Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.CategoryEquality

Equality of precategories

Goal: two precategories are equal iff we have an isomorphism between them. We use a chain of equivalences. Each step refines the data a bit.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.catiso.

Local Open Scope cat.

Step 1
Definition path_precat
           (C D : precategory)
           (HD : has_homsets D)
  : C = D precategory_data_from_precategory C = D.
Show proof.
  refine (path_sigma_hprop _ _ _ _).
  apply isaprop_is_precategory.
  apply HD.

Step 2
Definition data_cat_eq_1
           (C D : precategory_data)
           (Fo : (ob C) = ob D)
  : UU
  := transportf (λ z, z z UU) Fo (@precategory_morphisms C)
     @precategory_morphisms D.

Definition cat_eq_1
           (C D : precategory_data)
  : UU
  := (F : (Fo : ob C = ob D), data_cat_eq_1 C D Fo),
       (pr1 (transportf (λ x, precategory_id_comp x)
                        (total2_paths_f (pr1 F) (pr2 F))
                        (pr2 C))
        = pr1 (pr2 D))
       pr2 (transportf (λ x, precategory_id_comp x)
                       (total2_paths_f (pr1 F) (pr2 F))
                       (pr2 C))
       pr2(pr2 D).

Definition cat_path_to_cat_eq_1
           (C D : precategory_data)
  : C = D cat_eq_1 C D.
Show proof.
  refine (_ total2_paths_equiv _ _ _)%weq.
  use weqbandf.
  - apply total2_paths_equiv.
  - intro p ; cbn.
    induction C as [C HC].
    induction D as [D HD].
    cbn in *.
    induction p ; cbn.
    refine (_ total2_paths_equiv _ _ _)%weq.
    use weqfibtototal.
    intros p.
    rewrite transportf_const.
    exact (idweq _).

Step 3
Definition data_cat_eq_2
           (C D : precategory_data)
           (Fo : (ob C) = ob D)
  : UU
  := (a b : ob C), Ca,b = Deqweqmap Fo a,eqweqmap Fo b.

Definition cat_eq_2
           (C D : precategory_data)
  : UU
  := (F : (Fo : ob C = ob D), data_cat_eq_2 C D Fo),
       ( (a : C), eqweqmap (pr2 F a a) (identity a) = identity (eqweqmap (pr1 F) a))
       ( (a b c : C) (f : Ca,b) (g : Cb,c),
         eqweqmap (pr2 F a c) (f · g)
         eqweqmap (pr2 F a b) f · eqweqmap (pr2 F b c) g).

Definition data_cat_eq_1_to_2
           (C D : precategory_data)
           (Fo : (ob C) = ob D)
  : data_cat_eq_1 C D Fo data_cat_eq_2 C D Fo.
Show proof.
  induction C as [C HC].
  induction C as [CO CM].
  induction D as [D HD].
  induction D as [DO DM].
  cbn in *.
  induction Fo.
  unfold data_cat_eq_1, data_cat_eq_2.
  refine (_ weqtoforallpaths _ _ _)%weq.
  use weqonsecfibers.
  intros x.
  exact (weqtoforallpaths _ _ _)%weq.

Definition cat_eq_1_to_cat_eq_2
           (C D : precategory_data)
           (DS : (x y : D), isaset (precategory_morphisms x y))
  : cat_eq_1 C D cat_eq_2 C D.
Show proof.
  use weqbandf.
  - use weqfibtototal.
    intro p.
    exact (data_cat_eq_1_to_2 C D p).
  - intros p.
    induction C as [C HC].
    induction C as [CO CM].
    induction HC as [CI CC].
    induction D as [D HD].
    induction D as [DO DM].
    induction HD as [DI DC].
    induction p as [p1 p2] ; cbn in *.
    unfold data_cat_eq_1 in p2.
    induction p1 ; cbn in *.
    induction p2 ; cbn.
    use weqdirprodf.
    + use weqimplimpl.
      * intros f a.
        induction f.
      * intros f.
        apply funextsec.
        intro z.
        apply f.
      * intro.
        apply impred_isaset.
        apply DS.
      * apply impred.
        apply DS.
    + use weqimplimpl.
      * intros p.
        induction p.
      * intros p.
        apply funextsec ; intro a.
        apply funextsec ; intro b.
        apply funextsec ; intro c.
        apply funextsec ; intro f.
        apply funextsec ; intro g.
        specialize (p a b c f g).
        induction p.
      * repeat (apply impred_isaset ; intro).
        apply DS.
      * repeat (apply impred ; intro).
        apply DS.

Step 4
Definition cat_equiv
           (C D : precategory_data)
  : UU
  := (F : (Fo : ob C D), (a b : ob C), Ca,b DFo a,Fo b),
       ( (a : C), (pr2 F) a a (identity a) = identity (pr1 F a))
       ( (a b c : C) (f : Ca,b) (g : Cb,c), pr2 F a c (f · g) = pr2 F a b f · pr2 F b c g).

Definition weq_cat_eq_cat_equiv
           (C D : precategory_data)
  : cat_eq_2 C D cat_equiv C D.
Show proof.
  use weqbandf.
  - use weqbandf.
    + apply univalence.
    + intros p.
      unfold data_cat_eq_2.
      use weqonsecfibers.
      intros x.
      use weqonsecfibers.
      intros y.
      apply univalence.
  - intros q.
    apply idweq.

Step 5
Definition cat_equiv_to_catiso
           (C D : precategory_data)
  : cat_equiv C D catiso C D.
Show proof.
  intros F.
  use tpair.
  - use tpair.
    + use tpair.
      * exact (pr1(pr1 F)).
      * exact (pr2(pr1 F)).
    + split.
      * exact (pr1(pr2 F)).
      * exact (pr2(pr2 F)).
  - split.
    + intros a b.
      apply (pr2(pr1 F)).
    + apply (pr1(pr1 F)).

Definition catiso_to_cat_equiv
           (C D : precategory_data)
  : catiso C D cat_equiv C D.
Show proof.
  intros F.
  use tpair.
  - use tpair.
    + use make_weq.
      * exact (functor_on_objects F).
      * apply F.
    + intros a b.
      use make_weq.
      * exact (functor_on_morphisms F).
      * apply F.
  - split.
    + exact (functor_id F).
    + exact (@functor_comp _ _ F).

Definition cat_equiv_to_catiso_weq
           (C D : precategory)
  : cat_equiv C D catiso C D.
Show proof.
  refine (cat_equiv_to_catiso C D ,, _).
  use isweq_iso.
  - exact (catiso_to_cat_equiv C D).
  - reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.

All in all, we get
Definition catiso_is_path_precat
           (C D : precategory)
           (HD : has_homsets D)
  : C = D catiso C D
  := ((cat_equiv_to_catiso_weq C D)
         weq_cat_eq_cat_equiv C D
         cat_eq_1_to_cat_eq_2 C D HD
         cat_path_to_cat_eq_1 C D
         path_precat C D HD)%weq.

Definition catiso_is_path_cat
           (C D : category)
  : C = D catiso C D.
Show proof.
  refine (catiso_is_path_precat _ _ (homset_property D) _)%weq.
  refine (path_sigma_hprop _ _ _ _).
  apply isaprop_has_homsets.