Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.RezkCompletion.PrecompEssentiallySurjective

Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Prelude.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.whiskering.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Adjunctions.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Equivalences.Core.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Enrichment.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.EnrichmentFunctor.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.EnrichmentTransformation.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.FullyFaithful.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Examples.FunctorCategory.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.EnrichedCats.Examples.Precomposition.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Categories.

Local Open Scope cat.
Local Open Scope moncat.

Section PreCompEssentiallySurjective.
  Context {V : monoidal_cat}
          {C₁ C₂ : category}
          {C₃ : univalent_category}
          {F : C₁ C₂}
          {E₁ : enrichment C₁ V}
          {E₂ : enrichment C₂ V}
          {E₃ : enrichment C₃ V}
          (EF : functor_enrichment F E₁ E₂)
          (HF₁ : essentially_surjective F)
          (HF₂ : fully_faithful_enriched_functor EF).

  Let F_fully_faithful : fully_faithful F
    := fully_faithful_enriched_functor_to_fully_faithful _ HF₂.

  Section EssentiallySurjective.
    Context {G : C₁ C₃}
            (EG : functor_enrichment G E₁ E₃).

1. Action on objects

    Section OnOb.
      Context (x : C₂).

      Proposition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_isaprop
                  (w : C₁)
                  (i : z_iso (F w) x)
        : isaprop
            ( (y : C₃),
              (φ : (w : C₁)
                      (i : z_iso (F w) x),
                   z_iso (G w) y),
              (w w' : C₁)
               (i : z_iso (F w) x)
               (i' : z_iso (F w') x)
               (k : w --> w')
               (p : #F k · i' = i),
             #G k · φ w' i' = φ w i).
      Show proof.
        use invproofirrelevance.
        intros φ φ.
        induction φ as [ y₁ [ φ p₁ ] ].
        induction φ as [ y₂ [ φ p₂ ] ].
        use total2_paths_f ; cbn.
        - exact (isotoid
                   (univalent_category_is_univalent C₃)
                      (z_iso_inv w i))
                      (φ w i))).
        - use subtypePath.
            repeat (use impred ; intro).
            apply homset_property.
          rewrite pr1_transportf.
          use funextsec ; intro v.
          rewrite transportf_sec_constant.
          use funextsec ; intro j.
          rewrite transportf_sec_constant.
          rewrite <- idtoiso_postcompose_iso.
          rewrite idtoiso_isotoid.
          use subtypePath.
            apply isaprop_is_z_isomorphism.
          pose (k := iso_from_fully_faithful_reflection
                       (z_iso_comp j (z_iso_inv i))).
          assert (# F k · i = j) as q.
              apply maponpaths_2.
              apply (homotweqinvweq (weq_from_fully_faithful F_fully_faithful v w)).
            rewrite !assoc'.
            rewrite z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
            apply id_right.
          refine (_ @ p₂ v w j i k q).
          rewrite !assoc.
          apply maponpaths_2.
          refine (!_).
          use z_iso_inv_on_left.
          refine (!_).
          apply (p₁ v w j i).
          exact q.

      Definition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iscontr
        : iscontr
            ( (y : C₃),
              (φ : (w : C₁)
                      (i : z_iso (F w) x),
                   z_iso (G w) y),
              (w w' : C₁)
               (i : z_iso (F w) x)
               (i' : z_iso (F w') x)
               (k : w --> w')
               (p : #F k · i' = i),
             #G k · φ w' i' = φ w i).
      Show proof.
        assert (H := HF₁ x).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash ; [ apply isapropiscontr | ].
        intros w.
        induction w as [ w i ].
        use iscontraprop1.
        - exact (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_isaprop w i).
        - simple refine (G w ,, (λ v j, _) ,, _).
          + use (functor_on_z_iso G).
            use (iso_from_fully_faithful_reflection F_fully_faithful).
            exact (z_iso_comp j (z_iso_inv i)).
          + cbn.
            intros v v' j j' l p.
            rewrite <- functor_comp.
            apply maponpaths.
            use (invmaponpathsweq
                   (weq_from_fully_faithful F_fully_faithful _ _)).
            rewrite functor_comp.
              apply maponpaths.
              apply (homotweqinvweq (weq_from_fully_faithful F_fully_faithful _ _)).

            refine (_ @ !(homotweqinvweq (weq_from_fully_faithful F_fully_faithful _ _) _)).
            rewrite !assoc.
            rewrite p.
            apply idpath.

