Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Examples.SmashProductMonoidal
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.WhiskeredBifunctors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Structure.Symmetric.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Structure.Closed.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Structures.CartesianStructure.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Structures.StructureLimitsAndColimits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Structures.StructuresSmashProduct.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.binproducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.terminal.
Local Open Scope cat.
Section StructureSmashProduct.
Context (P : hset_struct_with_smash_closed).
Local Notation "∁" := (category_of_hset_struct P).
Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.All.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.WhiskeredBifunctors.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Structure.Symmetric.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Monoidal.Structure.Closed.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Structures.CartesianStructure.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Structures.StructureLimitsAndColimits.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.DisplayedCats.Structures.StructuresSmashProduct.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.binproducts.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.terminal.
Local Open Scope cat.
Section StructureSmashProduct.
Context (P : hset_struct_with_smash_closed).
Local Notation "∁" := (category_of_hset_struct P).
1. Tensor operation
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_mor_r
(PX : ∁)
{PY₁ PY₂ : ∁}
(f : PY₁ --> PY₂)
: PX ∧* PY₁ --> PX ∧* PY₂.
Show proof.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_mor_l
(PY : ∁)
{PX₁ PX₂ : ∁}
(f : PX₁ --> PX₂)
: PX₁ ∧* PY --> PX₂ ∧* PY.
Show proof.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_mor
{PY₁ PY₂ : ∁}
{PX₁ PX₂ : ∁}
(f : PX₁ --> PX₂)
(g : PY₁ --> PY₂)
: PX₁ ∧* PY₁ --> PX₂ ∧* PY₂.
Show proof.
Local Notation "f '#∧*' g" := (hset_struct_smash_prod_mor f g) (at level 30).
Definition smash_product_tensor_data
: tensor_data ∁.
Show proof.
(PX : ∁)
{PY₁ PY₂ : ∁}
(f : PY₁ --> PY₂)
: PX ∧* PY₁ --> PX ∧* PY₂.
Show proof.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
- use map_from_smash.
+ exact (λ x y, setquotpr _ (x ,, pr1 f y)).
+ abstract
(intros y₁ y₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
exact (inl (idpath _) ,, inl (idpath _))).
+ abstract
(intros x y ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
refine (inr _ ,, inl (idpath _)) ;
apply pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point ;
exact (pr2 f)).
+ abstract
(intros x₁ x₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
refine (inr _ ,, inr _) ;
apply (pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point _ (pr2 f))).
- abstract
(apply hset_struct_with_smash_map_from_smash ;
refine (hset_struct_comp
(hset_struct_with_smash_setquotpr _ (pr2 PX) (pr2 PY₂))) ;
use hset_struct_pair ;
[ apply hset_struct_pr1
| refine (hset_struct_comp P _ (pr2 f)) ;
apply hset_struct_pr2 ]).
- use map_from_smash.
+ exact (λ x y, setquotpr _ (x ,, pr1 f y)).
+ abstract
(intros y₁ y₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
exact (inl (idpath _) ,, inl (idpath _))).
+ abstract
(intros x y ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
refine (inr _ ,, inl (idpath _)) ;
apply pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point ;
exact (pr2 f)).
+ abstract
(intros x₁ x₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
refine (inr _ ,, inr _) ;
apply (pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point _ (pr2 f))).
- abstract
(apply hset_struct_with_smash_map_from_smash ;
refine (hset_struct_comp
(hset_struct_with_smash_setquotpr _ (pr2 PX) (pr2 PY₂))) ;
use hset_struct_pair ;
[ apply hset_struct_pr1
| refine (hset_struct_comp P _ (pr2 f)) ;
apply hset_struct_pr2 ]).
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_mor_l
(PY : ∁)
{PX₁ PX₂ : ∁}
(f : PX₁ --> PX₂)
: PX₁ ∧* PY --> PX₂ ∧* PY.
Show proof.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
- use map_from_smash.
+ exact (λ x y, setquotpr _ (pr1 f x ,, y)).
+ abstract
(intros y₁ y₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
refine (inl _ ,, inl _) ;
apply (pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point _ (pr2 f))).
+ abstract
(intros x y ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
refine (inr (idpath _) ,, inl _) ;
apply pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point ;
exact (pr2 f)).
+ abstract
(intros x₁ x₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
exact (inr (idpath _) ,, inr (idpath _))).
- abstract
(apply hset_struct_with_smash_map_from_smash ;
refine (hset_struct_comp
(hset_struct_with_smash_setquotpr _ (pr2 PX₂) (pr2 PY))) ;
use hset_struct_pair ;
[ refine (hset_struct_comp P _ (pr2 f)) ;
apply hset_struct_pr1
| apply hset_struct_pr2 ]).
- use map_from_smash.
+ exact (λ x y, setquotpr _ (pr1 f x ,, y)).
+ abstract
(intros y₁ y₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
refine (inl _ ,, inl _) ;
apply (pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point _ (pr2 f))).
+ abstract
(intros x y ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
refine (inr (idpath _) ,, inl _) ;
apply pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point ;
exact (pr2 f)).
