Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Subcategory.Full

Full sub(pre)categories

Authors: Benedikt Ahrens, Chris Kapulkin, Mike Shulman (January 2013) Reorganized: Langston Barrett (@siddharthist) (March 2018)


Image of a functor, full subcat specified by a functor
The inclusion of a full subcategory is fully faithful Fullness Faithfulness
Subcategories, back to Inclusion functor Full image of a functor Factorization of a functor via its full image This factorization is fully faithful if the functor is functor_full_img_fully_faithful_if_fun_is
Isos in full subcategory are equiv to isos in the precategory
Full subcategory of a univalent_category is a univalent_category is_univalent_full_sub_category
A full subcategory has the true predicate on morphisms

Lemma is_sub_precategory_full (C : category)
         (C':hsubtype (ob C)) : is_sub_precategory C' (λ a b, λ f, htrue).
Show proof.
  intros; exact tt.

Definition full_sub_precategory {C : category}
         (C': hsubtype (ob C)) :
   sub_precategories C :=
  tpair _ (make_dirprod C' (λ a b f, htrue)) (is_sub_precategory_full C C').

Any morphism between appropriate objects is a morphism of the full subprecategory
Definition morphism_in_full_subcat {C : category} {C' : hsubtype (ob C)}
   {a b : ob (full_sub_precategory C')} (f : pr1 a --> pr1 b) :
    precategory_morphisms a b := precategory_morphisms_in_subcat f tt.

Lemma has_homsets_full_sub_precategory (C : category)
         (C':hsubtype (ob C)) : has_homsets (full_sub_precategory C').
Show proof.
  intros H x y. apply is_set_sub_precategory_morphisms.

Definition full_sub_category (C : category)
           (C':hsubtype (ob C))
  : category
  := make_category _ (has_homsets_full_sub_precategory C C').

Definition full_sub_category_pr_data
           {C : category}
           (C': hsubtype (ob C))
  : functor_data (full_sub_category C C') C.
Show proof.
  use make_functor_data.
  - exact (λ h, pr1 h).
  - exact (λ h₁ h₂ α, pr1 α).

Definition full_sub_category_pr_is_functor
           {C : category}
           (C': hsubtype (ob C))
  : is_functor (full_sub_category_pr_data C').
Show proof.
  - intro x ; cbn.
    apply idpath.
  - intros x y z f g ; cbn.
    apply idpath.

Definition full_sub_category_pr
           {C : category}
           (C': hsubtype (ob C))
  : full_sub_category C C' C.
Show proof.
  use make_functor.
  - exact (full_sub_category_pr_data C').
  - exact (full_sub_category_pr_is_functor C').

The inclusion of a full subcategory is fully faithful

Section FullyFaithful.
  Context (C : category) (C' : hsubtype (ob C)).


  Lemma full_sub_precategory_inclusion :
    full (sub_precategory_inclusion C (full_sub_precategory C')).
  Show proof.
    intros a b f.
    apply hinhpr.
    unfold hfiber.
    exists (f,, tt).


The (full) image of a functor

Given a functor F : C -> D, we obtain a functor F : C -> Img(F)

Definition full_img_functor_obj {C D : category}(F : functor C D) :
   ob C -> ob (full_img_sub_precategory F).
Show proof.
  intro c.
  exists (F c).
  intros a b.
  apply b.
  exists c.
  apply identity_z_iso.

Definition full_img_functor_data {C D : category}(F : functor C D) :
  functor_data C (full_img_sub_precategory F).
Show proof.
  exists (full_img_functor_obj F).
  intros a b f.
  exists (#F f).
  exact tt.

Lemma is_functor_full_img (C D: category) (F : functor C D) :
  is_functor (full_img_functor_data F).
Show proof.
  intro a; simpl.
  apply subtypePath.
    intro; apply pr2.
  apply functor_id.
  intros a b c f g.
  set ( H := eq_in_sub_precategory D (full_img_sub_precategory F)).
  apply (H (full_img_functor_obj F a)(full_img_functor_obj F c)).
  simpl; apply functor_comp.

