Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.Ends

1. Wedges
  Definition wedge_data
    : UU
    := (w : D),
        (x : C), w --> F (x ,, x).

  Coercion ob_of_wedge
           (w : wedge_data)
    : D
    := pr1 w.

  Definition mor_of_wedge
             (w : wedge_data)
             (x : C)
    : w --> F (x ,, x)
    := pr2 w x.

  Definition make_wedge_data
             (w : D)
             (fs : (x : C), w --> F (x ,, x))
    : wedge_data
    := w ,, fs.

  Definition is_wedge
             (w : wedge_data)
    : UU
    := (x y : C)
         (g : x --> y),
       mor_of_wedge w x · #F (catbinprodmor (identity _) g)
       mor_of_wedge w y · #F (catbinprodmor g (identity _)).

  Definition wedge
    : UU
    := (w : wedge_data), is_wedge w.

  Coercion wedge_data_of_wedge
           (w : wedge)
    : wedge_data
    := pr1 w.

  Proposition eq_of_wedge
              (w : wedge)
              {x y : C}
              (g : x --> y)
    : mor_of_wedge w x · #F (catbinprodmor (identity _) g)
      mor_of_wedge w y · #F (catbinprodmor g (identity _)).
  Show proof.
    exact (pr2 w x y g).

  Definition make_wedge
             (w : wedge_data)
             (p : is_wedge w)
    : wedge
    := w ,, p.

  Definition precomp_wedge_data
             {a : D}
             (w : wedge)
             (f : a --> w)
    : wedge_data.
  Show proof.
    use make_wedge_data.
    - exact a.
    - exact (λ x, f · mor_of_wedge w x).

  Proposition precomp_is_wedge
              {a : D}
              (w : wedge)
              (f : a --> w)
    : is_wedge (precomp_wedge_data w f).
  Show proof.
    intros x y g ; cbn.
    rewrite !assoc'.
    rewrite eq_of_wedge.
    apply idpath.

  Definition precomp_wedge
             {a : D}
             (w : wedge)
             (f : a --> w)
    : wedge.
  Show proof.
    use make_wedge.
    - exact (precomp_wedge_data w f).
    - exact (precomp_is_wedge w f).

  Definition is_wedge_map
             {w₁ w₂ : wedge}
             (f : w₁ --> w₂)
    : UU
    := (x : C),
       f · mor_of_wedge w₂ x
       mor_of_wedge w₁ x.

  Definition wedge_map
             (w₁ w₂ : wedge)
    : UU
    := (f : w₁ --> w₂), is_wedge_map f.

  Coercion mor_of_wedge_map
           {w₁ w₂ : wedge}
           (f : wedge_map w₁ w₂)
    : w₁ --> w₂
    := pr1 f.

  Proposition eq_of_wedge_map
              {w₁ w₂ : wedge}
              (f : wedge_map w₁ w₂)
              (x : C)
    : f · mor_of_wedge w₂ x
      mor_of_wedge w₁ x.
  Show proof.
    exact (pr2 f x).

  Definition make_wedge_map
             {w₁ w₂ : wedge}
             (f : w₁ --> w₂)
             (p : is_wedge_map f)
    : wedge_map w₁ w₂
    := f ,, p.

  Proposition wedge_map_eq
              {w₁ w₂ : wedge}
              {f₁ f₂ : wedge_map w₁ w₂}
              (p : (f₁ : w₁ --> w₂) = f₂)
    : f₁ = f₂.
  Show proof.
    use subtypePath.
      use impred.
      apply homset_property.
    exact p.

2. Ends
  Definition is_end
             (w : wedge)
    : UU
    := (w' : wedge), iscontr (wedge_map w' w).

  Proposition isaprop_is_end
              (w : wedge)
    : isaprop (is_end w).
  Show proof.
    use impred ; intro.
    apply isapropiscontr.

  Definition end_limit
    : UU
    := (w : wedge), is_end w.

  Coercion end_limit_to_wedge
           (e : end_limit)
    : wedge
    := pr1 e.

  Definition is_end_end_limit
             (e : end_limit)
    : is_end e
    := pr2 e.

3. Accessors for ends
  Section EndAccessors.
    Context {w : wedge}
            (Hw : is_end w).

    Definition mor_to_end
               (w' : wedge)
      : w' --> w
      := pr1 (Hw w').

    Definition mor_to_end'
               (w' : D)
               (fs : (x : C), w' --> F (x ,, x))
               (H : is_wedge (make_wedge_data w' fs))
      : w' --> w
      := mor_to_end (make_wedge _ H).

    Proposition mor_to_end_comm
                (w' : wedge)
                (x : C)
      : mor_to_end w' · mor_of_wedge w x
        mor_of_wedge w' x.
    Show proof.
      exact (eq_of_wedge_map (pr1 (Hw w')) x).

    Proposition mor_to_end'_comm
                (w' : D)
                (fs : (x : C), w' --> F (x ,, x))
                (H : is_wedge (make_wedge_data w' fs))
                (x : C)
      : mor_to_end' w' fs H · mor_of_wedge w x
        fs x.
    Show proof.
      exact (mor_to_end_comm (make_wedge _ H) x).