      Definition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_ob
        : C₃
        := pr11 enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iscontr.

      Definition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso
                 {w : C₁}
                 (i : z_iso (F w) x)
        : z_iso (G w) enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_ob
        := pr121 enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iscontr w i.

      Definition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_eq
                 {w w' : C₁}
                 (i : z_iso (F w) x)
                 (i' : z_iso (F w') x)
                 (k : w --> w')
                 (p : #F k · i' = i)
        : #G k · enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso i'
          enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso i
        := pr221 enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iscontr w w' i i' k p.
    End OnOb.

2. Action on morphisms

    Section OnMor.
      Context {x₁ x₂ : C₂}
              (f : x₁ --> x₂).

      Proposition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_mor_isaprop
                  {v₁ v₂ : C₁}
                  (j₁ : z_iso (F v₁) x₁)
                  (j₂ : z_iso (F v₂) x₂)
        : isaprop
            ( (g : enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_ob x₁
                    enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_ob x₂),
              (w₁ w₂ : C₁)
               (h : w₁ --> w₂)
               (i₁ : z_iso (F w₁) x₁)
               (i₂ : z_iso (F w₂) x₂)
               (p : #F h · i₂ = i₁ · f),
             enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso x₁ i₁ · g
             #G h · enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso x₂ i₂).
      Show proof.
        pose (k := invmap
                     (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))
                     (j₁ · f · inv_from_z_iso j₂)).
        assert (q : # F k · j₂ = j₁ · f).
          unfold k.
            apply maponpaths_2.
            apply (homotweqinvweq (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))).
          rewrite !assoc'.
          rewrite z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
          rewrite id_right.
          apply idpath.
        use invproofirrelevance.
        intros φ φ.
        use subtypePath.
          repeat (use impred ; intro).
          apply homset_property.
        use (cancel_z_iso' (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso x₁ j₁)).
        exact (pr2 φ v₁ v₂ k j₁ j₂ q @ !(pr2 φ v₁ v₂ k j₁ j₂ q)).

      Definition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_mor_iscontr
        : iscontr
            ( (g : enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_ob x₁
                    enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_ob x₂),
              (w₁ w₂ : C₁)
               (h : w₁ --> w₂)
               (i₁ : z_iso (F w₁) x₁)
               (i₂ : z_iso (F w₂) x₂)
               (p : #F h · i₂ = i₁ · f),
             enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso x₁ i₁ · g
             #G h · enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso x₂ i₂).
      Show proof.
        assert (H := HF₁ x₁).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash ; [ apply isapropiscontr | ].
        intros w₁.
        induction w₁ as [ w₁ i₁ ].
        assert (H := HF₁ x₂).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash ; [ apply isapropiscontr | ].
        intros w₂.
        induction w₂ as [ w₂ i₂ ].
        pose (j := invmap
                     (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))
                     (i₁ · f · inv_from_z_iso i₂)).
        use iscontraprop1.
        - exact (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_mor_isaprop i₁ i₂).
        - simple refine (_ ,, _).
          + exact (inv_from_z_iso (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso x₁ i₁)
                   · #G j
                   · enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso x₂ i₂).
          + intros w₁' w₂' h i₁' i₂' p.
            pose (k₁ := invmap
                          (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))
                          (i₁' · inv_from_z_iso i₁)).
            assert (# F k₁ · i₁ = i₁') as q₁.
                apply maponpaths_2.
                apply (homotweqinvweq (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))).
              rewrite !assoc'.
              rewrite z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
              apply id_right.
            pose (k₂ := invmap
                          (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))
                          (i₂' · inv_from_z_iso i₂)).
            assert (# F k₂ · i₂ = i₂') as q₂.
                apply maponpaths_2.
                apply (homotweqinvweq (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))).
              rewrite !assoc'.
              rewrite z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
              apply id_right.
            rewrite <- (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_eq x₁ i₁' i₁ k₁ q₁).
            rewrite !assoc'.
              apply maponpaths.
              rewrite !assoc.
              rewrite z_iso_inv_after_z_iso.
              rewrite id_left.
              apply idpath.
            rewrite <- (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_eq x₂ i₂' i₂ k₂ q₂).
            rewrite !assoc.
            apply maponpaths_2.
            rewrite <- !functor_comp.
            apply maponpaths.
            use (invmaponpathsweq
                   (weq_from_fully_faithful F_fully_faithful _ _)).
            rewrite !functor_comp.
              apply maponpaths_2.
              apply (homotweqinvweq (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))).
              apply maponpaths.
              apply (homotweqinvweq (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))).
            refine (!_).
              apply maponpaths.
              apply (homotweqinvweq (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))).
            rewrite !assoc.
            rewrite p.
            rewrite !assoc'.
            apply maponpaths.
            rewrite !assoc.
            rewrite z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
            rewrite id_left.
            apply idpath.

