Library UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.CwF
Benedikt Ahrens, Marco Maggesi February 2018 *********************************************************************************Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Prelude.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.opp_precat.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PrecategoryBinProduct.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Export UniMath.CategoryTheory.yoneda.
Require Export UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.pullbacks.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Constructions.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat. Import Bicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Morphisms.Adjunctions.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Invertible_2cells.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.ContravariantFunctor.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Examples.BicatOfUnivCats.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.Cofunctormap.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.FullSub.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.Sigma.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispBicat.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispAdjunctions.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispUnivalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispInvertibles.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.Prod.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.Examples.DisplayedCatToBicat.
Local Open Scope cat.
Local Open Scope mor_disp_scope.
Local Notation "'SET'" := HSET_univalent_category.
Local Notation "'PreShv' C" := [C^op,SET] (at level 4) : cat.
Local Notation "'Yo'" := (yoneda _ : functor _ (PreShv _)).
Section Yoneda.
Context {C : category} {hsC : has_homsets C}.
Definition yy {F : PreShv C} {c : C}
: ((F : C^op ⟶ SET) c : hSet) ≃
[C^op, HSET, has_homsets_HSET] ⟦ yoneda C c, F⟧.
Show proof.
Lemma yy_natural (F : PreShv C) (c : C)
(A : (F : C^op ⟶ SET) c : hSet)
c' (f : C⟦c', c⟧)
: yy (functor_on_morphisms (F : C^op ⟶ SET) f A) =
functor_on_morphisms (yoneda C) f · yy A.
Show proof.
Lemma yy_comp_nat_trans
(F F' : PreShv C) (p : _ ⟦F, F'⟧)
A (v : (F : C^op ⟶ SET) A : hSet)
: yy v · p = yy ((p : nat_trans _ _ ) _ v).
Show proof.
apply nat_trans_eq.
- apply has_homsets_HSET.
- intro c. simpl.
apply funextsec. intro f. cbn.
assert (XR := toforallpaths _ _ _ (nat_trans_ax p _ _ f) v ).
cbn in XR.
apply XR.
- apply has_homsets_HSET.
- intro c. simpl.
apply funextsec. intro f. cbn.
assert (XR := toforallpaths _ _ _ (nat_trans_ax p _ _ f) v ).
cbn in XR.
apply XR.
End Yoneda.
Lemma transportf_yy
{C : category}
(F : opp_precat_data C ⟶ SET) (c c' : C) (A : (F : functor _ _ ) c : hSet)
(e : c = c')
: paths
(@yy C F c')
(@transportf _ (fun d => pr1hSet (functor_on_objects F d : hSet)) _ _ e A))
(@transportf _ (fun d => nat_trans _ F) _ _ e (pr1weq (@yy C F c) A)).
Show proof.
Lemma inv_from_z_iso_iso_from_fully_faithful_reflection {C D : precategory}
(F : functor C D) (HF : fully_faithful F) (a b : C) (i : z_iso (F a) (F b))
: inv_from_z_iso
(iso_from_fully_faithful_reflection HF i) =
iso_from_fully_faithful_reflection HF (z_iso_inv_from_z_iso i).
Show proof.
Section CwFRepresentation.
Context {C : category}
{Ty Tm : opp_precat_data C ⟶ SET}
(pp : Tm ⟹ Ty)
(HC : is_univalent C).
Definition cwf_fiber_rep_data {Γ:C} (A : Ty Γ : hSet) : UU
:= ∑ (ΓA : C), C ⟦ΓA, Γ⟧ × (Tm ΓA : hSet).
Lemma cwf_square_comm {Γ} {A}
{ΓA : C} {π : ΓA --> Γ}
{t : Tm ΓA : hSet} (e : (pp : nat_trans _ _) _ t = functor_on_morphisms Ty π A)
: @paths _
(@compose _ _
(@functor_on_objects _ (functor_category _ HSET_univalent_category) _ Γ)
Ty (functor_on_morphisms _ π)
(pr1weq (@yy C Ty Γ) A))
(@compose _
(@functor_on_objects _ (functor_category _ hset_category) _ ΓA)
Tm Ty
(pr1weq (@yy C Tm ΓA) t) pp).
Show proof.
apply pathsinv0.
etrans. 2: apply yy_natural.
etrans. { apply yy_comp_nat_trans. }
apply maponpaths, e.
etrans. 2: apply yy_natural.
etrans. { apply yy_comp_nat_trans. }
apply maponpaths, e.
