Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Enriched.Enriched
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartA.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.NaturalTransformations.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.PrecategoryBinProduct.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Local Open Scope cat.
Local Open Scope moncat.
Import MonoidalNotations.
Notation "C ⊠ D" := (category_binproduct C D) (at level 38).
Notation "( c , d )" := (make_catbinprod c d).
Notation "( f #, g )" := (catbinprodmor f g).
Section aux.
Lemma bifunctor_on_morphisms_comm {A B C : category} (F : A ⊠ B ⟶ C) {a a' : A} {b b' : B} (f : a --> a') (g : b --> b') : #F (f #, identity _) · #F (identity _ #, g) = #F (identity _ #, g) · #F (f #, identity _).
Show proof.
rewrite <- !functor_comp.
change ((?x #, ?y) · (?z #, ?w)) with (x · z #, y · w).
rewrite !id_left, !id_right.
change ((?x #, ?y) · (?z #, ?w)) with (x · z #, y · w).
rewrite !id_left, !id_right.
Lemma bifunctor_comp_left {A B C : category} (F : A ⊠ B ⟶ C) {a a' a'' : A} {b : B} (f : a --> a') (g : a' --> a'') : #F (f · g #, identity b) = #F (f #, identity _) · #F (g #, identity _).
Show proof.
rewrite <- (functor_comp F).
change ((?x #, ?y) · (?z #, ?w)) with (x · z #, y · w).
rewrite id_left.
change ((?x #, ?y) · (?z #, ?w)) with (x · z #, y · w).
rewrite id_left.
Lemma bifunctor_comp_right {A B C : category} (F : A ⊠ B ⟶ C) {a : A} {b b' b'' : B} (f : b --> b') (g : b' --> b'') : #F (identity a #, f · g) = #F (identity _ #, f) · #F (identity _ #, g).
Show proof.
rewrite <- (functor_comp F).
change ((?x #, ?y) · (?z #, ?w)) with (x · z #, y · w).
rewrite id_left.
change ((?x #, ?y) · (?z #, ?w)) with (x · z #, y · w).
rewrite id_left.
End aux.
Section A.
For the whole file, fix a monoidal category.
Section Def.
Definition enriched_precat_data : UU :=
∑ C : UU,
∑ mor : C -> C -> ob Mon_V,
(∏ x : C, I --> mor x x)
(∏ x y z : C, mor y z ⊗ mor x y --> mor x z).
Definition enriched_precat_data : UU :=
∑ C : UU,
∑ mor : C -> C -> ob Mon_V,
(∏ x : C, I --> mor x x)
(∏ x y z : C, mor y z ⊗ mor x y --> mor x z).
Definition enriched_cat_ob (d : enriched_precat_data) : UU := pr1 d.
Definition enriched_cat_mor {d : enriched_precat_data} :
enriched_cat_ob d -> enriched_cat_ob d -> ob Mon_V := pr1 (pr2 d).
Definition enriched_cat_identity {d : enriched_precat_data} :
∏ x : enriched_cat_ob d, I --> enriched_cat_mor x x := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 d)).
Definition enriched_cat_comp {d : enriched_precat_data} (x y z : enriched_cat_ob d) :
enriched_cat_mor y z ⊗ enriched_cat_mor x y --> enriched_cat_mor x z :=
pr2 (pr2 (pr2 d)) x y z.
Coercion enriched_cat_ob : enriched_precat_data >-> UU.
Definition enriched_cat_mor {d : enriched_precat_data} :
enriched_cat_ob d -> enriched_cat_ob d -> ob Mon_V := pr1 (pr2 d).
Definition enriched_cat_identity {d : enriched_precat_data} :
∏ x : enriched_cat_ob d, I --> enriched_cat_mor x x := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 d)).
Definition enriched_cat_comp {d : enriched_precat_data} (x y z : enriched_cat_ob d) :
enriched_cat_mor y z ⊗ enriched_cat_mor x y --> enriched_cat_mor x z :=
pr2 (pr2 (pr2 d)) x y z.
Coercion enriched_cat_ob : enriched_precat_data >-> UU.
Constructor. Use like so: use make_enriched_cat_data
Definition make_enriched_precat_data (C : UU) (mor : ∏ x y : C, ob Mon_V)
(ids : ∏ x : C, I --> mor x x)
(assoc : ∏ x y z : C, mor y z ⊗ mor x y --> mor x z) :
Show proof.
Section Axioms.
Context (e : enriched_precat_data).
(ids : ∏ x : C, I --> mor x x)
(assoc : ∏ x y z : C, mor y z ⊗ mor x y --> mor x z) :
Show proof.
unfold enriched_precat_data.
use tpair; [|use tpair; [|use make_dirprod]].
- exact C.
- exact mor.
- exact ids.
- exact assoc.
use tpair; [|use tpair; [|use make_dirprod]].
- exact C.
- exact mor.
- exact ids.
- exact assoc.
Section Axioms.
Context (e : enriched_precat_data).
