Library UniMath.CategoryTheory.limits.cones

Definition of the precategory of cones over a precategory C together with a proof that that precategory is a univalent_category if C is (is_univalent_CONE).
Written by Benedikt Ahrens, following discussions with J. Gross, D. Grayson and V. Voevodsky
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.PartD.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Propositions.
Require Import UniMath.Foundations.Sets.

Require Import UniMath.MoreFoundations.PartA.

Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Categories.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Isos.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Univalence.
Require Import UniMath.CategoryTheory.Core.Functors.
Local Open Scope cat.

Section Cone.

  Variables J : precategory.
  Variable C : category.

Variable F : functor J C.

Definition ConeData : UU := a : C, j : J, a --> F j.

Definition ConeTop (a : ConeData) : C := pr1 a.
Definition ConeMor (a : ConeData) (j : J) : ConeTop a --> F j := (pr2 a) j.

Lemma eq_ConeData_eq (a b : ConeData) (p q : a = b) :
   base_paths _ _ p = base_paths _ _ q -> p = q.
Show proof.
  intro H.
  apply (eq_equalities_between_pairs _ _ _ _ _ _ H).
  apply uip.
  apply (impred 2); intro j.
  apply C.

Definition ConeProp (a : ConeData) :=
   j j' (f : j --> j'), ConeMor a j · #F f = ConeMor a j'.

Lemma isaprop_ConeProp (a : ConeData) : isaprop (ConeProp a).
Show proof.
  repeat (apply impred; intro).
  apply C.

Definition Cone := total2 (λ a : ConeData, ConeProp a).

Definition ConeData_from_Cone : Cone -> ConeData := λ a, pr1 a.

Lemma eq_Cone_eq (a b : Cone) (p q : a = b) :
   base_paths _ _ (base_paths _ _ p) =
   base_paths _ _ (base_paths _ _ q) -> p = q.
Show proof.
  intro H.
  assert (H2 : base_paths _ _ p = base_paths _ _ q).
  apply eq_ConeData_eq.
  apply H.
  apply (eq_equalities_between_pairs _ _ _ _ _ _ H2).
  apply uip.
  apply isasetaprop.
  apply isaprop_ConeProp.

Coercion ConeData_from_Cone : Cone >-> ConeData.

Definition ConeProp_from_Cone (a : Cone) : ConeProp a := pr2 a.
Coercion ConeProp_from_Cone : Cone >-> ConeProp.

Lemma cone_prop (a : Cone) :
   j j' (f : j --> j'), ConeMor a j · #F f = ConeMor a j'.
Show proof.
  exact (pr2 a).

Definition Cone_eq (a b : Cone) : pr1 a = pr1 b -> a = b.
Show proof.
  intro H.
  apply (total2_paths_f H).
  apply proofirrelevance.
  apply isaprop_ConeProp.

Definition Cone_Mor (M N : Cone) :=
  total2 (fun f : ConeTop M --> ConeTop N =>
         j : J, f · ConeMor N j = ConeMor M j).

Lemma isaset_Cone_Mor (M N : Cone) : isaset (Cone_Mor M N).
Show proof.
  apply (isofhleveltotal2 2).
  apply C.
  apply hlevelntosn.
  apply impred.
  apply C.

Definition ConeConnect {M N : Cone} (f : Cone_Mor M N) :
    ConeTop M --> ConeTop N := pr1 f.

Lemma Cone_Mor_eq (M N : Cone) (f g : Cone_Mor M N) :
   ConeConnect f = ConeConnect g -> f = g.
Show proof.
  intro H.
  apply (total2_paths_f H).
  apply proofirrelevance.
  apply impred; intro; apply C.

Lemma cone_mor_prop M N (f : Cone_Mor M N) :
     j : J, ConeConnect f · ConeMor N j = ConeMor M j.
Show proof.
  exact (pr2 f).

Definition Cone_id (A : Cone) : Cone_Mor A A.
Show proof.
  exists (identity _).
  intros; apply id_left.

Definition Cone_comp (A B D : Cone) (f : Cone_Mor A B)
        (g : Cone_Mor B D) : Cone_Mor A D.
Show proof.
  exists (ConeConnect f · ConeConnect g).
  intro j.
  rewrite <- assoc.
  rewrite cone_mor_prop.
  rewrite cone_mor_prop.
  apply idpath.

Definition Cone_precategory_ob_mor : precategory_ob_mor :=
   make_precategory_ob_mor Cone
   (λ a b, Cone_Mor a b).

Definition Cone_precategory_data : precategory_data.
Show proof.
  exists Cone_precategory_ob_mor.
  exists Cone_id.
  exact Cone_comp.

Lemma is_precategory_Cone : is_precategory Cone_precategory_data.
Show proof.
  repeat split; simpl.

  apply Cone_Mor_eq;
  simpl; apply id_left.

  apply Cone_Mor_eq;
  simpl; apply id_right.

  apply Cone_Mor_eq;
  simpl; apply assoc.

  apply Cone_Mor_eq;
  simpl; apply assoc'.

Definition CONEpre : precategory := tpair _ _ is_precategory_Cone.

Lemma has_homsets_CONEpre : has_homsets CONEpre.
Show proof.
  intros x y.
  apply isaset_Cone_Mor.

Definition CONE : category := CONEpre ,, has_homsets_CONEpre.

Definition iso_projects_from_CONE (a b : CONE) (f : z_iso a b) :
  is_z_isomorphism (ConeConnect (pr1 f)).
Show proof.
  set (T:=z_iso_inv_after_z_iso f).
  set (T':=z_iso_after_z_iso_inv f).
  exists (ConeConnect (inv_from_z_iso f)).
  split; simpl.
  - apply (base_paths _ _ T).
  - apply (base_paths _ _ T').

