Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Examples.SliceEnriched

1. Enrichment for slice categories
  Definition slice_cat_enrichment
    : enrichment
        (dialgebra (functor_identity C) (constant_functor C C x))
    := dialgebra_enrichment
         V HV
         (functor_id_enrichment E)
         (functor_constant_enrichment HV𝟙 x E E).

2. An equivalence between dialgebras and the slice
  Definition dialgebra_to_slice_data
    : functor_data
        (dialgebra (functor_identity C) (constant_functor C C x))
        (slice_cat C x).
  Show proof.
    use make_functor_data.
    - exact (λ x, x).
    - refine (λ x y f, pr1 f ,, _) ; cbn.
        (exact (!(id_right _) @ pr2 f)).

  Definition dialgebra_to_slice_is_functor
    : is_functor dialgebra_to_slice_data.
  Show proof.
    repeat split.
    - intro ; intros.
      use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply homset_property | ] ; cbn.
      apply idpath.
    - intro ; intros.
      use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply homset_property | ] ; cbn.
      apply idpath.

  Definition dialgebra_to_slice
    : dialgebra (functor_identity C) (constant_functor C C x) slice_cat C x.
  Show proof.
    use make_functor.
    - exact dialgebra_to_slice_data.
    - exact dialgebra_to_slice_is_functor.

  Definition slice_to_dialgebra_data
    : functor_data
        (slice_cat C x)
        (dialgebra (functor_identity C) (constant_functor C C x)).
  Show proof.
    use make_functor_data.
    - exact (λ x, x).
    - refine (λ x y f, pr1 f ,, _) ; cbn.
        (exact (id_right _ @ pr2 f)).

  Definition slice_to_dialgebra_is_functor
    : is_functor slice_to_dialgebra_data.
  Show proof.
    repeat split.
    - intro ; intros.
      use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply homset_property | ] ; cbn.
      apply idpath.
    - intro ; intros.
      use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply homset_property | ] ; cbn.
      apply idpath.

  Definition slice_to_dialgebra
    : slice_cat C x dialgebra (functor_identity C) (constant_functor C C x).
  Show proof.
    use make_functor.
    - exact slice_to_dialgebra_data.
    - exact slice_to_dialgebra_is_functor.

  Definition dialgebra_to_slice_unit
    : functor_identity _ dialgebra_to_slice slice_to_dialgebra.
  Show proof.
    use make_nat_trans.
    - refine (λ f, identity _ ,, _).
        (cbn ;
         exact (id_right _ @ !(id_left _))).
    - abstract
        (intros f₁ f₂ τ ;
         use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply homset_property | ] ; cbn ;
         exact (id_right _ @ !(id_left _))).

  Definition dialgebra_to_slice_counit
    : slice_to_dialgebra dialgebra_to_slice functor_identity _.
  Show proof.
    use make_nat_trans.
    - refine (λ f, identity _ ,, _).
        (cbn ;
         exact (!(id_left _))).
    - abstract
        (intros f₁ f₂ τ ;
         use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply homset_property | ] ; cbn ;
         exact (id_right _ @ !(id_left _))).

  Definition dialgebra_to_slice_adj_equiv
    : adj_equivalence_of_cats dialgebra_to_slice.
  Show proof.
    simple refine ((_ ,, ((_ ,, _) ,, _ ,, _)) ,, _ ,, _).
    - exact slice_to_dialgebra.
    - exact dialgebra_to_slice_unit.
    - exact dialgebra_to_slice_counit.
    - abstract
        (intros f ;
         use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply homset_property | ] ; cbn ;
         apply id_left).
    - abstract
        (intros f ;
         use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply homset_property | ] ; cbn ;
         apply id_left).
    - intro f.
      use is_z_iso_dialgebra.
      apply is_z_isomorphism_identity.
    - intro f.
      use z_iso_to_slice_precat_z_iso.
      apply is_z_isomorphism_identity.
End EnrichedSlice.