Library UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Invertible_2cells

More on invertible 2cells

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat. Import Bicat.Notations.

Local Open Scope cat.

Definition eq_is_invertible_2cell
           {B : bicat}
           {a b : B}
           {f g : a --> b}
           {α β : f ==> g}
           (p : α = β)
           ( : is_invertible_2cell α)
  : is_invertible_2cell β.
Show proof.
  use make_is_invertible_2cell.
  - exact (^-1).
  - abstract
      (rewrite <- p ;
       apply vcomp_rinv).
  - abstract
      (rewrite <- p ;
       apply vcomp_linv).

Inverse 2cell of a composition

Lemma is_invertible_2cell_vcomp {C : prebicat} {a b : C} {f g h: C a, b}
      {x : f ==> g} (inv_x : is_invertible_2cell x)
      {y : g ==> h} (inv_y : is_invertible_2cell y)
  : is_invertible_2cell (x y).
Show proof.
  use make_is_invertible_2cell.
  - exact (inv_y^-1 inv_x^-1).
  - abstract (
        repeat rewrite vassocl;
        etrans; [apply vassoc4|];
        etrans; [ apply maponpaths_2, maponpaths;
                  apply (vcomp_rinv inv_y) |];
        rewrite id2_right;
        apply (vcomp_rinv inv_x)
  - abstract (
        repeat rewrite vassocl;
        etrans; [apply vassoc4|];
        etrans; [ apply maponpaths_2, maponpaths;
                  apply (vcomp_linv inv_x) |];
        rewrite id2_right;
        apply (vcomp_linv inv_y)

Lemma is_invertible_2cell_lwhisker {C : prebicat} {a b c : C}
      (f : a --> b) {g1 g2 : b --> c}
      {x : g1 ==> g2} (inv_x : is_invertible_2cell x)
  : is_invertible_2cell (f x).
Show proof.
  use make_is_invertible_2cell.
  - exact (f inv_x^-1).
  - abstract (
        etrans; [ apply lwhisker_vcomp |];
        etrans; [ apply maponpaths; apply (vcomp_rinv inv_x) |];
        apply lwhisker_id2).
  - abstract (
        etrans; [ apply lwhisker_vcomp |];
        etrans; [ apply maponpaths; apply (vcomp_linv inv_x) |];
        apply lwhisker_id2).

Lemma is_invertible_2cell_rwhisker {C : prebicat} {a b c : C} {f1 f2 : a --> b} (g : b --> c)
      {x : f1 ==> f2} (inv_x : is_invertible_2cell x)
  : is_invertible_2cell (x g).
Show proof.
  use make_is_invertible_2cell.
  - exact (inv_x^-1 g).
  - abstract (
        etrans; [ apply rwhisker_vcomp |];
        etrans; [ apply maponpaths; apply (vcomp_rinv inv_x) |];
        apply id2_rwhisker).
  - abstract (
        etrans; [ apply rwhisker_vcomp |];
        etrans; [ apply maponpaths; apply (vcomp_linv inv_x) |];
        apply id2_rwhisker).

Two-cells that are isomorphisms

Lemma pentagon
           {C : bicat}
           {V W X Y Z : C}
           (k : CY,Z) (h : CX,Y) (g : CW,X) (f : CV,W)
  : (lassociator (g f) h k o lassociator f g (k h))
    (id₂ k ⋆⋆ lassociator f g h) o lassociator f (h g) k o
                                 (lassociator g h k ⋆⋆ id₂ f).
Show proof.
  unfold assoc.
  unfold hcomp.
  apply pathsinv0.
  rewrite id2_rwhisker.
  rewrite id2_left.
  rewrite lwhisker_id2.
  rewrite id2_right.
  rewrite vassocr.
  apply lassociator_lassociator.

Definition is_invertible_2cell_hcomp
       {C : bicat}
       {X Y Z : C}
       {f₁ g₁ : CY,Z} {f₂ g₂ : CX,Y}
       (η₁ : f₁ ==> g₁) (η₂ : f₂ ==> g₂)
       (inv_η₁ : is_invertible_2cell η₁)
       (inv_η₂ : is_invertible_2cell η₂)
  : is_invertible_2cell (η₁ ⋆⋆ η₂).
Show proof.
  use make_is_invertible_2cell.
  - exact (inv_η₁^-1 ⋆⋆ inv_η₂^-1).
  - abstract (rewrite <- hcomp_vcomp, !vcomp_rinv; apply hcomp_identity).
  - abstract (rewrite <- hcomp_vcomp, !vcomp_linv; apply hcomp_identity).

