Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Actions
- Strutures on morphisms
- Endomorphisms and the endomorphism monoid (endomorphism_monoid)
- Automorphisms and the automorphism group (automorphism_grp)
- The endomorphism ring in an additive category (endomorphism_ring)
- Algebraic structures as categories
- Lemmas about categories with one object (contr_cat)
- Monoids
- Monoids as categories (monoid_weq_contr_category)
- Monoid morphisms as functors (monoid_fun_weq_functor)
- Groups
- Groups as groupoids
- Group morphisms as functors
- Rings
- Actions
- As homomorphisms
- Monoid (group) actions (monaction_as_morphism)
- Ring actions (ringaction_as_morphism)
- As functors
- Equivariant maps
- Monoid (group) actions (monaction)
- Ring actions
- As homomorphisms
- Theory
- Translation groupoid (translation_groupoid)
- Modules as abelian groups with a ring action
- Group actions (Algebra/GroupAction) as sets with a group action
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Preamble.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.PartA.
Require Import UniMath.Algebra.Groups.
Require Import UniMath.Algebra.RigsAndRings.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.catiso.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Additive.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.CategoriesWithBinOps.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PreAdditive.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PrecategoriesWithAbgrops.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.HSET.Core.
Local Open Scope cat.
Structures on morphisms
Endomorphisms and the endomorphism monoid
When the hom-types of C are sets, we can form the endomorphism monoid
Definition endomorphism_monoid {C : category} (X : ob C) : monoid.
Show proof.
Show proof.
use make_monoid.
- use make_setwithbinop.
+ use make_hSet.
* exact (X --> X).
* apply homset_property.
+ exact (@compose C X X X).
- use make_dirprod.
+ exact (fun x x' x'' => !(@assoc C _ _ _ _ x x' x'')).
+ refine (identity X,, _).
* exact (@id_left C X X).
* exact (@id_right C X X).
- use make_setwithbinop.
+ use make_hSet.
* exact (X --> X).
* apply homset_property.
+ exact (@compose C X X X).
- use make_dirprod.
+ exact (fun x x' x'' => !(@assoc C _ _ _ _ x x' x'')).
+ refine (identity X,, _).
* exact (@id_left C X X).
* exact (@id_right C X X).
The automorphism group is a submonoid of the endomorphism monoid
When the hom-types of C are sets, we can form the automorphism grp
Definition automorphism_grp {C : category} (X : ob C) : gr :=
gr_merely_invertible_elements (endomorphism_monoid X).
Example symmetric_grp (X : hSet) := @automorphism_grp hset_category X.
gr_merely_invertible_elements (endomorphism_monoid X).
Example symmetric_grp (X : hSet) := @automorphism_grp hset_category X.
Definition endomorphism_ring {C : AdditiveCategory}
(_ : ob (PreAdditive_categoryWithAbgrops C)) : ring.
Show proof.
The multiplication operation is composition, we reuse the proof
from the endomorphism monoid. The addition operation is the addition
on homsets, we extract this with to_binop
pose (end_monoid := @endomorphism_monoid (PreAdditive_categoryWithAbgrops C) X).
refine ((pr1 (pr1 end_monoid),,
make_dirprod (to_binop X X) (pr2 (pr1 end_monoid))),, _).
split; split.
refine ((pr1 (pr1 end_monoid),,
make_dirprod (to_binop X X) (pr2 (pr1 end_monoid))),, _).
split; split.
We know by assumption on C that + is an abgrop.
We already proved this
By assumption on C
- intros f g h; apply (to_premor_monoid C _ _ _ h).
- intros f g h; apply (to_postmor_monoid C _ _ _ h).
- intros f g h; apply (to_postmor_monoid C _ _ _ h).
Definition contr_cat : UU := ∑ C : category, iscontr (ob C).
Definition contr_cat_cat : contr_cat -> category := pr1.
Coercion contr_cat_cat : contr_cat >-> category.
Definition contr_cat_iscontr : ∏ C : contr_cat, iscontr (ob C) := pr2.
Definition contr_cat_center (C : contr_cat) : ob C :=
iscontrpr1 (contr_cat_iscontr C).
Section ContrCatLemmas.
Context {C : contr_cat}.
The hom-set between any two objects in a contractible category is
equivalent to the hom-set of endomorphisms of the center (b/c both objects
are, in fact, equal to the center).
Lemma contr_cat_hom_weq :
∏ a b : ob C, (a --> b) ≃ (contr_cat_center C --> contr_cat_center C).
