Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.PreAdditive

Definition of preadditive categories.


  • Definition of preadditive categories PreAdditive
  • Zero and unit element coincide
  • Composition and inverses
  • KernelIn, CokernelOut, and binary operations
  • Quotient of PreAdditive

Definition of a PreAdditive precategory

A preadditive precategory is a precategory such that the sets of morphisms are abelian groups and pre- and postcomposing with a morphisms is a monoidfun of the abelian groups.
Section def_preadditive.

In preadditive category precomposition and postcomposition for any morphism yields a morphism of abelian groups. Classically one says that composition is bilinear with respect to the abelian groups?
  Definition isPreAdditive (PA : categoryWithAbgrops) : UU :=
    ( (x y z : PA) (f : x --> y), ismonoidfun (to_premor z f))
      × ( (x y z : PA) (f : y --> z), ismonoidfun (to_postmor x f)).

  Definition make_isPreAdditive (PA : categoryWithAbgrops)
             (H1 : (x y z : PA) (f : x --> y), ismonoidfun (to_premor z f))
             (H2 : (x y z : PA) (f : y --> z), ismonoidfun (to_postmor x f)) :
    isPreAdditive PA.
  Show proof.
    exact (H1,,H2).

  Definition make_isPreAdditive' (PA : categoryWithAbgrops)
             (H1 : (x y z : PA) (f : x --> y) (g h : y --> z),
                   f · (to_binop _ _ g h) = to_binop _ _ (f · g) (f · h))
             (H1' : (x y z : PA) (f : x --> y), to_premor z f (to_unel y z) = to_unel x z)
             (H2 : (x y z : PA) (f : y --> z) (g h : x --> y),
                   (to_binop _ _ g h) · f = to_binop _ _ (g · f) (h · f))
             (H2' : (x y z : PA) (f : y --> z), to_premor z (to_unel x y) f = to_unel x z):
    isPreAdditive PA.
  Show proof.
    use make_isPreAdditive.
    - intros x y z f.
      use tpair.
      + intros g h. exact (H1 x y z f g h).
      + exact (H1' x y z f).
    - intros x y z f.
      use tpair.
      + intros g h. exact (H2 x y z f g h).
      + exact (H2' x y z f).

  Definition to_premor_monoid {PWA : categoryWithAbgrops} (iPA : isPreAdditive PWA) :
     (x y z : PWA) (f : x --> y), ismonoidfun (to_premor z f) := dirprod_pr1 iPA.

  Definition to_postmor_monoid {PWA : categoryWithAbgrops} (iPA : isPreAdditive PWA) :
     (x y z : PWA) (f : y --> z), ismonoidfun (to_postmor x f) := dirprod_pr2 iPA.

  Definition to_premor_monoidfun {PWA : categoryWithAbgrops} (iPA : isPreAdditive PWA)
             (x y z : PWA) (f : x --> y) : monoidfun (to_abgr y z) (to_abgr x z) :=
    monoidfunconstr (to_premor_monoid iPA x y z f).

  Definition to_postmor_monoidfun {PWA : categoryWithAbgrops} (iPA : isPreAdditive PWA)
             (x y z : PWA) (f : y --> z) : monoidfun (to_abgr x y) (to_abgr x z) :=
    monoidfunconstr (to_postmor_monoid iPA x y z f).

Definition of preadditive categories
The following give that premor and postmor are linear.
  Definition to_premor_linear {x y : A} (z : A) (f : x --> y) :
    isbinopfun (to_premor z f) := dirprod_pr1 (to_premor_monoid A x y z f).

  Definition to_postmor_linear (x : A) {y z : A} (f : y --> z) :
    isbinopfun (to_postmor x f) := dirprod_pr1 (to_postmor_monoid A x y z f).

Following versions are useful when one wants to rewrite equations
  Lemma to_premor_linear' {x y z : A} (f : x --> y) (g h : y --> z) :
    f · (to_binop y z g h) = to_binop x z (f · g) (f · h).
  Show proof.
    apply to_premor_linear.

  Lemma to_postmor_linear' {x y z : A} (g h : x --> y) (f : y --> z) :
    (to_binop x y g h) · f = to_binop x z (g · f) (h · f).
  Show proof.
    apply to_postmor_linear.

The following says that composing with zero object yields a zero object.
  Definition to_premor_unel {x y : A} (z : A) (f : x --> y) :
    to_premor z f 1%multmonoid = 1%multmonoid := dirprod_pr2 (to_premor_monoid A x y z f).

  Definition to_postmor_unel (x : A) {y z : A} (f : y --> z) :
    to_postmor x f 1%multmonoid = 1%multmonoid := dirprod_pr2 (to_postmor_monoid A x y z f).

Following versions are useful when one wants to rewrite equations
  Lemma to_premor_unel' {x y : A} (z : A) (f : x --> y) : f · (to_unel y z) = to_unel x z.
  Show proof.
    apply to_premor_unel.

  Lemma to_postmor_unel' (x : A) {y z : A} (f : y --> z) : (to_unel x y) · f = to_unel x z.
  Show proof.
    apply to_postmor_unel.

End def_preadditive.
Arguments to_premor_linear [A] [x] [y] _ _ _ _.
Arguments to_postmor_linear [A] _ [y] [z] _ _ _.
Arguments to_premor_linear' [A] [x] [y] [z] _ _ _.
Arguments to_postmor_linear' [A] [x] [y] [z] _ _ _.

Zero and unit

In the following section we prove that if a preadditive category has a zero object, then in a homset the unit element is given by the zero arrow
Section preadditive_with_zero.

  Variable A : PreAdditive.

Proof that the zero arrow and the unit element coincide
  Lemma PreAdditive_unel_zero (Z : Zero A) (x y : A) : to_unel x y = ZeroArrow Z x y.
  Show proof.
    unfold ZeroArrow.
    rewrite <- (id_left (ZeroArrowFrom y)).
    assert (X : identity Z = to_unel Z Z).
    { apply ZeroEndo_is_identity. }
    rewrite -> X. clear X.

    set (Y := to_postmor_unel A Z (@ZeroArrowFrom A Z y)).
    unfold to_postmor in Y. unfold to_unel.
    rewrite Y. clear Y.

    set (Y' := to_premor_unel A y (@ZeroArrowTo A Z x)).
    unfold to_premor in Y'.
    rewrite Y'. clear Y'.

    apply idpath.