Definition bc_whisker_l
           {C : bicat}
           {X Y Z : C}
           {f₁ : CX,Y} {f₂ : CX,Y}
           (g : CY,Z)
           (α : f₁ ==> f₂)
  : (g f₁) ==> (g f₂)
  := id₂ g ⋆⋆ α.

Lemma bc_whisker_l_id₂
           {C : bicat}
           {X Y Z : C}
           (f : CX,Y)
           (g : CY,Z)
  : g (id₂ f) = id₂ (g f).
Show proof.
  apply id2_rwhisker.

Definition bc_whisker_r
           {C : bicat}
           {X Y Z : C}
           {g₁ : CY,Z} {g₂ : CY,Z}
           (β : g₁ ==> g₂)
           (f : CX,Y)
  : (g₁ f) ==> (g₂ f)
  := β ⋆⋆ id₂ f.

Lemma bc_whisker_r_id₂
           {C : bicat}
           {X Y Z : C}
           (f : CX,Y)
           (g : CY,Z)
  : (id₂ g) f = id₂ (g f).
Show proof.
  apply lwhisker_id2.

Lemma inverse_of_assoc
           {C : bicat}
           {W X Y Z : C}
           (h : CY,Z) (g : CX,Y) (f : CW,X)
  : (is_invertible_2cell_lassociator f g h)^-1 = rassociator f g h.
Show proof.
  apply idpath.

Lemma vcomp_move_L_Vp
           {C : bicat}
           {X Y : C}
           {f g h : CX,Y}
           (η₁ : f ==> g) (η₂ : f ==> h) (ε : g ==> h)
           ( : is_invertible_2cell ε)
  : ε o η₁ = η₂ -> η₁ = ^-1 o η₂.
Show proof.
  rewrite <- (id2_right η₁).
  rewrite <- (vcomp_rinv ).
  rewrite vassocr.
  apply maponpaths_2.

Lemma vcomp_move_L_pV
           {C : bicat}
           {X Y : C}
           {f g h : CX,Y}
           (η₁ : g ==> h) (η₂ : f ==> h) (ε : f ==> g)
           ( : is_invertible_2cell ε)
  : η₁ o ε = η₂ -> η₁ = η₂ o ^-1.
Show proof.
  intros .
  rewrite <- (id2_left η₁).
  rewrite <- (vcomp_linv ).
  rewrite <- vassocr.
  apply maponpaths.
  exact .

Lemma vcomp_move_R_Mp
           {C : bicat}
           {X Y : C}
           {f g h : CX,Y}
           (η₁ : f ==> g) (η₂ : f ==> h) (ε : g ==> h)
           ( : is_invertible_2cell ε)
  : η₁ = ^-1 o η₂ -> ε o η₁ = η₂.
Show proof.
  rewrite <- (id2_right η₂).
  rewrite <- (vcomp_linv ).
  rewrite vassocr.
  apply maponpaths_2.

Lemma vcomp_move_R_pM
           {C : bicat}
           {X Y : C}
           {f g h : CX,Y}
           (η₁ : g ==> h) (η₂ : f ==> h) (ε : f ==> g)
           ( : is_invertible_2cell ε)
  : η₁ = η₂ o ^-1 -> η₁ o ε = η₂.
Show proof.
  intros .
  rewrite <- (id2_left η₂).
  rewrite <- (vcomp_rinv ).
  rewrite <- vassocr.
  apply maponpaths.
  apply .

Lemma vcomp_move_L_Mp
           {C : bicat}
           {X Y : C}
           {f g h : CX,Y}
           (η₁ : f ==> h) (η₂ : f ==> g) (ε : g ==> h)
           ( : is_invertible_2cell ε)
  : ^-1 o η₁ = η₂ -> η₁ = ε o η₂.
Show proof.
  rewrite <- (id2_right η₁).
  rewrite <- (vcomp_linv ).
  rewrite vassocr.
  apply maponpaths_2.

