Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.EilenbergMoore

1. The definition
  Definition eilenberg_moore_cat_pred
             (f : dialgebra m (functor_identity C))
    : hProp.
  Show proof.
    use make_hProp.
    - exact (η m _ · pr2 f = identity _
             μ m (pr1 f) · pr2 f = # m (pr2 f) · pr2 f).
    - apply isapropdirprod ; apply homset_property.

  Definition eilenberg_moore_cat
    : category
    := full_sub_category
         (dialgebra m (functor_identity _))

2. The univalence
  Definition is_univalent_eilenberg_moore_cat
             (HC : is_univalent C)
    : is_univalent eilenberg_moore_cat.
  Show proof.
    apply is_univalent_full_sub_category.
    apply is_univalent_dialgebra.
    exact HC.

3. Constructors and projections
  Definition make_ob_eilenberg_moore
             (x : C)
             (f : m x --> x)
             (p : η m x · f = identity x)
             (q : μ m x · f = # m f · f)
    : eilenberg_moore_cat
    := (x ,, _) ,, (p ,, q).

  Definition make_mor_eilenberg_moore
             {x y : eilenberg_moore_cat}
             (f : pr11 x --> pr11 y)
             (p : pr21 x · f = # m f · pr21 y)
    : x --> y
    := (f ,, p) ,, tt.

  Definition eq_mor_eilenberg_moore
             {x y : eilenberg_moore_cat}
             (f g : x --> y)
             (p : pr11 f = pr11 g)
    : f = g.
  Show proof.
    use subtypePath.
      intro ; apply isapropunit.
    use subtypePath.
      intro ; apply homset_property.
    exact p.

  Definition is_z_iso_eilenberg_moore
             {x y : eilenberg_moore_cat}
             (f : x --> y)
             (Hf : is_z_isomorphism (pr11 f))
    : is_z_isomorphism f.
  Show proof.
    pose (H := make_z_iso _ _ Hf).
    use make_is_z_isomorphism.
    - use make_mor_eilenberg_moore.
      + exact (inv_from_z_iso H).
      + apply (is_z_iso_disp_dialgebra _ _ Hf (pr21 f)).
    - split.
      + abstract
          (use eq_mor_eilenberg_moore ; cbn ;
           apply (z_iso_inv_after_z_iso H)).
      + abstract
          (use eq_mor_eilenberg_moore ; cbn ;
           apply (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv H)).
End EilenbergMooreCategory.

Definition eilenberg_moore_univalent_cat
           (C : univalent_category)
           (m : Monad C)
  : univalent_category.
Show proof.
  use make_univalent_category.
  - exact (eilenberg_moore_cat m).
  - exact (is_univalent_eilenberg_moore_cat m (pr2 C)).

Definition ob_of_eilenberg_moore_ob
           {C : category}
           {m : Monad C}
           (h : eilenberg_moore_cat m)
  : C
  := pr11 h.

Definition mor_of_eilenberg_moore_ob
           {C : category}
           {m : Monad C}
           (h : eilenberg_moore_cat m)
  : m (ob_of_eilenberg_moore_ob h) --> ob_of_eilenberg_moore_ob h
  := pr21 h.

Definition eilenberg_moore_ob_unit
           {C : category}
           {m : Monad C}
           (h : eilenberg_moore_cat m)
  : η m (ob_of_eilenberg_moore_ob h) · mor_of_eilenberg_moore_ob h
    identity _
  := pr12 h.

Definition eilenberg_moore_ob_mult
           {C : category}
           {m : Monad C}
           (h : eilenberg_moore_cat m)
  : μ m _ · mor_of_eilenberg_moore_ob h
    # m (mor_of_eilenberg_moore_ob h) · mor_of_eilenberg_moore_ob h
  := pr22 h.

Definition mor_of_eilenberg_moore_mor
           {C : category}
           {m : Monad C}
           {x y : eilenberg_moore_cat m}
           (f : x --> y)
    : ob_of_eilenberg_moore_ob x --> ob_of_eilenberg_moore_ob y
    := pr11 f.

