Library UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispInvertibles

Displayed invertible 2-cells

This file contains:
  • Proof that being an displayed invertible 2-cell is a proposition
  • The classification of invertible 2-cells in the total category in terms of displayed
invertible 2-cells.

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Bicat. Import Bicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.DisplayedBicats.DispBicat. Import DispBicat.Notations.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Unitors.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.Core.Invertible_2cells.

Local Open Scope cat.
Local Open Scope mor_disp_scope.

Definition transportf_subtypePath'
           {A : UU}
           {B : A UU}
           (Bprop : (a : A), isaprop (B a))
           {C : A UU}
           {a : A}
           (b₁ : B a) (b₂ : B a)
           (x : C a)
  : transportf (λ (z : (x : A), B x), C (pr1 z))
               (@subtypePath' A B (a ,, b₁) (a ,, b₂) (idpath _) (Bprop _))
Show proof.
  induction (Bprop a b₁ b₂) as [p q].
  induction p.

Definition transportf_cell_from_invertible_2cell_eq
           {C : bicat}
           {a b : C}
           {f g : Ca,b}
           (Y : f ==> g UU)
           {α : f ==> g}
           (H₁ : is_invertible_2cell α) (H₂ : is_invertible_2cell α)
           (y : Y α)
  : transportf (λ (z : invertible_2cell f g), Y (pr1 z))
               (@cell_from_invertible_2cell_eq C _ _ _ _
                                               (α ,, H₁) (α ,, H₂)
                                               (idpath α))
Show proof.

The displayed identity 2-cells are invertible
Definition disp_id2_invertible_2cell
           {C : bicat}
           {D : disp_prebicat C}
           {a b : C}
           {f : Ca, b}
           {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
           (ff : aa -->[ f ] bb)
  : disp_invertible_2cell (id2_invertible_2cell f) ff ff.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (disp_id2 ff).
  - use tpair.
    + cbn.
      exact (disp_id2 ff).
    + split ; cbn.
      * exact (disp_id2_left (disp_id2 ff)).
      * exact (disp_id2_left (disp_id2 ff)).

Being a displayed invertible 2-cell is a proposition

The proof of this fact is a bit tricky, and used an intermediate datastructure disp_iso_total.
Section Prop_disp_invertible_2cell.
  Context {C : bicat}.
  Context {D : disp_bicat C}.

  Definition disp_iso_total
             {a b : C}
             {f g : Ca,b}
             {x : invertible_2cell f g}
             {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
             (xx : ff ==>[ x ] gg)
    : UU
    := (zz : gg ==>[ x^-1 ] ff),
       (@vcomp2 (total_bicat D)
                (a ,, aa) (b ,, bb)
                (f ,, ff) (g ,, gg) (f ,, ff)
                (pr1 x ,, xx) (x^-1 ,, zz)
        @id2 (total_bicat D) (a ,, aa) (b ,, bb) (f ,, ff))
         (@vcomp2 (total_bicat D)
                  (a ,, aa) (b ,, bb)
                  (g ,, gg) (f ,, ff) (g ,, gg)
                  (x^-1 ,, zz) (pr1 x ,, xx)
          @id2 (total_bicat D) (a ,, aa) (b ,, bb) (g ,, gg)).

  Definition disp_invertible_2cell_to_disp_iso
             {a b : C}
             {f g : Ca,b}
             {x : invertible_2cell f g}
             {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
             (xx : ff ==>[ x ] gg)
    : is_disp_invertible_2cell x xx
      disp_iso_total xx.
  Show proof.
    intros p.
    use tpair.
    - exact (pr1 p).
    - split ; cbn.
      + use total2_paths2_b.
        * apply vcomp_rinv.
        * apply p.
      + use total2_paths2_b.
        * apply vcomp_linv.
        * apply p.

  Definition disp_invertible_2cell_to_disp_iso_inv
             {a b : C}
             {f g : Ca,b}
             {x : invertible_2cell f g}
             {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
             (xx : ff ==>[ x ] gg)
    : disp_iso_total xx
      is_disp_invertible_2cell x xx.
  Show proof.
    intros z.
    use tpair.
    - exact (pr1 z).
    - split ; cbn.
      + cbn in *.
        apply (@transportf_transpose_right _ (λ α : f ==> f, ff ==>[ α] ff)).
        refine (_ @ fiber_paths (pr1 (pr2 z))).
        apply (@transportf_paths _ (λ α : f ==> f, ff ==>[ α] ff)).
        apply C.
      + apply (@transportf_transpose_right _ (λ α : g ==> g, gg ==>[ α] gg)).
        refine (_ @ fiber_paths (pr2 (pr2 z))).
        apply (@transportf_paths _ (λ α : g ==> g, gg ==>[ α] gg)).
        apply C.

