Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Examples.StructureEnriched

1. The monoidal category is faithful
  Definition category_of_hset_struct_faithful_moncat
    : faithful_moncat (monoidal_cat_of_hset_struct P).
  Show proof.
    intros R₁ R₂ f g p.
    use subtypePath.
      intro ; cbn -[isaprop].
      apply isaprop_hset_struct_on_mor.
    use funextsec ; intro x.
    assert (mor_hset_struct P (hset_struct_unit P) (pr2 R₁) (λ _, x)) as H.
      apply hset_struct_const.
    exact (eqtohomot (maponpaths pr1 (p ((λ _, x) ,, H))) tt).

2. Elementary definition of enrichment over structures
  Definition struct_enrichment_data
             (C : category)
    : UU
    := (x y : C), P (homset x y).

  Definition struct_enrichment_laws
             {C : category}
             (SC : struct_enrichment_data C)
    : UU
    := (x y z : C),
         (hset_struct_prod P (SC y z) (SC x y))
         (SC x z)
         (λ (fg : C y, z × C x, y ), pr2 fg · pr1 fg).

  Proposition isaprop_struct_enrichment_laws
              {C : category}
              (SC : struct_enrichment_data C)
    : isaprop (struct_enrichment_laws SC).
  Show proof.
    repeat (use impred ; intro).
    apply isaprop_hset_struct_on_mor.

  Definition struct_enrichment
             (C : category)
    : UU
    := (SC : struct_enrichment_data C),
       struct_enrichment_laws SC.

  Definition struct_enrichment_to_data
             {C : category}
             (SC : struct_enrichment C)
             (x y : C)
    : P (homset x y)
    := pr1 SC x y.

  Coercion struct_enrichment_to_data : struct_enrichment >-> Funclass.

  Proposition struct_enrichment_comp
              {C : category}
              (SC : struct_enrichment C)
              (x y z : C)
    : mor_hset_struct
        (hset_struct_prod P (SC y z) (SC x y))
        (SC x z)
        (λ (fg : C y, z × C x, y ), pr2 fg · pr1 fg).
  Show proof.
    exact (pr2 SC x y z).

3. Equivalence of enrichments with the elementary definition
  Section MakeStructEnrichment.
    Context (C : category)
            (SC : struct_enrichment C).

    Definition make_enrichment_over_struct_data
      : enrichment_data C (monoidal_cat_of_hset_struct P).
    Show proof.
      simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _ ,, _ ,, _).
      - exact (λ x y, _ ,, SC x y).
      - refine (λ x, (λ _, identity _) ,, _).
          (cbn ;
           apply hset_struct_const).
      - simple refine (λ x y z, _ ,, _) ; cbn in *.
        + exact (λ fg, pr2 fg · pr1 fg).
        + apply struct_enrichment_comp.
      - refine (λ x y f, (λ _, f) ,, _).
        apply hset_struct_const.
      - exact (λ x y f, pr1 f tt).

    Proposition make_enrichment_over_struct_laws
      : enrichment_laws make_enrichment_over_struct_data.
    Show proof.
      repeat split.
      - intros x y.
        use eq_mor_hset_struct.
        intro a ; cbn.
        rewrite id_right.
        apply idpath.
      - intros x y.
        use eq_mor_hset_struct.
        intro a ; cbn.
        rewrite id_left.
        apply idpath.
      - intros w x y z.
        use eq_mor_hset_struct.
        intro a ; cbn.
        rewrite assoc.
        apply idpath.
      - intros x y f.
        use eq_mor_hset_struct.
        intro a ; cbn in *.
        apply maponpaths.
        apply isapropunit.

    Definition make_enrichment_over_struct
      : enrichment C (monoidal_cat_of_hset_struct P)
      := make_enrichment_over_struct_data ,, make_enrichment_over_struct_laws.
  End MakeStructEnrichment.

  Section FromStructEnrichment.
    Context (C : category)
            (E : enrichment C (monoidal_cat_of_hset_struct P)).

    Definition mor_to_enriched_hom
               {x y : C}
               (f : x --> y)
      : pr11 (E x , y )
      := pr1 (enriched_from_arr E f) tt.

    Definition enriched_hom_to_mor
               {x y : C}
               (f : pr11 (E x , y ))
      : x --> y.
    Show proof.
      assert (mor_hset_struct P (hset_struct_unit P) (pr2 (E x, y )) (λ _, f)) as H.
        apply hset_struct_const.
      exact (enriched_to_arr E (_ ,, H)).