+ abstract
(intros x₁ x₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
exact (inr (idpath _) ,, inr (idpath _))).
- abstract
(apply hset_struct_with_smash_map_from_smash ;
refine (hset_struct_comp
(hset_struct_with_smash_setquotpr _ (pr2 PX₂) (pr2 PY))) ;
use hset_struct_pair ;
[ refine (hset_struct_comp P _ (pr2 f)) ;
apply hset_struct_pr1
| apply hset_struct_pr2 ]).
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_mor
{PY₁ PY₂ : ∁}
{PX₁ PX₂ : ∁}
(f : PX₁ --> PX₂)
(g : PY₁ --> PY₂)
: PX₁ ∧* PY₁ --> PX₂ ∧* PY₂.
Show proof.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
- use map_from_smash.
+ exact (λ x y, setquotpr _ (pr1 f x ,, pr1 g y)).
+ abstract
(intros y₁ y₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
refine (inl _ ,, inl _) ;
apply (pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point _ (pr2 f))).
+ abstract
(intros x y ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
refine (inr _ ,, inl _) ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn ;
apply pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point ;
[ exact (pr2 g)
| exact (pr2 f) ]).
+ abstract
(intros x y ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
refine (inr _ ,, inr _) ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn ;
apply pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point ;
[ exact (pr2 g)
| exact (pr2 g) ]).
- abstract
(apply hset_struct_with_smash_map_from_smash ;
refine (hset_struct_comp
(hset_struct_with_smash_setquotpr _ (pr2 PX₂) (pr2 PY₂))) ;
use hset_struct_pair ;
[ refine (hset_struct_comp P _ (pr2 f)) ;
apply hset_struct_pr1
| refine (hset_struct_comp P _ (pr2 g)) ;
apply hset_struct_pr2 ]).
- use map_from_smash.
+ exact (λ x y, setquotpr _ (pr1 f x ,, pr1 g y)).
+ abstract
(intros y₁ y₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
refine (inl _ ,, inl _) ;
apply (pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point _ (pr2 f))).
+ abstract
(intros x y ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
refine (inr _ ,, inl _) ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn ;
apply pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point ;
[ exact (pr2 g)
| exact (pr2 f) ]).
+ abstract
(intros x y ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
refine (inr _ ,, inr _) ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn ;
apply pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point ;
[ exact (pr2 g)
| exact (pr2 g) ]).
- abstract
(apply hset_struct_with_smash_map_from_smash ;
refine (hset_struct_comp
(hset_struct_with_smash_setquotpr _ (pr2 PX₂) (pr2 PY₂))) ;
use hset_struct_pair ;
[ refine (hset_struct_comp P _ (pr2 f)) ;
apply hset_struct_pr1
| refine (hset_struct_comp P _ (pr2 g)) ;
apply hset_struct_pr2 ]).
Local Notation "f '#∧*' g" := (hset_struct_smash_prod_mor f g) (at level 30).
Definition smash_product_tensor_data
: tensor_data ∁.
Show proof.
simple refine (_ ,, _ ,, _).
- exact (λ X Y, X ∧* Y).
- exact (λ X Y₁ Y₂ f, hset_struct_smash_prod_mor_r X f).
- exact (λ Y X₁ X₂ f, hset_struct_smash_prod_mor_l Y f).
- exact (λ X Y, X ∧* Y).
- exact (λ X Y₁ Y₂ f, hset_struct_smash_prod_mor_r X f).
- exact (λ Y X₁ X₂ f, hset_struct_smash_prod_mor_l Y f).
2. Unitors
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_lunitor
: leftunitor_data
(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_unit P).
Show proof.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_linvunitor
: leftunitorinv_data
(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_unit P).
Show proof.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_runitor
: rightunitor_data
(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_unit P).
Show proof.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_rinvunitor
: rightunitorinv_data
(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_unit P).
Show proof.
: leftunitor_data
(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_unit P).
Show proof.
intros X.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
- use map_from_smash.
+ exact (λ b x, if b then x else hset_struct_point P (pr2 X)).
+ abstract
(intros x₁ x₂ ; cbn ;
rewrite hset_struct_with_smash_point_unit ;
apply idpath).
+ abstract
(intros b x ; cbn ;
rewrite hset_struct_with_smash_point_unit ;
induction b ; apply idpath).
+ abstract
(intros b₁ b₂ ; cbn ;
induction b₁ ; induction b₂ ; cbn ;
apply idpath).
- apply hset_struct_with_smash_map_from_smash.
use (hset_struct_with_smash_map_bool (pr122 P)).
+ apply hset_struct_pr1.
+ apply hset_struct_pr2.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
- use map_from_smash.
+ exact (λ b x, if b then x else hset_struct_point P (pr2 X)).
+ abstract
(intros x₁ x₂ ; cbn ;
rewrite hset_struct_with_smash_point_unit ;
apply idpath).
+ abstract
(intros b x ; cbn ;
rewrite hset_struct_with_smash_point_unit ;
induction b ; apply idpath).