  Definition disp_invertible_2cell_to_disp_iso_weq
             {a b : C}
             {f g : Ca,b}
             {x : invertible_2cell f g}
             {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
             (xx : ff ==>[ x ] gg)
    : is_disp_invertible_2cell x xx disp_iso_total xx.
  Show proof.
    exists (disp_invertible_2cell_to_disp_iso xx).
    use isweq_iso.
    - apply disp_invertible_2cell_to_disp_iso_inv.
    - intros z.
      apply subtypePath.
      + intro; apply isapropdirprod ; apply D.
      + reflexivity.
    - intros z.
      apply subtypePath.
      + intro; apply isapropdirprod ; apply (total_bicat D).
      + reflexivity.

  Definition disp_iso_to_invetible_2cell
             {a b : C}
             {f g : Ca,b}
             {x : invertible_2cell f g}
             {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
             (xx : ff ==>[ x ] gg)
    : disp_iso_total xx
      @is_invertible_2cell (total_bicat D) (a ,, aa) (b ,, bb) (f ,, ff) (g ,, gg) (pr1 x ,, xx).
  Show proof.
    intros z.
    use tpair.
    - use tpair.
      + exact (x^-1).
      + exact (pr1 z).
    - split ; cbn.
      + use total2_paths_f ; cbn.
        * apply vcomp_rinv.
        * refine (_ @ fiber_paths (pr1 (pr2 z))) ; cbn.
          apply (@transportf_paths _ (λ α : f ==> f, ff ==>[ α] ff)).
          apply C.
      + use total2_paths_f ; cbn.
        * apply vcomp_linv.
        * refine (_ @ fiber_paths (pr2 (pr2 z))) ; cbn.
          apply (@transportf_paths _ (λ α : g ==> g, gg ==>[ α] gg)).
          apply C.

  Definition pr1_invertible_2cell_total
             {a b : C}
             {f g : Ca,b}
             {x : f ==> g}
             {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
             (xx : ff ==>[ x ] gg)
    : @is_invertible_2cell (total_bicat D) (a ,, aa) (b ,, bb) (f ,, ff) (g ,, gg) (x ,, xx)
      is_invertible_2cell x.
  Show proof.
    intros z.
    use tpair.
    - exact (pr11 z).
    - split.
      + exact (base_paths _ _ (pr12 z)).
      + exact (base_paths _ _ (pr22 z)).

  Definition disp_iso_to_invetible_2cell_inv
             {a b : C}
             {f g : Ca,b}
             {x : invertible_2cell f g}
             {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
             (xx : ff ==>[ x ] gg)
    : @is_invertible_2cell (total_bicat D) (a ,, aa) (b ,, bb) (f ,, ff) (g ,, gg) (pr1 x ,, xx)
      disp_iso_total xx.
  Show proof.
    intros z.
    use tpair.
    - refine (transportb (λ z, _ ==>[ z ] _) _ (pr2 (pr1 z))).
      exact (base_paths _ _
                        (pr1 (isaprop_is_invertible_2cell
                                (pr1 x) (pr2 x)
                                (pr1_invertible_2cell_total xx z)))).
    - split ; cbn.
      + use total2_paths_b.
        * apply vcomp_rinv.
        * cbn.
          induction z as [inv Hz].
          induction inv as [inv1 inv2].
          induction Hz as [H1 H2].
          cbn in H1, H2.
          pose (fiber_paths H1) as p.
          cbn in p.
          rewrite <- p ; clear p.
          rewrite transport_b_f.
          unfold transportb.
          rewrite (@disp_mor_transportf_prewhisker).
          apply (@transportf_paths _ (λ z, ff ==>[ z ] ff)).
          apply C.
      + use total2_paths_b.
        * apply vcomp_linv.
        * cbn.
          induction z as [inv Hz].
          induction inv as [inv1 inv2].
          induction Hz as [H1 H2].
          cbn in H1, H2.
          pose (fiber_paths H2) as p.
          cbn in p.
          rewrite <- p ; clear p.
          rewrite transport_b_f.
          unfold transportb.
          rewrite (@disp_mor_transportf_postwhisker).
          apply (@transportf_paths _ (λ z, gg ==>[ z ] gg)).
          apply C.

  Definition disp_iso_to_invetible_2cell_weq
             {a b : C}
             {f g : Ca,b}
             {x : invertible_2cell f g}
             {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
             (xx : ff ==>[ x ] gg)
    : disp_iso_total xx
                     @is_invertible_2cell (total_bicat D) (a ,, aa) (b ,, bb) (f ,, ff) (g ,, gg) (pr1 x ,, xx).
  Show proof.
    exists (disp_iso_to_invetible_2cell xx).
    use isweq_iso.
    - apply disp_iso_to_invetible_2cell_inv.
    - intros z.
      use subtypePath.
      + intro; apply isapropdirprod ; apply (total_bicat D).
      + cbn.
        apply (transportf_set (λ z, gg ==>[ z ] ff)).
        apply C.
    - intros z.
      use subtypePath.
      + intro; apply isapropdirprod ; apply (total_bicat D).
      + use total2_paths_b.
        * cbn.
          exact (base_paths _ _ (pr1
                                      (pr1 x) (pr2 x)
                                      (pr1_invertible_2cell_total xx z)))).
        * cbn.