    Definition mor_weq_enriched_hom
               (x y : C)
      : pr11 (E x , y ) (x --> y).
    Show proof.
      use weq_iso.
      - exact enriched_hom_to_mor.
      - exact mor_to_enriched_hom.
      - abstract
          (intro f ;
           unfold mor_to_enriched_hom, enriched_hom_to_mor ;
           rewrite enriched_from_to_arr ;
           apply idpath).
      - abstract
          (intro f ;
           unfold mor_to_enriched_hom, enriched_hom_to_mor ;
           refine (_ @ enriched_to_from_arr E f) ;
           apply maponpaths ;
           use eq_mor_hset_struct ;
           intro t ; cbn ;
           apply maponpaths ;
           apply isapropunit).

    Definition make_struct_enrichment_data
      : struct_enrichment_data C.
    Show proof.
      intros x y.
      refine (transportf_struct_weq P _ (pr2 (E x , y ))).
      exact (mor_weq_enriched_hom x y).

    Proposition make_struct_enrichment_laws
      : struct_enrichment_laws make_struct_enrichment_data.
    Show proof.
      intros x y z.
      use (transportf_struct_mor_prod_via_eq P).
      - exact (pr1 (enriched_comp E x y z)).
      - exact (pr2 (enriched_comp E x y z)).
      - intros fg ; cbn.
        unfold enriched_hom_to_mor.
        rewrite (enriched_to_arr_comp E).
        apply maponpaths.
        use eq_mor_hset_struct.
        intro t ; induction t.
        apply idpath.

    Definition make_struct_enrichment
      : struct_enrichment C.
    Show proof.
      simple refine (_ ,, _).
      - exact make_struct_enrichment_data.
      - exact make_struct_enrichment_laws.
  End FromStructEnrichment.

  Section EnrichmentEquiv.
    Context {C : category}
            (E : enrichment C (monoidal_cat_of_hset_struct P)).

    Definition enrichment_over_struct_weq_struct_enrichment_iso
               (x y : C)
      : @z_iso
          (category_of_hset_struct P)
          (homset x y ,, make_struct_enrichment_data C E x y)
          (E x , y ).
    Show proof.
      use make_z_iso.
      - simple refine (_ ,, _).
        + exact (λ f, pr1 (enriched_from_arr E f) tt).
        + cbn.
          apply transportf_struct_weq_on_invweq.
      - simple refine (_ ,, _).
        + refine (λ f, enriched_to_arr E ((λ _, f) ,, _)).
          apply hset_struct_const.
        + cbn.
          apply transportf_struct_weq_on_weq.
      - split.
        + use eq_mor_hset_struct.
          intro w ; cbn.
          refine (_ @ enriched_to_from_arr E _).
          apply maponpaths.
          use eq_mor_hset_struct.
          intro t.
          apply maponpaths.
          apply isapropunit.
        + use eq_mor_hset_struct.
          intro f.
          rewrite enriched_from_to_arr.
          apply idpath.

    Definition enrichment_over_struct_weq_struct_enrichment_inv_1
      : make_enrichment_over_struct C (make_struct_enrichment C E) = E.
    Show proof.
      use subtypePath.
        apply isaprop_enrichment_laws.
      use (invweq (total2_paths_equiv _ _ _)).
      use (invmap (enrichment_data_hom_path _ _ _)).
        exact (is_univalent_category_of_hset_struct P).
      simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _ ,, _ ,, _).
      - exact enrichment_over_struct_weq_struct_enrichment_iso.
      - intro x.
        use eq_mor_hset_struct.
        intro t ; cbn.
        rewrite enriched_from_arr_id.
        apply maponpaths.
        apply isapropunit.
      - intros x y z.
        use eq_mor_hset_struct.
        intro t ; cbn.
        rewrite enriched_from_arr_comp ; cbn.
        apply idpath.
      - intros x y f.
        use eq_mor_hset_struct.
        intro t.
        apply maponpaths.
        apply isapropunit.
      - intros x y f.
        assert (mor_hset_struct
                  (hset_struct_unit P)
                  (make_struct_enrichment_data C E x y)
                  (λ _, pr1 f tt))
          as H.
          apply hset_struct_const.
        refine (!(enriched_to_from_arr E (pr1 f tt)) @ _).
        apply maponpaths.
        use eq_mor_hset_struct.
        intro t ; induction t.
        apply idpath.
  End EnrichmentEquiv.