      Definition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_mor
        : enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_ob x₁
          enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_ob x₂
        := pr11 enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_mor_iscontr.

      Proposition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_mor_eq
                  {w₁ w₂ : C₁}
                  (h : w₁ --> w₂)
                  (i₁ : z_iso (F w₁) x₁)
                  (i₂ : z_iso (F w₂) x₂)
                  (p : #F h · i₂ = i₁ · f)
        : enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso x₁ i₁
          · enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_mor
          #G h · enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso x₂ i₂.
      Show proof.

      Proposition eq_to_enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_mor
                  (g : enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_ob x₁
                       enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_ob x₂)
                  (p : (w₁ w₂ : C₁)
                         (h : w₁ --> w₂)
                         (i₁ : z_iso (F w₁) x₁)
                         (i₂ : z_iso (F w₂) x₂)
                         (p : #F h · i₂ = i₁ · f),
                       enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso x₁ i₁ · g
                       #G h · enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso x₂ i₂)
        : enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_mor
      Show proof.
        exact (!(maponpaths
                   (pr2 enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_mor_iscontr (g ,, p)))).
    End OnMor.

    Definition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_data
      : functor_data C₂ C₃.
    Show proof.
      use make_functor_data.
      - exact enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_ob.
      - exact (λ _ _ f, enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_mor f).

    Proposition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_laws
      : is_functor enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_data.
    Show proof.
      - intro x ; cbn.
        use eq_to_enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_mor.
        intros w₁ w₂ h i₁ i₂ p.
        rewrite id_right in p.
        rewrite id_right.
        rewrite (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_eq x i₁ i₂ _ p).
        apply idpath.
      - intros x y z f g ; cbn.
        use eq_to_enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_mor.
        intros wx wz h ix iz p.
        assert (H := HF₁ y).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash ; [ apply homset_property | ].
        intros wy.
        induction wy as [ wy iy ].
        pose (j := invmap
                     (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))
                     (ix · f · inv_from_z_iso iy)).
        assert (# F j · iy = ix · f) as q.
            apply maponpaths_2.
            apply (homotweqinvweq (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))).
          rewrite !assoc'.
          rewrite z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
          rewrite id_right.
          apply idpath.
        pose (k := invmap
                     (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))
                     (iy · g · inv_from_z_iso iz)).
        assert (# F k · iz = iy · g) as r.
            apply maponpaths_2.
            apply (homotweqinvweq (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))).
          rewrite !assoc'.
          rewrite z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
          rewrite id_right.
          apply idpath.
        rewrite !assoc.
          apply maponpaths_2.
          exact (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_mor_eq f j ix iy q).
        rewrite !assoc'.
          apply maponpaths.
          exact (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_mor_eq g k iy iz r).
        rewrite !assoc.
        apply maponpaths_2.
        rewrite <- functor_comp.
        apply maponpaths.
        use (invmaponpathsweq
               (weq_from_fully_faithful F_fully_faithful _ _)).
        rewrite functor_comp.
          apply maponpaths_2.
          apply (homotweqinvweq (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))).
          apply maponpaths.
          apply (homotweqinvweq (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))).
        refine (_ @ id_right _).
        rewrite <- (z_iso_inv_after_z_iso iz).
        rewrite !assoc.
        apply maponpaths_2.
        rewrite p.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        do 2 apply maponpaths.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
        apply id_left.

