Library Nijn.Prelude.Basics.Positions

Require Import Nijn.Prelude.Basics.Decidable.
Require Import Nijn.Prelude.Basics.Finite.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import List.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.

Positions in lists

For every list there is a type of positions. Each of these positions points to a concrete place in that list.
Inductive pos {A : Type} : list A Type :=
| Hd : (x : A) (xs : list A), pos (x :: xs)
| Tl : {x : A} {xs : list A}, pos xs pos (x :: xs).

Given a position, we can pick the element at that place.
Fixpoint listAt {A : Type} {l : list A} (i : pos l) : A :=
  match i with
  | Hd x xsx
  | Tl ilistAt i

Proposition in_listAt {A : Type} {l : list A} (i : pos l)
  : In (listAt i) l.
  induction i as [ x xs | x xs i Hi ] ; cbn.
  - left.
  - right.
    exact Hi.

Definition listAtMembers {A : Type} {l : list A} (i : pos l) : members l
  := MakeMem (listAt i) (in_listAt i).

We can map the natural numbers to positions
Program Fixpoint nat_to_pos
                 {A : Type}
                 {l : list A}
  : (n : nat)
           (H : n < length l),
    pos l
  := match l with
     | nilfun n HFalse_rect _ _
     | cons x xs
       fun n
       match n with
       | 0 ⇒ fun HHd _ _
       | S nfun HTl (nat_to_pos n _)
Next Obligation.
Next Obligation.

Fixpoint included
         {A : Type}
         (l : list A)
         (ns : list nat)
  : Prop
  := match ns with
     | nilTrue
     | n :: nsn < length l included l ns

Program Fixpoint list_nat_to_list_pos
                 {A : Type}
                 {l : list A}
                 (ns : list nat)
  : (H : included l ns),
    list (pos l)
  := match ns with
     | nilfun _nil
     | n :: nsfun Hnat_to_pos n _ :: list_nat_to_list_pos ns _

From a member of the list, we obtain a position
Definition isMember_to_pos
           {A : Type}
           {a : A} {l : list A}
           (H : a l)
  : pos l.
  induction H.
  - apply Hd.
  - apply Tl.

Filtering and removing elements from the list

If we have a decidable predicate on the positions, then we can remove the positions for which that predicate holds and we can remove the positions for which that predicate does not hold.
Definition pos_tl
           {A : Type}
           {x : A}
           {xs : list A}
           (P : pos (x :: xs) Prop)
  : pos xs Prop
  := fun iP (Tl i).

Definition dec_pos_tl
           {A : Type}
           {x : A}
           {xs : list A}
           (P : pos (x :: xs) Prop)
           (decP : (i : pos (x :: xs)), dec (P i))
           (i : pos xs)
  : dec (pos_tl P i)
  := match decP (Tl i) with
     | Yes pYes p
     | No qNo q

Fixpoint filter_list
         {A : Type}
         (l : list A)
  : (P : pos l Prop)
           (decP : (i : pos l), dec (P i)),
    list A
  := match l with
     | nilfun P decPnil
     | cons x xs
       fun P decP
       let rest := filter_list xs (pos_tl P) (dec_pos_tl P decP) in
       match decP (Hd x xs) with
       | Yes _cons x rest
       | No _rest

Fixpoint remove_list
         {A : Type}
         (l : list A)
  : (P : pos l Prop)
           (decP : (i : pos l), dec (P i)),
    list A
  := match l with
     | nilfun P decPnil
     | cons x xs
       fun P decP
       let rest := remove_list xs (pos_tl P) (dec_pos_tl P decP) in
       match decP (Hd x xs) with
       | No _cons x rest
       | Yes _rest

Membership after removing
Proposition In_remove_list
            {A : Type}
            {l : list A}
            (P : pos l Prop)
            (decP : (i : pos l), dec (P i))
            (i : pos l)
            (Hi : ~(P i))
  : In (listAt i) (remove_list l P decP).
  induction i as [ x xs | x xs i IHi ] ; cbn ; destruct (decP (Hd x xs)) ; cbn.
  - contradiction.
  - left.
  - apply IHi.
    exact Hi.
  - right.
    apply IHi.
    exact Hi.

Proposition isMember_listAt
            {A : Type}
            {l : list A}
            (a : A)
            (H : a l)
  : listAt (isMember_to_pos H) = a.
  induction H.
  - subst.
  - assumption.

Proposition members_listAt
            {A : Type}
            `{decEq A}
            {l : list A}
            (r : members l)
  : listAt (isMember_to_pos (in_to_isMember (member_isEl r))) = member_el r.
  apply isMember_listAt.

Proposition In_remove_list_member
            {A : Type}
            `{decEq A}
            {l : list A}
            (P : pos l Prop)
            (decP : (i : pos l), dec (P i))
            (r : members l)
            (Hr : ~(P (isMember_to_pos (in_to_isMember (member_isEl r)))))
  : In (member_el r) (remove_list l P decP).
  assert (listAt (isMember_to_pos (in_to_isMember (member_isEl r))) = member_el r) as p.
    apply members_listAt.
  rewrite <- p.
  apply In_remove_list.
  exact Hr.

Decidable equality of positions

Fixpoint pos_to_nat
         {A : Type}
         {l : list A}
         (i : pos l)
  : nat
  := match i with
     | Hd _ _ ⇒ 0
     | Tl jS(pos_to_nat j)

Proposition pos_to_nat_lt
            {A : Type}
            {l : list A}
            (i : pos l)
  : pos_to_nat i < length l.
  induction i as [ x xs | x xs i Hi ] ; cbn.
  - lia.
  - lia.

Proposition pos_to_nat_to_pos
            {A : Type}
            {l : list A}
            (i : pos l)
            (H : pos_to_nat i < length l)
  : nat_to_pos (pos_to_nat i) H = i.
  induction i as [ x xs | x xs i Hi ] ; cbn.
  - reflexivity.
  - f_equal.
    apply Hi.

Proposition pos_tonat_eq
            {A : Type}
            {l : list A}
            {i j : pos l}
            (p : pos_to_nat i = pos_to_nat j)
  : i = j.
  induction i.
  - dependent destruction j.
    + reflexivity.
    + cbn in p.
  - dependent destruction j.
    + simpl in p.
    + f_equal.
      apply IHi.
      simpl in p.
      inversion p.

Definition dec_eq_pos
           {A : Type}
           {l : list A}
           (i j : pos l)
  : dec (i = j)
  := match dec_eq (pos_to_nat i) (pos_to_nat j) with
     | Yes pYes (pos_tonat_eq p)
     | No pNo (fun qp (f_equal _ q))

Global Instance decEq_pos {A : Type} (l : list A) : decEq (pos l) :=
  {| dec_eq := dec_eq_pos |}.

Proposition all_pos
            {A : Type}
            {l : list A}
            (P : pos l Prop)
            (H : (n : nat) (H : n < length l), P (nat_to_pos n H))
            (i : pos l)
  : P i.
  simple refine (transport P _ (H (pos_to_nat i) (pos_to_nat_lt i))).
  rewrite pos_to_nat_to_pos.