Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.PseudoElements

Pseudo elements


  • Pseudo elements
    • Definition of pseudo elements
    • Basics of pseudo elements
    • Criteria for Zero, isMonic, isEpi, isExact, Minus, and Pullback using pseudo elements


We define pseudo elements which are used in diagram lemmas in homological algebra. A pseudo element of an object x of an abelian category A is a morphism from some object y to x. Two pseudo elements f_1 : y_1 --> x, f_2 : y_2 --> x are pseudo equal if there is an object y_3 and epimorphisms p : y_3 --> y_1 and q : y_3 --> y_2 such that the following diagram is commutative y_3 --p--> y_1 q | f_1 | y_2 -f_2-> x
Pseudo elements are defined in PseudoElem. In PseudoEq_iseqrel we prove that pseudo equality is an equivalence relation.
Here are the results we prove about pseudo elements :
  • Let f_1 : x_1 --> y and f_2 : x_2 --> y be ZeroArrows. As pseudo elements they are pseudo equal, PEq_Zeros'.
  • A morphism f : x --> y is a ZeroArrow if and only if for all pseudo elements g : x' --> x of x the composite g · f is pseudo equal to ZeroArrow, PEq_ZeroArrow.
  • A morphism f : x --> y is Monic if and only is for all pseudo elements a : a' -> x of x, the composite a' -> x is ZeroArrow, PEq_isMonic.
  • A morphism f : x --> y is Monic if and only is for all pseudo elements a_1 : a_1' --> x and a_2 : a_2' --> x, pseudo equality of a_1' · f and a_2' · f implies that a_1' and a_2' are pseudo equal, PEq_isMonic'
  • A morphism f : x --> y is Epi if and only if for all pseudo elements b : b' --> y of y there exists a pseudo element a : a' --> x of x such that a · f is pseudo equal to b, PEq_isEpi.
  • A pair of morphisms f : x --> y, g : y --> z is exact if and only if the composite is ZeroArrow and for all pseudo elements b : b' --> y such that b · g is pseudo equal to PZero, there exists a pseudo element a : a' --> x of x such that a · f is pseudo equal to b, PEq_isExact.
  • Let f : x --> y be a morphism, and a_1 : a_1' --> x and a_2 : a_2' --> x two pseudo elements of x such that a_1 · f and a_2 · f are pseudo equal. Then there exists a pseudo element a_3 : a_3' --> x of x such that a_3 · f is pseudo equal to PZero, and for all morphisms g : x --> z such that a_1 · g is pseudo equal to PZero, we have that a_2 · g and a_3 · g are pseudo equal, PEq_Diff.
  • Let f : x --> z and g : y --> z be morphisms and let a : a' --> x and b : b' --> y be pseudo elements of x and y, respectively. Then there exists a pseudo element d : d' --> Pb, where Pb is a pullback of f and g, such that d · pr1 is pseudo equal to f and d · pr2 is pseudo equal to g, PEq_Pullback.
Section def_pseudo_element.

  Context {A : AbelianPreCat}.

  Local Opaque Abelian.Pullbacks.

Definition of pseudo elements

  Definition PseudoElem (c : A) : UU := d : A, d --> c.

  Definition make_PseudoElem {c d : A} (f : d --> c) : PseudoElem c := tpair _ d f.

  Definition PseudoOb {c : A} (P : PseudoElem c) : ob A := pr1 P.

  Definition PseudoMor {c : A} (P : PseudoElem c) : APseudoOb P, c := pr2 P.
  Coercion PseudoMor : PseudoElem >-> precategory_morphisms.

  Definition PseudoIm {c d : A} (P : PseudoElem c) (f : c --> d) : PseudoElem d :=
    make_PseudoElem (P · f).

Pseudo equality
  Definition PEq {c : A} (PE1 PE2 : PseudoElem c) : UU :=
     (Y : ob A) (E1 : Epi A Y (PseudoOb PE2)) (E2 : Epi A Y (PseudoOb PE1)), E1 · PE2 = E2 · PE1.

