Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Actions


Author: Langston Barrett (@siddharthist)


TODO: 1. Rephrase definitions, prove equivalences with the originals:
  • Modules as abelian groups with a ring action
  • Group actions (Algebra/GroupAction) as sets with a group action
2. Prove equivalence of rings as one-object categories

Structures on morphisms

Endomorphisms and the endomorphism monoid

Endomorphisms of X are arrows X --> X
Definition endomorphisms {C : precategory} (X : ob C) : UU := (X --> X).

When the hom-types of C are sets, we can form the endomorphism monoid
Definition endomorphism_monoid {C : category} (X : ob C) : monoid.
Show proof.
  use make_monoid.
  - use make_setwithbinop.
    + use make_hSet.
      * exact (X --> X).
      * apply homset_property.
    + exact (@compose C X X X).
  - use make_dirprod.
    + exact (fun x x' x'' => !(@assoc C _ _ _ _ x x' x'')).
    + refine (identity X,, _).
      * exact (@id_left C X X).
      * exact (@id_right C X X).

The automorphism group is a submonoid of the endomorphism monoid
When the hom-types of C are sets, we can form the automorphism grp

The endomorphism ring in an additive category

Definition endomorphism_ring {C : AdditiveCategory}
           (_ : ob (PreAdditive_categoryWithAbgrops C)) : ring.
Show proof.
The multiplication operation is composition, we reuse the proof from the endomorphism monoid. The addition operation is the addition on homsets, we extract this with to_binop
  pose (end_monoid := @endomorphism_monoid (PreAdditive_categoryWithAbgrops C) X).
  refine ((pr1 (pr1 end_monoid),,
          make_dirprod (to_binop X X) (pr2 (pr1 end_monoid))),, _).

  split; split.
We know by assumption on C that + is an abgrop.
  - exact (to_isabgrop _ _).
We already proved this
  - exact (pr2 end_monoid).
By assumption on C
  - intros f g h; apply (to_premor_monoid C _ _ _ h).
  - intros f g h; apply (to_postmor_monoid C _ _ _ h).

Algebraic structures as categories

Lemmas about categories with one object

Definition contr_cat : UU := C : category, iscontr (ob C).
Definition contr_cat_cat : contr_cat -> category := pr1.
Coercion contr_cat_cat : contr_cat >-> category.
Definition contr_cat_iscontr : C : contr_cat, iscontr (ob C) := pr2.
Definition contr_cat_center (C : contr_cat) : ob C :=
  iscontrpr1 (contr_cat_iscontr C).

Section ContrCatLemmas.

  Context {C : contr_cat}.

The hom-set between any two objects in a contractible category is equivalent to the hom-set of endomorphisms of the center (b/c both objects are, in fact, equal to the center).
  Lemma contr_cat_hom_weq :
     a b : ob C, (a --> b) (contr_cat_center C --> contr_cat_center C).
  Show proof.
    intros a b.
    pose (aeqcenter := iscontr_uniqueness (contr_cat_iscontr C) a).
    pose (beqcenter := iscontr_uniqueness (contr_cat_iscontr C) b).
    use weq_iso.
Construct the arrows using a double transport
    - intros cab.
      pose (tocenter := transportf (λ x, C a, x ) beqcenter cab).
      exact (transportf (λ x, C x, contr_cat_center C ) aeqcenter tocenter).
    - intros ccc.
      pose (froma := transportf (λ x, C x, contr_cat_center C ) (!aeqcenter) ccc).
      exact (transportf (λ x, C a, x ) (!beqcenter) froma).
    - intros x; cbn.
      abstract (rewrite (transport_f_f _ (aeqcenter) (! aeqcenter));
                rewrite pathsinv0r; cbn; unfold idfun;
                rewrite (transport_f_f _ (beqcenter) (! beqcenter));
                rewrite pathsinv0r; cbn; unfold idfun;
    - intros x; cbn.
      abstract (rewrite (transport_f_f _ (! beqcenter) (beqcenter));
                rewrite pathsinv0l; cbn; unfold idfun;
                rewrite (transport_f_f _ (! aeqcenter) (aeqcenter));
                rewrite pathsinv0l; cbn; unfold idfun;

  Context {D : contr_cat}.

A functor between contractible categories is fully specified by its mapping of the endomorphisms of the center.
  Definition contr_cat_functor_data
             (f : C contr_cat_center C, contr_cat_center C ->
                  D contr_cat_center D, contr_cat_center D ) : functor_data C D.
  Show proof.
    use make_functor_data.
    - apply weqcontrcontr; apply contr_cat_iscontr.
    - intros a b g.
      apply f.
      apply (contr_cat_hom_weq a b); assumption.

