Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.FinSet

The category of finite sets

Author: Langston Barrett (@siddharthist)


  • The univalent category FinSet of finite sets/types
  • (Co)limits
    • Colimits
      • Binary coproducts
    • Limits
      • Binary products

The univalent category FinSet of finite sets/types

This could be defined in three ways: 1. as a subcategory of type_precat, 2. as a subcategory of HSET (see isfinite_isaset), or 3. as a regular precategory.
We choose the second due to the ability to inherit many structures from HSET.



Binary coproducts

The coproduct of finite sets is finite, so the predicate "is finite" is closed under the formation of coproducts. Therefore, FinSet inherits coproducts from HSET.
Definition BinCoproductsFinSet : BinCoproducts FinSet.
Show proof.
  apply (@bin_coproducts_in_full_subcategory HSET_univalent_category
                                             finite_subtype BinCoproductsHSET).
  intros; apply isfinitecoprod; assumption.


Binary products

The product of finite sets is finite, so the predicate "is finite" is closed under the formation of products. Therefore, FinSet inherits products from HSET.
Definition BinProductsFinSet : BinProducts FinSet.
Show proof.
  apply (@bin_products_in_full_subcategory HSET_univalent_category
                                           finite_subtype BinProductsHSET).
  intros; apply isfinitedirprod; assumption.