Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.RepresentableFunctors.Representation

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Preamble.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Univalence.
Require Import
Require Import
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Tactics.
Local Open Scope cat.
Local Open Scope Cat.

Definition isUniversal {C:category} {X:[C^op,HSET]} {c:C} (x:c X)
  := (c':C), isweq (λ f : c' --> c, x f).

Definition Universal {C:category} (X:[C^op,HSET]) (c:C)
  := (x:c X), isUniversal x.

Lemma z_iso_Universal_weq {C:category} {X Y:[C^op,HSET]} (c:C) :
  z_iso X Y -> Universal X c Universal Y c.
Show proof.
  intro i.
  set (I := (functor_z_iso_pointwise_if_z_iso
             C^op HSET (homset_property HSET) X Y (pr1 i) (pr2 i))).
  unshelve refine (weqbandf _ _ _ _).
  - apply hset_z_iso_equiv_weq. unfold arrow, functor_object_application. exact (I c).
  - simpl; intros x. apply weqonsecfibers; intro b. apply weqiff.
    + unshelve refine (twooutof3c_iff_1_homot _ _ _ _ _).
      * exact (pr1 i opp_ob b).
      * intro f; simpl.
        exact (eqtohomot (nat_trans_ax (pr1 i) _ _ f) x).
      * exact (hset_z_iso_is_equiv _ _ (I b)).
    + apply isapropisweq.
    + apply isapropisweq.

Definition Representation {C:category} (X:[C^op,HSET]) : UU
  := (c:C), Universal X c.

Definition isRepresentable {C:category} (X:[C^op,HSET]) := Representation X .

Lemma isaprop_Representation {C: univalent_category} (X:[C^op,HSET]) :
  isaprop (@Representation C X).
Show proof.


Definition z_iso_Representation_weq {C:category} {X Y:[C^op,HSET]} :
  z_iso X Y -> Representation X Representation Y.
  intros i. apply weqfibtototal; intro c. apply z_iso_Universal_weq; assumption.

Definition RepresentedFunctor (C:category) : category
  := categoryWithStructure [C^op,HSET] Representation.

Definition toRepresentation {C:category} (X : RepresentedFunctor C) :
  Representation (pr1 X)
  := pr2 X.

Definition RepresentableFunctor (C:category) : category
  := categoryWithStructure [C^op,HSET] isRepresentable.

Definition toRepresentableFunctor {C:category} :
  RepresentedFunctor C RepresentableFunctor C :=
  functorWithStructures (λ c, hinhpr).

Definition makeRepresentation {C:category} {c:C} {X:[C^op,HSET]} (x:c X) :
  ( (c':C), UniqueConstruction (λ f : c' --> c, x f)) -> Representation X.
Show proof.
  intros bij. exists c. exists x. intros c'. apply set_bijection_to_weq.
  - exact (bij c').
  - apply setproperty.

Definition universalObject {C:category} {X:[C^op,HSET]} (r:Representation X) : C
  := pr1 r.

Definition universalElement {C:category} {X:[C^op,HSET]} (r:Representation X) :
  universalObject r X
  := pr1 (pr2 r).

Coercion universalElement : Representation >-> pr1hSet.

Definition universalProperty {C:category} {X:[C^op,HSET]} (r:Representation X) (c:C) :
  c --> universalObject r (c X)
  := make_weq (λ f : c --> universalObject r, r f)
             (pr2 (pr2 r) c).

Definition universalMap {C:category} {X:[C^op,HSET]} (r:Representation X) {c:C} :
  c X -> c --> universalObject r
  := invmap (universalProperty _ _).

Notation "r \\ x" := (universalMap r x) (at level 50, left associativity) : cat.

Definition universalMap' {C:category} {X:[C^op^op,HSET]} (r:Representation X) {c:C} :
  X c -> c <-- universalObject r
  := invmap (universalProperty _ _).

Notation "x // r" := (universalMap' r x) (at level 50, left associativity) : cat.

Definition universalMapProperty {C:category} {X:[C^op,HSET]} (r:Representation X)
      {c:C} (x : c X) :
  r (r \\ x) = x
  := homotweqinvweq (universalProperty r c) x.

Definition mapUniqueness {C:category} (X:[C^op,HSET]) (r : Representation X) (c:C)
           (f g: c --> universalObject r) :
  r f = r g -> f = g
  := invmaponpathsweq (universalProperty _ _) _ _.

Definition universalMapUniqueness {C:category} {X:[C^op,HSET]} {r:Representation X}
      {c:C} (x : c X) (f : c --> universalObject r) :
  r f = x -> f = r \\ x
  := pathsweq1 (universalProperty r c) f x.

Definition universalMapIdentity {C:category} {X:[C^op,HSET]} (r:Representation X) :
  r \\ r = identity _.
Show proof.
  apply pathsinv0. apply universalMapUniqueness. apply arrow_mor_id.

Definition universalMapUniqueness' {C:category} {X:[C^op,HSET]} {r:Representation X}
      {c:C} (x : c X) (f : c --> universalObject r) :
  f = r \\ x -> r f = x
  := pathsweq1' (universalProperty r c) f x.

Lemma univ_arrow_mor_assoc {C:category} {a b:C} {Z:[C^op,HSET]}
      (f : a --> b) (z : b Z) (t : Representation Z) :
  (t \\ z) f = t \\ (z f).
Show proof.
  apply universalMapUniqueness.
  unshelve refine (arrow_mor_mor_assoc _ _ _ @ _).
  apply maponpaths.
  apply universalMapProperty.