Definition ConeConnectIso {a b : CONE} (f : z_iso a b) :
   z_iso (ConeTop (pr1 a)) (ConeTop (pr1 b)) :=
 tpair _ _ (iso_projects_from_CONE a b f).

Lemma ConeConnectIso_identity_iso (a : CONE) :
   ConeConnectIso (identity_z_iso a) = identity_z_iso _ .
Show proof.
  apply z_iso_eq. apply idpath.

Lemma ConeConnectIso_inj (a b : CONE) (f g : z_iso a b) :
   ConeConnectIso f = ConeConnectIso g -> f = g.
Show proof.
  intro H.
  apply z_iso_eq; simpl in *.
  apply Cone_Mor_eq.
  apply (base_paths _ _ H).

Lemma inv_from_iso_ConeConnectIso (a b : CONE) (f : z_iso a b):
  pr1 (inv_from_z_iso f) = inv_from_z_iso (ConeConnectIso f).
Show proof.
  apply idpath.

End Cone.

Arguments CONE [J C].
Arguments ConeConnect [J C].

Section CONE_category.

Variable J : precategory.
Variable C : category.
Variable F : functor J C.
Hypothesis is_cat_C : is_univalent C.

Definition isotoid_CONE_pr1 (a b : CONE F) : z_iso a b -> pr1 a = pr1 b.
Show proof.
  intro f.
  apply (total2_paths_f (isotoid _ is_cat_C (ConeConnectIso _ _ _ f))).
  intermediate_path ((λ c : J,
     idtoiso (!isotoid C is_cat_C (ConeConnectIso _ _ _ f))· pr2 (pr1 a) c)).
  apply transportf_isotoid_dep'.
  apply funextsec.
  intro t.
  intermediate_path (idtoiso (isotoid C is_cat_C (z_iso_inv_from_z_iso (ConeConnectIso _ _ _ f)))·
       pr2 (pr1 a) t).
  apply cancel_postcomposition.
  apply maponpaths. apply maponpaths.
  apply inv_isotoid.
  intermediate_path (z_iso_inv_from_z_iso (ConeConnectIso _ _ _ f)· pr2 (pr1 a) t).
  apply cancel_postcomposition.
  set (H := idtoiso_isotoid _ is_cat_C _ _ (z_iso_inv_from_z_iso (ConeConnectIso _ _ _ f))).
  simpl in *.
  apply (base_paths _ _ H).
  set (T':= inv_from_z_iso f).
  set (T:=pr2 (inv_from_z_iso f) t).
  simpl in *.
  rewrite <- inv_from_iso_ConeConnectIso.
  apply T.

Definition isotoid_CONE {a b : CONE F} : z_iso a b -> a = b.
Show proof.
  intro f.
  apply Cone_eq.
  apply (isotoid_CONE_pr1 _ _ f).

Lemma eq_CONE_pr1 (M N : CONE F) (p q : M = N) : base_paths _ _ p = base_paths _ _ q -> p = q.
Show proof.
  intro H.
  simpl in *.
  apply (eq_equalities_between_pairs _ _ _ _ _ _ H).
  apply proofirrelevancecontr.
  apply isaprop_ConeProp.

Lemma base_paths_isotoid_CONE (M : CONE F):
base_paths (pr1 M) (pr1 M)
      (base_paths M M (isotoid_CONE (identity_z_iso M))) =
    base_paths (pr1 M) (pr1 M) (idpath (pr1 M)).
Show proof.
  intermediate_path (base_paths (pr1 M) (pr1 M) (isotoid_CONE_pr1 M M (identity_z_iso M))).
  unfold Cone_eq.
  apply maponpaths.
  apply base_total2_paths.
  intermediate_path (isotoid C is_cat_C (ConeConnectIso _ _ _ (identity_z_iso M))).
  unfold isotoid_CONE_pr1.
  apply base_total2_paths.
  intermediate_path (isotoid C is_cat_C (identity_z_iso (ConeTop _ _ _ (pr1 M)))).
  apply maponpaths, ConeConnectIso_identity_iso.
  apply isotoid_identity_iso.

Lemma isotoid_CONE_idtoiso (M N : CONE F) : p : M = N, isotoid_CONE (idtoiso p) = p.
Show proof.
  intro p.
  induction p.
  apply eq_Cone_eq.
  apply base_paths_isotoid_CONE.

Lemma ConeConnect_idtoiso (M N : CONE F) (p : M = N):
  ConeConnect _ _ _ (pr1 (idtoiso p)) = idtoiso ((base_paths _ _ (base_paths _ _ p))).
Show proof.
  destruct p.
  apply idpath.

Lemma idtoiso_isotoid_CONE (M N : CONE F) : f : z_iso M N, idtoiso (isotoid_CONE f) = f.
Show proof.
  intro f.
  apply z_iso_eq.
  apply Cone_Mor_eq.
  etrans; [apply ConeConnect_idtoiso |].
  unfold isotoid_CONE.
  unfold Cone_eq.
  rewrite base_total2_paths.
  unfold isotoid_CONE_pr1.
  rewrite base_total2_paths.
  rewrite idtoiso_isotoid.
  apply idpath.

Lemma is_univalent_CONE : is_univalent (CONE F).
Show proof.
  intros a b.
  apply (isweq_iso _ (@isotoid_CONE a b)).
  apply isotoid_CONE_idtoiso.
  apply idtoiso_isotoid_CONE.

End CONE_category.