Definition cwf_fiber_rep_ax
{Γ:C} {A : Ty Γ : hSet}
(ΓAπt : cwf_fiber_rep_data A) : UU
:= ∑ (H : pp _ (pr2 (pr2 ΓAπt)) = (#Ty)%cat (pr1 (pr2 ΓAπt)) A),
isPullback (cwf_square_comm H).
Definition cwf_fiber_representation {Γ:C} (A : Ty Γ : hSet) : UU
:= ∑ ΓAπt : cwf_fiber_rep_data A, cwf_fiber_rep_ax ΓAπt.
Lemma isaprop_cwf_fiber_representation {Γ:C} (A : Ty Γ : hSet)
: is_univalent C -> isaprop (cwf_fiber_representation A).
Show proof.
intro isC.
apply invproofirrelevance.
intros x x'. apply subtypePath.
{ intro.
apply isofhleveltotal2.
- apply setproperty.
- intro. apply isaprop_isPullback.
destruct x as [x H].
destruct x' as [x' H']. cbn.
destruct x as [ΓA m].
destruct x' as [ΓA' m']. cbn in *.
destruct H as [H isP].
destruct H' as [H' isP'].
use (total2_paths_f).
- set (T1 := make_Pullback _ isP).
set (T2 := make_Pullback _ isP').
set (i := z_iso_from_Pullback_to_Pullback T1 T2). cbn in i.
set (i' := invmap (weq_ff_functor_on_z_iso (yoneda_fully_faithful _) _ _ ) i ).
set (TT := isotoid _ isC i').
apply TT.
- cbn.
set (XT := transportf_dirprod _ (fun a' => C⟦a', Γ⟧) (fun a' => Tm a' : hSet)).
cbn in XT.
set (XT' := XT (tpair _ ΓA m : ∑ R : C, C ⟦ R, Γ ⟧ × (Tm R : hSet) )
(tpair _ ΓA' m' : ∑ R : C, C ⟦ R, Γ ⟧ × (Tm R : hSet) )).
cbn in *.
match goal with | [ |- transportf _ ?e _ = _ ] => set (TT := e) end.
rewrite XT'. clear XT' XT.
destruct m as [π te].
destruct m' as [π' te'].
apply pathsdirprod.
+ unfold TT; clear TT.
rewrite transportf_isotoid.
unfold from_Pullback_to_Pullback.
cbn in *.
pose (XR' := nat_trans_eq_pointwise
(make_Pullback _ isP)
(yoneda_objects C ΓA')
(yoneda_morphisms C ΓA' Γ π')
(yoneda_map_2 C ΓA' Tm te')
(make_Pullback _ isP')))
cbn in XR'.
assert (XR'':= toforallpaths _ _ _ XR').
cbn in XR''.
etrans. { apply XR''. }
apply id_left.
+ unfold TT; clear TT.
match goal with |[|- transportf ?r _ _ = _ ] => set (P:=r) end.
match goal with |[|- transportf _ (_ _ _ (_ _ ?ii)) _ = _ ] => set (i:=ii) end.
simpl in i.
apply (invmaponpathsweq (@yy _ Tm ΓA')).
apply transportf_yy.
apply (@transportf_functor_isotoid C (functor_category _ SET)).
rewrite inv_from_z_iso_iso_from_fully_faithful_reflection.
assert (XX:=homotweqinvweq (weq_from_fully_faithful
(yoneda_fully_faithful _) ΓA' ΓA )).
etrans. { apply maponpaths_2. apply XX. }
clear XX.
etrans. { apply maponpaths_2. unfold from_Pullback_to_Pullback. apply idpath. }
pose (XR' := PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2
(make_Pullback _ isP)
(yoneda_objects C ΓA')
(yoneda_morphisms C ΓA' Γ π')
(yoneda_map_2 C ΓA' Tm te')
(make_Pullback _ isP'))).
apply XR'.
apply invproofirrelevance.
intros x x'. apply subtypePath.
{ intro.
apply isofhleveltotal2.
- apply setproperty.
- intro. apply isaprop_isPullback.
destruct x as [x H].
destruct x' as [x' H']. cbn.
destruct x as [ΓA m].
destruct x' as [ΓA' m']. cbn in *.
destruct H as [H isP].
destruct H' as [H' isP'].
use (total2_paths_f).
- set (T1 := make_Pullback _ isP).
set (T2 := make_Pullback _ isP').
set (i := z_iso_from_Pullback_to_Pullback T1 T2). cbn in i.
set (i' := invmap (weq_ff_functor_on_z_iso (yoneda_fully_faithful _) _ _ ) i ).
set (TT := isotoid _ isC i').
apply TT.