Associativity axiom for enriched categories:
(C(c, d) ⊗ C(b, c)) ⊗ C(a, b) --------> C(c, d) ⊗ (C(b, c) ⊗ C(a, b)) | | ∘ ⊗ identity | identity ⊗ ∘ | V V C(b, d) ⊗ C(a, b) -----> C(a, d) <------ C(c, d) ⊗ C(a, c)
Definition enriched_assoc_ax : UU :=
∏ a b c d : enriched_cat_ob e,
(enriched_cat_comp b c d #⊗ (identity _))
· enriched_cat_comp a _ _ =
mon_lassociator _ _ _
· ((identity _ #⊗ enriched_cat_comp _ _ _)
· enriched_cat_comp _ _ _).
Lemma isaprop_enriched_assoc_ax :
has_homsets Mon_V -> isaprop (enriched_assoc_ax).
Show proof.
Identity axiom(s) for enriched categories:
I ⊗ C(a, b) ---> C(b, b) ⊗ C(a, b) \ | \ V C(a, b)(And the symmetrized version.)
Definition enriched_id_ax : UU :=
∏ a b : enriched_cat_ob e,
(enriched_cat_identity b #⊗ (identity _) · enriched_cat_comp a b b = mon_lunitor _)
((identity _ #⊗ enriched_cat_identity a) · enriched_cat_comp a a b = mon_runitor _).
End Axioms.
Definition enriched_precat : UU :=
∑ d : enriched_precat_data, (enriched_id_ax d) × (enriched_assoc_ax d).
Definition enriched_precat_to_enriched_precat_data :
enriched_precat -> enriched_precat_data := pr1.
Coercion enriched_precat_to_enriched_precat_data :
enriched_precat >-> enriched_precat_data.
Definition make_enriched_precat (d : enriched_precat_data) (idax : enriched_id_ax d)
(assocax : enriched_assoc_ax d) : enriched_precat :=
tpair _ d (make_dirprod idax assocax).
∏ a b : enriched_cat_ob e,
(enriched_cat_identity b #⊗ (identity _) · enriched_cat_comp a b b = mon_lunitor _)
((identity _ #⊗ enriched_cat_identity a) · enriched_cat_comp a a b = mon_runitor _).
End Axioms.
Definition enriched_precat : UU :=
∑ d : enriched_precat_data, (enriched_id_ax d) × (enriched_assoc_ax d).
Definition enriched_precat_to_enriched_precat_data :
enriched_precat -> enriched_precat_data := pr1.
Coercion enriched_precat_to_enriched_precat_data :
enriched_precat >-> enriched_precat_data.
Definition make_enriched_precat (d : enriched_precat_data) (idax : enriched_id_ax d)
(assocax : enriched_assoc_ax d) : enriched_precat :=
tpair _ d (make_dirprod idax assocax).
Definition enriched_id_left {A : enriched_precat} (a b : A) : enriched_cat_identity b #⊗ (identity _) · enriched_cat_comp a b b = mon_lunitor _ := pr1 (pr1 (pr2 A) _ _).
Definition enriched_id_right {A : enriched_precat} (a b : A) : (identity _ #⊗ enriched_cat_identity a) · enriched_cat_comp a a b = mon_runitor _ := pr2 (pr1 (pr2 A) _ _).
Definition enriched_assoc {A : enriched_precat} (a b c d : A) : (enriched_cat_comp b c d #⊗ (identity _)) · enriched_cat_comp a _ _ = mon_lassociator _ _ _ · ((identity _ #⊗ enriched_cat_comp _ _ _) · enriched_cat_comp _ _ _) := pr2 (pr2 A) a b c d.
End Def.
Definition enriched_id_right {A : enriched_precat} (a b : A) : (identity _ #⊗ enriched_cat_identity a) · enriched_cat_comp a a b = mon_runitor _ := pr2 (pr1 (pr2 A) _ _).
Definition enriched_assoc {A : enriched_precat} (a b c d : A) : (enriched_cat_comp b c d #⊗ (identity _)) · enriched_cat_comp a _ _ = mon_lassociator _ _ _ · ((identity _ #⊗ enriched_cat_comp _ _ _) · enriched_cat_comp _ _ _) := pr2 (pr2 A) a b c d.
End Def.
Section Functors.
Context {D E : enriched_precat}.
Definition enriched_functor_data : UU :=
∑ F : enriched_cat_ob D -> enriched_cat_ob E,
∏ x y : enriched_cat_ob D,
Mon_V⟦enriched_cat_mor x y, enriched_cat_mor (F x) (F y)⟧.
Definition make_enriched_functor_data
(F : enriched_cat_ob D -> enriched_cat_ob E)
(mor : ∏ x y : enriched_cat_ob D,
Mon_V⟦enriched_cat_mor x y, enriched_cat_mor (F x) (F y)⟧)
: enriched_functor_data :=
tpair _ F mor.
Definition enriched_functor_on_objects (F : enriched_functor_data) :
enriched_cat_ob D -> enriched_cat_ob E := pr1 F.
Coercion enriched_functor_on_objects : enriched_functor_data >-> Funclass.
Definition enriched_functor_on_morphisms (F : enriched_functor_data) :
∏ x y : enriched_cat_ob D,
Mon_V⟦enriched_cat_mor x y, enriched_cat_mor (F x) (F y)⟧ := pr2 F.
Section Axioms.
Context (F : enriched_functor_data).
Definition enriched_functor_unit_ax : UU :=
∏ a : enriched_cat_ob D,
enriched_cat_identity a · enriched_functor_on_morphisms F a a
enriched_cat_identity (F a).