    Definition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor
      : C₂ C₃.
    Show proof.
      use make_functor.
      - exact enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_data.
      - exact enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_laws.

3. The enrichment

    Definition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_enrichment_iscontr
               (x y : C₂)
      : iscontr
          ( (f : E₂ x , y
                  E₃ enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor x
                     , enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor y ),
            (wx wy : C₁)
             (ix : z_iso (F wx) x)
             (iy : z_iso (F wy) y),
           precomp_arr E₂ _ ix
           · postcomp_arr E₂ _ (inv_from_z_iso iy)
           · inv_from_z_iso (fully_faithful_enriched_functor_z_iso HF₂ _ _)
           · EG wx wy
           · precomp_arr E₃ _ (inv_from_z_iso (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso x ix))
           · postcomp_arr E₃ _ (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso y iy)).
    Show proof.
      assert (H := HF₁ x).
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash ; [ apply isapropiscontr | ].
      intros wx.
      induction wx as [ wx ix ].
      assert (H := HF₁ y).
      revert H.
      use factor_through_squash ; [ apply isapropiscontr | ].
      intros wy.
      induction wy as [ wy iy ].
      use iscontraprop1.
      - use invproofirrelevance.
        intros φ φ.
        induction φ as [ φ p₁ ].
        induction φ as [ φ p₂ ].
        use subtypePath.
          repeat (use impred ; intro).
          apply homset_property.
        exact (p₁ wx wy ix iy @ !(p₂ wx wy ix iy)).
      - simple refine (_ ,, _).
        + exact (postcomp_arr E₂ _ (inv_from_z_iso iy)
                 · precomp_arr E₂ _ ix
                 · inv_from_z_iso (fully_faithful_enriched_functor_z_iso HF₂ _ _)
                 · EG wx wy
                 · postcomp_arr E₃ _ (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso y iy)
                 · precomp_arr E₃ _ (inv_from_z_iso
                                       (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso x ix))).
        + intros wx' wy' ix' iy'.
          rewrite <- precomp_postcomp_arr.
          refine (!(id_left _) @ _).
          rewrite <- precomp_arr_id.
          rewrite <- (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv ix').
          rewrite precomp_arr_comp.
          rewrite !assoc'.
          apply maponpaths.
          rewrite !assoc.
          rewrite <- precomp_arr_comp.
          refine (!(id_left _) @ _).
          rewrite <- postcomp_arr_id.
          rewrite <- (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv iy').
          rewrite postcomp_arr_comp.
          rewrite !assoc'.
          apply maponpaths.
          rewrite !assoc.
          rewrite <- precomp_postcomp_arr.
          rewrite !assoc'.
            apply maponpaths.
            rewrite !assoc.
            rewrite <- postcomp_arr_comp.
            apply idpath.
          refine (!(id_left _) @ _).
          rewrite <- (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv
                        (fully_faithful_enriched_functor_z_iso HF₂ wx' wy')) ; cbn.
          rewrite !assoc'.
          apply maponpaths.
          rewrite !assoc.
          pose (jx := invmap
                         (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))
                         (ix · inv_from_z_iso ix')).
          assert (ix · inv_from_z_iso ix' = #F jx) as px.
            refine (!_).
            apply (homotweqinvweq (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))).
          rewrite px.
          rewrite functor_enrichment_precomp_arr.
          pose (jy := invmap
                        (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))
                        (iy' · inv_from_z_iso iy)).
          assert (iy' · inv_from_z_iso iy = #F jy) as py.
            refine (!_).
            apply (homotweqinvweq (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))).
          rewrite py.
          rewrite !assoc'.
            apply maponpaths.
            rewrite !assoc.
            rewrite functor_enrichment_postcomp_arr.
            rewrite !assoc'.
            apply maponpaths.
            rewrite !assoc.
            do 3 apply maponpaths_2.
            apply (z_iso_inv_after_z_iso (fully_faithful_enriched_functor_z_iso HF₂ _ _)).
          rewrite id_left.
            apply maponpaths.
            rewrite !assoc.
            rewrite <- functor_enrichment_postcomp_arr.
            apply idpath.
          rewrite !assoc.
          rewrite <- functor_enrichment_precomp_arr.
          rewrite !assoc'.
          apply maponpaths.
            apply maponpaths.
            rewrite !assoc.
            rewrite <- postcomp_arr_comp.
            rewrite <- precomp_postcomp_arr.
            apply idpath.
          rewrite !assoc.
          rewrite <- precomp_arr_comp.
            do 2 apply maponpaths.
            refine (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_eq _ iy' _ _ _).
            rewrite <- py.
            rewrite !assoc'.
            rewrite z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
            apply id_right.
          apply maponpaths_2.
          apply maponpaths.
          use z_iso_inv_on_right.
          use z_iso_inv_on_left.
          refine (!_).
          use enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_eq.
          rewrite <- px.
          rewrite !assoc'.
          rewrite z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
          apply id_right.

