Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Structures.StructuresSmashProduct

Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Structures.CartesianStructure.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Structures.StructureLimitsAndColimits.

Local Open Scope cat.

Section SmashProduct.
  Context (P : hset_cartesian_struct)
          (Pt : pointed_hset_struct P)
          {X Y : hSet}
          (PX : P X)
          (PY : P Y).

  Let Px : X := hset_struct_point Pt PX.
  Let Py : Y := hset_struct_point Pt PY.

1. Equivalence relation of smash product
  Definition product_point_coordinate
             (xy : X × Y)
    : UU
    := (pr1 xy = Px) ⨿ (pr2 xy = Py).

  Definition smash_hrel
    : hrel (X × Y)
    := λ xy₁ xy₂,
       xy₁ = xy₂
       (product_point_coordinate xy₁
        product_point_coordinate xy₂).

  Proposition iseqrel_smash_hrel
    : iseqrel smash_hrel.
  Show proof.
    refine ((_ ,, _) ,, _).
    - intros x₁ x₂ x₃.
      use factor_through_squash.
        use impred ; intro.
        apply propproperty.
      intros p₁.
      use factor_through_squash.
        apply propproperty.
      intros p₂.
      apply hinhpr.
      induction p₁ as [ p₁ | p₁ ] ; induction p₂ as [ p₂ | p₂ ] ; cbn in *.
      + exact (inl (p₁ @ p₂)).
      + induction p₁.
        exact (inr p₂).
      + induction p₂.
        exact (inr p₁).
      + exact (inr (pr1 p₁ ,, pr2 p₂)).
    - intros xy.
      exact (hinhpr (inl (idpath _))).
    - intros xy₁ xy₂.
      use factor_through_squash.
        apply propproperty.
      intros p.
      apply hinhpr.
      induction p as [ p | p ] ; cbn in *.
      + exact (inl (!p)).
      + exact (inr (pr2 p ,, pr1 p)).

  Definition smash_eqrel
    : eqrel (X × Y).
  Show proof.
    use make_eqrel.
    - exact smash_hrel.
    - exact iseqrel_smash_hrel.

  Definition map_from_smash
             {Z : hSet}
             (h : X Y Z)
             (hp₁ : (y₁ y₂ : Y), h Px y₁ = h Px y₂)
             (hp₂ : (x : X) (y : Y), h x Py = h Px y)
             (hp₃ : (x₁ x₂ : X), h x₁ Py = h x₂ Py)
    : setquot smash_eqrel Z.
  Show proof.
    use setquotuniv.
    - exact (λ xy, h (pr1 xy) (pr2 xy)).
    - abstract
        (intros xy₁ xy₂ ;
         use factor_through_squash ; [ apply setproperty | ] ;
         intro p ;
         induction p as [ p | p ] ; [ induction p ; apply idpath | ] ;
         induction p as [ p₁ p₂ ] ;
         induction xy₁ as [ x₁ y₁ ] ;
         induction xy₂ as [ x₂ y₂ ] ;
         induction p₁ as [ p₁ | p₁ ] ;
         induction p₂ as [ p₂ | p₂ ] ;
         cbn in * ;
         rewrite p₁, p₂ ;
         [ apply hp₁
         | refine (!_) ;
           apply hp₂
         | apply hp₂
         | apply hp₃ ]).

  Definition map_from_smash'
             {Z : UU}
             (HZ : isaset Z)
             (h : X Y Z)
             (hp₁ : (y₁ y₂ : Y), h Px y₁ = h Px y₂)
             (hp₂ : (x : X) (y : Y), h x Py = h Px y)
             (hp₃ : (x₁ x₂ : X), h x₁ Py = h x₂ Py)
    : setquot smash_eqrel Z
    := @map_from_smash (make_hSet Z HZ) h hp₁ hp₂ hp₃.