    Section MorToEndEq.
      Context (a : D)
              {f g : a --> w}
              (p : (x : C),
                   f · mor_of_wedge w x
                   g · mor_of_wedge w x).

      Let a_wedge : wedge := precomp_wedge w g.

      Let f_map : wedge_map a_wedge w
        := @make_wedge_map a_wedge w f p.

      Let g_map : wedge_map a_wedge w
        := @make_wedge_map a_wedge w g (λ _, idpath _).

      Proposition mor_to_end_eq
        : f = g.
      Show proof.
        exact (maponpaths
                    (isapropifcontr (Hw a_wedge))
    End MorToEndEq.
  End EndAccessors.

4. Construction of ends from products and equalizers
  Section ConstructionOfEnds.
    Context (EqD : Equalizers D)
            (PD : Products C D)
            (PDM : Products ( (x : C) (y : C), x --> y) D).

    Let ProdF : Product C D (λ x : C, F (x,, x))
      := PD (λ x, F (x ,, x)).

    Let ProdM : Product _ D (λ f, F (pr1 f ,, pr12 f))
      := PDM (λ f, F (pr1 f ,, pr12 f)).

    Definition end_left_map
      : ProdF --> ProdM.
    Show proof.
      use ProductArrow.
      intro f ; cbn.
      refine (ProductPr _ _ _ (pr1 f) · #F (_ ,, _)).
      - exact (identity _).
      - exact (pr22 f).

    Definition end_right_map
      : ProdF --> ProdM.
    Show proof.
      use ProductArrow.
      intro f ; cbn.
      refine (ProductPr _ _ _ (pr12 f) · #F (_ ,, _)).
      - exact (pr22 f).
      - exact (identity _).

    Definition construction_of_ends_ob
      : Equalizer end_left_map end_right_map
      := EqD _ _ end_left_map end_right_map.

    Definition construction_of_ends_pr
               (x : C)
      : construction_of_ends_ob --> F (x ,, x)
      := EqualizerArrow _ · ProductPr _ _ _ x.

    Definition construction_of_ends_wedge_data
      : wedge_data.
    Show proof.
      use make_wedge_data.
      - exact construction_of_ends_ob.
      - exact construction_of_ends_pr.

    Proposition construction_of_ends_wedge_laws
      : is_wedge construction_of_ends_wedge_data.
    Show proof.
      intros x y f.
      cbn ; unfold construction_of_ends_pr.
      rewrite !assoc'.
      pose (maponpaths
              (λ z, z · ProductPr _ _ _ (x ,, (y ,, f)))
              (EqualizerEqAr construction_of_ends_ob))
        as p.
      cbn in p.
      rewrite !assoc' in p.
      unfold end_left_map, end_right_map in p.
      refine (_ @ p @ _).
      - apply maponpaths.
        refine (!_).
        exact (ProductPrCommutes _ _ _ ProdM _ _ (x ,, (y ,, f))).
      - apply maponpaths.
        exact (ProductPrCommutes _ _ _ ProdM _ _ (x ,, (y ,, f))).

    Definition construction_of_ends_wedge
      : wedge.
    Show proof.
      use make_wedge.
      - exact construction_of_ends_wedge_data.
      - exact construction_of_ends_wedge_laws.

    Section EndUMP.
      Context (w : wedge).

      Proposition is_end_construction_of_ends_unique_map
        : isaprop (wedge_map w construction_of_ends_wedge).
      Show proof.
        use invproofirrelevance.
        intros φ φ.
        use wedge_map_eq.
        use EqualizerInsEq.
        use ProductArrow_eq.
        intro i.
        rewrite !assoc'.
        exact (eq_of_wedge_map φ i @ !(eq_of_wedge_map φ i)).

      Definition is_end_construction_of_ends_mor
        : w --> construction_of_ends_wedge.
      Show proof.
        use EqualizerIn.
        - use ProductArrow.
          exact (λ i, mor_of_wedge w i).
        - abstract
            (use ProductArrow_eq ;
             intro f ;
             unfold end_left_map, end_right_map ;
             rewrite !assoc' ;
             rewrite !(ProductPrCommutes _ _ _ ProdM) ;
             rewrite !assoc ;
             rewrite !(ProductPrCommutes _ _ _ ProdF) ;
             apply eq_of_wedge).

      Proposition is_end_construction_of_ends_comm
        : is_wedge_map is_end_construction_of_ends_mor.
      Show proof.
        intros x.
        unfold is_end_construction_of_ends_mor.
        unfold construction_of_ends_pr.
        rewrite !assoc.
        rewrite EqualizerCommutes.
        apply (ProductPrCommutes _ _ _ ProdF).
    End EndUMP.

    Definition is_end_construction_of_ends
      : is_end construction_of_ends_wedge.
    Show proof.
      intro w.
      use iscontraprop1.
      - exact (is_end_construction_of_ends_unique_map w).
      - use make_wedge_map.
        + exact (is_end_construction_of_ends_mor w).
        + exact (is_end_construction_of_ends_comm w).

    Definition construction_of_ends
      : end_limit
      := construction_of_ends_wedge
  End ConstructionOfEnds.
End Ends.