Any fully faithful functor between contractible categories is an isomorphism.
  Lemma contr_cat_fully_faithful_to_isiso {F : functor C D} (ff : fully_faithful F) :
    is_catiso F.
  Show proof.
    use make_dirprod; [assumption|].
    apply isweqcontrcontr; apply contr_cat_iscontr.

Two contractible categories are equal if there is a fully faithful functor between them.
  Lemma contr_cat_eq {F : functor C D} (ff : fully_faithful F) : C = D.
  Show proof.
    apply subtypePath.
    - intro; apply isapropiscontr.
    - apply catiso_to_category_path.
      use tpair.
      + exact F.
      + apply contr_cat_fully_faithful_to_isiso; assumption.

End ContrCatLemmas.


Local Open Scope multmonoid_scope.

Monoids as categories (monoid_weq_contr_category)

Definition monoid_to_category (Mon : monoid) : contr_cat.
Show proof.
  use tpair.
  - use makecategory.
    + exact unit.
    + intros; exact Mon.
    + intros; apply setproperty.
    + intros; exact (unel Mon).
    + intros; exact (f * g).
    + intros; apply lunax.
    + intros; apply runax.
    + intros; cbn; symmetry; apply assocax.
    + intros; cbn; apply assocax.
  - apply iscontrunit.

Definition contr_category_to_monoid (C : category) (is : iscontr (ob C)) : monoid.
Show proof.
  pose (center := iscontrpr1 is).
  use make_monoid.
  - use make_setwithbinop.
    + use make_hSet.
      * use (center --> center).
      * apply homset_property.
    + exact (@compose _ center center center).
  - use make_ismonoidop.
    + unfold isassoc; symmetry; apply assoc.
    + use make_isunital.
      * apply identity.
      * use make_isunit;
          [ unfold islunit; apply id_left | unfold isrunit; apply id_right ].

The above functions constitute a weak equivalence.
Lemma monoid_weq_contr_category : monoid contr_cat.
Show proof.
  use weq_iso.
  - exact monoid_to_category.
  - exact (uncurry contr_category_to_monoid).
By univalence for monoids, it suffices to show that they are isomorphic
    intros Mon; apply monoid_univalence.
    use tpair.
    + apply idweq.
    + use make_dirprod.
      * intros ? ?; apply idpath.
      * apply idpath.
  - intros contrcat.
    use contr_cat_eq.
    + use make_functor.
      * apply contr_cat_functor_data.
        apply idfun.
      * use make_dirprod; cbn.
        { unfold functor_idax.
          intros a; cbn in *.
          abstract (induction a; reflexivity).
        { unfold functor_compax.
          intros a b c.
          abstract (induction a, b, c; reflexivity).
   + unfold fully_faithful.
     intros a b.
     abstract (induction a, b; exact (idisweq _)).

Monoid morphisms as functors (monoid_fun_weq_functor)

Monoid morphism --> functor
Definition monoidfun_to_functor {Mon1 Mon2 : monoid} (monfun : monoidfun Mon1 Mon2) :
  functor (monoid_weq_contr_category Mon1) (monoid_weq_contr_category Mon2).
Show proof.
  use make_functor.
  - apply contr_cat_functor_data.
    exact monfun.
  - use make_dirprod.
    + intros a.
      abstract (induction a;
                apply monoidfununel).
    + intros a b c ? ?.
      abstract (induction a, b, c;
                apply monoidfunmul).

Throwaway lemma: transport intertwines composition
Local Lemma transport_compose {C : precategory} {a b : ob C} {p : a = b}
           (f : a --> a) (g : a --> a) :
  transportf (λ x, C x, b ) p (transportf (λ x, C a, x ) p f) ·
  transportf (λ x, C x, b ) p (transportf (λ x, C a, x ) p g)
  = transportf (λ x, C x, b ) p (transportf (λ x, C a, x ) p (f · g)).
Show proof.
  induction p; reflexivity.

Throwaway lemma: transport intertwines identity
Local Lemma transport_identity {C : precategory} {a b : ob C} {p : a = b} :
  transportf (λ x, C x, b ) p (transportf (λ x, C a, x ) p (identity a)) =
  identity b.
Show proof.
  induction p; reflexivity.