Lemma vcomp_move_L_pM
           {C : bicat}
           {X Y : C}
           {f g h : CX,Y}
           (η₁ : f ==> h) (η₂ : g ==> h) (ε : f ==> g)
           ( : is_invertible_2cell ε)
  : η₁ o ^-1 = η₂ -> η₁ = η₂ o ε.
Show proof.
  intros .
  rewrite <- (id2_left η₁).
  rewrite <- (vcomp_rinv ).
  rewrite <- vassocr.
  apply maponpaths.
  apply .

Lemma path_inverse_2cell
           {C : bicat}
           {X Y : C}
           {f g : CX,Y}
           (η₁ η₂ : f ==> g)
           {inv_η₁ : is_invertible_2cell η₁}
           {inv_η₂ : is_invertible_2cell η₂}
  : η₁ = η₂ -> inv_η₁^-1 = inv_η₂^-1.
Show proof.
  intros p.
  rewrite <- (id2_left (inv_η₁^-1)).
  rewrite <- (id2_right (inv_η₂^-1)).
  rewrite <- (vcomp_linv inv_η₂).
  rewrite <- vassocr.
  apply maponpaths.
  rewrite <- p.
  apply vcomp_rinv.

Lemma isaset_invertible_2cell
           {C : bicat}
           {X Y : C}
           (f g : X --> Y)
  : isaset (invertible_2cell f g).
Show proof.
  use isaset_total2.
  - apply C.
  - intro.
    apply isasetaprop.
    apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.

Ltac is_iso :=
  match goal with
  | [ |- is_invertible_2cell (runitor _) ] => apply is_invertible_2cell_runitor
  | [ |- is_invertible_2cell (rinvunitor _) ] => apply is_invertible_2cell_rinvunitor
  | [ |- is_invertible_2cell (lunitor _) ] => apply is_invertible_2cell_lunitor
  | [ |- is_invertible_2cell (linvunitor _) ] => apply is_invertible_2cell_linvunitor
  | [ |- is_invertible_2cell (rassociator _ _ _)] => apply is_invertible_2cell_rassociator
  | [ |- is_invertible_2cell (lassociator _ _ _)] => apply is_invertible_2cell_lassociator
  | [ |- is_invertible_2cell (_ ^-1)] => apply is_invertible_2cell_inv ; is_iso
  | [ |- is_invertible_2cell (_ _)] => apply is_invertible_2cell_vcomp ; is_iso
  | [ |- is_invertible_2cell (_ _)] => apply is_invertible_2cell_lwhisker ; is_iso
  | [ |- is_invertible_2cell (_ _)] => apply is_invertible_2cell_rwhisker ; is_iso
  | [ |- is_invertible_2cell (_ ⋆⋆ _)] => apply is_invertible_2cell_hcomp ; is_iso
  | [ |- is_invertible_2cell (_ _)] => apply is_invertible_2cell_hcomp ; is_iso
  | [ |- is_invertible_2cell (id₂ _)] => apply is_invertible_2cell_id₂
  | _ => try assumption

Definition inv_of_invertible_2cell
           {C : bicat}
           {X Y : C}
           {f g : X --> Y}
  : invertible_2cell f g invertible_2cell g f.
Show proof.
  intro α.
  use make_invertible_2cell.
  - exact (α^-1).
  - is_iso.

Definition comp_of_invertible_2cell
           {C : bicat}
           {X Y : C}
           {f g h : X --> Y}
  : invertible_2cell f g invertible_2cell g h invertible_2cell f h.
Show proof.
  intros α β.
  use make_invertible_2cell.
  - exact (α β).
  - is_iso.
    + apply α.
    + apply β.

Definition lwhisker_of_invertible_2cell
           {B : bicat}
           {x y z : B}
           (f : x --> y)
           {g₁ g₂ : y --> z}
           (α : invertible_2cell g₁ g₂)
  : invertible_2cell (f · g₁) (f · g₂).
Show proof.
  use make_invertible_2cell.
  - exact (f α).
  - is_iso.
    apply α.