Lemma uOF_identity {C:category} {X:[C^op,HSET]} (r:Representation X) :
  r \\ (identity X r) = identity _.
Show proof.
  unfold nat_trans_id; simpl.
  unshelve refine (transportb (λ k, _ \\ k = _) (identityFunction' _ _) _).
  apply universalMapIdentity.

Lemma uOF_comp {C:category} {X Y Z:[C^op,HSET]}
      (r:Representation X)
      (s:Representation Y)
      (t:Representation Z)
      (p:X-->Y) (q:Y-->Z) :
    t \\ ((q p) r) = (t \\ (q s)) (s \\ (p r)).
Show proof.
  unshelve refine (transportf (λ k, _ \\ k = _) (nattrans_nattrans_arrow_assoc _ _ _) _).
  unshelve refine (_ @ !univ_arrow_mor_assoc _ _ _).
  apply maponpaths.
  unshelve refine (_ @ nattrans_arrow_mor_assoc _ _ _).
  apply (maponpaths (λ k, q k)).
  apply pathsinv0.
  apply universalMapProperty.

Definition universalObjectFunctor (C:category) : RepresentedFunctor C C.
Show proof.
  unshelve refine (makeFunctor _ _ _ _).
  - intro X. exact (universalObject (pr2 X)).
  - intros X Y p; simpl. exact (pr2 Y \\ (p pr2 X)).
  - intros X; simpl. apply uOF_identity.
  - intros X Y Z p q; simpl. apply uOF_comp.

Definition universalObjectFunctor_on_map (C:category) {X Y:RepresentedFunctor C} (p:X-->Y) :
  universalObjectFunctor C p = pr2 Y \\ (p pr2 X).
Show proof.

Lemma universalObjectFunctor_comm (C:category) {X Y:RepresentedFunctor C} (p:X-->Y) :
  p universalElement (pr2 X) = universalElement (pr2 Y) universalObjectFunctor C p.
Show proof.
  change (universalObjectFunctor C p) with (pr2 Y \\ (p pr2 X)).
  apply pathsinv0, universalMapProperty.

transferring universal properties between isomorphic objects

Definition isUniversal_isom {C:category} {X:[C^op,HSET]} {c c':C}
           (x:c X) (f : z_iso c' c) :
  isUniversal x <-> isUniversal (x f).
Show proof.


transferring representability via embeddings and isomorphisms of categories

Definition embeddingRepresentability {C D:category}
           {X:[C^op,HSET]} {Y:[D^op,HSET]}
           (s:Representation Y)
           (i:categoryEmbedding C D) :
  z_iso (Y functorOp (opp_ob (pr1 i))) X ->
  ( c, i c = universalObject s) -> Representation X.
  intros j ce.
  apply (z_iso_Representation_weq j).
  exists (pr1 ce).
  exists (transportf (λ d, Y d : hSet) (!pr2 ce) s).
  intro c'. apply (twooutof3c (# i) (λ g, _ g)).
  - apply (pr2 i).
  - induction (! pr2 ce). exact (weqproperty (universalProperty _ _)).

Definition isomorphismRepresentability {C D:category}
           {X:[C^op,HSET]} {Y:[D^op,HSET]}
           (s:Representation Y)
           (i:categoryIsomorphism C D) :
  z_iso (Y functorOp (opp_ob (pr1 (pr1 i)))) X -> Representation X
  := λ j, embeddingRepresentability s i j (iscontrpr1 (pr2 i (universalObject s))).

the functor represented by an object

Definition Hom1 {C:category} (c:C) : [C^op,HSET].
Show proof.
  unshelve refine (makeFunctor_op _ _ _ _).
  - intro b. exact (Hom C b c).
  - intros b a f g; simpl. exact (g f).
  - abstract (intros b; simpl; apply funextsec; intro g; apply id_left) using _L_.
  - abstract (intros i j k f g; simpl; apply funextsec; intro h;
              rewrite <- assoc; reflexivity) using _L_.

Lemma Hom1_Representation {C:category} (c:C) : Representation (Hom1 c).
Show proof.
  exists c. exists (identity c). intro b. apply (isweqhomot (idweq _)).
  - abstract (intro f; unfold arrow_morphism_composition; unfold Hom1; simpl;
              apply pathsinv0, id_right) using _R_.
  - abstract (apply weqproperty) using _T_.

maps from Hom1 to functors

Lemma compose_SET {X Y Z:HSET} (f:X-->Y) (g:Y-->Z) : gf = λ x, g(f x).
Show proof.

Definition element_to_nattrans {C:category} (X:[C^op,HSET]) (c:C) :
  c X -> Hom1 c --> X.
Show proof.
  intros x. unshelve refine (makeNattrans_op _ _).
  - unfold Hom1; simpl; intros b f. exact (x f).
  - abstract (intros a b f; apply funextsec; intro g; apply arrow_mor_mor_assoc) using _L_.

representable functors are isomorphic to one represented by an object
initial and final objects and zero maps

Definition UnitFunctor (C:category) : [C,SET].
  unshelve refine (_,,_).
  { exists (λ c, unitset). exact (λ a b f t, t). }
  { split.
    { intros a. reflexivity. }
    { intros a b c f g. reflexivity. } }

Definition TerminalObject (C:category) := Representation (UnitFunctor C^op).

Definition terminalObject {C} (t:TerminalObject C) : ob C := universalObject t.

Definition terminalArrow {C} (t:TerminalObject C) (c:ob C) :
  Hom C c (terminalObject t)
  := t \\ tt.

Definition InitialObject (C:category) := TerminalObject C^op.