+ abstract
(intros b₁ b₂ ; cbn ;
induction b₁ ; induction b₂ ; cbn ;
apply idpath).
- apply hset_struct_with_smash_map_from_smash.
use (hset_struct_with_smash_map_bool (pr122 P)).
+ apply hset_struct_pr1.
+ apply hset_struct_pr2.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_linvunitor
: leftunitorinv_data
(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_unit P).
Show proof.
intros X.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
- exact (λ x, setquotpr _ (true ,, x)).
- apply hset_struct_with_smash_setquotpr_r.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
- exact (λ x, setquotpr _ (true ,, x)).
- apply hset_struct_with_smash_setquotpr_r.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_runitor
: rightunitor_data
(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_unit P).
Show proof.
intros X.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
- use map_from_smash.
+ exact (λ x b, if b then x else hset_struct_point P (pr2 X)).
+ abstract
(intros b₁ b₂ ; cbn ;
induction b₁ ; induction b₂ ; cbn ;
apply idpath).
+ abstract
(intros x b ; cbn ;
rewrite hset_struct_with_smash_point_unit ;
induction b ; apply idpath).
+ abstract
(intros x₁ x₂ ; cbn ;
rewrite hset_struct_with_smash_point_unit ;
apply idpath).
- apply hset_struct_with_smash_map_from_smash.
use (hset_struct_with_smash_map_bool (pr122 P)).
+ apply hset_struct_pr2.
+ apply hset_struct_pr1.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
- use map_from_smash.
+ exact (λ x b, if b then x else hset_struct_point P (pr2 X)).
+ abstract
(intros b₁ b₂ ; cbn ;
induction b₁ ; induction b₂ ; cbn ;
apply idpath).
+ abstract
(intros x b ; cbn ;
rewrite hset_struct_with_smash_point_unit ;
induction b ; apply idpath).
+ abstract
(intros x₁ x₂ ; cbn ;
rewrite hset_struct_with_smash_point_unit ;
apply idpath).
- apply hset_struct_with_smash_map_from_smash.
use (hset_struct_with_smash_map_bool (pr122 P)).
+ apply hset_struct_pr2.
+ apply hset_struct_pr1.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_rinvunitor
: rightunitorinv_data
(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_unit P).
Show proof.
intros X.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
- exact (λ x, setquotpr _ (x ,, true)).
- apply hset_struct_with_smash_setquotpr_l.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
- exact (λ x, setquotpr _ (x ,, true)).
- apply hset_struct_with_smash_setquotpr_l.
3. The braiding
Definition smash_product_monoidal_cat_braiding
(X Y : category_of_hset_struct P)
: X ∧* Y --> Y ∧* X.
Show proof.
(X Y : category_of_hset_struct P)
: X ∧* Y --> Y ∧* X.
Show proof.
simple refine (_ ,, _).
- use map_from_smash.
+ exact (λ x y, setquotpr _ (y ,, x)).
+ abstract
(intros y₁ y₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ;
use inr ;
split ; use inr ; apply idpath).
+ abstract
(intros x y ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ;
use inr ;
split ; [ use inl | use inr ] ;
apply idpath).
+ abstract
(intros x₁ x₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ;
use inr ;
split ; use inl ; apply idpath).
- apply hset_struct_with_smash_map_from_smash.
refine (hset_struct_comp
(hset_struct_with_smash_setquotpr _ (pr2 Y) (pr2 X))).
use hset_struct_pair.
+ apply hset_struct_pr2.
+ apply hset_struct_pr1.
- use map_from_smash.
+ exact (λ x y, setquotpr _ (y ,, x)).
+ abstract
(intros y₁ y₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ;
use inr ;
split ; use inr ; apply idpath).
+ abstract
(intros x y ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ;
use inr ;
split ; [ use inl | use inr ] ;
apply idpath).
+ abstract
(intros x₁ x₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ;
use inr ;
split ; use inl ; apply idpath).
- apply hset_struct_with_smash_map_from_smash.
refine (hset_struct_comp
(hset_struct_with_smash_setquotpr _ (pr2 Y) (pr2 X))).
use hset_struct_pair.
+ apply hset_struct_pr2.
+ apply hset_struct_pr1.
4. The associators
Note: `hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor` is used to prove
that the associator is structure preserving, whereas
`hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_fun` is used for
Definition hset_struct_smash_unlam
{X Y Z : ∁}
(f : X --> Y -->* Z)
: X ∧* Y --> Z
:= f #∧* identity _ · hset_struct_with_smash_closed_eval Y Z.
Definition hset_struct_smash_unlam'
{X Y Z : ∁}
(f : Y --> X -->* Z)
: X ∧* Y --> Z
:= smash_product_monoidal_cat_braiding _ _ · hset_struct_smash_unlam f.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor
(X Y Z : ∁)
: (X ∧* Y) ∧* Z --> X ∧* (Y ∧* Z).
Show proof.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_fun
{X Y Z : ∁}
(xy : pr11 (X ∧* Y))
(z : pr11 Z)
: pr11 (X ∧* Y ∧* Z).