  Lemma to_lunax'' {Z : Zero A} (x y : A) (f : x --> y) : to_binop x y (ZeroArrow Z x y) f = f.
  Show proof.
    rewrite <- to_lunax'. apply maponpaths_2, pathsinv0, PreAdditive_unel_zero.

  Lemma to_runax'' {Z : Zero A} (x y : A) (f : x --> y) : to_binop x y f (ZeroArrow Z x y) = f.
  Show proof.
    rewrite <- to_runax'. apply maponpaths, pathsinv0, PreAdditive_unel_zero.

  Lemma to_linvax' {Z : Zero A} {x y : A} (f : Ax, y) :
    to_binop x y (to_inv f) f = ZeroArrow Z x y.
  Show proof.
    rewrite linvax. apply PreAdditive_unel_zero.

  Lemma to_rinvax' {Z : Zero A} {x y : A} (f : Ax, y) :
    to_binop x y f (to_inv f) = ZeroArrow Z x y.
  Show proof.
    rewrite rinvax. apply PreAdditive_unel_zero.

  Lemma to_inv_zero {Z : Zero A} {x y : A} : to_inv (ZeroArrow Z x y) = ZeroArrow Z x y.
  Show proof.
    rewrite <- PreAdditive_unel_zero.
    apply to_inv_unel.

End preadditive_with_zero.

Inverses and composition

Some equations on inverses in PreAdditive categories
Section preadditive_inv_comp.

  Variable A : PreAdditive.

  Lemma PreAdditive_invlcomp {x y z : A} (f : Ax, y) (g : Ay, z) :
    (to_inv (f · g)) = (to_inv f) · g.
  Show proof.
    use (grrcan (to_abgr x z) (f · g)).
    unfold to_inv at 1. rewrite grlinvax.
    use (pathscomp0 _ (to_postmor_linear' (to_inv f) f g)).
    rewrite linvax. rewrite to_postmor_unel'.
    unfold to_unel.
    apply idpath.

  Lemma PreAdditive_invrcomp {x y z : A} (f : Ax, y) (g : Ay, z) :
    (to_inv (f · g)) = f · (to_inv g).
  Show proof.
    use (grrcan (to_abgr x z) (f · g)).
    unfold to_inv at 1. rewrite grlinvax.
    use (pathscomp0 _ (to_premor_linear' f (to_inv g) g)).
    rewrite linvax. rewrite to_premor_unel'.
    unfold to_unel.
    apply idpath.

  Lemma PreAdditive_cancel_inv {x y : A} (f g : Ax, y) (H : (to_inv f) = (to_inv g)) : f = g.
  Show proof.
    apply (grinvmaponpathsinv (to_abgr x y) H).

End preadditive_inv_comp.

KernelIn, CokernelOut, and Binary Operations


In this section we show that binop commutes with KernelIn and CokernelOut in a PreAdditive category. KernelInOp proves commutativity for KernelIn and CokernelOutOp proves commutativity for CokernelOut.
Section def_additive_kernel_cokernel.

  Variable A : PreAdditive.
  Variable Z : Zero A.

  Local Lemma KernelInOp_Eq {x y z : A} (f1 f2 : Ax, y) (g : Ay, z)
        (H1 : f1 · g = ZeroArrow Z _ _) (H2 : f2 · g = ZeroArrow Z _ _) :
    (to_binop _ _ f1 f2 · g = ZeroArrow Z _ _).
  Show proof.
    rewrite to_postmor_linear'. rewrite H1. rewrite H2.
    rewrite <- PreAdditive_unel_zero.
    rewrite to_lunax'. apply idpath.

  Lemma KernelInOp {x y z : A} (f1 f2 : Ax, y) (g : Ay, z) (K : Kernel Z g)
        (H1 : f1 · g = ZeroArrow Z _ _) (H2 : f2 · g = ZeroArrow Z _ _) :
    KernelIn Z K _ (to_binop _ _ f1 f2) (KernelInOp_Eq f1 f2 g H1 H2) =
    to_binop _ _ (KernelIn Z K _ f1 H1) (KernelIn Z K _ f2 H2).
  Show proof.
    use KernelInsEq.
    rewrite KernelCommutes.
    rewrite (to_postmor_linear' (A:=A)).
    rewrite KernelCommutes.
    rewrite KernelCommutes.
    apply idpath.

  Local Lemma CokernelOutOp_Eq {x y z : A} (f1 f2 : Ay, z) (g : Ax, y)
        (H1 : g · f1 = ZeroArrow Z _ _) (H2 : g · f2 = ZeroArrow Z _ _) :
    g · (to_binop _ _ f1 f2) = ZeroArrow Z _ _.
  Show proof.
    rewrite to_premor_linear'. rewrite H1. rewrite H2.
    rewrite <- PreAdditive_unel_zero.
    rewrite to_lunax'. apply idpath.

  Lemma CokernelOutOp {x y z : A} (f1 f2 : Ay, z) (g : Ax, y) (CK : Cokernel Z g)
        (H1 : g · f1 = ZeroArrow Z _ _) (H2 : g · f2 = ZeroArrow Z _ _) :
    CokernelOut Z CK _ (to_binop _ _ f1 f2) (CokernelOutOp_Eq f1 f2 g H1 H2) =
    to_binop _ _ (CokernelOut Z CK _ f1 H1) (CokernelOut Z CK _ f2 H2).
  Show proof.
    use CokernelOutsEq.
    rewrite CokernelCommutes.
    rewrite to_premor_linear'.
    rewrite CokernelCommutes.
    rewrite CokernelCommutes.
    apply idpath.

End def_additive_kernel_cokernel.

Section monics_and_epis_in_preadditive.

  Variable PA : PreAdditive.

  Lemma to_inv_isMonic {x y : PA} (f : x --> y) (isM : isMonic f) : isMonic (to_inv f).
  Show proof.
    use make_isMonic.
    intros x0 g h X.
    rewrite <- (PreAdditive_invrcomp PA) in X. rewrite <- (PreAdditive_invrcomp PA) in X.
    apply cancel_inv in X. use isM. exact X.

  Lemma to_inv_isEpi {x y : PA} (f : x --> y) (isE : isEpi f) : isEpi (to_inv f).
  Show proof.
    use make_isEpi.
    intros x0 g h X.
    rewrite <- PreAdditive_invlcomp in X. rewrite <- PreAdditive_invlcomp in X.
    apply cancel_inv in X. use isE. exact X.