Definition functor_full_img {C D: category}
       (F : functor C D) :
   functor C (full_img_sub_precategory F) :=
   tpair _ _ (is_functor_full_img C D F).

Morphisms in the full subprecat are equiv to morphisms in the precategory

does of course not need the univalent_category hypothesis

Definition hom_in_subcat_from_hom_in_precat (C : category)
 (C' : hsubtype (ob C))
  (a b : ob (full_sub_precategory C'))
      (f : pr1 a --> pr1 b) : a --> b :=
       tpair _ f tt.

Definition hom_in_precat_from_hom_in_full_subcat (C : category)
 (C' : hsubtype (ob C))
  (a b : ob (full_sub_precategory C')) :
     a --> b -> pr1 a --> pr1 b := @pr1 _ _ .

Lemma isweq_hom_in_precat_from_hom_in_full_subcat (C : category)
 (C' : hsubtype (ob C))
    (a b : ob (full_sub_precategory C')):
 isweq (hom_in_precat_from_hom_in_full_subcat _ _ a b).
Show proof.
  apply (isweq_iso _
         (hom_in_subcat_from_hom_in_precat _ _ a b)).
  intro f.
  destruct f. simpl.
  apply eq_in_sub_precategory.
  apply idpath.
  intros. apply idpath.

Lemma isweq_hom_in_subcat_from_hom_in_precat (C : category)
 (C' : hsubtype (ob C))
    (a b : ob (full_sub_precategory C')):
 isweq (hom_in_subcat_from_hom_in_precat _ _ a b).
Show proof.
  apply (isweq_iso _
         (hom_in_precat_from_hom_in_full_subcat _ _ a b)).
  intro f.
  intros. apply idpath.
  intro f.
  destruct f. simpl.
  apply eq_in_sub_precategory.
  apply idpath.

Definition weq_hom_in_subcat_from_hom_in_precat (C : category)
     (C' : hsubtype (ob C))
    (a b : ob (full_sub_precategory C')): (pr1 a --> pr1 b) (a-->b) :=
  tpair _ _ (isweq_hom_in_subcat_from_hom_in_precat C C' a b).

Lemma image_is_in_image (C D : precategory) (F : functor C D)
     (a : ob C): is_in_img_functor F (F a).
Show proof.
  apply hinhpr.
  exists a.
  apply identity_z_iso.

Lemma functor_full_img_fully_faithful_if_fun_is (C D : category)
   (F : functor C D) (H : fully_faithful F) :
   fully_faithful (functor_full_img F).
Show proof.
  unfold fully_faithful in *.
  intros a b.
  set (H' := weq_hom_in_subcat_from_hom_in_precat).
  set (H'' := H' D (is_in_img_functor F)).
  set (Fa := tpair (λ a : ob D, is_in_img_functor F a)
        (F a) (image_is_in_image _ _ F a)).
  set (Fb := tpair (λ a : ob D, is_in_img_functor F a)
        (F b) (image_is_in_image _ _ F b)).
  set (H3 := (H'' Fa Fb)).
  assert (H2 : functor_on_morphisms (functor_full_img F) (a:=a) (b:=b) =
                  funcomp (functor_on_morphisms F (a:=a) (b:=b))
  apply funextsec. intro f.
  apply idpath.
  rewrite H2.
  apply (twooutof3c #F H3).
  apply H.
  apply pr2.

Image factorization C -> Img(F) -> D

Local Lemma functor_full_img_factorization_ob (C D: category)
   (F : functor C D):
  functor_on_objects F =
  functor_on_objects (functor_composite
       (functor_full_img F)
            (sub_precategory_inclusion D _)).
Show proof.

works up to eta conversion

Any full subprecategory of a univalent_category is a univalent_category.

Section full_sub_cat.

Variable C : category.

Variable C' : hsubtype (ob C).

