Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.slicecat

Anders Mörtberg, Benedikt Ahrens, 2015-2016

Definition of slice categories

Given a category C and x : obj C. The slice category C/x is given by:
  • obj C/x: pairs (a,f) where f : a -> x
  • morphism (a,f) -> (b,g): morphism h : a -> b with
           a - - -> b
           |       /
           |     /
         f |   / g
           | /
    where h · g = f
Section slice_precat_def.

Context (C : category) (x : C).

Definition slicecat_ob := a, Ca,x.
Definition slicecat_mor (f g : slicecat_ob) := h, pr2 f = h · pr2 g.

Definition slicecat_ob_object (f : slicecat_ob) : ob C := pr1 f.

Definition slicecat_ob_morphism (f : slicecat_ob) : Cslicecat_ob_object f, x := pr2 f.

Definition slicecat_mor_morphism {f g : slicecat_ob} (h : slicecat_mor f g) :
  Cslicecat_ob_object f, slicecat_ob_object g := pr1 h.

Definition slicecat_mor_comm {f g : slicecat_ob} (h : slicecat_mor f g) :
  (slicecat_ob_morphism f) = (slicecat_mor_morphism h) · (slicecat_ob_morphism g) := pr2 h.

Definition slice_precat_ob_mor : precategory_ob_mor := (slicecat_ob,,slicecat_mor).

Definition id_slice_precat (c : slice_precat_ob_mor) : c --> c :=
  tpair _ _ (!(id_left (pr2 c))).

Definition comp_slice_precat_subproof {a b c : slice_precat_ob_mor}
  (f : a --> b) (g : b --> c) : pr2 a = (pr1 f · pr1 g) · pr2 c.
Show proof.
  rewrite <- assoc, (!(pr2 g)).
  exact (pr2 f).

Definition comp_slice_precat (a b c : slice_precat_ob_mor)
                             (f : a --> b) (g : b --> c) : a --> c :=
  (pr1 f · pr1 g,,comp_slice_precat_subproof _ _).

Definition slice_precat_data : precategory_data :=
  make_precategory_data _ id_slice_precat comp_slice_precat.

Lemma is_precategory_slice_precat_data :
  is_precategory slice_precat_data.
Show proof.
repeat split; simpl.
* intros a b f.
  induction f as [h hP].
  apply subtypePairEquality; [ intro; apply C | apply id_left ].
* intros a b f.
  induction f as [h hP].
  apply subtypePairEquality; [ intro; apply C | apply id_right ].
* intros a b c d f g h.
  apply subtypePairEquality; [ intro; apply C | apply assoc ].
* intros a b c d f g h.
  apply subtypePairEquality; [ intro; apply C | apply assoc' ].

Definition slice_precat : precategory :=

Lemma has_homsets_slice_precat : has_homsets (slice_precat).
Show proof.
intros a b.
induction a as [a f]; induction b as [b g]; simpl.
apply (isofhleveltotal2 2); [ apply C | intro h].
apply isasetaprop; apply C.

  Definition slice_cat : category := make_category _ has_homsets_slice_precat.

End slice_precat_def.

Section slice_precat_theory.

  Context (C : category)
          (x : C).

Local Notation "C / X" := (slice_cat C X).

Lemma eq_mor_slicecat (af bg : C / x) (f g : C/xaf,bg) : pr1 f = pr1 g -> f = g.
Show proof.
intro heq; apply (total2_paths_f heq); apply C.

Lemma eq_mor_slicecat_isweq (af bg : C / x) (f g : C/xaf,bg) :
  isweq (eq_mor_slicecat af bg f g).
Show proof.
  apply isweqimplimpl.
  - apply maponpaths.
  - apply C.
  - apply has_homsets_slice_precat.

Definition eq_mor_slicecat_weq (af bg : C / x) (f g : C/xaf,bg) :
  (pr1 f = pr1 g f = g) := make_weq _ (eq_mor_slicecat_isweq af bg f g).

Isos in slice categories

Lemma eq_z_iso_slicecat (af bg : C / x) (f g : z_iso af bg) : pr1 f = pr1 g -> f = g.
Show proof.
induction f as [f fP]; induction g as [g gP]; intro eq.
use (subtypePairEquality _ eq).
intro; apply isaprop_is_z_isomorphism.

It suffices that the underlying morphism is an iso to get an iso in the slice category
Lemma z_iso_to_slice_precat_z_iso (af bg : C / x) (h : af --> bg)
  (isoh : is_z_isomorphism (pr1 h)) : is_z_isomorphism h.
Show proof.
induction isoh as [hinv [h1 h2]].
assert (pinv : hinv · pr2 af = pr2 bg).
{ rewrite <- id_left, <- h2, <- assoc, (!(pr2 h)); apply idpath. }
exists (hinv,,!pinv).
split; (apply subtypePairEquality; [ intro; apply C |]); assumption.

