Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.categories.modules

  • Anthony Bordg, March-April 2017
  • Langston Barrett (@siddharthist), November-December 2017


  • The category of (left) R-modules (mod_category)
  • Mod is a univalent category (is_univalent_mod)
  • Abelian structure
    • Zero object and zero arrow
    • Preadditive structure
    • Additive structure

Section Mod.

Local Open Scope cat.

Context {R : ring}.

The category of (left) R-modules (mod_category)

Definition mod_precategory_ob_mor : precategory_ob_mor :=
  make_precategory_ob_mor (module R) (λ M N, modulefun M N).

Definition mod_precategory_data : precategory_data :=
    mod_precategory_ob_mor (λ (M : module R), (idfun M,, id_modulefun M))
    (fun M N P => @modulefun_comp R M N P).

Lemma is_precategory_mod_precategory_data :
  is_precategory (mod_precategory_data).
Show proof.
  apply is_precategory_one_assoc_to_two.
  apply make_dirprod.
  - apply make_dirprod.
    + intros M N f.
      use total2_paths_f.
      * apply funextfun. intro x. apply idpath.
      * apply isapropismodulefun.
    + intros M N f.
      use total2_paths_f.
      * apply funextfun. intro x. apply idpath.
      * apply isapropismodulefun.
  - intros M N P Q f g h.
    use total2_paths_f.
    + apply funextfun. intro x.
      unfold compose. cbn.
      apply idpath.
    + apply isapropismodulefun.

Definition mod_precategory : precategory :=
  make_precategory (mod_precategory_data) (is_precategory_mod_precategory_data).

Definition has_homsets_mod : has_homsets mod_precategory := isasetmodulefun.

Definition mod_category : category := make_category mod_precategory has_homsets_mod.

Definition mor_to_modulefun {M N : ob mod_category} : mod_categoryM, N -> modulefun M N := idfun _.

Mod is a univalent category (Mod_is_univalent)

Definition modules_univalence_weq (M N : mod_category) : (M N) (moduleiso' M N).
Show proof.
   use weqbandf.
   - apply abgr_univalence.
   - intro e.
     use invweq.
     induction M. induction N. cbn in e. induction e.
     use weqimplimpl.
     + intro i.
       use total2_paths2_f.
       * use funextfun. intro r.
         use total2_paths2_f.
           apply funextfun. intro x. exact (i r x).
           apply isapropismonoidfun.
       * apply isapropisrigfun.
     + intro i. cbn.
       intros r x.
       unfold idmonoidiso. cbn in i.
       induction i.
       apply idpath.
     + apply isapropislinear.
     + apply isasetrigfun.

Definition modules_univalence_map (M N : mod_category) : (M = N) -> (moduleiso M N).
Show proof.
   intro p.
   induction p.
   exact (idmoduleiso M).

Definition modules_univalence_map_isweq (M N : mod_category) : isweq (modules_univalence_map M N).
Show proof.
   use isweqhomot.
   - exact (weqcomp (weqcomp (total2_paths_equiv _ M N) (modules_univalence_weq M N)) (moduleiso'_to_moduleweq_iso M N)).
   - intro p.
     induction p.
     apply (pathscomp0 weqcomp_to_funcomp_app).
     apply idpath.
   - apply weqproperty.

Definition modules_univalence (M N : mod_category) : (M = N) (moduleiso M N).
Show proof.
   use make_weq.
   - exact (modules_univalence_map M N).
   - exact (modules_univalence_map_isweq M N).

Equivalence between isomorphisms and moduleiso in Mod R

Lemma moduleisweq_z_iso {M N : ob mod_category} (f : z_iso M N) :
  isweq (pr1modulefun (morphism_from_z_iso _ _ f)).
Show proof.
   use (isweq_iso (pr1modulefun (morphism_from_z_iso _ _ f))).
   - exact (pr1modulefun (inv_from_z_iso f)).
   - intro; set (T:= z_iso_inv_after_z_iso f).
     apply subtypeInjectivity in T.
     + apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ T).
     + intro; apply isapropismodulefun.
   - intro; set (T:= z_iso_after_z_iso_inv f).
     apply subtypeInjectivity in T.
     + apply (toforallpaths _ _ _ T).
     + intro; apply isapropismodulefun.