    Definition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_enrichment_data
      : functor_enrichment_data
      := λ x y,
         pr11 (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_enrichment_iscontr x y).

    Proposition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_enrichment_eq
                {x y : C₂}
                {wx wy : C₁}
                (ix : z_iso (F wx) x)
                (iy : z_iso (F wy) y)
      : enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_enrichment_data x y
        precomp_arr E₂ _ ix
        · postcomp_arr E₂ _ (inv_from_z_iso iy)
        · inv_from_z_iso (fully_faithful_enriched_functor_z_iso HF₂ _ _)
        · EG wx wy
        · precomp_arr E₃ _ (inv_from_z_iso (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso x ix))
        · postcomp_arr E₃ _ (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso y iy).
    Show proof.

    Proposition eq_to_enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_enrichment_data
                {x y : C₂}
                (f : E₂ x , y
                     E₃ enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor x
                        , enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor y )
                (p : (wx wy : C₁)
                       (ix : z_iso (F wx) x)
                       (iy : z_iso (F wy) y),
                     precomp_arr E₂ _ ix
                     · postcomp_arr E₂ _ (inv_from_z_iso iy)
                     · inv_from_z_iso (fully_faithful_enriched_functor_z_iso HF₂ _ _)
                     · EG wx wy
                     · precomp_arr
                         (inv_from_z_iso (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso x ix))
                     · postcomp_arr E₃ _ (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso y iy))
      : enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_enrichment_data x y = f.
    Show proof.
      exact (!(maponpaths
                 (pr2 (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_enrichment_iscontr x y) (f ,, p)))).