Show proof.
Context {D : contr_cat}.
∏ a b : ob C, (a --> b) ≃ (contr_cat_center C --> contr_cat_center C).
Show proof.
intros a b.
pose (aeqcenter := iscontr_uniqueness (contr_cat_iscontr C) a).
pose (beqcenter := iscontr_uniqueness (contr_cat_iscontr C) b).
use weq_iso.
pose (aeqcenter := iscontr_uniqueness (contr_cat_iscontr C) a).
pose (beqcenter := iscontr_uniqueness (contr_cat_iscontr C) b).
use weq_iso.
Construct the arrows using a double transport
- intros cab.
pose (tocenter := transportf (λ x, C ⟦ a, x ⟧) beqcenter cab).
exact (transportf (λ x, C ⟦ x, contr_cat_center C ⟧) aeqcenter tocenter).
- intros ccc.
pose (froma := transportf (λ x, C ⟦ x, contr_cat_center C ⟧) (!aeqcenter) ccc).
exact (transportf (λ x, C ⟦ a, x ⟧) (!beqcenter) froma).
- intros x; cbn.
abstract (rewrite (transport_f_f _ (aeqcenter) (! aeqcenter));
rewrite pathsinv0r; cbn; unfold idfun;
rewrite (transport_f_f _ (beqcenter) (! beqcenter));
rewrite pathsinv0r; cbn; unfold idfun;
- intros x; cbn.
abstract (rewrite (transport_f_f _ (! beqcenter) (beqcenter));
rewrite pathsinv0l; cbn; unfold idfun;
rewrite (transport_f_f _ (! aeqcenter) (aeqcenter));
rewrite pathsinv0l; cbn; unfold idfun;
pose (tocenter := transportf (λ x, C ⟦ a, x ⟧) beqcenter cab).
exact (transportf (λ x, C ⟦ x, contr_cat_center C ⟧) aeqcenter tocenter).
- intros ccc.
pose (froma := transportf (λ x, C ⟦ x, contr_cat_center C ⟧) (!aeqcenter) ccc).
exact (transportf (λ x, C ⟦ a, x ⟧) (!beqcenter) froma).
- intros x; cbn.
abstract (rewrite (transport_f_f _ (aeqcenter) (! aeqcenter));
rewrite pathsinv0r; cbn; unfold idfun;
rewrite (transport_f_f _ (beqcenter) (! beqcenter));
rewrite pathsinv0r; cbn; unfold idfun;
- intros x; cbn.
abstract (rewrite (transport_f_f _ (! beqcenter) (beqcenter));
rewrite pathsinv0l; cbn; unfold idfun;
rewrite (transport_f_f _ (! aeqcenter) (aeqcenter));
rewrite pathsinv0l; cbn; unfold idfun;
Context {D : contr_cat}.
A functor between contractible categories is fully specified by its mapping
of the endomorphisms of the center.
Definition contr_cat_functor_data
(f : C ⟦ contr_cat_center C, contr_cat_center C ⟧ ->
D ⟦ contr_cat_center D, contr_cat_center D ⟧) : functor_data C D.
Show proof.
(f : C ⟦ contr_cat_center C, contr_cat_center C ⟧ ->
D ⟦ contr_cat_center D, contr_cat_center D ⟧) : functor_data C D.
Show proof.
use make_functor_data.
- apply weqcontrcontr; apply contr_cat_iscontr.
- intros a b g.
apply f.
apply (contr_cat_hom_weq a b); assumption.
- apply weqcontrcontr; apply contr_cat_iscontr.
- intros a b g.
apply f.
apply (contr_cat_hom_weq a b); assumption.
Any fully faithful functor between contractible categories is an isomorphism.
Lemma contr_cat_fully_faithful_to_isiso {F : functor C D} (ff : fully_faithful F) :
is_catiso F.
Show proof.
is_catiso F.
Show proof.
Two contractible categories are equal if there is a fully faithful
functor between them.
Lemma contr_cat_eq {F : functor C D} (ff : fully_faithful F) : C = D.
Show proof.
End ContrCatLemmas.
Show proof.
apply subtypePath.
- intro; apply isapropiscontr.
- apply catiso_to_category_path.
use tpair.
+ exact F.
+ apply contr_cat_fully_faithful_to_isiso; assumption.
- intro; apply isapropiscontr.
- apply catiso_to_category_path.
use tpair.