An iso in the slice category gives an iso in the base category
Lemma slice_precat_z_iso_to_z_iso (af bg : C / x) (h : af --> bg)
  (p : is_z_isomorphism h) : is_z_isomorphism (pr1 h).
Show proof.
induction p as [hinv [h1 h2]].
exists (pr1 hinv); split.
- apply (maponpaths pr1 h1).
- apply (maponpaths pr1 h2).

Lemma weq_z_iso (af bg : C / x) :
  z_iso af bg h : z_iso (pr1 af) (pr1 bg), pr2 af = h · pr2 bg.
Show proof.
  apply (weqcomp (weqtotal2asstor _ _)).
  apply invweq.
  apply (weqcomp (weqtotal2asstor _ _)).
  apply weqfibtototal; intro h; simpl.
  apply (weqcomp (weqdirprodcomm _ _)).
  apply weqfibtototal; intro p.
  apply weqimplimpl.
  - intro hp; apply z_iso_to_slice_precat_z_iso; assumption.
  - intro hp; apply (slice_precat_z_iso_to_z_iso _ _ _ hp).
  - apply isaprop_is_z_isomorphism.
  - apply (isaprop_is_z_isomorphism(C:= C / x)).

Monics in slice categories

It suffices that the underlying morphism is an monic to get an monic in the slice category
Lemma monic_to_slice_precat_monic (a b : C / x) (h : a --> b)
  (monich : isMonic (pr1 h)) : isMonic h.
Show proof.
  intros y f g eq.
  apply eq_mor_slicecat, monich.
  change (pr1 f · pr1 h) with (pr1 (f · h));
  change (pr1 g · pr1 h) with (pr1 (g · h)).
  apply (maponpaths pr1).

Epis in slice categories

It suffices that the underlying morphism is an epic to get an epic in the slice category
Lemma epic_to_slice_precat_epic (a b : C / x) (h : a --> b)
  (epich : isEpi (pr1 h)) : isEpi h.
Show proof.
  unfold isEpi in *.
  intros y f g eq.
  apply eq_mor_slicecat, epich.
  change (pr1 h · pr1 f) with (pr1 (h · f));
  change (pr1 h · pr1 g) with (pr1 (h · g)).
  apply (maponpaths pr1).

The forgetful functor from C/x to C
Definition slicecat_to_cat : (C / x) C.
Show proof.
  use make_functor.
  + use tpair.
    - apply pr1.
    - intros a b; apply pr1.
  + abstract ( split; [intro; apply idpath | red; intros; apply idpath] ).

Right adjoint to slicecat_to_cat

Definition cat_to_slicecat_data (BPC : BinProducts C) : functor_data C (C / x).
Show proof.
  use make_functor_data.
  * intro y.
    exists (BinProductObject _ (BPC x y)).
    apply BinProductPr1.
  * intros A B f; cbn.
    use tpair.
    - apply (BinProductOfArrows _ _ _ (identity x) f).
    - abstract (cbn; rewrite BinProductOfArrowsPr1, id_right; apply idpath).

Lemma is_functor_cat_to_slicecat_data (BPC : BinProducts C) : is_functor (cat_to_slicecat_data BPC).
Show proof.
  * intros A; apply eq_mor_slicecat;
    apply pathsinv0, BinProductArrowUnique; rewrite id_left, id_right; apply idpath.
  * intros a1 a2 a3 f1 f2; apply eq_mor_slicecat; simpl;
    rewrite BinProductOfArrows_comp, id_right; apply idpath.

Definition cat_to_slicecat (BPC : BinProducts C) : C (C / x).
Show proof.
  use make_functor.
  + exact (cat_to_slicecat_data BPC).
  + apply is_functor_cat_to_slicecat_data.

Lemma is_left_adjoint_slicecat_to_cat (BPC : BinProducts C) :
  is_left_adjoint slicecat_to_cat.
Show proof.
exists (cat_to_slicecat BPC).
use make_are_adjoints.
+ use make_nat_trans.
  * simpl; intros F.
    exists (BinProductArrow _ _ (pr2 F) (identity _)); simpl.
    abstract (rewrite BinProductPr1Commutes; apply idpath).
  * intros Y Z F; apply eq_mor_slicecat; simpl.
    rewrite postcompWithBinProductArrow.
    apply BinProductArrowUnique.
    - rewrite <- assoc, BinProductPr1Commutes, id_right, (pr2 F); apply idpath.
    - rewrite <- assoc, BinProductPr2Commutes, id_left, id_right; apply idpath.
+ use make_nat_trans.
  * intros Y.
    apply BinProductPr2.
  * abstract ( intros Y Z f; apply BinProductOfArrowsPr2 ).
+ split.
  * intros Y; cbn.
    rewrite BinProductPr2Commutes; apply idpath.
  * intros Y; apply eq_mor_slicecat; cbn.
    rewrite postcompWithBinProductArrow.
    apply pathsinv0, BinProductArrowUnique; trivial.
    rewrite id_right, id_left; apply idpath.