  Definition isaprop_is_disp_invertible_2cell
             {a b : C}
             {f g : Ca,b}
             {x : invertible_2cell f g}
             {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
             {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
             {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
             (xx : ff ==>[ x ] gg)
    : isaprop (is_disp_invertible_2cell x xx)
    := isofhlevelweqb
         ((disp_iso_to_invetible_2cell_weq xx)
             disp_invertible_2cell_to_disp_iso_weq xx)%weq
         (isaprop_is_invertible_2cell _).

End Prop_disp_invertible_2cell.

Classification of invertible 2-cells in the total bicategory

Section Total_invertible_2cells.
  Context {C : bicat}.
  Context {D : disp_bicat C}.
  Local Definition E := (total_bicat D).

If a 2-cell is invertible in the total category, then it is invertible in the base category

  Definition is_invertible_total_to_base
             {x y : C}
             {xx : D x}
             {yy : D y}
             {f g : Cx,y}
             {ff : xx -->[ f ] yy}
             {gg : xx -->[ g ] yy}
             (α : f ==> g)
             (αα : ff ==>[α] gg)
    : @is_invertible_2cell E (x ,, xx) (y ,, yy) (f,, ff) (g,, gg) (α,,αα)
       is_invertible_2cell α.
  Show proof.
    intros Hz.
    induction Hz as [inv Hz].
    induction inv as [i ii].
    induction Hz as [Hz1 Hz2].
    cbn in *.
    use tpair.
    - exact i.
    - cbn.
       + exact (base_paths _ _ Hz1).
       + exact (base_paths _ _ Hz2).

If a 2-cell is invertible in the total category, then it is invertible in the fiber

  Definition is_invertible_total_to_fiber
             {x y : C}
             {xx : D x}
             {yy : D y}
             {f g : Cx,y}
             {ff : xx -->[ f ] yy}
             {gg : xx -->[ g ] yy}
             (α : f ==> g)
             (αα : ff ==>[α] gg) :
    forall (Hαα:
      @is_invertible_2cell E (x ,, xx) (y ,, yy) (f,, ff) (g,, gg) (α,,αα)),
        (is_invertible_total_to_base _ _ Hαα)
  Show proof.
    intros Hz.
    induction Hz as [inv Hz].
    induction inv as [i ii].
    induction Hz as [Hz1 Hz2].
    cbn in *.
    use tpair.
    - exact ii.
    - cbn.
      * apply (@transportf_transpose_right _ (λ α : f ==> f, ff ==>[ α] ff)).
        refine (_ @ fiber_paths Hz1).
        apply (@transportf_paths _ (λ α : f ==> f, ff ==>[ α] ff)).
        apply pathsinv0inv0.
      * apply (@transportf_transpose_right _ (λ α : g ==> g, gg ==>[ α] gg)).
        refine (_ @ fiber_paths Hz2).
        apply (@transportf_paths _ (λ α : g ==> g, gg ==>[ α] gg)).
        apply pathsinv0inv0.

  Definition is_invertible_total_to_disp
             {x y : C}
             {xx : D x}
             {yy : D y}
             {f g : Cx,y}
             {ff : xx -->[ f ] yy}
             {gg : xx -->[ g ] yy}
             (α : f ==> g)
             (αα : ff ==>[α] gg)
    : @is_invertible_2cell E (x ,, xx) (y ,, yy) (f,, ff) (g,, gg) (α,,αα)
       ( : is_invertible_2cell α),
           is_disp_invertible_2cell αα.
  Show proof.
    intros Hαα.
    refine (is_invertible_total_to_base _ _ Hαα,,
            is_invertible_total_to_fiber _ _ Hαα).

If the displayed 2-cell is invertible, then the corresponding 2-cell in the total bicategory is also invertible.

  Definition is_invertible_disp_to_total
             {x y : C}
             {xx : D x}
             {yy : D y}
             {f g : Cx,y}
             {ff : xx -->[ f ] yy}
             {gg : xx -->[ g ] yy}
             (α : f ==> g)
             (αα : ff ==>[α] gg)
    : ( ( : is_invertible_2cell α),
         is_disp_invertible_2cell αα)
       (@is_invertible_2cell E (x ,, xx) (y ,, yy) (f,, ff) (g,, gg) (α,,αα)).
  Show proof.
    intros H.
    pose ( := pr1 H).
    pose (Hαα := pr2 H). cbn in Hαα.
    pose (αα' := (αα,,Hαα) : disp_invertible_2cell (α,,) _ _).
    use tpair.
    - use tpair.
      + exact (inv_cell ).
      + exact (disp_inv_cell αα').
    - split.
      + cbn.
        use total2_paths_b.
        ** apply vcomp_rinv.
        ** apply (disp_vcomp_rinv αα').
      + cbn.
        use total2_paths_b.
        ** apply vcomp_linv.
        ** apply (disp_vcomp_linv αα').