Definition enriched_functor_comp_ax : UU :=
∏ a b c : enriched_cat_ob D,
enriched_cat_comp a b c · enriched_functor_on_morphisms F a c
(enriched_functor_on_morphisms F b c) #⊗ (enriched_functor_on_morphisms F a b)
· enriched_cat_comp _ _ _.
End Axioms.
Definition enriched_functor : UU :=
∑ d : enriched_functor_data,
enriched_functor_unit_ax d × enriched_functor_comp_ax d.
enriched_cat_ob D -> enriched_cat_ob E := pr1 F.
Coercion enriched_functor_on_objects : enriched_functor_data >-> Funclass.
Definition enriched_functor_on_morphisms (F : enriched_functor_data) :
∏ x y : enriched_cat_ob D,
Mon_V⟦enriched_cat_mor x y, enriched_cat_mor (F x) (F y)⟧ := pr2 F.
Section Axioms.
Context (F : enriched_functor_data).
Definition enriched_functor_unit_ax : UU :=
∏ a : enriched_cat_ob D,
enriched_cat_identity a · enriched_functor_on_morphisms F a a
enriched_cat_identity (F a).
Definition enriched_functor_comp_ax : UU :=
∏ a b c : enriched_cat_ob D,
enriched_cat_comp a b c · enriched_functor_on_morphisms F a c
(enriched_functor_on_morphisms F b c) #⊗ (enriched_functor_on_morphisms F a b)
· enriched_cat_comp _ _ _.
End Axioms.
Definition enriched_functor : UU :=
∑ d : enriched_functor_data,
enriched_functor_unit_ax d × enriched_functor_comp_ax d.
Definition make_enriched_functor (d : enriched_functor_data)
(uax : enriched_functor_unit_ax d) (cax : enriched_functor_comp_ax d) :
enriched_functor :=
tpair _ d (make_dirprod uax cax).
Coercion to *data
Definition enriched_functor_to_enriched_functor_data (F : enriched_functor) :
enriched_functor_data := pr1 F.
Coercion enriched_functor_to_enriched_functor_data :
enriched_functor >-> enriched_functor_data.
Accessors for axioms
Definition enriched_functor_on_identity (F : enriched_functor) :
enriched_functor_unit_ax F := (pr1 (pr2 F)).
Definition enriched_functor_on_comp (F : enriched_functor) :
enriched_functor_comp_ax F := (pr2 (pr2 F)).
End Functors.
Arguments enriched_functor_data _ _ : clear implicits.
Arguments enriched_functor _ _ : clear implicits.
Definition enriched_functor_identity (A : enriched_precat) : enriched_functor A A.
Show proof.
use make_enriched_functor.
- use make_enriched_functor_data.
+ intro a.
exact a.
+ intros x y.
exact (identity _).
- intro a.
apply id_right.
- abstract
(intros a b c;
simpl ;
rewrite tensor_id_id ;
rewrite id_left, id_right;
- use make_enriched_functor_data.
+ intro a.
exact a.
+ intros x y.
exact (identity _).
- intro a.
apply id_right.
- abstract
(intros a b c;
simpl ;
rewrite tensor_id_id ;
rewrite id_left, id_right;
Definition enriched_functor_comp_data
{P Q R : enriched_precat}
(F : enriched_functor_data P Q) (G : enriched_functor_data Q R) :
enriched_functor_data P R.
Show proof.
use make_enriched_functor_data.
- exact (λ x, G (F x)).
- intros x y; cbn.
refine (_ · (enriched_functor_on_morphisms G (F x) (F y))).
apply (enriched_functor_on_morphisms F).
- exact (λ x, G (F x)).
- intros x y; cbn.
refine (_ · (enriched_functor_on_morphisms G (F x) (F y))).
apply (enriched_functor_on_morphisms F).
Definition enriched_functor_comp
{P Q R : enriched_precat}
(F : enriched_functor P Q) (G : enriched_functor Q R) :
enriched_functor P R.
Show proof.
Unit axioms
intros a.
unfold enriched_functor_comp_data; cbn.
refine (assoc _ _ _ @ _).
refine (maponpaths (fun f => f · _) (pr1 (pr2 F) a) @ _).
apply enriched_functor_on_identity.
unfold enriched_functor_comp_data; cbn.
refine (assoc _ _ _ @ _).
refine (maponpaths (fun f => f · _) (pr1 (pr2 F) a) @ _).
apply enriched_functor_on_identity.
Composition axioms
intros a b c; cbn.
refine (assoc _ _ _ @ _).
refine (maponpaths (fun f => f · _) (enriched_functor_on_comp F _ _ _) @ _).
rewrite tensor_comp_mor.
refine (_ @ assoc _ _ _).
refine (!assoc _ _ _ @ _).
apply (maponpaths (fun f => _ · f)).
apply enriched_functor_on_comp.
refine (assoc _ _ _ @ _).
refine (maponpaths (fun f => f · _) (enriched_functor_on_comp F _ _ _) @ _).
rewrite tensor_comp_mor.
refine (_ @ assoc _ _ _).
refine (!assoc _ _ _ @ _).
apply (maponpaths (fun f => _ · f)).
apply enriched_functor_on_comp.
Definition enriched_functor_eq {A B : enriched_precat} {F G : enriched_functor A B} : (enriched_functor_to_enriched_functor_data F = enriched_functor_to_enriched_functor_data G) -> F = G.