End slice_precat_theory.

Proof that C/x is a univalent_category if C is.

This is exercise 9.1 in the HoTT book
Section slicecat_theory.

Context {C : category} (is_catC : is_univalent C) (x : C).

Local Notation "C / x" := (slice_cat C x).

Lemma id_weq_z_iso_slicecat (af bg : C / x) : (af = bg) (z_iso af bg).
Show proof.
  set (a := pr1 af); set (f := pr2 af); set (b := pr1 bg); set (g := pr2 bg).
  assert (weq1 : weq (af = bg)
                   (total2 (fun (p : a = b) => transportf _ p (pr2 af) = g))).
  { apply (total2_paths_equiv _ af bg). }
  assert (weq2 : weq (total2 (fun (p : a = b) => transportf _ p (pr2 af) = g))
                   (total2 (fun (p : a = b) => idtoiso (! p) · f = g))).
  { apply weqfibtototal; intro p.
     rewrite idtoiso_precompose.
     apply idweq.
  assert (weq3 : weq (total2 (fun (p : a = b) => idtoiso (! p) · f = g))
                   (total2 (λ h : z_iso a b, f = h · g))).
  { apply (weqbandf (make_weq _ (is_catC a b))); intro p.
     rewrite idtoiso_inv; simpl.
     apply weqimplimpl; simpl; try apply (C); intro Hp.
     rewrite <- Hp, assoc, z_iso_inv_after_z_iso, id_left; apply idpath.
     rewrite Hp, assoc, z_iso_after_z_iso_inv, id_left; apply idpath.
  assert (weq4 : weq (total2 (λ h : z_iso a b, f = h · g)) (z_iso af bg)).
  { apply invweq; apply weq_z_iso. }
  apply (weqcomp weq1 (weqcomp weq2 (weqcomp weq3 weq4))).

Lemma is_univalent_slicecat : is_univalent (C / x).
Show proof.
intros a b.
set (h := id_weq_z_iso_slicecat a b).
apply (isweqhomot h); [intro p|induction h; trivial].
induction p.
apply z_iso_eq, eq_mor_slicecat, idpath.

End slicecat_theory.

A morphism x --> y in the base category induces a functor between C/x and C/y

Section slicecat_functor_def.

Context {C : category} {x y : C} (f : Cx,y).

Local Notation "C / X" := (slice_cat C X).

Definition slicecat_functor_ob (af : C / x) : C / y :=
  (pr1 af,,pr2 af · f).

Lemma slicecat_functor_subproof (af bg : C / x) (h : C/xaf,bg) :
  pr2 af · f = pr1 h · (pr2 bg · f).
Show proof.
rewrite assoc, <- (pr2 h); apply idpath.

Definition slicecat_functor_data : functor_data (C / x) (C / y) :=
  tpair (λ F, a b, C/xa,b C/yF a,F b) slicecat_functor_ob
        (λ a b h, (pr1 h,,slicecat_functor_subproof _ _ h)).

Lemma is_functor_slicecat_functor : is_functor slicecat_functor_data.
Show proof.
- intros a; apply eq_mor_slicecat, idpath.
- intros a b c g h; apply eq_mor_slicecat, idpath.

Definition slicecat_functor : functor (C / x) (C / y) :=

End slicecat_functor_def.

Section slicecat_functor_theory.

Context (C : category).

Local Notation "C / X" := (slice_precat C X).

Lemma slicecat_functor_identity_ob (x : C) :
  slicecat_functor_ob (identity x) = functor_identity (C / x).
Show proof.
apply funextsec; intro af.
unfold slicecat_functor_ob.
rewrite id_right.
apply idpath.

Lemma slicecat_functor_identity (x : C) :
  slicecat_functor (identity x) = functor_identity (C / x).
Show proof.
  apply (functor_eq _ _ (has_homsets_slice_precat _ _)); simpl.
  apply (two_arg_paths_f (slicecat_functor_identity_ob _)).
  apply funextsec; intros [a f].
  apply funextsec; intros [b g].
  apply funextsec; intros [h hh].
  rewrite transport_of_functor_map_is_pointwise; simpl in *.
  unfold double_transport. unfold slicecat_mor, slice_precat_ob_mor, slicecat_mor.
  rewrite transportf_total2.
  apply subtypePairEquality; [intro; apply C | ].
  rewrite transportf_total2; simpl.
  unfold slicecat_functor_identity_ob.
  rewrite toforallpaths_funextsec; simpl.
  induction (id_right f).
  induction (id_right g).
  apply idpath.