those maps form a weak equivalence
  Definition is_invertible_total_to_disp_weq
             {x y : C}
             {xx : D x}
             {yy : D y}
             {f g : Cx,y}
             {ff : xx -->[ f ] yy}
             {gg : xx -->[ g ] yy}
             (α : f ==> g)
             (αα : ff ==>[α] gg)
    : @is_invertible_2cell E (x ,, xx) (y ,, yy) (f,, ff) (g,, gg) (α,,αα)
       ( : is_invertible_2cell α),
           is_disp_invertible_2cell αα.
  Show proof.
    apply weqimplimpl.
    3: apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.
    3: { apply isofhleveltotal2.
         { apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell. }
         intro .
         pose (α' := (α,,) : invertible_2cell _ _).
         apply (isaprop_is_disp_invertible_2cell (x:=α') αα). }
    { apply is_invertible_total_to_disp. }
    apply is_invertible_disp_to_total.

Now we add some data in front of the is_(disp)_invertible_2cell, and massage it a bit to get an equivalence between (disp)_invertible_2cell.
  Lemma step1
        {x y : C}
        {xx : D x}
        {yy : D y}
        {f g : Cx,y}
        {ff : xx -->[ f ] yy}
        {gg : xx -->[ g ] yy} :
    @invertible_2cell E (x ,, xx) (y ,, yy) (f,, ff) (g,, gg)

    ( (α : f ==> g) (αα : ff ==>[α] gg),
        ( : is_invertible_2cell α),
            is_disp_invertible_2cell αα).
  Show proof.
    eapply weqcomp. {
      apply weqfibtototal.
      intro. apply is_invertible_total_to_disp_weq. }
    eapply weqcomp. {
      apply weqinvweq.
      apply weqtotal2asstol. }
    apply idweq.

  Lemma step2
        {x y : C}
        {xx : D x}
        {yy : D y}
        {f g : Cx,y}
        {ff : xx -->[ f ] yy}
        {gg : xx -->[ g ] yy} :
    ( (α : f ==> g) (αα : ff ==>[α] gg),
        ( : is_invertible_2cell α),
            is_disp_invertible_2cell αα)
    ( (i : invertible_2cell f g), disp_invertible_2cell i ff gg).
  Show proof.
    eapply weqcomp. 2: {
      apply weqtotal2asstol. }
    unfold disp_invertible_2cell.
    eapply weqfibtototal. intros α.
    apply weqtotal2comm.

Finally we combine all of the above into a single theorem
  Definition iso_in_E_weq
             {x y : C}
             {xx : D x}
             {yy : D y}
             {f g : Cx,y}
             (ff : xx -->[ f ] yy)
             (gg : xx -->[ g ] yy)
    : ( (i : invertible_2cell f g), disp_invertible_2cell i ff gg)
        (@invertible_2cell E (x ,, xx) (y ,, yy) (f,, ff) (g,, gg)).
  Show proof.
    apply weqinvweq.
    eapply weqcomp.
    - apply step1.
    - apply step2.

End Total_invertible_2cells.

Examples of invertible 2-cells
Definition disp_inv_cell_is_disp_invertible_2cell
           {B : bicat}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {x y : B}
           {f g : x --> y}
           {α : invertible_2cell f g}
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           {ff : xx -->[ f ] yy}
           {gg : xx -->[ g ] yy}
           {αα : ff ==>[ α ] gg}
           (Hαα : is_disp_invertible_2cell α αα)
  : is_disp_invertible_2cell
      (is_invertible_2cell_inv α)
      (disp_inv_cell (αα ,, Hαα)).
Show proof.
  refine (αα ,, _ ,, _).
  - exact (disp_vcomp_linv (αα ,, Hαα)).
  - exact (disp_vcomp_rinv (αα ,, Hαα)).

Definition inverse_of_disp_invertible_2cell
           {B : bicat}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {x y : B}
           {f g : x --> y}
           {α : invertible_2cell f g}
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           {ff : xx -->[ f ] yy}
           {gg : xx -->[ g ] yy}
           (αα : disp_invertible_2cell α ff gg)
  : disp_invertible_2cell (inv_of_invertible_2cell α) gg ff.
Show proof.
  simple refine (_ ,, _).
  - exact (disp_inv_cell αα).
  - exact (disp_inv_cell_is_disp_invertible_2cell (pr2 αα)).

Section VCompDispIsInvertible.

