Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Examples.UnivalentKleisliMapping

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Prelude.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.EilenbergMoore.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.KleisliCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Enrichment.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.EnrichmentFunctor.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.EnrichmentTransformation.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.EnrichmentMonad.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Examples.KleisliEnriched.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Examples.UnivalentKleisliEnriched.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Examples.FunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.RezkCompletion.RezkUniversalProperty.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.Monads.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monads.KleisliCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.equalizers.

Local Open Scope cat.
Local Open Scope moncat.

Section EnrichedKleisliUMP.
  Context {V : monoidal_cat}
          (HV : Equalizers V)
          {C : category}
          {E : enrichment C V}
          {M : Monad C}
          (EM : monad_enrichment E M).

  Let K : enriched_functor_category E (kleisli_cat_enrichment HV EM)
    := kleisli_incl M ,, kleisli_incl_enrichment HV EM.

  Let K' : enriched_functor_category E (Kleisli_cat_monad_enrichment EM)
    := Left_Kleisli_functor M ,, Left_Kleisli_functor_enrichment EM.

  Let I : enriched_functor_category
            (Kleisli_cat_monad_enrichment EM)
            (kleisli_cat_enrichment HV EM)
    := functor_to_kleisli_cat M
       functor_to_kleisli_cat_enrichment HV EM.

  Let θθ : K --> comp_enriched_functor_category K' I
    := functor_to_kleisli_cat_incl_nat_trans M
       functor_to_kleisli_incl_nat_trans_enrichment HV EM.

  Let θθi : comp_enriched_functor_category K' I --> K.
  Show proof.
    simple refine (_ ,, _).
    - exact (pr1 (nat_z_iso_inv (functor_to_kleisli_cat_incl_nat_z_iso M))).
    - use nat_z_iso_inv_enrichment.
      apply θθ.

1. Enriched functors from the univalent Kleisli category

  Section FunctorFromUnivalentKleisli.
    Context {C' : univalent_category}
            (E' : enrichment C' V)
            {F : C C'}
            (EF : functor_enrichment F E E')
            {γ : M F F}
            ( : nat_trans_enrichment
                    (functor_comp_enrichment EM EF)
            (p : (x : C), # F (η M x) · γ x = identity _)
            (q : (x : C), γ (M x) · γ x = # F (μ M x) · γ x).

    Let FF : enriched_functor_category E E' := F ,, EF.

    Let LL : enriched_functor_category (Kleisli_cat_monad_enrichment EM) E'
      := functor_from_kleisli_cat_monad M F γ p q
         functor_from_kleisli_cat_enrichment EM E' EF p q.

    Let ττ : comp_enriched_functor_category K' LL --> FF
      := functor_from_kleisli_cat_monad_nat_trans M F γ p q
         functor_from_kleisli_cat_monad_nat_trans_enrichment EM E' EF p q.

    Definition enriched_functor_from_univalent_kleisli_cat
      : enriched_functor_category (kleisli_cat_enrichment HV EM) E'
      := lift_enriched_functor_along
           (essentially_surjective_functor_to_kleisli_cat M)
           (fully_faithful_functor_to_kleisli_cat_enrichment HV EM)

    Definition enriched_functor_from_univalent_kleisli_cat_nat_trans
      : comp_enriched_functor_category
      := post_whisker_enriched_functor_category
         · lassociator_enriched_functor_category _ _ _
         · pre_whisker_enriched_functor_category
                (essentially_surjective_functor_to_kleisli_cat M)
                (fully_faithful_functor_to_kleisli_cat_enrichment HV EM)
         · ττ.

    Definition enriched_functor_from_univalent_kleisli_cat_nat_trans_is_z_iso
      : is_nat_z_iso (pr11 enriched_functor_from_univalent_kleisli_cat_nat_trans).
    Show proof.
      use is_nat_z_iso_comp.
      - use is_nat_z_iso_comp.
        + use is_nat_z_iso_comp.
          * use post_whisker_z_iso_is_z_iso.
            exact (pr2 (functor_to_kleisli_cat_incl_nat_z_iso M)).
          * apply is_nat_z_iso_nat_trans_id.
        + use pre_whisker_on_nat_z_iso.
          apply is_nat_z_iso_enriched_functor_category_z_iso.
      - apply functor_from_kleisli_cat_monad_nat_trans_is_z_iso.