Lemma slicecat_functor_comp_ob {x y z : C} (f : Cx,y) (g : Cy,z) :
  slicecat_functor_ob (f · g) =
  (λ a, slicecat_functor_ob g (slicecat_functor_ob f a)).
Show proof.
apply funextsec; intro af.
unfold slicecat_functor_ob; rewrite assoc; apply idpath.

Lemma slicecat_functor_comp {x y z : C} (f : Cx,y) (g : Cy,z) :
  slicecat_functor (f · g) =
  functor_composite (slicecat_functor f) (slicecat_functor g).
Show proof.
apply (functor_eq _ _ (has_homsets_slice_precat _ _)); simpl.
unfold slicecat_functor_data; simpl.
unfold functor_composite_data; simpl.
apply (two_arg_paths_f (slicecat_functor_comp_ob _ _)).
apply funextsec; intros [a fax].
apply funextsec; intros [b fbx].
apply funextsec; intros [h hh].
rewrite transport_of_functor_map_is_pointwise; simpl in *.
unfold double_transport. unfold slicecat_mor, slice_precat_ob_mor, slicecat_mor.
rewrite transportf_total2.
apply subtypePairEquality; [intro; apply C | ].
rewrite transportf_total2; simpl.
unfold slicecat_functor_comp_ob.
rewrite toforallpaths_funextsec; simpl.
assert (H1 : transportf (fun x : C / z => pr1 x --> b)
               (Foundations.PartA.internal_paths_rew_r _ _ _
                 (λ p, tpair _ a p = tpair _ a _) (idpath (tpair _ a _))
                 (assoc fax f g)) h = h).
  induction (assoc fax f g); apply idpath.
assert (H2 : h', h' = h ->
             transportf (fun x : C / z => a --> pr1 x)
                        (Foundations.PartA.internal_paths_rew_r _ _ _
                           (λ p, tpair _ b p = tpair _ b _) (idpath _)
                           (assoc fbx f g)) h' = h).
  intros h' eq.
  induction (assoc fbx f g); rewrite eq; apply idpath.
apply H2. exact H1.

End slicecat_functor_theory.

Colimits in slice categories

Section slicecat_colimits.

Context (g : graph) (C : category) (x : C).

Local Notation "C / X" := (slice_cat C X).

Let U : functor (C / x) C := slicecat_to_cat C x.

Lemma slice_precat_isColimCocone (d : diagram g (C / x)) (a : C / x)
  (cc : cocone d a)
  (H : isColimCocone (mapdiagram U d) (U a) (mapcocone U d cc)) :
  isColimCocone d a cc.
Show proof.
set (CC := make_ColimCocone _ _ _ H).
intros y ccy.
use unique_exists.
+ use tpair; simpl.
  * apply (colimArrow CC), (mapcocone U _ ccy).
  * abstract (apply pathsinv0;
              eapply pathscomp0; [apply (postcompWithColimArrow _ CC (pr1 y) (mapcocone U d ccy))|];
              apply pathsinv0, (colimArrowUnique CC); intros u; simpl;
              eapply pathscomp0; [apply (!(pr2 (coconeIn cc u)))|];
              apply (pr2 (coconeIn ccy u))).
+ abstract (intros u; apply subtypePath; [intros xx; apply C|]; simpl;
            apply (colimArrowCommutes CC)).
+ abstract (intros f; simpl; apply impred; intro u; apply has_homsets_slice_precat).
+ abstract (intros f; simpl; intros Hf;
            apply eq_mor_slicecat; simpl;
            apply (colimArrowUnique CC); intro u; cbn;
            rewrite <- (Hf u); apply idpath).

