Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.SetValuedFunctors

Facts about set valued functors
  • epimorphic natural transformations are pointwise epimorphic
  • epimorphic natural transformations enjoy a universal property similar to
surjections univ_surj_nt
  • Definition of a quotient functor
Ambroise LAFONT January 2017
Let p be an epimorphic natural transformation where the target category is HSET
Given the following diagram :
 A ---> C
 | p
there exists a unique natural transformation from B to C that makes the diagram commute provided that for any set X, any x,y in X, if p x = p y then f x = f y
This property comes from the fact that p is an effective epimorphism.
Section LiftEpiNatTrans.

  Context {CC:category}.
  Local Notation C_SET := (functor_category CC HSET).

  Context {A B C:functor CC HSET} (p:nat_trans A B)
          (f:nat_trans A C).

  Hypothesis (comp_epi: (X:CC) (x y: pr1hSet (A X)),
                        p X x = p X y -> f X x = f X y).

  Hypothesis (surjectivep : isEpi (C:=C_SET) p).

  Lemma EffectiveEpis_Functor_HSET : EpisAreEffective C_SET.
  Show proof.
    intros F G m isepim.
    apply (isEffectivePw (D:=hset_category)).
    intro x.
    apply EffectiveEpis_HSET.
    apply (Pushouts_pw_epi (D:=hset_category)

  Definition univ_surj_nt : nat_trans B C.
  Show proof.
    apply EffectiveEpis_Functor_HSET in surjectivep.
    red in surjectivep.
    set (coeq := limits.coequalizers.make_Coequalizer _ _ _ _ (pr2 surjectivep)).
    apply (limits.coequalizers.CoequalizerOut coeq _ f).
    apply (nat_trans_eq (has_homsets_HSET));
    intro c;
    apply funextfun;
    intro x;
    apply comp_epi;
    assert (hcommut := limits.pullbacks.PullbackSqrCommutes (pr1 surjectivep));
    eapply nat_trans_eq_pointwise in hcommut;
    apply toforallpaths in hcommut;
    apply hcommut).

  Lemma univ_surj_nt_ax : nat_trans_comp _ _ _ p univ_surj_nt = f .
  Show proof.
    unfold univ_surj_nt; cbn.
    set (coeq := make_Coequalizer _ _ _ _ _).
    apply (CoequalizerCommutes coeq).

  Lemma univ_surj_nt_ax_pw x : p x · univ_surj_nt x = f x .
  Show proof.
    now rewrite <- univ_surj_nt_ax.

  Lemma univ_surj_nt_ax_pw_pw x c : (p x · univ_surj_nt x) c = f x c.
  Show proof.
    now rewrite <- univ_surj_nt_ax.

  Lemma univ_surj_nt_unique : g (H : nat_trans_comp _ _ _ p g = f)
                                b, g b = univ_surj_nt b.
  Show proof.
    intros g hg b.
    apply nat_trans_eq_pointwise.
    unfold univ_surj_nt.
    set (coeq := make_Coequalizer _ _ _ _ _).
    use (isCoequalizerOutUnique _ _ _ _ (isCoequalizer_Coequalizer coeq)).
    apply hg.

End LiftEpiNatTrans.

Quotient functors .
Let C be a category Let R be a functor from C to Set.
Let X be an object of C Let tilde a family of equivalence relations on RX satisfying if x tilde y and f : X -> Y, then f(x) tilde f(y).
Then we can define R' as a functor which to any X associates R'X = RX mod tilde Moreover, there is an epimorphism pr_quot_functor : R -> R'
Section QuotientFunctor.

  Context {D:category}.
  Variable (R:functor D HSET).

This is tilde
  Variable (hequiv : (d:D),eqrel (pr1hSet (R d))).

The relations satisfied by hequiv (tilde)
  Hypothesis (congru: (x y:D) (f:D x, y), iscomprelrelfun (hequiv x) (hequiv y) (#R f)).

Definition of the quotient functor
  Definition quot_functor_ob (d:D) :hSet.
  Show proof.
    use tpair.
    - apply (setquot (hequiv d)).
    - abstract (apply isasetsetquot).

  Definition quot_functor_mor (d d' : D) (f : D d, d')
    : HSET quot_functor_ob d, quot_functor_ob d' :=
    setquotfun (hequiv d) (hequiv d') (#R f) (congru d d' f).

  Definition quot_functor_data : functor_data D HSET := tpair _ _ quot_functor_mor.

  Lemma is_functor_quot_functor_data : is_functor quot_functor_data.
  Show proof.
    - intros a; simpl.
      apply funextfun.
      intro c.
      apply (surjectionisepitosets (setquotpr _));
        [now apply issurjsetquotpr | apply isasetsetquot|].
      intro x; cbn.
      now rewrite (functor_id R).
    - intros a b c f g; simpl.
      apply funextfun; intro x.
      apply (surjectionisepitosets (setquotpr _));
        [now apply issurjsetquotpr | apply isasetsetquot|].
      intro y; cbn.
      now rewrite (functor_comp R).

  Definition quot_functor : functor D HSET := tpair _ _ is_functor_quot_functor_data.

  Definition pr_quot_functor_data : x , HSET R x, quot_functor x :=
    λ x a, setquotpr _ a.

  Lemma is_nat_trans_pr_quot_functor : is_nat_trans _ _ pr_quot_functor_data.
  Show proof.
    red; intros; apply idpath.

  Definition pr_quot_functor : (nat_trans R quot_functor) := (_ ,, is_nat_trans_pr_quot_functor).

  Lemma isEpi_pw_pr_quot_functor : x, isEpi (pr_quot_functor x).
  Show proof.
    intros a z f g eqfg.
    apply funextfun.
    intro x.
    eapply surjectionisepitosets.
    apply issurjsetquotpr.
    apply setproperty.
    intro u.
    apply toforallpaths in eqfg.
    apply eqfg.

  Lemma isEpi_pr_quot_functor : isEpi (C:=functor_precategory _ _ has_homsets_HSET) pr_quot_functor.
  Show proof.

  Lemma weqpathsinpr_quot_functor X x y : hequiv X x y pr_quot_functor X x = pr_quot_functor X y.
  Show proof.
    apply (weqpathsinsetquot (hequiv X)).

End QuotientFunctor.