Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.RepresentableFunctors.RawMatrix

raw matrices

Raw matrices of a map are formed from a product decomposition of the target or from a sum decomposition of the source. We call them "raw" to distinguish them from matrices formed from direct sum decompositions.

Require Import
Local Open Scope cat.

Definition to_row {C:category} {I} {b:I -> ob C}
           (B:Sum b) {d:ob C} :
  (Hom C (universalObject B) d) ( j, Hom C (b j) d).
Show proof.
  intros. exact (universalProperty B d).

Definition from_row {C:category} {I} {b:I -> ob C}
           (B:Sum b) {d:ob C} :
  ( j, Hom C (b j) d) (Hom C (universalObject B) d).
Show proof.
  intros. apply invweq. apply to_row.

Lemma from_row_entry {C:category} {I} {b:I -> ob C}
           (B:Sum b) {d:ob C} (f : j, Hom C (b j) d) :
   j, from_row B f opp_mor (universalElement B j) = f j.
Show proof.
  intros. exact (eqtohomot (homotweqinvweq (to_row B) f) j).

Definition to_col {C:category} {I} {d:I -> ob C} (D:Product d) {b:ob C} :
  (Hom C b (universalObject D)) ( i, Hom C b (d i)).
Show proof.
  intros. exact (universalProperty D b).

Definition from_col {C:category} {I} {d:I -> ob C}
           (D:Product d) {b:ob C} :
 ( i, Hom C b (d i)) (Hom C b (universalObject D)).
Show proof.
  intros. apply invweq. apply to_col.

Lemma from_col_entry {C:category} {I} {b:I -> ob C}
           (D:Product b) {d:ob C} (f : i, Hom C d (b i)) :
   i, universalElement D i from_col D f = f i.
Show proof.
  apply (eqtohomot (homotweqinvweq (to_col D) f ) i).

Definition to_matrix {C:category}
           {I} {d:I -> ob C} (D:Product d)
           {J} {b:J -> ob C} (B:Sum b) :
  (Hom C (universalObject B) (universalObject D))
    ( i j, Hom C (b j) (d i)).
Show proof.
  intros. apply @weqcomp with (Y := i, Hom C (universalObject B) (d i)).
  { apply to_col. }
  { apply weqonsecfibers; intro i. apply to_row. }

Definition from_matrix {C:category}
           {I} {d:I -> ob C} (D:Product d)
           {J} {b:J -> ob C} (B:Sum b) :
           weq ( i j, Hom C (b j) (d i)) (Hom C (universalObject B) (universalObject D)).
Show proof.
  intros. apply invweq. apply to_matrix.

Lemma from_matrix_entry {C:category}
           {I} {d:I -> ob C} (D:Product d)
           {J} {b:J -> ob C} (B:Sum b)
           (f : i j, Hom C (b j) (d i)) :
   i j, (universalElement D i from_matrix D B f) opp_mor (universalElement B j) = f i j.
Show proof.
  intros. exact (eqtohomot (eqtohomot (homotweqinvweq (to_matrix D B) f) i) j).

Lemma from_matrix_entry_assoc {C:category}
           {I} {d:I -> ob C} (D:Product d)
           {J} {b:J -> ob C} (B:Sum b)
           (f : i j, Hom C (b j) (d i)) :
   i j, universalElement D i (from_matrix D B f opp_mor(universalElement B j)) = f i j.
Show proof.
  intros. rewrite <- assoc. exact (from_matrix_entry D B f i j).