+ exact F.
+ apply contr_cat_fully_faithful_to_isiso; assumption.
End ContrCatLemmas.
Local Open Scope multmonoid_scope.
Monoids as categories (monoid_weq_contr_category)
Definition monoid_to_category (Mon : monoid) : contr_cat.
Show proof.
use tpair.
- use makecategory.
+ exact unit.
+ intros; exact Mon.
+ intros; apply setproperty.
+ intros; exact (unel Mon).
+ intros; exact (f * g).
+ intros; apply lunax.
+ intros; apply runax.
+ intros; cbn; symmetry; apply assocax.
+ intros; cbn; apply assocax.
- apply iscontrunit.
- use makecategory.
+ exact unit.
+ intros; exact Mon.
+ intros; apply setproperty.
+ intros; exact (unel Mon).
+ intros; exact (f * g).
+ intros; apply lunax.
+ intros; apply runax.
+ intros; cbn; symmetry; apply assocax.
+ intros; cbn; apply assocax.
- apply iscontrunit.
Definition contr_category_to_monoid (C : category) (is : iscontr (ob C)) : monoid.
Show proof.
pose (center := iscontrpr1 is).
use make_monoid.
- use make_setwithbinop.
+ use make_hSet.
* use (center --> center).
* apply homset_property.
+ exact (@compose _ center center center).
- use make_ismonoidop.
+ unfold isassoc; symmetry; apply assoc.
+ use make_isunital.
* apply identity.
* use make_isunit;
[ unfold islunit; apply id_left | unfold isrunit; apply id_right ].
use make_monoid.
- use make_setwithbinop.
+ use make_hSet.
* use (center --> center).
* apply homset_property.
+ exact (@compose _ center center center).
- use make_ismonoidop.
+ unfold isassoc; symmetry; apply assoc.
+ use make_isunital.
* apply identity.
* use make_isunit;
[ unfold islunit; apply id_left | unfold isrunit; apply id_right ].
The above functions constitute a weak equivalence.
Lemma monoid_weq_contr_category : monoid ≃ contr_cat.
Show proof.
Show proof.
By univalence for monoids, it suffices to show that they are isomorphic
intros Mon; apply monoid_univalence.
use tpair.
+ apply idweq.
+ use make_dirprod.
* intros ? ?; apply idpath.
* apply idpath.
- intros contrcat.
use contr_cat_eq.
+ use make_functor.
* apply contr_cat_functor_data.
apply idfun.
* use make_dirprod; cbn.
{ unfold functor_idax.
intros a; cbn in *.
abstract (induction a; reflexivity).
{ unfold functor_compax.
intros a b c.
abstract (induction a, b, c; reflexivity).
+ unfold fully_faithful.
intros a b.
abstract (induction a, b; exact (idisweq _)).
use tpair.
+ apply idweq.
+ use make_dirprod.
* intros ? ?; apply idpath.
* apply idpath.
- intros contrcat.
use contr_cat_eq.
+ use make_functor.
* apply contr_cat_functor_data.
apply idfun.
* use make_dirprod; cbn.
{ unfold functor_idax.
intros a; cbn in *.
abstract (induction a; reflexivity).
{ unfold functor_compax.
intros a b c.
abstract (induction a, b, c; reflexivity).
+ unfold fully_faithful.
intros a b.
abstract (induction a, b; exact (idisweq _)).
Definition monoidfun_to_functor {Mon1 Mon2 : monoid} (monfun : monoidfun Mon1 Mon2) :
functor (monoid_weq_contr_category Mon1) (monoid_weq_contr_category Mon2).
Show proof.
functor (monoid_weq_contr_category Mon1) (monoid_weq_contr_category Mon2).
Show proof.
use make_functor.
- apply contr_cat_functor_data.
exact monfun.
- use make_dirprod.
+ intros a.
abstract (induction a;
apply monoidfununel).
+ intros a b c ? ?.
abstract (induction a, b, c;
apply monoidfunmul).
- apply contr_cat_functor_data.
exact monfun.
- use make_dirprod.
+ intros a.
abstract (induction a;
apply monoidfununel).
+ intros a b c ? ?.
abstract (induction a, b, c;
apply monoidfunmul).