Show proof.
Proposition hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_eq1
{X Y Z : category_of_hset_struct P}
(z₁ z₂ : pr11 Z)
: hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_fun
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 (X ∧* Y)))
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 (X ∧* Y)))
Show proof.
Proposition hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_eq2
{X Y Z : category_of_hset_struct P}
(xy : pr11 (X ∧* Y))
(z : pr11 Z)
: hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_fun
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 Z))
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 (X ∧* Y)))
Show proof.
Proposition hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_eq3
{X Y Z : category_of_hset_struct P}
(xy₁ xy₂ : pr11 (X ∧* Y))
: hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_fun
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 Z))
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 Z)).
Show proof.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt
(X Y Z : ∁)
: pr11 ((X ∧* Y) ∧* Z) → pr11 (X ∧* (Y ∧* Z)).
Show proof.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_eq_to_alt
(X Y Z : ∁)
: pr1 (hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor X Y Z)
hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt X Y Z.
Show proof.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator
: associator_data
Show proof.
{X Y Z : ∁}
(f : X --> Y -->* Z)
: X ∧* Y --> Z
:= f #∧* identity _ · hset_struct_with_smash_closed_eval Y Z.
Definition hset_struct_smash_unlam'
{X Y Z : ∁}
(f : Y --> X -->* Z)
: X ∧* Y --> Z
:= smash_product_monoidal_cat_braiding _ _ · hset_struct_smash_unlam f.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor
(X Y Z : ∁)
: (X ∧* Y) ∧* Z --> X ∧* (Y ∧* Z).
Show proof.
use hset_struct_smash_unlam.
use hset_struct_smash_unlam.
refine (_ · hset_struct_smash_enriched_uncurry _ _ _).
use hset_struct_smash_closed_uncurry.
apply identity.
use hset_struct_smash_unlam.
refine (_ · hset_struct_smash_enriched_uncurry _ _ _).
use hset_struct_smash_closed_uncurry.
apply identity.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_fun
{X Y Z : ∁}
(xy : pr11 (X ∧* Y))
(z : pr11 Z)
: pr11 (X ∧* Y ∧* Z).
Show proof.
revert xy.
use map_from_smash'.
- apply setproperty.
- exact (λ x y, setquotpr _ (x ,, setquotpr _ (y ,, z))).
- abstract
(intros y₁ y₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ;
use inr ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn ;
split ; use inl ; apply idpath).
- abstract
(intros x y ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ;
use inr ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ;
split ; [ | use inl ; apply idpath ] ;
use inr ;
refine (_ @ !(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash _ _)) ;
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn ;
apply hinhpr ;
use inr ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn ;
split ; use inl ; apply idpath).
- abstract
(intros x₁ x₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ;
use inr ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ; split ; cbn ; use inr ;
refine (_ @ !(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash _ _)) ;
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn ;
apply hinhpr ; use inr ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ; split ; cbn ;
use inl ;
apply idpath).
use map_from_smash'.
- apply setproperty.
- exact (λ x y, setquotpr _ (x ,, setquotpr _ (y ,, z))).
- abstract
(intros y₁ y₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ;
use inr ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn ;
split ; use inl ; apply idpath).
- abstract
(intros x y ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ;
use inr ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ;
split ; [ | use inl ; apply idpath ] ;
use inr ;
refine (_ @ !(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash _ _)) ;
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn ;
apply hinhpr ;
use inr ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn ;
split ; use inl ; apply idpath).
- abstract
(intros x₁ x₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ;
use inr ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ; split ; cbn ; use inr ;
refine (_ @ !(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash _ _)) ;
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn ;
apply hinhpr ; use inr ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ; split ; cbn ;
use inl ;
apply idpath).
Proposition hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_eq1
{X Y Z : category_of_hset_struct P}
(z₁ z₂ : pr11 Z)
: hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_fun
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 (X ∧* Y)))
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 (X ∧* Y)))
Show proof.
apply maponpaths_2.
apply hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths_2.
apply hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash.
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr.
use inr ; cbn.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
- use inl.
apply idpath.
- use inl.
apply idpath.
apply maponpaths_2.
apply hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths_2.
apply hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash.
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr.
use inr ; cbn.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
- use inl.
apply idpath.
- use inl.
apply idpath.
Proposition hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_eq2
{X Y Z : category_of_hset_struct P}
(xy : pr11 (X ∧* Y))
(z : pr11 Z)
: hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_fun
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 Z))
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 (X ∧* Y)))
Show proof.
revert xy.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xy.
induction xy as [ x y ].
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths_2.
apply hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash.
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
- use inl.
apply idpath.
- use inr.
refine (_ @ !(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash _ _)).
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
+ use inr.
apply idpath.
+ use inr.
apply idpath.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xy.
induction xy as [ x y ].
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths_2.
apply hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash.
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
- use inl.
apply idpath.
- use inr.
refine (_ @ !(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash _ _)).
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
+ use inr.
apply idpath.