- cbn.
set (XT := transportf_dirprod _ (fun a' => C⟦a', Γ⟧) (fun a' => Tm a' : hSet)).
cbn in XT.
set (XT' := XT (tpair _ ΓA m : ∑ R : C, C ⟦ R, Γ ⟧ × (Tm R : hSet) )
(tpair _ ΓA' m' : ∑ R : C, C ⟦ R, Γ ⟧ × (Tm R : hSet) )).
cbn in *.
match goal with | [ |- transportf _ ?e _ = _ ] => set (TT := e) end.
rewrite XT'. clear XT' XT.
destruct m as [π te].
destruct m' as [π' te'].
apply pathsdirprod.
+ unfold TT; clear TT.
rewrite transportf_isotoid.
unfold from_Pullback_to_Pullback.
cbn in *.
pose (XR' := nat_trans_eq_pointwise
(make_Pullback _ isP)
(yoneda_objects C ΓA')
(yoneda_morphisms C ΓA' Γ π')
(yoneda_map_2 C ΓA' Tm te')
(make_Pullback _ isP')))
cbn in XR'.
assert (XR'':= toforallpaths _ _ _ XR').
cbn in XR''.
etrans. { apply XR''. }
apply id_left.
+ unfold TT; clear TT.
match goal with |[|- transportf ?r _ _ = _ ] => set (P:=r) end.
match goal with |[|- transportf _ (_ _ _ (_ _ ?ii)) _ = _ ] => set (i:=ii) end.
simpl in i.
apply (invmaponpathsweq (@yy _ Tm ΓA')).
apply transportf_yy.
apply (@transportf_functor_isotoid C (functor_category _ SET)).
rewrite inv_from_z_iso_iso_from_fully_faithful_reflection.
assert (XX:=homotweqinvweq (weq_from_fully_faithful
(yoneda_fully_faithful _) ΓA' ΓA )).
etrans. { apply maponpaths_2. apply XX. }
clear XX.
etrans. { apply maponpaths_2. unfold from_Pullback_to_Pullback. apply idpath. }
pose (XR' := PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2
(make_Pullback _ isP)
(yoneda_objects C ΓA')
(yoneda_morphisms C ΓA' Γ π')
(yoneda_map_2 C ΓA' Tm te')
(make_Pullback _ isP'))).
apply XR'.
Definition cwf_representation : UU
:= ∏ Γ (A : Ty Γ : hSet), cwf_fiber_representation A.
Definition isaprop_cwf_representation
: isaprop cwf_representation.
Show proof.
End CwFRepresentation.
Section Projections.
Context {C : category}
{Ty Tm : opp_precat_data C ⟶ SET}
{pp : Tm ⟹ Ty}.
Variable (R : cwf_representation pp).
Variable (Γ : C) (A : Ty Γ : hSet).
Definition ext : C := pr1 (pr1 (R Γ A)).
Definition π : C⟦ext,Γ⟧ := pr121 (R Γ A).
Definition var : (Tm ext:hSet) := pr221 (R Γ A).
Definition comm
: pp ext var = functor_on_morphisms Ty π A
:= pr12 (R Γ A).
Definition pullback
: isPullback (cwf_square_comm pp comm)
:= pr2 (pr2 (R Γ A)).
End Projections.
Arguments iso _ _ _ : clear implicits.
Section CwF.
Definition disp_cwf' : disp_bicat (morphisms_of_presheaves SET).
Show proof.
refine (disp_fullsubbicat (morphisms_of_presheaves SET) _).
intros (C, ((Ty, Tm), pp)).
cbn in *.
exact (@cwf_representation C _ _ pp).
intros (C, ((Ty, Tm), pp)).
cbn in *.
exact (@cwf_representation C _ _ pp).
Definition disp_cwf : disp_bicat bicat_of_univ_cats
:= sigma_bicat _ _ disp_cwf'.
Definition disp_2cells_isaprop_disp_cwf
: disp_2cells_isaprop disp_cwf.
Show proof.
apply disp_2cells_isaprop_sigma.
- apply disp_2cells_isaprop_morphisms_of_presheaves_display.
- apply disp_2cells_isaprop_fullsubbicat.
- apply disp_2cells_isaprop_morphisms_of_presheaves_display.
- apply disp_2cells_isaprop_fullsubbicat.
Definition disp_locally_groupoid_disp_cwf
: disp_locally_groupoid disp_cwf.
Show proof.
apply disp_locally_groupoid_sigma.
- exact univalent_cat_is_univalent_2.