End monics_and_epis_in_preadditive.

Quotient of homsets

Suppose you have a subgroup for each set of morphisms such that pre- and postcompositions map morphisms in a subgroup to another subgroup. Then one can form a new Preadditive category by taking the same objects and morphisms as elements of the quotient groups. We call this PreAdditiveQuot. An example of this construction is when one wants to form the naive homotopy category from a category of complexes.
Section preadditive_quotient.

  Variable PA : PreAdditive.

  Local Opaque ishinh.

For every set morphisms we have a subgroup.
  Definition PreAdditiveSubabgrs : UU := (x y : ob PA), @subabgr (to_abgr x y).

  Hypothesis PAS : PreAdditiveSubabgrs.

Pre- and postcomposing with an element in the subgroups gives an element of a subgroup. This is important since we want pre- and postcomposition with unit element to be the unit element in the new precategory.
  Definition PreAdditiveComps : UU :=
     (x y : ob PA),
    ( (z : ob PA) (f : x --> y)
       (inf : pr1submonoid (@to_abgr PA x y) (PAS x y) f) (g : y --> z),
     pr1submonoid (@to_abgr PA x z) (PAS x z) (f · g))
      × ( (z : ob PA) (f : x --> y) (g : y --> z)
           (ing : pr1submonoid (@to_abgr PA y z) (PAS y z) g),
         pr1submonoid (@to_abgr PA x z) (PAS x z) (f · g)).

  Hypothesis PAC : PreAdditiveComps.

Here are some random results copied from category_abgr.v.

Theses should be deleted, removed, renamed, generalized, or ...
The hProp which tells if two elements of A belong to the same equivalence class in A/B
  Definition subgrhrel_hprop {A : gr} (B : @subgr A) (a1 a2 : A) : hProp :=
    hexists (λ b : B, pr1 b = (a1 * grinv A a2)%multmonoid).

Construct a relation using the above hProp
  Definition subgrhrel {A : gr} (B : @subgr A) : @hrel A :=
    (λ a1 : A, λ a2 : A, (subgrhrel_hprop B a1 a2)).

Let B be a subgroup of A. Then the canonical map A -> A/B is a monoidfun.
  Local Lemma abgrquotpr_ismonoidfun {A : abgr} (H : @binopeqrel A) :
    @ismonoidfun A (abgrquot H) (λ a : A, setquotpr H a).
  Show proof.
    - split.
    - apply idpath.

  Local Lemma funeqpaths {X Y : UU} {f g : X -> Y} (e : f = g) : (x : X), f x = g x.
  Show proof.
    induction e. intros x. apply idpath.

  Local Definition abgrquotpr_monoidfun {A : abgr} (H : @binopeqrel A) : monoidfun A (abgrquot H) :=
    monoidfunconstr (abgrquotpr_ismonoidfun H).

  Local Lemma monoidfun_inv {A B : abgr} (f : monoidfun A B) (a : A) :
    f (grinv A a) = grinv B (f a).
  Show proof.
    apply (grlcan B (f a)). rewrite (grrinvax B).
    use (pathscomp0 (pathsinv0 (((pr1 (pr2 f)) a (grinv A a))))).
    rewrite (grrinvax A). apply (pr2 (pr2 f)).

The relation we defined is an equivalence relation
  Lemma iseqrel_subgrhrel (A : gr) (B : @subgr A) : iseqrel (subgrhrel B).
  Show proof.
    unfold subgrhrel. unfold subgrhrel_hprop.
    use iseqrelconstr.
    - intros x1 x2 x3 y1 y2. cbn in *. unfold ishinh_UU in *.
      use (squash_to_prop y1 (propproperty _)). intros Y1. clear y1.
      use (squash_to_prop y2 (propproperty _)). intros Y2. clear y2.
      use hinhpr.
      induction Y1 as [t p]. induction Y2 as [t0 p0].
      use tpair.
      + use tpair.
        * exact (op (pr1 t) (pr1 t0)).
        * exact (pr2subsetswithbinop B t t0).
      + cbn. rewrite p. rewrite p0. rewrite <- (assocax A).
        apply maponpaths_2. rewrite assocax. rewrite grlinvax. rewrite runax.
        apply idpath.
    - intros x.
      use hinhpr.
      use tpair.
      + exact (unel B).
      + cbn. apply pathsinv0. apply (grrinvax A).
    - intros x y. cbn. unfold ishinh_UU. intros H.
      use (squash_to_prop H (propproperty _)). intros H'. clear H.
      use hinhpr.
      induction H' as [t p].
      use tpair.
      + exact (grinv B t).
      + cbn. rewrite p. clear p. rewrite grinvop. rewrite grinvinv. apply idpath.

The relation we defined respects binary operations. Note that we use commax, thus the proof does not work for nonabelian groups.
  Lemma isbinopeqrel_subgr_eqrel {A : abgr} (B : @subabgr A) :
    isbinophrel (make_eqrel (subgrhrel B) (iseqrel_subgrhrel A B)).
  Show proof.
    use isbinophrelif.
    - apply (pr2 (pr2 A)).
    - intros a b c X. cbn in *. unfold ishinh_UU in *.
      use (squash_to_prop X (propproperty _)). intros X''.
      use hinhpr.
      use tpair.
      + exact (pr1 X'').
      + cbn.
        set (tmp := pr2 X''). cbn in tmp. rewrite tmp. clear tmp. clear X''.
        rewrite grinvop. rewrite (commax A c). rewrite (assocax A). rewrite (commax A c).
        rewrite (assocax A). rewrite grlinvax. rewrite runax. apply idpath.

Thus the relation is a binopeqrel
  Lemma binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel {A : abgr} (B : @subabgr A) : @binopeqrel A.
  Show proof.
    use make_binopeqrel.
    - exact (make_eqrel _ (iseqrel_subgrhrel A B)).
    - exact (isbinopeqrel_subgr_eqrel B).

These are the homsets in our new category.

Composition of morphisms

Some lemmas

If images of f1 and f2 are equal, then f * inv f2 is mapped to unit.
  Local Lemma abgrquotpr_rels_to_unel {A : abgr} {f1 f2 : A} {H : @binopeqrel A} {f : abgrquot H}
             (e1 : setquotpr H f1 = f) (e2 : setquotpr H f2 = f) :
    setquotpr H (f1 * grinv A f2)%multmonoid = setquotpr H 1%multmonoid.
  Show proof.
    rewrite <- e2 in e1. clear e2.
    apply (maponpaths (λ f : _, (f * (@grinv (abgrquot H) (setquotpr H f2)))%multmonoid)) in e1.
    rewrite grrinvax in e1. apply e1.