+ use inr.
apply idpath.
Proposition hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_eq3
{X Y Z : category_of_hset_struct P}
(xy₁ xy₂ : pr11 (X ∧* Y))
: hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_fun
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 Z))
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 Z)).
Show proof.
revert xy₁.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xy₁.
induction xy₁ as [ x₁ y₁ ].
revert xy₂.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xy₂.
induction xy₂ as [ x₂ y₂ ].
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
split ; use inr ;
refine (_ @ !(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash _ _)).
- use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
+ use inr.
apply idpath.
+ use inr.
apply idpath.
- use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
+ use inr.
apply idpath.
+ use inr.
apply idpath.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xy₁.
induction xy₁ as [ x₁ y₁ ].
revert xy₂.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xy₂.
induction xy₂ as [ x₂ y₂ ].
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
split ; use inr ;
refine (_ @ !(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash _ _)).
- use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
+ use inr.
apply idpath.
+ use inr.
apply idpath.
- use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
+ use inr.
apply idpath.
+ use inr.
apply idpath.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt
(X Y Z : ∁)
: pr11 ((X ∧* Y) ∧* Z) → pr11 (X ∧* (Y ∧* Z)).
Show proof.
use map_from_smash'.
- apply setproperty.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_fun.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_eq1.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_eq2.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_eq3.
- apply setproperty.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_fun.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_eq1.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_eq2.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt_eq3.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_eq_to_alt
(X Y Z : ∁)
: pr1 (hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor X Y Z)
hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt X Y Z.
Show proof.
use funextsec.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xyz.
induction xyz as [ xy z ].
revert xy.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xy.
induction xy as [ x y ].
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
apply hinhpr.
use inl.
apply idpath.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xyz.
induction xyz as [ xy z ].
revert xy.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xy.
induction xy as [ x y ].
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
apply hinhpr.
use inl.
apply idpath.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator
: associator_data
Show proof.
intros X Y Z.
refine (hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt X Y Z ,, _).
(exact (transportf
(mor_hset_struct P _ _)
(hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_eq_to_alt X Y Z)
(pr2 (hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor X Y Z)))).
refine (hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_alt X Y Z ,, _).
(exact (transportf
(mor_hset_struct P _ _)
(hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor_eq_to_alt X Y Z)
(pr2 (hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator_mor X Y Z)))).
Note: `hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor` is used to prove
that the associator is structure preserving, whereas
`hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_fun` is used for
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor
(X Y Z : ∁)
: X ∧* (Y ∧* Z) --> (X ∧* Y) ∧* Z.
Show proof.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_fun
{X Y Z : ∁}
(x : pr11 X)
(yz : pr11 (Y ∧* Z))
: pr11 ((X ∧* Y) ∧* Z).
Show proof.
Proposition hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_eq1
{X Y Z : ∁}
(yz₁ yz₂ : pr11 (Y ∧* Z))
: hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_fun
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 X))
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 X))
Show proof.
Proposition hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_eq2
{X Y Z : ∁}
(x : pr11 X)
(yz : pr11 (Y ∧* Z))
: hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_fun
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 (Y ∧* Z)))
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 X))
Show proof.
Proposition hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_eq3
{X Y Z : ∁}
(x₁ x₂ : pr11 X)
: hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_fun
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 (Y ∧* Z)))
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 (Y ∧* Z))).
Show proof.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt
(X Y Z : ∁)
: pr11 (X ∧* (Y ∧* Z)) → pr11 ((X ∧* Y) ∧* Z).
Show proof.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_eq_to_alt
(X Y Z : ∁)
: pr1 (hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor X Y Z)
hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt X Y Z.
Show proof.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator
: associatorinv_data
Show proof.
(X Y Z : ∁)
: X ∧* (Y ∧* Z) --> (X ∧* Y) ∧* Z.
Show proof.
use hset_struct_smash_unlam'.
use hset_struct_smash_unlam'.
refine (_ · hset_struct_smash_enriched_uncurry _ _ _).
use hset_struct_smash_closed_uncurry.
refine (smash_product_monoidal_cat_braiding _ _ · _ #∧* identity _).
apply smash_product_monoidal_cat_braiding.
use hset_struct_smash_unlam'.
refine (_ · hset_struct_smash_enriched_uncurry _ _ _).
use hset_struct_smash_closed_uncurry.
refine (smash_product_monoidal_cat_braiding _ _ · _ #∧* identity _).
apply smash_product_monoidal_cat_braiding.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_fun
{X Y Z : ∁}
(x : pr11 X)
(yz : pr11 (Y ∧* Z))
: pr11 ((X ∧* Y) ∧* Z).
Show proof.
revert yz.
use map_from_smash'.
- apply setproperty.
- exact (λ y z, setquotpr _ (setquotpr _ (x ,, y) ,, z)).
- abstract
(intros z₁ z₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ;
split ; use inl ; cbn ;
refine (_ @ !(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash _ _)) ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ;
split ;
use inr ;
apply idpath).