  Definition make_PEq {c : A} (PE1 PE2 : PseudoElem c) {Y : ob A} (E1 : Epi A Y (PseudoOb PE2))
             (E2 : Epi A Y (PseudoOb PE1)) (H : E1 · PE2 = E2 · PE1) : PEq PE1 PE2 :=

  Definition PEqOb {c : A} {PE1 PE2 : PseudoElem c} (PE : PEq PE1 PE2) : ob A := pr1 PE.

  Definition PEqEpi1 {c : A} {PE1 PE2 : PseudoElem c} (PE : PEq PE1 PE2) :
    Epi A (PEqOb PE) (PseudoOb PE2) := pr1 (pr2 PE).

  Definition PEqEpi2 {c : A} {PE1 PE2 : PseudoElem c} (PE : PEq PE1 PE2) :
    Epi A (PEqOb PE) (PseudoOb PE1) := pr1 (pr2 (pr2 PE)).

  Definition PEqEq {c : A} {PE1 PE2 : PseudoElem c} (PE : PEq PE1 PE2) :
    (PEqEpi1 PE) · PE2 = (PEqEpi2 PE) · PE1 := pr2 (pr2 (pr2 PE)).

  Definition PEq_hrel {c : A} : hrel (PseudoElem c) := λ (PE1 PE2 : PseudoElem c), PEq PE1 PE2 .

  Definition PEq_precomp_Epi {c d : A} (P : PseudoElem c) (E : Epi A d (PseudoOb P)) :
    PEq P (make_PseudoElem (E · P)).
  Show proof.
    use make_PEq.
    - exact d.
    - exact (identity_Epi _).
    - exact E.
    - apply id_left.

  Local Lemma PEq_trans_eq {c : ob A} {E1 E2 E3 : PseudoElem c} (P1 : PEq E1 E2) (P2 : PEq E2 E3) :
    let Pb := Abelian.Pullbacks A _ _ _ (PEqEpi1 P1) (PEqEpi2 P2) in
    PullbackPr2 Pb · PEqEpi1 P2 · E3 = PullbackPr1 Pb · PEqEpi2 P1 · E1.
  Show proof.
    intros Pb.
    rewrite <- assoc. rewrite <- assoc. rewrite (PEqEq P2). rewrite <- (PEqEq P1).
    rewrite assoc. rewrite assoc. apply cancel_postcomposition.
    apply pathsinv0. exact (PullbackSqrCommutes Pb).

  Definition PEq_trans {c : ob A} {E1 E2 E3 : PseudoElem c} (P1 : PEq E1 E2) (P2 : PEq E2 E3) :
    PEq E1 E3.
  Show proof.
    set (Pb := Abelian.Pullbacks A _ _ _ (PEqEpi1 P1) (PEqEpi2 P2)).
    use make_PEq.
    * exact Pb.
    * use make_Epi.
      -- exact (PullbackPr2 Pb · PEqEpi1 P2).
      -- use isEpi_comp.
         ++ use AbelianPullbackEpi2.
         ++ apply EpiisEpi.
    * use make_Epi.
      -- exact (PullbackPr1 Pb · PEqEpi2 P1).
      -- use isEpi_comp.
         ++ use AbelianPullbackEpi1.
         ++ apply EpiisEpi.
    * cbn. exact (PEq_trans_eq P1 P2).

  Lemma PEq_istrans (c : ob A) : istrans (@PEq_hrel c).
  Show proof.
    intros E1 E2 E3 H1 H2.
    use (squash_to_prop H1 (propproperty _)). intros X1.
    use (squash_to_prop H2 (propproperty _)). intros X2.
    intros P X3. apply X3. clear P X3.
    exact (PEq_trans X1 X2).

  Definition PEq_refl {c : ob A} (E1 : PseudoElem c) : PEq E1 E1.
  Show proof.
    use make_PEq.
    - exact (PseudoOb E1).
    - use identity_Epi.
    - use identity_Epi.
    - apply idpath.