Functor --> monoid morphism
Definition functor_to_monoidfun {CC1 CC2 : contr_cat} (funct : functor CC1 CC2) :
  monoidfun (invmap monoid_weq_contr_category CC1)
            (invmap monoid_weq_contr_category CC2).
Show proof.
  use monoidfunconstr.
  - cbn in *.
    intros endo.
    apply (contr_cat_hom_weq (funct (iscontrpr1 (pr2 CC1)))
                             (funct (iscontrpr1 (pr2 CC1)))).
    exact (# funct endo).
  - use make_ismonoidfun.
    + intros a b; cbn.
      abstract (rewrite functor_comp;
                rewrite <- transport_compose;
    + abstract (cbn; rewrite functor_id_id; [|reflexivity];
                rewrite transport_identity;

The above functions constitute a weak equivalence.
Lemma monoid_fun_weq_functor {Mon1 Mon2 : monoid} :
      (monoidfun Mon1 Mon2)
      functor (monoid_weq_contr_category Mon1) (monoid_weq_contr_category Mon2).
Show proof.
  use weq_iso.
  - exact monoidfun_to_functor.
  - exact functor_to_monoidfun.
  - intros mfun.
    apply monoidfun_paths.
  - intros funct.
    apply functor_eq; [apply homset_property|].
    use functor_data_eq.
    + intro.
      exact (!(pr2 iscontrunit _)).
    + intros c1 c2 ?.
Compare to proof of contr_cat_hom_weq
      abstract (induction c1, c2; unfold Univalence.double_transport; cbn;
                do 2 (rewrite (transport_f_f _ (isProofIrrelevantUnit _ _)
                                             (! (isProofIrrelevantUnit _ _)) _);
                      rewrite pathsinv0r; cbn; unfold idfun);


Groups as groupoids

Group morphisms as functors


As homomorphisms

Monoid (group) actions

Definition monaction_as_morphism {C : category} (Mon : monoid) (X : ob C) : UU :=
  monoidfun Mon (endomorphism_monoid X).
Identity Coercion id_monaction : monaction_as_morphism >-> monoidfun.

Let f and g be actions of M on objects X and Y, respectively. An equivariant map h from f to g is one that intertwines the actions of M, that is, for any m : M,
X -- f m --> X | | h h V V Y -- g m --> Y >>
i.e. f m · h = h · g m.

Definition monaction_equivariant_map
           {C : category} {M : monoid} {X Y : ob C}
           (actX : monaction_as_morphism M X)
           (actY : monaction_as_morphism M Y) : UU :=
   f : X --> Y, m, actX m · f = f · actY m.

Ring actions

As functors

Equivariant maps (intertwiners)

Definition contr_cat_action (CC : contr_cat) (C : category) : UU := (CC C).
Identity Coercion id_contr_cat_action : contr_cat_action >-> functor.

Section FunctorActions.
  Context {CC : contr_cat} {C : category}
          (actA : contr_cat_action CC C) (actB : contr_cat_action CC C).

Now we can provide a uniform definition of equivariant maps for monoids, groups, and rings: equivariant map, or intertwiner, is simply a natural transformation.
  Definition equivariant_map : UU :=
    nat_trans (functor_data_from_functor _ _ actA)
              (functor_data_from_functor _ _ actB).

  Definition equivariant_map' : UU :=
     f : actA (contr_cat_center CC) --> actB (contr_cat_center CC),
     g : CC contr_cat_center CC, contr_cat_center CC ,
      # actA g · f = f · # actB g.

End FunctorActions.

Monoid (group) actions

A monoid action is a functor from the monoid (viewed as a category) to the target category.

Ring actions


Translation groupoid (translation_groupoid)

Definition translation_groupoid_precat {CC : contr_cat}
           (F : contr_cat_action CC hset_category) : precategory.
Show proof.
  pose (center := contr_cat_center CC).
  use make_precategory_one_assoc.
  - use make_precategory_data.
    + use make_precategory_ob_mor.
      * exact (pr1 (F center)).
      * intros x1 x2; exact ( c : CC center, center, # F c x1 = x2).
    + intros c; exists (identity center).
      refine (@eqtohomot _ _ (# F (identity center)) (idfun _) _ c).
      apply (functor_id F center).
    + intros a b c f g.
      cbn in *.
      exists (pr1 f · pr1 g).
      refine (maponpaths (λ z, z _) (functor_comp F (pr1 f) (pr1 g)) @ _); cbn.
      refine (maponpaths _ (pr2 f) @ _).
      exact (pr2 g).
  - use make_dirprod.
    + use make_dirprod;
        intros ? ? ?;
        apply subtypePath; try (intro; apply setproperty).
      * apply id_left.
      * apply id_right.
    + cbn.
      intros a b c d f g h.
      apply subtypePath; [intro; apply setproperty | ].
      apply assoc.