Library UniMath.OrderTheory.DCPOs.Basis.Continuous

1. Continuous DCPOs (as structure)
Definition continuous_dcpo_struct
           (X : dcpo)
  : UU
  := (x : X),
      (D : directed_set X),
     ( (i : D), D i x)
     is_least_upperbound X D x.

2. Continuous DCPOs (as property)
Definition is_continuous_dcpo
           (X : dcpo)
  : hProp
  := continuous_dcpo_struct X .

Section ContinuousDCPOAccessors.
  Context {X : dcpo}
          (CX : continuous_dcpo_struct X).

  Definition approximating_family
             (x : X)
    : directed_set X
    := pr1 (CX x).

  Proposition approximating_family_way_below
              (x : X)
              (i : approximating_family x)
    : approximating_family x i x.
  Show proof.
    exact (pr12 (CX x) i).

  Proposition approximating_family_lub
              (x : X)
    : (approximating_family x) = x.
  Show proof.
    use antisymm_dcpo.
    - use dcpo_lub_is_least.
      intro i.
      apply way_below_to_le.
      exact (approximating_family_way_below x i).
    - use (is_least_upperbound_is_least (pr22 (CX x))).
      apply is_least_upperbound_is_upperbound.
      apply is_least_upperbound_dcpo_lub.
End ContinuousDCPOAccessors.

Section PropertiesContinuousDCPO.
  Context {X : dcpo}
          (CX : continuous_dcpo_struct X).

3. Equivalent formulations of inequality in continuous DCPOs
  Proposition continuous_dcpo_struct_le_to_way_below
              {x y : X}
              (p : x y)
              (i : approximating_family CX x)
    : approximating_family CX x i y.
  Show proof.
    use (trans_way_below_le _ p).
    apply approximating_family_way_below.

  Proposition continuous_dcpo_struct_approx_way_below_to_le
              {x y : X}
              (p : (i : approximating_family CX x),
                   approximating_family CX x i y)
              (i : approximating_family CX x)
    : approximating_family CX x i y.
  Show proof.
    use way_below_to_le.
    apply p.

  Proposition continuous_dcpo_struct_approx_le_to_le
              {x y : X}
              (p : (i : approximating_family CX x),
                   approximating_family CX x i y)
    : x y.
  Show proof.
    rewrite <- (approximating_family_lub CX x).
    use dcpo_lub_is_least.
    exact p.

  Proposition continuous_dcpo_struct_le_weq_approx_le
              (x y : X)
    : x y
       (i : approximating_family CX x),
      approximating_family CX x i y.
  Show proof.
    use weqimplimpl.
    - intros p i.
      apply continuous_dcpo_struct_approx_way_below_to_le.
      intro j.
      apply continuous_dcpo_struct_le_to_way_below.
      exact p.
    - intros H.
      apply continuous_dcpo_struct_approx_le_to_le.
      exact H.
    - apply propproperty.
    - apply propproperty.

  Proposition continuous_dcpo_struct_le_weq_approx_way_below
              (x y : X)
    : x y
       (i : approximating_family CX x),
      approximating_family CX x i y.
  Show proof.
    use weqimplimpl.
    - exact continuous_dcpo_struct_le_to_way_below.
    - intros H.
      apply continuous_dcpo_struct_approx_le_to_le.
      intro i.
      apply continuous_dcpo_struct_approx_way_below_to_le.
      exact H.
    - apply propproperty.
    - apply propproperty.

  Proposition continuous_dcpo_struct_le_via_approximation
              (x y : X)
    : x y
       (z : X), (z x z y)%logic.
  Show proof.
    use weqimplimpl.
    - intros p z q.
      exact (trans_way_below_le q p).
    - intros H.
      rewrite <- (approximating_family_lub CX x).
      use dcpo_lub_is_least.
      pose (D := approximating_family CX x).
      fold D.
      intro i.
      apply way_below_to_le.
      apply (H (D i)).
      apply approximating_family_way_below.
    - apply propproperty.
    - apply propproperty.

4. Characterization of the way-below relation in continuous DCPOs
  Proposition continuous_dcpo_struct_way_below
              (x y : X)
    : x y
       (i : approximating_family CX y), x approximating_family CX y i.
  Show proof.
    use weqimplimpl.
    - intro p.
      apply (p (approximating_family CX y)).
      rewrite approximating_family_lub.
      apply refl_dcpo.
    - use factor_through_squash.
        apply propproperty.
      intro H.
      induction H as [ i p ].
      refine (trans_le_way_below p _).
      apply approximating_family_way_below.
    - apply propproperty.
    - apply propproperty.