  Definition map_from_smash_pt
             {Z : hSet}
             (PZ : P Z)
             (Pz := hset_struct_point Pt PZ)
             (h : X Y Z)
             (hp₁ : (y : Y), h Px y = Pz)
             (hp₂ : (x : X), h x Py = Pz)
    : setquot smash_eqrel Z.
  Show proof.
    use map_from_smash.
    - exact h.
    - abstract
        (intros y₁ y₂ ;
         rewrite !hp₁ ;
         apply idpath).
    - abstract
        (intros x y ;
         rewrite hp₁, hp₂ ;
         apply idpath).
    - abstract
        (intros x₁ x₂ ;
         rewrite !hp₂ ;
         apply idpath).
End SmashProduct.

2. Structures with smash products
Definition pointed_hset_struct_map_from_unit
           {P : hset_struct}
           (Pt : pointed_hset_struct P)
           {Y : hSet}
           (PY : P Y)
           (y : Y)
           (b : bool)
  : Y
  := if b then y else hset_struct_point Pt PY.

Definition pointed_hset_struct_unit_map
           {P : hset_struct}
           (Pt : pointed_hset_struct P)
           {X Y : hSet}
           (PY : P Y)
           (f : X bool)
           (g : X Y)
           (x : X)
  : Y
  := if f x then g x else hset_struct_point Pt PY.

Definition hset_struct_with_smash_data
           (P : hset_cartesian_struct)
           (Pt : pointed_hset_struct P)
  : UU
  := P boolset
     ( (X Y : hSet)
        (PX : P X)
        (PY : P Y),
       P (setquotinset (smash_eqrel P Pt PX PY))).

Definition hset_struct_with_smash_laws
           {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
           {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
           (SP : hset_struct_with_smash_data P Pt)
  : UU
  := (hset_struct_point Pt (pr1 SP) = false)
     ( (X Y : hSet)
        (PX : P X)
        (PY : P Y),
      hset_struct_point Pt (pr2 SP X Y PX PY)
      setquotpr _ (hset_struct_point Pt PX ,, hset_struct_point Pt PY))
     ( (Y : hSet)
        (PY : P Y)
        (y : Y),
        (pr1 SP)
        (pointed_hset_struct_map_from_unit Pt PY y))
     ( (X Y : hSet)
        (PX : P X)
        (PY : P Y)
        (f : X bool)
        (Pf : mor_hset_struct P PX (pr1 SP) f)
        (g : X Y)
        (Pg : mor_hset_struct P PX PY g),
        (pointed_hset_struct_unit_map Pt PY f g))
      (X Y : hSet)
       (PX : P X)
       (PY : P Y),
     ( (y : Y),
        (pr2 SP X Y PX PY)
        (λ x, setquotpr (smash_eqrel P Pt PX PY) (x ,, y)))
     ( (x : X),
        (pr2 SP X Y PX PY)
        (λ y, setquotpr (smash_eqrel P Pt PX PY) (x ,, y)))
        (hset_struct_prod P PX PY)
        (pr2 SP X Y PX PY)
        (setquotpr (smash_eqrel P Pt PX PY)))
      ( (Z : hSet)
         (PZ : P Z)
         (h : X Y Z)
         (Ph : mor_hset_struct
                 (hset_struct_prod P PX PY)
                 (λ xy, h (pr1 xy) (pr2 xy)))
         (hp₁ : (y₁ y₂ : Y),
                h (hset_struct_point Pt PX) y₁
                h (hset_struct_point Pt PX) y₂)
         (hp₂ : (x : X) (y : Y),
                h x (hset_struct_point Pt PY)
                h (hset_struct_point Pt PX) y)
         (hp₃ : (x₁ x₂ : X),
                h x₁ (hset_struct_point Pt PY)
                h x₂ (hset_struct_point Pt PY)),
          (pr2 SP X Y PX PY)
          (map_from_smash P Pt PX PY h hp₁ hp₂ hp₃)).

