Library UniMath.Bicategories.MonoidalCategories.PointedFunctorsMonoidal

Ralph Matthes
Contents :
  • build monoidal category for the pointed endofunctors

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.UnitorsAndAssociatorsForEndofunctors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.HorizontalComposition.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PointedFunctors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PointedFunctorsComposition.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.AlternativeDefinitions.MonoidalCategoriesTensored.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.AlternativeDefinitions.MonoidalFunctorsTensored.
Require Import UniMath.Bicategories.MonoidalCategories.EndofunctorsMonoidal.

Local Open Scope cat.

Section PointedFunctors_as_monoidal_category.

  Context (C : category).

  Local Notation "'Ptd'" := (category_Ptd C).

  Definition tensor_pointedfunctor_data: functor_data (Ptd Ptd) Ptd.
  Show proof.
    use make_functor_data.
    - intros PF1PF2.
      exact (ptd_compose C (pr1 PF1PF2) (pr2 PF1PF2)).
    - intros PF1PF2 PF1PF2' α1α2.
      induction α1α2 as [α1 α2].
      induction PF1PF2 as [PF1 PF2]. induction PF1PF2' as [PF1' PF2'].
      cbn in α1, α2 |- *.
      set (α1' := pr1 α1).
      set (α2' := pr1 α2).
      exists (# (functorial_composition _ _ _) (α1',,α2':
                 [C, C] [C, C]⟦(pr1 PF1,,pr1 PF2),(pr1 PF1',,pr1 PF2')⟧)).
      abstract ( intro c;
                 assert (α1commutes := ptd_mor_commutes _ α1);
                 assert (α2commutes := ptd_mor_commutes _ α2);
                 [ apply maponpaths; apply nat_trans_ax |
                   rewrite <- α1commutes;
                   repeat rewrite <- assoc;
                   apply maponpaths;
                   rewrite assoc;
                   unfold α2';
                   [apply cancel_postcomposition;
                    apply α2commutes |
                     [assert (η2'nat := nat_trans_ax (pr2 PF2'));
                      apply pathsinv0, η2'nat |
                       apply idpath]]] ).

  Definition tensor_pointedfunctor_is_functor: is_functor tensor_pointedfunctor_data.
  Show proof.
    - intro PF1PF2.
      apply eq_ptd_mor.
      unfold tensor_pointedfunctor_data.
      simpl. unfold post_whisker_in_funcat, pre_whisker_in_funcat.
      rewrite pre_whisker_identity.
      rewrite post_whisker_identity.
      apply nat_trans_eq; [apply homset_property | intro c].
      apply id_right.
    - intros PF1PF2 PF1'PF2' PF1''PF2'' α1α2 α1'α2'.
      apply eq_ptd_mor.
      unfold tensor_pointedfunctor_data.
      simpl. unfold post_whisker_in_funcat, pre_whisker_in_funcat.
      rewrite (post_whisker_composition _ _ _).
      rewrite (pre_whisker_composition _ _ _).
      apply nat_trans_eq; [apply homset_property | intro c].
      repeat rewrite <- assoc.
      apply maponpaths.
      do 2 rewrite assoc.
      apply cancel_postcomposition.
      apply nat_trans_ax.

  Definition tensor_pointedfunctors:
    category_Ptd C category_Ptd C category_Ptd C.
  Show proof.
    use make_functor.
    - exact tensor_pointedfunctor_data.
    - exact tensor_pointedfunctor_is_functor.

a preparation for the lemma afterwards
  Lemma ptd_mor_z_iso_from_underlying_mor {F G : Ptd} (α : ptd_mor C F G):
    is_nat_z_iso (pr1 α) -> is_z_isomorphism(C:=Ptd) α.
  Show proof.
    intro Hyp.
    use tpair.
    - use tpair.
      apply nat_z_iso_to_trans_inv.
      + exact (pr1 α ,, Hyp).
      + abstract
          (cbn; red; intro c;
           apply pathsinv0;
           apply (z_iso_inv_on_left _ _ _ _ (make_z_iso _ _ (Hyp c)));
           apply pathsinv0;
           apply ptd_mor_commutes).
    - abstract
        (red; split; apply eq_ptd_mor; apply (nat_trans_eq (homset_property C)); intro c; cbn ;
         [ apply (z_iso_inv_after_z_iso (make_z_iso _ _ (Hyp c)))
          | apply (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv (make_z_iso _ _ (Hyp c))) ]).