Lemma slice_precat_ColimCocone (d : diagram g (C / x))
  (H : ColimCocone (mapdiagram U d)) :
  ColimCocone d.
Show proof.
use make_ColimCocone.
- use tpair.
  + apply (colim H).
  + apply colimArrow.
    use make_cocone.
    * intro v; apply (pr2 (dob d v)).
    * abstract (intros u v e; apply (! pr2 (dmor d e))).
- use make_cocone.
  + intro v; simpl.
    use tpair; simpl.
    * apply (colimIn H v).
    * abstract (apply pathsinv0, (colimArrowCommutes H)).
  + abstract (intros u v e; apply eq_mor_slicecat, (coconeInCommutes (colimCocone H))).
- intros y ccy.
  use unique_exists.
  + use tpair; simpl.
    * apply colimArrow, (mapcocone U _ ccy).
    * abstract (apply pathsinv0, colimArrowUnique; intros v; simpl; rewrite assoc;
                eapply pathscomp0;
                  [apply cancel_postcomposition,
                        (colimArrowCommutes H _ (mapcocone U _ ccy) v)|];
                induction ccy as [f Hf]; simpl; apply (! pr2 (f v))).
  + abstract (intro v; apply eq_mor_slicecat; simpl;
              apply (colimArrowCommutes _ _ (mapcocone U d ccy))).
  + abstract (simpl; intros f; apply impred; intro v; apply has_homsets_slice_precat).
  + abstract (intros f Hf; apply eq_mor_slicecat; simpl in *; apply colimArrowUnique;
              intros v; apply (maponpaths pr1 (Hf v))).

End slicecat_colimits.

Lemma slice_precat_colims_of_shape (C : category)
  {g : graph} (x : C) (CC : Colims_of_shape g C) :
  Colims_of_shape g (slice_cat C x).
Show proof.
intros y; apply slice_precat_ColimCocone, CC.

Lemma slice_precat_colims (C : category) (x : C) (CC : Colims C) :
  Colims (slice_cat C x).
Show proof.
intros g d; apply slice_precat_ColimCocone, CC.

Moving between Binary products in slice categories and Pullbacks in base category

Section slicecat_binproducts.

Context (C : category).

Local Notation "C / X" := (slice_cat C X).

Definition pullback_to_slice_binprod {A B Z : C} {f : A --> Z} {g : B --> Z} :
  Pullback f g -> BinProduct (C / Z) (A ,, f) (B ,, g).
Show proof.
  intros P.
  use (((PullbackObject P ,, (PullbackPr1 P) · f) ,, (((PullbackPr1 P) ,, idpath _) ,, (((PullbackPr2 P) ,, (PullbackSqrCommutes P))))) ,, _).
  intros Y [j jeq] [k keq]; simpl in jeq , keq.
  use unique_exists.
  + use tpair.
    - apply (PullbackArrow P _ j k).
      abstract (rewrite <- jeq , keq; apply idpath).
    - abstract (cbn; rewrite assoc, PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1, <- jeq; apply idpath).
  + abstract (split; apply eq_mor_slicecat; simpl;
              [ apply PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 | apply PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 ]).
  + abstract (intros h; apply isapropdirprod; apply has_homsets_slice_precat).
  + abstract (intros h [H1 H2]; apply eq_mor_slicecat, PullbackArrowUnique;
             [ apply (maponpaths pr1 H1) | apply (maponpaths pr1 H2) ]).

Definition BinProducts_slice_precat (PC : Pullbacks C) : x, BinProducts (C / x) :=
 λ x a b, pullback_to_slice_binprod (PC _ _ _ (pr2 a) (pr2 b)).

Definition slice_binprod_to_pullback {Z : C} {AZ BZ : C / Z} :
  BinProduct (C / Z) AZ BZ Pullback (pr2 AZ) (pr2 BZ).
Show proof.
  induction AZ as [A f].
  induction BZ as [B g].
  intros [[[P h] [[l leq] [r req]]] PisProd].
  use ((P ,, l ,, r) ,, (! leq @ req) ,, _).
  intros Y j k Yeq. simpl in *.
  use unique_exists.
  + exact (pr1 (pr1 (pr1 (PisProd (Y ,, j · f) (j ,, idpath _) (k ,, Yeq))))).
  + abstract (exact (maponpaths pr1 (pr1 (pr2 (pr1 (PisProd (Y ,, j · f) (j ,, idpath _) (k ,, Yeq))))) ,,
                                maponpaths pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr1 (PisProd (Y ,, j · f) (j ,, idpath _) (k ,, Yeq))))))).
  + abstract (intros x; apply isofhleveldirprod; apply C).
  + intros t teqs.
    use (maponpaths pr1 (maponpaths pr1 (pr2 (PisProd (Y ,, j · f) (j ,, idpath _) (k ,, Yeq)) ((t ,, (maponpaths (λ x, x · f) (!(pr1 teqs)) @ !(assoc _ _ _) @ maponpaths (λ x, t · x) (!leq))) ,, _)))).
    abstract (split; apply eq_mor_slicecat; [exact (pr1 teqs) | exact (pr2 teqs)]).