  Lemma PEq_isrefl (c : ob A) : isrefl (@PEq_hrel c).
  Show proof.
    intros E1. intros P X. apply X. clear X P.
    exact (PEq_refl E1).

  Definition PEq_symm {c : ob A} {E1 E2 : PseudoElem c} (P1 : PEq E1 E2) : PEq E2 E1.
  Show proof.
    use make_PEq.
    - exact (PEqOb P1).
    - exact (PEqEpi2 P1).
    - exact (PEqEpi1 P1).
    - exact (! (PEqEq P1)).

  Lemma PEq_issymm (c : ob A) : issymm (@PEq_hrel c).
  Show proof.
    intros E1 E2 H1.
    use (squash_to_prop H1 (propproperty _)). intros X1.
    intros P X. apply X. clear X P.
    exact (PEq_symm X1).

  Lemma PseudoEq_iseqrel (c : A) : iseqrel (@PEq_hrel c).
  Show proof.
    - split.
      + exact (PEq_istrans c).
      + exact (PEq_isrefl c).
    - exact (PEq_issymm c).

Pseudo fiber

  Definition PFiber {c d : ob A} (f : c --> d) (b : PseudoElem d) : UU :=
     (a : PseudoElem c), PEq (PseudoIm a f) b.

  Definition make_PFiber {c d : ob A} (f : c --> d) (b : PseudoElem d) (a : PseudoElem c)
             (H : PEq (PseudoIm a f) b) : PFiber f b := tpair _ a H.

  Definition PFiber_Elem {c d : ob A} {f : c --> d} {b : PseudoElem d} (P : PFiber f b) :
    PseudoElem c := pr1 P.
  Coercion PFiber_Elem : PFiber >-> PseudoElem.

  Definition PFiber_Eq {c d : ob A} {f : c --> d} {b : PseudoElem d} (P : PFiber f b) :
    PEq (PseudoIm P f) b := pr2 P.

Basics of pseudo elements

  Lemma PEq_to_hrel {c : A} (P1 P2 : PseudoElem c) (H : PEq P1 P2) : PEq_hrel P1 P2.
  Show proof.
    intros P X. apply X. exact H.

  Local Lemma PEq_Im_Eq {c d : A} (P1 P2 : PseudoElem c) (f : c --> d) (H : PEq P1 P2):
    PEqEpi1 H · (P2 · f) = PEqEpi2 H · (P1 · f).
  Show proof.
    rewrite assoc. rewrite assoc. apply cancel_postcomposition. exact (PEqEq H).

  Definition PEq_Im {c d : A} (P1 P2 : PseudoElem c) (f : c --> d) (H : PEq P1 P2) :
    PEq (PseudoIm P1 f) (PseudoIm P2 f).
  Show proof.
    use make_PEq.
    - exact (PEqOb H).
    - exact (PEqEpi1 H).
    - exact (PEqEpi2 H).
    - exact (PEq_Im_Eq P1 P2 f H).

  Local Lemma PEq_Comp_Eq {c d1 d2 : A} (P : PseudoElem c) (f : c --> d1) (g : d1 --> d2) :
    identity (PseudoOb P) · (P · (f · g)) = identity (PseudoOb P) · (P · f · g).
  Show proof.
    rewrite id_left. rewrite id_left. apply assoc.

  Definition PEq_Comp {c d1 d2 : A} (P : PseudoElem c) (f : c --> d1) (g : d1 --> d2) :
    PEq (PseudoIm (PseudoIm P f) g) (PseudoIm P (f · g)).
  Show proof.
    use make_PEq.
    - exact (PseudoOb P).
    - use identity_Epi.
    - use identity_Epi.
    - exact (PEq_Comp_Eq P f g).

  Definition PEq_Im_Paths {x y : A} (P : PseudoElem x) {f g : x --> y} (H : f = g) :
    PEq (PseudoIm P f) (PseudoIm P g).
  Show proof.
    induction H. apply PEq_refl.