Definition eq_of_eilenberg_moore_mor
           {C : category}
           {m : Monad C}
           {x y : eilenberg_moore_cat m}
           (f : x --> y)
  : mor_of_eilenberg_moore_ob x · pr11 f
    # m (pr11 f) · mor_of_eilenberg_moore_ob y
  := pr21 f.

4. The universal property
4.1 The cone
Definition eilenberg_moore_pr
           {C : category}
           (m : Monad C)
  : eilenberg_moore_cat m C.
Show proof.
  refine (functor_composite _ _).
  - apply full_sub_category_pr.
  - apply dialgebra_pr1.

Definition eilenberg_moore_nat_trans
           {C : category}
           (m : Monad C)
  : eilenberg_moore_pr m m
    functor_identity _ eilenberg_moore_pr m.
Show proof.
  use make_nat_trans.
  - exact (λ f, mor_of_eilenberg_moore_ob f).
  - abstract
      (intros f₁ f₂ α ; cbn ;
       exact (!(eq_of_eilenberg_moore_mor α))).

4.2 The universal property for functors
Section EilenbergMooreUMP1.
  Context {C₁ C₂ : category}
          (m : Monad C₂)
          (F : C₁ C₂)
          (α : F m functor_identity _ F)
          (αη : (x : C₁), η m (F x) · α x = identity _)
          (αμ : (x : C₁), # m (α x) · α x = μ m (F x) · α x).

  Definition functor_to_eilenberg_moore_cat_data
    : functor_data C₁ (eilenberg_moore_cat m).
  Show proof.
    use make_functor_data.
    - intro x.
      use make_ob_eilenberg_moore.
      + exact (F x).
      + exact (α x).
      + exact (αη x).
      + exact (!(αμ x)).
    - intros x y f.
      use make_mor_eilenberg_moore.
      + exact (#F f).
      + exact (!(nat_trans_ax α _ _ f)).

  Definition functor_to_eilenberg_moore_is_functor
    : is_functor functor_to_eilenberg_moore_cat_data.
  Show proof.
    - intro x.
      use eq_mor_eilenberg_moore ; cbn.
      apply functor_id.
    - intros x y z f g.
      use eq_mor_eilenberg_moore ; cbn.
      apply functor_comp.

  Definition functor_to_eilenberg_moore_cat
    : C₁ eilenberg_moore_cat m.
  Show proof.

  Definition functor_to_eilenberg_moore_cat_pr
    : functor_to_eilenberg_moore_cat eilenberg_moore_pr m F.
  Show proof.
    use make_nat_trans.
    - exact (λ _, identity _).
    - abstract
        (intros x y f ; cbn ;
         rewrite id_left, id_right ;
         apply idpath).

  Definition functor_to_eilenberg_moore_cat_pr_is_nat_z_iso
    : is_nat_z_iso functor_to_eilenberg_moore_cat_pr.
  Show proof.
    apply identity_is_z_iso.

  Definition functor_to_eilenberg_moore_cat_pr_nat_z_iso
    : nat_z_iso
        (functor_to_eilenberg_moore_cat eilenberg_moore_pr m)
  Show proof.
End EilenbergMooreUMP1.

4.3 The universal property for natural transformations
Definition nat_trans_to_eilenberg_moore_cat
           {C₁ C₂ : category}
           (m : Monad C₂)
           (F₁ F₂ : C₁ eilenberg_moore_cat m)
           (α : F₁ eilenberg_moore_pr m F₂ eilenberg_moore_pr m)
           (p : (x : C₁),
               mor_of_eilenberg_moore_ob (F₁ x) · α x
               # m (α x) · mor_of_eilenberg_moore_ob (F₂ x))
  : F₁ F₂.
Show proof.
  use make_nat_trans.
  - intro x.
    use make_mor_eilenberg_moore.
    + exact (α x).
    + exact (p x).
  - abstract
      (intros x y f ;
       use eq_mor_eilenberg_moore ; cbn ;
       exact (nat_trans_ax α _ _ f)).