- apply disp_2cells_isaprop_morphisms_of_presheaves_display.
- apply disp_2cells_isaprop_fullsubbicat.
- apply disp_locally_groupoid_morphisms_of_presheaves_display.
- apply disp_locally_groupoid_fullsubbicat.
- exact univalent_cat_is_univalent_2.
- apply disp_2cells_isaprop_morphisms_of_presheaves_display.
- apply disp_2cells_isaprop_fullsubbicat.
- apply disp_locally_groupoid_morphisms_of_presheaves_display.
- apply disp_locally_groupoid_fullsubbicat.
Definition cwf : bicat
:= total_bicat disp_cwf.
Lemma disp_univalent_2_1_morphisms_of_presheaf_display
: disp_univalent_2_1 (morphisms_of_presheaves_display SET).
Show proof.
apply sigma_disp_univalent_2_1_with_props.
- apply disp_2cells_isaprop_prod ; apply disp_2cells_isaprop_presheaf.
- apply disp_2cells_isaprop_cofunctormaps.
- apply disp_two_presheaves_is_univalent_2_1.
- apply disp_cofunctormaps_bicat_univalent_2_1.
- apply disp_2cells_isaprop_prod ; apply disp_2cells_isaprop_presheaf.
- apply disp_2cells_isaprop_cofunctormaps.
- apply disp_two_presheaves_is_univalent_2_1.
- apply disp_cofunctormaps_bicat_univalent_2_1.
Lemma disp_univalent_2_0_morphisms_of_presheaf_display
: disp_univalent_2_0 (morphisms_of_presheaves_display SET).
Show proof.
apply sigma_disp_univalent_2_0_with_props.
- exact univalent_cat_is_univalent_2.
- apply disp_2cells_isaprop_prod ; apply disp_2cells_isaprop_presheaf.
- apply disp_2cells_isaprop_cofunctormaps.
- apply disp_two_presheaves_is_univalent_2_1.
- apply disp_cofunctormaps_bicat_univalent_2_1.
- apply disp_locally_groupoid_prod ; apply disp_locally_groupoid_presheaf.
- apply disp_locally_groupoid_cofunctormaps.
- apply disp_two_presheaves_is_univalent_2_0.
- apply disp_cofunctormaps_bicat_univalent_2_0.
- exact univalent_cat_is_univalent_2.
- apply disp_2cells_isaprop_prod ; apply disp_2cells_isaprop_presheaf.
- apply disp_2cells_isaprop_cofunctormaps.
- apply disp_two_presheaves_is_univalent_2_1.
- apply disp_cofunctormaps_bicat_univalent_2_1.
- apply disp_locally_groupoid_prod ; apply disp_locally_groupoid_presheaf.
- apply disp_locally_groupoid_cofunctormaps.
- apply disp_two_presheaves_is_univalent_2_0.
- apply disp_cofunctormaps_bicat_univalent_2_0.
Definition cwf_is_univalent_2_1
: is_univalent_2_1 cwf.
Show proof.
apply sigma_is_univalent_2_1.
- exact univalent_cat_is_univalent_2_1.
- exact disp_univalent_2_1_morphisms_of_presheaf_display.
- apply disp_fullsubbicat_univalent_2_1.
- exact univalent_cat_is_univalent_2_1.
- exact disp_univalent_2_1_morphisms_of_presheaf_display.
- apply disp_fullsubbicat_univalent_2_1.
Definition cwf_is_univalent_2_0
: is_univalent_2_0 cwf.
Show proof.
apply sigma_is_univalent_2_0.
- exact univalent_cat_is_univalent_2.
- split.
+ exact disp_univalent_2_0_morphisms_of_presheaf_display.
+ exact disp_univalent_2_1_morphisms_of_presheaf_display.
- split.
+ apply disp_univalent_2_0_fullsubbicat.
* apply morphisms_of_presheaves_univalent_2.
* intros C.
apply isaprop_cwf_representation.
apply (pr1 C).
+ apply disp_fullsubbicat_univalent_2_1.
- exact univalent_cat_is_univalent_2.
- split.
+ exact disp_univalent_2_0_morphisms_of_presheaf_display.
+ exact disp_univalent_2_1_morphisms_of_presheaf_display.
- split.
+ apply disp_univalent_2_0_fullsubbicat.
* apply morphisms_of_presheaves_univalent_2.
* intros C.
apply isaprop_cwf_representation.
apply (pr1 C).
+ apply disp_fullsubbicat_univalent_2_1.
Definition cwf_is_univalent_2
: is_univalent_2 cwf.
Show proof.
End CwF.