Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.MonoEpiIso

Characterizations of monos, epis, and isos in HSET


  • Points as global elements
  • Monomorphisms are exactly injective functions MonosAreInjective_HSET
  • Epimorphisms are exactly surjective functions EpisAreSurjective_HSET
  • Equivalence between isomorphisms and weak equivalences

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.Tactics.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monics.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Epis.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.Core.

Local Open Scope cat.

Local Notation "'HSET'" := hset_category.

Points as global elements


Local Definition global_element_HSET {A : hSet} (a : A) : HSETunitset, A :=
  invweq (weqfunfromunit A) a.

TODO: I think there is a name in UniMath for the constant function at a, what is it?

Local Definition global_element_HSET_paths_weq {A : hSet} (x y : A) :
  (x = y) (global_element_HSET x = global_element_HSET y).
Show proof.
  apply weqonpaths.

Local Definition global_element_HSET_comp {A B : hSet} (f : HSETA, B) (x : A) :
  global_element_HSET x · f = global_element_HSET (f x).
Show proof.
  abstract (apply funextfun; intro z; induction z; reflexivity).

Local Definition global_element_HSET_fun_weq {A B : hSet} (f : HSETA, B) (x y : A) :
  (f x = f y) (global_element_HSET x · f = global_element_HSET y · f).
Show proof.
  abstract (do 2 rewrite global_element_HSET_comp;
            apply global_element_HSET_paths_weq).

Monomorphisms are exactly injective functions MonosAreInjective_HSET

Lemma MonosAreInjective_HSET {A B : HSET} (f: HSET A, B ) :
      isMonic f isInjective f.
Show proof.
  apply weqimplimpl.
  - intro isM.
    apply incl_injectivity; intros b.
    apply invproofirrelevance; intros a1 a2.
    apply subtypePath; [intro; apply setproperty|].
    apply global_element_HSET_paths_weq.
    apply isM.
    apply funextsec; intro t.
    abstract (induction t; exact (pr2 a1 @ ! pr2 a2)).
  - intro isI.
    unfold isMonic.
    intros ? ? ? eq.
    apply funextfun; intro.
    apply (invweq (Injectivity _ isI _ _)).
    apply toforallpaths in eq.
    apply eq.
  - apply isapropisMonic.
  - apply isaprop_isInjective.

Epimorphisms are exactly surjective functions EpisAreSurjective_HSET

Lemma EpisAreSurjective_HSET {A B : HSET} (f: HSET A, B ) :
      isEpi f issurjective f.
Show proof.
  apply weqimplimpl.
  - intro epif.
    apply epiissurjectiontosets; [apply setproperty|].
    intros ? ? ? ?.
    apply toforallpaths.
    apply epif.
    now apply funextfun.
  - intros is_surj_f.
    intros C g h H.
    apply funextfun; intro.

Get the point x' in the fiber above x
    specialize (is_surj_f x).
    apply (squash_to_prop is_surj_f); [apply setproperty|].
    intro x'.

Replace x with f x'
    refine (!maponpaths _ (hfiberpr2 _ _ x') @ _).
    refine (_ @ maponpaths _ (hfiberpr2 _ _ x')).

    apply toforallpaths in H.
    apply H.
  - apply isapropisEpi.
    apply has_homsets_HSET.
  - apply isapropissurjective.

Equivalence between isomorphisms and weak equivalences of two hSets.

Given an iso, we construct a weak equivalence. This is basically unpacking and packing again.

Lemma hset_z_iso_is_equiv (A B : ob HSET)
   (f : z_iso A B) : isweq (pr1 f).
Show proof.
  apply (isweq_iso _ (inv_from_z_iso f)).
  - intro x.
    set (T:=z_iso_inv_after_z_iso f).
    set (T':=toforallpaths _ _ _ T). apply T'.
  - intro x.
    apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv f)).

Lemma hset_z_iso_equiv (A B : ob HSET) : z_iso A B -> (pr1 A) (pr1 B).
Show proof.
  intro f.
  exists (pr1 f).
  apply hset_z_iso_is_equiv.

Given a weak equivalence, we construct an iso. Again mostly unwrapping and packing.

Lemma hset_equiv_is_z_iso (A B : hSet)
      (f : (pr1 A) (pr1 B)) :
           is_z_isomorphism (C:=HSET) (pr1 f).
Show proof.
  exists (invmap f).
  split; simpl.
  - apply funextfun; intro x; simpl in *.
    unfold compose, identity; simpl.
    apply homotinvweqweq.
  - apply funextfun; intro x; simpl in *.
    unfold compose, identity; simpl.
    apply homotweqinvweq.

Lemma hset_equiv_z_iso (A B : ob HSET) : (pr1 A) (pr1 B) -> z_iso A B.
Show proof.
  intro f.
  simpl in *.
  exists (pr1 f).
  apply hset_equiv_is_z_iso.

Both maps defined above are weak equivalences.

Lemma hset_z_iso_equiv_is_equiv (A B : ob HSET) : isweq (hset_z_iso_equiv A B).
Show proof.
  apply (isweq_iso _ (hset_equiv_z_iso A B)).
  intro; apply z_iso_eq.
  - reflexivity.
  - intro; apply subtypePath.
    + intro; apply isapropisweq.
    + reflexivity.

Definition hset_z_iso_equiv_weq (A B : ob HSET) : (z_iso A B) ((pr1 A) (pr1 B)).
Show proof.
  exists (hset_z_iso_equiv A B).
  apply hset_z_iso_equiv_is_equiv.

Lemma hset_equiv_z_iso_is_equiv (A B : ob HSET) : isweq (hset_equiv_z_iso A B).
Show proof.
  apply (isweq_iso _ (hset_z_iso_equiv A B)).
  { intro f.
    apply subtypePath.
    { intro; apply isapropisweq. }
    reflexivity. }
  intro; apply z_iso_eq.

Definition hset_equiv_weq_z_iso (A B : ob HSET) :
  (pr1 A pr1 B) z_iso A B.
Show proof.
  exists (hset_equiv_z_iso A B).
  apply hset_equiv_z_iso_is_equiv.