} (w: X X') (Y:UU) : isweq (fun (a:X'->Y) x => a (w x)).
  Show proof.
    simple refine (isweq_iso _ _ _ _).
    exact (λ b x', b (invweq w x')).
    exact (λ a, funextfunPreliminaryUAH _ a (λ x', maponpaths a (homotweqinvweq w x'))).
    exact (λ a, funextfunPreliminaryUAH _ a (λ x , maponpaths a (homotinvweqweq w x ))).

  Lemma isweqrcompwithweqUAH { Y Y':UU } (w: Y Y')(X:UU) :
    isweq (fun a:X->Y => (λ x, w (a x))).
  Show proof.
    simple refine (isweq_iso _ _ _ _).
    exact (fun a':X->Y' => λ x, (invweq w (a' x))).
    exact (fun a :X->Y => funextfunPreliminaryUAH _ a (λ x, homotinvweqweq w (a x))).
    exact (fun a':X->Y' => funextfunPreliminaryUAH _ a' (λ x, homotweqinvweq w (a' x))).

  Theorem funcontrUAH : funcontrStatement.
  Show proof.
    unfold funcontrStatement.
    intros ? ? X0.
    set (T1 := x:X, P x).
    set (T2 := (hfiber (fun f: (X -> total2 P) => λ x: X, pr1 (f x)) (λ x:X, x))).
    assert (is1:isweq (@pr1 X P)).
    - apply isweqpr1. assumption.
    - set (w1:= make_weq (@pr1 X P) is1).
      assert (X1:iscontr T2).
      + apply (isweqrcompwithweqUAH w1 X (λ x:X, x)).
      + apply (iscontrretract _ _ (sectohfibertosec P) X1).

Proof of the fact that the toforallpaths from s1 = s2 to t:T, paths (s1 t) (s2 t) is a weak equivalence - a strong form of functional extensionality for sections of general families. The proof uses only funcontrUAH which is an element of a proposition.

  Lemma funextcontrUAH : funextcontrStatement.
  Show proof.
    unfold funextcontrStatement.
    use (iscontrretract (X := t, p, p = g t)).
    - intros x. use tpair.
      + intro t. exact (pr1 (x t)).
      + intro t; simpl. exact (pr2 (x t)).
    - intros y t. exists (pr1 y t). exact (pr2 y t).
    - intros u. induction u as [t x]. apply idpath.
    - apply funcontrUAH. intro t. apply iscontrcoconustot.
  Arguments funextcontrUAH {_} _ _.

  Theorem isweqtoforallpathsUAH : isweqtoforallpathsStatement.
  Show proof.
    unfold isweqtoforallpathsStatement.
    refine (isweqtotaltofib _ _ (λ (h: t, P t), toforallpaths _ h g) _ f).
    refine (isweqcontrcontr (X := (h: t, P t), h = g)
              (λ ff, tpair _ (pr1 ff) (toforallpaths P (pr1 ff) g (pr2 ff))) _ _).
    { exact (iscontrcoconustot _ g). }
    { apply funextcontrUAH. }

End UnivalenceImplications.

Univalence implies each of the other axioms
the axioms themselves
provide some theorems based on the axioms

Definition funextempty := funextemptyAxiom.

Definition univalence := univalenceUAH univalenceAxiom.

Definition weqtopaths : weqtopathsStatement.
Show proof.
  unfold weqtopathsStatement.
  intros ? ?.
  exact (invmap (univalence _ _)).
Arguments weqtopaths {_ _} _.

Definition weqpathsweq := weqpathsweqUAH univalenceAxiom.
Arguments weqpathsweq {_ _} _.

Definition funcontr : funcontrStatement := funcontrAxiom.
Arguments funcontr {_} _ _.

Definition funextcontr : funextcontrStatement := @funextcontrAxiom.
Arguments funextcontr {_} _ _.

Definition isweqtoforallpaths : isweqtoforallpathsStatement := isweqtoforallpathsAxiom.
Arguments isweqtoforallpaths {_} _ _ _ _.

Definition weqtoforallpaths : weqtoforallpathsStatement
  := λ X P f g, make_weq _ (@isweqtoforallpaths X P f g).
Arguments weqtoforallpaths {_} _ _ _.

Definition funextsec : funextsecStatement := funextsecImplication isweqtoforallpathsAxiom.
Arguments funextsec {_} _ _ _ _.

Definition funextfun := funextfunImplication (@funextsec).
Arguments funextfun {_ _} _ _ _.

Definition weqfunextsec { T : UU } (P:T -> UU) (f g : t:T, P t) :
  (f ~ g) (f = g)
  := invweq (weqtoforallpaths P f g).

Corollary funcontrtwice { X : UU } (P: X-> X -> UU) (is: (x x':X), iscontr (P x x')) :
  iscontr ( (x x':X), P x x').
Show proof.
  assert (is1: x:X, iscontr ( x':X, P x x')).
  - intro. apply (funcontr _ (is x)).
  - apply (funcontr _ is1).

Check assumptions

Lemma toforallpaths_induction (X Y : UU) (f g : X -> Y) (P : ( x, f x = g x) -> UU)
      (H : e : f = g, P (toforallpaths _ _ _ e)) : i : ( x, f x = g x), P i.
Show proof.
  intros i. rewrite <- (homotweqinvweq (weqtoforallpaths _ f g)). apply H.

Definition transportf_funextfun {X Y : UU} (P : Y -> UU) (F F' : X -> Y) (H : (x : X), F x = F' x)
           (x : X) (f : P (F x)) :
  transportf (λ x0 : X Y, P (x0 x)) (funextsec _ F F' H) f = transportf (λ x0 : Y, P x0) (H x) f.
Show proof.
  apply (toforallpaths_induction
           _ _ F F' (λ H', transportf (λ x0 : X Y, P (x0 x))
                                       (funextsec (λ _ : X, Y) F F' (λ x0 : X, H' x0)) f =
                            transportf (λ x0 : Y, P x0) (H' x) f)).
  intro e. clear H.
  set (XR := homotinvweqweq (weqtoforallpaths _ F F') e).
  set (H := funextsec (λ _ : X, Y) F F' (λ x0 : X, toforallpaths (λ _ : X, Y) F F' e x0)).
  set (P' := λ x0 : X Y, P (x0 x)).
  use pathscomp0.
  - exact (transportf P' e f).
  - use transportf_paths. exact XR.
  - induction e. apply idpath.

induction tactic for the universe

Theorem UU_rect (X Y : UU) (P : X Y -> UU) :
  ( e : X=Y, P (univalence _ _ e)) -> f, P f.
Show proof.
  intros ih ?.
  set (p := ih (invmap (univalence _ _) f)).
  set (h := homotweqinvweq (univalence _ _) f).
  exact (transportf P h p).

Ltac type_induction f e := generalize f; apply UU_rect; intro e; clear f.