Show proof.
intro H.
use total2_paths_b.
- assumption.
- apply proofirrelevance.
apply isapropdirprod.
+ apply impred_isaprop.
apply homset_property.
+ repeat (apply impred_isaprop;intro).
apply homset_property.
use total2_paths_b.
- assumption.
- apply proofirrelevance.
apply isapropdirprod.
+ apply impred_isaprop.
apply homset_property.
+ repeat (apply impred_isaprop;intro).
apply homset_property.
Section UnderlyingMorphisms.
Definition underlying_morphism {A : enriched_precat} (x y : A) := I --> enriched_cat_mor x y.
Definition precompose_underlying_morphism {A : enriched_precat} {x y : A} (z : A) (f : underlying_morphism x y) : enriched_cat_mor y z --> enriched_cat_mor x z := (mon_rinvunitor _ · (identity _ #⊗ f) · enriched_cat_comp _ _ _).
Definition postcompose_underlying_morphism {A : enriched_precat} (x : A) {y z : A} (f : underlying_morphism y z) : enriched_cat_mor x y --> enriched_cat_mor x z := (mon_linvunitor _ · (f #⊗ identity _) · enriched_cat_comp _ _ _).
Definition precompose_identity {A : enriched_precat} {x y : A} : precompose_underlying_morphism y (enriched_cat_identity x) = identity _.
Show proof.
unfold precompose_underlying_morphism.
rewrite assoc'.
apply (transportb (λ f, _ · f = _) (enriched_id_right _ _)).
apply mon_rinvunitor_runitor.
rewrite assoc'.
apply (transportb (λ f, _ · f = _) (enriched_id_right _ _)).
apply mon_rinvunitor_runitor.
Definition postcompose_identity {A : enriched_precat} {x y : A} : postcompose_underlying_morphism x (enriched_cat_identity y) = identity _.
Show proof.
unfold postcompose_underlying_morphism.
rewrite assoc'.
apply (transportb (λ h, _ · h = _) (enriched_id_left _ _)).
apply mon_linvunitor_lunitor.
rewrite assoc'.
apply (transportb (λ h, _ · h = _) (enriched_id_left _ _)).
apply mon_linvunitor_lunitor.
Lemma precompose_underlying_morphism_enriched_cat_comp {A : enriched_precat} {w x y z : A} (f : underlying_morphism w x) : ((identity _ #⊗ precompose_underlying_morphism y f) · enriched_cat_comp w y z = enriched_cat_comp x y z · precompose_underlying_morphism z f)%cat.
Show proof.
unfold precompose_underlying_morphism.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_rinvunitor.
rewrite !assoc'.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite <- tensor_split'.
rewrite tensor_split.
apply idpath.
refine (!_).
rewrite assoc.
rewrite (assoc' _ _ (enriched_cat_comp w x z)).
rewrite (@enriched_assoc A).
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite !tensor_comp_id_l.
do 2 apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite assoc'.
rewrite <- tensor_id_id.
apply pathsinv0.
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply tensor_lassociator.
rewrite assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite <- mon_rinvunitor_triangle.
rewrite !assoc'.
refine (_ @ id_right _).
apply maponpaths.
apply mon_rassociator_lassociator.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_rinvunitor.
rewrite !assoc'.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite <- tensor_split'.
rewrite tensor_split.
apply idpath.
refine (!_).
rewrite assoc.
rewrite (assoc' _ _ (enriched_cat_comp w x z)).
rewrite (@enriched_assoc A).
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite !tensor_comp_id_l.
do 2 apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite assoc'.
rewrite <- tensor_id_id.
apply pathsinv0.
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply tensor_lassociator.
rewrite assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite <- mon_rinvunitor_triangle.
rewrite !assoc'.
refine (_ @ id_right _).
apply maponpaths.
apply mon_rassociator_lassociator.
Lemma enriched_cat_comp_underlying_morphism_middle {A : enriched_precat} {w x y z : A} (f : underlying_morphism x y) : ((identity _ #⊗ postcompose_underlying_morphism w f) · enriched_cat_comp w y z = (precompose_underlying_morphism z f #⊗ identity _) · enriched_cat_comp w x z).
Show proof.
unfold precompose_underlying_morphism, postcompose_underlying_morphism.
rewrite !tensor_comp_id_r, !tensor_comp_id_l.
apply pathsinv0.
rewrite assoc'.
rewrite (@enriched_assoc A).
rewrite !assoc.
do 2 apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite assoc'.
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply tensor_lassociator.
rewrite assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite mon_inv_triangle.
apply idpath.
rewrite !tensor_comp_id_r, !tensor_comp_id_l.
apply pathsinv0.
rewrite assoc'.
rewrite (@enriched_assoc A).
rewrite !assoc.
do 2 apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite assoc'.
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply tensor_lassociator.
rewrite assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite mon_inv_triangle.
apply idpath.
Lemma postcompose_underlying_morphism_enriched_cat_comp {A : enriched_precat} {w x y z : A} (f : underlying_morphism y z) : ((postcompose_underlying_morphism x f #⊗ identity _) · enriched_cat_comp w x z = enriched_cat_comp w x y · postcompose_underlying_morphism w f).