    Proposition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_enrichment_laws
      : is_functor_enrichment enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_enrichment_data.
    Show proof.
      repeat split.
      - intro x.
        assert (H := HF₁ x).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash ; [ apply homset_property | ].
        intros w.
        induction w as [ w i ].
        rewrite (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_enrichment_eq i i).
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite enriched_id_precomp_arr.
        rewrite enriched_from_arr_postcomp.
        rewrite z_iso_inv_after_z_iso.
        rewrite enriched_from_arr_id.
        rewrite <- (functor_enrichment_id EF).
        rewrite !assoc'.
          apply maponpaths.
          rewrite !assoc.
          do 3 apply maponpaths_2.
          exact (z_iso_inv_after_z_iso (fully_faithful_enriched_functor_z_iso HF₂ w w)).
        rewrite id_left.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite functor_enrichment_id.
        rewrite enriched_id_precomp_arr.
        rewrite enriched_from_arr_postcomp.
        rewrite z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
        rewrite enriched_from_arr_id.
        apply idpath.
      - intros x y z ; cbn.
        assert (H := HF₁ x).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash ; [ apply homset_property | ].
        intros wx.
        induction wx as [ wx ix ].
        assert (H := HF₁ y).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash ; [ apply homset_property | ].
        intros wy.
        induction wy as [ wy iy ].
        assert (H := HF₁ z).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash ; [ apply homset_property | ].
        intros wz.
        induction wz as [ wz iz ].
        rewrite (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_enrichment_eq ix iz).
        rewrite (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_enrichment_eq ix iy).
        rewrite (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_enrichment_eq iy iz).
          rewrite !assoc.
          rewrite enriched_comp_precomp_arr.
          rewrite !assoc'.
            apply maponpaths.
            rewrite !assoc.
            rewrite enriched_comp_postcomp_arr.
            apply idpath.
          rewrite !assoc.
          rewrite <- tensor_split.
          apply idpath.
        refine (_ @ id_left _).
        rewrite <- tensor_id_id.
        rewrite <- postcomp_arr_id.
        rewrite <- precomp_arr_id.
        rewrite <- (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv iz).
        rewrite <- (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv ix).
        rewrite postcomp_arr_comp.
        rewrite precomp_arr_comp.
        rewrite tensor_comp_mor.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite <- tensor_comp_mor.
        refine (!_).
          apply maponpaths_2.
            apply maponpaths_2.
            rewrite !assoc.
            rewrite <- precomp_postcomp_arr.
            rewrite !assoc'.
            apply maponpaths.
            rewrite !assoc.
            rewrite <- postcomp_arr_comp.
            rewrite z_iso_inv_after_z_iso.
            rewrite postcomp_arr_id.
            rewrite id_left.
            apply idpath.
          apply maponpaths.
          rewrite !assoc.
          rewrite <- precomp_arr_comp.
          rewrite z_iso_inv_after_z_iso.
          rewrite precomp_arr_id.
          rewrite id_left.
          apply idpath.
          rewrite !assoc'.
          rewrite tensor_comp_mor.
          apply idpath.
        refine (_ @ id_left _).
        rewrite <- tensor_id_id.
        refine (!_).
          apply maponpaths_2.
            apply maponpaths_2.
            rewrite <- precomp_arr_id.
            rewrite <- (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv iy).
            rewrite precomp_arr_comp.
            apply idpath.
          rewrite <- postcomp_arr_id.
          rewrite <- (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv iy).
          rewrite postcomp_arr_comp.
          rewrite tensor_comp_mor.
          apply idpath.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
          rewrite !assoc.
          do 4 apply maponpaths_2.
          rewrite tensor_split.
          rewrite !assoc'.
          rewrite precomp_postcomp_arr_assoc.
          rewrite !assoc.
          rewrite <- tensor_comp_id_l.
          rewrite <- postcomp_arr_comp.
          rewrite z_iso_inv_after_z_iso.
          rewrite postcomp_arr_id.
          rewrite tensor_id_id.
          apply id_left.
        rewrite tensor_comp_mor.
        refine (!(id_left _) @ _).
        rewrite !assoc'.
        rewrite <- tensor_id_id.
        rewrite <- (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv (fully_faithful_enriched_functor_z_iso HF₂ wy wz)).
        rewrite <- (z_iso_after_z_iso_inv (fully_faithful_enriched_functor_z_iso HF₂ wx wy)).
        rewrite tensor_comp_mor.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite <- functor_enrichment_comp.
          rewrite !assoc'.
          apply maponpaths.
          rewrite !assoc.
          do 3 apply maponpaths_2.
          apply (z_iso_inv_after_z_iso
                   (fully_faithful_enriched_functor_z_iso HF₂ wx wz)).
        rewrite id_left.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite functor_enrichment_comp.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        rewrite tensor_comp_mor.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite enriched_comp_precomp_arr.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        rewrite enriched_comp_postcomp_arr.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite <- tensor_split.
        refine (!_).
          do 2 apply maponpaths_2.
          apply precomp_postcomp_arr.
        rewrite tensor_comp_mor.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        apply maponpaths.
        rewrite tensor_split.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        rewrite precomp_postcomp_arr_assoc.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite <- tensor_comp_id_l.
        rewrite <- postcomp_arr_comp.
        rewrite z_iso_inv_after_z_iso.
        rewrite postcomp_arr_id.
        rewrite tensor_id_id.
        apply id_left.
      - intros x y f ; cbn.
        assert (H := HF₁ x).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash ; [ apply homset_property | ].
        intros wx.
        induction wx as [ wx ix ].
        assert (H := HF₁ y).
        revert H.
        use factor_through_squash ; [ apply homset_property | ].
        intros wy.
        induction wy as [ wy iy ].
        rewrite (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_enrichment_eq ix iy).
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite enriched_from_arr_precomp.
        rewrite enriched_from_arr_postcomp.
        pose (j := invmap
                     (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))
                     (ix · f · inv_from_z_iso iy)).
        assert (ix · f · inv_from_z_iso iy = #F j) as q.
          refine (!_).
          apply (homotweqinvweq (make_weq _ (F_fully_faithful _ _))).
        rewrite q.
        rewrite (functor_enrichment_from_arr EF).
        refine (!_).
          rewrite !assoc'.
          apply maponpaths.
          rewrite !assoc.
          do 3 apply maponpaths_2.
          apply (z_iso_inv_after_z_iso (fully_faithful_enriched_functor_z_iso HF₂ _ _)).
        rewrite id_left.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite <- functor_enrichment_from_arr.
        rewrite enriched_from_arr_precomp.
        rewrite enriched_from_arr_postcomp.
        apply maponpaths.
        rewrite !assoc'.
          apply maponpaths.
          refine (!(enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_mor_eq f j ix iy _)).
          rewrite <- q.
          rewrite !assoc'.
          rewrite z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
          rewrite id_right.
          apply idpath.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite z_iso_after_z_iso_inv.
        apply id_left.