5. Nullary interpolation
  Proposition nullary_interpolation
              (x : X)
    : (y : X), y x.
  Show proof.
    pose (D := approximating_family CX x).
    assert (H := directed_set_el D).
    revert H.
    use factor_through_squash.
      apply propproperty.
    intro i.
    refine (hinhpr (D i ,, _)).
    apply approximating_family_way_below.

6. Unary interpolation
  Section UnaryInterpolation.
    Context {x y : X}
            (p : x y).

    Let D : directed_set X := approximating_family CX y.
    Let D_a : D directed_set X := λ i, approximating_family CX (D i).

    Proposition unary_interpolation_cofinal_lem
                {i₁ i₂ : D}
                (q : D i₁ D i₂)
                (j₁ : D_a i₁)
      : D_a i₁ j₁ (D_a i₂).
    Show proof.
      refine (trans_way_below_le _ _).
      - apply approximating_family_way_below.
      - refine (trans_dcpo q _).
        unfold D_a.
        rewrite approximating_family_lub.
        apply refl_dcpo.

    Proposition unary_interpolation_cofinal
                {i₁ i₂ : D}
                (q : D i₁ D i₂)
                (j₁ : D_a i₁)
      : (j₂ : D_a i₂), D_a i₁ j₁ D_a i₂ j₂.
    Show proof.
      use (unary_interpolation_cofinal_lem q j₁ (D_a i₂)).
      apply refl_dcpo.

    Proposition is_directed_unary_interpolation_directed_set
      : is_directed X (λ (ij : (i : D), D_a i), D_a (pr1 ij) (pr2 ij)).
    Show proof.
      - assert (H := directed_set_el D).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash ; [ apply propproperty | ].
        intro i.
        assert (H := directed_set_el (D_a i)).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash ; [ apply propproperty | ].
        intro j.
        exact (hinhpr (i ,, j)).
      - intros ij₁ ij₂.
        induction ij₁ as [ i₁ j₁ ].
        induction ij₂ as [ i₂ j₂ ].
        assert (H := directed_set_top D i₁ i₂).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash ; [ apply propproperty | ].
        intros k.
        induction k as [ k [ q₁ q₂ ]].
        assert (H := unary_interpolation_cofinal q₁ j₁).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash ; [ apply propproperty | ].
        intros H₁.
        induction H₁ as [ l₁ H₁ ].
        assert (H := unary_interpolation_cofinal q₂ j₂).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash ; [ apply propproperty | ].
        intros H₂.
        induction H₂ as [ l₂ H₂ ].
        assert (H := directed_set_top (D_a k) l₁ l₂).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash ; [ apply propproperty | ].
        intros H.
        induction H as [ m [ r₁ r₂ ]].
        refine (hinhpr ((k ,, m) ,, _ ,, _)).
        + exact (trans_dcpo H₁ r₁).
        + exact (trans_dcpo H₂ r₂).

    Definition unary_interpolation_directed_set
      : directed_set X.
    Show proof.
      use make_directed_set.
      - exact ( (i : D), D_a i).
      - exact (λ ij, D_a (pr1 ij) (pr2 ij)).
      - exact is_directed_unary_interpolation_directed_set.

    Proposition unary_interpolation
      : (z : X), x z z y.
    Show proof.
      assert (s : y unary_interpolation_directed_set).
        apply continuous_dcpo_struct_approx_le_to_le.
        intro i.
        use continuous_dcpo_struct_approx_le_to_le.
        intro j.
        use less_than_dcpo_lub.
          exact (i ,, j).
        apply refl_dcpo.
      assert (H := p unary_interpolation_directed_set s).
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash.
        apply propproperty.
      intro i.
      induction i as [ i r ].
      refine (hinhpr (D (pr1 i) ,, _ ,, _)).
      - refine (trans_le_way_below r _).
        apply approximating_family_way_below.
      - apply approximating_family_way_below.
  End UnaryInterpolation.