Definition hset_struct_with_smash
           (P : hset_cartesian_struct)
           (Pt : pointed_hset_struct P)
  : UU
  := (SP : hset_struct_with_smash_data P Pt), hset_struct_with_smash_laws SP.

3. Accessors for structures with smash products
Definition make_hset_struct_with_smash
           {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
           {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
           (SP : hset_struct_with_smash_data P Pt)
           (SPL : hset_struct_with_smash_laws SP)
  : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt
  := SP ,, SPL.

Definition hset_struct_with_smash_unit
           {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
           {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
           (SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt)
  : P boolset
  := pr11 SP.

Definition hset_struct_with_smash_unit_ob
           {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
           {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
           (SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt)
  : category_of_hset_struct P
  := _ ,, hset_struct_with_smash_unit SP.

Definition hset_struct_with_smash_setquot
           {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
           {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
           (SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt)
           {X Y : hSet}
           (PX : P X)
           (PY : P Y)
  : P (setquotinset (smash_eqrel P Pt PX PY))
  := pr21 SP X Y PX PY.

Coercion hset_struct_with_smash_setquot : hset_struct_with_smash >-> Funclass.

Definition hset_struct_with_smash_setquot_ob
           {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
           {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
           (SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt)
           (PX PY : category_of_hset_struct P)
  : category_of_hset_struct P
  := _ ,, SP _ _ (pr2 PX) (pr2 PY).

Proposition hset_struct_with_smash_point_unit
            {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
            {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
            (SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt)
  : hset_struct_point Pt (hset_struct_with_smash_unit SP) = false.
Show proof.
  exact (pr12 SP).

Proposition hset_struct_with_smash_point_smash
            {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
            {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
            (SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt)
            {X Y : hSet}
            (PX : P X)
            (PY : P Y)
  : hset_struct_point Pt (SP X Y PX PY)
    setquotpr _ (hset_struct_point Pt PX ,, hset_struct_point Pt PY).
Show proof.
  exact (pr122 SP X Y PX PY).

Proposition hset_struct_with_smash_map_from_unit
            {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
            {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
            (SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt)
            {Y : hSet}
            (PY : P Y)
            (y : Y)
  : mor_hset_struct
      (hset_struct_with_smash_unit SP)
      (pointed_hset_struct_map_from_unit Pt PY y).
Show proof.
  exact (pr1 (pr222 SP) Y PY y).

Proposition hset_struct_with_smash_map_bool
            {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
            {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
            (SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt)
            {X Y : hSet}
            {PX : P X}
            {PY : P Y}
            {f : X bool}
            (Pf : mor_hset_struct
                    (hset_struct_with_smash_unit SP)
            {g : X Y}
            (Pg : mor_hset_struct P PX PY g)
  : mor_hset_struct
      (pointed_hset_struct_unit_map Pt PY f g).
Show proof.
  exact (pr12 (pr222 SP) X Y PX PY f Pf g Pg).

Proposition hset_struct_with_smash_setquotpr_l
            {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
            {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
            (SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt)
            {X Y : hSet}
            (PX : P X)
            (PY : P Y)
            (y : Y)
  : mor_hset_struct
      (SP X Y PX PY)
      (λ x, setquotpr (smash_eqrel P Pt PX PY) (x ,, y)).
Show proof.
  exact (pr1 (pr22 (pr222 SP) X Y PX PY) y).

Proposition hset_struct_with_smash_setquotpr_r
            {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
            {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
            (SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt)
            {X Y : hSet}
            (PX : P X)
            (PY : P Y)
            (x : X)
  : mor_hset_struct
      (SP X Y PX PY)
      (λ y, setquotpr (smash_eqrel P Pt PX PY) (x ,, y)).
Show proof.
  exact (pr12 (pr22 (pr222 SP) X Y PX PY) x).