- abstract
(intros y z ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ;
split ; cbn ; [ use inr ; apply idpath | ] ;
use inl ;
refine (_ @ !(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash _ _)) ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ;
split ;
use inr ;
apply idpath).
- abstract
(intros y₁ y₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ;
split ; cbn ;
use inr ;
apply idpath).
use map_from_smash'.
- apply setproperty.
- exact (λ y z, setquotpr _ (setquotpr _ (x ,, y) ,, z)).
- abstract
(intros z₁ z₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ;
split ; use inl ; cbn ;
refine (_ @ !(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash _ _)) ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ;
split ;
use inr ;
apply idpath).
- abstract
(intros y z ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ;
split ; cbn ; [ use inr ; apply idpath | ] ;
use inl ;
refine (_ @ !(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash _ _)) ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ;
split ;
use inr ;
apply idpath).
- abstract
(intros y₁ y₂ ;
use iscompsetquotpr ;
apply hinhpr ; cbn ;
use inr ;
unfold product_point_coordinate ;
split ; cbn ;
use inr ;
apply idpath).
Proposition hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_eq1
{X Y Z : ∁}
(yz₁ yz₂ : pr11 (Y ∧* Z))
: hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_fun
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 X))
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 X))
Show proof.
revert yz₁.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros yz₁.
induction yz₁ as [ y₁ z₁ ].
revert yz₂.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros yz₂.
induction yz₂ as [ y₂ z₂ ].
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
split ; use inl ;
refine (_ @ !(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash _ _)).
- use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
+ use inl.
apply idpath.
+ use inr.
apply idpath.
- use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
+ use inl.
apply idpath.
+ use inr.
apply idpath.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros yz₁.
induction yz₁ as [ y₁ z₁ ].
revert yz₂.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros yz₂.
induction yz₂ as [ y₂ z₂ ].
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
split ; use inl ;
refine (_ @ !(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash _ _)).
- use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
+ use inl.
apply idpath.
+ use inr.
apply idpath.
- use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
+ use inl.
apply idpath.
+ use inr.
apply idpath.
Proposition hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_eq2
{X Y Z : ∁}
(x : pr11 X)
(yz : pr11 (Y ∧* Z))
: hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_fun
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 (Y ∧* Z)))
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 X))
Show proof.
revert yz.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros yz.
induction yz as [ y z ].
apply maponpaths.
apply hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash.
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
- use inr.
apply idpath.
- use inl.
refine (_ @ !(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash _ _)).
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
+ use inl.
apply idpath.
+ use inl.
apply idpath.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros yz.
induction yz as [ y z ].
apply maponpaths.
apply hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash.
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
- use inr.
apply idpath.
- use inl.
refine (_ @ !(hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash _ _)).
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
+ use inl.
apply idpath.
+ use inl.
apply idpath.
Proposition hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_eq3
{X Y Z : ∁}
(x₁ x₂ : pr11 X)
: hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_fun
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 (Y ∧* Z)))
(hset_struct_point (pr12 P) (pr2 (Y ∧* Z))).
Show proof.
apply maponpaths.
apply hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths.
apply hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash.
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
- use inr.
apply idpath.
- use inr.
apply idpath.
apply maponpaths.
apply hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash.
refine (!_).
apply maponpaths.
apply hset_struct_with_smash_closed_point_smash.
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
- use inr.
apply idpath.
- use inr.
apply idpath.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt
(X Y Z : ∁)
: pr11 (X ∧* (Y ∧* Z)) → pr11 ((X ∧* Y) ∧* Z).
Show proof.
use map_from_smash'.
- apply setproperty.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_fun.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_eq1.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_eq2.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_eq3.
- apply setproperty.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_fun.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_eq1.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_eq2.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt_eq3.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_eq_to_alt
(X Y Z : ∁)
: pr1 (hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor X Y Z)
hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt X Y Z.
Show proof.
use funextsec.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xyz.
induction xyz as [ x yz ].
revert yz.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros yz.
induction yz as [ y z ].
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
apply hinhpr.
use inl.
apply idpath.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xyz.
induction xyz as [ x yz ].
revert yz.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros yz.
induction yz as [ y z ].
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
apply hinhpr.
use inl.
apply idpath.
Definition hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator
: associatorinv_data
Show proof.
intros X Y Z.
refine (hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt X Y Z ,, _).
(exact (transportf
(mor_hset_struct P _ _)
(hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_eq_to_alt X Y Z)
(pr2 (hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor X Y Z)))).
refine (hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_alt X Y Z ,, _).
(exact (transportf
(mor_hset_struct P _ _)
(hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor_eq_to_alt X Y Z)
(pr2 (hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator_mor X Y Z)))).
5. The monoidal structure
Definition smash_product_monoidal_data
: monoidal_data (category_of_hset_struct P).
Show proof.
Proposition smash_product_monoidal_laws
: monoidal_laws smash_product_monoidal_data.
Show proof.
Definition smash_product_monoidal_cat
: monoidal_cat
:= category_of_hset_struct P
: monoidal_data (category_of_hset_struct P).