    Proposition enriched_functor_from_univalent_kleisli_cat_eq
                (x : C)
      : pr11 enriched_functor_from_univalent_kleisli_cat_nat_trans (M x) · γ x
        # (pr11 enriched_functor_from_univalent_kleisli_cat) (kleisli_nat_trans M x)
        · pr11 enriched_functor_from_univalent_kleisli_cat_nat_trans x.
    Show proof.
      cbn -[lift_enriched_functor_along_comm
      rewrite !id_right.
      rewrite !assoc.
        do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
        refine (_ @ functor_id (pr1 enriched_functor_from_univalent_kleisli_cat) _).
        apply maponpaths.
        use eq_mor_kleisli_cat.
        apply idpath.
        apply maponpaths_2.
        apply id_left.
      refine (!_).
      rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
          apply maponpaths_2.
          refine (_ @ functor_id (pr1 enriched_functor_from_univalent_kleisli_cat) _).
          apply maponpaths.
          use eq_mor_kleisli_cat.
          apply idpath.
        apply id_left.
      pose (nat_trans_ax
              (pr11 (lift_enriched_functor_along_comm
                      (essentially_surjective_functor_to_kleisli_cat M)
                      (fully_faithful_functor_to_kleisli_cat_enrichment HV EM)
              (M x) x
              (kleisli_monad_nat_trans M x))
        as r.
      refine (_ @ r @ _).
      - apply maponpaths_2.
        refine (maponpaths (λ z, # _ z) _).
        use eq_mor_kleisli_cat.
        rewrite functor_id, id_left.
        apply idpath.
      - apply maponpaths.
        rewrite functor_id, id_left.
        apply idpath.
  End FunctorFromUnivalentKleisli.

  Section NatTransFromUnivalentKleisli.
    Context {C' : univalent_category}
            (E' : enrichment C' V)
            {G₁ G₂ : enriched_functor_category (kleisli_cat_enrichment HV EM) E'}
            (α : comp_enriched_functor_category K G₁
                 comp_enriched_functor_category K G₂)
            (p : (x : C),
                 #(pr11 G₁) (kleisli_nat_trans M x) · pr11 α x
                   pr11 α (M x) · #(pr11 G₂) (kleisli_nat_trans M x)).

2. Enriched transformations from the univalent Kleisli category

    Definition enriched_nat_trans_from_univalent_kleisli_cat_help
      : comp_enriched_functor_category
          (comp_enriched_functor_category I G₁)
          (comp_enriched_functor_category I G₂)
      := rassociator_enriched_functor_category _ _ _
         · post_whisker_enriched_functor_category θθi _
         · α
         · post_whisker_enriched_functor_category θθ _
         · lassociator_enriched_functor_category _ _ _.

    Proposition enriched_nat_trans_from_univalent_kleisli_cat_help_eq
                (x : C)
      : # (functor_to_kleisli_cat M pr1 G₁) (kleisli_monad_nat_trans M x)
        · pr11 enriched_nat_trans_from_univalent_kleisli_cat_help x
        pr11 enriched_nat_trans_from_univalent_kleisli_cat_help (M x)
        · # (functor_to_kleisli_cat M pr1 G₂) (kleisli_monad_nat_trans M x).
    Show proof.
      refine (_ @ p x @ _).
      - cbn.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite !id_right.
        rewrite <- (functor_comp (pr1 G₁)).
          apply maponpaths.
          refine (_ @ functor_id (pr1 G₂) _).
          apply maponpaths.
          use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isapropunit | ].
          use eq_mor_eilenberg_moore.
          apply idpath.
        rewrite id_right.
        apply maponpaths_2.
        apply maponpaths.
        use eq_mor_kleisli_cat.
        rewrite functor_id.
        rewrite id_left, id_right.
        apply idpath.
      - cbn.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        rewrite !id_left.
        refine (!_).
          apply maponpaths_2.
          refine (_ @ functor_id (pr1 G₁) _).
          apply maponpaths.
          use eq_mor_kleisli_cat.
          apply idpath.
        rewrite id_left.
        rewrite <- (functor_comp (pr1 G₂)).
        do 2 apply maponpaths.
        use eq_mor_kleisli_cat.
        rewrite functor_id.
        rewrite !id_left.
        apply idpath.