Proposition hset_struct_with_smash_setquotpr
            {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
            {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
            (SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt)
            {X Y : hSet}
            (PX : P X)
            (PY : P Y)
  : mor_hset_struct
      (hset_struct_prod P PX PY)
      (SP X Y PX PY)
      (setquotpr (smash_eqrel P Pt PX PY)).
Show proof.
  exact (pr122 (pr22 (pr222 SP) X Y PX PY)).

Proposition hset_struct_with_smash_map_from_smash
            {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
            {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
            (SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt)
            {X Y : hSet}
            (PX : P X)
            (PY : P Y)
            {Z : hSet}
            (PZ : P Z)
            (Pz := hset_struct_point Pt PZ)
            (h : X Y Z)
            (Ph : mor_hset_struct
                    (hset_struct_prod P PX PY)
                    (λ xy, h (pr1 xy) (pr2 xy)))
            (hp₁ : (y₁ y₂ : Y),
                   h (hset_struct_point Pt PX) y₁
                   h (hset_struct_point Pt PX) y₂)
            (hp₂ : (x : X) (y : Y),
                   h x (hset_struct_point Pt PY)
                   h (hset_struct_point Pt PX) y)
            (hp₃ : (x₁ x₂ : X),
                   h x₁ (hset_struct_point Pt PY)
                   h x₂ (hset_struct_point Pt PY))
  : mor_hset_struct
      (SP X Y PX PY)
      (map_from_smash P Pt PX PY h hp₁ hp₂ hp₃).
Show proof.
  exact (pr222 (pr22 (pr222 SP) X Y PX PY) Z PZ h Ph hp₁ hp₂ hp₃).

Proposition hset_struct_with_smash_map_from_smash'
            {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
            {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
            (SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt)
            {X Y : hSet}
            (PX : P X)
            (PY : P Y)
            {Z : UU}
            (HZ : isaset Z)
            (PZ : P (Z ,, HZ))
            (Pz := hset_struct_point Pt PZ)
            (h : X Y Z)
            (Ph : mor_hset_struct
                    (hset_struct_prod P PX PY)
                    (λ xy, h (pr1 xy) (pr2 xy)))
            (hp₁ : (y₁ y₂ : Y),
                   h (hset_struct_point Pt PX) y₁
                   h (hset_struct_point Pt PX) y₂)
            (hp₂ : (x : X) (y : Y),
                   h x (hset_struct_point Pt PY)
                   h (hset_struct_point Pt PX) y)
            (hp₃ : (x₁ x₂ : X),
                   h x₁ (hset_struct_point Pt PY)
                   h x₂ (hset_struct_point Pt PY))
  : mor_hset_struct
      (SP X Y PX PY)
      (map_from_smash' P Pt PX PY HZ h hp₁ hp₂ hp₃).
Show proof.
  exact (pr222 (pr22 (pr222 SP) X Y PX PY) _ PZ h Ph hp₁ hp₂ hp₃).

4. Structures with pointed homs
Definition hset_struct_with_smash_closed_data
           {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
           {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
           (SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt)
  : UU
  := (X Y : hSet)
       (PX : P X)
       (PY : P Y),
    P (@homset (category_of_hset_struct P) (X ,, PX) (Y ,, PY)).

Definition hset_struct_with_smash_closed_pointed_laws
           {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
           {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
           {SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt}
           (PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_data SP)
  : UU
  := (X Y : hSet)
       (PX : P X)
       (PY : P Y)
       (x : X),
     pr1 (hset_struct_point Pt (PC X Y PX PY)) x
     hset_struct_point Pt PY.

Definition hset_struct_with_smash_closed_pointed
           {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
           {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
           (SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt)
  : UU
  := (PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_data SP),
     hset_struct_with_smash_closed_pointed_laws PC.

5. Accessors of structures with pointed homs
Definition hset_struct_with_smash_closed_to_funspace
           {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
           {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
           {SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt}
           (PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_pointed SP)
           (X Y : category_of_hset_struct P)
  : category_of_hset_struct P
  := _ ,, pr1 PC (pr1 X) (pr1 Y) (pr2 X) (pr2 Y).