Show proof.
unfold postcompose_underlying_morphism.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_linvunitor.
rewrite !assoc'.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite <- tensor_split.
rewrite tensor_split'.
apply idpath.
refine (!_).
rewrite assoc.
rewrite !tensor_comp_id_r.
rewrite assoc'.
rewrite (@enriched_assoc A).
rewrite !assoc.
do 2 apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite assoc'.
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply tensor_lassociator.
rewrite assoc.
rewrite tensor_id_id.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply mon_linvunitor_triangle.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_linvunitor.
rewrite !assoc'.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite <- tensor_split.
rewrite tensor_split'.
apply idpath.
refine (!_).
rewrite assoc.
rewrite !tensor_comp_id_r.
rewrite assoc'.
rewrite (@enriched_assoc A).
rewrite !assoc.
do 2 apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite assoc'.
apply cancel_precomposition.
apply tensor_lassociator.
rewrite assoc.
rewrite tensor_id_id.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply mon_linvunitor_triangle.
Definition postcompose_underlying_morphism_composite {A : enriched_precat} (w : A) {x y z : A} (f : underlying_morphism x y) (g : underlying_morphism y z) : postcompose_underlying_morphism w (f · postcompose_underlying_morphism _ g) = postcompose_underlying_morphism _ f · postcompose_underlying_morphism _ g.
Show proof.
unfold postcompose_underlying_morphism.
rewrite !tensor_comp_id_r.
rewrite !assoc'.
do 2 apply cancel_precomposition.
rewrite enriched_assoc.
rewrite !assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_lassociator.
apply idpath.
rewrite assoc.
rewrite tensor_id_id.
rewrite assoc.
rewrite mon_linvunitor_triangle.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite <- tensor_split'.
rewrite tensor_split.
rewrite !assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply pathsinv0.
apply tensor_linvunitor.
rewrite !tensor_comp_id_r.
rewrite !assoc'.
do 2 apply cancel_precomposition.
rewrite enriched_assoc.
rewrite !assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_lassociator.
apply idpath.
rewrite assoc.
rewrite tensor_id_id.
rewrite assoc.
rewrite mon_linvunitor_triangle.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite <- tensor_split'.
rewrite tensor_split.
rewrite !assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
apply pathsinv0.
apply tensor_linvunitor.
Definition precompose_underlying_morphism_composite {A : enriched_precat} (w : A) {x y z : A} (f : underlying_morphism x y) (g : underlying_morphism y z) : precompose_underlying_morphism w (f · postcompose_underlying_morphism _ g) = precompose_underlying_morphism _ g · precompose_underlying_morphism _ f.
Show proof.
unfold postcompose_underlying_morphism, precompose_underlying_morphism.
rewrite !tensor_comp_id_l.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite (assoc' _ (enriched_cat_comp y z w)).
rewrite tensor_rinvunitor.
rewrite !assoc'.
refine (!_).
do 3 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite <- tensor_split'.
rewrite tensor_split.
apply idpath.
refine (!_).
rewrite assoc.
rewrite (assoc' _ _ (enriched_cat_comp x y w)).
rewrite enriched_assoc.
rewrite !assoc.
do 2 apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite <- tensor_id_id.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply cancel_precomposition.
do 2 rewrite assoc.
rewrite tensor_lassociator.
rewrite assoc.
rewrite !assoc'.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite <- mon_rinvunitor_triangle.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
refine (maponpaths (λ z, z · _) _).
apply mon_rassociator_lassociator.
apply id_left.
rewrite <- !tensor_comp_mor.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_linvunitor.
rewrite tensor_rinvunitor.
rewrite mon_rinvunitor_I_mon_linvunitor_I.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite <- tensor_split, <- tensor_split'.
apply idpath.
rewrite !tensor_comp_id_l.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite (assoc' _ (enriched_cat_comp y z w)).
rewrite tensor_rinvunitor.
rewrite !assoc'.
refine (!_).
do 3 apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite <- tensor_split'.
rewrite tensor_split.
apply idpath.
refine (!_).
rewrite assoc.
rewrite (assoc' _ _ (enriched_cat_comp x y w)).
rewrite enriched_assoc.
rewrite !assoc.
do 2 apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite <- tensor_id_id.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply cancel_precomposition.
do 2 rewrite assoc.
rewrite tensor_lassociator.
rewrite assoc.
rewrite !assoc'.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite <- mon_rinvunitor_triangle.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
refine (maponpaths (λ z, z · _) _).
apply mon_rassociator_lassociator.
apply id_left.
rewrite <- !tensor_comp_mor.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_linvunitor.
rewrite tensor_rinvunitor.
rewrite mon_rinvunitor_I_mon_linvunitor_I.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite <- tensor_split, <- tensor_split'.
apply idpath.
Definition underlying_morphism_compose_swap {A : enriched_precat} {x y z : A} (f : underlying_morphism x y) (g : underlying_morphism y z) : f · postcompose_underlying_morphism _ g = g · precompose_underlying_morphism _ f.