  Definition PEq_Im_Comm {x y z w : A} (P : PseudoElem x) {f : x --> y} {g : y --> w}
             {h : x --> z} {k : z --> w} (H : f · g = h · k) :
    PEq (PseudoIm (PseudoIm P f) g) (PseudoIm (PseudoIm P h) k).
  Show proof.
    use (PEq_trans (PEq_Comp P f g)). use (PEq_trans _ (PEq_symm (PEq_Comp P h k))).
    use PEq_Im_Paths. exact H.

  Definition PZero {c : A} (d : A) : PseudoElem c := make_PseudoElem (ZeroArrow (to_Zero A) d c).

  Lemma PEq_Zero_Eq' {c : A} (d : A) (PE : PseudoElem c) :
    PEq PE (PZero d) -> (PE : A_,_ ) = ZeroArrow (to_Zero A) _ _.
  Show proof.
    intros X1.
    set (tmp := PEqEq X1). cbn in tmp. rewrite ZeroArrow_comp_right in tmp.
    use (EpiisEpi _ (PEqEpi2 X1)). rewrite <- tmp. clear tmp. rewrite ZeroArrow_comp_right.
    apply idpath.

  Lemma PEq_Zero_Eq {c : A} (PE : PseudoElem c) :
    PEq_hrel PE (PZero (PseudoOb PE)) -> (PE : A_,_ ) = ZeroArrow (to_Zero A) _ _.
  Show proof.
    intros H1. use (squash_to_prop H1). apply homset_property. intros X1. exact (PEq_Zero_Eq' _ PE X1).

  Definition PEq_Zeros' {c : A} (d1 d2 : A) : @PEq c (PZero d1) (PZero d2).
  Show proof.
    set (DS := to_BinDirectSums (AbelianToAdditive A) d1 d2).
    use make_PEq.
    - exact DS.
    - use (make_Epi _ _ (to_Pr2_isEpi _ DS)).
    - use (make_Epi _ _ (to_Pr1_isEpi _ DS)).
    - cbn. rewrite ZeroArrow_comp_right. rewrite ZeroArrow_comp_right. apply idpath.

  Lemma PEq_Zeros {c : A} (d1 d2 : A) : @PEq_hrel c (PZero d1) (PZero d2).
  Show proof.
    intros P X. apply X. clear P X. exact (PEq_Zeros' _ _).

  Definition PEq_ZeroIm (c d1 d2 d3 : A) (f : d1 --> d2) : PEq (PseudoIm (PZero c) f) (PZero d3).
  Show proof.
    use (PEq_trans _ (PEq_Zeros' c d3)).
    use make_PEq.
    - exact c.
    - exact (identity_Epi _).
    - exact (identity_Epi _).
    - cbn. rewrite ZeroArrow_comp_left. apply idpath.

  Local Lemma PEq_Eq_Zero_Eq {c : A} (PE : PseudoElem c)
        (H : (PE : A_, c) = ZeroArrow (to_Zero A) _ _) :
    identity (PseudoOb PE) · ZeroArrow (to_Zero A) (PseudoOb PE) c = identity (PseudoOb PE) · PE.
  Show proof.
    rewrite id_left. rewrite id_left. apply pathsinv0. exact H.

  Lemma PEq_Eq_Zero {c : A} (PE : PseudoElem c) :
    (PE : A_, c) = ZeroArrow (to_Zero A) _ _ -> PEq PE (PZero (PseudoOb PE)).
  Show proof.
    intros H.
    use make_PEq.
    - exact (PseudoOb PE).
    - use identity_Epi.
    - use identity_Epi.
    - exact (PEq_Eq_Zero_Eq PE H).