Definition rwhisker_of_invertible_2cell
           {B : bicat}
           {x y z : B}
           {f₁ f₂ : x --> y}
           (g : y --> z)
           (α : invertible_2cell f₁ f₂)
  : invertible_2cell (f₁ · g) (f₂ · g).
Show proof.
  use make_invertible_2cell.
  - exact (α g).
  - is_iso.
    apply α.

Definition lunitor_invertible_2cell
           {B : bicat}
           {a b : B}
           (f : a --> b)
  : invertible_2cell (id₁ a · f) f.
Show proof.
  use make_invertible_2cell.
  - exact (lunitor f).
  - is_iso.

Definition linvunitor_invertible_2cell
           {B : bicat}
           {a b : B}
           (f : a --> b)
  : invertible_2cell f (id₁ a · f).
Show proof.
  use make_invertible_2cell.
  - exact (linvunitor f).
  - is_iso.

Definition runitor_invertible_2cell
           {B : bicat}
           {a b : B}
           (f : a --> b)
  : invertible_2cell (f · id₁ b) f.
Show proof.
  use make_invertible_2cell.
  - exact (runitor f).
  - is_iso.

Definition rinvunitor_invertible_2cell
           {B : bicat}
           {a b : B}
           (f : a --> b)
  : invertible_2cell f (f · id₁ b).
Show proof.
  use make_invertible_2cell.
  - exact (rinvunitor f).
  - is_iso.

Definition lassociator_invertible_2cell
           {B : bicat}
           {a b c d : B}
           (f : a --> b)
           (g : b --> c)
           (h : c --> d)
  : invertible_2cell (f · (g · h)) (f · g · h).
Show proof.
  use make_invertible_2cell.
  - exact (lassociator f g h).
  - is_iso.

Definition rassociator_invertible_2cell
           {B : bicat}
           {a b c d : B}
           (f : a --> b)
           (g : b --> c)
           (h : c --> d)
  : invertible_2cell (f · g · h) (f · (g · h)).
Show proof.
  use make_invertible_2cell.
  - exact (rassociator f g h).
  - is_iso.

Invertible 2-cells are the same as isos in the hom category
Section InvertibleIsIso.
  Context {B : bicat}.

  Definition is_inv2cell_to_is_z_iso
             {a b : B}
             {f g : hom a b}
             (α : f ==> g)
             ( : is_invertible_2cell α)
    : is_z_isomorphism α.
  Show proof.
    exists (^-1).
    abstract (split ; [ apply vcomp_rinv | apply vcomp_linv]).

  Definition inv2cell_to_z_iso
             {a b : B}
             {f g : hom a b}
             (α : invertible_2cell f g)
    : z_iso f g.
  Show proof.
    use make_z_iso'.
    - apply α.
    - apply is_inv2cell_to_is_z_iso.
      apply property_from_invertible_2cell.

  Definition is_z_iso_to_is_inv2cell
             {a b : B}
             {f g : hom a b}
             (α : f ==> g)
             ( : is_z_isomorphism α)
    : is_invertible_2cell α.
  Show proof.
    use make_is_invertible_2cell.
    - exact (inv_from_z_iso (α ,, )).
    - exact (z_iso_inv_after_z_iso (α ,, )).
    - exact (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv (α ,, )).

  Definition z_iso_to_inv2cell
             {a b : B}
             {f g : hom a b}
             (α : z_iso f g)
    : invertible_2cell f g.
  Show proof.
    use make_invertible_2cell.
    - exact (pr1 α).
    - exact (is_z_iso_to_is_inv2cell _ (pr2 α)).

  Definition inv2cell_to_z_iso_isweq
             {a b : B}
             (f g : hom a b)
    : isweq (@inv2cell_to_z_iso _ _ f g).
  Show proof.
    use isweq_iso.
    - exact z_iso_to_inv2cell.
    - abstract
        (intro i ;
         apply cell_from_invertible_2cell_eq ;
         apply idpath).
    - abstract
        (intro i ;
         apply z_iso_eq ;
         apply idpath).

  Definition inv2cell_to_z_iso_weq
             {a b : B}
             (f g : hom a b)
    : invertible_2cell f g z_iso f g.
  Show proof.
    use make_weq.
    - exact (λ α, inv2cell_to_z_iso α).
    - exact (inv2cell_to_z_iso_isweq f g).
End InvertibleIsIso.