Context {B : bicat}
        {D : disp_bicat B}
        {a b : B}
        {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
        {f g h : a --> b}
        {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
        {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
        {hh : aa -->[ h ] bb}
        {α : invertible_2cell f g}
        {β : invertible_2cell g h}
        (αα : disp_invertible_2cell α ff gg)
        (ββ : disp_invertible_2cell β gg hh).

Definition vcomp_disp_is_invertible_rinv
  : (αα •• ββ) •• (disp_inv_cell ββ •• disp_inv_cell αα)
      (λ z, ff ==>[z] ff)
      (vcomp_rinv (comp_of_invertible_2cell α β))
      (disp_id2 ff).
Show proof.
  rewrite disp_vassocl.
    do 2 apply maponpaths.
    rewrite disp_vassocr.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply maponpaths_2.
    apply disp_vcomp_rinv.
  unfold transportb.
  rewrite !disp_mor_transportf_postwhisker, !disp_mor_transportf_prewhisker.
  rewrite !transport_f_f.
  rewrite disp_id2_left.
  unfold transportb.
  rewrite !disp_mor_transportf_prewhisker.
  rewrite !transport_f_f.
    apply maponpaths.
    exact (disp_vcomp_rinv αα).
  unfold transportb.
  rewrite !transport_f_f.
  refine (maponpaths (λ p, transportf (λ z, _ ==>[ z ] _) p _) _).
  apply B.

Definition vcomp_disp_is_invertible_linv
  : (disp_inv_cell ββ •• disp_inv_cell αα) •• (αα •• ββ)
      (λ z, hh ==>[z] hh)
      (vcomp_linv (comp_of_invertible_2cell α β))
      (disp_id2 hh).
Show proof.
    rewrite disp_vassocl.
    do 2 apply maponpaths.
    rewrite disp_vassocr.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply maponpaths_2.
    apply disp_vcomp_linv.
  unfold transportb.
  rewrite !disp_mor_transportf_postwhisker, !disp_mor_transportf_prewhisker.
  rewrite !transport_f_f.
  rewrite disp_id2_left.
  unfold transportb.
  rewrite !disp_mor_transportf_prewhisker.
  rewrite !transport_f_f.
    apply maponpaths.
    exact (disp_vcomp_linv ββ).
  unfold transportb.
  rewrite !transport_f_f.
  refine (maponpaths (λ p, transportf (λ z, _ ==>[ z ] _) p _) _).
  apply B.

Definition vcomp_disp_is_invertible
  : is_disp_invertible_2cell (comp_of_invertible_2cell α β) (αα •• ββ).
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (disp_inv_cell ββ •• disp_inv_cell αα).
  - split.
    + exact vcomp_disp_is_invertible_rinv.
    + exact vcomp_disp_is_invertible_linv.

End VCompDispIsInvertible.

Definition vcomp_disp_invertible
           {B : bicat}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {a b : B}
           {aa : D a} {bb : D b}
           {f g h : a --> b}
           {ff : aa -->[ f ] bb}
           {gg : aa -->[ g ] bb}
           {hh : aa -->[ h ] bb}
           {α : invertible_2cell f g}
           {β : invertible_2cell g h}
           (αα : disp_invertible_2cell α ff gg)
           (ββ : disp_invertible_2cell β gg hh)
  : disp_invertible_2cell (comp_of_invertible_2cell α β) ff hh.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  { repeat use tpair.
    exact (αα •• ββ). }
  apply vcomp_disp_is_invertible.

Definition is_disp_invertible_2cell_lunitor
           {B : bicat}
           {x y : B}
           {f : x --> y}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           (ff : xx -->[f] yy)
  : is_disp_invertible_2cell (is_invertible_2cell_lunitor f) (disp_lunitor ff).
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (disp_linvunitor ff).
  - split.
    + etrans.
      { apply disp_lunitor_linvunitor. }
      apply (transportf_paths (λ p, _ ==>[p] _)).
      apply B.
    + etrans.
      { apply disp_linvunitor_lunitor. }
      apply (transportf_paths (λ p, _ ==>[p] _)).
      apply B.

Definition disp_invertible_2cell_lunitor
           {B : bicat}
           {x y : B}
           {f : x --> y}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           (ff : xx -->[f] yy)
  : disp_invertible_2cell (lunitor f,, is_invertible_2cell_lunitor f) (id_disp xx;; ff) ff
  := disp_lunitor ff,, is_disp_invertible_2cell_lunitor ff.

Definition is_disp_invertible_2cell_runitor
           {B : bicat}
           {x y : B}
           {f : x --> y}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           (ff : xx -->[f] yy)
  : is_disp_invertible_2cell (is_invertible_2cell_runitor f) (disp_runitor ff).
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (disp_rinvunitor ff).
  - split.
    + etrans.
      { apply disp_runitor_rinvunitor. }
      apply (transportf_paths (λ p, _ ==>[p] _)).
      apply B.
    + etrans.
      { apply disp_rinvunitor_runitor. }
      apply (transportf_paths (λ p, _ ==>[p] _)).
      apply B.