Show proof.
unfold postcompose_underlying_morphism.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_linvunitor.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite assoc.
rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
rewrite id_left, id_right.
apply idpath.
unfold precompose_underlying_morphism.
rewrite !assoc.
refine (maponpaths (λ z, z · _) _).
rewrite tensor_rinvunitor.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite <- tensor_split'.
refine (maponpaths (λ z, z · _) _).
apply mon_linvunitor_I_mon_rinvunitor_I.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_linvunitor.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite assoc.
rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
rewrite id_left, id_right.
apply idpath.
unfold precompose_underlying_morphism.
rewrite !assoc.
refine (maponpaths (λ z, z · _) _).
rewrite tensor_rinvunitor.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite <- tensor_split'.
refine (maponpaths (λ z, z · _) _).
apply mon_linvunitor_I_mon_rinvunitor_I.
Definition pre_post_compose_commute {A : enriched_precat} {w x y z : A} (f : underlying_morphism w x) (g : underlying_morphism y z) : precompose_underlying_morphism _ f · postcompose_underlying_morphism _ g = postcompose_underlying_morphism _ g · precompose_underlying_morphism _ f.
Show proof.
unfold postcompose_underlying_morphism.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_linvunitor.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite <- tensor_split.
rewrite tensor_split'.
apply idpath.
rewrite !assoc'.
do 2 apply cancel_precomposition.
unfold precompose_underlying_morphism.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_comp_id_l.
rewrite tensor_rinvunitor.
refine (!_).
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite <- tensor_split'.
rewrite tensor_split.
apply idpath.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite (enriched_assoc w).
rewrite !assoc.
do 2 apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite assoc'.
rewrite <- tensor_id_id.
rewrite tensor_lassociator.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite <- mon_rinvunitor_triangle.
refine (maponpaths (λ z, z · _) _).
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
apply mon_rassociator_lassociator.
apply id_right.
rewrite tensor_comp_id_l.
apply idpath.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_linvunitor.
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite <- tensor_split.
rewrite tensor_split'.
apply idpath.
rewrite !assoc'.
do 2 apply cancel_precomposition.
unfold precompose_underlying_morphism.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_comp_id_l.
rewrite tensor_rinvunitor.
refine (!_).
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite <- tensor_split'.
rewrite tensor_split.
apply idpath.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite (enriched_assoc w).
rewrite !assoc.
do 2 apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite assoc'.
rewrite <- tensor_id_id.
rewrite tensor_lassociator.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite <- mon_rinvunitor_triangle.
refine (maponpaths (λ z, z · _) _).
rewrite !assoc'.
apply maponpaths.
apply mon_rassociator_lassociator.
apply id_right.
rewrite tensor_comp_id_l.
apply idpath.
Definition enriched_functor_on_postcompose {A B : enriched_precat} (F : enriched_functor A B) {y z : A} (f : underlying_morphism y z) (x : A) : postcompose_underlying_morphism x f · enriched_functor_on_morphisms F _ _ = enriched_functor_on_morphisms F _ _ · postcompose_underlying_morphism _ (f · enriched_functor_on_morphisms F _ _).
Show proof.
unfold postcompose_underlying_morphism.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_linvunitor.
rewrite !assoc'.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
rewrite id_left, id_right.
apply idpath.
apply cancel_precomposition.
rewrite enriched_functor_on_comp.
rewrite !assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
rewrite id_left.
apply idpath.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_linvunitor.
rewrite !assoc'.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
rewrite id_left, id_right.
apply idpath.
apply cancel_precomposition.
rewrite enriched_functor_on_comp.
rewrite !assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
rewrite id_left.
apply idpath.
Definition enriched_functor_on_precompose {A B : enriched_precat} (F : enriched_functor A B) {x y : A} (f : underlying_morphism x y) (z : A) : precompose_underlying_morphism z f · enriched_functor_on_morphisms F _ _ = enriched_functor_on_morphisms F _ _ · precompose_underlying_morphism _ (f · enriched_functor_on_morphisms F _ _).
Show proof.
unfold precompose_underlying_morphism.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_rinvunitor.
rewrite !assoc'.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
rewrite id_left, id_right.
apply idpath.
apply cancel_precomposition.
rewrite enriched_functor_on_comp.
rewrite !assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
rewrite id_left.
apply idpath.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite tensor_rinvunitor.
rewrite !assoc'.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths.
rewrite !assoc.
rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
rewrite id_left, id_right.
apply idpath.
apply cancel_precomposition.
rewrite enriched_functor_on_comp.
rewrite !assoc.
apply cancel_postcomposition.
rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
rewrite id_left.
apply idpath.
End UnderlyingMorphisms.
Section NatTrans.
Definition enriched_nat_trans_data {A B : enriched_precat} (F G : enriched_functor A B) := ∏ a : A, underlying_morphism (F a) (G a).
Definition enriched_nat_trans_law {A B : enriched_precat} {F G : enriched_functor A B} (a : enriched_nat_trans_data F G) := ∏ (x y : A), enriched_functor_on_morphisms F x y · postcompose_underlying_morphism _ (a y) = enriched_functor_on_morphisms G x y · precompose_underlying_morphism _ (a x).
Definition enriched_nat_trans {A B : enriched_precat} (F G : enriched_functor A B) := ∑ a : enriched_nat_trans_data F G, enriched_nat_trans_law a.
