Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.Filtered


Filtered Categories *


Definition of filtered categories and compact/finitely presentable *

objects. Two definitions of filtered categories are given, *

is_filtered *

is_filtered_alt *

and a proof that they are equivalent is given in weq_filtered. *


Contents *

1) Filtered categories *

2) Compact objects *

3) Properties *

4) Equivalence between is_filtered and is_filtered_alt. *


1. A category is filtered if it admits cocones for every diagram of finite graphs, or equivalently if it admits cocones for diagrams of the empty graph, the two-point graph and the graph with two parallell edges.

  Definition is_filtered (J : category) : UU
    := (g : graph)
         (d : diagram g J),
      (is_finite_graph g) -> (z : J), cocone d z .

  Definition is_filtered_alt
    (J : category)
    : UU
    := J
         × ( (d : diagram bool_graph J), z : J, cocone d z)
         × ( (d : diagram pair_graph J), z : J, cocone d z).

  Definition preserves_filtered_colimits {C D : category} (F : functor C D) : UU
    := (J : category),
      is_filtered J -> preserves_colimits_of_shape F J.

End filtered_categories.

Section compact.

2. Compact / finitely presentable objects.

  Definition hom {C : category} (x : C) : C SET
  := (covyoneda C x).

  Definition is_compact {C : category} (x : C) : UU
    := preserves_filtered_colimits (hom x).

End compact.

Section properties.

3. Properties.

  Lemma isaprop_is_filtered {J : category}
    : isaprop (is_filtered J).
  Show proof.
    do 2 (apply impred_isaprop; intro).
    apply isapropimpl, propproperty.

  Lemma isaprop_is_filtered_alt {J : category}
    : isaprop (is_filtered_alt J).
  Show proof.
    apply isapropdirprod;
      [apply propproperty
      |apply isapropdirprod;
       repeat (apply impred_isaprop; intro; try apply propproperty)].

  Lemma isaprop_iscompact {C : category} (X : C) : isaprop (is_compact X).
  Show proof.
    do 6 (apply impred_isaprop ; intro).
    apply isaprop_isColimCocone.

End properties.

Section alternate_formulation.

4. The equivalence between is_filtered and is_filtered_alt.

  Lemma filtered_is_inhabited {J : category}
    (filtered : is_filtered J)
    : J .
  Show proof.

  Lemma filtered_has_bool_cocones {J : category}
    (filtered : is_filtered J)
    (d : diagram bool_graph J)
    : z : J, cocone d z.
  Show proof.
    exact(filtered bool_graph _ is_finite_graph_bool).

  Lemma filtered_has_pair_cocones {J : category}
    (filtered : is_filtered J)
    (d : diagram pair_graph J)
    : z : J, cocone d z.
  Show proof.
    exact(filtered pair_graph d is_finite_graph_pair).

  Definition filtered_to_filtered_alt {J : category}
    (filtered : is_filtered J)
    : is_filtered_alt J.
  Show proof.
    repeat split.
    - exact(filtered_is_inhabited filtered).
    - exact(filtered_has_bool_cocones filtered).
    - exact(filtered_has_pair_cocones filtered).

  Lemma filtered_alt_has_discrete_cocones_stn {J : category}
    (filtalt : is_filtered_alt J)
    (n : nat)
    (d : diagram (discrete_graph ( n )) J)
    : z : J, cocone d z.
  Show proof.
    destruct filtalt as [inhab [boolcc paircc]].
    induction n as [| n IHn].
    - use(hinhfun _ inhab).
      intro j. exists j.
      use make_discrete_cocone.
      exact(λ x : 0 , fromempty (negstn0 x)).
    - set (d₁ := make_discrete_diagram (λ k : n , dob d (dni lastelement k))).
      use(IHn d₁); intros [P Pcc].

      set (d₂ := make_bool_diagram P (dob d lastelement)).
      use(boolcc d₂); intros [Q Qcc]; apply hinhpr.

      exists Q.
      use make_discrete_cocone.
      + apply(weqonsecbase (λ (v : S n ), J dob d v, Q ) (weqdnicoprod n lastelement)).
        apply coprod_rect.
        * exact(λ k : n , coconeIn Pcc k · coconeIn Qcc true).
        * apply unit_rect.
          exact(coconeIn Qcc false).