    Definition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_enrichment
      : functor_enrichment enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor E₂ E₃.
    Show proof.
      simple refine (_ ,, _).
      - exact enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_enrichment_data.
      - exact enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_enrichment_laws.

    Definition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_enriched_functor
      : enriched_functor_category E₂ E₃
      := enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor

4. The commutativity

    Proposition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_comm_laws
      : is_nat_trans
          (F enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor)
          (λ x, enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso (F x) (identity_z_iso (F x))).
    Show proof.
      intros x y f ; cbn.
      refine (!_).
      refine (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_mor_eq _ f _ (identity_z_iso _) _).
      rewrite id_right, id_left.
      apply idpath.

    Definition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_comm
      : G F enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor.
    Show proof.
      use make_nat_trans.
      - exact (λ x, enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_iso (F x) (identity_z_iso _)).
      - exact enriched_rezk_completion_ump_comm_laws.

    Definition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_nat_z_iso
      : nat_z_iso G (F enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor).
    Show proof.
      use make_nat_z_iso.
      - exact enriched_rezk_completion_ump_comm.
      - intro.
        apply z_iso_is_z_isomorphism.

    Proposition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_comm_enrichment
      : nat_trans_enrichment
    Show proof.
      use nat_trans_enrichment_via_comp.
      intros x y ; cbn.
      rewrite (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_functor_enrichment_eq
                 (identity_z_iso (F x))
                 (identity_z_iso (F y))) ; cbn.
      rewrite precomp_arr_id, postcomp_arr_id.
      rewrite !id_left.
      rewrite !assoc.
        do 4 apply maponpaths_2.
        exact (z_iso_inv_after_z_iso
                 (fully_faithful_enriched_functor_z_iso HF₂ x y)).
      rewrite id_left.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      apply maponpaths.
      rewrite <- precomp_postcomp_arr.
      rewrite !assoc.
      rewrite <- precomp_arr_comp.
      rewrite z_iso_inv_after_z_iso.
      rewrite precomp_arr_id.
      apply id_left.

    Proposition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_comm_inv_enrichment
      : nat_trans_enrichment
          (nat_z_iso_inv enriched_rezk_completion_ump_nat_z_iso)
    Show proof.
  End EssentiallySurjective.

5. Essential surjectivity

  Proposition enriched_rezk_completion_ump_essentially_surjective
    : essentially_surjective (enriched_precomp E₃ EF).
  Show proof.
    intros G.
    refine (hinhpr (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_enriched_functor (pr2 G) ,, _)).
    use make_z_iso.
    - simple refine (_ ,, _) ; cbn.
      + exact (nat_z_iso_inv enriched_rezk_completion_ump_nat_z_iso).
      + exact (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_comm_inv_enrichment _).
    - refine (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_comm ,, _).
      exact (enriched_rezk_completion_ump_comm_enrichment _).
    - split.
      + abstract
          (use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isaprop_nat_trans_enrichment | ] ;
           use nat_trans_eq ; [ apply homset_property | ] ;
           intro x ; cbn ;
           apply z_iso_after_z_iso_inv).
      + abstract
          (use subtypePath ; [ intro ; apply isaprop_nat_trans_enrichment | ] ;
           use nat_trans_eq ; [ apply homset_property | ] ;
           intro x ; cbn ;
           apply z_iso_inv_after_z_iso).
End PreCompEssentiallySurjective.