Lemma z_iso_moduleiso (M N : ob mod_category) : z_iso M N -> moduleiso M N.
Show proof.
   intro f.
   use make_moduleiso.
   - use make_weq.
     + exact (pr1modulefun (morphism_from_z_iso _ _ f)).
     + exact (moduleisweq_z_iso f).
   - exact (modulefun_ismodulefun (morphism_from_z_iso _ _ f)).

Lemma moduleiso_is_z_iso {M N : ob mod_category} (f : moduleiso M N) :
  @is_z_isomorphism _ M N (moduleiso_to_modulefun f).
Show proof.
   exists (make_modulefun (invmoduleiso f) (pr2 (invmoduleiso f))).
   split; use total2_paths_f.
    + apply funextfun. intro.
      apply homotinvweqweq.
    + apply isapropismodulefun.
    + apply funextfun. intro.
      apply homotweqinvweq.
    + apply isapropismodulefun.

Lemma moduleiso_z_iso (M N : ob mod_category) : moduleiso M N -> z_iso M N.
Show proof.
   intro f.
   use make_z_iso'.
   - exact (moduleiso_to_modulefun f).
   - exact (moduleiso_is_z_iso f).

Lemma moduleiso_isweq_z_iso (M N : ob mod_category) : isweq (@moduleiso_z_iso M N).
Show proof.
   apply (isweq_iso _ (z_iso_moduleiso M N)).
   - intro.
     apply subtypePath.
     + intro; apply isapropismodulefun.
     + unfold moduleiso_z_iso, z_iso_moduleiso.
       use total2_paths_f.
       * apply idpath.
       * apply isapropisweq.
   - intro; unfold z_iso_moduleiso, moduleiso_z_iso.
     use total2_paths_f.
     + apply idpath.
     + apply isaprop_is_z_isomorphism.

Definition moduleiso_weq_z_iso (M N : mod_category) : (moduleiso M N) (z_iso M N) :=
   make_weq (moduleiso_z_iso M N) (moduleiso_isweq_z_iso M N).

Definition mod_category_idtoisweq_z_iso :
   M N : mod_category, isweq (fun p : M = N => idtoiso p).
Show proof.
   intros M N.
   use (isweqhomot (weqcomp (modules_univalence M N) (moduleiso_weq_z_iso M N)) _).
   - intro p.
     induction p.
     use (pathscomp0 weqcomp_to_funcomp_app). cbn.
     use total2_paths_f.
     + apply idpath.
     + apply (isaprop_is_z_isomorphism (identity M)).
   - apply weqproperty.

Definition is_univalent_mod : is_univalent mod_category.
Show proof.
  intros ? ? .
  apply mod_category_idtoisweq_z_iso.

Definition univalent_category_mod_precategory : univalent_category
  := make_univalent_category mod_category is_univalent_mod.

Abelian structure

Zero object and zero arrow

  • The zero object (0) is the zero abelian group, considered as a module.
  • The type (hSet) Hom(0, M) is contractible, the center is the zero map.
  • The type (hSet) Hom(M, 0) is contractible, the center is the zero map.

Zero in abelian category

The set of maps 0 -> M is contractible, it only contains the zero morphism.
Lemma iscontrfromzero_module (M : mod_category) : iscontr (mod_categoryzero_module R, M).
Show proof.
  refine (unelmodulefun _ _,, _).
  intros f; apply modulefun_paths.
  apply funextfun; intro x.
  unfold unelmodulefun; cbn.
  refine (!maponpaths (fun z => (pr1 f) z)
           (isProofIrrelevantUnit (@unel (zero_module R)) _ ) @ _).
  apply (monoidfununel (modulefun_to_monoidfun f)).

The set of maps M -> 0 is contractible, it only contains the zero morphism.

Preadditive structure

Additive structure

End Mod.