  Lemma filtered_alt_has_discrete_cocones {J : category}
    (filtalt : is_filtered_alt J)
    (X : UU)
    (d : diagram (discrete_graph X) J)
    (n : nat)
    (w : X n )
    : z : J, cocone d z.
  Show proof.
    use(filtered_alt_has_discrete_cocones_stn filtalt n).
    - exact(make_discrete_diagram (λ k : n , dob d (invmap w k))).
    - intros [P Pcc]; apply hinhpr.
      exists P.
      use make_discrete_cocone.
      + intro x.
                (fun y : X => J dob d y, P )
                (homotinvweqweq w x)).
        exact(coconeIn Pcc (w x)).

  Definition filtered_alt_has_parallell_stn {J : category}
    (filtalt : is_filtered_alt J)
    (n : nat)
    (d : diagram (parallell_graph ( n )) J)
    : z : J, cocone d z.
  Show proof.
    destruct filtalt as [inhab [bool_cc pair_cc]].

    induction n as [|n IHn].
    - set (d₁ := make_bool_diagram (dob d parallell_start) (dob d parallell_end)).
      use(hinhfun _ (bool_cc d₁)); intros [P Pcc].
      exists P.
      use make_parallell_cocone.
      + exact(coconeIn Pcc true).
      + exact(coconeIn Pcc false).
      + exact(λ k : 0 , fromempty (negstn0 k)).
      transparent assert(dₙ : (diagram (parallell_graph ( n )) J)). {
        use make_parallell_diagram.
        - exact(dob d parallell_start).
        - exact(dob d parallell_end).
        - exact(λ k : n , dmor d (parallell_edge (dni lastelement k))).

      use(IHn dₙ); intros [DDcc].       transparent assert(pairing: (diagram pair_graph J)). {
        use make_pair_diagram.
        - exact(dob d parallell_start).
        - exact Dₙ.
        - exact(coconeIn Dcc parallell_start).
        - exact(dmor d (parallell_edge lastelement) · coconeIn Dcc parallell_end).
      use(hinhfun _ (pair_cc pairing)); intros [Q Qcc].
      exists Q.
      use make_parallell_cocone.
      + exact(coconeIn Dcc parallell_start · coconeIn Qcc pair_dst).
      + exact(coconeIn Dcc parallell_end · coconeIn Qcc pair_dst).
      + apply(weqonsecbase _ (weqdnicoprod n lastelement)).
        apply coprod_rect.
        * intro.
          etrans;[apply assoc |].
          apply cancel_postcomposition.
          exact(parallell_cocone_commutes Dcc _).
        * apply unit_rect.
          etrans;[apply assoc |]. cbn.
          etrans;[exact(pair_cocone_commutes Qcc pair_right) |].
          exact(!pair_cocone_commutes Qcc pair_left).

  Lemma filtered_alt_has_parallell_cocones {J : category}
    (filtalt : is_filtered_alt J)
    (X : UU)
    (n : nat)
    (w : X n )
    (d : diagram (parallell_graph X) J)
    : z : J, cocone d z.
  Show proof.
    set (dₙ := make_parallell_diagram ( n )
                 (dob d parallell_start)
                 (dob d parallell_end)
                 (λ k : n , dmor d (parallell_edge (invmap w k)))).

    use(hinhfun _ (filtered_alt_has_parallell_stn filtalt n dₙ)).
    intros [P Pcc].
    exists P.
    use make_parallell_cocone.
    - exact(coconeIn Pcc parallell_start).
    - exact(coconeIn Pcc parallell_end).
    - apply(weqonsecbase _ (invweq w)).
      exact(λ k : n , parallell_cocone_commutes Pcc k).

  Lemma filtered_alt_has_finite_multispan_cocones {J : category}
    (filtalt : is_filtered_alt J)
    (X : UU)
    (n : nat)
    (w : X n )
    (d : diagram (multispan_graph X) J)
    : z : J, cocone d z.
  Show proof.
    set (base := dob d multispan_base).

    set (point_diagram := make_discrete_diagram' d).

    assert(r : (X ⨿ unit) (S n) ). {
      use(weqcomp (weqcoprodf1 w)).
      exact(weqdnicoprod n lastelement).

    use(filtered_alt_has_discrete_cocones filtalt _ point_diagram (S n) r).
    intros [P Pcc].

