Library Nijn.Prelude.Orders.MonotonicMaps

Monotone maps

We have two kinds of structure preserving maps between compatible relations. First of all, we can look at strictly monotone maps, which preserve the strict order.
Class strictMonotone {X Y : CompatRel} (f : X Y) :=
  map_gt : (x y : X),
    x > y f x > f y.

Second of all, we can look at weak monotone maps, which preserve the other order
Class weakMonotone {X Y : CompatRel} (f : X Y) :=
  map_ge : (x y : X),
    x y f x f y.

Now we define the type of weakly and strongly monotone maps between compatible relations
Record weakMonotoneMap (X Y : CompatRel) :=
      fun_carrier :> X Y ;
      is_weak_monotone : weakMonotone fun_carrier

Arguments make_monotone {_ _} _ _.

Global Instance weakMonotoneMap_isWeakMonotone
       {X Y : CompatRel}
       (f : weakMonotoneMap X Y)
  : weakMonotone f
  := is_weak_monotone _ _ f.

Record strongMonotoneMap (X Y : CompatRel) :=
      strong_fun_carrier :> X Y ;
      strong_is_weak : weakMonotone strong_fun_carrier ;
      strong_is_strict : strictMonotone strong_fun_carrier ;

Arguments make_strong_monotone {_ _} _ _ _.

Global Instance strongMonotone_to_strictMonotone
                {X Y : CompatRel}
                (f : strongMonotoneMap X Y)
  : strictMonotone f
  := strong_is_strict _ _ f.

Global Instance strongMonotone_to_weakMonotone
                {X Y : CompatRel}
                (f : strongMonotoneMap X Y)
  : weakMonotone f
  := strong_is_weak _ _ f.

Equality of monotone maps

Using function extensionality and proof irrelevance, we can show that monotone maps are equal if they are pointwise equal.
Definition eq_weakMonotoneMap_help
           {X Y : CompatRel}
           `{isCompatRel Y}
           (f g : weakMonotoneMap X Y)
           (p : fun_carrier _ _ f = fun_carrier _ _ g)
  : f = g.
  destruct f as [f Hf].
  destruct g as [g Hg].
  cbn in p.
  revert Hf Hg.
  rewrite p.
  intros Hf Hg.
  apply proof_irrelevance.

Definition eq_weakMonotoneMap
           {X Y : CompatRel}
           `{isCompatRel Y}
           (f g : weakMonotoneMap X Y)
           (p : (x : X), f x = g x)
  : f = g.
  apply eq_weakMonotoneMap_help.
  apply funext.
  exact p.

Definition eq_strongMonotoneMap_help
           {X Y : CompatRel}
           `{isCompatRel Y}
           (f g : strongMonotoneMap X Y)
           (p : strong_fun_carrier _ _ f = strong_fun_carrier _ _ g)
  : f = g.
  destruct f as [ f Hf1 Hf2 ].
  destruct g as [ g Hg1 Hg2 ].
  cbn in p.
  revert Hf1 Hf2 Hg1 Hg2.
  rewrite p.
  intros Hf1 Hf2 Hg1 Hg2.
  f_equal ; apply proof_irrelevance.

Definition eq_strongMonotoneMap
           {X Y : CompatRel}
           `{isCompatRel Y}
           (f g : strongMonotoneMap X Y)
           (p : (x : X), f x = g x)
  : f = g.
  apply eq_strongMonotoneMap_help.
  apply funext.
  exact p.