Isos in the full subcategory are equivalent to isos in the precategory

  Lemma iso_in_subcat_is_iso_in_precat (a b : ob (full_sub_category C C'))
       (f : z_iso a b): is_z_isomorphism (C:=C) (a:=pr1 a) (b:=pr1 b)
     (pr1 (pr1 f)).
Show proof.
  exists (pr1 (inv_from_z_iso f)).
  split; simpl.
  - set (T:=z_iso_inv_after_z_iso f).
    apply (base_paths _ _ T).
  - set (T:=z_iso_after_z_iso_inv f).
    apply (base_paths _ _ T).

Lemma iso_in_precat_is_iso_in_subcat (a b : ob (full_sub_category C C'))
     (f : z_iso (pr1 a) (pr1 b)) :
   is_z_isomorphism (C:=full_sub_category C C')
     (precategory_morphisms_in_subcat f tt).
Show proof.
  exists (precategory_morphisms_in_subcat (inv_from_z_iso f) tt).
  split; simpl.
  - apply eq_in_sub_precategory; simpl.
    apply z_iso_inv_after_z_iso.
  - apply eq_in_sub_precategory; simpl.
    apply z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.

Definition iso_from_iso_in_sub (a b : ob (full_sub_category C C'))
       (f : z_iso a b) : z_iso (pr1 a) (pr1 b) :=
   tpair _ _ (iso_in_subcat_is_iso_in_precat a b f).

Definition iso_in_sub_from_iso (a b : ob (full_sub_category C C'))
   (f : z_iso (pr1 a) (pr1 b)) : z_iso a b :=
    tpair _ _ (iso_in_precat_is_iso_in_subcat a b f).

Lemma isweq_iso_from_iso_in_sub (a b : ob (full_sub_category C C')):
     isweq (iso_from_iso_in_sub a b).
Show proof.
  apply (isweq_iso _ (iso_in_sub_from_iso a b)).
  - intro f.
    apply z_iso_eq; simpl.
    apply eq_in_sub_precategory, idpath.
  - intro f; apply z_iso_eq, idpath.

Lemma isweq_iso_in_sub_from_iso (a b : ob (full_sub_category C C')):
     isweq (iso_in_sub_from_iso a b).
Show proof.
  apply (isweq_iso _ (iso_from_iso_in_sub a b)).
  intro f; apply z_iso_eq, idpath.
  intro f; apply z_iso_eq; simpl.
  apply eq_in_sub_precategory, idpath.

From Identity in the subcategory to isos in the category

This gives a weak equivalence

Definition Id_in_sub_to_iso (a b : ob (full_sub_category C C')):
     a = b -> z_iso (pr1 a) (pr1 b) :=
       funcomp (@idtoiso _ a b) (iso_from_iso_in_sub a b).

Lemma Id_in_sub_to_iso_equal_iso
  (a b : ob (full_sub_category C C')) :
    Id_in_sub_to_iso a b = funcomp (total2_paths_hProp_equiv C' a b)
                                    (@idtoiso _ (pr1 a) (pr1 b)).
Show proof.
  apply funextfun.
  intro p.
  destruct p.
  apply z_iso_eq.
  simpl; apply idpath.

Lemma isweq_Id_in_sub_to_iso (a b : ob (full_sub_category C C')) (H : is_univalent C) :
    isweq (Id_in_sub_to_iso a b).
Show proof.
  rewrite Id_in_sub_to_iso_equal_iso.
  apply (twooutof3c _ idtoiso).
  apply pr2.
  apply H.

Decomp of map from id in the subcat to isos in the subcat via isos in ambient precat

Lemma precat_paths_in_sub_as_3_maps
   (a b : ob (full_sub_category C C')):
     @idtoiso _ a b = funcomp (Id_in_sub_to_iso a b)
                                        (iso_in_sub_from_iso a b).
Show proof.
  apply funextfun.
  intro p; destruct p.
  apply z_iso_eq; simpl.
  unfold precategory_morphisms_in_subcat.
  apply eq_in_sub_precategory, idpath.