Equality on relation to refl
  Local Lemma abgrquotpr_rel_to_refl {A : abgr} {H : @binopeqrel A} {f g : A} (e : H g g = H f g) :
    H f g.
  Show proof.
    induction e.
    apply eqrelrefl.

  Lemma abgrquotpr_rel_paths {A : abgr} {H : @binopeqrel A} {f g : A}
        (e : setquotpr H f = setquotpr H g) : H f g.
  Show proof.
    exact (abgrquotpr_rel_to_refl (! (funeqpaths (base_paths _ _ e)) g)).

  Lemma abgrquotpr_rel_image {A : abgr} {H : @binopeqrel A} {f g : A}
        (e : H f g) : setquotpr H f = setquotpr H g.
  Show proof.
    apply iscompsetquotpr.
    exact e.

Morphisms to elements of groups

  Local Lemma mor_to_elem {a b : PA} (f : PAa, b) (H : pr1 (PAS a b) f) : carrier (pr1 (PAS a b)).
  Show proof.
    use tpair.
    - exact f.
    - exact H.

  Local Lemma to_inv_elem {a b : PA} (f : PAa, b) (H : pr1 (PAS a b) f) : carrier (pr1 (PAS a b)).
  Show proof.
    use tpair.
    - exact (@grinv (to_abgr a b) f).
    - apply (pr2 (pr2 (PAS a b))). exact H.

  Local Lemma to_op_elem {A B : PA} (f g : PAA, B) (H1 : pr1 (PAS A B) f) (H2 : pr1 (PAS A B) g) :
    pr1 (PAS A B) (to_binop A B f g).
  Show proof.
    set (tmp := pr1 (pr1 (pr2 (PAS A B)))). cbn in tmp. unfold issubsetwithbinop in tmp.
    set (a := mor_to_elem f H1). set (a' := mor_to_elem g H2).
    apply (tmp a a').

Composition of morphisms in the quotient precategory

Structure for composition

  Definition QuotcategoryComp {A B C : ob PA} (f : Quotcategory_ob_morA, B)
             (g : Quotcategory_ob_morB, C) : UU :=
     h : Quotcategory_ob_morA, C,
          ( (f' : PAA, B) (e1 : setquotpr _ f' = f)
             (g' : PAB, C) (e2 : setquotpr _ g' = g), setquotpr _ (f' · g') = h).

  Definition make_QuotcategoryComp {A B C : ob PA} {f : Quotcategory_ob_morA, B}
             {g : Quotcategory_ob_morB, C} (h : Quotcategory_ob_morA, C)
             (H : (f' : PAA, B) (e1 : setquotpr _ f' = f)
                    (g' : PAB, C) (e2 : setquotpr _ g' = g), setquotpr _ (f' · g') = h) :
    QuotcategoryComp f g := tpair _ h H.

  Definition QuotcategoryCompMor {A B C : ob PA} {f : Quotcategory_ob_morA, B}
             {g : Quotcategory_ob_morB, C} (QPC : QuotcategoryComp f g) :
    Quotcategory_ob_morA, C := pr1 QPC.

  Definition QuotcategoryCompEq {A B C : ob PA} {f : Quotcategory_ob_morA, B}
             {g : Quotcategory_ob_morB, C} (QPC : QuotcategoryComp f g) :
     (f' : PAA, B) (e1 : setquotpr _ f' = f) (g' : PAB, C) (e2 : setquotpr _ g' = g),
    setquotpr _ (f' · g') = QuotcategoryCompMor QPC := pr2 QPC.

Composition for quotient category

  Local Lemma Quotcategory_comp_iscontr_PAS_eq {A : abgr} {a b c : A}
        (e : a = (b * (grinv A c))%multmonoid) : b = (a * c)%multmonoid.
  Show proof.
    rewrite e. rewrite assocax. rewrite grlinvax. rewrite runax. apply idpath.

  Lemma Quotcategory_comp_iscontr_PAS {A B C : PA} {t : pr1 (PAS A B)} {t' : pr1 (PAS B C)}
        {f1 f'1 : PAA, B} {g1 g'1 : PAB, C}
        (p : pr1 t = to_binop A B f'1 (grinv (to_abgr A B) f1))
        (p' : pr1 t' = to_binop B C g'1 (grinv (to_abgr B C) g1)) :
    pr1 (PAS A C) (to_binop A C (f1 · g1) (grinv (to_abgr A C) (f'1 · g'1))).
  Show proof.
    set (e1 := Quotcategory_comp_iscontr_PAS_eq p).
    set (e2 := Quotcategory_comp_iscontr_PAS_eq p').
    rewrite e1. rewrite e2. clear e1 e2 p p'. cbn.
    rewrite to_premor_linear'. rewrite to_postmor_linear'. rewrite to_postmor_linear'.
    set (ac := assocax (to_abgr A C)). unfold isassoc in ac. cbn in ac.
    set (comm := commax (to_abgr A C)). unfold iscomm in comm. cbn in comm.
    rewrite (comm _ (f1 · g1)). rewrite <- (ac _ (f1 · g1) _).
    rewrite (comm _ (f1 · g1)). rewrite ac. rewrite ac.
    set (i := grinvop (to_abgr A C)). cbn in i. rewrite i. repeat rewrite <- ac.
    rewrite comm. rewrite <- ac.
    set (il := linvax _ (f1 · g1)). unfold to_inv in il. rewrite il. clear il.
    set (lu := to_lunax A C). unfold islunit in lu. cbn in lu. unfold to_unel. rewrite lu.
    set (tmp := pr2 (pr2 (PAS A C))). cbn in tmp. apply tmp. clear tmp.
    use to_op_elem.
    - use to_op_elem.
      + apply (dirprod_pr1 (PAC A B) C (pr1 t) (pr2 t) (pr1 t')).
      + apply (dirprod_pr2 (PAC A B) C f1 (pr1 t') (pr2 t')).
    - apply (dirprod_pr1 (PAC A B) C (pr1 t) (pr2 t) g1).