Show proof.
use make_monoidal_data.
- exact smash_product_tensor_data.
- exact (hset_struct_with_smash_closed_unit P).
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_lunitor.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_linvunitor.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_runitor.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_rinvunitor.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator.
- exact smash_product_tensor_data.
- exact (hset_struct_with_smash_closed_unit P).
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_lunitor.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_linvunitor.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_runitor.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_rinvunitor.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_lassociator.
- exact hset_struct_smash_prod_rassociator.
Proposition smash_product_monoidal_laws
: monoidal_laws smash_product_monoidal_data.
Show proof.
repeat split.
- intros X Y.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros x.
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inl.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros x.
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inl.
apply idpath.
- intros W X Y Z g₁ g₂.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros x.
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inl.
apply idpath.
- intros W X Y Z f₁ f₂.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros x.
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inl.
apply idpath.
- intros X₁ X₂ Y₁ Y₂ f g.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros x.
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inl.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y f.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros x.
induction x as [ b x ].
cbn in *.
induction b.
+ apply idpath.
+ refine (!_).
apply pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point.
exact (pr2 f).
- use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro z.
induction z as [ b z ].
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
induction b ; cbn.
+ use inl.
apply idpath.
+ use inr.
split ; unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
* use inr.
apply idpath.
* use inl.
rewrite hset_struct_with_smash_point_unit.
apply idpath.
- use eq_mor_hset_struct.
intro z ; cbn.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y f.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros x.
induction x as [ x b ].
cbn in *.
induction b.
+ apply idpath.
+ refine (!_).
apply pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point.
exact (pr2 f).
- use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro z.
induction z as [ z b ].
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
induction b ; cbn.
+ use inl.
apply idpath.
+ use inr.
split ; unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
* use inl.
apply idpath.
* use inr.
rewrite hset_struct_with_smash_point_unit.
apply idpath.
- use eq_mor_hset_struct.
intro z ; cbn.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y Z₁ Z₂ h.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro z.
induction z as [ xx y ].
revert xx.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro xx.
induction xx as [ x₁ x₂ ].
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
apply hinhpr.
use inl.
apply idpath.
- intros X₁ X₂ Y Z f.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro z.
induction z as [ xx y ].
revert xx.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro xx.
induction xx as [ x₁ x₂ ].
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
apply hinhpr.
use inl.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y₁ Y₂ Z g.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro z.
induction z as [ xx y ].
revert xx.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro xx.
induction xx as [ x₁ x₂ ].
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
apply hinhpr.
use inl.
apply idpath.
- use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro xyz.
induction xyz as [ xy z' ].
revert xy.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro xy.
induction xy as [ x' y' ].
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inl.
apply idpath.
- use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro xyz.
induction xyz as [ x' yz ].
revert yz.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro yz.
induction yz as [ y' z' ].
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inl.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xby.
induction xby as [ xb y ].
revert xb.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xb.
induction xb as [ x b ].
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
apply hinhpr.
induction b.
+ exact (inl (idpath _)).
+ use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
* exact (inr (idpath _)).
* exact (inl (idpath _)).
- intros W X Y Z.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros wxyz.
induction wxyz as [ wxy z ].
revert wxy.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros wxy.
induction wxy as [ wx y ].
revert wx.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros wx.
induction wx as [ w x ].
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
apply hinhpr.
use inl.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros x.
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inl.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros x.
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inl.
apply idpath.
- intros W X Y Z g₁ g₂.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros x.
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inl.
apply idpath.
- intros W X Y Z f₁ f₂.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros x.
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inl.
apply idpath.
- intros X₁ X₂ Y₁ Y₂ f g.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros x.
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inl.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y f.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros x.
induction x as [ b x ].
cbn in *.
induction b.
+ apply idpath.
+ refine (!_).
apply pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point.
exact (pr2 f).
- use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro z.
induction z as [ b z ].
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
induction b ; cbn.
+ use inl.
apply idpath.
+ use inr.
split ; unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
* use inr.
apply idpath.
* use inl.
rewrite hset_struct_with_smash_point_unit.
apply idpath.
- use eq_mor_hset_struct.
intro z ; cbn.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y f.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros x.
induction x as [ x b ].
cbn in *.
induction b.
+ apply idpath.
+ refine (!_).
apply pointed_hset_struct_preserve_point.
exact (pr2 f).
- use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro z.
induction z as [ z b ].
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
induction b ; cbn.
+ use inl.
apply idpath.
+ use inr.
split ; unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
* use inl.
apply idpath.
* use inr.
rewrite hset_struct_with_smash_point_unit.
apply idpath.
- use eq_mor_hset_struct.
intro z ; cbn.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y Z₁ Z₂ h.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro z.
induction z as [ xx y ].
revert xx.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro xx.
induction xx as [ x₁ x₂ ].
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
apply hinhpr.
use inl.
apply idpath.