Pseudo element criterias

Zero criteria

  Lemma PEq_ZeroArrow {c d : ob A} (f : c --> d) :
    f = ZeroArrow (to_Zero A) _ _ <-> ( (a : PseudoElem c), a · f = ZeroArrow (to_Zero A) _ _).
  Show proof.
    - intros H. intros a. rewrite H. apply ZeroArrow_comp_right.
    - intros H. set (tmp := H (make_PseudoElem (identity c))). cbn in tmp.
      rewrite <- tmp. rewrite id_left. apply idpath.

isMonic criteria

  Lemma PEq_isMonic {c d : ob A} (f : c --> d) :
    isMonic f <-> ( (d' : ob A) (a : PseudoElem c),
                 PEq (PseudoIm a f) (PZero d') -> ZeroArrow (to_Zero A) _ _ = a).
  Show proof.
    - intros isM. intros d' a X. use isM. rewrite ZeroArrow_comp_left.
      set (tmp := PseudoIm a f). apply pathsinv0. use (PEq_Zero_Eq tmp). unfold tmp. clear tmp.
      use (PEq_istrans _ _ (PZero d')).
      + exact (PEq_to_hrel _ _ X).
      + use PEq_Zeros.
    - intros X. use (to_isMonic (AbelianToAdditive A)).
      intros z g H.
      exact (! ( X z (make_PseudoElem g) (PEq_Eq_Zero (PseudoIm (make_PseudoElem g) f) H))).

  Lemma PEq_isMonic' {c d : ob A} (f : c --> d) :
    isMonic f <-> ( (a a' : PseudoElem c), PEq (PseudoIm a f) (PseudoIm a' f) -> PEq a a').
  Show proof.
    - intros isM. intros a a' X.
      use make_PEq.
      + exact (PEqOb X).
      + exact (PEqEpi1 X).
      + exact (PEqEpi2 X).
      + apply isM. set (tmp := PEqEq X). cbn in tmp. rewrite assoc in tmp. rewrite assoc in tmp.
        apply tmp.
    - intros X. use (dirprod_pr2 (PEq_isMonic f)). intros d' a X0.
      apply pathsinv0. use PEq_Zero_Eq'.
      + exact (PseudoOb a).
      + use (X a (PZero (PseudoOb a))).
        use (PEq_trans X0). use PEq_symm. use PEq_ZeroIm.

isEpi criteria

  Lemma PEq_isEpi {c d : ob A} (f : c --> d) : isEpi f <-> ( (b : PseudoElem d), PFiber f b).
  Show proof.
    - intros isE b.
      set (E := make_Epi _ _ isE).
      set (Pb := Abelian.Pullbacks A _ _ _ E b).
      set (isEpi1 := AbelianPullbackEpi2 E b Pb).
      set (E2 := make_Epi A _ isEpi1).
      use (make_PFiber _ _ (make_PseudoElem (PullbackPr1 Pb))).
      use make_PEq.
      + exact Pb.
      + exact E2.
      + use identity_Epi.
      + cbn. rewrite id_left. exact (! PullbackSqrCommutes Pb).
    - intros H.
      set (fib := H (make_PseudoElem (identity _))).
      set (P1 := PFiber_Elem fib).
      set (e := PEqEq (PFiber_Eq fib)).
      use isEpi_precomp.
      + exact (PEqOb (PFiber_Eq fib)).
      + exact (PEqEpi2 (PFiber_Eq fib) · P1).
      + cbn in e. rewrite id_right in e. rewrite assoc in e. use (isEpi_path A _ _ e).
        apply EpiisEpi.