    transparent assert(edge_diagram : (diagram (parallell_graph (X ⨿ unit)) J)). {
      use make_parallell_diagram.
      - exact base.
      - exact P.
      - apply sumofmaps.
        * exact(λ x : X, dmor d (multispan_edge x) · (coconeIn Pcc (multispan_vertex x))).
        * exact(unit_rect _ (coconeIn Pcc multispan_base)).

    use(filtered_alt_has_parallell_cocones filtalt (X ⨿ unit) (S n) r edge_diagram).
    intros [Q Qcc]; apply hinhpr.
    exists Q.
    use make_multispan_cocone.
    - exact(coconeIn Qcc parallell_start).
    - exact(λ x : X, coconeIn Pcc (multispan_vertex x) · coconeIn Qcc parallell_end).
    - intro x. etrans;[apply assoc |].
      exact(parallell_cocone_commutes Qcc (inl x)).

  Definition filtered_alt_to_filtered {J : category}
    (filtalt : is_filtered_alt J)
    : is_filtered J.
  Show proof.
    intros g d gfinite.
    use (finite_vertexset gfinite); intros finitevert.
    set (n := pr1 finitevert).
    set (w := pr2 finitevert).
    set (finite_edges := finite_edgeset gfinite).

    set (points := make_discrete_diagram (dob d)).
    use(filtered_alt_has_discrete_cocones filtalt (vertex g) points n (invweq w)).
    intros [P Pcc].

    assert(edgechoice : (a b : vertex g), finstruct (edge a b) ). {
      do 2 (use(ischoicebasefiniteset (finite_vertexset gfinite)); intro).
      apply finite_edges.
    use edgechoice; clear edgechoice.
    intros edgeset.

    transparent assert(ediagram : ( (a b : vertex g), diagram (parallell_graph ((edge a b) ⨿ unit)) J)).
      intros a b.
      use(make_parallell_diagram _ (dob d a) P).
      apply sumofmaps.
      - exact(λ e, dmor d e · coconeIn Pcc b).
      - exact(unit_rect _ (coconeIn Pcc a)).

    assert(D : ( (a b : vertex g), (Pab : J), cocone (ediagram a b) Pab)).
      intros a b.
      set (k := pr1 (edgeset a b)).
      set (i := pr2 (edgeset a b)).
      use(filtered_alt_has_parallell_cocones filtalt ((edge a b) ⨿ unit) (S k)).
      refine(weqcomp _ (weqdnicoprod k lastelement)).
      exact(weqcoprodf1 (invweq i)).

    assert(D' : ( (a b : vertex g), (Pab : J), cocone (ediagram a b) Pab) ). {
      do 2 (use(ischoicebasefiniteset (finite_vertexset gfinite)); intro).
      apply D.

    use D'; clear D'; clear D; intros D.

    transparent assert(spandiagram : (diagram (multispan_graph (vertex g × vertex g)) J)). {
      use make_multispan_diagram.
      - exact P.
      - intros [a b]. exact(pr1 (D a b)).
      - intros [a b]. exact(coconeIn (pr2 (D a b)) parallell_end).


    use(filtered_alt_has_finite_multispan_cocones filtalt (vertex g × vertex g) (n * n)).
    - apply(weqcomp (invweq (weqdirprodf w w))).
      apply weqfromprodofstn.
    - exact spandiagram.
    - intros [Q Qcc]; apply hinhpr.

      exists Q.
      use make_cocone.
      + exact(λ v : vertex g, coconeIn Pcc v · coconeIn Qcc multispan_base).
      + intros u v e.

        etrans. {
          apply maponpaths; apply maponpaths.
          exact(!multispan_cocone_commutes Qcc (u ,, v)).

        etrans;[apply assoc |].
        etrans;[apply assoc |].
        set (Duv := pr2 (D u v)).

        etrans. { apply maponpaths_2. exact(parallell_cocone_commutes Duv (inl e)). }
        etrans. { apply maponpaths_2. exact(!parallell_cocone_commutes Duv (inr tt)). }

        etrans;[apply assoc'|].
        apply cancel_precomposition.
        exact(multispan_cocone_commutes Qcc (u ,, v)).

  Definition weq_filtered (J : category)
    : is_filtered J is_filtered_alt J.
  Show proof.
    use weqimplimpl.
    - exact filtered_to_filtered_alt.
    - exact filtered_alt_to_filtered.
    - exact isaprop_is_filtered.
    - exact isaprop_is_filtered_alt.

End alternate_formulation.