Library Nijn.Syntax.Signature.Contexts

Require Import Nijn.Prelude.
Require Import Nijn.Syntax.Signature.Types.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import List.
Require Import Lia.


A context is a list of types. We use them for typed variables.
Notational convention: contexts are denoted by C1, C2, ...

Inductive con (B : Type) : Type :=
| Empty : con B
| Extend : ty B con B con B.

Arguments Empty {_}.
Arguments Extend {_} _ _.

Notation "∙" := Empty : signature.
Notation "A ,, Γ" := (Extend A Γ) (at level 80, right associativity) : signature.

Fixpoint length_con
         {B : Type}
         (C : con B)
  : nat
  := match C with
     | ⇒ 0
     | _ ,, CS(length_con C)

Decidable equality of contexts

Lemma not_empty_extend
      {B : Type}
      {A : ty B}
      {C : con B}
  : ~( = (A ,, C)).

Lemma not_extend_empty
      {B : Type}
      {A : ty B}
      {C : con B}
  : ~((A ,, C) = ).

Lemma not_eq_extend_type
      {B : Type}
      {A₁ A₂ : ty B}
      {C₁ C₂ : con B}
      (p : ~(A₁ = A₂))
  : ~((A₁ ,, C₁) = (A₂ ,, C₂)).
  intro q.
  inversion q.

Lemma not_eq_extend_con
      {B : Type}
      {A₁ A₂ : ty B}
      {C₁ C₂ : con B}
      (p : ~(C₁ = C₂))
  : ~((A₁ ,, C₁) = (A₂ ,, C₂)).
  intro q.
  inversion q.

Lemma eq_extend
      {B : Type}
      {A₁ A₂ : ty B}
      {C₁ C₂ : con B}
      (p : A₁ = A₂)
      (q : C₁ = C₂)
  : (A₁ ,, C₁) = (A₂ ,, C₂).

The function that decides equality of contexts
Fixpoint dec_eq_con
         {B : Type}
         `{decEq B}
         (C₁ C₂ : con B)
  : dec (C₁ = C₂)
  := match C₁ , C₂ with
     | , Yes eq_refl
     | , _ ,, _No not_empty_extend
     | _ ,, _ , No not_extend_empty
     | A₁ ,, C₁ , A₂ ,, C₂
       match dec_eq A₁ A₂ with
       | No pNo (not_eq_extend_type p)
       | Yes p
         match dec_eq_con C₁ C₂ with
         | Yes qYes (eq_extend p q)
         | No qNo (not_eq_extend_con q)

Global Instance decEq_con {B : Type} `{decEq B} : decEq (con B) :=
  {| dec_eq := dec_eq_con |}.


Note: we represent variables using De Bruijn indices
Inductive var {B : Type} : con B ty B Type :=
| Vz : {C : con B} {A : ty B},
    var (A ,, C) A
| Vs : {C : con B} {A1 A2 : ty B},
    var C A2 var (A1 ,, C) A2.

Every natural number gives rise to a variable if that number actually is a valid position in the list
Definition nat_to_var
           {B : Type}
           {C : con B}
           (n : nat)
           (Hn : n < length_con C)
  : { A : ty B & var C A }.
  revert C Hn.
  induction n as [ | n IHn ] ; intros C Hn.
  - destruct C as [ | A C ].
    + abstract
        (cbn in × ;
         exfalso ;
    + A.
      apply Vz.
  - destruct C as [ | A C ].
    + abstract
        (cbn in × ;
         exfalso ;
    + cbn in Hn.
      assert (n < length_con C) as H' by lia.
      destruct (IHn C H') as [ A' v ].
      exact (Vs v).

Decidable equality of variables

We decide equality of variables by mapping them to the natural numbers and then deciding equality of the natural numbers.
Fixpoint var_to_nat
         {B : Type}
         {C : con B}
         {A : ty B}
         (v : var C A)
  : nat
  := match v with
     | Vz ⇒ 0
     | Vs vS(var_to_nat v)

Proposition var_tonat_eq_ty
            {B : Type}
            {C : con B}
            {A1 A2 : ty B}
            {v1 : var C A1}
            {v2 : var C A2}
            (p : var_to_nat v1 = var_to_nat v2)
  : A1 = A2.
  induction v1.
  - dependent destruction v2.
    + reflexivity.
    + cbn in p.
  - dependent destruction v2.
    + simpl in p.
    + f_equal.
      apply (IHv1 v2).
      simpl in p.
      inversion p.

Proposition var_tonat_eq
            {B : Type}
            {C : con B}
            {A : ty B}
            {v1 v2 : var C A}
            (p : var_to_nat v1 = var_to_nat v2)
  : v1 = v2.
  induction v1.
  - dependent destruction v2.
    + reflexivity.
    + cbn in p.
  - dependent destruction v2.
    + simpl in p.
    + f_equal.
      apply IHv1.
      simpl in p.
      inversion p.

Definition dec_eq_Var
        {B : Type}
        {C : con B}
        {A : ty B}
        (v1 v2 : var C A)
  : dec (v1 = v2)
  := match dec_eq (var_to_nat v1) (var_to_nat v2) with
     | Yes pYes (var_tonat_eq p)
     | No pNo (fun qp (f_equal _ q))

Global Instance decEq_Var
       {B : Type}
       {C : con B}
       {A : ty B}
  : decEq (var C A)
  := {| dec_eq := dec_eq_Var |}.

The type of variables is finite

Fixpoint all_Vars
         {B : Type}
         `{decEq B}
         (C : con B)
  : (A : ty B), list (var C A)
  := match C with
     | fun _nil
     | A1 ,, C
       fun A2
         match dec_eq A1 A2 with
         | Yes ptransport (var _) p Vz :: map Vs (all_Vars C A2)
         | No pmap Vs (all_Vars C A2)

Global Instance isFinite_var
       {B : Type}
       `{decEq B}
       (C : con B)
       (A : ty B)
  : isFinite (var C A).
  simple refine {| els := all_Vars C A ; allIsMember := _ |}.
  intro v.
  dependent induction v.
  - simpl.
    destruct (dec_eq_Ty A A) ; try contradiction.
    rewrite (UIP e eq_refl).
  - simpl ; destruct (dec_eq_Ty A1 A2).
    + simpl.
      apply in_map.
      apply IHv.
    + simpl.
      apply in_map.
      apply IHv.