isExact criteria

  Lemma PEq_isExact {x y z : ob A} (f : x --> y) (g : y --> z)
        (H : f · g = ZeroArrow (to_Zero A) _ _) :
    isExact A f g H <->
     (b : PseudoElem y) (H : b · g = ZeroArrow (to_Zero A) _ _), PFiber f b.
  Show proof.
    - intros isK b H'. unfold isExact in isK.
      set (K := make_Kernel _ _ _ _ isK).
      set (KI := KernelIn _ K (PseudoOb b) b H').
      set (Pb := Abelian.Pullbacks A _ _ _ (factorization1_epi A f) KI).
      use make_PFiber.
      + exact (make_PseudoElem (PullbackPr1 Pb)).
      + use make_PEq.
        * exact Pb.
        * exact (make_Epi _ _ (AbelianPullbackEpi2 (factorization1_epi A f) KI Pb)).
        * use identity_Epi.
        * cbn. rewrite id_left. apply pathsinv0.
          set (tmp := PullbackSqrCommutes Pb).
          set (tmp' := factorization1 f).
          apply (maponpaths (λ gg : _, gg · (factorization1_monic A f))) in tmp.
          rewrite <- assoc in tmp. rewrite <- tmp' in tmp. clear tmp'.
          use (pathscomp0 tmp). clear tmp. rewrite <- assoc. apply cancel_precomposition.
          use (KernelCommutes (to_Zero A) K).
    - intros X.
      set (fac := factorization1 f).
      use make_isKernel.
      + intros w h H'.
        set (P := X (make_PseudoElem h) H').
        set (PE := PFiber_Eq P).
        set (Pb := Abelian.Pullbacks A _ _ _ h (factorization1_monic A f)).
        set (isM := MonicPullbackisMonic' _ _ _ Pb).
        assert (i : is_z_isomorphism (PullbackPr1 Pb)).
          use monic_epi_is_iso.
          - exact isM.
          - assert (ee : PEqEpi1 PE · h =
                         PEqEpi2 PE · P · factorization1_epi A f · factorization1_monic A f).
              cbn. set (ee := PEqEq PE). cbn in ee. rewrite ee.
              rewrite assoc. rewrite <- (assoc _ _ (KernelArrow (Abelian.Image f))).
              apply cancel_precomposition. exact fac.
            set (tmp := PullbackArrow
                          Pb _ (PEqEpi1 PE)
                          ((PEqEpi2 PE) · (PFiber_Elem P) · (factorization1_epi A f)) ee).
            set (t := PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1
                        Pb _ (PEqEpi1 PE)
                        ((PEqEpi2 PE) · (PFiber_Elem P) · (factorization1_epi A f)) ee).
            use (isEpi_precomp _ tmp). unfold tmp. use (isEpi_path _ _ _ (! t)).
            apply EpiisEpi.
        set (q := PullbackSqrCommutes Pb).
        assert (e1 : h = (inv_from_iso (make_iso _ (is_iso_qinv _ _ i)))
                           · PullbackPr2 Pb · factorization1_monic A f).
          rewrite <- assoc. rewrite <- q. rewrite assoc.
          set (tmp := iso_after_iso_inv (make_iso _ (is_iso_qinv _ _ i))).
          cbn in tmp. cbn. rewrite tmp.
          rewrite id_left. apply idpath.
        use unique_exists.
        * exact (inv_from_iso (make_iso (PullbackPr1 Pb) (is_iso_qinv _ _ i)) · PullbackPr2 Pb).
        * cbn. cbn in e1. rewrite <- e1. apply idpath.
        * intros y0. apply homset_property.
        * intros y0 XX. cbn in XX.
          use (KernelArrowisMonic (to_Zero A) (Abelian.Image f)). rewrite XX.
          apply e1.

Difference criteria

Data for Difference

  Definition PDiff {x y : ob A} {a a' : PseudoElem x} (f : x --> y)
             (H : PEq (PseudoIm a f) (PseudoIm a' f)) : UU :=
     (a'' : PseudoElem x) (H' : a'' · f = ZeroArrow (to_Zero A) _ _),
     (z : ob A) (g : x --> z),
    a · g = ZeroArrow (to_Zero A) _ _ -> PEq (PseudoIm a' g) (PseudoIm a'' g).

  Definition make_PDiff {x y : ob A} {a a' : PseudoElem x} (f : x --> y)
             (H : PEq (PseudoIm a f) (PseudoIm a' f)) (a'' : PseudoElem x)
             (H' : a'' · f = ZeroArrow (to_Zero A) _ _)
             (H'' : (z : ob A) (g : x --> z),
                    a · g = ZeroArrow (to_Zero A) _ _ -> PEq (PseudoIm a' g) (PseudoIm a'' g)) :
    PDiff f H := (a'',,(H',,H'')).

  Definition PDiffElem {x y : ob A} {a a' : PseudoElem x} {f : x --> y}
             {H : PEq (PseudoIm a f) (PseudoIm a' f)} (PD : PDiff f H) : PseudoElem x := pr1 PD.
  Coercion PDiffElem : PDiff >-> PseudoElem.