Definition enriched_nat_trans_data_from_enriched_nat_trans {A B : enriched_precat} {F G : enriched_functor A B} (a : enriched_nat_trans F G) : ∏ a : A, I --> enriched_cat_mor (F a) (G a) := pr1 a.
Coercion enriched_nat_trans_data_from_enriched_nat_trans : enriched_nat_trans >-> Funclass.
Definition enriched_nat_trans_ax {A B : enriched_precat} {F G : enriched_functor A B} (a : enriched_nat_trans F G) :enriched_nat_trans_law a := pr2 a.
Definition make_enriched_nat_trans {A B : enriched_precat} {F G : enriched_functor A B} a l : enriched_nat_trans F G := (a,, l).
Definition enriched_nat_trans_eq {A B : enriched_precat} {F G : enriched_functor A B} {a a' : enriched_nat_trans F G} : (∏ x : A, a x = a' x) -> a = a'.
Show proof.
intro H.
use total2_paths_b.
- apply funextsec.
- apply proofirrelevance.
repeat (apply impred_isaprop; intro).
apply homset_property.
use total2_paths_b.
- apply funextsec.
- apply proofirrelevance.
repeat (apply impred_isaprop; intro).
apply homset_property.
Definition enriched_nat_trans_identity {A B : enriched_precat} (F : enriched_functor A B) : enriched_nat_trans F F.
Show proof.
use make_enriched_nat_trans.
- intro x.
apply enriched_cat_identity.
- abstract (intros x y;
rewrite precompose_identity, postcompose_identity;
- intro x.
apply enriched_cat_identity.
- abstract (intros x y;
rewrite precompose_identity, postcompose_identity;
Definition enriched_nat_trans_comp {A B : enriched_precat} {F G H : enriched_functor A B} (a : enriched_nat_trans F G) (b : enriched_nat_trans G H) : enriched_nat_trans F H.
Show proof.
use make_enriched_nat_trans.
- intro x.
exact (a x · postcompose_underlying_morphism _ (b x)).
- abstract (intros x y;
rewrite postcompose_underlying_morphism_composite;
rewrite assoc;
rewrite enriched_nat_trans_ax;
rewrite assoc';
rewrite pre_post_compose_commute;
rewrite assoc;
rewrite enriched_nat_trans_ax;
rewrite precompose_underlying_morphism_composite;
apply assoc').
- intro x.
exact (a x · postcompose_underlying_morphism _ (b x)).
- abstract (intros x y;
rewrite postcompose_underlying_morphism_composite;
rewrite assoc;
rewrite enriched_nat_trans_ax;
rewrite assoc';
rewrite pre_post_compose_commute;
rewrite assoc;
rewrite enriched_nat_trans_ax;
rewrite precompose_underlying_morphism_composite;
apply assoc').
End NatTrans.
Section EnrichedFunctorCategory.
Lemma isaset_enriched_nat_trans {A B : enriched_precat} (F G : enriched_functor A B) : isaset (enriched_nat_trans F G).
Show proof.
apply isaset_total2.
- apply impred_isaset.
apply homset_property.
- intro.
apply isasetaprop.
repeat (apply impred_isaprop; intro).
apply homset_property.
- apply impred_isaset.
apply homset_property.
- intro.
apply isasetaprop.
repeat (apply impred_isaprop; intro).
apply homset_property.
Lemma enriched_nat_trans_assoc {A B : enriched_precat} {F G H K : enriched_functor A B} (f : enriched_nat_trans F G) (g : enriched_nat_trans G H) (h : enriched_nat_trans H K) : enriched_nat_trans_comp f (enriched_nat_trans_comp g h) = enriched_nat_trans_comp (enriched_nat_trans_comp f g) h.
Show proof.
apply enriched_nat_trans_eq.
intro x.
rewrite postcompose_underlying_morphism_composite.
apply assoc.
intro x.
rewrite postcompose_underlying_morphism_composite.
apply assoc.
Definition enriched_functor_precategory_data (A B : enriched_precat) : precategory_data.
Show proof.
use make_precategory_data.
- use make_precategory_ob_mor.
+ exact (enriched_functor A B).
+ intros F G.
exact (enriched_nat_trans F G).
- intros c.
apply enriched_nat_trans_identity.
- intros a b c f g.
exact (enriched_nat_trans_comp f g).
- use make_precategory_ob_mor.
+ exact (enriched_functor A B).
+ intros F G.
exact (enriched_nat_trans F G).
- intros c.
apply enriched_nat_trans_identity.
- intros a b c f g.
exact (enriched_nat_trans_comp f g).
Definition enriched_functor_category (A B : enriched_precat) : category.
Show proof.
use make_category.
- use make_precategory.
+ exact (enriched_functor_precategory_data A B).
+ repeat split;simpl.
* abstract (intros;
apply enriched_nat_trans_eq;
rewrite underlying_morphism_compose_swap;
rewrite precompose_identity;
apply id_right).
* abstract (intros;
apply enriched_nat_trans_eq;
rewrite postcompose_identity;
apply id_right).
* abstract (intros;
apply enriched_nat_trans_assoc).
* abstract (intros;
apply pathsinv0;
apply enriched_nat_trans_assoc).
- intros a b.
apply isaset_enriched_nat_trans.
- use make_precategory.
+ exact (enriched_functor_precategory_data A B).
+ repeat split;simpl.