Definition initialObject {C} (i:InitialObject C) : ob C := universalObject i.

Definition initialArrow {C} (i:InitialObject C) (c:ob C) :
  Hom C (initialObject i) c
  := rm_opp_mor (tt // i).

Definition init_to_opp {C:category} : InitialObject C -> TerminalObject C^op
  := λ i, i.

Definition term_to_opp {C:category} : TerminalObject C -> InitialObject C^op.
Show proof.
  intros. unfold InitialObject. now induction (opp_opp_precat C).

zero objects, as an alternative to ZeroObject.v

Definition ZeroObject (C:category)
  := z:ob C, Universal (UnitFunctor C^op) z × Universal (UnitFunctor C^op^op) z.

Definition zero_to_terminal (C:category) : ZeroObject C -> TerminalObject C
  := λ z, pr1 z ,, pr1 (pr2 z).

Definition zero_to_initial (C:category) : ZeroObject C -> InitialObject C
  := λ z, pr1 z ,, pr2 (pr2 z).

Definition zero_opp (C:category) : ZeroObject C -> ZeroObject C^op.
Show proof.
  intro z. induction z as [z k]. exists z.
  induction (opp_opp_precat C).
  exact (pr2 k,,pr1 k).

Definition hasZeroObject (C:category) := ZeroObject C .

Definition haszero_opp (C:category) : hasZeroObject C -> hasZeroObject C^op
  := hinhfun (zero_opp C).

Definition zeroMap' (C:category) (a b:ob C) (o:ZeroObject C) : Hom C a b
  := (zero_to_initial C o \\ tt) (zero_to_terminal C o \\ tt).

Lemma zero_eq_zero_opp (C:category) (a b:ob C) (o:ZeroObject C) :
  zeroMap' C^op (opp_ob b) (opp_ob a) (zero_opp C o)
  opp_mor (zeroMap' C a b o).
Show proof.
  try reflexivity.


binary products and coproducts

Definition HomPair {C:category} (a b:C) : [C^op,SET].
  unshelve refine (makeFunctor_op _ _ _ _).
  - intro c. exact (Hom C c a × Hom C c b) % set.
  - simpl. intros c d f x. exact (pr1 x f ,, pr2 x f).
  - abstract (simpl; intro c; apply funextsec; intro x;
              apply dirprodeq; apply id_left) using _B_.
  - abstract (simpl; intros c d e f g;
              apply funextsec; intro x;
              apply dirprodeq; apply pathsinv0, assoc) using _C_.

Definition HomPair_1 {C:category} (a b c:C) :
  (((HomPair a b : C^op SET) c : hSet) -> Hom C c a)
  := pr1.

Definition HomPair_2 {C:category} (a b c:C) :
  (((HomPair a b : C^op SET) c : hSet) -> Hom C c b)
  := pr2.

Definition BinaryProduct {C:category} (a b:C) :=
  Representation (HomPair a b).

Definition BinaryProducts (C:category) := (a b:C), BinaryProduct a b.

Definition pr_1 {C:category} {a b:C} (prod : BinaryProduct a b) :
  universalObject prod --> a
  := pr1 (universalElement prod).

Definition pr_2 {C:category} {a b:C} (prod : BinaryProduct a b) :
  universalObject prod --> b
  := pr2 (universalElement prod).

Definition binaryProductMap {C:category} {a b:C} (prod : BinaryProduct a b)
           {c:C} : c --> a -> c --> b -> c --> universalObject prod
  := λ f g, prod \\ (f,,g).

Definition binaryProduct_pr_1_eqn {C:category} {a b:C} (prod : BinaryProduct a b)
      {c:C} (f : c --> a) (g : c --> b) :
  pr_1 prod binaryProductMap prod f g = f
  := maponpaths (HomPair_1 a b (opp_ob c)) (pr2 (pr1 (pr2 (pr2 prod) c (f,,g)))).

Definition binaryProduct_pr_2_eqn {C:category} {a b:C} (prod : BinaryProduct a b)
      {c:C} (f : c --> a) (g : c --> b) :
  pr_2 prod binaryProductMap prod f g = g
  := maponpaths (HomPair_2 a b (opp_ob c)) (pr2 (pr1 (pr2 (pr2 prod) c (f,,g)))).

Lemma binaryProductMapUniqueness {C:category} {a b:C} (prod : BinaryProduct a b)
      {c:C} (f g : Hom C c (universalObject prod)) :
  pr_1 prod f = pr_1 prod g ->
  pr_2 prod f = pr_2 prod g -> f = g.
Show proof.
  intros r s. apply mapUniqueness. apply dirprodeq. exact r. exact s.

Definition binaryProductMap_2 {C:category} {a b a' b':C}
           (prod : BinaryProduct a b)
           (prod' : BinaryProduct a' b')
           (f : a --> a')
           (g : b --> b')
           : rm_opp_ob (universalObject prod) --> rm_opp_ob (universalObject prod').
Show proof.
  unshelve refine (binaryProductMap _ _ _).
  { exact (f pr_1 prod). }
  { exact (g pr_2 prod). }

Definition BinarySum {C:category} (a b:C) :=
  BinaryProduct (opp_ob a) (opp_ob b).

Definition BinarySums (C:category) := (a b:C), BinarySum a b.

Lemma binarySumsToProducts {C:category} :
  BinarySums C -> BinaryProducts C^op.
Show proof.
  intros sum. exact sum.

Lemma binaryProductToSums {C:category} :
  BinaryProducts C -> BinarySums C^op.
Show proof.
  intro prod. exact prod.