  Definition PDiffIm {x y : ob A} {a a' : PseudoElem x} {f : x --> y}
             {H : PEq (PseudoIm a f) (PseudoIm a' f)} (PD : PDiff f H) :
    PD · f = ZeroArrow (to_Zero A) _ _ := pr1 (pr2 PD).

  Definition PDiffEq {x y : ob A} {a a' : PseudoElem x} {f : x --> y}
             {H : PEq (PseudoIm a f) (PseudoIm a' f)} (PD : PDiff f H) :
     (z : ob A) (g : x --> z),
    a · g = ZeroArrow (to_Zero A) _ _ -> PEq (PseudoIm a' g) (PseudoIm PD g) := pr2 (pr2 PD).

Difference criteria

  Local Opaque to_binop to_inv.

  Local Lemma PEq_Diff_Eq1 {x y : ob A} {a a' : PseudoElem x} (f : x --> y)
        (H : PEq (PseudoIm a f) (PseudoIm a' f)) :
    let PA := (AbelianToAdditive A) : PreAdditive in
    @to_binop PA _ _ (PEqEpi2 H · a) (PEqEpi1 H · @to_inv PA _ _ a') · f =
    ZeroArrow (to_Zero A) _ _.
  Show proof.
    intros PA.
    set (tmp := PEqEq H). cbn in tmp.
    set (tmp' := @to_postmor_linear' PA _ _ _ (PEqEpi2 H · a) (PEqEpi1 H · @to_inv PA _ _ a') f).
    use (pathscomp0 tmp'). clear tmp'. rewrite assoc in tmp. rewrite assoc in tmp.
    cbn in tmp. cbn. rewrite <- tmp. clear tmp.
    set (tmp' := @to_postmor_linear' PA _ _ _ (PEqEpi1 H · a') (PEqEpi1 H · @to_inv PA _ _ a') f).
    use (pathscomp0 (! tmp')). clear tmp'.
    rewrite <- (ZeroArrow_comp_left _ _ _ _ _ f). apply cancel_postcomposition.
    set (tmp' := @to_premor_linear' PA _ _ _ (PEqEpi1 H) a' (@to_inv PA _ _ a')).
    use (pathscomp0 (! tmp')). clear tmp'.
    rewrite <- (ZeroArrow_comp_right _ _ _ _ _ (PEqEpi1 H)). apply cancel_precomposition.
    use (@to_rinvax' PA).

  Local Lemma PEq_Diff_Eq2 {x y : ob A} {a a' : PseudoElem x} (f : x --> y)
        (H : PEq (PseudoIm a f) (PseudoIm a' f)) {z0 : A} {g : A x, z0 }
        (X : a · g = ZeroArrow (to_Zero A) (PseudoOb a) z0) :
    let PA := (AbelianToAdditive A) : PreAdditive in
    identity (PEqOb H) · (@to_binop PA (PEqOb H) x (PEqEpi2 H · a)
                                     (PEqEpi1 H · @to_inv PA _ _ a') · g) =
    @to_inv PA _ _ (PEqEpi1 H) · (a' · g).
  Show proof.
    intros PA.
    rewrite id_left. cbn.
    set (tmp := PEqEq H). cbn in tmp.
    set (tmp' := @to_postmor_linear' PA _ _ _ (PEqEpi2 H · a) (PEqEpi1 H · @to_inv PA _ _ a') g).
    use (pathscomp0 tmp'). clear tmp'. rewrite <- assoc. cbn. rewrite X. rewrite ZeroArrow_comp_right.
    rewrite (@to_lunax'' PA). rewrite assoc. apply cancel_postcomposition.
    rewrite <- (@PreAdditive_invlcomp PA). rewrite <- (@PreAdditive_invrcomp PA).
    apply idpath.