Proposition hset_struct_with_smash_closed_funspace_point
            {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
            {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
            {SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt}
            (PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_pointed SP)
            {X Y : hSet}
            (PX : P X)
            (PY : P Y)
            (x : X)
  : pr1 (hset_struct_point Pt (pr1 PC X Y PX PY)) x
    hset_struct_point Pt PY.
Show proof.
  exact (pr2 PC X Y PX PY x).

6. Structures with an pointed hom-adjunction
Definition hset_struct_smash_curry_fun
           {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
           {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
           {SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt}
           (PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_pointed SP)
           {PX PY PZ : category_of_hset_struct P}
           (f : PX --> hset_struct_with_smash_closed_to_funspace PC PY PZ)
  : setquot (smash_hrel P Pt (pr2 PX) (pr2 PY)) pr11 PZ.
Show proof.
  use map_from_smash.
  - exact (λ x y, pr1 (pr1 f x) y).
  - abstract
      (intros y₁ y₂ ; cbn ;
       rewrite !(pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point Pt (pr2 f)) ;
       refine (pr2 PC _ _ _ _ _ @ !_) ;
       exact (pr2 PC _ _ _ _ _)).
  - abstract
      (intros x y ; cbn ;
       rewrite !(pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point Pt (pr2 f)) ;
       refine (_ @ !(pr2 PC _ _ _ _ _)) ;
       exact (pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point Pt (pr2 (pr1 f x)))).
  - abstract
      (intros x₁ x₂ ; cbn ;
       refine (pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point Pt (pr2 (pr1 f x₁)) @ !_) ;
       refine (pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point Pt (pr2 (pr1 f x₂)))).

Definition hset_struct_smash_uncurry_fun
           {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
           {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
           (SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt)
           {PX PY PZ : category_of_hset_struct P}
           (g : hset_struct_with_smash_setquot_ob SP PX PY --> PZ)
           (x : pr11 PX)
  : PY --> PZ.
Show proof.
  simple refine (_ ,, _).
  - exact (λ y, pr1 g (setquotpr _ (x ,, y))).
  - abstract
      (use (hset_struct_comp P _ (pr2 g)) ;
       apply hset_struct_with_smash_setquotpr_r).

Definition hset_struct_smash_eval_fun
           {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
           {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
           {SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt}
           (PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_pointed SP)
           {X Y : hSet}
           (PX : P X)
           (PY : P Y)
  : setquot (smash_eqrel P Pt (pr1 PC X Y PX PY) PX) Y.
Show proof.

Definition hset_struct_with_smash_closed_adj_laws
           {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
           {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
           {SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt}
           (PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_pointed SP)
  : UU
  := ( (PX PY PZ : category_of_hset_struct P)
        (f : PX --> hset_struct_with_smash_closed_to_funspace PC PY PZ),
        (pr2 (hset_struct_with_smash_setquot_ob SP PX PY))
        (pr2 PZ)
        (hset_struct_smash_curry_fun PC f))
     ( (PX PY PZ : category_of_hset_struct P)
        (f : hset_struct_with_smash_setquot_ob SP PX PY --> PZ),
        (pr2 PX)
        (pr1 PC _ _ (pr2 PY) (pr2 PZ))
        (hset_struct_smash_uncurry_fun SP f)).

Definition hset_struct_with_smash_closed_adj
           {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
           {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
           (SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt)
  : UU
  := (PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_pointed SP),
     hset_struct_with_smash_closed_adj_laws PC.

7. Accessores for structures with an pointed hom-adjunction
Coercion hset_struct_with_smash_closed_to_point
         {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
         {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
         {SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt}
         (PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_adj SP)
  : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_pointed SP
  := pr1 PC.