Definition in_1 {C:category} {a b:C} (sum : BinarySum a b) :
  Hom C a (universalObject sum)
  := pr_1 sum.

Definition in_2 {C:category} {a b:C} (sum : BinarySum a b) :
  Hom C b (universalObject sum)
  := pr_2 sum.

Definition binarySumProperty {C:category} {a b c:C} (f:a-->c) (g:b-->c) :=
  isUniversal ((f ,, g) : HomPair (opp_ob a) (opp_ob b) c : hSet).

Definition binarySumMap {C:category} {a b:C} (sum : BinarySum a b)
           {c:C} : a --> c -> b --> c -> rm_opp_ob (universalObject sum) --> c
  := λ f g, rm_opp_mor (sum \\ (opp_mor f,,opp_mor g)).

Definition binarySum_in_1_eqn {C:category} {a b:C} (sum : BinarySum a b)
      {c:C} (f : a --> c) (g : b --> c) :
  binarySumMap sum f g in_1 sum = f
  := maponpaths (HomPair_1 (opp_ob a) (opp_ob b) c) ((pr2 (pr1 (pr2 (pr2 sum) c (f,,g))))).

Definition binarySum_in_2_eqn {C:category} {a b:C} (sum : BinarySum a b)
      {c:C} (f : a --> c) (g : b --> c) :
  binarySumMap sum f g in_2 sum = g
  := maponpaths (HomPair_2 (opp_ob a) (opp_ob b) c) ((pr2 (pr1 (pr2 (pr2 sum) c (f,,g))))).

Lemma binarySumMapUniqueness {C:category} {a b:C} (sum : BinarySum a b)
      {c:C} (f g : Hom C (rm_opp_ob (universalObject sum)) c) :
  f in_1 sum = g in_1 sum ->
  f in_2 sum = g in_2 sum -> f = g.
Show proof.
  intros r s. apply opp_mor_eq, mapUniqueness, dirprodeq; assumption.

Definition binarySumMap_2 {C:category} {a b a' b':C}
           (sum : BinarySum a b)
           (sum' : BinarySum a' b')
           (f : a --> a')
           (g : b --> b')
           : rm_opp_ob (universalObject sum) --> rm_opp_ob (universalObject sum').
Show proof.
  unshelve refine (binarySumMap _ _ _).
  { exact (in_1 sum' f). }
  { exact (in_2 sum' g). }

products and coproducts

Definition HomFamily (C:category) {I} (c:I -> ob C) : C^op SET.
Show proof.
  unshelve refine (_,,_).
  - unshelve refine (_,,_).
    + intros x. exact ( i, Hom C x (c i)) % set.
    + intros x y f p i; simpl; simpl in p.
      exact (compose (C:=C) f (p i)).
  - abstract (split;
    [ intros a; apply funextsec; intros f; apply funextsec; intros i; simpl;
      apply id_left
    | intros x y z p q;
      apply funextsec; intros f; apply funextsec; intros i; simpl;
      apply pathsinv0, assoc]) using _L_.

Definition Product {C:category} {I} (c:I -> ob C)
  := Representation (HomFamily C c).

Definition pr_ {C:category} {I} {c:I -> ob C} (prod : Product c) (i:I) :
  universalObject prod --> c i
  := universalElement prod i.

Definition productMapExistence {C:category} {I} {c:I -> ob C} (prod : Product c)
      {a:C} :
  ( i, Hom C a (c i)) -> Hom C a (universalObject prod)
  := λ f, prod \\ f.

Lemma productMapUniqueness {C:category} {I} {c:I -> ob C} (prod : Product c)
      {a:C} (f g : Hom C a (universalObject prod)) :
  ( i, pr_ prod i f = pr_ prod i g) -> f = g.
Show proof.
  intro e. apply mapUniqueness. apply funextsec; intro i. apply e.

Definition Sum {C:category} {I} (c:I -> ob C)
  := Representation (HomFamily C^op c).

Definition in_ {C:category} {I} {c:I -> ob C} (sum : Sum c) (i:I) :
  c i --> universalObject sum
  := rm_opp_mor (universalElement sum i).

Definition sumMapExistence {C:category} {I} {c:I -> ob C} (sum : Sum c)
      {a:C} :
  ( i, Hom C (c i) a) -> Hom C (universalObject sum) a
  := λ f, f // sum.

Lemma sumMapUniqueness {C:category} {I} {c:I -> ob C} (sum : Sum c)
      {a:C} (f g : Hom C (universalObject sum) a) :
  ( i, f in_ sum i = g in_ sum i) -> f = g.
Show proof.
  intro e. apply opp_mor_eq, mapUniqueness. apply funextsec; intro i. apply e.

equalizers and coequalizers

Definition Equalization {C:category} {c d:C} (f g:c-->d) :
  C^op SET.
Show proof.
  unshelve refine (makeFunctor_op _ _ _ _).
  - intro b. unshelve refine (_,,_).
    + exact ( p:b --> c, fp = gp).
    + abstract (apply isaset_total2;
      [ apply homset_property
      | intro; apply isasetaprop; apply homset_property]) using _L_.
  - intros b a e w; simpl in *. exists (pr1 w e).
    abstract (rewrite <- 2? assoc; apply maponpaths; exact (pr2 w)) using _M_.
  - abstract (
        intros b; apply funextsec; intro w; apply subtypePath;
        [ intro; apply homset_property
        | simpl; apply id_left]) using _N_.
  - abstract (
        intros a'' a' a r s; apply funextsec;
        intro w; apply subtypePath;
        [ intro; apply homset_property
        | apply pathsinv0, assoc ]) using _O_.

