Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.ProductCategory

Anders Mörtberg
For a specialization to binary products, see precategory_binproduct.

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Tactics.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.opp_precat.
Local Open Scope cat.

Section dep_product_precategory.

  Context {I : UU} (C : I -> category).

  Definition product_precategory_ob_mor : precategory_ob_mor.
  Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - apply ( (i : I), ob (C i)).
  - intros f g.
    apply ( i, f i --> g i).

  Definition product_precategory_data : precategory_data.
  Show proof.
    exists product_precategory_ob_mor.
    - intros f i; simpl in *.
      apply (identity (f i)).
    - intros a b c f g i; simpl in *.
      exact (f i · g i).

  Lemma is_precategory_product_precategory_data :
    is_precategory product_precategory_data.
  Show proof.
    repeat split; intros; apply funextsec; intro i.
    - apply id_left.
    - apply id_right.
    - apply assoc.
    - apply assoc'.
needed for the op-related goal below
The product of categories is again a category.
Definition product_category {I : UU} (C : I -> category) : category.
  use make_category.
  - exact (product_precategory C).
  - apply has_homsets_product_precategory.

Section power_precategory.
  Context (I : UU) (C : category).

  Definition power_category : category
    := @product_category I (λ _, C).

End power_precategory.


Section functors.

Families of functors (family_functor)

Definition family_functor_data (I : UU) {A B : I -> category}
  (F : (i : I), (A i) (B i)) :
  functor_data (product_category A)
               (product_category B).
Show proof.
use tpair.
- intros a i; apply (F i (a i)).
- intros a b f i; apply (# (F i) (f i)).

Definition family_functor (I : UU) {A B : I -> category}
  (F : (i : I), (A i) (B i)) :
  (product_category A) (product_category B).
Show proof.
apply (tpair _ (family_functor_data I F)).
  (split; [ intro x; apply funextsec; intro i; simpl; apply functor_id
          | intros x y z f g; apply funextsec; intro i; apply functor_comp]).

Projections (pr_functor)

Definition pr_functor_data (I : UU) (C : I -> category) (i : I) :
  functor_data (product_category C) (C i).
Show proof.
use tpair.
- intro a; apply (a i).
- intros x y f; simpl; apply (f i).

Definition pr_functor (I : UU) (C : I -> category) (i : I) :
  (product_category C) (C i).
Show proof.
apply (tpair _ (pr_functor_data I C i)).
abstract (split; intros x *; apply idpath).

Delta functor (delta_functor)

Definition delta_functor_data (I : UU) (C : category) :
  functor_data C (power_category I C).
Show proof.
use tpair.
- intros x i; apply x.
- intros x y f i; simpl; apply f.

Definition delta_functor (I : UU) (C : category) :
  C (power_category I C).
Show proof.
apply (tpair _ (delta_functor_data I C)).
abstract (split; intros x *; apply idpath).

Tuple functor (tuple_functor)

Definition tuple_functor_data {I : UU} {A : category} {B : I category}
  (F : i, A (B i)) : functor_data A (product_category B).
Show proof.
use tpair.
- intros a i; exact (F i a).
- intros a b f i; exact (# (F i) f).

Lemma tuple_functor_axioms {I : UU} {A : category} {B : I category}
  (F : i, A (B i)) : is_functor (tuple_functor_data F).
Show proof.
- intros a. apply funextsec; intro i. apply functor_id.
- intros ? ? ? ? ?. apply funextsec; intro i. apply functor_comp.

Definition tuple_functor {I : UU} {A : category} {B : I category}
  (F : i, A (B i)) : A (product_category B)
    := (tuple_functor_data F,, tuple_functor_axioms F).

Lemma pr_tuple_functor {I : UU} {A : category} (B : I category)
  (F : i, A (B i)) (i : I) : tuple_functor F pr_functor I B i = F i.
Show proof.
  apply functor_eq.
  apply (B i).
  apply idpath.

End functors.

Equivalence between functors into components and functors into product

This is a phrasing of the universal property of the product, compare to weqfuntoprodtoprod.
Lemma functor_into_product_weq {I : UU} {A : category} {B : I category} :
  A (product_category B) ( i : I, A (B i)).
Show proof.
  use weq_iso.
  - intros ? i.
Compose A ⟶ product_precategory I B ⟶ B i
    apply (functor_composite (C' := product_precategory B)).
    + assumption.
    + exact (pr_functor _ _ i).
  - exact tuple_functor.
  - intro y.
    apply functor_eq; [apply homset_property|].
  - intro f; cbn.
    apply funextsec; intro i.
    apply functor_eq; [exact (homset_property (B i))|].