* abstract (intros;
apply enriched_nat_trans_eq;
rewrite underlying_morphism_compose_swap;
rewrite precompose_identity;
apply id_right).
* abstract (intros;
apply enriched_nat_trans_eq;
rewrite postcompose_identity;
apply id_right).
* abstract (intros;
apply enriched_nat_trans_assoc).
* abstract (intros;
apply pathsinv0;
apply enriched_nat_trans_assoc).
- intros a b.
apply isaset_enriched_nat_trans.
End EnrichedFunctorCategory.
Section Whisker.
Definition pre_whisker {A B C : enriched_precat} (F : enriched_functor A B) {G H : enriched_functor B C} (a : enriched_nat_trans G H) : enriched_nat_trans (enriched_functor_comp F G) (enriched_functor_comp F H).
Show proof.
use make_enriched_nat_trans.
- intro x.
exact (a (F x)).
- abstract (intros x y;
rewrite !assoc';
apply cancel_precomposition;
apply enriched_nat_trans_ax).
- intro x.
exact (a (F x)).
- abstract (intros x y;
rewrite !assoc';
apply cancel_precomposition;
apply enriched_nat_trans_ax).
Definition post_whisker {A B C : enriched_precat} {F G : enriched_functor A B} (a : enriched_nat_trans F G) (H : enriched_functor B C) : enriched_nat_trans (enriched_functor_comp F H) (enriched_functor_comp G H).
Show proof.
use make_enriched_nat_trans.
- intro x.
exact (a x · enriched_functor_on_morphisms H _ _).
- abstract (intros x y;
rewrite !assoc';
rewrite <- enriched_functor_on_precompose, <- enriched_functor_on_postcompose;
rewrite !assoc;
apply cancel_postcomposition;
apply enriched_nat_trans_ax).
- intro x.
exact (a x · enriched_functor_on_morphisms H _ _).
- abstract (intros x y;
rewrite !assoc';
rewrite <- enriched_functor_on_precompose, <- enriched_functor_on_postcompose;
rewrite !assoc;
apply cancel_postcomposition;
apply enriched_nat_trans_ax).
End Whisker.
Section Unit.
Definition unit_enriched_precat_data : enriched_precat_data.
Show proof.
use make_enriched_precat_data.
- exact unit.
- intros.
exact (I_{Mon_V}).
- intros.
exact (identity _).
- intros.
exact (mon_lunitor _).
- exact unit.
- intros.
exact (I_{Mon_V}).
- intros.
exact (identity _).
- intros.
exact (mon_lunitor _).
Definition unit_enriched_precat : enriched_precat.
Show proof.
use make_enriched_precat.
- exact unit_enriched_precat_data.
- split; cbn.
+ abstract
(rewrite tensor_id_id ;
apply id_left).
+ abstract
(rewrite tensor_id_id ;
rewrite id_left ;
apply mon_lunitor_I_mon_runitor_I).
- abstract
(intros a b c d ;
cbn ;
rewrite !assoc ;
apply cancel_postcomposition ;
rewrite mon_lunitor_I_mon_runitor_I ;
rewrite mon_triangle ;
rewrite mon_runitor_I_mon_lunitor_I ;
apply idpath).
- exact unit_enriched_precat_data.
- split; cbn.
+ abstract
(rewrite tensor_id_id ;
apply id_left).
+ abstract
(rewrite tensor_id_id ;
rewrite id_left ;
apply mon_lunitor_I_mon_runitor_I).
- abstract
(intros a b c d ;
cbn ;
rewrite !assoc ;
apply cancel_postcomposition ;
rewrite mon_lunitor_I_mon_runitor_I ;
rewrite mon_triangle ;
rewrite mon_runitor_I_mon_lunitor_I ;
apply idpath).
Definition element_functor_data {A : enriched_precat} (a : A) : enriched_functor_data unit_enriched_precat A.
Show proof.
use make_enriched_functor_data.
- intro.
exact a.
- intros x y.
induction x, y.
apply enriched_cat_identity.
- intro.
exact a.
- intros x y.
induction x, y.
apply enriched_cat_identity.
Definition element_functor_unit_ax {A : enriched_precat} (a : A) : enriched_functor_unit_ax (element_functor_data a).
Show proof.
Definition element_functor_comp_ax {A : enriched_precat} (a : A) : enriched_functor_comp_ax (element_functor_data a).
Show proof.
intros t t' t''.
induction t, t', t''.
rewrite tensor_split.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite enriched_id_left.
rewrite tensor_lunitor.
apply idpath.
induction t, t', t''.
rewrite tensor_split.
rewrite !assoc'.
rewrite enriched_id_left.
rewrite tensor_lunitor.
apply idpath.
Definition element_functor {A : enriched_precat} (a : A) : enriched_functor unit_enriched_precat A.
Show proof.
use make_enriched_functor.
- exact (element_functor_data a).
- exact (element_functor_unit_ax a).
- exact (element_functor_comp_ax a).
- exact (element_functor_data a).
- exact (element_functor_unit_ax a).
- exact (element_functor_comp_ax a).
End Unit.
End A.
Arguments enriched_precat_data _ : clear implicits.
Arguments enriched_precat _ : clear implicits.
Arguments enriched_functor_data {_} _ _.
Arguments enriched_functor {_} _ _.
Arguments unit_enriched_precat _ : clear implicits.