Definition Equalizer {C:category} {c d:C} (f g:c-->d) :=
  Representation (Equalization f g).

Definition equalizerMap {C:category} {c d:C} {f g:c-->d} (eq : Equalizer f g) :
  universalObject eq --> c
  := pr1 (universalElement eq).

Definition equalizerEquation {C:category} {c d:C} {f g:c-->d} (eq : Equalizer f g) :
  f equalizerMap eq = g equalizerMap eq
  := pr2 (universalElement eq).

Definition Coequalizer {C:category} {c d:C} (f g:c-->d) :=
  Representation (Equalization (opp_mor f) (opp_mor g)).

Definition coequalizerMap {C:category} {c d:C} {f g:c-->d} (coeq : Coequalizer f g) :
  d --> universalObject coeq
  := pr1 (universalElement coeq).

Definition coequalizerEquation {C:category} {c d:C} {f g:c-->d} (coeq : Coequalizer f g) :
  coequalizerMap coeq f = coequalizerMap coeq g
  := pr2 (universalElement coeq).

pullbacks and pushouts

Definition PullbackCone {C:category} {a b c:C} (f:a-->c) (g:b-->c) :
  C^op SET.
Show proof.
  unshelve refine (makeFunctor_op _ _ _ _).
  - intros t. unshelve refine (_,,_).
    + exact ( (p: t --> a × t --> b), f pr1 p = g pr2 p).
    + abstract (apply isaset_total2;
      [ apply isasetdirprod; apply homset_property
      | intro; apply isasetaprop; apply homset_property]) using _L_.
  - intros t u p w; simpl in *.
    exists (pr1 (pr1 w) p,, pr2 (pr1 w) p).
    abstract (
        simpl; rewrite <- 2? assoc; apply maponpaths; exact (pr2 w)) using _M_.
  - abstract (intros t; simpl; apply funextsec; intro w;
              induction w as [w eq]; induction w as [p q];
              simpl in *; unshelve refine (two_arg_paths_f _ _);
              [ rewrite 2? id_left; reflexivity
              | apply proofirrelevance; apply homset_property]) using _N_.
  - abstract (
        intros r s t p q; simpl in *; apply funextsec; intro w;
        unshelve refine (total2_paths2_f _ _);
        [ simpl; rewrite 2? assoc; reflexivity
        | apply proofirrelevance; apply homset_property]) using _P_.

Definition Pullback {C:category} {a b c:C} (f:a-->c) (g:b-->c) :=
  Representation (PullbackCone f g).

Definition pb_1 {C:category} {a b c:C} {f:a-->c} {g:b-->c} (pb : Pullback f g) :
  universalObject pb --> a
  := pr1 (pr1 (universalElement pb)).

Definition pb_2 {C:category} {a b c:C} {f:a-->c} {g:b-->c} (pb : Pullback f g) :
  universalObject pb --> b
  := pr2 (pr1 (universalElement pb)).

Definition pb_eqn {C:category} {a b c:C} {f:a-->c} {g:b-->c} (pb : Pullback f g) :
  f pb_1 pb = g pb_2 pb
  := pr2 (universalElement pb).

Definition Pushout {C:category} {a b c:C} (f:a-->b) (g:a-->c) :=
  Representation (PullbackCone (opp_mor f) (opp_mor g)).

Definition po_1 {C:category} {a b c:C} {f:a-->b} {g:a-->c} (po : Pushout f g) :
  b --> universalObject po
  := pr1 (pr1 (universalElement po)).

Definition po_2 {C:category} {a b c:C} {f:a-->b} {g:a-->c} (po : Pushout f g) :
  c --> universalObject po
  := pr2 (pr1 (universalElement po)).

Definition po_eqn {C:category} {a b c:C} {f:a-->c} {g:a-->c} (po : Pushout f g) :
  po_1 po f = po_2 po g
  := pr2 (universalElement po).

kernels and cokernels

Definition Annihilator (C:category) (zero:ZeroMaps C) {c d:C} (f:c --> d) :
  C^op SET.
Show proof.
  unshelve refine (_,,_).
  { unshelve refine (_,,_).
    { intro b. exists ( g:Hom C b c, f g = pr1 zero b d).
      abstract (apply isaset_total2; [ apply setproperty |
      intro g; apply isasetaprop; apply homset_property ]) using _L_. }
    { intros a b p ge; simpl.
      exists (pr1 ge opp_mor p).
      { abstract (
            unshelve refine (! assoc _ _ _ @ _); rewrite (pr2 ge);
            apply (pr2 (pr2 zero) _ _ _ _)) using _M_. } } }
  { abstract (split;
    [ intros x; apply funextsec; intros [r rf0];
      apply subtypePath;
      [ intro; apply homset_property
      | simpl; unfold opp_mor; apply id_left ]
    | intros w x y t u; apply funextsec; intros [r rf0];
      apply subtypePath;
      [ intro; apply homset_property
      | simpl; unfold opp_mor; apply pathsinv0, assoc ] ]) using _N_. }

Definition Kernel {C:category} (zero:ZeroMaps C) {c d:ob C} (f:c --> d) :=
  Representation (Annihilator C zero f).

Definition Cokernel {C:category} (zero:ZeroMaps C) {c d:ob C} (f:c --> d) :=
  Representation (Annihilator C^op (ZeroMaps_opp C zero) f).

Definition kernelMap {C:category} {zero:ZeroMaps C} {c d:ob C} {f:c --> d}
           (r : Kernel zero f) : universalObject r --> c
  := pr1 (universalElement r).

