Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Equivalences.FullyFaithful

Fully faithful functors and equivalences

Authors: Benedikt Ahrens, Chris Kapulkin, Mike Shulman (January 2013) Revised by: Marco Maggesi (November 2017), Langston Barrett (April 2018)

Contents :

  • Fully faithful functor from an equivalence
  • Functor from an equivalence is essentially surjective
  • Fully faithful essentially surjective functors preserve all hProps on hom-types

Fully faithful functor from an equivalence

Section from_equiv_to_fully_faithful.

Variables A B : category.
Variable F : A B.
Variable H : adj_equivalence_of_cats F.

Local Definition G : B A := adj_equivalence_inv H.

Local Definition eta : a : A, z_iso a (G (F a))
  := unit_pointwise_z_iso_from_adj_equivalence H.

Local Definition eps : b : B, z_iso (F (G b)) b
  := counit_pointwise_z_iso_from_adj_equivalence H.

Definition inverse {a b} (g : BF a, F b) : Aa, b
  := eta a · #G g · inv_from_z_iso (eta b).

Lemma inverse_is_inverse_1 a b (f : a --> b) : inverse (#F f) = f.
Show proof.
  unfold inverse.
  set (H' := nat_trans_ax (adjunit (pr1 H))).
  simpl in H'; rewrite <- H'; clear H'; simpl in *.
  rewrite <- assoc.
  intermediate_path (f · identity _).
  apply maponpaths.
  set (H' := z_iso_inv_after_z_iso (eta b)).
  apply H'.
  rewrite id_right.
  apply idpath.

Lemma triangle_id_inverse (a : A)
  : z_iso_inv_from_z_iso (functor_on_z_iso F (eta a)) = eps (F a).
Show proof.
  apply z_iso_eq. simpl.
  match goal with | [ |- ?x = ?y ] => transitivity (x · identity _) end.
  apply pathsinv0, id_right.
  apply z_iso_inv_on_right.
  set (H' := triangle_id_left_ad (pr2 (pr1 H)) a).
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply H'.

Lemma triangle_id_inverse' (a : A)
  : inv_from_z_iso (functor_on_z_iso F (eta a)) = eps (F a).
Show proof.
  apply (base_paths _ _ (triangle_id_inverse a)).

Lemma inverse_is_inverse_2 a b (g : F a --> F b) : #F (inverse g) = g.
Show proof.
  unfold inverse.
  repeat rewrite functor_comp.
  rewrite functor_on_inv_from_z_iso.
  rewrite triangle_id_inverse'.
  rewrite <- assoc.
  set (H' := nat_trans_ax (adjcounit (pr1 H))).
  simpl in H'; rewrite H'; clear H'.
  rewrite assoc.
  set (H' := pathsinv0 (triangle_id_left_ad (pr2 (pr1 H)) a)).
  match goal with [|- ?f · ?g = ?h] => assert (H'' : identity _ = f) end.
  - simpl in *; apply H'.
  - rewrite <- H''. rewrite id_left. apply idpath.

Lemma fully_faithful_from_equivalence : fully_faithful F.
Show proof.
  unfold fully_faithful. intros a b.
  apply (isweq_iso _ (@inverse a b)).
  - apply inverse_is_inverse_1.
  - apply inverse_is_inverse_2.

Functor from an equivalence is essentially surjective

Fully faithful essentially surjective functors preserve all hProps on hom-types

Section HomtypeProperties.

  Context {C D : category} (F : functor C D).

For every hom-type in D, there merely exists a hom-type in C to which it is equivalent. For split essentially surjective functors, this could be strengthened to an untruncated version.
  Lemma ff_es_homtype_weq (FFF : fully_faithful F) (FES : essentially_surjective F) :
    ( d d' : ob D, c c' : ob C, Cc, c' Dd, d' ).
  Show proof.
    intros d d'.

Obtain the c, c' for which F c ≅ d and F c' ≅ d'.
    apply (squash_to_prop (FES d)); [apply isapropishinh|]; intros c.
    apply (squash_to_prop (FES d')); [apply isapropishinh|]; intros c'.
    apply hinhpr.
    exists (pr1 c), (pr1 c').

Homsets between isomorphic objects are equivalent.
    intermediate_weq (D F (pr1 c), F (pr1 c') ).
    - apply weq_from_fully_faithful; assumption.
    - intermediate_weq (D F (pr1 c), d' ).
      + eapply make_weq.
        apply z_iso_comp_left_isweq.
        exact (pr2 c').
      + eapply make_weq.
        apply z_iso_comp_right_weq.
        exact (z_iso_inv_from_is_z_iso (pr1 (pr2 c)) (pr2 (pr2 c))).

  Lemma ff_es_homtype_property (FFF : fully_faithful F)
        (FES : essentially_surjective F) (P : UU hProp)
        (prop : a b : ob C, P (Ca, b)) : ( a b : ob D, P (Da, b)).
  Show proof.
    intros a b.
    apply (squash_to_prop (ff_es_homtype_weq FFF FES a b));
      [apply propproperty|]; intros H.
    use transportf.
    - exact (P (C⟦(pr1 H), (pr1 (pr2 H))⟧)).
    - apply maponpaths.
      apply weqtopaths.
      exact (pr2 (pr2 H)).
    - apply prop.

Corollary: Equivalences preserve hProps on hom-types.
  Corollary equivalence_homtype_property (E : adj_equivalence_of_cats F)
            (P : UU hProp) (prop : a b : ob C, P (Ca, b)) :
    ( a b : ob D, P (Da, b)).
  Show proof.
    apply ff_es_homtype_property.
    - apply fully_faithful_from_equivalence; assumption.
    - apply functor_from_equivalence_is_essentially_surjective; assumption.
    - assumption.

Corollary: Fully faithful essentially surjective functors preserve the property of having hom-sets.
  Corollary ff_es_preserves_homsets (FFF : fully_faithful F)
            (FES : essentially_surjective F) (hsC : has_homsets C) : has_homsets D.
  Show proof.
    refine (ff_es_homtype_property FFF FES
              (λ t, make_hProp _ (isapropisaset t)) _).
    apply hsC.

Other applications: ff/es functors preserve univalence, being a groupoid, merely having any type of (co)limits, etc.