Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.Graph

Bicategory of graphs

Benedikt Ahrens, Marco Maggesi May 2018 Revised June 2019 *********************************************************************************
NB: pregraph is the same as precategory_ob_mor.
Should be moved in Combinatorics/Graph.v, but it depends on code from CategoryTheory for now.
Definition graph_mor_eq {G H : pregraph} (p q : graph_mor G H)
           (e₀ : x : vertex G, onvertex p x = onvertex q x)
           (e₁ : x y (f : edge G x y),
                   (e₀ x) (e₀ y) (onedge p f) =
                 onedge q f)
  : p = q
  := UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.functor_data_eq G H p q e₀ e₁.

Lemma isaprop_has_edgesets (G : pregraph)
  : isaprop (has_edgesets G).
Show proof.

Precategory of pregraphs.

Category of graphs.