Definition kernelEquation {C:category} {zero:ZeroMaps C} {c d:ob C} {f:c --> d}
           (ker : Kernel zero f) :
  f kernelMap ker = pr1 zero _ _
  := pr2 (universalElement ker).

Definition cokernelMap {C:category} {zero:ZeroMaps C} {c d:ob C} {f:c --> d}
           (r : Cokernel zero f) : d --> universalObject r
  := pr1 (universalElement r).

Definition cokernelEquation {C:category} {zero:ZeroMaps C} {c d:ob C} {f:c --> d}
           (coker : Cokernel zero f) :
  cokernelMap coker f = pr1 zero _ _
  := pr2 (universalElement coker).

fibers of maps between functors

Definition fiber {C:category} {X Y:[C^op,SET]} (p : X --> Y) {c:C} (y : c Y) :
  C^op SET.
Show proof.
  unshelve refine (makeFunctor_op _ _ _ _).
  - intro b.
    exists ( fx : (b --> c) × (b X), p pr2 fx = y pr1 fx).
    abstract (apply isaset_total2;
        [ apply isaset_dirprod, setproperty; apply homset_property
        | intros [f x]; apply isasetaprop; apply setproperty ]) using _K_.
  - simpl; intros b b' g fxe.
    exists (pr1 (pr1 fxe) g,, pr2 (pr1 fxe) g).
    abstract (simpl; rewrite nattrans_arrow_mor_assoc, arrow_mor_mor_assoc;
              apply maponpaths; exact (pr2 fxe)) using _M_.
  - abstract (intro b; apply funextsec; intro w;
              induction w as [w e]; induction w as [f x]; simpl;
              unshelve refine (two_arg_paths_f _ _);
              [ apply dirprodeq; [ apply id_left | apply arrow_mor_id ]
              | apply setproperty]) using _R_.
  - abstract (intros b b' b'' g g''; apply funextsec; intro w;
              induction w as [w e]; induction w as [f x]; simpl;
              unshelve refine (total2_paths2_f _ _);
              [ apply dirprodeq;
                [ apply pathsinv0, assoc | apply arrow_mor_mor_assoc ]
              | apply setproperty ]) using _T_.

Definition Representation_Map {C:category} {X Y:[C^op,SET]} (p : X --> Y) :=
   (c : C) (y : c Y), Representation (fiber p y).

Definition isRepresentable_Map {C:category} {X Y:[C^op,SET]} (p : X --> Y) :=
   (c : C) (y : c Y), isRepresentable (fiber p y).

limits and colimits

Definition cone {I C:category} (c:C) (D: [I,C]) : UU
  := (φ : i, Hom C c (D i)),
      i j (e : i --> j), D e φ i = φ j.

Lemma cone_eq {C I:category} (c:C^op) (D: IC) (p q:cone (C:=C) c D) :
  pr1 p ~ pr1 q -> p = q.
Show proof.
  intros h. apply subtypePath.
  { intro r.
    apply impred_isaprop; intro i;
    apply impred_isaprop; intro j;
    apply impred_isaprop; intro e.
    apply homset_property. }
  apply funextsec; intro i; apply h.

Definition cone_functor {I C:category} : [I,C] [C^op,SET].
Show proof.
  unshelve refine (_,,_).
  { unshelve refine (_,,_).
    { intros D. unshelve refine (_,,_).
      { unshelve refine (_,,_).
        - intro c. exists (cone (C:=C) c D).
          abstract (
              apply isaset_total2;
              [ apply impred_isaset; intro i; apply homset_property
              | intros φ;
                apply impred_isaset; intro i;
                apply impred_isaset; intro j;
                apply impred_isaset; intro e; apply isasetaprop;
                apply homset_property]) using LLL.
        - simpl; intros a b f φ.
          exists (λ i, pr1 φ i f).
          abstract (
              intros i j e; simpl;
              rewrite <- assoc;
              apply maponpaths;
              apply (pr2 φ)) using _M_. }
      { abstract (split;
        [ intro c; simpl;
          apply funextsec; intro p;
          apply cone_eq;
          intro i; simpl;
          apply id_left
        | intros a b c f g; simpl; apply funextsec; intro p;
          apply cone_eq; simpl; intro i; apply pathsinv0, assoc ]) using _N_. } }
    { intros D D' f; simpl.
      unshelve refine (_,,_).
      - simpl. unfold cone. intros c φ.
        unshelve refine (_,,_).
        + intros i. exact (pr1 f i pr1 φ i).
        + abstract (
              simpl; intros i j e; assert (L := pr2 φ i j e); simpl in L;
              rewrite <- L; rewrite <- assoc; rewrite <- assoc;
              apply maponpaths; apply pathsinv0; apply nat_trans_ax) using _P_.
      - abstract (intros a b g; simpl;
                  apply funextsec; intro p; apply cone_eq; intro i; simpl;
                  apply pathsinv0, assoc) using _Q_. } }
  { abstract (split;
    [ intros D; simpl;
      apply nat_trans_eq;
      [ exact (homset_property SET)
      | intros c; apply funextsec; intro φ; simpl;
      apply cone_eq; intro i; apply id_right]
    | intros D D' D'' p q; apply nat_trans_eq;
      [ apply homset_property
      | intro c; apply funextsec; intro K; apply cone_eq; intros i; apply assoc ]]). }

Definition cocone_functor {I C:category} : [I,C]^op [C^op^op,SET] :=
  cone_functor functorOp.

Definition Limit {C I:category} (D: IC) := Representation (cone_functor D).