- intros X₁ X₂ Y Z f.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro z.
induction z as [ xx y ].
revert xx.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro xx.
induction xx as [ x₁ x₂ ].
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
apply hinhpr.
use inl.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y₁ Y₂ Z g.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro z.
induction z as [ xx y ].
revert xx.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro xx.
induction xx as [ x₁ x₂ ].
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
apply hinhpr.
use inl.
apply idpath.
- use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro xyz.
induction xyz as [ xy z' ].
revert xy.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro xy.
induction xy as [ x' y' ].
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inl.
apply idpath.
- use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro xyz.
induction xyz as [ x' yz ].
revert yz.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intro yz.
induction yz as [ y' z' ].
use iscompsetquotpr.
apply hinhpr ; cbn.
use inl.
apply idpath.
- intros X Y.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xby.
induction xby as [ xb y ].
revert xb.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xb.
induction xb as [ x b ].
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
apply hinhpr.
induction b.
+ exact (inl (idpath _)).
+ use inr.
unfold product_point_coordinate ; cbn.
* exact (inr (idpath _)).
* exact (inl (idpath _)).
- intros W X Y Z.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros wxyz.
induction wxyz as [ wxy z ].
revert wxy.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros wxy.
induction wxy as [ wx y ].
revert wx.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros wx.
induction wx as [ w x ].
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
apply hinhpr.
use inl.
apply idpath.
Definition smash_product_monoidal_cat
: monoidal_cat
:= category_of_hset_struct P
6. It is symmetric
Proposition smash_product_monoidal_cat_symmetric_laws
: sym_mon_cat_laws_tensored
Show proof.
Definition smash_product_monoidal_cat_symmetric
: symmetric smash_product_monoidal_cat.
Show proof.
Definition smash_product_sym_monoidal_cat
: sym_monoidal_cat
:= smash_product_monoidal_cat
: sym_mon_cat_laws_tensored
Show proof.
repeat split.
- intros X Y.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xy.
induction xy as [ x y ].
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
apply hinhpr.
exact (inl (idpath _)).
- intros X₁ X₂ Y₁ Y₂ f g.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xy.
induction xy as [ x y ].
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
apply hinhpr.
exact (inl (idpath _)).
- intros X Y Z.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xyz.
induction xyz as [ xy z ].
revert xy.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xy.
induction xy as [ x y ].
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
apply hinhpr.
exact (inl (idpath _)).
- intros X Y.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xy.
induction xy as [ x y ].
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
apply hinhpr.
exact (inl (idpath _)).
- intros X₁ X₂ Y₁ Y₂ f g.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xy.
induction xy as [ x y ].
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
apply hinhpr.
exact (inl (idpath _)).
- intros X Y Z.
use eq_mor_hset_struct.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xyz.
induction xyz as [ xy z ].
revert xy.
use setquotunivprop'.
apply setproperty.
intros xy.
induction xy as [ x y ].
use iscompsetquotpr ; cbn.
apply hinhpr.
exact (inl (idpath _)).
Definition smash_product_monoidal_cat_symmetric
: symmetric smash_product_monoidal_cat.
Show proof.
use make_symmetric.
- exact smash_product_monoidal_cat_braiding.
- exact smash_product_monoidal_cat_symmetric_laws.
- exact smash_product_monoidal_cat_braiding.
- exact smash_product_monoidal_cat_symmetric_laws.
Definition smash_product_sym_monoidal_cat
: sym_monoidal_cat
:= smash_product_monoidal_cat
7. It is closed
Definition smash_product_sym_mon_closed_cat
: sym_mon_closed_cat.
Show proof.
: sym_mon_closed_cat.
Show proof.
use make_sym_mon_closed_cat.
- exact smash_product_sym_monoidal_cat.
- exact (λ X Y, X -->* Y).
- exact (λ PX PY, hset_struct_with_smash_closed_eval PX PY).
- exact (λ X Y Z f, hset_struct_smash_closed_uncurry f).
- abstract
(intros X Y Z f ;
use eq_mor_hset_struct ;
use setquotunivprop' ; [ intro ; apply setproperty | ] ;
intros zx ;
induction zx as [ z x ] ;
cbn ;
apply idpath).
- abstract
(intros X Y Z f ;
use eq_mor_hset_struct ;
intros z ;
use eq_mor_hset_struct ;
intros x ;
cbn ;
apply idpath).
End StructureSmashProduct.- exact smash_product_sym_monoidal_cat.
- exact (λ X Y, X -->* Y).
- exact (λ PX PY, hset_struct_with_smash_closed_eval PX PY).
- exact (λ X Y Z f, hset_struct_smash_closed_uncurry f).
- abstract
(intros X Y Z f ;
use eq_mor_hset_struct ;
use setquotunivprop' ; [ intro ; apply setproperty | ] ;
intros zx ;
induction zx as [ z x ] ;
cbn ;
apply idpath).
- abstract
(intros X Y Z f ;
use eq_mor_hset_struct ;
intros z ;
use eq_mor_hset_struct ;
intros x ;
cbn ;
apply idpath).