Definition hset_struct_with_smash_closed_adj_to_hom
           {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
           {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
           {SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt}
           (PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_adj SP)
           (X Y : hSet)
           (PX : P X)
           (PY : P Y)
  : P (@homset (category_of_hset_struct P) (X ,, PX) (Y ,, PY))
  := pr11 PC X Y PX PY.

Coercion hset_struct_with_smash_closed_adj_to_hom
  : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_adj >-> Funclass.

Definition hset_struct_smash_curry
           {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
           {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
           {SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt}
           (PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_adj SP)
           {PX PY PZ : category_of_hset_struct P}
           (f : PX --> hset_struct_with_smash_closed_to_funspace PC PY PZ)
  : hset_struct_with_smash_setquot_ob SP PX PY --> PZ
  := hset_struct_smash_curry_fun (pr1 PC) f ,, pr12 PC PX PY PZ f.

Definition hset_struct_smash_uncurry
           {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
           {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
           {SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt}
           (PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_adj SP)
           {PX PY PZ : category_of_hset_struct P}
           (g : hset_struct_with_smash_setquot_ob SP PX PY --> PZ)
  : PX --> hset_struct_with_smash_closed_to_funspace PC PY PZ
  := hset_struct_smash_uncurry_fun SP g ,, pr22 PC PX PY PZ g.

Definition hset_struct_with_smash_closed_smash_eval
           {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
           {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
           {SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt}
           (PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_adj SP)
           (X Y : category_of_hset_struct P)
  : hset_struct_with_smash_setquot_ob
      (hset_struct_with_smash_closed_to_funspace PC X Y)
  := hset_struct_smash_curry PC (identity _).

8. Closed smash product structures
Definition hset_struct_with_smash_closed_laws_enrich
           {P : hset_cartesian_struct}
           {Pt : pointed_hset_struct P}
           {SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt}
           (PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_adj SP)
  : UU
  := ( (PX PY PZ : category_of_hset_struct P),
        (pr2 (hset_struct_with_smash_closed_to_funspace
                (hset_struct_with_smash_closed_to_funspace PC PZ PY)))
        (pr2 (hset_struct_with_smash_closed_to_funspace
                (hset_struct_with_smash_setquot_ob SP PX PZ)
        (hset_struct_smash_curry PC))
     ( (PX PY PZ : category_of_hset_struct P),
        (pr2 (hset_struct_with_smash_closed_to_funspace
                (hset_struct_with_smash_setquot_ob SP PX PZ)
        (pr2 (hset_struct_with_smash_closed_to_funspace
                (hset_struct_with_smash_closed_to_funspace PC PZ PY)))
        (hset_struct_smash_uncurry PC)).

Definition hset_struct_with_smash_closed
  : UU
  := (P : hset_cartesian_struct)
       (Pt : pointed_hset_struct P)
       (SP : hset_struct_with_smash P Pt)
       (PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed_adj SP),
     hset_struct_with_smash_closed_laws_enrich PC.

Coercion hset_struct_with_smash_closed_to_struct
         (PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed)
  : hset_cartesian_struct
  := pr1 PC.

Coercion hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point
         (PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed)
  : pointed_hset_struct PC
  := pr12 PC.

Definition hset_struct_with_smash_closed_unit
           (PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed)
  : category_of_hset_struct PC
  := hset_struct_with_smash_unit_ob (pr122 PC).

Definition hset_struct_with_smash_closed_smash
           {PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed}
           (PX PY : category_of_hset_struct PC)
  : category_of_hset_struct PC
  := hset_struct_with_smash_setquot_ob (pr122 PC) PX PY.

Notation "PX ∧* PY" := (hset_struct_with_smash_closed_smash PX PY)
                         (at level 30, right associativity) : cat.

Proposition hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_unit
            (PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed)
  : hset_struct_point PC (pr2 (hset_struct_with_smash_closed_unit PC)) = false.
Show proof.