  Proposition enrichment_over_struct_weq_struct_enrichment_inv_2
              {C : category}
              (E : struct_enrichment C)
    : make_struct_enrichment C (make_enrichment_over_struct C E) = E.
  Show proof.
    use subtypePath.
      apply isaprop_struct_enrichment_laws.
    use funextsec ; intro x.
    use funextsec ; intro y.
    unfold make_struct_enrichment_data.
    unfold make_enrichment_over_struct.
    unfold transportf_struct_weq.
    refine (_ @ idpath_transportf _ _).
    apply maponpaths_2.
    refine (_ @ univalence_hSet_idweq _).
    apply maponpaths.
    use subtypePath.
      intro ; apply isapropisweq.
    apply idpath.

  Definition enrichment_over_struct_weq_struct_enrichment
             (C : category)
    : enrichment C (monoidal_cat_of_hset_struct P) struct_enrichment C.
  Show proof.

4. Elementary definition of functor enrichments over structures
  Definition functor_struct_enrichment
             {C₁ C₂ : category}
             (P₁ : struct_enrichment C₁)
             (P₂ : struct_enrichment C₂)
             (F : C₁ C₂)
    : UU
    := (x y : C₁), mor_hset_struct P (P₁ x y) (P₂ (F x) (F y)) (λ f, #F f).

5. Equivalence of functor enrichments with elementary definition
  Definition make_functor_struct_enrichment
             {C₁ C₂ : category}
             (P₁ : struct_enrichment C₁)
             (P₂ : struct_enrichment C₂)
             (F : C₁ C₂)
             (HF : functor_enrichment
                     (make_enrichment_over_struct C₁ P₁)
                     (make_enrichment_over_struct C₂ P₂))
    : functor_struct_enrichment P₁ P₂ F.
  Show proof.
    intros x y.
    refine (transportf
              (pr2 (HF x y))).
    use funextsec.
    intro f.
    pose (eqtohomot
               (functor_enrichment_from_arr HF f))
      as p.
    cbn in p.
    exact (!p).

  Definition make_functor_enrichment_over_struct
             {C₁ C₂ : category}
             (P₁ : struct_enrichment C₁)
             (P₂ : struct_enrichment C₂)
             (F : C₁ C₂)
             (HF : functor_struct_enrichment P₁ P₂ F)
    : functor_enrichment
        (make_enrichment_over_struct C₁ P₁)
        (make_enrichment_over_struct C₂ P₂).
  Show proof.
    simple refine (_ ,, _).
    - exact (λ x y, (λ f, #F f) ,, HF x y).
    - repeat split.
      + abstract
          (intros x ;
           use eq_mor_hset_struct ;
           intro f ; cbn ;
           apply functor_id).
      + abstract
          (intros x y z ;
           use eq_mor_hset_struct ;
           intro f ; cbn ;
           apply functor_comp).
      + abstract
          (intros x y f ;
           use eq_mor_hset_struct ;
           intro w ; cbn ;
           apply idpath).

  Definition functor_enrichment_over_struct_weq_struct_enrichment
             {C₁ C₂ : category}
             (P₁ : struct_enrichment C₁)
             (P₂ : struct_enrichment C₂)
             (F : C₁ C₂)
    : functor_enrichment
        (make_enrichment_over_struct C₁ P₁)
        (make_enrichment_over_struct C₂ P₂)
      functor_struct_enrichment P₁ P₂ F.
  Show proof.
    use weq_iso.
    - exact (make_functor_struct_enrichment P₁ P₂ F).
    - exact (make_functor_enrichment_over_struct P₁ P₂ F).
    - abstract
        (intro EF ;
         use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isaprop_is_functor_enrichment | ] ;
         use funextsec ; intro x ;
         use funextsec ; intro y ;
         use eq_mor_hset_struct ;
         intro f ;
         cbn ;
         exact (eqtohomot (maponpaths pr1 (functor_enrichment_from_arr EF f)) tt)).
    - abstract
        (intros EF ;
         use funextsec ; intro x ;
         use funextsec ; intro y ;
         cbn ;
         apply isaprop_hset_struct_on_mor).
End FixAStructure.