Definition Colimit {C I:category} (D: IC) := Representation (cocone_functor D).

Definition proj_ {C I:category} {D: IC} (lim:Limit D) (i:I) : universalObject lim --> D i.
Show proof.
  intros. exact ((pr1 (universalElement lim) i)).

Definition inj_ {C I:category} {D: IC} (colim:Colimit D) (i:I) : D i --> universalObject colim.
Show proof.
  intros. exact ((pr1 (universalElement colim) i)).

Definition proj_comm {C I:category} {D: IC} (lim:Limit D) {i j:I} (f:i-->j) :
  # D f proj_ lim i = proj_ lim j.
Show proof.
  intros. exact (pr2 (universalElement lim) _ _ f).

Definition inj_comm {C I:category} {D: IC} (colim:Colimit D) {i j:I} (f:i-->j) :
  inj_ colim j # D f = inj_ colim i.
Show proof.
  intros. exact (pr2 (universalElement colim) _ _ f).

Definition Limits (C:category) := (I:category) (D: IC), Limit D.

Definition Colimits (C:category) := (I:category) (D: IC), Colimit D.

Definition lim_functor (C:category) (lim:Limits C) (I:category) :
  [I,C] C
  := universalObjectFunctor C addStructure cone_functor (lim I).

Definition colim_functor (C:category) (colim:Colimits C) (I:category) :
  [I,C] C
  := functorRmOp (
         universalObjectFunctor C^op addStructure cocone_functor (colim I)).

Lemma bifunctor_assoc_repn {B C:category} (X : [B, [C^op,SET]]) :
  ( b, Representation (X b)) -> Representation (bifunctor_assoc X).
Show proof.
  intro r. set (X' := addStructure X r).
  change (categoryWithStructure [C ^op, SET] Representation) with (RepresentedFunctor C) in X'.
  set (F := universalObjectFunctor C X').
  exists F. unshelve refine (_,,_).
  { unshelve refine (_,,_).
    { intro b. exact (universalElement (r b)). }
    { abstract (intros b b' f; exact (!universalObjectFunctor_comm C (X' f))) using _K_. } }
  { intro F'. apply UniqueConstruction_to_weq.
    { intro x'. unfold arrow in x'.
      unshelve refine (_,,_).
      { unshelve refine (makeNattrans _ _).
        { intro b. exact (r b \\ pr1 x' b). }
        { abstract (intros b b' f; simpl;
                    unshelve refine (univ_arrow_mor_assoc (F' f) (pr1 x' b') (r b') @ _);
                    intermediate_path (r b' \\ (X f pr1 x' b));
                    [ apply maponpaths, (pr2 x' b b' f)
                    | unfold F;
                      rewrite comp_func_on_mor;
                      rewrite (universalObjectFunctor_on_map C (X' f));
                      change (pr2 (X' b')) with (r b');
                      change (pr2 (X' b)) with (r b);
                      change (X' f) with (X f);
                      unshelve refine (_ @ !univ_arrow_mor_assoc _ _ _);
                      apply maponpaths;
                      rewrite <- nattrans_arrow_mor_assoc;
                      apply (maponpaths (λ k, X f k));
                      apply pathsinv0;
                      exact (universalMapProperty (r b) (pr1 x' b)) ]) using _R_. } }
      { abstract (unshelve refine (total2_paths_f _ _);
        [ simpl; apply funextsec; intro b; unshelve refine (universalMapProperty _ _)
        | apply funextsec; intro b;
          apply funextsec; intro b';
          apply funextsec; intro f; simpl; apply setproperty ] ) using _L_. } }
    { abstract (intros p q e; apply nat_trans_eq;
                [ apply homset_property
                | intros b; apply (mapUniqueness _ (r b) _ (p b) (q b));
                  exact (maponpaths (λ k, pr1 k b) e)]) using _M_. } }

Theorem functorcategoryTerminalObject (B C:category) :
  TerminalObject C -> TerminalObject [B,C].
Show proof.
  intro t.
  apply (@z_iso_Representation_weq _ (bifunctor_assoc (constantFunctor B (UnitFunctor C^op)))).
  { unshelve refine (makeNatiso _ _).
    { intros F. apply hset_equiv_z_iso.
      unfold bifunctor_assoc; simpl.
      unshelve refine (weq_iso _ _ _ _).
      - intros _. exact tt.
      - intros x. unshelve refine (_,,_).
        + unfold θ_1; simpl. intro b. exact tt.
        + eqn_logic.
      - simpl. intros w. apply subtypePath.
        { intros f. apply impred; intro b; apply impred; intro b'; apply impred; intro g. apply isasetunit. }
        apply funextfun; intro b. apply isapropunit.
      - eqn_logic. }
    { eqn_logic. } }
  { apply bifunctor_assoc_repn; intro b. exact t. }

Goal B C t b,
       universalObject(functorcategoryTerminalObject B C t) b = universalObject t.

Definition binaryProductFunctor {B C:category} (F G:[B,C]) : [B,[C^op,SET]].
Show proof.
  unshelve refine (makeFunctor _ _ _ _).
  - intro b. exact (HomPair (F b) (G b)).
  - intros b b' f.
    unshelve refine (makeNattrans_op _ _).
    + intros c w. exact (F f pr1 w ,, G f pr2 w).
    + abstract (intros c c' g; simpl; apply funextsec; intro v;
                apply dirprodeq; ( simpl; apply pathsinv0, assoc )) using _L_.
  - abstract (intro b; apply nat_trans_eq;
              [ apply homset_property
              | intro c; simpl;
                apply funextsec; intro v;
                apply dirprodeq;
                ( simpl; rewrite functor_on_id; rewrite id_right; reflexivity )]) using _L_.
  - abstract (intros b b' b'' f g; apply nat_trans_eq;
    [ apply homset_property
    | intro c; apply funextsec; intro w; apply dirprodeq ;
      ( simpl; rewrite functor_on_comp; rewrite assoc; reflexivity) ]) using _L_.