  Local Lemma Quotcategory_comp_iscontr_eq {A B C : ob PA} (f : Quotcategory_ob_morA, B)
        (g : Quotcategory_ob_morB, C) (f'1 : PA A, B ) (f''1 : setquotpr _ f'1 = f)
        (g'1 : PA B, C ) (g''1 : setquotpr _ g'1 = g) :
     (f' : PAA, B) (e1 : setquotpr _ f' = f) (g' : PAB, C) (e2 : setquotpr _ g' = g),
    setquotpr _ (f' · g') = setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS A C)) (f'1 · g'1).
  Show proof.
    intros f1 Hf g1 Hg. cbn.
    apply (iscompsetquotpr (make_eqrel _ (iseqrel_subgrhrel (to_abgr A C) (PAS A C)))).
    set (HH := @abgrquotpr_rels_to_unel
                 (to_abgr A B) f'1 f1 (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS A B)) f f''1 Hf).
    set (HH' := @abgrquotpr_rels_to_unel
                  (to_abgr B C) g'1 g1 (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS B C)) g g''1 Hg).
    apply abgrquotpr_rel_paths in HH. apply abgrquotpr_rel_paths in HH'.
    use (squash_to_prop HH). apply propproperty. intros HHH. clear HH.
    use (squash_to_prop HH'). apply propproperty. intros HHH'. clear HH'.
    cbn in HHH. cbn in HHH'. induction HHH as [t p]. induction HHH' as [t' p'].
    rewrite grinvunel in p. rewrite grinvunel in p'.
    set (tmp := to_runax A B). unfold isrunit in tmp. cbn in tmp. rewrite tmp in p. clear tmp.
    set (tmp := to_runax B C). unfold isrunit in tmp. cbn in tmp. rewrite tmp in p'. clear tmp.
    use hinhpr.
    use tpair.
    + use tpair.
      * exact (to_binop A C (f1 · g1) (grinv (to_abgr A C) (f'1 · g'1))).
      * apply (Quotcategory_comp_iscontr_PAS p p').
    + apply idpath.

  Local Lemma QuotPrecatetgory_comp_iscontr_univ {A B C : ob PA} (f : Quotcategory_ob_morA, B)
             (g : Quotcategory_ob_morB, C)
             (f' : hfiber (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS A B))) f)
             (g' : hfiber (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS B C))) g) :
     t : QuotcategoryComp f g,
          t = make_QuotcategoryComp
                (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS A C))
                           (hfiberpr1 _ _ f' · hfiberpr1 _ _ g'))
                   f g (hfiberpr1 (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS A B))) f f')
                   (hfiberpr2 (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS A B))) f f')
                   (hfiberpr1 (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS B C))) g g')
                   (hfiberpr2 (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS B C))) g g')).
  Show proof.
    intros t.
    use total2_paths_f.
    - exact (! (pr2 t (hfiberpr1 _ _ f') (hfiberpr2 _ _ f') (hfiberpr1 _ _ g') (hfiberpr2 _ _ g'))).
    - apply proofirrelevance.
      apply impred. intros t'.
      apply impred. intros H.
      apply impred. intros t0.
      apply impred. intros H0.
      apply isasetsetquot.

  Lemma Quotcategory_comp_iscontr {A B C : ob PA} (f : Quotcategory_ob_morA, B)
             (g : Quotcategory_ob_morB, C) : iscontr (QuotcategoryComp f g).
  Show proof.
    use (squash_to_prop (Quotcategory_surj f) (isapropiscontr _)). intros f'.
    use (squash_to_prop (Quotcategory_surj g) (isapropiscontr _)). intros g'.
    use make_iscontr.
    - use make_QuotcategoryComp.
      + exact (setquotpr
                 (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS A C)) ((hfiberpr1 _ _ f') · (hfiberpr1 _ _ g'))).
      + exact (Quotcategory_comp_iscontr_eq
                 f g (hfiberpr1 _ _ f') (hfiberpr2 _ _ f') (hfiberpr1 _ _ g') (hfiberpr2 _ _ g')).
    - exact (QuotPrecatetgory_comp_iscontr_univ f g f' g').

  Definition Quotcategory_comp {A B C : ob PA} (f : Quotcategory_ob_morA, B)
             (g : Quotcategory_ob_morB, C) : Quotcategory_ob_morA, C.
  Show proof.

  Definition to_quot_mor {x y : ob PA} (f : PAx, y) : Quotcategory_ob_morx, y.
  Show proof.
    use setquotpr. exact f.

Some equations on linearity, compositions, and binops

  Lemma Quotcategory_comp_linear {x y z : ob PA} (f : PAx, y) (g : PAy, z) :
    Quotcategory_comp (to_quot_mor f) (to_quot_mor g) = to_quot_mor (f · g).
  Show proof.
    unfold to_quot_mor. unfold Quotcategory_comp.
    apply pathsinv0.
    use (pr2 (pr1 (Quotcategory_comp_iscontr
                           (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS x y)) f)
                           (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS y z)) g)))).
    - apply idpath.
    - apply idpath.

Pre- and postcomposition respect binop.
  Local Lemma Quotcategory_premor {x y z : PA} (f : PAx, y) (g h : PAy, z) :
    Quotcategory_comp (to_quot_mor f) ((to_quot_mor g * to_quot_mor h)%multmonoid) =
    ((Quotcategory_comp (to_quot_mor f) (to_quot_mor g)) *
     (Quotcategory_comp (to_quot_mor f) (to_quot_mor h)))%multmonoid.
  Show proof.
    Local Opaque binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel isabgrquot setquotfun2 Quotcategory_comp.
    apply pathsinv0. cbn.
    eapply pathscomp0.
    - rewrite Quotcategory_comp_linear. rewrite Quotcategory_comp_linear.
      use setquotfun2comm.
    - apply pathsinv0.
      unfold to_quot_mor.
      set (tmp := setquotfun2comm (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS y z))
                                  (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS y z))
                                  (to_binop y z)
                                     (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS y z))
                                     (eqreltrans (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS y z)))
                                     (pr2 (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS y z))))).
      rewrite tmp. clear tmp.
      rewrite <- to_premor_linear'.
      apply pathsinv0.
      Local Transparent Quotcategory_comp. unfold Quotcategory_comp.
      apply (pr2 (pr1 (Quotcategory_comp_iscontr
                         (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS x y)) f)
                         (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS y z)) (to_binop y z g h))))).
      + apply idpath.
      + apply idpath.