The aforementioned decomposed map is a weak equivalence

Lemma isweq_sub_precat_paths_to_iso
  (a b : ob (full_sub_category C C')) (H : is_univalent C) :
 isweq (@idtoiso _ a b).
Show proof.
  rewrite precat_paths_in_sub_as_3_maps.
  match goal with |- isweq (funcomp ?f ?g) => apply (twooutof3c f g) end.
  - apply isweq_Id_in_sub_to_iso; assumption.
  - apply isweq_iso_in_sub_from_iso.

Proof of the targeted theorem: full subcats of cats are cats

The carrier of a subcategory of a univalent category is itself univalent.
Definition subcategory_univalent (C : univalent_category) (C' : hsubtype (ob C)) :
Show proof.

Definition univalent_image
           {C₁ C₂ : univalent_category}
           (F : C₁ C₂)
  : univalent_category.
Show proof.
  use make_univalent_category.
  - exact (full_img_sub_precategory F).
  - use is_univalent_full_sub_category.
    exact (pr2 C₂).

Lemma functor_full_img_essentially_surjective (A B : category)
     (F : functor A B) :
  essentially_surjective (functor_full_img F).
Show proof.
  intro b.
  use (pr2 b).
  intros [c h] q Hq.
  apply Hq.
  exists c.
  apply iso_in_sub_from_iso.
  apply h.

Commuting triangle for factorization
Definition full_image_inclusion_commute
           {C₁ C₂ : category}
           (F : C₁ C₂)
  : functor_full_img F sub_precategory_inclusion C₂ (full_img_sub_precategory F)
Show proof.
  use make_nat_trans.
  - exact (λ _, identity _).
  - abstract
      (intros x y f ; cbn ;
       rewrite id_left, id_right ;
       apply idpath).

Definition full_image_inclusion_commute_nat_iso
           {C₁ C₂ : category}
           (F : C₁ C₂)
  : nat_z_iso
      (functor_full_img F sub_precategory_inclusion C₂ (full_img_sub_precategory F))
Show proof.
  use make_nat_z_iso.
  - exact (full_image_inclusion_commute F).
  - intro.
    apply identity_is_z_iso.

Isos in full subcategory
Definition is_iso_full_sub
           {C : category}
           {P : hsubtype C}
           {x y : full_sub_category C P}
           {f : x --> y}
           (Hf : is_z_isomorphism (pr1 f))
  : is_z_isomorphism f.
Show proof.
  exists (inv_from_z_iso (_,,Hf) ,, tt).
    + abstract
        (use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isapropunit | ] ;
         exact (z_iso_inv_after_z_iso (_,,Hf))).
    + abstract
        (use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isapropunit | ] ;
         exact (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv (_,,Hf))).

Functors between full subcategories
Definition full_sub_category_functor_data
           {C₁ C₂ : category}
           {P : hsubtype C₁}
           {Q : hsubtype C₂}
           {F : C₁ C₂}
           (HF : (x : C₁), P x Q (F x))
  : functor_data
      (full_sub_category C₁ P)
      (full_sub_category C₂ Q).
Show proof.
  use make_functor_data.
  - exact (λ x, F (pr1 x) ,, HF (pr1 x) (pr2 x)).
  - exact (λ x y f, #F (pr1 f) ,, tt).

Definition full_sub_category_is_functor
           {C₁ C₂ : category}
           {P : hsubtype C₁}
           {Q : hsubtype C₂}
           {F : C₁ C₂}
           (HF : (x : C₁), P x Q (F x))
  : is_functor (full_sub_category_functor_data HF).
Show proof.
  split ; intro ; intros ; cbn ; (use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isapropunit | ]).
  - apply functor_id.
  - apply functor_comp.

Definition full_sub_category_functor
           {C₁ C₂ : category}
           (P : hsubtype C₁)
           (Q : hsubtype C₂)
           (F : C₁ C₂)
           (HF : (x : C₁), P x Q (F x))
  : full_sub_category C₁ P full_sub_category C₂ Q.
Show proof.
  use make_functor.
  - exact (full_sub_category_functor_data HF).
  - exact (full_sub_category_is_functor HF).