  Definition left_unitor_of_pointedfunctors:
    left_unitor tensor_pointedfunctors (id_Ptd C).
  Show proof.
    use make_nat_z_iso.
    + use make_nat_trans.
      * intro PF.
        exists (λ_functors (pr1 PF)).
        abstract ( intro c; cbn; rewrite id_right; apply id_left ).
      * abstract ( intros PF PF' α;
                   apply eq_ptd_mor;
                   apply (nat_trans_eq (homset_property C)); intro c; cbn;
                   rewrite id_left;
                   rewrite id_right;
                   etrans; [apply cancel_postcomposition, functor_id | apply id_left] ).
    + intro PF. cbn.
      apply ptd_mor_z_iso_from_underlying_mor.
      intro c.
      apply identity_is_z_iso.

  Definition right_unitor_of_pointedfunctors:
    right_unitor tensor_pointedfunctors (id_Ptd C).
  Show proof.
    use make_nat_z_iso.
    + use make_nat_trans.
      * intro PF.
        exists (ρ_functors (pr1 PF)).
        abstract ( intro c;
                   rewrite id_right;
                   apply id_right ).
      * abstract ( intros PF PF' α;
                   apply eq_ptd_mor;
                   apply (nat_trans_eq (homset_property C));
                   intro c; cbn;
                   rewrite id_left;
                   rewrite id_right;
                   apply id_right ).
    + intro PF. cbn.
      apply ptd_mor_z_iso_from_underlying_mor.
      intro c.
      apply identity_is_z_iso.

  Definition associator_of_pointedfunctors : associator tensor_pointedfunctors.
  Show proof.
    use make_nat_z_iso.
    + use make_nat_trans.
      * intro PFtriple.
        induction PFtriple as [[PF1 PF2] PF3].
        exists (α_functors (pr1 PF1) (pr1 PF2) (pr1 PF3)).
        abstract ( intro c;
                   rewrite id_right;
                   apply pathsinv0, assoc ).
      * abstract ( intros PFtriple PFtriple' αtriple;
                   apply eq_ptd_mor;
                   apply (nat_trans_eq (homset_property C));
                   intro c; cbn;
                   rewrite id_right;
                   rewrite id_left;
                   rewrite assoc;
                   apply cancel_postcomposition;
                   apply functor_comp ).
    + intro PFtriple. cbn.
      apply ptd_mor_z_iso_from_underlying_mor.
      intro c.
      apply identity_is_z_iso.

  Lemma triangle_eq_of_pointedfunctors :
    triangle_eq tensor_pointedfunctors (id_Ptd C)
  Show proof.
    intros PF1 PF2.
    apply eq_ptd_mor.
    apply (nat_trans_eq (homset_property C)).
    intro c.
    do 2 rewrite id_right.
    apply pathsinv0, id_left.

  Lemma pentagon_eq_of_pointedfunctors :
    pentagon_eq tensor_pointedfunctors associator_of_pointedfunctors.
  Show proof.
    intros PF1 PF2 PF3 PF4.
    apply eq_ptd_mor.
    apply nat_trans_eq_alt.
    intro c.
    do 3 rewrite functor_id.
    do 5 rewrite id_right.
    apply pathsinv0, functor_id.

  Definition monoidal_cat_of_pointedfunctors : monoidal_cat.
  Show proof.
    use make_monoidal_cat.
    - exact Ptd.
    - apply tensor_pointedfunctors.
    - apply id_Ptd.
    - exact left_unitor_of_pointedfunctors.
    - exact right_unitor_of_pointedfunctors.
    - exact associator_of_pointedfunctors.
    - exact triangle_eq_of_pointedfunctors.
    - exact pentagon_eq_of_pointedfunctors.

  Definition forgetful_functor_from_ptd_as_strong_monoidal_functor
    : strong_monoidal_functor
        (monoidal_cat_of_endofunctors C).
  Show proof.
    use tpair.
    - apply (make_lax_monoidal_functor
               (monoidal_cat_of_endofunctors C)
               (functor_ptd_forget C)
               (nat_trans_id _)
               (nat_trans_id _)).
      + abstract ( intros PF1 PF2 PF3;
                   apply nat_trans_eq_alt;
                   intro c;
                   do 2 rewrite functor_id;
                   repeat rewrite id_right;
                   apply functor_id ).
      + abstract ( intro PF;
                   split; apply nat_trans_eq_alt; intro c; cbn; do 3 rewrite id_right;
                   [ apply pathsinv0, functor_id | apply idpath ] ).
    - split;
        [ apply (nat_trafo_z_iso_if_pointwise_z_iso C);
          apply is_nat_z_iso_nat_trans_id
        | apply (is_nat_z_iso_nat_trans_id
                          (functor_ptd_forget C)
                          (functor_ptd_forget C))
                       (functorial_composition _ _ _))))].

End PointedFunctors_as_monoidal_category.