Proposition hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash
            {PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed}
            (PX PY : category_of_hset_struct PC)
  : hset_struct_point PC (pr2 (PX ∧* PY))
    setquotpr _ (hset_struct_point PC (pr2 PX) ,, hset_struct_point PC (pr2 PY)).
Show proof.
  exact (hset_struct_with_smash_point_smash (pr122 PC) (pr2 PX) (pr2 PY)).

Definition hset_struct_with_smash_closed_map_bool
           {PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed}
           {PX PY : category_of_hset_struct PC}
           (f : PX --> hset_struct_with_smash_closed_unit PC)
           (g : PX --> PY)
  : PX --> PY
  := _ ,, hset_struct_with_smash_map_bool (pr122 PC) (pr2 f) (pr2 g).

Definition hset_struct_with_smash_closed_setquotpr_l
           {PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed}
           {PX PY : category_of_hset_struct PC}
           (y : pr11 PY)
  : PX --> PX ∧* PY
  := _ ,, hset_struct_with_smash_setquotpr_l (pr122 PC) _ _ y.

Definition hset_struct_with_smash_closed_setquotpr_r
           {PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed}
           {PX PY : category_of_hset_struct PC}
           (x : pr11 PX)
  : PY --> PX ∧* PY
  := _ ,, hset_struct_with_smash_setquotpr_r (pr122 PC) _ _ x.

Definition hset_struct_with_smash_closed_setquotpr
           {PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed}
           (PX PY : category_of_hset_struct PC)
  : hset_struct_prod_ob PX PY --> PX ∧* PY
  := _ ,, hset_struct_with_smash_setquotpr (pr122 PC) (pr2 PX) (pr2 PY).

Definition hset_struct_with_smash_closed_to_funspace_ob
           {PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed}
           (PX PY : category_of_hset_struct PC)
  : category_of_hset_struct PC
  := hset_struct_with_smash_closed_to_funspace (pr1 (pr222 PC)) PX PY.

Notation "PX -->* PY" := (hset_struct_with_smash_closed_to_funspace_ob PX PY)
                           (at level 20, right associativity) : cat.

Proposition hset_struct_with_smash_closed_fun_point
            {PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed}
            (PX PY : category_of_hset_struct PC)
            (x : pr11 PX)
  : pr1 (hset_struct_point PC (pr2 (PX -->* PY))) x
    hset_struct_point PC (pr2 PY).
Show proof.

Definition hset_struct_smash_closed_curry
           {PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed}
           {PX PY PZ : category_of_hset_struct PC}
           (f : PX --> PY -->* PZ)
  : (PX ∧* PY) --> PZ
  := hset_struct_smash_curry (pr1 (pr222 PC)) f.

Definition hset_struct_smash_closed_uncurry
           {PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed}
           {PX PY PZ : category_of_hset_struct PC}
           (g : (PX ∧* PY) --> PZ)
  : PX --> PY -->* PZ
  := hset_struct_smash_uncurry (pr1 (pr222 PC)) g.

Definition hset_struct_with_smash_closed_eval
           {PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed}
           (PX PY : category_of_hset_struct PC)
  : (PX -->* PY) ∧* PX --> PY
  := hset_struct_with_smash_closed_smash_eval (pr1 (pr222 PC)) PX PY.

Definition hset_struct_smash_enriched_curry
           {PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed}
           (PX PY PZ : category_of_hset_struct PC)
  : (PX -->* PY -->* PZ) --> ((PX ∧* PY) -->* PZ)
  := _ ,, pr12 (pr222 PC) PX PZ PY.

Definition hset_struct_smash_enriched_uncurry
           {PC : hset_struct_with_smash_closed}
           (PX PY PZ : category_of_hset_struct PC)
  : ((PX ∧* PY) -->* PZ) --> (PX -->* PY -->* PZ)
  := _ ,, pr22 (pr222 PC) PX PZ PY.