Definition disp_invertible_2cell_runitor
           {B : bicat}
           {x y : B}
           {f : x --> y}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           (ff : xx -->[f] yy)
  : disp_invertible_2cell (runitor f,, is_invertible_2cell_runitor f) (ff;; id_disp yy) ff
  := disp_runitor ff,, is_disp_invertible_2cell_runitor ff.

Definition is_disp_invertible_2cell_rinvunitor
           {B : bicat}
           {x y : B}
           {f : x --> y}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           (ff : xx -->[f] yy)
  : is_disp_invertible_2cell (is_invertible_2cell_rinvunitor f) (disp_rinvunitor ff).
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (disp_runitor ff).
  - split.
    + etrans.
      { apply disp_rinvunitor_runitor. }
      apply (transportf_paths (λ p, _ ==>[p] _)).
      apply B.
    + etrans.
      { apply disp_runitor_rinvunitor. }
      apply (transportf_paths (λ p, _ ==>[p] _)).
      apply B.

Definition disp_invertible_2cell_rinvunitor
           {B : bicat}
           {x y : B}
           {f : x --> y}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           (ff : xx -->[f] yy)
  : disp_invertible_2cell (rinvunitor f,, is_invertible_2cell_rinvunitor f) ff (ff;; id_disp yy)
  := disp_rinvunitor ff,, is_disp_invertible_2cell_rinvunitor ff.

Definition is_disp_invertible_2cell_lassociator
           {B : bicat}
           {w x y z : B}
           {f : w --> x}
           {g : x --> y}
           {h : y --> z}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {ww : D w}
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           {zz : D z}
           (ff : ww -->[f] xx)
           (gg : xx -->[g] yy)
           (hh : yy -->[h] zz)
  : is_disp_invertible_2cell (is_invertible_2cell_lassociator f g h) (disp_lassociator ff gg hh).
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (disp_rassociator ff gg hh).
  - split.
    + etrans.
      { apply disp_lassociator_rassociator. }
      apply (transportf_paths (λ p, _ ==>[p] _)).
      apply B.
    + etrans.
      { apply disp_rassociator_lassociator. }
      apply (transportf_paths (λ p, _ ==>[p] _)).
      apply B.

Definition disp_invertible_2cell_lassociator
           {B : bicat}
           {w x y z : B}
           {f : w --> x}
           {g : x --> y}
           {h : y --> z}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {ww : D w}
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           {zz : D z}
           (ff : ww -->[f] xx)
           (gg : xx -->[g] yy)
           (hh : yy -->[h] zz)
  : disp_invertible_2cell
      (lassociator f g h,,
                   is_invertible_2cell_lassociator f g h) _ _
  := disp_lassociator ff gg hh,, is_disp_invertible_2cell_lassociator ff gg hh.

Definition is_disp_invertible_2cell_rassociator
           {B : bicat}
           {w x y z : B}
           {f : w --> x}
           {g : x --> y}
           {h : y --> z}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {ww : D w}
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           {zz : D z}
           (ff : ww -->[f] xx)
           (gg : xx -->[g] yy)
           (hh : yy -->[h] zz)
  : is_disp_invertible_2cell (is_invertible_2cell_rassociator f g h) (disp_rassociator ff gg hh).
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (disp_lassociator ff gg hh).
  - split.
    + etrans.
      { apply disp_rassociator_lassociator. }
      apply (transportf_paths (λ p, _ ==>[p] _)).
      apply B.
    + etrans.
      { apply disp_lassociator_rassociator. }
      apply (transportf_paths (λ p, _ ==>[p] _)).
      apply B.

Definition disp_invertible_2cell_rassociator
           {B : bicat}
           {w x y z : B}
           {f : w --> x}
           {g : x --> y}
           {h : y --> z}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {ww : D w}
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           {zz : D z}
           (ff : ww -->[f] xx)
           (gg : xx -->[g] yy)
           (hh : yy -->[h] zz)
  : disp_invertible_2cell
      (rassociator f g h,,
                   is_invertible_2cell_rassociator f g h) _ _
  := disp_rassociator ff gg hh,, is_disp_invertible_2cell_rassociator ff gg hh.