Definition Pullbacks_from_slice_BinProducts (BP : x, BinProducts (C / x)) : Pullbacks C :=
  λ x a b f g, slice_binprod_to_pullback (BP x (a ,, f) (b ,, g)).

End slicecat_binproducts.

Binary coproducts in slice categories of categories with binary coproducts

Section slicecat_bincoproducts.

Context (C : category) (BC : BinCoproducts C).

Local Notation "C / X" := (slice_cat C X).

Lemma BinCoproducts_slice_precat (x : C) : BinCoproducts (C / x).
Show proof.
intros a b.
use make_BinCoproduct.
+ exists (BinCoproductObject (BC (pr1 a) (pr1 b))).
  apply (BinCoproductArrow _ (pr2 a) (pr2 b)).
+ use tpair.
  - apply BinCoproductIn1.
  - abstract (cbn; rewrite BinCoproductIn1Commutes; apply idpath).
+ use tpair.
  - apply BinCoproductIn2.
  - abstract (cbn; rewrite BinCoproductIn2Commutes; apply idpath).
+ intros c f g.
  use unique_exists.
  - exists (BinCoproductArrow _ (pr1 f) (pr1 g)).
    abstract (apply pathsinv0, BinCoproductArrowUnique;
      [ rewrite assoc, (BinCoproductIn1Commutes C _ _ (BC (pr1 a) (pr1 b))), (pr2 f); apply idpath
      | rewrite assoc, (BinCoproductIn2Commutes C _ _ (BC (pr1 a) (pr1 b))), (pr2 g)]; apply idpath).
  - abstract (split; apply eq_mor_slicecat; simpl;
             [ apply BinCoproductIn1Commutes | apply BinCoproductIn2Commutes ]).
  - abstract (intros y; apply isapropdirprod; apply has_homsets_slice_precat).
  - abstract (intros y [<- <-]; apply eq_mor_slicecat, BinCoproductArrowUnique; apply idpath).

End slicecat_bincoproducts.

Coproducts in slice categories of categories with coproducts

Section slicecat_coproducts.

Context (C : category) (I : UU) (BC : Coproducts I C).

Local Notation "C / X" := (slice_cat C X).

Lemma Coproducts_slice_precat (x : C) : Coproducts I (C / x).
Show proof.
intros a.
use make_Coproduct.
+ exists (CoproductObject _ _ (BC (λ i, pr1 (a i)))).
  apply CoproductArrow; intro i; apply (pr2 (a i)).
+ intro i; use tpair; simpl.
  - apply (CoproductIn I C (BC (λ i, pr1 (a i))) i).
  - abstract (rewrite (CoproductInCommutes I C _ (BC (λ i, pr1 (a i)))); apply idpath).
+ intros c f.
  use unique_exists.
  - exists (CoproductArrow _ _ _ (λ i, pr1 (f i))).
    abstract (simpl; apply pathsinv0, CoproductArrowUnique; intro i;
              rewrite assoc, (CoproductInCommutes _ _ _ (BC (λ i, pr1 (a i)))), (pr2 (f i)); apply idpath).
  - abstract (intros i;
              apply eq_mor_slicecat, (CoproductInCommutes _ _ _ (BC (λ i0 : I, pr1 (a i0))))).
  - abstract (intros y; apply impred; intro i; apply has_homsets_slice_precat).
  - abstract (simpl; intros y Hy;
              apply eq_mor_slicecat, CoproductArrowUnique;
              intros i; apply (maponpaths pr1 (Hy i))).

End slicecat_coproducts.

Section slicecat_initial.

Context (C : category) (IC : Initial C).

Local Notation "C / X" := (slice_cat C X).

Lemma Initial_slice_precat (x : C) : Initial (C / x).
Show proof.
use make_Initial.
- use tpair.
  + apply (InitialObject IC).
  + apply InitialArrow.
- intros y.
  use unique_exists; simpl.
  * apply InitialArrow.
  * abstract (apply pathsinv0, InitialArrowUnique).
  * abstract (intros f; apply C).
  * abstract (intros f Hf; apply InitialArrowUnique).

End slicecat_initial.

Section slicecat_terminal.

Context (C : category).

Local Notation "C / X" := (slice_cat C X).

Lemma Terminal_slice_precat (x : C) : Terminal (C / x).
Show proof.
use make_Terminal.
- use tpair.
  + apply x.
  + apply (identity x).
- intros y.
  use unique_exists; simpl.
  * apply (pr2 y).
  * abstract (rewrite id_right; apply idpath).
  * abstract (intros f; apply C).
  * abstract (intros f ->; rewrite id_right; apply idpath).

End slicecat_terminal.

Base change functor:
Section base_change.

Context (C : category) (PC : Pullbacks C).

Local Notation "C / X" := (slice_cat C X).