  Definition PEq_Diff {x y : ob A} {a a' : PseudoElem x} (f : x --> y)
        (H : PEq (PseudoIm a f) (PseudoIm a' f)) : PDiff f H.
  Show proof.
    set (PA := (AbelianToAdditive A) : PreAdditive).
    use make_PDiff.
    - exact (make_PseudoElem (@to_binop PA _ _ (PEqEpi2 H · a)
                                      (PEqEpi1 H · (@to_inv (AbelianToAdditive A) _ _ a')))).
    - exact (PEq_Diff_Eq1 f H).
    - intros z0 g X.
      use (make_PEq _ _ (identity_Epi _)).
      + cbn. exact (make_Epi _ _ (to_inv_isEpi PA _ (EpiisEpi PA (PEqEpi1 H)))).
      + cbn. exact (PEq_Diff_Eq2 f H X).

Pullback using pseudo elements

  Local Lemma PEq_Pullback_Eq {x y z : ob A} (f : x --> z) (g : y --> z) (Pb : Pullback f g)
             (a : PseudoElem x) (b : PseudoElem y) (H : PEq (PseudoIm a f) (PseudoIm b g)) :
    PEqEpi2 H · a · f = PEqEpi1 H · b · g.
  Show proof.
    rewrite <- assoc. rewrite <- assoc. apply pathsinv0. exact (PEqEq H).

  Local Lemma PEq_Pullback_Eq1 {x y z : ob A} (f : x --> z) (g : y --> z) (Pb : Pullback f g)
        (a : PseudoElem x) (b : PseudoElem y) (H : PEq (PseudoIm a f) (PseudoIm b g)) :
    PEqEpi2 H · a = (identity (PEqOb H))
                       · ((PullbackArrow Pb (PEqOb H) (PEqEpi2 H · a) (PEqEpi1 H · b)
                                          (PEq_Pullback_Eq f g Pb a b H))
                             · PullbackPr1 Pb).
  Show proof.
    rewrite id_left.
    use (! (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr1 Pb _ (PEqEpi2 H · a) (PEqEpi1 H · b)
                                      (PEq_Pullback_Eq f g Pb a b H))).

  Local Lemma PEq_Pullback_Eq2 {x y z : ob A} (f : x --> z) (g : y --> z) (Pb : Pullback f g)
        (a : PseudoElem x) (b : PseudoElem y) (H : PEq (PseudoIm a f) (PseudoIm b g)) :
    PEqEpi1 H · b = (identity (PEqOb H))
                       · ((PullbackArrow Pb (PEqOb H) (PEqEpi2 H · a) (PEqEpi1 H · b)
                                          (PEq_Pullback_Eq f g Pb a b H))
                             · (PullbackPr2 Pb)).
  Show proof.
    rewrite id_left.
    use (! (PullbackArrow_PullbackPr2 Pb _ (PEqEpi2 H · a) (PEqEpi1 H · b)
                                      (PEq_Pullback_Eq f g Pb a b H))).

  Definition PEq_Pullback {x y z : ob A} (f : x --> z) (g : y --> z) (Pb : Pullback f g)
             (a : PseudoElem x) (b : PseudoElem y) (H : PEq (PseudoIm a f) (PseudoIm b g)) :
     (d : PseudoElem Pb), (PEq (PseudoIm d (PullbackPr1 Pb)) a)
                             × (PEq (PseudoIm d (PullbackPr2 Pb))) b.
  Show proof.
    set (mor1 := PEqEpi1 H · b). set (mor2 := PEqEpi2 H · a).
    use tpair.
    - exact (make_PseudoElem (PullbackArrow Pb _ mor2 mor1 (PEq_Pullback_Eq f g Pb a b H))).
    - cbn. split.
      + use make_PEq.
        * exact (PEqOb H).
        * exact (PEqEpi2 H).
        * exact (identity_Epi _).
        * exact (PEq_Pullback_Eq1 f g Pb a b H).
      + use make_PEq.
        * exact (PEqOb H).
        * exact (PEqEpi1 H).
        * exact (identity_Epi _).
        * exact (PEq_Pullback_Eq2 f g Pb a b H).

End def_pseudo_element.