Throwaway lemma: transport intertwines composition
Local Lemma transport_compose {C : precategory} {a b : ob C} {p : a = b}
(f : a --> a) (g : a --> a) :
transportf (λ x, C ⟦ x, b ⟧) p (transportf (λ x, C ⟦ a, x ⟧) p f) ·
transportf (λ x, C ⟦ x, b ⟧) p (transportf (λ x, C ⟦ a, x ⟧) p g)
= transportf (λ x, C ⟦ x, b ⟧) p (transportf (λ x, C ⟦ a, x ⟧) p (f · g)).
Show proof.
(f : a --> a) (g : a --> a) :
transportf (λ x, C ⟦ x, b ⟧) p (transportf (λ x, C ⟦ a, x ⟧) p f) ·
transportf (λ x, C ⟦ x, b ⟧) p (transportf (λ x, C ⟦ a, x ⟧) p g)
= transportf (λ x, C ⟦ x, b ⟧) p (transportf (λ x, C ⟦ a, x ⟧) p (f · g)).
Show proof.
induction p; reflexivity.
Throwaway lemma: transport intertwines identity
Local Lemma transport_identity {C : precategory} {a b : ob C} {p : a = b} :
transportf (λ x, C ⟦ x, b ⟧) p (transportf (λ x, C ⟦ a, x ⟧) p (identity a)) =
identity b.
Show proof.
transportf (λ x, C ⟦ x, b ⟧) p (transportf (λ x, C ⟦ a, x ⟧) p (identity a)) =
identity b.
Show proof.
induction p; reflexivity.
Functor --> monoid morphism
Definition functor_to_monoidfun {CC1 CC2 : contr_cat} (funct : functor CC1 CC2) :
monoidfun (invmap monoid_weq_contr_category CC1)
(invmap monoid_weq_contr_category CC2).
Show proof.
monoidfun (invmap monoid_weq_contr_category CC1)
(invmap monoid_weq_contr_category CC2).
Show proof.
use monoidfunconstr.
- cbn in *.
intros endo.
apply (contr_cat_hom_weq (funct (iscontrpr1 (pr2 CC1)))
(funct (iscontrpr1 (pr2 CC1)))).
exact (# funct endo).
- use make_ismonoidfun.
+ intros a b; cbn.
abstract (rewrite functor_comp;
rewrite <- transport_compose;
+ abstract (cbn; rewrite functor_id_id; [|reflexivity];
rewrite transport_identity;
- cbn in *.
intros endo.
apply (contr_cat_hom_weq (funct (iscontrpr1 (pr2 CC1)))
(funct (iscontrpr1 (pr2 CC1)))).
exact (# funct endo).
- use make_ismonoidfun.
+ intros a b; cbn.
abstract (rewrite functor_comp;
rewrite <- transport_compose;
+ abstract (cbn; rewrite functor_id_id; [|reflexivity];
rewrite transport_identity;
The above functions constitute a weak equivalence.
Lemma monoid_fun_weq_functor {Mon1 Mon2 : monoid} :
(monoidfun Mon1 Mon2) ≃
functor (monoid_weq_contr_category Mon1) (monoid_weq_contr_category Mon2).
Show proof.
(monoidfun Mon1 Mon2) ≃
functor (monoid_weq_contr_category Mon1) (monoid_weq_contr_category Mon2).
Show proof.
use weq_iso.
- exact monoidfun_to_functor.
- exact functor_to_monoidfun.
- intros mfun.
apply monoidfun_paths.
- intros funct.
apply functor_eq; [apply homset_property|].
use functor_data_eq.
+ intro.
exact (!(pr2 iscontrunit _)).
+ intros c1 c2 ?.
- exact monoidfun_to_functor.
- exact functor_to_monoidfun.
- intros mfun.
apply monoidfun_paths.
- intros funct.
apply functor_eq; [apply homset_property|].
use functor_data_eq.
+ intro.
exact (!(pr2 iscontrunit _)).
+ intros c1 c2 ?.
Compare to proof of contr_cat_hom_weq
abstract (induction c1, c2; unfold Univalence.double_transport; cbn;
do 2 (rewrite (transport_f_f _ (isProofIrrelevantUnit _ _)
(! (isProofIrrelevantUnit _ _)) _);
rewrite pathsinv0r; cbn; unfold idfun);
do 2 (rewrite (transport_f_f _ (isProofIrrelevantUnit _ _)
(! (isProofIrrelevantUnit _ _)) _);
rewrite pathsinv0r; cbn; unfold idfun);
Groups as groupoids
Group morphisms as functors
As homomorphisms
Monoid (group) actions
Definition monaction_as_morphism {C : category} (Mon : monoid) (X : ob C) : UU :=
monoidfun Mon (endomorphism_monoid X).