Definition base_change_functor_data {c c' : C} (g : Cc,c') : functor_data (C / c') (C / c).
Show proof.
use tpair.
- intros Af'.
  exists (PullbackObject (PC _ _ _ g (pr2 Af'))).
  apply PullbackPr1.
- intros a b f.
  use tpair; simpl.
  + use PullbackArrow.
    * apply PullbackPr1.
    * apply (PullbackPr2 _ · pr1 f).
    * abstract (rewrite <- assoc, <- (pr2 f), PullbackSqrCommutes; apply idpath).
  + abstract (rewrite PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1; apply idpath).

Lemma is_functor_base_change_functor {c c' : C} (g : Cc,c') :
 is_functor (base_change_functor_data g).
Show proof.
- intros x; apply (eq_mor_slicecat C); simpl.
  apply pathsinv0, PullbackArrowUnique; rewrite id_left, ?id_right; apply idpath.
- intros x y z f1 f2; apply (eq_mor_slicecat C); simpl.
  apply pathsinv0, PullbackArrowUnique.
  + rewrite <- assoc, !PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1; apply idpath.
  + rewrite <- assoc, PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2, !assoc,
            PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2; apply idpath.

Definition base_change_functor {c c' : C} (g : Cc,c') : functor (C / c') (C / c) :=
  (base_change_functor_data g,,is_functor_base_change_functor g).

Local Definition eta_data {c c' : C} (g : Cc,c') :
  nat_trans_data (functor_identity (C / c))
            (functor_composite (slicecat_functor g) (base_change_functor g)).
Show proof.
  intros x.
  use tpair; simpl.
  + use (PullbackArrow _ _ (pr2 x) (identity _)).
    abstract (rewrite id_left; apply idpath).
  + abstract (rewrite PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1; apply idpath).

Local Lemma is_nat_trans_eta_data {c c' : C} (g : Cc,c') : is_nat_trans _ _ (eta_data g).
Show proof.
  intros x y f; apply eq_mor_slicecat; simpl.
  eapply pathscomp0; [apply postCompWithPullbackArrow|].
  apply pathsinv0, PullbackArrowUnique.
  + rewrite <- assoc, !PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1, <- (pr2 f); apply idpath.
  + rewrite <- assoc, PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2, assoc,
                PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2, id_right, id_left; apply idpath.

Local Definition eta {c c' : C} (g : Cc,c') :
  nat_trans (functor_identity (C / c))
            (functor_composite (slicecat_functor g) (base_change_functor g)).
Show proof.
  use make_nat_trans.
  - apply eta_data.
  - apply is_nat_trans_eta_data.

Local Definition eps {c c' : C} (g : Cc,c') :
  nat_trans (functor_composite (base_change_functor g) (slicecat_functor g))
            (functor_identity (C / c')).
Show proof.
use make_nat_trans.
- intros x.
  exists (PullbackPr2 _).
  abstract (apply PullbackSqrCommutes).
- abstract ( intros x y f; apply eq_mor_slicecat; cbn;
  rewrite PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2; apply idpath ).

Local Lemma form_adjunction_eta_eps {c c' : C} (g : Cc,c') :
  form_adjunction (slicecat_functor g) (base_change_functor g) (eta g) (eps g).
Show proof.
use tpair.
- intros x; apply eq_mor_slicecat; simpl; rewrite PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2; apply idpath.
- intros x; apply (eq_mor_slicecat C); simpl.
  apply pathsinv0, PullbackEndo_is_identity.
  + rewrite <- assoc, !PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1; apply idpath.
  + rewrite <- assoc, PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2, assoc,
                PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2, id_left; apply idpath.

Lemma are_adjoints_slicecat_functor_base_change {c c' : C} (g : Cc,c') :
  are_adjoints (slicecat_functor g) (base_change_functor g).
Show proof.
exists (eta g,,eps g).
exact (form_adjunction_eta_eps g).

If the base change functor has a right adjoint, called dependent product, then C / c has exponentials. The formal proof is inspired by Proposition 2.1 from:


Section Pullbacks.
  Context {E : category} {I : ob E}.

  Local Notation "E / X" := (slice_cat E X).
  Local Notation "% A" := (slicecat_ob_object E I A) (at level 20).
  Local Notation "$ A" := (slicecat_ob_morphism E I A) (at level 20).
  Local Notation "$$ f" := (slicecat_mor_morphism E I f) (at level 21).