7. Binary interpolation
  Proposition binary_interpolation
              {x₁ x₂ y : X}
              (p₁ : x₁ y)
              (p₂ : x₂ y)
    : (z : X), x₁ z x₂ z z y.
  Show proof.
    pose (D := approximating_family CX y).
    assert (s : y D).
      unfold D.
      rewrite approximating_family_lub.
      apply refl_dcpo.
    assert (z₁ := unary_interpolation p₁).
    revert z₁.
    use factor_through_squash.
      apply propproperty.
    intro z₁.
    induction z₁ as [ z₁ [ q₁ r₁ ]].
    assert (H := r₁ D s).
    revert H.
    use factor_through_squash.
      apply propproperty.
    intro H.
    induction H as [ i₁ H₁ ].
    assert (z₂ := unary_interpolation p₂).
    revert z₂.
    use factor_through_squash.
      apply propproperty.
    intro z₂.
    induction z₂ as [ z₂ [ q₂ r₂ ]].
    assert (H := r₂ D s).
    revert H.
    use factor_through_squash.
      apply propproperty.
    intro H.
    induction H as [ i₂ H₂ ].
    assert (H := directed_set_top D i₁ i₂).
    revert H.
    use factor_through_squash.
      apply propproperty.
    intros H.
    induction H as [ k [ w₁ w₂ ]].
    refine (hinhpr (D k ,, _ ,, _ ,, _)).
    - exact (trans_way_below_le q₁ (trans_dcpo H₁ w₁)).
    - exact (trans_way_below_le q₂ (trans_dcpo H₂ w₂)).
    - apply approximating_family_way_below.
End PropertiesContinuousDCPO.

8. Continuity structure from the property
Proposition is_continuous_dcpo_is_directed
            {X : dcpo}
            (CX : is_continuous_dcpo X)
            (x : X)
  : is_directed X (λ (z : (b : X), b x), pr1 z).
Show proof.
  revert CX.
  use factor_through_squash_hProp.
  intros CX.
  pose (D := approximating_family CX x).
  - assert (H := directed_set_el D).
    revert H.
    use factor_through_squash_hProp.
    intros d.
    use hinhpr.
    refine (D d ,, _).
    apply approximating_family_way_below.
  - intros [ b₁ p₁ ] [ b₂ p₂ ].
    assert (x D) as q.
      rewrite <- (approximating_family_lub CX x).
      apply refl_dcpo.
    assert (H := way_below_elem p₁ D q).
    revert H.
    use factor_through_squash_hProp.
    intros [ c₁ r₁ ].
    assert (H := way_below_elem p₂ D q).
    revert H.
    use factor_through_squash_hProp.
    intros [ c₂ r₂ ].
    assert (H := directed_set_top D c₁ c₂).
    revert H.
    use factor_through_squash_hProp.
    intros [ k [ s₂ s₃ ]].
    use hinhpr.
    simple refine ((D k ,, _) ,, _ ,, _).
    + apply approximating_family_way_below.
    + exact (trans_dcpo r₁ s₂).
    + exact (trans_dcpo r₂ s₃).

Definition is_continuous_dcpo_directed_set
           {X : dcpo}
           (CX : is_continuous_dcpo X)
           (x : X)
  : directed_set X.
Show proof.
  use make_directed_set.
  - exact ( (b : X), b x).
  - exact (λ z, pr1 z).
  - exact (is_continuous_dcpo_is_directed CX x).

Proposition is_continuous_dcpo_directed_set_lub
            {X : dcpo}
            (CX : is_continuous_dcpo X)
            (x : X)
  : (is_continuous_dcpo_directed_set CX x) = x.
Show proof.
  revert CX.
  use factor_dep_through_squash.
    apply setproperty.
  intros CX.
  pose (D := approximating_family CX x).
  use antisymm_dcpo.
  - use dcpo_lub_is_least.
    intros i.
    apply way_below_to_le.
    exact (pr2 i).
  - refine (trans_dcpo _ _).
      apply eq_to_le_dcpo.
      exact (!(approximating_family_lub CX x)).
    use dcpo_lub_is_least.
    intros i.
    use less_than_dcpo_lub ; cbn -[way_below].
    + refine (D i ,, _).
      apply approximating_family_way_below.
    + apply refl_dcpo.

Definition is_continuous_to_continuous_struct
           {X : dcpo}
           (CX : is_continuous_dcpo X)
  : continuous_dcpo_struct X.
Show proof.
  intros x.
  refine (is_continuous_dcpo_directed_set CX x ,, _ ,, _).
  - abstract
      (intros i ;
       apply i).
  - abstract
      (pose (is_least_upperbound_dcpo_lub (is_continuous_dcpo_directed_set CX x)) as h ;
       rewrite (is_continuous_dcpo_directed_set_lub CX x) in h ;
       exact h).