Identity Coercion id_monaction : monaction_as_morphism >-> monoidfun.
Let f and g be actions of M on objects X and Y, respectively. An
equivariant map h from f to g is one that intertwines the actions of M,
that is, for any m : M,
i.e. f m · h = h · g m.
X -- f m --> X
| |
h h
Y -- g m --> Y
Definition monaction_equivariant_map
{C : category} {M : monoid} {X Y : ob C}
(actX : monaction_as_morphism M X)
(actY : monaction_as_morphism M Y) : UU :=
∑ f : X --> Y, ∏ m, actX m · f = f · actY m.
Definition ringaction_as_morphism {C : AdditiveCategory } (R : ring) (X : ob C) :=
ringfun R (endomorphism_ring X).
Definition contr_cat_action (CC : contr_cat) (C : category) : UU := (CC ⟶ C).
Identity Coercion id_contr_cat_action : contr_cat_action >-> functor.
Section FunctorActions.
Context {CC : contr_cat} {C : category}
(actA : contr_cat_action CC C) (actB : contr_cat_action CC C).
Now we can provide a uniform definition of equivariant maps for monoids,
groups, and rings: equivariant map, or intertwiner, is simply a natural
Definition equivariant_map : UU :=
nat_trans (functor_data_from_functor _ _ actA)
(functor_data_from_functor _ _ actB).
Definition equivariant_map' : UU :=
∑ f : actA (contr_cat_center CC) --> actB (contr_cat_center CC),
∏ g : CC ⟦ contr_cat_center CC, contr_cat_center CC ⟧,
# actA g · f = f · # actB g.
End FunctorActions.
nat_trans (functor_data_from_functor _ _ actA)
(functor_data_from_functor _ _ actB).
Definition equivariant_map' : UU :=
∑ f : actA (contr_cat_center CC) --> actB (contr_cat_center CC),
∏ g : CC ⟦ contr_cat_center CC, contr_cat_center CC ⟧,
# actA g · f = f · # actB g.
End FunctorActions.
Monoid (group) actions
Definition monaction_functor (Mon : monoid) (C : category) :=
contr_cat_action (monoid_weq_contr_category Mon) C.
contr_cat_action (monoid_weq_contr_category Mon) C.
Definition translation_groupoid_precat {CC : contr_cat}
(F : contr_cat_action CC hset_category) : precategory.
Show proof.
pose (center := contr_cat_center CC).
use make_precategory_one_assoc.
- use make_precategory_data.
+ use make_precategory_ob_mor.
* exact (pr1 (F center)).
* intros x1 x2; exact (∑ c : CC ⟦center, center⟧, # F c x1 = x2).
+ intros c; exists (identity center).
refine (@eqtohomot _ _ (# F (identity center)) (idfun _) _ c).
apply (functor_id F center).
+ intros a b c f g.
cbn in *.
exists (pr1 f · pr1 g).
refine (maponpaths (λ z, z _) (functor_comp F (pr1 f) (pr1 g)) @ _); cbn.
refine (maponpaths _ (pr2 f) @ _).
exact (pr2 g).
- use make_dirprod.
+ use make_dirprod;
intros ? ? ?;
apply subtypePath; try (intro; apply setproperty).
* apply id_left.
* apply id_right.
+ cbn.
intros a b c d f g h.
apply subtypePath; [intro; apply setproperty | ].
apply assoc.
use make_precategory_one_assoc.
- use make_precategory_data.
+ use make_precategory_ob_mor.
* exact (pr1 (F center)).
* intros x1 x2; exact (∑ c : CC ⟦center, center⟧, # F c x1 = x2).
+ intros c; exists (identity center).
refine (@eqtohomot _ _ (# F (identity center)) (idfun _) _ c).
apply (functor_id F center).
+ intros a b c f g.
cbn in *.
exists (pr1 f · pr1 g).
refine (maponpaths (λ z, z _) (functor_comp F (pr1 f) (pr1 g)) @ _); cbn.
refine (maponpaths _ (pr2 f) @ _).
exact (pr2 g).
- use make_dirprod.
+ use make_dirprod;
intros ? ? ?;
apply subtypePath; try (intro; apply setproperty).
* apply id_left.
* apply id_right.
+ cbn.
intros a b c d f g h.
apply subtypePath; [intro; apply setproperty | ].
apply assoc.