A complex lemma statement for a simpler proof later
  Local Lemma iscontr_cond_dirprod_weq {X : UU} {P Q R : X -> UU}
    (xx : ∃! x : X, P x × Q x) :
    ( x, isaprop (R x)) ->
    ( x, isaprop (P x)) ->
    ( x, isaprop (Q x)) ->
    (R (pr1 (iscontrpr1 xx))) ->
    (∃! x : X, P x × Q x × R x).
  Show proof.
    intros ispropR ispropP ispropQ rxx.
    use make_iscontr.
    - exists (pr1 (iscontrpr1 xx)).
      split; [|split].
      + exact (dirprod_pr1 (pr2 (iscontrpr1 xx))).
      + exact (dirprod_pr2 (pr2 (iscontrpr1 xx))).
      + assumption.
    - intros t.
      use total2_paths_f.
      + pose (eq := proofirrelevancecontr xx (iscontrpr1 xx) (pr1 t,, make_dirprod (dirprod_pr1 (pr2 t)) (dirprod_pr1 (dirprod_pr2 (pr2 t))))).
        apply pathsinv0.
        eapply pathscomp0.
        apply (maponpaths pr1 eq).
      + apply proofirrelevance.
        do 2 (apply isapropdirprod; auto).

Pullback diagram:
      PB -- PBPr1 -> A
      |              |
    PBPr2            k
      V              V
      B ---- l ----> C
  Lemma pullback_to_slice_pullback
    (A B C : ob (E / I)) (k : A --> C) (l : B --> C)
    (PB : Pullback ($$ k) ($$ l)) :
    Pullback k l.
  Show proof.
    assert (eq : PullbackPr1 PB · $ A = PullbackPr2 PB · $ B).
Just because k, l are slice category morphisms:
      assert (eq1 : $ A = $$ k · $ C) by (apply slicecat_mor_comm).
      assert (eq2 : $ B = $$ l · $ C) by (apply slicecat_mor_comm).
      rewrite eq2, eq1.
      do 2 rewrite assoc.
      apply (maponpaths (fun x => x · _)).
      apply PullbackSqrCommutes.

    pose (PBtoI := PullbackPr1 PB · $ A).
    use make_Pullback.
    - use tpair.
      + exact (PullbackObject PB).
      + exact PBtoI.
The arrow PB --> A
      use tpair.
The arrow from E
        exact (PullbackPr1 PB).
The triangle commutes by definition
The arrow PB --> B
      use tpair.
      + exact (PullbackPr2 PB).
      + exact eq.
The square commutes
      apply eq_mor_slicecat, PullbackSqrCommutes.
      intros PB' prA' prB' commSq'.

In two steps, we reduce the problem of a pullback in E/I to that of a pullback in E (which we already have).
1. Simplify the equalities involved in the sigma-type. 2. Note that what is required is simply a pullback in E with an extra commutation condition.
      use iscontrweqb;
        [exact ( kk : % PB' --> PullbackObject PB,
                kk · PullbackPr1 PB = ($$ prA') ×
                kk · PullbackPr2 PB = ($$ prB') ×
                slicecat_ob_morphism _ _ PB' = kk · PBtoI)| | ].
      use weqcomp.
      + exact ( kk : PB' --> (PullbackObject PB,, PBtoI),
                ($$ kk) · PullbackPr1 PB = ($$ prA') ×
                ($$ kk) · PullbackPr2 PB = ($$ prB')).
Step 1
        apply weqfibtototal; intro.
        apply weqdirprodf;
          (apply weqiff;
           [|apply has_homsets_slice_precat|apply homset_property];
           apply weq_to_iff).
        * eapply weqcomp; [apply invweq, eq_mor_slicecat_weq|].
          apply idweq.
        * eapply weqcomp; [apply invweq, eq_mor_slicecat_weq|].
          apply idweq.
Step 2 This is all just rearranging of direct products
        eapply weqcomp.
        * apply (@weqtotal2asstor (E% PB', PB) (fun f => $ PB' = f · PBtoI) _).
        * apply weqfibtototal; intro; cbn.
          eapply weqcomp.
          apply weqdirprodcomm.
          apply weqdirprodasstor.
      + apply (iscontr_cond_dirprod_weq
                 (isPullback_Pullback PB _ _ _ (maponpaths pr1 commSq'))).
        * intro; apply homset_property.
        * intro; apply homset_property.
        * intro; apply homset_property.
The unique arrow between pullbacks is also an arrow in the slice cat
          unfold PBtoI.
          change (pr1 (iscontrpr1
                   (isPullback_Pullback PB (pr1 PB') (pr1 prA') (pr1 prB')
                      (maponpaths pr1 commSq')))) with
            (PullbackArrow PB _ _ _ (maponpaths pr1 commSq')).
          rewrite assoc.
          rewrite PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1.
          apply slicecat_mor_comm.
End Pullbacks.