Lemma BinaryProductFunctorAssoc {B C : category}
      (prod : BinaryProducts C)
      (F G : [B, C]) :
  z_iso (bifunctor_assoc (binaryProductFunctor F G)) (HomPair F G).
Show proof.
  unshelve refine (makeNatiso (C := [B, C]^op) _ _).
  { intro H. apply hset_equiv_z_iso.
    unshelve refine (weq_iso _ _ _ _).
    { intros w.
      unshelve refine (_,,_).
      { unshelve refine (makeNattrans _ _).
        { intro b. exact (pr1 (pr1 w b)). }
        { abstract (intros b b' f; exact (maponpaths dirprod_pr1 (pr2 w b b' f))) using _L_. } }
      { unshelve refine (makeNattrans _ _).
        { intro b. exact (pr2 (pr1 w b)). }
        { abstract (intros b b' f; exact (maponpaths dirprod_pr2 (pr2 w b b' f))) using _L_. } } }
    { simpl. intros pq.
      unshelve refine (_,,_).
      { intros b. exact (pr1 pq b ,, pr2 pq b). }
      { abstract (intros b b' f; simpl;
                  apply dirprodeq; ( simpl; apply nattrans_naturality )) using _L_. } }
    { abstract (intros w;
                unshelve refine (total2_paths_f _ _);
                [ apply funextsec; intro b; apply pathsinv0; reflexivity
                | (apply funextsec; intro b;
                   apply funextsec; intro b';
                   apply funextsec; intro f;
                   apply isaset_dirprod; apply homset_property) ]) using _M_. }
    { abstract (intros pq; apply dirprodeq;
                ( apply nat_trans_eq;
                  [ apply homset_property | intro b; reflexivity ] )) using _L_. } }
  { abstract (intros H H' p;
              apply funextsec; intros v;
              apply dirprodeq;
              ( simpl; apply nat_trans_eq;
                [ apply homset_property
                | intros b; unfold makeNattrans; simpl; reflexivity ] )) using _L_. }

Theorem functorBinaryProduct {B C:category} :
  BinaryProducts C -> BinaryProducts [B,C].
Show proof.
  intros prod F G. unshelve refine (z_iso_Representation_weq _ _).
  { exact (bifunctor_assoc (binaryProductFunctor F G)). }
  { now apply BinaryProductFunctorAssoc. }
  { apply bifunctor_assoc_repn. intro b. apply prod. }

Lemma functorBinaryProduct_eqn {B C:category} (prod : BinaryProducts C)
      (F G : [B,C]) (b:B) :
  universalObject (functorBinaryProduct prod F G) b
  universalObject (prod (F b) (G b)).
Show proof.

Lemma functorBinaryProduct_map_eqn {B C:category} (prod : BinaryProducts C)
      (F G F' G' : [B,C]) (p:F-->F') (q:G-->G') (b:B) :
  binaryProductMap_2 (functorBinaryProduct prod F G) (functorBinaryProduct prod F' G') p q b
  binaryProductMap_2 (prod (F b) (G b)) (prod (F' b) (G' b)) (p b) (q b).
Show proof.

Lemma HomPairOp {B C : category} (F G : [B, C]) :
  z_iso (HomPair (functorOp F) (functorOp G) functorOp')
      (HomPair (opp_ob F) (opp_ob G)).
Show proof.
  unshelve refine (makeNatiso _ _).
  { intros H. apply hset_equiv_z_iso.
    apply weqdirprodf; exact (invweq (isomorphismOnMor functorOpIso H _)). }
  { abstract (intros H J p; apply funextsec; intro w;
              apply dirprodeq;
              ( apply nat_trans_eq; [ apply homset_property | reflexivity ] )). }

Theorem functorBinarySum {B C:category} :
  BinarySums C -> BinarySums [B,C].
Show proof.
  intros sum F G.
  exact (isomorphismRepresentability
           (functorBinaryProduct (binarySumsToProducts sum)
                                 (functorOp F) (functorOp G))
           (HomPairOp F G)).

Lemma functorBinarySum_eqn {B C:category} (sum : BinarySums C)
      (F G : [B,C]) (b:B) :
  universalObject (functorBinarySum sum F G) b
  universalObject (sum (F b) (G b)).
Show proof.

Lemma functorBinarySum_map_eqn {B C:category} (sum : BinarySums C)
      (F G F' G' : [B,C]) (p:F-->F') (q:G-->G') (b:B) :
  binarySumMap_2 (functorBinarySum sum F G) (functorBinarySum sum F' G') p q b
  binarySumMap_2 (sum (F b) (G b)) (sum (F' b) (G' b)) (p b) (q b).
Show proof.
  try reflexivity.

Theorem functorLimits (B C:category) : Limits C -> Limits [B,C].
  intros lim I D.
  unfold Limits, Limit in lim.
  set (D' := bifunctor_comm _ _ _ D).
  assert (M := bifunctor_assoc_repn (cone_functor D') (λ b, lim I (D' b))); clear lim.
  exists (universalObject M).
  unfold Representation in M.


Theorem functorColimits (B C:category) : Colimits C -> Colimits [B,C].