Definition is_disp_invertible_2cell_lwhisker
           {B : bicat}
           {x y z : B}
           {f : x --> y}
           {g₁ g₂ : y --> z}
           {α : invertible_2cell g₁ g₂}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           {zz : D z}
           (ff : xx -->[f] yy)
           {gg₁ : yy -->[g₁] zz}
           {gg₂ : yy -->[g₂] zz}
           (αα : disp_invertible_2cell α gg₁ gg₂)
  : is_disp_invertible_2cell (is_invertible_2cell_lwhisker f (pr2 α)) (ff ◃◃ αα).
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (ff ◃◃ disp_inv_cell αα).
  - split.
    + abstract
        (refine (disp_lwhisker_vcomp _ _ @ _) ;
         refine (maponpaths _ (maponpaths _ (disp_vcomp_rinv _)) @ _) ;
         unfold transportb ;
         rewrite disp_rwhisker_transport_right ;
         rewrite disp_lwhisker_id2 ;
         unfold transportb ;
         rewrite !transport_f_f ;
         apply (transportf_paths (λ p, _ ==>[ p ] _)) ;
         apply B).
    + abstract
        (refine (disp_lwhisker_vcomp _ _ @ _) ;
         refine (maponpaths _ (maponpaths _ (disp_vcomp_linv _)) @ _) ;
         unfold transportb ;
         rewrite disp_rwhisker_transport_right ;
         rewrite disp_lwhisker_id2 ;
         unfold transportb ;
         rewrite !transport_f_f ;
         apply (transportf_paths (λ p, _ ==>[ p ] _)) ;
         apply B).

Definition disp_invertible_2cell_lwhisker
           {B : bicat}
           {x y z : B}
           {f : x --> y}
           {g₁ g₂ : y --> z}
           {α : invertible_2cell g₁ g₂}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           {zz : D z}
           (ff : xx -->[f] yy)
           {gg₁ : yy -->[g₁] zz}
           {gg₂ : yy -->[g₂] zz}
           (αα : disp_invertible_2cell α gg₁ gg₂)
  : disp_invertible_2cell (_ ,, is_invertible_2cell_lwhisker f (pr2 α)) _ _
  := disp_lwhisker ff αα,, is_disp_invertible_2cell_lwhisker ff αα.

Definition is_disp_invertible_2cell_rwhisker
           {B : bicat}
           {x y z : B}
           {f₁ f₂ : x --> y}
           {g : y --> z}
           {α : invertible_2cell f₁ f₂}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           {zz : D z}
           {ff₁ : xx -->[f₁] yy}
           {ff₂ : xx -->[f₂] yy}
           (gg : yy -->[g] zz)
           (αα : disp_invertible_2cell α ff₁ ff₂)
  : is_disp_invertible_2cell (is_invertible_2cell_rwhisker g (pr2 α)) (αα ▹▹ gg).
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - exact (disp_inv_cell αα ▹▹ gg).
  - split.
    + abstract
        (refine (disp_rwhisker_vcomp _ _ @ _) ;
         refine (maponpaths _ (maponpaths _ (disp_vcomp_rinv _)) @ _) ;
         unfold transportb ;
         rewrite disp_rwhisker_transport_left_new ;
         rewrite disp_id2_rwhisker ;
         unfold transportb ;
         rewrite !transport_f_f ;
         apply (transportf_paths (λ p, _ ==>[ p ] _)) ;
         apply B).
        (refine (disp_rwhisker_vcomp _ _ @ _) ;
         refine (maponpaths _ (maponpaths _ (disp_vcomp_linv _)) @ _) ;
         unfold transportb ;
         rewrite disp_rwhisker_transport_left_new ;
         rewrite disp_id2_rwhisker ;
         unfold transportb ;
         rewrite !transport_f_f ;
         apply (transportf_paths (λ p, _ ==>[ p ] _)) ;
         apply B).

Definition disp_invertible_2cell_rwhisker
           {B : bicat}
           {x y z : B}
           {f₁ f₂ : x --> y}
           {g : y --> z}
           {α : invertible_2cell f₁ f₂}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           {zz : D z}
           {ff₁ : xx -->[f₁] yy}
           {ff₂ : xx -->[f₂] yy}
           (gg : yy -->[g] zz)
           (αα : disp_invertible_2cell α ff₁ ff₂)
  : disp_invertible_2cell (_ ,, is_invertible_2cell_rwhisker g (pr2 α)) _ _
  := disp_rwhisker gg αα,, is_disp_invertible_2cell_rwhisker gg αα.

Definition transportf_is_disp_invertible_2cell
           {B : bicat}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {x y : B}
           {f g : x --> y}
           {α β : f ==> g}
           ( : is_invertible_2cell α)
           ( : is_invertible_2cell β)
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           {ff : xx -->[ f ] yy}
           {gg : xx -->[ g ] yy}
           {αα : ff ==>[ α ] gg}
           (p : α = β)
           (Hαα : is_disp_invertible_2cell αα)
  : is_disp_invertible_2cell
         (λ z, _ ==>[ z ] _)
Show proof.
  induction p ; cbn.
  refine (transportf
            (λ z, is_disp_invertible_2cell z αα)
  apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell.

