Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Chains.CoAdamek

Adámek's theorem

The main result is Adámek's theorem for constructing terminal coalgebras of omega-continuous functors which is used to construct coinductive types.
Written by: Kobe Wullaert, 2022

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Tactics.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Propositions.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.graphs.limits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.graphs.colimits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.terminal.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.FunctorCoalgebras.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Chains.Chains.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Chains.Cochains.

Local Open Scope cat.

Section lim_terminal_coalgebra.

Context {C : category} (TerminalC : Terminal C).
Context {F : functor C C} (HF : is_omega_cont F).

Let Fcochain : cochain C := termCochain TerminalC F.

Variable (CC : LimCone Fcochain).

Let L : C := lim CC.
Let FFcochain : cochain C := mapcochain F Fcochain.
Let Fa : cone FFcochain (F L) := mapcone F _ (limCone CC).

Let FHC' : isLimCone FFcochain (F L) Fa :=
      HF Fcochain L (limCone CC) (isLimCone_LimCone CC).
Let FHC : LimCone FFcochain := make_LimCone _ _ _ FHC'.

Local Definition shiftCone : cone FFcochain L.
Show proof.
use make_cone.
- intro n; apply (coneOut (limCone CC) (S n)).
- intros m n e ; destruct e.
  refine (_ @ coneOutCommutes (limCone CC) _ (S n) (idpath _)).
  apply maponpaths.
  rewrite ! idpath_transportf.
  rewrite ! id_left.
  apply idpath.

Local Lemma unshiftCone_forms_cone {x : C} ( cc : cone FFcochain x)
  : forms_cone Fcochain (λ n : vertex conat_graph,
     nat_rect (λ n0 : nat, C x, dob Fcochain n0 ) (TerminalArrow TerminalC x)
              (λ (n0 : nat) (_ : C x, dob Fcochain n0 ), coneOut cc n0) n).
Show proof.
  intros m n e ; destruct e ; destruct n as [|n].
  - apply TerminalArrowUnique.
  - simpl.
    rewrite idpath_transportf ; rewrite id_left.
    rewrite (! coneOutCommutes cc _ n (idpath _)).
    apply maponpaths.
    rewrite idpath_transportf, id_left.
    apply idpath.

Local Definition unshiftCone (x : C) (cc : cone FFcochain x) : cone Fcochain x.
Show proof.
use make_cone.
- intro n.
  induction n as [|n].
  + apply TerminalArrow.
  + apply (coneOut cc _).
- apply unshiftCone_forms_cone.

Local Definition shiftIsLimCone : isLimCone FFcochain L shiftCone.
Show proof.
intros x cc; simpl.
use tpair.
+ use tpair.
  * apply limArrow, (unshiftCone _ cc).
  * abstract (intro n; apply (limArrowCommutes CC x (unshiftCone x cc) (S n))).
+ abstract (intros p; apply subtypePath;
             [ intro f; apply impred; intro; apply homset_property
             | apply limArrowUnique; intro n;
               destruct n as [|n]; [ apply TerminalArrowUnique | apply (pr2 p) ]]).

Local Definition shiftLimCone : LimCone FFcochain :=
  make_LimCone FFcochain L shiftCone shiftIsLimCone.

Definition lim_algebra_mor : CL,F L := limArrow FHC L shiftCone.

Local Definition is_z_iso_lim_algebra_mor : is_z_isomorphism lim_algebra_mor :=
  isLim_is_z_iso _ FHC _ _ shiftIsLimCone.

Let α : z_iso L (F L) := make_z_iso' _ is_z_iso_lim_algebra_mor.
Let α_inv : z_iso (F L) L := z_iso_inv_from_z_iso α.
Let α_alg : coalgebra_ob F := tpair (λ X : C, C X , F X) L α.

Lemma unfold_inv_from_z_iso_α :
  inv_from_z_iso α = limArrow shiftLimCone _ (limCone FHC).
Show proof.
apply idpath.

Given a coalgebra:
      A ------> F A
we now define a coalgebra morphism ad:
    A ------>  F A
    |          |
    | ad       |
    |          |
    V   α      V
    L ------>  F L
Section coalgebra_mor.

Variable (Aa : coalgebra_ob F).

Local Notation A := (coalg_carrier _ Aa).
Local Notation a := (coalg_map _ Aa).

Local Definition cone_over_coalg (n : nat) : C A, iter_functor F n TerminalC.
Show proof.
induction n as [|n Fn]; simpl.
- apply TerminalArrow.
- apply (a · #F Fn).

Local Notation an := cone_over_coalg.

Lemma isConeOverCoalg {u v : nat} (e : S v = u) : an u · dmor Fcochain e = an v.
Show proof.
  destruct e.
  induction v as [| n IHn].
  - apply TerminalArrowUnique.
  - simpl ; rewrite assoc' ; apply cancel_precomposition.
    2: { apply maponpaths ; exact IHn. }
    rewrite functor_comp.
    do 2 rewrite functor_comp.
    apply maponpaths.
    unfold dmor.
    rewrite ! id_left.
    apply idpath.

Local Definition : CA,L.
Show proof.
apply limArrow.
use make_cone.
- apply cone_over_coalg.
- red ; intro ; intros ; apply isConeOverCoalg.

Lemma ad_is_coalgebra_mor (n : nat) : a · # F ad · inv_from_z_iso α · limOut CC n = an n.
Show proof.
  destruct n as [|n].
  - now apply TerminalArrowUnique.
  - rewrite unfold_inv_from_z_iso_α.
    eapply pathscomp0.
      rewrite assoc'.
      apply maponpaths.
      apply (limArrowCommutes shiftLimCone).
    simpl; rewrite assoc', <- functor_comp.
    apply cancel_precomposition, maponpaths, (limArrowCommutes CC).

Local Definition ad_mor : coalgebra_mor F Aa α_alg.
Show proof.
  exists ad.
  abstract (apply pathsinv0, z_iso_inv_to_right, pathsinv0, limArrowUnique; simpl; intro n ; apply ad_is_coalgebra_mor).

End coalgebra_mor.

Lemma limCoAlgIsTerminal_subproof (Aa : CoAlg_category F)
        (Fa' : coalgebra_mor F Aa α_alg) : Fa' = ad_mor Aa.
Show proof.
  use total2_paths_f.
  2: { apply homset_property. }

  apply limArrowUnique ; intro n.
  destruct Fa' as [f hf]; simpl.
  unfold is_coalgebra_mor in hf; simpl in hf.
  induction n as [|n IHn]; simpl.
  - apply TerminalArrowUnique.
  - rewrite <- IHn, functor_comp, assoc.
    2: { apply cancel_postcomposition ; apply (! hf). }
    rewrite assoc'.
    apply maponpaths.
    apply (z_iso_inv_to_left _ _ _ α).
    apply (limArrowCommutes shiftLimCone).

Lemma limCoAlgIsTerminal : isTerminal (CoAlg_category F) α_alg.
Show proof.
  apply make_isTerminal; intros Aa.
  exists (ad_mor Aa).
  apply limCoAlgIsTerminal_subproof.

Definition limCoAlgTerminal : Terminal (CoAlg_category F) :=
  make_Terminal _ limCoAlgIsTerminal.

End lim_terminal_coalgebra.