  Local Lemma Quotcategory_postmor {x y z : PA} (f : PAy, z) (g h : PAx, y) :
    Quotcategory_comp (to_quot_mor g * to_quot_mor h)%multmonoid (to_quot_mor f) =
    ((Quotcategory_comp (to_quot_mor g) (to_quot_mor f)) *
     (Quotcategory_comp (to_quot_mor h) (to_quot_mor f)))%multmonoid.
  Show proof.
    Local Opaque Quotcategory_comp.
    apply pathsinv0. cbn.
    eapply pathscomp0.
    - rewrite Quotcategory_comp_linear. rewrite Quotcategory_comp_linear.
      use setquotfun2comm.
    - unfold to_quot_mor. rewrite setquotfun2comm.
      Local Transparent Quotcategory_comp.
      unfold Quotcategory_comp.
      rewrite <- to_postmor_linear'.
      apply (pr2 (pr1 (Quotcategory_comp_iscontr
                         (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS x y)) (to_binop x y g h))
                         (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS y z)) f)))).
      + apply idpath.
      + apply idpath.

Composing with the unit element gives the unit element.
  Local Lemma quot_comp_unel_left {x y z : PA} (f : PAx, y) :
    Quotcategory_comp (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS x y)) f)
                         (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS y z)) (@to_unel PA y z)) =
    (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS x z)) (@to_unel PA x z)).
  Show proof.
    rewrite <- (to_premor_unel' _ _ f). apply pathsinv0.
    unfold Quotcategory_comp.
    apply (pr2 (pr1 (Quotcategory_comp_iscontr
                       (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS x y)) f)
                       (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS y z)) (to_unel y z))))).
    - apply idpath.
    - apply idpath.

  Local Lemma quot_comp_unel_right {x y z : PA} (f : PAy, z) :
    Quotcategory_comp (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS x y)) (to_unel x y))
                         (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS y z)) f) =
    (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS x z)) (to_unel x z)).
  Show proof.
    rewrite <- (to_postmor_unel' _ _ f). apply pathsinv0.
    unfold Quotcategory_comp.
    apply (pr2 (pr1 (Quotcategory_comp_iscontr
                       (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS x y)) (to_unel x y))
                       (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS y z)) f)))).
    - apply idpath.
    - apply idpath.

Construction of the Quotcategory

  Definition Quotcategory_data : precategory_data :=
      (λ (A : ob PA), setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS A A)) (identity A))
      (fun (A B C : ob PA) (f : Quotcategory_ob_morA, B)
         (g : Quotcategory_ob_morB, C) => Quotcategory_comp f g).

The following two lemmas are used to show associaticity of composition in Quotcategory.
  Local Lemma Quot_assoc1 {a b c d : Quotcategory_data} (f : Quotcategory_data a, b)
        (g : Quotcategory_data b, c) (h : Quotcategory_data c, d)
        (f1 : PAa, b) (f2 : setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS a b)) f1 = f)
        (g1 : PAb, c) (g2 : setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS b c)) g1 = g)
        (h1 : PAc, d) (h2 : setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS c d)) h1 = h) :
    Quotcategory_comp f (Quotcategory_comp g h) =
    setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS a d)) (f1 · (g1 · h1)).
  Show proof.
    apply pathsinv0.
    set (ic2 := Quotcategory_comp_iscontr g h).
    set (ic3 := Quotcategory_comp_iscontr f (pr1 (pr1 ic2))).
    set (tmp := pr2 (pr1 ic3)). cbn beta in tmp. unfold Quotcategory_comp.
    fold ic2. fold ic3. use tmp.
    - exact f2.
    - use (pr2 (pr1 ic2)).
      + exact g2.
      + exact h2.

  Local Lemma Quot_assoc2 {a b c d : Quotcategory_data} (f : Quotcategory_data a, b)
        (g : Quotcategory_data b, c) (h : Quotcategory_data c, d)
        (f1 : PAa, b) (f2 : setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS a b)) f1 = f)
        (g1 : PAb, c) (g2 : setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS b c)) g1 = g)
        (h1 : PAc, d) (h2 : setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS c d)) h1 = h) :
    setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS a d)) ((f1 · g1) · h1) =
    Quotcategory_comp (Quotcategory_comp f g) h.
  Show proof.
    set (ic1 := Quotcategory_comp_iscontr f g).
    set (ic4 := Quotcategory_comp_iscontr (pr1 (pr1 ic1)) h).
    set (tmp := pr2 (pr1 ic4)). cbn beta in tmp. unfold Quotcategory_comp.
    fold ic1. fold ic4. use tmp.
    - use (pr2 (pr1 ic1)).
      + exact f2.
      + exact g2.
    - exact h2.