Definition disp_hom_disp_z_iso_to_invertible_2cell
           {B : bicat}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {x y : B}
           {f g : x --> y}
           {α : f ==> g}
           { : is_invertible_2cell α}
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           {ff : disp_hom xx yy f}
           {gg : disp_hom xx yy g}
           (αα : ff -->[ α ] gg)
           (Hαα : @is_z_iso_disp
                    (disp_hom xx yy)
                    _ _
                    (α ,, is_inv2cell_to_is_z_iso _ )
                    _ _
  : is_disp_invertible_2cell αα.
Show proof.
  simple refine (_ ,, (_ ,, _)).
  - exact (inv_mor_disp_from_z_iso Hαα).
  - abstract (cbn;
    [apply (inv_mor_after_z_iso_disp Hαα)|];
    unfold transportb;
    apply maponpaths_2 ;
      apply cellset_property).
  - abstract (cbn;
    [ apply (z_iso_disp_after_inv_mor Hαα) |];
    unfold transportb;
    apply maponpaths_2;
       apply cellset_property).

Definition disp_hom_disp_invertible_2cell_to_z_iso
           {B : bicat}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {x y : B}
           {f g : x --> y}
           {α : f ==> g}
           { : is_invertible_2cell α}
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           {ff : disp_hom xx yy f}
           {gg : disp_hom xx yy g}
           (αα : ff -->[ α ] gg)
           (Hαα : is_disp_invertible_2cell αα)
  : @is_z_iso_disp
      (disp_hom xx yy)
      _ _
      (α ,, is_inv2cell_to_is_z_iso _ )
      _ _
Show proof.
  pose (d := (αα ,, Hαα) : disp_invertible_2cell (α ,, ) ff gg).
  simple refine (_ ,, (_ ,, _)).
  - exact (disp_inv_cell d).
  - abstract (cbn; unfold transportb;
              [ exact (disp_vcomp_linv d) |];
              unfold transportb;
              apply maponpaths_2;
              apply cellset_property).
  - abstract (cbn; unfold transportb;
              [ exact (disp_vcomp_rinv d) |];
              unfold transportb;
              apply maponpaths_2;
              apply cellset_property).

Definition disp_hom_disp_z_iso_weq_invertible_2cell
           {B : bicat}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {x y : B}
           {f g : x --> y}
           {α : f ==> g}
           { : is_invertible_2cell α}
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           {ff : disp_hom xx yy f}
           {gg : disp_hom xx yy g}
           (αα : ff -->[ α ] gg)
  : (@is_z_iso_disp
       (disp_hom xx yy)
       _ _
       (α ,, is_inv2cell_to_is_z_iso _ )
       _ _
      is_disp_invertible_2cell αα.
Show proof.

Definition transportf_disp_invertible_2cell
           {B : bicat}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {x y : B}
           {f g : x --> y}
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           {ff : xx -->[ f ] yy}
           {gg : xx -->[ g ] yy}
           {α β : invertible_2cell f g}
           (p : α = β)
           (αα : disp_invertible_2cell α ff gg)
  : pr1 (transportf
           (λ (z : invertible_2cell f g),
            disp_invertible_2cell z ff gg)
      (λ z, ff ==>[ z ] gg)
      (maponpaths pr1 p)
Show proof.
  induction p ; cbn.
  apply idpath.

Transporting along displayed invertible 2-cells
Definition transport_1cell
           {B : bicat}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {x y : B}
           {f g : x --> y}
           (p : f = g)
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           (ff : xx -->[ f ] yy)
  : xx -->[ g ] yy
  := transportf (λ z, _ -->[ z ] _) p ff.

Definition transport_1cell_disp_invertible_2cell
           {B : bicat}
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {x y : B}
           {f g : x --> y}
           (p : f = g)
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           (ff : xx -->[ f ] yy)
  : disp_invertible_2cell
      (inv_of_invertible_2cell (idtoiso_2_1 _ _ p))
      (transport_1cell p ff)
Show proof.
  induction p.
  exact (disp_id2_invertible_2cell ff).

Definition transport_along_inv_2cell
           {B : bicat}
           (HB : is_univalent_2_1 B)
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {x y : B}
           {f g : x --> y}
           (α : invertible_2cell f g)
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           (ff : xx -->[ f ] yy)
  : xx -->[ g ] yy
  := transport_1cell (isotoid_2_1 HB α) ff.

Definition transport_along_inv_2cell_disp_invertible_2cell
           {B : bicat}
           (HB : is_univalent_2_1 B)
           {D : disp_bicat B}
           {x y : B}
           {f g : x --> y}
           (α : invertible_2cell f g)
           {xx : D x}
           {yy : D y}
           (ff : xx -->[ f ] yy)
  : disp_invertible_2cell
      (inv_of_invertible_2cell α)
      (transport_along_inv_2cell HB α ff)
Show proof.
  refine (transportf
            (λ z, disp_invertible_2cell z _ _)
               (isotoid_2_1 HB α)
    (use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isaprop_is_invertible_2cell | ] ;
     cbn ;
     rewrite idtoiso_2_1_isotoid_2_1 ;
     apply idpath).