    Let ζζ : comp_enriched_functor_category I G₁
             comp_enriched_functor_category I G₂.
    Show proof.
      refine (nat_trans_from_kleisli_cat_monad M _ _ ,, _).
      exact (nat_trans_from_kleisli_cat_monad_enrichment
               _ _ _
               (pr2 enriched_nat_trans_from_univalent_kleisli_cat_help)

    Definition enriched_nat_trans_from_univalent_kleisli_cat
      : G₁ --> G₂
      := lift_enriched_nat_trans_along
           (essentially_surjective_functor_to_kleisli_cat M)
           (fully_faithful_functor_to_kleisli_cat_enrichment HV EM)

    Proposition pre_whisker_enriched_nat_trans_from_univalent_kleisli_cat
                (x : C)
      : pr11 (pre_whisker_enriched_functor_category
        pr11 α x.
    Show proof.
      pose (maponpaths
              (λ z, pr11 z x)
                 (essentially_surjective_functor_to_kleisli_cat M)
                 (fully_faithful_functor_to_kleisli_cat_enrichment HV EM)
        as q.
      refine (q @ _).
      rewrite !id_left, !id_right.
        apply maponpaths.
        refine (_ @ functor_id (pr1 G₂) _).
        apply maponpaths.
        use eq_mor_kleisli_cat.
        apply idpath.
      refine (id_right _ @ _).
        apply maponpaths_2.
        refine (_ @ functor_id (pr1 G₁) _).
        apply maponpaths.
        use eq_mor_kleisli_cat.
        apply idpath.
      apply id_left.

3. Uniqueness of 2-cells from the univalent Kleisli category

    Proposition enriched_nat_trans_from_univalent_kleisli_cat_unique
                {β₁ β₂ : G₁ --> G₂}
                (q₁ : (x : C),
                      pr11 (pre_whisker_enriched_functor_category K β₁) x
                      pr11 α x)
                (q₂ : (x : C),
                      pr11 (pre_whisker_enriched_functor_category K β₂) x
                      pr11 α x)
                (x : kleisli_cat M)
      : pr11 β₁ x = pr11 β₂ x.
    Show proof.
      enough (β₁ = β₂) as r.
        exact (maponpaths (λ z, pr11 z x) r).
      use (lift_enriched_nat_trans_eq_along
             (essentially_surjective_functor_to_kleisli_cat M)
             (fully_faithful_functor_to_kleisli_cat_enrichment HV EM)).
      use subtypePath.
        apply isaprop_nat_trans_enrichment.
      use (@nat_trans_from_kleisli_cat_monad_unique
             _ _
             (functor_to_kleisli_cat M pr1 G₁)
             (functor_to_kleisli_cat M pr1 G₂)).
      - exact (pr1 enriched_nat_trans_from_univalent_kleisli_cat_help).
      - use nat_trans_eq.
          apply homset_property.
        intro ; cbn.
        refine (q₁ _ @ _).
        refine (!_).
        rewrite id_left, id_right.
          apply maponpaths.
          refine (_ @ functor_id (pr1 G₂) _).
          apply maponpaths.
          use eq_mor_kleisli_cat.
          apply idpath.
        refine (id_right _ @ _).
          apply maponpaths_2.
          refine (_ @ functor_id (pr1 G₁) _).
          apply maponpaths.
          use eq_mor_kleisli_cat.
          apply idpath.
        apply id_left.
      - use nat_trans_eq.
          apply homset_property.
        intro ; cbn.
        refine (q₂ _ @ _).
        refine (!_).
        rewrite id_left, id_right.
          apply maponpaths.
          refine (_ @ functor_id (pr1 G₂) _).
          apply maponpaths.
          use eq_mor_kleisli_cat.
          apply idpath.
        refine (id_right _ @ _).
          apply maponpaths_2.
          refine (_ @ functor_id (pr1 G₁) _).
          apply maponpaths.
          use eq_mor_kleisli_cat.
          apply idpath.
        apply id_left.
  End NatTransFromUnivalentKleisli.
End EnrichedKleisliUMP.