Quotcategory is a precategory
  Lemma is_precategory_Quotcategory_data : is_precategory Quotcategory_data.
  Show proof.
    - split.
      + intros a b f. apply pathsinv0. cbn. unfold Quotcategory_comp.
        set (f'' := @issurjsetquotpr (to_abgr a b) (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS a b)) f).
        use (squash_to_prop f''). apply isasetsetquot. intros f'. clear f''.
        induction f' as [f1 f2]. rewrite <- f2. cbn in f1, a, b.
        eapply pathscomp0.
        * apply maponpaths. exact (! (id_left f1)).
        * apply (pr2 (pr1 (Quotcategory_comp_iscontr
                             (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS a a)) (@identity PA a))
                             (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS a b)) f1)))).
          -- apply idpath.
          -- apply idpath.
      + intros a b f. apply pathsinv0. cbn. unfold Quotcategory_comp.
        set (f'' := @issurjsetquotpr (to_abgr a b) (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS a b)) f).
        use (squash_to_prop f''). apply isasetsetquot. intros f'. clear f''.
        induction f' as [f1 f2]. rewrite <- f2. cbn in f1, a, b.
        eapply pathscomp0.
        * apply maponpaths. exact (! (id_right f1)).
        * apply (pr2 (pr1 (Quotcategory_comp_iscontr
                             (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS a b)) f1)
                             (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS b b)) (@identity PA b))))).
          -- apply idpath.
          -- apply idpath.
    - split.
      + intros a b c d f g h. cbn.
        set (f'' := @issurjsetquotpr (to_abgr a b) (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS a b)) f).
        use (squash_to_prop f''). apply isasetsetquot. intros f'. clear f''.
        set (g'' := @issurjsetquotpr (to_abgr b c) (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS b c)) g).
        use (squash_to_prop g''). apply isasetsetquot. intros g'. clear g''.
        set (h'' := @issurjsetquotpr (to_abgr c d) (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS c d)) h).
        use (squash_to_prop h''). apply isasetsetquot. intros h'. clear h''.
        induction f' as [f1 f2]. induction g' as [g1 g2]. induction h' as [h1 h2].
        cbn in f1, g1, h1.
        rewrite (Quot_assoc1 f g h f1 f2 g1 g2 h1 h2).
        rewrite <- (Quot_assoc2 f g h f1 f2 g1 g2 h1 h2).
        rewrite assoc. apply idpath.
      + intros a b c d f g h. cbn.
        set (f'' := @issurjsetquotpr (to_abgr a b) (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS a b)) f).
        use (squash_to_prop f''). apply isasetsetquot. intros f'. clear f''.
        set (g'' := @issurjsetquotpr (to_abgr b c) (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS b c)) g).
        use (squash_to_prop g''). apply isasetsetquot. intros g'. clear g''.
        set (h'' := @issurjsetquotpr (to_abgr c d) (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS c d)) h).
        use (squash_to_prop h''). apply isasetsetquot. intros h'. clear h''.
        induction f' as [f1 f2]. induction g' as [g1 g2]. induction h' as [h1 h2].
        cbn in f1, g1, h1.
        rewrite (Quot_assoc1 f g h f1 f2 g1 g2 h1 h2).
        rewrite <- (Quot_assoc2 f g h f1 f2 g1 g2 h1 h2).
        rewrite assoc'. apply idpath.

  Definition Quotprecategory : precategory :=
    tpair _ _ is_precategory_Quotcategory_data.

  Lemma has_homsets_Quotcategory : has_homsets Quotprecategory.
  Show proof.
    intros a b. apply isasetsetquot.

  Definition Quotcategory : category := make_category Quotprecategory has_homsets_Quotcategory.

Quotient precategory of PreAdditive is PreAdditive

  Definition Quotcategory_binops : precategoryWithBinOps.
  Show proof.
    use make_precategoryWithBinOps.
    - exact Quotcategory.
    - intros x y. exact (@op (subabgr_quot (PAS x y))).

  Unset Kernel Term Sharing.
  Definition Quotcategory_abgrops : categoryWithAbgrops.
  Show proof.
    use make_categoryWithAbgrops.
    - exact Quotcategory_binops.
    - intros x y. exact (pr2 (subabgr_quot (PAS x y))).
  Set Kernel Term Sharing.

  Local Lemma quot_unel {x y : PA} :
    setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS x y)) (@to_unel PA x y) =
    unel (@to_abgr Quotcategory_abgrops x y).
  Show proof.
    apply idpath.

  Local Opaque to_abgr.
  Local Lemma PreAdditive_pre_linear (x y z : ob Quotcategory_abgrops)
    (f : Quotcategory_abgropsx, y) (g h : Quotcategory_abgrops y, z):
    f · to_binop y z g h = to_binop x z (f · g) (f · h).
  Show proof.
    use (squash_to_prop (Quotcategory_surj f)). apply to_has_homsets. intros f'.
    use (squash_to_prop (Quotcategory_surj g)). apply to_has_homsets. intros g'.
    use (squash_to_prop (Quotcategory_surj h)). apply to_has_homsets. intros h'.
    rewrite <- (hfiberpr2 _ _ f'). rewrite <- (hfiberpr2 _ _ g'). rewrite <- (hfiberpr2 _ _ h').
    exact (Quotcategory_premor (hfiberpr1 _ _ f') (hfiberpr1 _ _ g') (hfiberpr1 _ _ h')).

  Local Lemma PreAdditive_pre_unel (x y z : ob Quotcategory_abgrops)
        (f : Quotcategory_abgropsx, y) : f · (@to_unel Quotcategory_abgrops y z) =
                                              @to_unel Quotcategory_abgrops x z.
  Show proof.
    use (squash_to_prop (Quotcategory_surj f)). apply (@to_has_homsets Quotcategory_abgrops).
    intros f'. rewrite <- (hfiberpr2 _ _ f').
    exact (@quot_comp_unel_left x y z (hfiberpr1 _ _ f')).

  Local Lemma PreAdditive_post_linear (x y z : ob Quotcategory_abgrops)
    (f : Quotcategory_abgropsy, z) (g h : Quotcategory_abgrops x, y):
    to_binop x y g h · f = to_binop x z (g · f) (h · f).
  Show proof.
    use (squash_to_prop (Quotcategory_surj f)). apply to_has_homsets. intros f'.
    use (squash_to_prop (Quotcategory_surj g)). apply to_has_homsets. intros g'.
    use (squash_to_prop (Quotcategory_surj h)). apply to_has_homsets. intros h'.
    rewrite <- (hfiberpr2 _ _ f'). rewrite <- (hfiberpr2 _ _ g'). rewrite <- (hfiberpr2 _ _ h').
    exact (Quotcategory_postmor (hfiberpr1 _ _ f') (hfiberpr1 _ _ g') (hfiberpr1 _ _ h')).

  Local Lemma PreAdditive_post_unel (x y z : ob Quotcategory_abgrops)
        (f : Quotcategory_abgropsy, z) : (@to_unel Quotcategory_abgrops x y) · f =
                                              @to_unel Quotcategory_abgrops x z.
  Show proof.
    use (squash_to_prop (Quotcategory_surj f)). apply (@to_has_homsets Quotcategory_abgrops).
    intros f'. rewrite <- (hfiberpr2 _ _ f').
    exact (@quot_comp_unel_right x y z (hfiberpr1 _ _ f')).

  Lemma Quotcategory_isPreAdditive : isPreAdditive Quotcategory_abgrops.
  Show proof.
    use make_isPreAdditive'.
    - intros x y z f g h. exact (PreAdditive_pre_linear x y z f g h).
    - intros x y z f. exact (PreAdditive_pre_unel x y z f).
    - intros x y z f g h. exact (PreAdditive_post_linear x y z f g h).
    - intros x y z f. exact (PreAdditive_post_unel x y z f).

  Definition Quotcategory_PreAdditive : PreAdditive.
  Show proof.
    use make_PreAdditive.
    - exact Quotcategory_abgrops.
    - exact Quotcategory_isPreAdditive.

  Lemma setquotpr_linear {x y : PA} (f g : PAx, y) :
    to_quot_mor (@to_binop PA _ _ f g) =
    @to_binop Quotcategory_PreAdditive _ _ (to_quot_mor f) (to_quot_mor g).
  Show proof.
    exact (pr1 (abgrquotpr_ismonoidfun (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS x y))) f g).

  Lemma comp_eq {x y z : PA} (f : Quotcategory_PreAdditivex, y)
        (g : Quotcategory_PreAdditivey, z) : Quotcategory_comp f g = f · g.
  Show proof.
    apply idpath.

The canonical functor to Quotcategory

This functor is identity on objects and sends morphisms to the equivalence class they represent.

  Definition QuotcategoryFunctor_data : functor_data PA Quotcategory_PreAdditive.
  Show proof.
    use tpair.
    - intros X. exact X.
    - intros X Y f. exact (setquotpr (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS X Y)) f).

  Local Lemma QuotcategoryFunctor_isfunctor : is_functor QuotcategoryFunctor_data.
  Show proof.
    - intros X. apply idpath.
    - intros x Y Z f g. exact (! (Quotcategory_comp_linear f g)).

  Definition QuotcategoryFunctor : functor PA Quotcategory_PreAdditive.
  Show proof.
    use tpair.
    - exact QuotcategoryFunctor_data.
    - exact QuotcategoryFunctor_isfunctor.

If PA has a zero object, then so does Quotcategory of PA

  Variable Z : Zero PA.

  Lemma Quotcategory_isZero : isZero (C:=Quotcategory) Z.
  Show proof.
    use make_isZero.
    - intros a.
      use tpair.
      + exact (to_quot_mor (@ZeroArrowFrom PA Z a)).
      + cbn beta. intros t.
        set (t'1 := @issurjsetquotpr (to_abgr Z a) (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS Z a)) t).
        use (squash_to_prop t'1). apply has_homsets_Quotcategory. intros t1. clear t'1.
        induction t1 as [t1 t2]. rewrite <- t2. unfold to_quot_mor. apply maponpaths.
        apply ArrowsFromZero.
    - intros a.
      use tpair.
      + exact (to_quot_mor (@ZeroArrowTo PA Z a)).
      + cbn beta. intros t.
        set (t'1 := @issurjsetquotpr (to_abgr a Z) (binopeqrel_subgr_eqrel (PAS a Z)) t).
        use (squash_to_prop t'1). apply has_homsets_Quotcategory. intros t1. clear t'1.
        induction t1 as [t1 t2]. rewrite <- t2. unfold to_quot_mor. apply maponpaths.
        apply ArrowsToZero.

  Definition Quotcategory_Zero : @Zero Quotcategory.
  Show proof.
    use make_Zero.
    - exact Z.
    - exact Quotcategory_isZero.

End preadditive_quotient.

Definition oppositePreAdditive (M : PreAdditive) : PreAdditive.
Show proof.
  exists (oppositeCategoryWithAbgrops M).
  - exact (λ a b c f, @to_postmor_monoid (pr1 M) (pr2 M) (rm_opp_ob c) (rm_opp_ob b) (rm_opp_ob a) (rm_opp_mor f)).
  - exact (λ a b c f, @to_premor_monoid (pr1 M) (pr2 M) (rm_opp_ob c) (rm_opp_ob b) (rm_opp_ob a) (rm_opp_mor f)).

Definition induced_PreAdditive (M : PreAdditive) {X:Type} (j : X -> ob M) : PreAdditive.
Show proof.
  exists (induced_categoryWithAbgrops M j).
  - exact (λ a b c, @to_premor_monoid (pr1 M) (pr2 M) (j a) (j b) (j c)).
  - exact (λ a b c, @to_postmor_monoid (pr1 M) (pr2 M) (j a) (j b) (j c)).

Lemma induced_opposite_PreAdditive {M:PreAdditive} {X:Type} (j : X -> ob M) :
  oppositePreAdditive (induced_PreAdditive M j) =
  induced_PreAdditive (oppositePreAdditive M) (λ a, opp_ob (j a)).
Show proof.
  compute.   apply idpath.

Section RewritingAids.
  Local Open Scope abgrcat.
  Lemma zeroLeft {M:PreAdditive} {a b c : M} (f : b --> c) : ((0 : a --> b) · f = 0)%abgrcat.
  Show proof.
    apply to_postmor_unel'.
  Lemma zeroRight {M:PreAdditive} {a b c : M} (f : a --> b) : f · (0 : b --> c) = 0.
  Show proof.
    apply to_premor_unel'.
  Definition leftCompIsHomo {M:PreAdditive} {a b : M} (f : a --> b) (c:M) : ismonoidfun (to_premor c f)
    := @to_premor_monoid _ M _ _ _ _.
  Definition rightCompIsHomo {M:PreAdditive} {b c : M} (a:M) (f : b --> c) : ismonoidfun (to_postmor a f)
    := @to_postmor_monoid _ M _ _ _ _.
  Definition leftCompHomo {M:PreAdditive} {a b : M} (f : a --> b) (c:M) : monoidfun (b-->c) (a-->c)
    := to_premor c f,, to_premor_monoid M _ _ _ f.
  Definition rightCompHomo {M:PreAdditive} {b c : M} (a:M) (f : b --> c) : monoidfun (a-->b) (a-->c)
    := to_postmor a f,, to_postmor_monoid M _ _ _ f.
  Lemma rightDistribute {M:PreAdditive} {a b c : M} (f : a --> b) (g h : b --> c) : f · (g + h) = f · g + f · h.
  Show proof.
    apply leftCompIsHomo.
  Lemma leftDistribute {M:PreAdditive} {a b c : M} (f g : a --> b) (h : b --> c) : (f + g) · h = f · h + g · h.
  Show proof.
    apply rightCompIsHomo.
  Lemma rightMinus {M:PreAdditive} {a b c : M} (f : a --> b) (g : b --> c) : f · (- g) = - (f·g).
  Show proof.
    exact (monoidfuninvtoinv (leftCompHomo f c) g).
  Lemma leftMinus {M:PreAdditive} {a b c : M} (f : a --> b) (g : b --> c) : (- f) · g = - (f·g).
  Show proof.
    exact (monoidfuninvtoinv (rightCompHomo a g) f).
End RewritingAids.